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About Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1913)
BEAVER STATE HERRAD Subscription, $1.00 a Year. I ENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ¿5, 1913. OREGON NEWS Of VISUS AUSTRALIA ANO NEW ZELANO GENtRALINTEREST Notes In Brief of Events Occuring Throughout the State During the Put Week. Baker City Would Oust its Mayor and Officials. Big Apple Wil* Feature axhlblt. Hood River Hood It Ivar county oounly will occupy the center of the Ore*M exhibit at the Panama ex poet- lion with Ita dieplay. A huge Hpltzsn berg apple about 30 feet In diameter and IB feet In height will be construc ted and on the interior will be a llfe- IIhr panorama of the Hood Hlver val ley with ita orchards and flowing etrcama and with the electric effects that will be Installed It will present a novel effect It Is estimated that the apple and itc Interior panoramic display will cost several thousand dol lars Private Salmon Hatchery Operated. The Halles —F. A. Seufert. Rr.. of the Heufert Brothers' cannery, has in- stalled a salmon hatchery which la being used In restocking the Colum bin Hlver. The cannery man has eon ■tnicted a dam across Fifteen Mlle creek, which flows Igto the Columbia near the big cannery. The dam makes a large pond where the batching la done The plant now is turning out from 100.000 to 200,000 fry each day, the variation being caused by the dlf ference In climatic conditions. Would Oust Mayor and Officials. Baker -The elate of Oregon through IMatrict Attorney Godwin, haa brought suit against all muncipal officials of the town of Cornucopia, Baker county, including Mayor Hoblunun. members of the council, recorder, treasurer and marshal, seeking to have them re moved from offloe. alleging that ir regularities la charts* election, makes It invalid and Illegal. It holds that incuasbeuts Illegally usurped offices aad sake court to oust them Gold Beach Plant to Start. Mrs. K. C. Joss. who formerly lived on Park Ave., returned from a very In teresting trip on U m * 12th lust. Dr. Joes, . I wmu I of the government meat inspection work in Portland was assigne«! tbe duty of visiting New Zealand and A im - trails by Cite Ib-partnient of Agriculture j last Hamster. He decided to take his , wife with him. They left their two I 1 boys with the Doctor's sister. Mrs Adams. They left Portland the first of August, going by way of Victoria, when- tliey took steamer, and proceeding by way of Honolula, the Fiji Islands, and New Zealand, Tasmania to Sydney. Tin- work of the trip la-gun al New Zrland wltere the doctor visited and inspected I tlie dairies and stock farm* and slaughter houses of the country. He found tlie . |s«>ple of New Zealand very inti-lliirent ami progressive in tlidlr handling of live stock and dairy products. The New Zelandera an* accustomed to use a small percent of boracic acid in the butter 1 tlwy pack, but tbe shippers are as anxious as any one to avoid the use of ; this chemical in tie- butter that is being packed for shipment to thiscourtry. Tin* visit in Australia was interesting and highly instructive. That is a big country and it requires considerate time | to get aivjuaintrd with it. But tlie officials of tlie country made every effort j to give our reprem ntative every courtesy and advantage for information that was poMibls. The sheep raised in that country were especially of int>-n*et Australian sheep pro«luce about the finest wool in tlie world. It is capable of la-ing spun into the most «lelicate of woolen cloths Mrs. Joss returned alone f-om New Zeland. The Itoctor | baa ls-eu assigned tlie duty of doing some Isitanical collecting in addition to his , work in the animal husbandry depart ment, He is to go into the mountains of Queensland and secure specimens of native orange ami one or two other plants. This will require about six weeks and take him into some of the wildest country in Australia, through forests so dense that even a pathway will have to be cut for them. Gold Beach—Williamson A Allen, of Caldwell. Idaho, are repairing their EVANGELICAL CHURCH black sand plant at this place, and Theme, 11 a. m. "New Year Reflec soon will renew operations They have tions. " 7:30 p. m., "A Watchword for a large amount of machinery at Ban tbe New Year." • Will." "Ood.” and don ready for shipment here, and the "1 Can " Reader, come to these services Randolph will bring it down next trip an«i you may get a determined inspira tion to make a fresh start for 1914. ROAD PLANS NOT MADE P. CONKLIN, Pastor State Hlgnway Improvements Decided Definitely. Not Halein —Although the state high way commission has not decided upon a definite plan as to bow all the tnon ey raised for state highway Improve ment under the law passed al the re cent session of the legislature creat ing the commission should be expend ed. it hss made arrangements to begin active work about June 1, when the money for next year will become avail able. The commission haa decided to expend part of the money In providing supervision of road construction by county courts, when desired, and the remainder will be used either In build ing an experimental thoroughfare to determine the merits of the various hardsurface pavements, or In build ing a stretch of the Pacific Highway between this city and Portland. The commission has decided that all work done by it shall be bard aur- fate, the law providing that durable roads shall be constructed. Flax Mill Is Favored. Oregon City.