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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
l il " About that Rew Carpet or Rug BREVITIES When you K't ready to huy that UlHJnr CAKI'KT. don't you think thene tdioppinK f''aturi'M wonhl npiii'iil to you? stock of over 400 tlitfcrcnt put lirn -i ami nizci to hc lect from; high and medium iuiilit.v lnneslic KugH iiimI Carpet, selected with regard to the color Inn monit h of the homo today; KugH mut Carpet h from tin1 muH i t i n I 1 mills in tin country; Kuk.i uml Carpcta bought before the last U'Inhiio' in (i'iciH iiml tu he koIiI al ii-iiHiiliiinrit'l.v low priccti, Mi-aifh'8, our Huk'hiiicn nrc mi willing to show goods that you tlo not feci uh though you had to buy before you "really act) what you want; and miidy. out f I'OCK II I'N DRKI) naiuplcH to m'lcct from, if you cannot liml what you wunt. it irt hardly pontiiblc thai you will Iiml il in Walla Wal In. Isn't that ho? You ore under no obligation to Imy w hen you come in to inspect our Carpels or Kugs. We arc so enthusiastic aliotlt our Hplcmlid lino that the pIcuHiirc will he mutual if you will merely come in ami examine it. Vhc Davis-Kaser Co. Pianos Music Phonographs WMi Walla, Wash. 10-20 Alder Street SUMMONS BRITISH INFLICT EXTENSIVE DEFEAT Hindonburg's New System ot -rfare Fails to Stem ' Orive. In Uio Circuit Court of lie Slulc Orvtfuu tvr Umatilla County. Oluf Carbon. I'lmntllf, v. Hetty Carl on, Defendant. Tu licit y Cartoon, Ltefawlanl ahuvu tiarmxl: In thu Name of tho Stale of Oregon, You are hereby luminonvd and requir ed to aniwtr and an.wcr thu com plaint tit the plaintiff tiled Kint ymi in I lie above entitled court ami raiiM.-, on or before Krklay, the Wth day of December, IUI7, which dMtu in vluwn wocka (rum the data of the nrt,l...n nf ttittf Mllllllliuna. Alltl you Will tk notice that if you fall t. ' I'l- vnl a.oiln.,1 !. rn.iii.) i...l .1- alii .blMlttu.lll lit l,t-ul,al fl'lluHl. Hi ll.'lll, , l.ll.l IllfttO,! I till' l.llltl th.min within aald time, the ,.r .,f,,r i.i. i,.L-t. inilpnny r, nf tli ' . . ... . . ... . m ...Ml I.. ... " ilaillMIT lor Weill uioroui win yyy w Wlih .In- lirilliih A. ml. In tin- Ki ll. I'll til Si'.' mi- fur farm Iminh. I. H. Van Wn.kl... Mi:..i Mary Dunm.k ( Athena Is visting lier aiHter, Mrs. A. I'. IVrry. Mr. nml Mi:.. W. K. Woods left Wednesilay to attend tin- Tnl'min ly .air lit Moro, Oregon. W. I:. Dickell ami mid Royal weie at Adam (luring I hi' week. lillild.Ug concrete sidewalks under contract. Mn-. II. I!. Nl"ii 'f laewisloii. f 1 . 1 1 ii , was li yie.l ilnl'llig tlic Will ..f Mi-.. I'. T. MailM.ul, while I.M.k- mf at o r ln r ii'iM'ity tuicrt-Mn lull'. I. t'. Ilnkiii Imuli'il a y.rihl of wlii'iil tu tin' Wilton null-' from in. far away ils liin Jtiiii(MT ram li liuvin fuiiml Went mi flour really to h in likinir. I'. T. Ilail.i.iu mill C I.. I'mki l lun wi-rc in Portland the lira of tin- wii'k, atU'iidiK the I'ythiun KTuml IikIki' uh n-pn-wntntivin of StcvHih ImIki- No. 'I.. For prompt Kcrvici' when in tru hlf call ul Metidwcll (iuraKc r I'lioiu- No Ill-lit car and M-rvire car. Nrw iioiiuu'iit. Autos wa:;h I'd and Mili:,liril. I'i'iitiiUKtoii. S'Vt'll KUIIIiy al'k full of la-ailb wi'ii- hnrvi-ated liy I' raiik Skinner, chief of iioliec, from a biiiKle acre at hi place uhove town. Ix-Rumc id evidently Krank'a middle name, Mr. and Mm. J. returned Monday from Odiimi, Waali., where they have Ihh-ii lookini; after their This is October 1st h x K PLEASE HELP THE POOR We Thank You i Watts & Rogers Farm Outfitters ernt) interehts. Their wm Alvah """ " "" eniisti'i N-ntemiK'r zi n the rieiu .;..' n.,;i.t i,..i,i . . . i . . i, . it viuiih in ii at HIV I. I'll IU1IP' Am, f..i .. mii..i liiH-a m Artillery, and i.s now at American dhw hlim. ,lf Mavor am, Mr(( III uiorw.i w.o pwiji" r..,i,,n. tin .it!u..l nl! 10. Ii..n ",,w the rvllof prayed for . ' , ' i i..iv r for a decree of the rtt ..tiiMmliiiK m i uf Hi- vi.