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About Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1914)
CURRENCY BILL BECOMES LAW President Promptly Signs New Money System Measure. Boy Corn Growers Get 232 Bushels An Acre Washington, D, C. The visit to Washington of a small army of boy and girl agrlsultural club winners, has opened the eyes of experts of the de partment of agriculture to what can be done in the way of Increasing the yield of corn per acre. The four prise winners and their com records area Walker l-ee Dun son, of Alabama, 282.7 bushels on an acre at a cost of 19.9 cents per bushel; J. Kay Cameron, of North Carolina, 100.4 bushels at 88.29 cents; Edward J. Wellborn, of Georgia, 181.72 bush ole at 30 cents; J. Jones Polk, of Mis- sisalpp, 214.9 bushels at 21.4 cents. "Think what it would mean If ev.'.-ry farmer eou d approximate the maxi mum yield of com which your boy champion, Mr. Dunson, has secured,” said Secretary Houston to the corn growers. "When you consider that, according to the experts, only about 12 per cent of the land is giving rea sonably full returns, you can under stand the tremendous value of the demonstrations you have made.” ITU HAVE SUCCESS WITH CAKE FARM ORCHARD Notes and Instruction» from Agricultural Collage» and Experiment Station» at Oregon and Washington. SpedaUg Suitable to Pacific Coati Conditions Nitrogen From Plowed Under Legumes Oregon Agricultural College, CorvaL Ila.—“A heavy crop of vetch or crim son clover turned under as a green manure affords more nitrogenous mat Applause Greets Finish of Mont Im ter than the same amount of stable portant Financial legislation manure,'* said Professor H. D. Scud Recorded in Many Years. der. agronomist of the Oregon agri cultural college. "The green crop Is lllcMWixe more free from disease germs and weed seed than the stable prod Washington, D. C.—President Wil uct. It Is cheaper, too, if the cost of son signed the Glaas-Owen currency labor Is considered. And Its effects bill at 6:01 o’clock Tuesday nigt, In In producing acids In the soil are but little greater than those of stable the presence of members of his cabi manure. net, the congressional committee on "The acid effects, whether caused banking and currency and Democratic by the stable manure or the green leaders In congress generally. manure, may call for the use of lime. With a few strokes of the pen Pres- ! Certain it Is that if lime Is to be used Ident Wilson converted into law the It may well be used in connection measure to be known as the Federal with the green manure. The present Reserve act, reorganising the nation's ; prices of quick lime make its use al banking and currency system, and most prohibitive, but it ought to be furnishing, in the words of the Presl- ’ 1 possible to secure ground limestone dent, “the machinery for free and at reasonable prices In the near fu ture. There are mountains of llme- elastic and uncontrolled credits, put at the disposal of the merchants and New York — Fair treatment of the ' stone In southern Oregon, and it is manufacturers of this country for the railroads and decision of their appli hoped that companies will be organis ed to grind the rock and put the prod first time in 60 years.” cations for Increased rates are assured, An enthusiastic-applause ran through according to Charles A. Prouty, of the uct on the market in time for next season's crops. Ordinarily not more the ceremony, not only as the Presi interstate commerce commission in a than 83 per ton can be paid for ground dent affiled his signature, but as he letter received here. Regarding his limestone, if it is a profitable invest delivered an e*tem|ioraneous speech, speech before the Lotus club, Mr. ment. But the acid-forming action of characterising the desire of the admin Prouty says: green manures Is not serious enough istration to take common counsel with ”1 have already resigned as a mem to deter us from using these great the business men of the country and ber of this commisaon, but you are soil builders, while awaiting a lime the latter's efforts to meet the govern- correct In your prophecy that the rail supply. “The crop to be used as green ma ment'e advances as “the constitution roads will be fairly treated. When of peace.” they show that they are entitled to an nure should have grown to a height of The event came at the close of a day advance in transportation charges, 20 Inches or more, and should yield not leas than ten tons to the acre. It of rejoicing In the national caotlal, ' that advance will be granted, but the must be turned under early in April for congress has recessed for' two commission must have facta. and thoroughly chopped up and incor weeks for the first time since It con “It clearly appeared in the inveati- porated with the soil by disking, both vened last April, The Democratic gation I conducted into the affairs of before and after plowing, If the best leaders were jubilant because they had the New Haven railroad that if that results are to be obtained. Other completed two big pieces of legisla- I company had never spent a dollar out wise It decays slowly, releases Its tion - the tariff and the currency re side of its legitimate railroad opera plant food too late, and dries out the form —in nine months, a performance tion it could today easily pay a divi soil. It should be followed by culti which they considered unprecedented dend of 8 per cent and carry a hand vated crops, such as potatoes, corn, roots, etc., as they secure the highest in the history of the country. some profit.