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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1918)
Weston sader VOLUMK40 WKSTON, OREGON. Fill DAY, JAN. 2.1. 1'JlH NUMBER 33 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALJNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Jitney Main bave mad thrlr ap pearance In I'nrllamt J a mm Ellison, resident nf Albany for th aal 40 yrara. ll! t li-r. aged 10 Mm-lf In sympathy l,h movement ail ii r h ilmlnK Hie wi ihmI. I'nr I hi' pulp."..' III ill n loping M Ifi 1 1 r -in fur tin' tili-iin ni n( airrl minimi anil luamtl nil I I i f the stale. Governor V lihvi innl' Ima ere. id ii a ii hum aulaili l iim lnnlon, to Ik know a aa the Oregon I .and Hot-tlcim-nt roiniiiUrliiii Hk' commission Imlmlca Hiaii- Trruauri-r Kay. Halcm; ft M ( lark. I'm lluntl . W Milam Ham !). llurns; Knur) Olmliil, Port land; J l Farrell. pi. Miami; Whitney I,. Ildw, Portland, ami William Poll man. Maker. Governor Wltliycoiiibit baa declared Fill In Picture Puzzle No. 27 1 Kara Th" Faroiera' Crtatii'fy inpaiiy nf Csrllon la Inalaltlh plant f'r I In' manufacture of milage i hcae The president Sent In the wnatc III" minmlnallnna nf mi Hi II Ward. post master at Htatiflcld, anil II '. Hmall. Hialmaatrr at Turner. Morion Nunn, alair highway m Rlnra-r. we cltM-trd pr' nf lit" Northwest Hocloty of Knglnci ra at meeting held In Portland 'urge G. Wada. a Cnrvallla bll'.r, ml Private Claude P IVrtlit. nf Mon roe, Willi thr Attn rim li rtpetlitloiMry form In Fiance, died rif pin iiiiionla. The Oregon pt-niicnUnry aervlre flat! ban IS alar and bt Mill la soon lo l added, aa another prisoner liaa Ju( been pard"md In fight fur Ilia rnuntry. Two f lulaa rnunty'a pioneer died last week. T fi. DiiImII, hi year nlil. pawl say al Riddle, ami l.ral till! WnrthlhKton illnl tit Mjrllc Crnli An organized effort l under way fur the OralnliiR nf rr-a f In" 'I In lh southwestern miner of Marlon run nly, known aa the Ankcny bottom. The consolidation of Otegon rural a. hoola aa a wartime measure of econ- . omy la ail l'd strongly by the Oregon normal school department u( rural edu cation. Oregon farmi-ia rc an ex rccdlngly during ib past year Hint they arc from 24 in l" uT ( l-lt-r ff lhn"th,y r a )i-ar a". a-rrd-Ins in t uilniaiia Mamllua ()wii, m r of tlin flno Nrrll farm and aitHk ram h at Rrnhtra, a fpw nillea antitli nf Knral Gmw. died at Ilia limm- frmu id on f.Hit to rri-al" aonir anrt nf a board or i iinilaaliiii to Iiuvp ai'tKial tbare nf ralaliiK iluiiailnna for ur iniiU. to a vnlil lu.ll. ui inn In tin' ouik. ''iiinij iii. i h art- tuki n to tak by Kvid W II Ayir for fnll'iri' In fiillu limn i ..m ;-, tin- fiMii) rnnai r vallim aiiKriitiiiiia Ml A)T aa llial tK i i.iiiiiiii m Ih of ai-l aaalaf aiii'i' In rarriliiK "ii' th" imll.iiiul run arailiii Un If tiny HI ri-rrl lirrattr arlf !- Ijit A blK llltil" r ia nn i onmiiiiiiiafd laal .ik. olnii tin ( I.i i ). t Wllaun I.iiiiiIh r noi ii.iii). nf l.liiiilnii. pur rluM il a"i-ral tlmuaand nnn nf tint. I., r tiinil In t'nliiinlila 1011111)'. dr. ki.ii, at M I'll.r irolllllltllli IXIHI.IMMI 1 hr Kir Ti"- l.iiiiilH-r hi 1 ( 11 ) and tin Aiib dule I -4 ml i iiiiiimii) miIi) tlio prop, nil. 11 Cnvrrnnr WliliyromlM- ll Iw ankwl to 1 ul I a hi'IiiI uliit' il Hon In Ix In Id In conjoin ! l"ii Kith 'hr pi Unn ry tioniliiatliiK i ln tlon M iv 17. that tr ftoii nii-ra by tin' 1 mo ttui nt of appro piint.. lyl.lnili.n mi. 1. 