—Farmers of many parts of the county and valley are In terested In a proposition to erect a 32110,000 flax mil) In Oregon City, and many of them have promised to sign agreements to produce the material in case the city raises f&O.OUO required and obtains the mill. West Pardons Paacock. Albany-—After serving 382 days in the l.inn county .tail for violation of the local option liquor law, Albert E. Peacock was released upon a pardon signed by Governor West. His term in prison wns the longest thus far In thia state for sellng liquor in "dry" territory • County May Have New Highways. Granta Pass.—The county commie- ■loners have called a special election for Wednesday, December 31. lor the purpose of voting upon the question of the Issuance of bonds In the sum of 3235,000 for the building of highways in the county. Mim Carol llngne is home from Mon mouth for the holiday vacation. O- ------------ *------------ Voi,. J. No. 52 BURGLARS LOOT BARRICK & GO The total school populat*- of > hat j is now Lents, Woodmt re, al«ont , of Merchandise Valued at $100 Taken Arleta and R'-j’h M' '' st<r.. h'x. en From Belrose Store Friday Wight ¡yerrsag»», iM ha <- l^<-n ca.-«d * >r While Owners Sleep Up Stairs. ir. a ftrjr r’jftiD *’nool, pr«>bebly 250 pu; i. Tbe list ■ ■ *«red for oy Thieves at Large. , Le .« w hool n. wl pupil« aeh< •• age, W<v:.i i o <t fl<;4W» nri. -g, j Arteta, Friday night was an eventful one (or 151t awl Mouth lit. ibor ¿,1 lu» first :w > »«-re fonavui entirely in thei tarrick A Co. at Belrose. Home time Leni i «intrust. hjM _ » . A riet», ano a“ luring tbe night thieves broke into the cons, era >le afxffidt .□ti« Mt T 'vor. It ár¡ safe i «U, th t the Lents dhtriat of*. ■rrroorn and carried away merchan- 1903 V numbers over % » I pu pila of i ■abaci <e. And tais is .,>Jí<*«tive of! > *e valued at «100 or more. They the g vth of <; > d)«t/ ct i ■ mutation - re extremely quiet about it for tbe and wealth qurnly «Jeeps over the store and there •as no diztarbanoe to waken them, un less it Is* that a slight rasping noise GENERAL VILLA which Mrs. Barrick heard about lour .............. .... . «! •• clock but it was not suffii-ient to cause alarm and so the situation waa not n-alizad until the store wae opened up in the morning. A panel was found cut in the door n«e Khchtf war notified and he came «out with thve of his deputies but they rould fin.l n« clue. The brace and bit I used in cuttii< into the door wae found ! bet that did no give any particular ad- vaatage to the officers. A rewanl of I fifty dollars haa been made for the I thieves. Tlie article« Ulen include a lot of corduroy pants, -onw jeans, blue flannel shirts, gloves, pocket knives, umbrellas, and «25 in cash. No trace of has been foumt ,)p to this tnne. It is evident that »Aorganize«! gang of thieves live in this seetk^ of ! country and it would be well fix »tore keepers and others having propert, of ; value to provide for its safety in so^ « —Harding in Brooklyn Eagle. PRIZE EOR WORK PLANNED EOR IDLE 0RE6ON MEN BEST BABY Jan. 2Wth The Parent Teaclieni Club of lx*nts will hold a baby contest for Ijents l<abi<*e at tlie Mother’s Bureau Room in tbe Court house. All mother who enter babies leave their names with Mrs. Grssrll. Mrs. Grssrll, the Prea ident of the Ij*nta Circle offers a prise to the mother wbo raise«* her child's standard to the highest mark before June 1. 1914. Fawcett-West A quiet wciiding was solemnised Sun day evening at <1 o’clock at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Groth Second Ave., when Mrs. Clara West was married to Dr. John Fawcett., Rev. W. Boyd Moore Paator of the M. E. cMlirch offi ciating. They were attemied by Mr. j and Mrs. K. A. Brown of Kenton. Baptist Church Only the immoliate friends and rela- I Services of Lord.« Day, Dec. 88 Morn tives living _ . present. Both brute and ing worship, 11 A. M. sermon groom have a large circle of friends theme "The Mystery of Christ." IW. who wish them much happiness. William Spurgeon of lx>ndon, England will preach at tlu* evening service. Do not fail to hear from him. You art- wel BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON come to these services. Come! J. M. Nelson. ps«tor. , Fright, presumably from being held up or accosted, caused the death of Mrs. R. J. Prince, of Portland. New North Bank Road President. The assessed valuation of the pub Portland.