*” values from either green or stable manure, being what may be called Economy Campaign la Urged. gross feeders. "The actual fertilising value of ten Washington, D. C.—Difficulties ex perienced by postal officials in teach tons of crimson clover or vetch, green Juarex, Mex.—A flying wedge of ing the people to "save and econo weight, is shown by analysis to be about as follows: Nitrogen 160 federal troops swept into rebel terri mise’’ are set forth by Third Assist pounds, phosphorus 20 pounds, and tory Thursday and, adopting the tac ant Postmaster General Dockery in potassium 120 pounds. The value of tics of guerilla warfare, began a cam hie annual report made public Thurs the nitrogen Is 824. and the value of paign to destroy railroad bridges and day. To minimise the problem Mr. all the fertilisers contained in the telegraph lines, according to rebel re Dockery recommends inauguration of crop is 832 at fertiliser prices in east- a campaign of education by which the , em markets. ports. “There is enough nitrogen In the Their first act was to cut off com people might be brought into closer munication between General Francisco touch with the postal savings service. ten tons of clover, or vetch, green A statement showing the growth of weight, to produce 100 bushels of Villa's 600 rebels at Chihuahua and the rebel base at Juarez. By pulling the postal savings system is contained wheat, 1800 bushels of apples, 9000 At the close of the pounds of beef, 10,000 pounds of pork, down telegraph wires south of Juarex, in the report. or 130,000 pounds of butter. The fer the federals temporarily isolated Villa first six months of operation there tilising effects extend through a long In Chihuahua, so far as direct commu 1 were 11,918 depositors with 8677,145 period of years. Aside from the plant placed to their credit. On June 30, food value, the green manure has nication was concerned. A small federal band w^nt out from 1913, at the close of two and a half highly beneficial physical effecta on Ojlnga, on the border, and was be years, there were 331,006 depositors the soil. “The amount of plant food contain lieved to have been commanded by with 833,818,870 to their credit. ed In a crop of vetch is practically General Ynos Snlaxar, who is well sea ns great ax that contained in the clov soned in guerrilla warfare. The plan Leaps Through Train Window. er. In both crops, from 60 to 80 per of the fodcrals, as understood by tne Nebraska City, Neb.—Vincent Ad ' cent of the nitrogen comes from the rebel chiefs, is to operate extensively ams, a federal prisoner who escaped ' air, and practically all of it is a gain over Northern Mexico, and, by work to the soil.’’ ing in circles, to destroy all property from the United States prison at Fort The Cost of Living. that might be of use to the rebels, Leavenworth eight months ago and A study of family budgets involv without engaging the latter in a fight. was recaptured a few days ago at Mis According to report, Salasar’s men souri Valley, Iowa, leaped through a ing certain observance of the manner In which different families adjust—or were headed for the Casas Grandes train coach window and escaped Thurs fall to adjust—living to Income, and district, west of the railroad running day afternoon. The train was going the assembling of statistics upon this at the rate of 40 miles an hour. Ad from Juarex, and were designing to subject, is a task recently undertaken burn houses and other property. In ams was handcuffed and officers chased and reported upon by advanced stu the fugitive through the snow nearly this district are located rich agricul dents in the department of home eco four miles, recapturing him. He was nomics of the state college of Wash tural and gracing fields. It is believed by the rebels that the practically uninjured either by the ington. The following citation Is tak federals are nothing more than a fug broken glass or the fall from the train. en from the report: "The cost of living Is a problem itive band, destroying what property which concerns everyone. It Is cus- De La Barra Guest of Japan. they can reach, and will disperse be > ternary to lay the blame on economic fore they can be overtaken. Exten Tokio—Senor De la Barra, Mexican conditions, and on them alone; but a sive destruction of railroads and tele minister to France, arrived here Wed part of the trouble lies in the lack graph wires will handicap the rebels, nesday. He was received