1 Hi.' Initl.illw may' a noanp bv "lilili iml.lli r ami nllor riillntliit: fimn thla alate nmy pnrili iputi- In futuro ln(l"ii lu Ihi-lr lioini" atati-. HrprnM-iitatlvi- Hlnnott Iiiih brti(ht In 1 hn niiiiitloit of Itailroinl Intitior M. AiIiki thr mi d for f. ib ml owiatntirn In nnnpli Mns 1 In' railroad from Brnd to KU 111a ill Knlla Tin-re la now a imp of 40 or LU mlli a liryond Kirk. If tint Koiiriiini 11I la K0I11K to aid 111 fliiam In m-w nil J Itupiirtaiit rlli'ai 3f S6 Sl'yfzj u & 2 - . .47 -J 7 ' 8. BRIEF WA!? NEWS Th pioplr inuat rlth'-r go oa or f) undi-r." a lh ailrrlnK illniai of an addn-aa dllvnd to lh- tradu union of f;rat llrlialu by David Moyd Giik-, th- llritla'i prltiif mlnlatT A mutiny anion aubmarlne rrrwa at Ihn Otrman natal Imiw of Kid on January 7 la r purd d In an KxcbanCD Tl'raph dmpairh from fnea. Thlny-rlKlit "tfn-r arr aald to ha bn n klll"d. Th pnirr ronfTpnre prorin-dlna at nri a' l.ltovik aaln bav ln-n aua pinilid. and Kor-ln Mlniatrr Troliky la rrpored 10 lia rfturnil to fclrt Itrad. Kon ln olawrvcm In I'rtrograd brlli-re that thr n'-otlatlnn are work in to a final brrak. Tli" polltli-al unrat In frmanjr rontlnui-a anabat-d and Ctiann-llor ron' Ilirtlln aaln haa poniporn-d bis api-c-rh to th- main rommitfe of the HMrhnta In anaw-r lo the war alma announrrd by I'n-aliknt Wllaon and I'remlor Lloyd George. The Auatrlana bave made another attempt to forre the Italian right flank STRIKES SPREAD THROUGH AUSTRIA More Than Million Workers in Dual Monarchy Have London. The itrlke movtment and the accompanying food detnonitra llona hare apread throughout tha arhol of tha dual empire. Including GalieU. and hara veTrvbera a aumed a political character, with tna demand for peace Uklng precedence over everything elae. With more than 1.000.000 worker on itrik and widespread report of disorder In Auitrla and Hungary, tba iltuatlon In th dual monarchy la be clouded, the cenaorahip bavin; atlfled ail new. The German eenaonblp alio baa prohibited German newapa per from telling of the altoatio la Auatria. Effort of Austrian atateamen to il. Plav rlvi-r lln nmt fitifch A way to Vrnice rlowe to the Adriatic tb httnr' PPl ".e'r de- coaat. Romo rrporta an attack on ",n1 for wide front In thla sector. The Italian. ,he,r w"" nd lh met the atta determinedly, and ar- Prmltted the promUe. of the r-aud the enemy effort government .pokeamen to rech th. The cri.1. In Austria, arising from ouU,,e M. again ha. reaumed tu the discontent of the people over the troubl to Mid to be deep- eaiea ana ia a mixture 01 war wean- RIUIIT ..t, i. t. IT; tnnt vtna liKtitltniiMt you drew In your laat picture, children. Many .tup crew liuvi. timiiki-il ," kI when Uu-y aw It on utormy nighta at ae. II han narnt-.t ilirm of a irnctr , Nw art buy aaain with your pencil. .Iillilirn, UmnolliK at No. I, ami you'll drutv th plrtuie of aumrtlilne that will ft-ioiml )ou of hlpa. .ntlioviM. and tbaawa. No; we won't tell you any more iiixiut it, itui you may have awn It eotne time in an exhibition of things that live in th water. It 1 one of tha quret npeirnrn that you can Imagine and ban a funny name thr mill, wan-bouai- and shipbuilding nouncr-mmf !'" by the ffdiral food continuation of the war. to the scar city of food and a general desire for " bwtT nd nti-Germanlm peace, haa resulted in the resignation of the Austrian cabinet. Indication that the widespread peace movement in Auatria la spread- In Hungary alito the people are en- Ing through Germany are carried in properties at Portland, the e-xrcutlve announrrd that he would swk the men available In the recently orcanlird Ore gon militia to serve at surh pay as the ciimmisalnner for f"iillforn!- Thc new minimum price, fixed at 1 cent under the food administration minimum effective on the Chicago market, which now- ia $15.50 per hun- atate I ablo to give them. The gov rrnor state that In the event funda dred. It was ald. was expected to re- for that purpose are Inadeijuate, rathej Bllt n a irenu ndou Increase In pork than to call a Vneclal session of (bo nnuioriinn In (he HilM Bfferleit hr cohat ruction. Mr. Hlnnott urg.