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About Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1914)
NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK Banking Committee Is Perfecting New Plans Oregon Better Com State Than Average National Conference for Betterment of Race TURN WALKOUT INTO LOCKOUT Battle Creek, Mich. — Hygienists, who are trying to improve living con ________________ ditions to fsvor the individual, and eugenists, who propose to up-bulld the Oregon Agricultural College, Cor for the year 1913 Is 598,000 bushels. Frisco Koad Forestalls Strike Resume of World’s Important vallis—Oregon produces-25 per rent The entire yield of the United States individual to withstand unfavorabe | living conditions, will merge theories more corn per acre than the average of Railway Tele^aphers. is 2,463,017,000 bushels. Events Told in Brief. and efforts to produce a better race of produced In the United States. Also, The above figures are taken from man. 1 .cading authorities on eu Oregon produces 10 per cent better com than the average United States the November Crop Report issued by thenics and eugenics will take part in crop. Yet Oregon produces leas than the United States bureau of statistics the National conference on race bet- All Telegraph Instruments Rcmov Mexican rebels have completely ' torment to be held In Battle Creek, one-tenth of one per cent of all the and the weather bureau. routed the federal forces in Northern cd and Telephones Installed com grown in the United States. That corn may be successfully and January 8>12, 1914. Mexico. 400 Operators Diamiaaed. Despite the broad scope of work un- The average yield per acre in Ore profitably grown in Oregon haa been Many Mexican federal soldiers who gon is 28.5 bushels, and the average demonstrated by the Oregon Agricul j dertaken by tho conference. It is not refused to fight the rebels were shot yield fur the whole country is 23 bush tural college, and by many prlvute expected thst any quixotic reforms down by their officers. els per acre. growers as well. The reports of the will be advocated, although radical * Springfield, Mo. In anticipation of are anticipate«!. the strike of 1100 leegrsphere em The average quality of the Oregon federal government show that not only recommendations The government is contemplating the conference ployed on Its lines, the St. Ix/uls A com crop is 93 per cent, and the aver can more and better corn be grown in Whatever reforms the withdrawal from entry of lands age quality for the whole country is 82 Oregon than in the average state in ' hopes to enact will be effected through San Franrlsco railroad Sunday laid off believed to contain radium ore. per cent. the Union, but that corn prices are al-1 a gradual process of evolution, under Indefinitely 400 telegraphers and bn, Bank robbers tunneled 150 feet and the direction of a permanent New gan to transform Its telegraph 11 nee The amount of the Oregon com crop so higher in Oregon. dug into the vault of the First Na Race Institute to be founded during Into a telephone system of railroad tional bank of Oroville, Cal., securing th«> forthcoming meeting. communication. 33500. The present tendency toward race This action disclosed the company’s deterioration will be given full eonsid- ; plana for restating the strike, to the Methodists have asked the - Portland eration by the conference. The evi-1 am a semen t of the telegraphers, ehl|£- school board to prohibit the teaching ilcncca of this tendency, such as the pers and railroad cirelea In general. of dancing of any kind in the public decreasing birth-rate. Increasing in Removal of all telegraphic instru schools. sanity, the high infant mortality am) ments from the company’s officee be It is stated by the department of mental inefficiency will be mal* sub- gan Sunday. It is said thia la the first agriculture that 1913 was the most Oregon Agricultural College. Cor household and personal accounts; labor 1 jecta of general discussion with a view time such a transposition it ths uae of prosperous year ever known for the vallis — One of the principal features records; milk records; poultry roc- to suggesting methods of checking the the wires has been made by s railroad American farmer. ords; the farm plot; office methods; downward trend of the race. 1 to avert a strike. of the present revelation in agricul and business organisation. Various remedial agenta, such as It is reported that many Eastern Among those who will leave the tural industries is that of farm ac The newer phases of rural econom the sterilisation of the criminal insane, cities are not at all anxious for the counting. Progressive farmers have ics, co-operative buying, producing health certificates as a condition