-mry. ' ' " , ii the Court for llternln. namely Court forever diaolviiK the bond of matrimony now anil heretofore eXUl iiiK between plaintiff and dcfcndunt, ... ..,W- i.lll.llll. rnlif Thiaeu.nmon.ia publl.hed pumuant. to an order made and filed herein Tin lin miim !. dl-il to zr- ii. dicial District of the State of Or- t'tfuii. on tno oin uy ui wiuwt, The October meet in ir of the Iji. AAA M. ItaniKti-r, whone daujf liter, t Set-oml Idaho. Miss Kdna HanisUr, was the ifrae- .... . .. ....... 1..... ..f I. a :i How ai l Ulinoue, fx. I ,. I re oorieil ii'i i me ihivmom. rthioe like i-antoument. J. i t . .i a f-,.... I ..i..i . .. . e .1 I i r V 1 m " n iiiViimi i iu i in, " "4r mwviimhioh n tm ' ' I . 11 : .. l. . a.. rtimu., lU., t. .1 I. .ui,.., ....... l . II... .ii rman .Uli... -I. t. ,,'.,' h. ,,,. "Inch 'luait.'t of Weston ! were t : Mr.-,, ll. nnan C-hI- ul.l ""mKien, liarnes, M-nnaru anu "'"i imou wm, .ors. jin Kirkpatriik, Im Iohk. 11'mIjtmmi, .Mis Myrtle Hodgson. Nat Hale and Fled Von lit have ....... ,-i....i . . " V- .' .. b Honorable Gilbert W. i helin, ri.npl.i Im.ihiw they ivturn.-d frmn All.-rta, where thev i. ,-. . . , ' , 1 , Circuit Judtfo "f .the h.xth Ju- fmim, .... ,,,..... ,)rlllh ,.., .,;,,,,,,, ..mlllliv,.,i (lri,,;, ' t "iie.1 of whoin lnvanie b-naae made tr. .. d.'.,.rM. ,. hovesl s.'HM.n. they would "T"' ?." , T- . . .' l juwl nit vuttirr.iijl' UH ill' ? ? t f ? V I i iJii-j Ti r.1 of ll.i. Tim frUM.lan liiii'riirl." llin.1 l.nvp uluiil loiu'er. lint wiw driven " - '""" wiiw.pb aummona will be inaile on Friday, the inburit la no called In liermany. home ly the wet thia referring L, r '"ll i 'ii'l. '''m' 'i" u I.' ?' A Ulh day of October. IUI7, and the lllrrrtlwll . ,,, , .......rci, , j u , ,.jli4lk. ,nn,itil,ns. , '. '. J, ' n: ' MeFa.1- l..t,l,l,caUon w, II l .,,.'11 .rater d-t..,, .tuirl..,,,.-,! over ' . , . f 'K,n aml M,! K'"w ,tan- ' ftft 'bifn'f wilV"; a da ne and aprln.M ,.. UXZT t A fT" ' "T" U,Hlpr t I... -L.o.. o.,.,.. ..iiv., wLv. Iiu " .-N.ooaii (,uiah, iiH4!niiriK uu v.iiiiil' e iiekeii .is Ihi- "i. ir.. .A. 1... I .. I. 1 I... II, ........ INS. ..ll'l II..".!'. t....lll, ..... "I"" . JU.". ..I-., II., i,. d.,l not iiv uu t the ex I'lay at 1 he l ar.ner lank of Wes- t.,, ;lt tlll. l.(lllnlrv ,lome of Mr. and f J""- . 1 h,, w.l"n' ra,MM' ,,v J;ttk Mrs. Kllsworlh I.. W.hhLs, Oi-IoIht 1'oetOflico addrcaa: K-ndlelon, trcjon Yprr. in the mimui. r battle hud . "" ; , T I . in honor of the host s birth- V " " . :.v!in- (l, l,il..r R u-.. aT Datoil this &th day of October. A. D. IUI7. , Attorney for Plaintiff THE UNIVERSAL CAR Never before had the demand for Ford cars been ad heavy as it is now. To become such a necessity the Ford car must have proved to be a universal economy, serving and saving everybody. Through its reliable service business has been increased and expenses reduced. Low purchase price and small cost for maintenance assured. Kunabout $404.85,' Touring Car $41'J.S5. Let us have your order today. HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-aM-aw i'reciicc In all State ami t-niuia Court.. AlrlbNA, OK LOON liiliti'il. The (onv ii tltni In i ml ui li.vo dan kt l' be a j?ood forajfe crop. WESTON GARAGE H. L. HEDRICK Proprietor b-n v.rn.' lion..- .rt.HhInk'ly ...t thn ' v.,.,.. .,, Uu. i,,rtjay f Kt.v, M. C. C riiiiiiii. that tlu lr iirnior ih ,-im KIuk. AIILvm Wood clime in a few days I.utz, pjtotor of the United Brethren v uh.. lit rmard to tlm liii;lil uu UK" from Stanfield and will 8H'iid church at Walla Walla, and accom- faviiraiilo aeaile-r i nmlit iin vail tin- winter in Weston. Just at pres- panied by .Mrs. Lutz he was a puest lin ami In a uririntiinly nlmrt time enl he is juftvlinir wheat sacks in of honor. Others present were Mr. after the miccrful tliniKt of the Pacific Coast Elevator eompa- and .Mrs. Anson 15. Woods of Walla In.t wcK, i In ItritiKli i.ii.l rem it ny's warehouse, and finds this a con- Walla and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. force. In Ueli:tuiii Imve. hiimi li.