ax a nation of proper apportionment of the Income but so far no serious damage has been al guest, with much honor. Osten and in the lack of Ideals and stand done, as the wires between Juarex and sibly he came to thank the mikado for ards of living. The only practical Chihuahua soon will bo repaired. , Japan’s participation in Mexico’s na- remedy yet provided is education in I tional exposition two years ago. true standards of living, in what con Really, it wax rumored, he sought a stitutes better homes, more comfort Mexican- Japanese alliance. Thia able conditions, and In clear percep was denied at the foreign office, but tions of those tendencies townrd more Imitation and luxury which lead to Chicago — Mrs. Ella Flagg Young no one believed the foreign office degeneration of mind and body.” would admit it even were it true. was voted back into the auperintend- In citing a classification of living Railroads Assured of Consideration«»Prouty Mexican Federal» Adopt Revolutionist’s Tactics Chicago School Board Re-Instatea Woman ency of the Chicago public schools after a stormy session of the board of education. Seven members refused to vote, on the ground that the board had no power to reconsider the election of John D. Shoop, assistant superinten dent under Mrs. Young, who had been elected her successor. Contention wax also made that the four new members of the board named by Mayor Harri son to replace four whose resignations had been enforced, were not entitled to their seats. The action of the board in removing Shoop and replacing Mrs. Young at once will be challenged in court, it was announced by the opposition. 14,500,000 Not Too Much. William Krause Released. Washington, D. C. — Word has reached the State department from the City of Mexico that, at the in stance of Nelson O'Shaughnessy, the American charge, the federal govern ment has ordered the unconditional re- leaae of William Krause, an Ameri can, who had become involved in some of the plotting incident to the preaent revolution. Krause is now with his family in the Mexican capital. Brain Gone, Patient Lives. Paris—Before the Academy of Sci ence. Dr. Robinson reported a can« <n which life wax sustained when a great part of the brain had been destroyed. The case was that of a man 62 years old, treated for a year for an appar ently slight wound of the occiput. During this time the patient showed no signs of brain trouble, but the au topsy revealed the presence of an ab scess which had reduced the brain tis sue to a mere shell. ... there are enumerated, food, clothing, housing, operating expense: and a di vision of expenditure looking to the gratification and betterment nt the intellectual and spiritual nature. Food j Ir. asserted to be the most important factor In the outlay for living. The first motive of clothing is. or should he. protection from heat and cold, as contrasted with the too prevalent de sire to gratify and please the world at large, regardless of the sacrifice of bodily comfort. Operating expenses consist, largely, of the outlay neces sary to keep a house wnrmed. lighted, clean and in repair. Here, as well ns with food and clothing, it is the de gree of knowledge and skill and sound Judgment possessed by the woman In the home which most often deter mines efficient or Inefficient expendi ture. The need of certain expenditure for social betterment is cited as highly important, but too often neglected. Families with annunl incomes of less that 8800 are found often unable to consider this development. Other families of ample income, slight this phase of life—the outlay for which should Include travel, recreation, lit erature. art, church, charity, and in New York — The service of August Belmont and those associated with him in constructing and organising New York’s subway system are valued by the Supeme court at 84,600,000. Justice James C. Van Sieklen dis missed a suit brought by Clarence H. Venner, prefcident of the Continental Securities company and a minority Volcano Kills Hundreds. stockholder, to compel Mr. Belmont Sydney, N. S. W.—Incoming steam and his friends to turn into the treas Her Progress. ury of the Interborough Transit com ships report that 500 natives died in "The last time I saw you you were pany, which operates the subways, 15,- the Recent terrific volcanic outburst at complaining about your servant being 000 shares of stock valued at that sum. Ambrim Island, New Hebrides. so slow.” ’’Oh, she’s progressing now!” Doctors Sweep Streets. Suffragists Open Headquarters. ’’Is she really?” Leeds, England — Sixty prominent Washington, D. C.—Permanent suf "Yes; she’s getting slower and slow professional and business men, com fragette headquarters have been er.”