pre service of the Frisco are many who location of the reserve banks under the were to present the demands of the learned that it is impossible to stop and marketing on the farm, will re cedent to marriage, better care for new currency law. Order of Railroad Telegraphers at a the small leaks that rob the industry ceive special emphasis. Progress made delinquent youth and more rational conference with the receivers of the Missionaries report that it is diffi of much of its profits without first in these subjects both in Europe and marriages will be discussed. ' road. cult to direct the Oklahoma Indians in finding and locating the leak. There America will be explained in lectures The conference will also establish At noon 24 special trains, consisting the ways they should go, on account of is no sure and exact way to do this and illustrate 1 by lantern si idea. Co general standard« of physical and of an engine and caboose, went out on* the latter’s wealth. aside from systematic farm account operative manufacturing will receive mental perfection, through expert- j the Frisco lines with right of way A Kansas City firm is said to have ing. Many farmers are aware of this especial consideration in a manufact mental tests with several hundred over all tralna except passengers. The been awarded the contract for build fact but are not prepared by training urers' convention to be held on Janu children from the public schools. craw of each train removed tho in ing the new interstate bridge between or otherwise to practice a system of ary 14 and 15, to devise ways and struments from every station it pasaed Oregon and Washington. bookkeeping. They will be given an means of locating factories for the and joined the telegraph wires at opportunity to learn the necessary care of surplus products and by-prod- i Ex-President Taft is a director in a ' every mile. Thus 12,000 miles of Valdez. Alaska — After a harrowing steps in farm accounting at the winter ucts in every community in Oregon. new society which has been formed railroad telegraph were converted Into In addition to this special work the for the purpose of lengthening human experience on the trail. Max Lichten short course of the Oregon Agricul Spokane, Wash. — Based on reports a telephone circuit. berg reached Valdez recently to report tural College. January 6 to 31. practical phases of every large indus life by modern scientific means. Many points on the system were The course in farm accounting trial operation in Oregon will be treat of the 1913 experience« of fruit grow-1 A St. Louis widower who earns 310 to the authorities the death of his without telegraphic communication partner. Fred Greenough. November given by the school of commerce dur ed by college experts and their assist- era of the Spokane country, apple pro per week offers his son, aged 8, and temporarily. Telephone o|>eratora will Special railroad his daughter, aged 6. for sale, saying 26, five miles south of Tazliaa lake, ing the short course will emphasise ant instructors. ducers of the four Pacific northwest replace the telegraphers. The threat he is unable to make a living for where the two men were camped simplicity, accursey and economy of rates of one and one-third fare will be ern states will save nearly 3100,000 ened strike will be forestalled by what while on a hunting and prospecting granted by al! the principal Oregon labor. The accounts will include cost them. by purchasing apple boxes co-opera practically amounts to a lockout, and trip. of production, investment and returns; roads. The resident commissioner of the tively next year. Orris Dorman, i it Is said by some Frisco officials here Greenough was ill for 21 days prior Philippines in congress says the president of tho Spokane Fruit Grow- i that the conference between the tele to bis death, and during the last seven islanders are much more friendly ers’ company, a co-operative selling graphers and the receivers may not be days could not be induced to eat. towards Americans under Wilson’s organization, states that his associa held at all. Unable to bury his partner because new policy. According to E. G. Levy, general tion last season purchased boxes for of the frozen ground. Lichtenberg The Dalles—The joint legislative Oregon Agricultural College. Cor Caddies engaged in a free-for-all wrapped the body in his blanket, 8} cents a box, saving from 2 to 2} manager of the road, every five miles fight for th« privilege of carrying placed it in a tepee to protect it from commission which has been authorized vallis—The policy of securing cougty cents on each, or about 20 per cent. of the Frisco’s wires will be guarded At all President Wilson’s golf sticks, but the animals and started for the coast, de to investigate