-s that n,,,!.,,, he wia ,,,, ,0 ,ho twr. hp ,gmnint. mis roan m- aiuea. K(1(.y The iMcretnry of aKrlrulture ha ad- immediate organitatlon of a non dearoring to ascertain what are the o.spaicnee 'm noua sources, ie.i- prospects for a cessation of hostilitle ,n of demon.trationa. Including th and a return to normal life. 80 In- "P jr ob of meeting of aistent has been their effort In Ihia Ktherland party, direction that the Hungarian premier ha been forced lo announce in the lower bouse of parliament that the government adhered to the principle of peace without annexation or indemnities. BOLSHEVIK! DISSOLVE RUSSIAN ASSEMBLY aulia of ef Inflicted wuuuds made by Itrprrm ntailve lUwl. y that no pr,wn league lu this state wae de- i ri tan t sent to ottag" urove tor r,(1 ,, nl executive mectlnis of rasnr blade. Ilend will be the convention city of Ilie Oregon State federation of Labor In 1919. That wa d-cldetl by the unanimous vote of the deli(ata at tending the fifteenth annual conven tion at Astoria. Klft-y four men and women give cuticle from their limb for a allo grafting operation designed to save the life of Hurry (I. Welger. a soldier of the spruce division, at Ht. Vincent' hospital at Portland. The beat record of any rural mall carrier In Oregon In the rale of war aavlng stamps la claimed by Hoy linn- vllle, mail carrier on route No. 2 out Two Ship Sunk With Loss of 718. PetrogTd.-Russia- constituent London. Two steamer were sunk pbly hd been in existence but in the Mediterranean about December few before it was dissolved 31. and caused a loss of 718 live. Sec- Sunday by the executive com ma ry to the Admiralty McNamara mUtee of the congress of workmen' announced Tuesday. -nl oldler delegate. It to reported It will be succeeded by the workmen' the purpose of reseedllig to suitable grass a large area of land west of dial city and eaat of the Kluxlaw valley, whli h was burutil over by forest flrra last fall. Itesldents of Cottage tlrova had agreed to sow the aeed It the gov. eminent would turn lull It. Several county stock Inspector in various parts of the suite will find llielr offlelul position kumked from. between 30 and 40 members of tho state federation of labor, the grange ami the farmer' union at Portland. Whether the promised organisation shall be affiliated with the Nailmml Non-Partisan league or shall merely he patterned after the North Dakota li'HKiie wo left to it spi-clnl committee i-oiiHlatinK of C. K. Spcnce, master of the grange; Hector Marplieraon, ol 'he The price from the retailer to the consumer wilt not be raised. It was Announced, the producer alone benefit- I .. 1 I .. r- .OBH . f I - .,--rl Ia. hi. output from now on. particularly 18.000 Army Officer, to Be Advanced. '" ol WhiCJl"l for animals ready for slaughter next Washington. fclgnteen fall. ROOSEVELT IS ACCUSED thousand supporting the Lenin government temporary second lieutenant in the Dissolution came after the Bolshevik! regular army were made eligible for dherent had been defeated In- at- promo'.ion to first lieutenant In the tempt to gain control of the assembly. armv bv a war denartment Lenlne himself -introduced th dl- under them. Slate Veterinarian Lytle Oregon Agrliultural coUege: E- J. says, as the result of an' opinion by Stack, secretary state federation of !, Attorney tJeiierol Hrown. The attorney, general holds that the old act provid ing for county stock Inspectors is re pealed by Implication by Inter statute bor; J. A. Smith, of the farmers' union, and C. L. McKenna. of Portland. of Newberg One day taut week bis providing for county veterinarian. sale amounted lo between fUnti ami 11300. The car service committee bus ad vised Senator Chamberlain that In. slruetlons have been sent the local car committee at Seattle to Investigate and take afepa to remedy the nir Kliortiig" complained of by Itimlfr mills tit Maker. Attorney-General Gregory has Issued general limtrurtlons for thr Informa tion of German aliens who must ri g Ister either with the chief of police or lite iHistmiister between Ki'brunry 4 and 9, both Inclusive. These. Instruc tion are designed to Inform limse covered In (he registration that lias been nidi-rod and are expected to HARRY A. GARFIELD The authorities, at Astoria luivn simplify that registration when It I doubled the military guunls uboiii the made. 