—Exchange. prising doctors, lawyers, clergymen opened in this city to keep the law and merchants, acted as streetaweepers makers reminded of the fight for equal Live and Let Live. here and gave a practical demonstra rights. "What are the Christian names of tion of the determination of the citi- the young people next door?" Congressman Pepper Dead. sens of Leeds not to yield to the em "We won’t be able to find out till ployee of the municipal services, who Clinton, Iowa— Congressman Pep next week. They’ve Just married and per, of Iowa, died here early Thursday are on strike because the city would he calle her Birdie and she calle him of typhoid fever. not grant tbelr demands. Pet.” Little Things That the Cook Must Remember While in Course of Preparation. 1. When preparing your cake tin, always grease it first, and then line It with paper. Borne people grease the paper, but this is a mistake. Others grease the tin and put no paper, but this is equally bad, for It nearly al ways causes the cake to burn. 2. Beginners sometimes slip into the error of thinking that a cake will not rise unless It la put into a very fierce oven. This is quite wrong, tor the fierce heat only hardens the out side, and makea it impoaalble for the inside to swell properly. 3. In order to test the heat of the oven, put in a piece of white kitchen paper and let It stay for a couple of mlnutea. If the paper Js only warmed, and not colored at all, the oven Is too cool for the average of cakea; there should be just heat enough to make the paper curl up a little and go slights ly brown at the edgea, but not enough to scorch it or make it smoke. COAST LASHED BY 90-MILE GALE Two Barges Driven Ashore and Crews Are Lost vestments and savings. It la assert ed tljat the essentials of higher life are vitally neglected on the farm; that this will be overcome only when the farmer realizes that comfort, happi Summer Resorte Wrecked and Mil- ness and education are more Import lions of Doliera Damage Done ant factors in the home than the "dollar." —Snow Breaks Record. An example of good management on narrow margins of expenditure Is cited In the family budget of a har ness cleaner. There were eight chil New York—Two men drowned in dren in the family, ranging In age East River and ten men—the crews from thirteen years to six months. of two barges wrecked on the New The total earning of the man and the Jersey coast, given up as lost—is the oldest boy was 8870. It was spent cost in human lives of the storm as follows: which swept over this city and this Rent ..... ............... „.................. 1186.00 vicinity early Saturday. Food at 88-50 a week ........ 442.00 At Seabright, N. J., a fashionable Clothing ___ 69.80 summer resort 30 miles south of here, Light and fuel ...... 57.20 most of the bouses have been either Recreation ............................... 5 00 wrecked or are under water. Several Insurance ................. 58.24 Papers ------------------------------------ 5.72 hotels and fine residences were among Car fares ___________________ 2.00 CODFISH AND RICE TOGETHER those undermined and badly damaged. Doctor and medicine______ 11.50 Seventy families are homeless. Man's spending money___ ____ 18.20 New Method of Prepsrlng Mesl That The damage done to property is es Store, 814; house furniture 810. 24.00 Is Buch a Universal timated at 81,000,000, most of it Church ....... „................ . ............ .. 8.00 borne by Seabright and other points # Favorite. Sundries (Soap, washing ma along the northern section of the New terials, etc.) ...................... 12.34 Prepare the rice by covering a quar Jersey coast Most of the damage 8870 oo ter cupful with two cups cold water. was due to bulkheads giving way un Food, It Is observed, cost 88.50 a week. The weekly expenditure was: Put over the fire, stirring occasionally der the onslaught of waves lashed into Milk, two bottles a day..... ....... 81.12 while heating to prevent sticking. fury by a gale which at one time Eggs .......... .50 Boil five minutes, drain on a sieve and reached a velocity of 90 miles an boar. The two three-masted barges whose rinse with cold water. This makes Three cans condensed milk for tea and for bread In place of the rice beautifully white and clear, crews have been given up as lost were butter _________________ 27 with the grains separate. Return to in tow of the seagoing tug Edgar F. One quart of potatoes a day at While the storm was at the fire In a doublq boiler, add one and Luckenbacb. 10c a quart ............. 70 a quarter cups milk, and one cup salt its worst the barges broke away and Vegetables, 10c a day........................... 70 codfish, previously soaked over night | then drifted inshore midway between Bread, five loaves a day at 5c.... 1.75 Cook until the rice Is nearty done and the lifesaving stations 15 and 16, six One and a half pounds of butter at 30c a pound.................................... 45 the milk absorbed. Put In a baking miles south of Seaside Park, N. J. Jam, 5c a day, except Sunday............ 30 dishing, adding one-half cup white Only the masts of one of the barges Half pound of tea ___________ .20 sauce. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, was visible néxt morning and on it Both mast Can cocoa ...... „......... 