The Dalles power proj field and farm demonstration agents is With a good yield in 1914 the North by a man day and night. points where it Is necessary to give President laughingly separated them ciding to come out over the Tazlina ect, as it is known officially, visited Pacific Diatributors, tho co-o;>«rative making rapid progress among the and told them each should take his glacier, then drop down on the Colum marketing organization handling 60 ordcni. he said, a deputy United States the scene of the proposed electrical counties of Oregon, Already five turn. per cent of the product of Washing marshal will be on duty to protect th« bia and Shoup glaciers to reach the power plant at Five-Mile rapids, on counties in various parts of the state ton, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, ex telephone operator. Part of the equipment to be used by mining camps. have complied with all requirements Sir Ernest H. Shackleton on his next pects to ship about 8,000 cars, neces Caught in a storm on the glacier. the Columbia river, making arrange expedition across the Antarctic conti Lichtenberg was forced to lie in camp ments to have preliminary borings and made the necessary appropriations sitating the purchase of about 5,000,- for maintaining the county agents in nent will be sledges driven by aero for many days. He finally ran out of made for tests. The committee is co-operation with the Oregon Agricul 000 boxes. If two cents per box Is plane engines and an aeroplane with food and had to kill his two dogs to saved by co-operative buying the clipped wings to aid in propelling the keep life in his body. For 14 days his composed of Senators Day, of Port tural college. These five counties, to growers will have to pay 3100.000 leas Panama -Gatun spillway, which re land, and Smith, of Grants Pass; Rep gether with the sum appropriated by for boxes than if they purchased in sledges over the ice. only food was dog. gulates the levels of Gatun lake, was each, are as follows: Lane, 32000; dividually. resentatives Forbes, of Bend, and Ab opened Monday for the first time since Crook, 31500; Coos. 32000; Tilla A woman has landed a big political “We do not claim the makers bott, of Portland, and State Engineer June 27. During the elapsed period mook, 32000, and Harney, 32000. plum in the shape of the Denver land charged too much for boxes before. ” Lewis, of Salem. Besides creating Two counties. Baker and Grant, states Mr. Dorman, “as under the the water had risen fro«» 48.26 to 84.7 office. While the max- the commission, the last legislature have taken steps to establish a district methods of bad collections they were feet above sea level. Oscar Bider, a Swiss aviator, j imum level the lake can attain is 87 New Bedford, Mass.—The fear that appropriated 315,000 for the use of for demonstration work, expenses and crossed the Alps Christmas day in an obliged to figure on a long wait for feet, the water will not be allowed to the Karluk, one of the vessels of the benefits to be shared according to their pay and in some cases they were aeroplane. go any higher at present because the Stefansson Arctic expedition, was the committee in its work of ascer- agreement. As mining and lumbering They have told us that 'liking of the low ridges forming the It is said that 200,000 Bulgarians doomed, was expressed by Stephen taining whether the proposed project are important industries in these coun never paid. they prefer selling to a well-financed are starving, and deaths among them Cottle, in a letter written October 13 is feasible. rim of the lake basin haa not been ties, it is felt that one farm agent can organization, even if the price is 20 reach 50 a day. and just received here. Cottle was Secretary Lane, of the United serve both counties for a time, at par cent lower than to an individual.’* completed. It Is planned to open one gate of the steamer Belvedere, least. Legislative provisions have President Wilson is settled in his on board the States Interior department, is co-oper spillway for an hour or so each day to been made to cover such eases. mid-winter vacation home at Pass which was held fast in the ice 10 ating in the work, the government keep the water at the existing level. miles off Demarkation Point, Alaska. Wallowa and Marion counties will Christian, Miss. having also set aside 315,000 for the Thia process is to be utilized to rid the “ Dr. Anderson. ’ ’ he wrote, “ is be among the next to make provision A man 60 years old lost his way in a investigation. The proposed develop lako of the vast masses of swamp veg blizzard raging over Southern Illinois stuck about 75 miles west of us with ment of electrical power on the Co for securing county agents. the two small vessels of the Stefans- Malheur, Union and Klamath are Seattle, Wash.