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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1903)
'ORE HANDS # —«•-— —•+*—♦ ♦ I GEMS • IN VERSE «•*-- A T a le a n d Lhing, Burning Palms, Painful Finger Ends, With Brittle, Shapeless, Discolored Nails, As Wdl! as Roughness and Redness, ONE NIGHT TREATMENT Soak the hand« on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather o f Cuticura Soap. D ry ami anoint freely with Cuticura Ointment, the great pkin cure ami purest o f emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, or bandage lightly In old, soft cotton or linen. For red, rough and chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, witfh brittle, shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply w onderful, fre- curing in a single application. ? u uently no other w ay have Cuticura S«>np and Ointment demonstrated their aston ishing curative properties more effec tually than In the treatment o f the hands, especially when tortured with itching, burning and scaly eczema. Complete local and constitutional treatment fo r every humour o f the skiu, scalp and blood, w itIi loss o f h ir, may now be had for one dollar. Bathe freely with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleance tin* surface o f crusts and scales, and softcu the thickened cuticle. D ry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, Irritation and iutlam- ination, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take the Cuticura Resolvent Dills, to cool ami cleanse the blood. This treatment affords instant relief, permits rest und sleep in the severest forms o f eczema and other itching, burning and scaly humours, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure o f torturing, disfiguring humours from infancy to age, when all other remedies and the best physicians fail. C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y . Preaching hours at 11 and 7 :3B. M E. CH U RC H . ♦ — - - — Î • u M o r a l. T w o M rtti f 1 «* v/ out o f the south one «lay. A n d o ver the Joyous w crld H a th Hung « m .lo d y loud und sw eet A n d g la d ly its tired w ings fu rled. A nd one bird h igh on the tu lk s t tree /» place fo r its n estin g found. W h ile hum bly the o th er built its horn« L o w dow n on the coni.non g refund. A sh rike flew by, and It saw the nest T h a t sw a yed in the branches high, IJ u l the low built nest o f the h um ble bird H e saw not und passed It by. W h ic h points the m oral 1 w ish to sh ow : Though fOrtunt has cast y o u r lot L o w dow n in ihi . w orld w ith the h u in bl« ones. T h e ills that s trik e a t the m ansion o ft P a ss o ver the h um ble cot. —L o w e ll O. R ee se in San F ra n cis co B u l letin. A H o o k y M o u n t a in B u r r o ’ « H e r o l t . I'm a K o c k y m ou ntain bu rro; no honors h a v e i sought. B u t I 'v e n ever m et w ith Justice fio n i the duy that 1 w as ca u gh t; I'm l i d on sh ortest t a lions, and P in called a ploddin g n.ule, B u t s till there s m a n y a man th a t's sm art that n ever w en t to scnool. N o w , brains are v e r y handy, but plodding, 1 h ave lound, Can m atch them p r e tty clo sely In the w ork th a t's good and sound; M en think o f me and speak o f m e as be- inK ju st a fool, B u t I 'v e tbai-overed lon g ere this th a t I'm ' a useful tool. I helped tin- ra ilroa d m agnates w hen I toiled up old P ik e ’s peak T o cu rry ra ils and lu m ber fo r a w ork 1 did not seek, A n d w ith m y burden on m e I n ever did com plain, , B u t m e rely le t the nabobs g e t the g lo ry o f m y gain . I tru dged up ro c k y places w ith a b ig and h ea vy pack Just cinched as tigh t as could be across m y a ch in g L u c k , W ith blank« ts, picks and sh ovels, a ll a m in er w ished to take, B u t 1 never shared the fo rtu n es a ll m y effo r ts In Iped to make. I ca rried ca m p in g ou tfits fo r hun ters by the score. W h o n ever once reflected th a t a b u jro 's bones w ere sore A s th e y pla n cl th e ir ga m e upon me. w ith horns and h oofs und hide, A n d helped to m end m y pace a b it w ith a blow and curse beside. I'm fed on s a ge and cactus or a piece of pinon tree ; T h e y think that a n y th in g ut all is good enough fo r me. W h ile hor.