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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
Iff ill Jf iJws EACH BOY'S SUIT SATURDAY With 1 1M1 iil .ill in V t As a special inducement we will give PRKE OF CHARGE with each boys suit a 3 good watch that sells for $1.00 to $1.25. The quality ot our boys' suits is wen wum n, X x nrismcr $ from $10.00 down to J1.98. as they are the "Best Ever," fully guaranteed the most serviceauie, styii.. uyj du w on the market. Your bov will look well dressed in these suits because they have the snap and style about them you so much desire in a suit. Our line is very complete, com- over one nunarea suns. lNoveines, seiyt;&, aiuuuu)?, t-n.., am. u. ......r, t f X Y f ? Y I t Y Y ;f Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y VVV.WVVi 1UI ini i LADIES' SUITS and COATS We have gone through our big line of hats and se lected all the odds and ends of lines -good styles- just a few of each kind. These are the best values that have sold for $3.00, but to close them out we place them on a sale table at only The advantage of having new goods coming every few days from which to make selections, is very apparent. Our line is al ways replete with new things, showing wide diversity of mater ials to select from gabardine, serge, burella, wool velour, silver .tone and broadcloth in such pleasing colors as navy blue, hunter green, clove and African brown, burgundy, beet root, taupe grey and black. Despite the increasing cost the prices of our suits are mod- .. t I it I P . ' est and will compare favorably with tnose oi iormer seasons. BREVITIES MILLINERY MILLINERY Mrs. Kahli is here every day ami showing pretty new hatsmaking to order and ntrimniing. Just today she has r new shipment of trimmed hats and they an- U-atitiea. Select your lint hen- where yon run get what you wish at the price you wish to pay. and tie assured of the individuality in style and color you no much enjoy. 4 L. L. Davis of Waitsburg visited Wednesday with his brother Lou at Weston. J. H. Clodius, who has been vis iting in Portland, leaves this week for San Diego. A $5000 school house constructed on Dry creek, near the county road crossing. Mrs. H. II. Stuart of Portland is visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Goodwin. Dr. F. I). Watts left fur Portland Monday evening on a business visit. Mrs. Watts accompanied hint. The Weston Commercial club will hold its first meeting following its summer vacation, next Tuesday evening. G. W. SUggs and I ley Winn are on a deal for the purchase by Mr. Staggs of Mr. Winn's Dry creek land holidngs. The women of the Methodist church will give a chicken dinner Friday evening, Octolur 19, In-ginning at 5:30. In order to m-et my own obliga tions I am compiled to insist that all those indebted to me settle their accounts at once. H. L. Jh-drirk. Lines were run and grade stakes set this week for Weston's Main street sidewalk improvement. The work was under the direction of H. K. Sauzc of Walla Walla, regis ters! itatent attorney and patent solicitor, with ollices at U'Jtf Drum heller building. Mr. Sauze is also a civil engineer and was prevailed upon to take Weston's work in hand, although he has relinquished engin eerin as a profession. Along parts of Main street, gravel is already on the ground in readiness for con is lieing -,,Mil,n t 5 Y Y Y J I 00 Pianos tuned anil repaired at rea sonable prices. First-class work guaranttvd. A. W. Lundcll, Mus. Hach. WESTON BOY, HURT BY HIS HORSE, UNCONSCIOUS Will King leaves tomorrow for Cast It Kock, Colorado, to visit his mother, whom he hasn't seen since 1881. She is 8i years of age. Mrs. Mary Lancaster of Astoria, president of the Oregon Kchekahs, will meet with Hiawatha Kelu-kah lwlge No. HS November 5, anil a full attendance is dcsiriil, l!y or der of the Noble Cinind. The dance given at Weston opera house Saturday evening proved to lie esH-eially successful and enjoya ble. First, second anil third prizes for classy dancing were won in the order named by the following cou ples: Miss l-wra Mclntyre and Mr. Ralph Hassell of Athena, Miss Gladys Smith of Wi-ston and Mr. Fred Armstrong of Athena, Mrs. C. C. Culley of Weston and Mr. Louis llcrgevin of Athena. 'The management announces a masque rade for Saturday evening, Octo Imt 2U, with music by J. Payanfs orchestra. That porkers pay even at the present high prices of feed has been demonstrated to his own satis faetion by J. A. King. He shipM il to the Walla Walla Meat company 2" head of yearling hogs that at seventeen cents K-r jmund brought a total of $1004.70 To raise and fatten them cost him a little more than $500, making about $000 Pastor Powell's morning subject "velvet" on this profitable by pro- at tho Methodist church Sunday duct f his Wild Horse farm. next will be. "The Hcautv of the , Law;" his evening subject, "The The 8.h birthday anmversary of rV Vinevard " Ge"W w- I,av,d'"'. vvran ( Fool s Vineyaru. war cdi.bratli(1 0t:tu. We have the equipment and the l,er 9 at his home in this city, "know how" to clean your seed Among those present were his grain and to clean it right. Try daughter, Mrs. Albert Purcell, and us. Others are doing it to their ix grandchildren of Pendleton, and satisfaction. Weston Milling Co. Mrs. Amy Van Skiver. Mr. Dav- . . ... idson received many post-card tok- Lester W ilsey seems to have a bit frfjm f riends the edge on Frank Skinner in le gume production. He took 13 Miss Mary Lansdale, who is wheat sacks full ofT a tract of teaching the Weston Upland school, -..,rwl Jim! he thinks contains but was a dinner guest Saturday of her little more than jui acre. The first intercollegiate football game ever played in Fastern Ore. gon will lie witmsscd at Pendleton Saturday. Ortolicr 20. Oregon Agri cultural