—«Four women jurors, etation, commonly known as floating and was frozen to death. I lumbia, five miles above this city, by son expedition. The Karluk was last seriously considering the question. who confessed in affidavits that they Islands. the state and Federal government, is seen about 10 miles off shore of Flax Douglas county officers are being im returned n verdict of guilty in the arousing more interest among depart man Island four days ahead of us. portuned by influential farmers to es case of Theodore Pappas, accused of PORTLAND MARKETS ment officials at Washington that any We can get no further news from tablish the system, and Jackfon coun blackmailing Nick Pantagea, brother other federal project, according to Wheat—Track prices: Club, 85c; them and I am afraid it is the last of ty has taken up the matter with Pro of Alex Pantages, the vaudeville man State Engineer Lewis, who recently bluestem, 95<a96c; forty-fold, 85J3/ the Karluk. We are in hopes that the fessor French, state leader of agri ager, when they believed him inno Paris — The martyrdom of five conferred with officials at the national crew will be able to make a place of culture, who expects to see the system cent, because one of their number French soldiers more than 100 years 86c; red Russian, 84c; valley, 85c. capital. It is estimated that the safety to the west of us.” adopted there at an early date. Oats—No. 1 white. 325 503/26 ton. was sick and wanted to go home, now ago has lx*en recalled by the discovery plant could be constructed within two Barley — Feed, 324.50 per ton; The policy of maintaining county say that they were '“smoked out’* by of their skeletons among some ruins at years at a cost of approximately 123,- brewing, 325.50; rolled. 326.503/ agenta of field and farm demonstration the men jurors. Army to Have More Fun. Amssia, in Egypt, by the French 000,000. work is heartily approved wherever it 27.50. ’’Because we stood out for acquit archaeologist, Captain Cortier. Washington, D. C.—Army chaplains has been tried. A convention of 175 tal,” said one of the woman, "the Millfeed—Bran, 320.503/21 per ton; The five men, who belonged to the have undertaken the task of providing I Cinnabar Discovery Reported. farmers and business men of Spring men got angry and one of them said, srmy of General Menou, in 1799, at shorts, 322.50(3 23; middlings, 329(3 amusements for enlisted men, and con Ashland—Discovery of cinnabar has field, Mass., passed resolutions ap i‘let’s smoke them out,’ and smoke ua El Arish, were carried off as hostages 30. Hay —No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim gress, at the instance of Secretary been reported by C. B. Watson, of proving the work and providing means out they did. They all lighted either by the Mamelukes, and the French othy, 316.50; mixed timothy, 314; Garrison, is about to increase the this city, in the Meadows mining dis of raising funds for its support. The cigara or cigarettea and in that close government forgot to redeem them. alfalfa, 314; clover, 393/10; valley, usual allowance for post exchanges by trict on Evans creek, 17 miles north State Bankers’ association of Colorado jury room the amoke made us sick. The Mamelukes offered to spare the a special allotment of 382,500. This grain hay, 311(3,13. Frenchmen’s lives if they would re of Gold Hill, in Jackson county. There commended the plan, and pledged its So we signed the verdict.” Onions—Oregon, 32.75(3,3 per sack; will provide a fund of 31245 for each are also indications of copper on the moral support of an effort to finance a When the women’s affidavits were nounce their nationality and accept buying price, 32.50 f. o. b. shipping chaplain with which be is expected to same claim, Mr. Watson discovered county agency in co-operation with the presented iaat Monday Judge J. T. the Mohammedan faith. All five re procure a phonograph, a moving-pict points. evidences of cinnabar in this locality agricultural college and the federal Ronald refused to wet aside the verdict fused, and their captors wslled them Vegetables—Cabbage, 14(31}c per ure machine, slides and films, a large last summer, He has brougth a large department of agriculture, in every on the ground that a juror cannot Im in alive in five stone cells at Amasia, pound; cauliflowers, 375(31.25 per tent with folding chairs and lighting amount of ore samples to Ashland for county in Colorado. peach hia own verdict. The women where they died of hunger and thirst. dozen; eggplant, 10(312Jc per pound; apparatus, all with the design of giv inspection, in addition to a number Aside from their work in farm dem now aay they will awear to a state peppers, 6(3 7c; head lettuce, 32.25(3 ing the soldiers amusement. which have been forwarded direct to onstration, the county agents have be ment that they were "smoked out.” Parcel Post Kate Issued. 