- ea in line stables, sta n d in g idle most the day. A r e giv en good a lfa lfa , plen ty corn und o ats and tiny. W h ile all th • cobs and pacers whl h ar* harness d up so line, W ith the ir« tie rs and the racers, ari all Wte SPORTING WORLD K e iif e r u * « B r la h t World’s Best Medicine. F u tu re . Jockey Arthur Redfern has been a fxtptilur topic among horsemen ever »luce the announcement that he is to ride for W. C. W hitney next season. The agile youngster's contract calls for $15,000, and It must lie admitted that, while his services are worth that sunt, he is very lucky to lie made so fine an offer. Kedfern w ill receive f 20,000 in 1004 If he consents to renew Has the contract. The $ Is a retaining fee for first Paine’s Celery Compound cures disease! call on Ids service*. In addition he It has saved the lives of thousands of sufferers. w ill receive tin* usual riding fees o f p has made the weak strong, vigorous, and $25 for w inn ing und $10 for losing happy. •m I’aine’s Celery Compound purifies the blood and builds up the nervous system as nothing else can do; it is pre-eminently the great life giver and health maker. Overworked and tired women stand in ur gent need of this health giving prescription to make and keep them well. AU women should take advantage of the remarkable power of this loist of medicine for restoring vigor to the blood and strength to the nervous system. Hie all-important thing for nervous, run down, ami sleepless women is that Paine’s Celery Compound fortifies the whole physical system, mil liy correcting digestion and regulating the Bervis, it insults sound, refreshing sleep. In every case of sickness Paine’s Celery Com pound completely and permanently bring . back health. Mrs. Mary M. Myers, Balti more, Ohio, saved by Paine’s Celery Compou/id after the failures of able physicians, gratefully writes as follows:— “ I suffered for eight years with nervous prostration and the general debility common to women, and had such pains in my back *hal I could not get around the house. I used several remedies and consulted several of the best physicians without obtaining any relief. Paine’s Celery Compound restored me to health. “ I also want to say to all mothers that Paine’s Celery Compound is a splendid nu.:1*- cine for their children.” P A IN E ’S C E L E R Y COM POUND Has Made People WeU When Every Other Remedy Failed. Diamond D y S 6 Home~i Ttey Hake Old Clothes Look New. JOCK MY ARTHUR REDFEBN. mounts. This stun will net $5.000. Sec ond call on his services w ill be as much, while outside mounts will figure up about $15.oo0— $10.000 in all. His fees from horse owners who se cure him to ride when not regularly engaged by bis stable are very ,large. Take, for instance, the amount he earned at Brighton Beach, N. Y „ last summer. Fit* made $3,000. Most of I the owners pay him an increase over ; tiie regulation fee. In most Instances he receives from $50 to $200 for win ning mounts. Direction book and 45 dyed sample* free. DIAM O N D D YES, Burlington, Vt. abandoned woman who died o f hunger In her lonelin. ss and with whisky near her. had probably strong excuses for tlieir weakness and failure. “ But let their sad eliding be none the loss a lesson to you. young men. “ Bear In mind that motto oil the bar room mirror and say to yourself: 1 shall have no whisky jokes in my ca reer. I ’ ll give up whisky and never give it a chance to make me give up my business. * “ Remember that safety as wrell as self respect and the duty of setting a good example demands that you let the stuff alone. “ Make up your mind that if you fail in your life work It w ill not be because you exchanged all your prospects for a fuddled feeling In the head, an abnor mal quickening o f the pulse, some hours wasted in bragging and a head ache well deserved.” A S IM P L E B RO O D ER. E . A. M cN e ar of Metro*«, M ass .. sends Poultry Keeper plans o f a brood er which Is his own Idea and which he claims w ill raise every eltiek put luto It. It can he made any length, partitlotied off. and the chicks can go in and «ait o f the sides Instead o f the etui. Take a box .1 feet long. 1 foot wide im i 11 _» feet deep. Cut a round hole in i ich end six or eight Inches in clrcum- f. renco, according to the size o f the ,tovepipe. 