18 add bits of butter, and bake about 20 was the form of a man. Seven pounds of sugar....... ... ............. 40 twenty minutes, or until brown on top and man soon disappeared. Meat, 25c a day..._____ 1.75 and well heated through. Make the Much damage has been done to the Sundries______ .18 white sauce thus: Melt In a saucepan pound net fishing along the New Jer 88.50 one tablespoon butter, add one table sey coast for some distance south from The housewife made the children’s spoon flour; mix to smooth paste, add Sandy Hook. The estimated loss to clothes; but- in their report, the stu gradually half cup milk. the various plants in 8100,000. At dent Investigators expressed doubt as Arverne the water swept in so far to whether a family of ten could be that cottages were flooded and the properly clothed on 869.50 a year. TIDY BUREAU DRAWER owners were forced to move out. There is no recreation, except that Bulkhesds were smashed, tons of the two boys were given twenty-five lumber were washed up on the beach cents a week for car fare all summer and other damage was caused by the to play ball once a week. Father, storm which raged around Atlantic mother and seven children were in City. The five miles of meadows be sured. amounting to 858.24 a year. The man did not drink nor use tobacco. tween the city and the mainland re In conclusion, the following budget sembled a turbulent sea. is suggested for a family of five, with A heavy snow fell in depths varying a yearly income of 8900. from five to 18 inches throughout this House rent _______________ __ 8225.00 A tidy top drawer Is not an Im part of the 'state. Food _______________________ 225.00 In this city about five inches fell, possibility, In spite of the fact that all (Dry groceries, meat, fish, the little odds and ends of one’s toil but the record mark was set in White vegetables, fruits, milk, but- ette are kept there to be easily got hall and 14 inches fell in Glenns Falls. - ter, eggs, bread, cake, con fectionery.) aL But thtey are generally In a ra Operating expenses _________ 180.00 ther stlrred-up condition. To achieve (Fuel, light, water. Ice, serv neatness, one woman took some very ices, laundry, soap, station thin boards and concerted her top Denver — Through representatives ery. postage, car fare, doctor. drawers, by their use. Into compart dentist, drugs, etc.) here if the National Radium Institute ments to suit the various articles she Clothes _____ 162.00 it was learned that property has been House furnishings____________ 18.00 keeps In them, thus doing away with purchuad on which a laboratory will many covered boxes and holders for Higher life ............................ 90.00 be conlftucted for research work un gloves and handkerchiefs. The Illus (Religion, books, music, news der the direction of the United States tration shows a drawer divided thus papers. magazines, recreation bureau of mines. and travel, gifts, amusements, Into compartments. If nice smooth It is said the results of the research Insurance, investments, sav wood Is not to be had for the purpose, ings.) — cardboard boxes, without covers, and work will be devoted entirely to the ________ 8900.00 fastened Into place by thumb-tacks, aid of scientists in determining the remedial and curative effects of ra Eastern Markets. or even pins, will Insure the wished OregJn Agricultural College Cor for tidiness and convenience in select- dium on human ills. vallis.—Eastern pear markets .»ffer a Ing the articles wanted. Philadelphia — Carnotite, from wonderful opportunity for Western which radium is produced, has been growers, according to the observations Curried Eggs. of Professor C. I. Lewis, horticultur discovered along the base of Mount Fry a little sliced onion In a table Pisgah, near Mauch Chunk, Pa., ac ist of the Oregon Agricultural College, who has made an extended investi spoonful of butter. Stir Into this a cording to an article in the Public gation of Eastern market conditions. tablespoonful of flour and one tea Ledger. Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of He visited the leading cities of the spoonful of curry powder, or the latter Johns Hopkins university, visited Middle West, the East, and New Eng In quantity to taste. When well blend Mauch Chunk and examined the depos land? and found a good deal of West ed, pour In one cup of hot water In its. Dr. Wherry declared that the ern pears on the markets, with strong demands. The pear market is like which a bouillon cube has been dis carnotite contains about 2 per cent wise quite free from the speculation solved (these cost five cents for two! uranium oxide. From a ton of this and stir until the sauce Is smooth and oxide 108 milligrams of radium can that controls apple prices. "But there are two things to be thick. Next lay in four bprd boiled be produced. done before Western growers fully eggs cut Into quarters or slices. Sea reap the benefits of the Eastern pear son with pepper and salt When the trade," said Professor Lewis. "There