'mills, wharves and warehouses In the city. It la thought (his action was taken with a view of preventing any disloyal act by German sympathizers or agents. Sergeant George II. Miillln, of Port land, who, according In presn din Attorney. (icneral Hrown bus held that candldiites for (ho Hull Moose party are not entitled to a place on the primary ballot in May. The attorney general holds that tinder the law a party, (o set-uru 11 pluee on tho ballot, must have at least 20 per cent of the patches raptured a "plll lmx" single vole for prcsliieutinl electors nl thfc handed, and rushed a sniper's post, preceding clciulnu mid (but the Pro- destroying the garrison, on the western gresslve parly fulled to awn re that front, I a nephew of Mr. J. M. Shelley, number. of Kugene, Douglas enmity must pay H. M. Theist legislature changed the law flultle, n traveling Kali suinn of De relative to Arbor day so that It will Moines, In., $1:100 us 11 result of Injuries hereafter be observed on the second alleged to have hem the remilt of a Friday In February In all schoolH west bml road, according lo a mandate re- of the Casrade range and on tho hoc- ceived by the Lane county circuit court ond Friday in April in schools east of tho mountain.. Tillamook county lnlori-alsvare tak ing up with the atate highway com mission it proposal that a service ablo automobile road be constructed L f ; . 1 IV v J L Ay ) Senator Stone Call Him Most Sedi tious Man In America. Washington. Smouldering fire, of partisan feeling were set ablaze in the senate by Senator Stone, veteran dem ocrat, with a long prepared speech ac cusing republicans of playing politics In their criticism of the government's conduct of the war and calling Theo dore Roosevelt "the most seditious man of consequence in America." There were many sharp Interrup tions during the two hours Senator Stone wa. speaking and when he clos ed Senators Penrose. Lodge, New and others on the republican side an swered with vigorous defense of their right to mnkc proper criticism of in efficiencies and with counter charge, of partisanship. Senators Lewis, Klr by ami other democrats Joined in the fray. orders EX-PREMIER CAILLAUX Roosevelt Goes to Washington. Washington. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt arrived in the capital Tues day, ready and apparently euser to swing his big slick in the political Donnybrook Senator Stone started with his speech In the senate. The colonel was in high spirits when tha train pulled In and muuii'estiy enjoyed the enthusiastic reception aocorded him by persons in the station. solution decree in the assembly and in 90-mlnute speech lauded the oviet deputies as representing- the highest power of democracy in the world. A. I. Shingaroff, minister of finance in the Kerenaky cabinet, and Profes sor . F. Kokoahkine, state controller under Kerenaky, were murdered in their bed. in the Marine Hospital. EAST Retail MEATLESS MONDAY Establishment Except Orag and Food Store Close. Washington. The eastern half of the United States observed Monday generally a. s holiday, the first of 10 heatless Monday decreed by the gov. ernment to conserve coat and clear congestion from the railroads. Although the closing order, promul-' gated by Fuel Administrator Garfield, goes no further than to forbid the use of fuel for heating, fuel administration officials expected business to cease, nd Dr. Garfield issued a direct re quest that all retail establishments, except food and drug store., close their doors for the day. Food store which, in the original order were permitted to remain open "only half the day, were granted