1 use elulit Im-li common tin pipe, the same as they use on furnace to heat a house. The cover tuyl hot loin can be on hinges, so they cun be let down or lifted up und cleaned in tw o minutes. The pipes should have tw o elbow's. Tlx* one at tN* back should turn down, and the one at the other end should turn up, so there can be a cover to it, with tw o or three small holes punched in the cover so as not to waste too much In at. I use a single burner oil stove. This stove will heat a brooder ten or tw elve feet long. Pn ck <i?i«l C o « !’*«* O i l t n r e . It requires tw en t;-eigh t days to hatch both goose and duck eggs. Ducks should be kept shut up over night in laying season, as they lay very early in the morning. Keep them in the pen until they have deposited their eggs. I f permitted to have their liberty, they sometimes drop their eggs in the grass or in the water, which then cannot be found. On tlie other ha ml, geese will seek a nesting place in buildings or around stacks o f straw. The early broods o f ducklings and goslings should he hatched under hens. A fte r they are hatched keep them in a small yard in which you have placed a coop for shelter. They «!o much better if this is done for about tw o weeks than if allowed their liberty. See to It that they have plenty o f water while eat ing. Feed them often, four or live times a day. when young. Keep young geese and ducks from puddling or swimming in cold water. They should not ba allow ed on ponds until the down has changed, and even then it is not necessary they should have a pond. When hatched, feed nothing for twen ty hours. Their first food should con sist o f breadcrumbs soaked in milk. Hard boiled eggs mixed with cooked eornmeal is excellent for a few’ days, after which feed anything they yvill eat. It is conceded by those who have had the experience that ducks and geest* are more easily raised than any kind o f poultry and are quite as profit able. It is indeed surprising that so many poultry raisers are without these profitable birds as an addition to their business.—J. R. Rrabrazon in Farm und Ranch. mansa i* U bjr Wilson Drug Co. ORIGINAL S I Y L E 8 AN O O LD O N E S RE V IV ED W IT H T H E SEASON. Be good t«» vour lain! and your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash in the fertilizer spells quality | r.nd quantity in the bar- vest. Write us and v/e will send you, j ree, by next mail, our money winning books. olkmas kau works , .' I,nc>« ArrunirrnirntN F o r the Neck unit Should«*#« Very I*t»|n»Iar— An E x«isl> lte Fur Hat—Fulllu** I'ulnta In F a vo r—More Siianirlea. I New York. A JM M SE L L K irs JO K E MUNN X Co.38'0'«*' *** New York A Golden Rule of Agriculture: 9i Nissuu Strut, pui It*to dm* Preach in g Sunday m orning and ev T o be p e in d a i :<I adm ired a t a h orse show. ening. Sunday school at 9:45. Ep- o r a fair. T h e I.a t«*a t A n t o R e c o r d . Y o u 'll find that not a place Is l«;ft to put wortli league at 6 :.‘i* Prayer meet Now the automobile has traveled a a burro there. ing Thursday even in g.— H .N . Rounds, mile In forty-six seconds. Henri Four pastor. nier’s great performance in Paris re But I suppose us bu rros must a g r e e w ith one a- : • >r«I cently, when he reduced the world’s T h a t virtue, thou gh u nrecogn ized, w ill best mark by a full second to forty- HAl'TIH'i CHURCH. brin g i o . a rew ard. seven and two-fifth seconds, was con Preaching Sunday m orning and e v In spite o f this I now intend to kick when l 'v e u chance; sidered a wonderful performance and ening. Sunday school at 10. h 'i I 'll no lor.; i l,< a m a r ty r v ir tu e 's king- one it was thought would stand for P U, a t0 ;? O Prayer m eeting W e d dom to enhance. years. But on the same road that Four nesday e g.