eggs are heated through, the dish is must be greater care in selecting and r^ady to serve. handling the pears, and more wide and Incidentally, any of the above dishes Chicago—The number of deserters systematic advertising. I purchased are nice as an after-theater lunch. in the second division of the United pears from Fruiterers in Chicago, New York and Boston, and found that Delicatessen stores are open very States army, including those appre hended and punished, is greater than much of the fruit was distinctly in late, you know. ferior. Some of the pears were gran the number of reservists in the divis ular and soft, others were wilted and Cornmeal Gems. ion, according to the annual report of leathery. Two cups cornmeal, one cup flour, Major General William H. Carter. "Pears are not handled In large ona cup cold milk, three eggs, two The report said that in one quarter quantities, as are the apples, and but teaspoons melted butter, one teaspoon there were only 257 men still availa very little of it is exposed for sale in salt, two teaspoons baking powder. ble for the reserve, out of a total of boxes. Most of them are unpacked Put the cornmeal into bowl, add boil 941 separated from the service in that unwrapped and displayed for sale in pyramids. They have lost both la ing milk, in which the butter has been period. Of the desertions Major Gen bels—that of the box and the wrap melted, and beat well; add the cold eral Carter wrote: “These are unpalatable facts and per—and have no means of identifi milk and well-beaten eggs and salt; ' cation. Some of the dealers attempt mix well together. Sift the baking are recited only that those engaged in ed to placard the fruit with its proper powder and flour, add slowly and mix the problems of creating a reserve name but were generally wrong In lightly. Have gem pans very hot and may have the benefit of the experience their selection of names. I found Win well greased. This amount makes of this division.” ter Nellis labeled Bones, and in a two dozen. restaurant I found a delicious Anjo Gould and Sons Fight Fire. paraded on the bill of fare as ’Anchou Cocoanut Cake. Pears.’ I asked the waiter what they Lakewood, N. J.—George J. Gould, Hera la a cocoanut cake sent to the were, and he said they were Western Kingdon Gould and George J. Gould, Anchou pears. Later, he thanked me column some time ago by "October," Jr., all recently elected members of which we like very much, and I hope for a little pointed Information. "To prevent these mistakes, grow some one will try It and report: One the Lakewood fire department, re ers might place large cards bearing cup sugar, two cups flour, one-half sponded to their first alsrm Saturday the name of the pears and the district cup milk, one cup cocoa soaked In a when there was a small blaze at the where they were grown on top of the little milk, two eggs, two teaspoons Lilian Court hotel. The Goulds aided fruit boxes. Then, when the dealer melted butter, one teaspoon cream materially in subduing the flames. unpacks he can hang the card in front tartar, one-half teaspoon soda, one Mr. Gould and his sons hurried to the of the pyramid, thus giving legitimate teaspoon vanilla extract. Bake in a fire in an automobile. Kingdon man Information to .the public and adver ned the chemical hose, while Mr. moderate oven. tising the fruit districts.” Gould and George Gould, Jr. kept the lines clear. Lord Decies acompanied Sour Milk Pte. One cup of thick sour milk, one the three “recruits.” A Boon Indeed. "At last,” exclaimed the long-haired cup of raisins chopped fine, one cup Aeroplane to Try Ocean Flight. Inventor. ’’I have evolved the greatest of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one egg. one cracker rolled fine, one tea practical blessing of the age!” St. Joseph, Mo.—William Bastar, "Oh, tell me. Theophilus, tell me spoon cinnamon, one-half dove. Put of this city, announced Saturday that what It la,” begged his wife. on stove to thicken. Makes two pies. he and Jack Vilas, an aviator, would ----------------------------- "A collar button with a little phono I( attempt a flight across the Atlantic graph Inside that will call out when Buttered Beets. ocean from New York City to Liver It rolls into a dark corner under the Boll beets the same as usual. When pool early next spring. Bastar is as dresser: ‘Here I am! Here I am!’"— done, peel and chop up with a knife, sociated with Vilas in the building of Cleveland Leader. put on lots of butter, pepper and salt an aeroplane, especially constructed and a little sugar. Serve hot Hope for this flight They will attempt to During 1912 there were 2947 free schools In session In Chile, with an some one will try this. They are fine capture the 150,000 offered by a Lon don newspaper for the first successful enrollment of 87.116 and a dally at and a change from sliced beeta, flight across the Atlantic. tendance of 169,744. Government Will Test Medical Use of Radium Major General Reports Desertions on Increase