2.50 per crate; garlic, 12|'al5c per San Francisco for reduction by the come active agents of co-operation. Washington, D. C.—The office of Indian Staff Increased. pound; sprouts, 10c; artichokes, - The county agents of two Ohio coun Heart Sewed Up, Man Lives. smelting process. the third assistant postmaster general Washington, D. C.—The appoint 31.75 per dozen; squash, per ties were able to effect the co-opera New York—With six stitches taken has forwarded to nearly 00,000 poet pound; celery, 33(3 3.50 crate; rhu ment of five additional probate attor tive marketing of a large lot of sur Bridge Work Under Way. barb, 3|c per pound; tomatoes, 31.75 neys to take up the reform work in plus potatoes that were grown in one in his heart Friday night, Vincenzo master information as to changes in Eugene—The bridge-building equip county, to the farmers of another Lauro, victim of a stahlJng affray, is parcel post rates and regulations effec (32 per crate; turnips, 31.25 per sack; stituted by the Indian office in connec carrots, 31.10; parsnips, 31.25; tion with the protection of the proper ment of Williard & McCreary was county in which there was a great expected to live. When taken to the tive January 1. The orders provide ty rights of Indian children is an moved to the second Noti crossing last scarcity. A county agent of Southern Holy Family hospital in Brooklyn the for a reduction of rates in the third, beets, 31.25. Poultry—Hens, 15(3 16c per pound; nounced from the Interior department week, and erection of the only iarge Colorado was the first to recognize a surgeons decided that the operation fourth, fifth and sixth tones, and for Commissioner Sells, of the Indian bridge yet to be bailt east of Noti disease that was killing large numbers was necessary. Because of the weak an increaao of the weight limit to 50 springs, 15(316c; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, choice, 27J(328c; ducks, 12 office, has called a conference of at tunnel will be begun at once. Laying of hogs, as cholera. He found it very ened condition of the patient, no anaes pounds on parcels mailed for delivery torneys, field agents and county pro of track through the tunnel and 'town difficult to convince the farmers of the thetic was given, but cocaine was used in the first and second _____ _____ ©15c; geese, 12J'313c. tones. After Eggs—Oregon fresh ranch, 41(3,45c bate judges to convene in Muskogee, the Siualaw watershed can now be fact that the disease was cholera, and locally, the riba above the heart were ¿March 16 books shall be embrace^. Okla., to consider further steps in the begun. per dozen; storage, 35(337ic. The first Noti crossing was succeeded only when his diagnosis was cut through and six stitches taken in in the parcels weighing over eight Green Fruit—Apples, 50c<3 32.50 per program of reformation of jaws and completed this week, and while track confirmed by the veterinarian of the the heart tissues. At last report -the ounces. box; cranberries, 312(312.C0 per bar ¡practices. He then ex patient was improving so fast that the was being lain for the mile between agricultural college. rel; pears, 31.25(31.75. Radium Helps Bremner. the two bridges across Noti, th* con plained the impossibility of eradicat surgeons declared he would recover. Volcanic Action Subsides. Potatoes—Oregon, 80c(3 31 per hun tractors placed the steel for the first ing the disease single-handed and the Baltimore — Representative Brem Siege of Tampico Lifted. dred; buying price, 703/80c at ship Paris — The French commissioner crossing over the Long Tom river. I imperative need of a co-operative ner, of New Jersey, who Is at a sana I resident of the New Hebrides reports ping points. campaign. By hia skill and determin Brownsville, Tex. — The attack on torium here undergoing radium treat Butter—Creamery prints, extras, 34 that it is now possible to approach ation, he saved an industry that is the Mexican gulf port of Tampico has ment for a cancerous growth in his Oakland Ships 2000 Turkeys. ©35c pound; cubes, 32c pound. Ambrim island, where a series of vol- worth to the county 35000 annually. been abandoned and the constitutional left shoulder, is reported improving. Oakland — The Christmas shipment Pork—Fancy, 10*3,10Jc per pound. canic upheavals recently occurred. On ist force which has been operating in Mr. Bremner received hie first treat of turkeys sent out of Oakland num Veal—Fancy, 14Jc per pound. December 24, however, cinders were the oil region near there will Invest ment of radium on Christmas day, Brother Sends Chickens. bered 2000 birds. This, added