— .). R. G. Russell, —H a r r y F.llard in C in cin n ati C om m ercial nier mad«* his great ride M. Angieres Tribu ne. pastor. lias created new figures, driving his P l a y i n g : B u t t * r fly . I machine » mile one and two-fifth sec- W e ’ re ca te rp illa rs on the grou n d ; - PKB SB YTK H IAN CHURCH L I Q U O R E V I L IN A F R I C A . l onds faster. W ( d e e p end ere« p ami cru w l It might he said that the conditions Presetting Sunday m orning and e v A m i nibble at the m y rtle le a v e « ening. Sunday school at 10. Chris o f the M. Angieres trial were more fa E lo q u e n t P r o t c a t t o K n ln e r b y G e r A lo n g the ga rd en wall. m a n M iM M lonu riea. thin Endeavor at 0:30. Prayer meet vorable than those of Fournier. The A ft e r a w h ile the rig h t tim e com es In a lengthy report the Catholic mis j day was bright and the roads in fiue ing Thursday even in g.— W . T. W ar- T o be a ch ry sa lis condition. Fournier, it is said, w ill now sionaries of the German colony o f dle, pastor. A n d fold o u rselve s in tigh t cocoons; Our aprons do fo r this. ; try to beat the latest record, and there Togo, W est Africa, appeal to the G o v e rn m e n t W h lt e * v n «h . ! i are those who believe that he will suc kaiser, “ because their own aud the The governm ent recipe for white W e w ra p o u rselve s and fa il asleep C H R IS TIA N CHURCH. labors o f other Christian missionaries ceed in placing a new mark. A n d drea m a ll sorts o f th in gs; wash, which is used on lighthouses Pie.tch ing Sunday m orning and e v M. Angieres Is said to be a pseudo among the blacks are in vain, as the and other government buildings where A t last w e stir am i w ake, and, oh, ening. Bible sebo 4 at 10 Senior W e find that w e h ave w ings! nym used to cover the identity o f a German schnapps barons flood the whitewash is required, is said to be Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Bibl country with cheap fusil, turning the wealthy Parisian tru reliant. The uu the best formula there is. It Is as fo l W h a t fun to Hit and fly about. class and prayer me* ting I'lim.-da tomobile he used is o f the same make natives Into drunkards." The report lows: Put tw o pailfuls o f boiling water O ur w h ite w in gs spread out w ide! e v e n in g — L. Green, pastor. and size as the one used by Henri says that on an average 2,889 quarts o f in a barrel ai *i add one-lmlf bushel o f T o tasue the d a in ty , d e w y Pow ers A n d o v e r s o il g la s s g lid e ! Fournier when the latter made his rec rank potato schnapps are introduced well burned fresli quicklime. Put in into that small colony, containing 118 ord. fa iry play It 's better ¿han a j quickly one peck of common salt dis- EV A N G E LIC A L CHURCH. Europeans all told. A n d : .o n d« k g ,tful. !oo, Preaching Sunday m orning sud e v “ Rum.” say the missionaries, “ ac : solved in hot water and cover the I.I a I i I lla rn c M w I t c c n r d « . • .nuke be Me F r fa n y j barrel tightly to keep in the steam enin g at the M. E. church, south. ad qu ite tru \\ t.He ti Am ong the trotters and pacers the companies the German black from the while the lime is slacking. When tlx* Sunday school at 10. Christian En best records for the past season are as cradle to the grave; when coming Into w orm s «lo Jus • ng A nd l violent bubbling Is over, stir until well diMVor at 6 :30. Prayer m en in g Thurs follow s: Trotters—Horse, Poindexter, the world he is saluted by a schnapps ■ mixed together, and if necessary add day even ing.— A. A. W inter, pastor, itk. is w hy by Abbotsford. 