—Changes in the executive lie service corporations doing bust offices of the North Bank Road, in ness in Hood River county amounts volving the resignation of Joseph H. to nearly 32,072.000 Young, president, and the election of Governor West has named Floyd L. C. Gilman, of Seattle, to succeed Bilyeu, of Portland, and 11. H. Clfford him. probably will be made before the of Buker, as members of the state first of the yenr. fish and game commission to fill va cancies caused by resignations. Rail Jubilee In Tacoma. Indians are said to be killiug uff the Tacoma.—The northwest's principal deer that cross the Klamath reserva railroad executives and Governors Lister, of Washington, and West, of tion and are taking all wild fowl eggs Oregon, gathered in the rooms of the Senator Lane is usked to report the commercial club here at the 40th an matter to the Indian bureuu. Frank Simmons is suspected of hav niversary Jubilee celebrating the en ing killed his mother, cousin nnd him try of the Northern Pacific Railroad self, in a cottage in Portland Th«> into Tacoma and the northwest. bodies were found by a 12) ear-old girl of the family. Lister Not Candidate for Senate. Governor West is considering the Tacoma. Wash.—That he positively will not be a candidate for the senate plan of providing unemployed men was announced here by Governor Lis with work clearing logged off laud, Housing accommodations would be tn ter. the form of tent cities. Fruit growers of Oregon, meeting THE MARKETS at Portland, declare that limiting of working hours may prove a menace Portland. Wheat—Club, 83c; bluestem. 93c; to the pickers and packers of the state. red Russian, 81c. Aa an attracton which Bakerites be Hay—Ttmoth.v. 317; alfalfa. 314 lieve will be a rival to Portland's fa Butter—Creamery, 37c. mous Christmas swim, the Baker coun Eggs- Candled, 40c. try club plans for an open golf tour nament, medal play, to be staged on Seattle. Wheat—Bluestem, 93c: club. 82«; Baker links Christmas day. Marvel Lowrey, aged IS, of Alsea, red Russian. 81c. Hay—Timothy, 317 per ton; alfalfa. committed suicide by drinking car- bolic acid while in a fit of despond- 314 per ton. ency over the fact that she could not Eggs —47c. have pleasures the same as other Butter—Creamery. 38c. girls Mrs. J. H. Koberg, who resides on Tla- Lenta lo«lge. Women of Wood craft, an* preparing to have a lodge a farm east of Hood River, held up tree, Friday evening of this week Their two suspects with a revolver as they were trying to enter the hou«e of a own members will he in attendance — SCHOOL CENSUS SHOWS BIG GROWTH EXILED. Salem. Or.—Governor West called a meeting of tbe state emergency board for Thursday morning, at which he suggested that a deficiency of 350,- , M0 be created to give employment on public roads for the next two months to men now out of work. He figures that the money will provide employ ment for 500 men at 32 a day and that the work will be of advantage to tbe state by hastening improvement of thoroughfares. e The decision to call the meeting was reached by the governor after C. C. McColloch. state senator. Mr. West's representative at the meeting of the unemplov«-d in Portland, had made his report Senator McColloch said that tbe meeting was orderly and he was convinced that the men actually de sired work. The governor said if the proposed road work is undertaken it would have to be done in tbe regular way through the state highway com mission. • Japanese near ner Home, and detain ed them until the arrival of the sher iff. State dairy and food commissioner Mickle has started a war on all deal ers who are said to be selling import ed New Zealand butter, branded as the home product. Evidence of al leged violations has been laid before the grand jury. The annual meeting of the Polk County School Officers' Association will be held at Monmouth Saturday. December 20. The first school offi cers' association in the state was formed in Polk county about eight years ago. and meetings have been held each year since. State Engineer Lewis announces that 33700.21 would be due the state January 1 for power development un der permitB issued by his department. The fees represent a charge of 25 cents for each theoretical horsepower a year, assuming 50 per cent plant ef- ftcency.. It is claimed that water power de velopment Is being retarded in this state through the uncertainty of what the annual fee charged by the state will be and the revocable permit is sued by the government for power sites on government land, according to State Engineer Lewis. Corporation Commissioner Watson has instituted In the supreme court mandamus proceedings against State Treasurer Kay to compel him to pay a warrant for legal services issued to Claude McCulloch, state senator and assistant of the corporation commis sion. The Pacific Coast Rescue mission of Portland has filed a request with the Pendleton Commercial club for the Atrcaases of 1000 of the jackrabbits to be