-.l mi- irenial invunation. Allison luus re- Woods, Dl. J. C. IJAUDLLuY PU'r heavy a.tmk on the Ueriuiiti sinned his whilom scat in the Z C4i,.te VetetlMiT Suiteen T iiU1' clarinet section of the local hand t uaie The Itritlsli loiuiiianiti-r ri imri.-il riM.m, and anin vainly seeks to x ITioilu Kr5 Athena, uncoil I mmgrnrtnrj proKreaa on all furtx ..( drown out the bass. the froul of llu attiii-k wlnili lie uu - "- lltlllilt Hfl I. 1.1 l ..Ml '. . , M I I ' 'I i.'wiok vol 'l,i.,o ,.i i i.ii vii;i- All Christmas packages intended I for Amercan soldiers in France j must be mailed on or before Nov- ! i'IiiIkt 15 next, to advices t Zane ljinsdale, who has been fob received hy Postmaster Van Winkle t. Cha. II. C-arter Dan P. Smyths "ltli our nlUe on our I. It.'' Carter & SmVthO Tlil Hebrew nerd that ha. bora UWYEX3 Pendleton mi Inundated us clin, occurs only In Job Mtill. IT. where. In Hie uuthorixed ver orcgun gou l0 N.u,lriM cy.tal. from the department. at Chicago and Eljjin. Illinois. ,r ..,,.1 m,- vein N..-H...,., -,f ! since Ins K'taduat .on from the Ore- Wallace, Idaho, have gone to S)x.k- l jron Atrncultural ColleKo. enlisted a whm. Mr NorlK,an wi)1 Bll ate y .n the Lngmecrs tirps of the mit to a urgieal operation for the 5 United Mates urmy-thus giving relief of kidney trouble. J Weston another tepresentative in ! Jaydinieres Beautiful in Design, Low in Price (The famous WELLER Pottery) Wall Paper Remnants at only 5 CENTS the roll BMOSS the service. He expects to be on the way to France in a few months. Mrs. lmsdale will make her home with relatives in Portland. Within 87 days from the time it was planted in the early part of June, W. L. Hayborn's Marquis wheat was in the shock at his place on the Weston uplands. Although only,otu light shower of rain had fallen to give it moisture, it pro- f duecd 25 bushels to the acre of nice, plump wheat. Ijist year he Fresh and Baker's Goods from Model Bakery ICE CREAM and ICED DRINKS !0. K. CANDY SHOP ...i i r .. .......n ......, ..,-v ,,oo ,..,,, a. t, oiiiii.t 1 1 ,iv v oi f iiiiut which tne preceding season I had averaged KK! bushels of ojits. In view ol the early maturing of this variety, it is regarded as es pecially adapted to the uplands. Moreover, it grades high and com mand the top price in the market. Fire of unknown origin Monday afternoon destroyed the ('. H. Nel son barn and garage on east Main street hill. Fortunately the wind carried the Haines away from tin large residence of Mr. Nelson near hy, which escaped. Young men climbed to its roof, and were ready with lire extinguishers should the shingles become ignited. Nothing could be done to save the barn, as the town's supply of fire hose was insullicient to reach from tle near est hydrant, several hundred yards away. Aside 'from a quantity of lumber which the crowd managed to remove, the two buildings and contents were a total lass. They were valued at about $1200, and were not covered in the insurance policy, which was found to include eu!y the buuM! and euntuiU., Meats and Fish Ham, Lard and Bacon A. P. Perry The Best Tablets and lots of them. Pencils, Ink and all School Supplies. All School Books bought for cash, and must sell FOR CASH ONLY. Herman Goodwin Druggist - - - Weston, Oregon The Fanners Bank of Weston Established 1891 Thrift Committee or Association says: Okeuon State Bankers t rutin niHrltB ml tHWi-itfUa obrnimHl or ih Itv, ht-iul niixM. Fktttclm or thi4uM a1 d miiw for PRC! 8IARCH mnI report i vii iwtetitKtwIitjr, Ibtuk rvlVrrmt'. PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES fur tm. Our fi Uhtklct tell how. wluu to luwnt himI ynu muncf. Write today. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS. 1303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. it a JS "Thoughtful saving and carefui expenditure should be practiced by young and old. Food Stuff of all kinds Should be conserved. Increased effort should be put forth, w herever possible, toward greater pro duction of the necessaries of life." "Children and grown ' folks should be' encour aged to save and invest their earnings thoughtfully." f r T. t f f T T ? ? T T t t t