a spe cial dispensation under which they may Bell goods throughout the day. from the supreme court of the state. Dot tie was a passenger on a stago which upHet while (raveling over the road between Drain and Si-oltsburg April 11. Chrome ore from Josephine county through tho Gr,anri Ronde Indian rea- soon will he shipped cant In large qunn ervnllon lo tap the extensive spruce tides for use of tho United States gov region of th county. eminent. The (lolcondu chrome prop- During the past week 604 accident crty at Tnkllnia, which has been lying were reported to the state Industrial lille for several months, will be placed accident commission. Of thla number, n Immediate operation, and concen- four were fatal, aa follows: Jack trilling machinery will be tnstafled. It Allnnlua, Astoria, shipbuilder; A. B. lo expected that within 60 days thla Ilreedon, Portland, shipbuilder; Ankle." mine will bo shipping five carloads of Vocum, Sheridan, logger. concentrates per week, requiting tho flan Francisco. A minimum price On account of war conditions, tkreo mining of 100 ton a daj'. for hoga In the Pacific coast state waa of Foret Grove' leading churchea will After the federal government, fixed by a voluntary agreement be have only one pastor. To thla end through Secretary of War Raker, had tween more than 30 packers represent alepa were taken toward organising Ih rejected a suggestion of Governor ng California. Oregon and Washing three churchea Methodist, Christian withycombo that men be sent from tho ton, with the United State food ad ad Contregatlonal loto on federated eantonmenti at Camp. Lewi, to guard mlalstrtUon. according to an an British Sink Two Turkish Cruiser. London. In a naval action between British and Turkish forces at the en trance to the Dardanelles, the Turkish cruiser Mtdullu, formerly the German Kreslau, was sunk and the Sultan A'awuz Selim, formerly the German Qoebeu, was beached. Hrry A. Garfield, Federal Fuel Ad ministrator, who Issued a dra.tio order restricting th use of fuel. HOG PRICES FOR COAST ARE FIXED Auatria Wanta To Quit Zurich. All Austria Hungary is cry ing out for pence. Reports show gen eral atrikes, spreading throughout the nation. '" German Yacht Seized. New York. The steel pleasure yacht Joyeuse. said to be owned by Emil H. Kleuge, an unnaturalized Ger man, of Englewood, N. J., wa. .eized by United States Marshal McCarthy. Federal authorities said the yacht. Portland. equipped with wireless, with Kleuge Oats No. 2 white feed, 59 per ton. on board nd unel by a Swedish Barley Standard feed. J37.50 ton. crew, naa oeen cruising recently along Corn Whole, $75; cracked, $76. Joseph Caillaux, former Premier of France, who waa arrested on charge of treason. THE MARKET8 the Atlantic coaat. Often Well Hidden. "A woman cn never keep anything to herself." suld Daulmy to bis wife, who hml been reiteatltiB something? be didn't want knov-'u. "Oh. yes. ahc cau." said Mrs Danboy weedy. Tl like to know what It Is?" be grow IihL "It's her real and private opinion of loir biiHbuml '-Louilou TU-ltita. Hay Timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa, $23.50. Butter Creamery, 49c per lb. Eggs Ranch, 50c per dozen. Potatoes $Hil S5 per hundred. Poultry Hens, SSgHc: geese. 16 tJISo: ducks, 2224c; turkeys, live, 2025c Seattl. Butter Creamery. 53c per lb. Eggs Ranch. 58c per dozen. Potatoes $324135 per ton. Poultry Hens, 2ijj27c; dressed. 2g32e; broilers, SOc. ' Three American Killed in Franc. Washington." Three Americans were killed in fiction with the Ger man Tuesday, General Pershing re ported to the war department The dead are Private Albert Cook, West Almond. N. Y.: Private Harry V. Gar man, Catawba. Va.; Private Leo E. Radi, Cleveland. Ohio. The Pershing report carried only the bare fact that the men were "killed in action." It is expected that Germany will soon bave 200 divisiona 011 the west.