killed during the rabbit drives in Umatilla county, and these will be used for food in the mission stations in the cities of the coast. The Pendle ton club has promised to ship the rab bits after, each drive ■k ♦ - ^9»” "FWMI MBS. Laraoe Passes Mrs. Mathilda Larson, wife of William Larson of South Mt. Tabor General Villa, rebel leader In North- I died the 16th Inst. Mrs. Lanon was ern Mexico, who is accused of confis cation «4 property and demands for i born in Sweden, in 1844. She was i married to Wm. Larson in 1866, and exhorbitant sums of money on enter came to America in 1870, settling at ing Chihuahua. the place that has been borne ever 1 since, in 1876. Mr. and Mrs. Larson INDIAN HELD AS BURGLAR have been prominent in the social Series of Robberies Alleged to Have affairs of their neighborhood. They I have been active workers in tbe Eve Been Committed in Portland. Portland.—Richard Mills, a Carlisle ning Star Grange and their family has Indian school graduate, one-fourth hail an important part in the social Sioux, and the owner of a 640-acre affairs of the eastern part of the country. She leaves to morn her, her husband farm 4n Nebraska, was arrested here for the alleged robbery of five houses. and seven children and six grand These are about one-half the house children. The children are Gustaf burglaries in Portland since Mills Larson of Me. Minnville; Charles, John R., Henry W. of Bull Run; Mrs. came here. December 9. Mills, the police charge, is finan- Geo. Picard, Theodore and Emma Lar daily well fixed, but steals for the son of Portland. love of the game. He has served a year in Deer Lodge, Mont, for bur Sons of Veterans Elect glary, it is alleged, and. it is also al The Monday evening session of the leged. that he served some time in the Washington state penitentiary in Wal Sone oi Veterans elected office re for the year as follows: Commander, Clarence la Walla for the same offense. Baser; 8. V., A, Strickrott; Jr, V., J. M. Chewer; C. C., F. Melvin, H. E. Washington Fruit Men Meet. Walla Walla. Wash.—Fruitmen of Prink and W. W. McDowell ;Secy., L. E. the state who held their annual con Wiley; Treae., J. W. Hammell; Color vention in Walla Walla commencing Bearer, Clayton Fish; Guide, Franklin Wednesday , heard one of the most im Fish; I. G., C. Fish; O. G , W W. portant programs ever prepared for McDowell. Installation will be given at the organization, leading fruitmen say. the next meeting, second Monday even Talks covered every phase of agri ing in January. The officers of the auxiliary will be installed at tbe same cultural and horticultural work. time. A full attendance ie desired. Wife-Murder Not Proved. Astoria.—The circuit court jury re turned a verdict acquitting F. Ferdi nand Fernandez of the charge of mur dering his wife. The women's ante mortem statement that she stabbed herself was the main evidence in the defendant's behalf. Bennet Chapel Patrons of the church at Bennett <'Impel prepared a Christmas entertain ment which was given to a good bouse on Tuesday night. There was a treat for all the children and a large number of presents distributed. Wheat in Need of Gluten. Pendleton.—In an attempt to raise Why We Have a Christmas Tree the percentage of gluten in wheat The people of Germany, Norway and grown in Umatilla county, a few local Sweden decorated the apple tree for farmers are importing some seed grain their mid-winter festival. It was in from Canada honor of Wodsn, God of light. The tree was decorated by gildeti apples and TELEPHONE STATISTICS. Of the more than twelve million represenUtion« of fish and birds. These telephones in'the world at the begin were to remind tbe people of the fruit ning of 1912, nearly eight and one- fulness of the sun After Christ was born, these people half millions, or more than two-thirds, were in the United States. That gave became Christians and worshipped one telephone to every eleven persons. Christ. They still bad the mid-winter Europe on the other hand, had only festival but it was on Christ’s birthday. They were taught that Christ was the 3,153.000 telephones, or one for every 126 of the population Denmark had beginning of a new life. Instead of a telephone for every twenty-four per using the apple tree they now used the sons. Germany one for every fifty-six, tir tree to remind them of the everlast Great Britain and Ireland one for ing life. They still decorate the tree, every sixty-five, France one for every not for XVcslan, but for Christ. 150, whereas .Austria had only one telephone for every 298 persons in There were 101,500 telephones Australia, or one for every forty-four persons, 36000 in Africa, and 88,000 in South America, but the huge popu lation «of Asia made use of only 205.000 instruments. M. E. CHURCH Preaching 11 A. M. and reception of members. Services at B«*nnett Chapel by J Stanford Moore; 3. P. M.. Eve ning service 7.30. Everybody in vited to tliem- services. W. Boyd Moore, Pastor.