to the Hops—1913 crop, prime and choice, still falling and lava was streaming Monterpy, capital of Nuevo Leon, when 11 tubes of the mineral, valued 10,000 shipped Thanksgiving, makes Albany — Three white-faced Black i 20(3.21c; 1914 contracts, 163/18c. down the mountainside. The commis about the first of the year. This was at 3100,000, were temporarily bedded 12,000 raised thia year in the vicinity Spaniah chickens were a Christmas Wool — Valley, 163/17e; Eastern sioner also reports that in additon to the official announcement Saturday In the growth, which is said to be of of Oakland. The local price was 20 Oregon, ll(316c; mohair, 1913 clip, many changes in the coast line a small cents as against ¿2 cents paid for the present from Judge McKnight, of Mal from the Matamoras headquarters of a malignant character. island has sprung up off Dip Point, on 26c. heur county, to Judge McKnight, *rf ! the Constitutionalists. Thanksgiving shipments. Cattle—Prime steers, 37.503/8.10; the western coast. Linn county. The two jugdea are Beachey Does Six Ixropa. Express Business. choice, 37(317.50; medium, 36.753/7; brothers, each having been chosen San Francisco—Looping the loop in 1914 Motor Plates Sent Out. choice cows, 363/6.85; medium, 35.75 Hungarians W arned to Stay Away. county judge of his respective county Hartford, Conn.—The effect of the six consecutive times at a height of ©6; heifers, 363/6.85; light calves, Salem — Secretary of State Olcott in the same election. Vienna—The Hungarian minister of operation of the parcel post la shown 2500 feet over San Francisco Bay, 38(39; heavy, 363/7.75; bulla, 343/. the interior has sent a circular to all has delivered to 3600 autoista automo The significance of the present la in the annual report of the Connecti Lincoln Beachey established Sunday 5.75; stags, 363'6.50. municipalities in Hungary, warning bile and motorcycle plates for 1914. that when the two judges were young cut Public Utilities commission. another world’s aviation record. Hogs—Light, 37.253t7.90; heavy, intending emigrants to delay their There are about 14,000 automobile and men on their father’s farm in thia Every express company reporting to Christmas day Beachey looped the loop 36.50(36.90. departure to the United States until motorcycle owners in the state, and county, they raiaed thia kind of chick the commission showed a falling off in five times, a record in itaelf. Prev Sheep -Lambs, 35.503/6.35: weth economic conditions in that country plates have been sent only to those ens and had the only ones in this sec receipts. In one Instance the decrease ious to looping the loop Sunday Beach ers, 34<35.50; ewes, 33.503/4 35. tion of the stat«. improve. making application for them. in operating income was 389,872. ey flew upside down. Washington. D. C. — The Federal reserve bank organisation committee haa supplemented its plan for locat ing Federal reserve cities with an un official announcement pointing the way for all cities to present their claims for banks. Before the com mittee, consisting of Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo and Secretary of Agriculture Houston, starts on its tour of the country, it will advise clearing house associations and boards of trade in cities that are in the field for a re serve bank when they can be heard. Only 14 cities in addition to Wash ington will be visited, but it was the understanding that any city and any community can be heard at some point on the trip around the country which has been mapped out. Although details for the hearings have not been worked out. it is prob- sffie that the claims of Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington will be Pittsburg heard here. ’ _ will have an opportunity either in Cleveland or Worth. Tex., which Cincinnati. Fort — is in the field, will be allowed to argue in Houston, and St. Paul and Minne apolis in Chicago. Information the committee procures will be used in determining the depositaries of the reserve districts. It was said that neither cabinet officer on the organisa tion committee had determined on the number of reserve districts and cities. The trip to be taken is almost as much for this purpose as actually locating the cities and defining the districts. Officials of the Treasury praised the decision of the committee to work out the district limits and cities by public hearings. College Short Course Will Interest Farmer Alaska Prospector Lives 14 Days on Dog Meat Apple Growers to Save by Collective Purchasing Progress of County Probe Power Project for Five-Mile Rapids Demonstration Policy Gatun Spillway Used to Regulate I^ake l^evei Karluk’s Loss Feared by Arctic Traveler Women Jurors Smoked Into Signing Verdict Bones of Martyred Frenchmen Are Found I