College and University of Idaho are the contending learns. A number of Weston football fans will probably attend. Captain Richard Pearson llob&on of "Merrimac" fame will lecture Monday, October 15, at p. m. at. the Methodist church in Pendleton. His theme is "America at War," and admittance is free. Captain Hobson comes direct to Pendleton from Seattle, and this is the only lecture he will deliver in Oregon. Hay lea I taker, son of Merritt A. Haker, a W?ston veteran of thf civil war, has entered the service of Uncle Sara as a train dispatcher for assignment to Russia. For sev eral years Hayleshas served as train dispatcher on the Milwaukee at Missoula and Lewistown, Montana. He is accepting government work at his present salary f $175 cr month. A serious accident In fi ll .lames, the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nelson, Saturday after noon near the Nelson ranch on Hale creek. The Imy had evidently l-en thrown from his horse and dragged and trampled upon by the animal. Unconscious and bleeding, he was found lying alongside the road by Cyril- Prot-bstel, who took the unfor tunate liy to a watering trough, bathed his wounds and sent word to his parents at their town resi dence by another passer by. The patient was rushed by his father to St. Anthony's hospital, Pendleton, where at last reports ly had not recovered consciousness, al though several days have elapsed since the accident. The back of his head had turn badly hurt and it was thought for a time that his skull was fractured, but no Hiii'h injury was found by means of an X ray examination. His left, hand and wrist were cut and lacerated and his face and other Kastcrn parts of his lody bore the marks of severe bruises. ' It is thought the shock caused the boy's complete collaise and that in due time he will recover. He is nourished by means of hot milk Miured into his mouth. graph and muni- departments are Ix'ing moved to Hie ea.-'l balcony, where a aerie of sound proof rooms will U- constructed for demonstrat ing the two wondrcful music pro. dueing instruments the New Kdi mm anil tin-Ampico. One of iIhtk rooms will U- a large recital hall, where it i plantn-il to give recitals and musicals at regular intervals, and where n general meeting place for the public will Ik- available. New platforms and backgrounds are Ix'ing installed in all display window:, while on the west balcony will lie fitted three display rooms for exhibition of furniture suits. The chniiKcs will make the store far more convenient for the public, as well a for the management, and will H-rmil of a much more effec tive display of the various lines carried. Church of the Brethren Order of services fur Sunday October I I, l!M7: 10 a. m. Sunday school. 1 1 a. m. Preaching. 2:30 p. m. Mission Study. :) p. in. C. W. S. 7:!!0 p. m.-Hible Study, Life of Christ. John rioNF.wrrz, Fider. 1 We Can 'Take Ycur neasuie" We do not mean thin In a k-lligcrcnt sense, but that we can take your nu-aHurc properly for your FALL SUIT We represent the well- known Field & Roberta and 1 Herald lines. Orders taken for KNICKERBOCKERS WLSTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaudi M. Pitcrion 0. M. Biihop Peterson & Bishop LAWYERS I'ciulluton, Or. Kruuwater, Or. f Publisher's Statement Shortly after the noon hour Thursday the skull of the young patient was oiorated uhiii and iiuantity of fluid removed, as was found to lie partially paralyze His condition is considered vei critical. The family is highly re garded here, and many friends share the deep concern of the parents. Dr. S. L KDillARD THE DAVLS-KASER STORE IS BEING RE-MODELED The J reader is indebbil to .Jim McDaniel for a bottle of choice ap ple cider that our horticultural i-d-itor pronounces just about the best ilrank. It is made of Grav- ,-cfin auolcs. and Jim takes special oM to insure its purity who drink it need have no suspic ion of inbibinz "worn juice." aunt. Mrs. L. S. Wood. Miss Lans dale has a daily attendance of 21 pupils, with right grades rrpn--nt-ed, and reports most gratifyng -o-oiration on the irt of ttplpnd parents. Mrs. W. II. Uooher was conveyed Those by her husband Tuesday to Walla Walla to sustain an ojn-ration ior the rciuuva! of a luniur. ' Statement of the ownership, man agement, circulation, etc., required by the Act of Congress' of August 24. 1912. of the Weston Leader, published weekly at Weston, Ore gon, for October 1, 1917. . Publisher, editor, managing edit- Workmen are engaged in remod or and business manager, Clark c-ling the nuin floor of the Davis WixmI, Weston, Oregon. Kaser Company's store in Walla Owner. Clark Wood, Weston, Or- Walla, in preparation fr . HU. . i : i i i Voil. Known iNilKllMMUers. mort- inuin rusn "i iiuoio-!if, im nniwn- and Broad streets. Phone Main 253 I rune aniirii;iAL j I Velerinary Sigecn H Weston Transfer Co. ry Hospital at corner, of Main " , . mmmmmm K rr : ..jb... j ...... :s Davis & Ellis I Davis & Ellis NO WS THE TIME to pay your Weston Leader "sub" and other gagei-s none. CLARK WOOD. Sworn to and subscribed la-fore me thtf 12th day of October, 1917. ANDY T. BARNKTT. Notary Public. security holders Tralile more riHiin win lie given 10 the firm by the changes. The two vast entrances are la-mg closed en tirely, and one large entrance in the center is being installed. Dis play windows are lieing enlarged aud durpcutd and thu piano, phono- OSTEOPATHS Adjust Spine, Kilw, Ili)ot whatever is wrong Nature then cures. DOCTORS HOISINGTON Main and Court Street". Fourteen yearn in Pendleton. lm na pnnriio orteopatiiv wiiii cbintpriiclie or maiiiiFtlu lM?tlluy. inimittiintmiitf T T T T w ww Dr. A. F. Sempert Graduate and KoKiHtcrcd DENTIST Oflice Hours U to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 5 p. m. Watts Building - Upstairs