2:09; mares, Susie J., orgy, the young buck buys bis bride German schnapps, schnapps ; more boiling water, so as to have the 2:06V. Dolly Rid well, by Inglewood, with mass like thick »ream. Strain through 2:08V-.: Anzella, by Antrim, 2 :0 8 V geld makes brothers out o f the chief and x sieve or coarse cloth. Make a thin \ W H e H n le . ing, The Monk, by Chimes, 2:07; four the wicked fetich priest, schnapps is used to rob the blacks o f their land j starch o f three pounds o f rice fidur The Ihi'nse ccmmissloners of year-old colt Directum Spier, by I)i and one pound o f strong glue, having Gloucestor. Musa.. Ini ve manie It n rii!«- rectum, 2:11V*; four-year-old filly, Ga- and schnapps plays n leading part at first soaked the glue in cold water, and tini t wlicn n drunknrd lina borii vatta, by Milroi. 2:1 H i; three-year-old their cannibal festivals. The black is s¿ j w ' - i g v « - to the latter mixture add tw o pouuds bronci» t In foi«* thè court* unti con filly, Confretiza. by James Madison, getting more and more demoralized by i of whiting. Add this to the lime wash vteted o f 1 1 1 «* folli tilt* nulo«)» kce*iH*rs 2:21 Vi; new performer. Rhythmic, by the wholesale* introduction of schnapps, and also sufficient hot .water to dilute ere notlfied hot tu nell hitn liquor for Oakland Baron, 2:00VV Facing Horse, which, by the way. Is our only item of to the proper consistency. Keep hot six moni tu». Dan Patch, by Joe Patchen, 1:59V4’. Import at Lowe, Porto Segura and L it I while applying. It w ill require about II'IM C M X O W mart's, Fanny Dillard, by Hal Dillard. tle Popo harbors.’’ [O N K D O L L A R Three African monarc •lis. Emperor sIx 9U:irts oi t!ie mixture to iuo square 2:05Vi: Twinkle. 2 : 0 5 V geldings. Prince feet o f surface, and it may be made F o r O v e r S ix ty Y e a r s . T I h t p I iii ’ s nevor Lei n n rem e Alert, 2 :0 3 V Dan M., by Tasco, Jr.. Mcnelik, K in g Lewanika and K in g any color desired. An old and well tried remedy. Mrs. j Kliama, have barred the entrance of dy tlm t no* imlly cured pile-i 2:04'\j; three-year-old filly. Coast Marie, W in slo w ’s Soothing Syrup inis been I untd t liii <>ne wn. ilia overe I by ( ’oastman. 2:23V*: new performer, drink into their territories. Thus sober Q u a l i t y a n il P r i c e . used for over sixty ve.ira by m i'lions «•! j and enlightened heathens are teach by Dr. I'erriu. T h ere ia not n Eldorouc, by Box Elder, 2:05V*. Quality is essential to securing good mothers for th eir children while teeth ing civilized Europeans valuable les person who nutter* from thi* prices. W e should aim, says M in or in g, with perfect success. I t soothe*» sons lu wise government. (I slre.niiiK dinenre who i* not and Farmer, to have the chicken as the ch ild , softens the gums, allays nil wdlin^t to pay -f 1 to lutve I lie F ly ln u J ll i ’a Pacem aker. full on the breast ns the turkey, and it pain, cures wind colic and is the hesl cause removed perm anently, Ferdinand, the pacemaker which was is not at all impossible to do so, as is rem edy fur diarrhoea. Is pleasant to WHISKY MOTTO THAT CARRIES ITS lm m edittte rennlt*, nml you bitclx d wit Ii Flying Jib when he paced shown by a comparison o f the Games the taste. S«>1«| by druggist- in every tnke it— that’, nil. OWN WARNING. In 1:58'/4 eight years ago. is still in ne nml Dorkings with the Asiatics. As we part o f the world 25 cents a l»«*tth tlve service and prompted Miss Logan decrease the inclination in fow ls to tly Its value is incalculable. Be sure nod T o o M a n y T r a a ,. a t«** th «» U o x u l t o f in a recent exhibition mile in 2:05 at we reduce the muscle In the breast. ask for Mrs. W in slow ’s Soothing Sy F o llo u iiiK th e t ir ln i % «Jvlee, “ I f The Brahma, which cannot fly at all, Stockton. Cal rup and take no oilier kind. W l i i n k j 1 u t e r f t - j -«» m W i t h \ u i i r Itui*ii- has a sharp, prominent breastbone, for D e t r o i t W a n t « T e n n e y . n e m , G i v e I ;> l o u r U iiM iu eN «.“ as the wings are seldom used the €' ■ fi«-«*rul:<u Ii Id f a r t e r . Detroit is still after Fred Tenney, breast Is deficient in meat, although ll«>\\ quickl.v a glow* «{in wipe off Tlie praiseworthy temperance edi having offered him $2.500 more for the the fram e exists, while the Game, the bright varnish Cut hia/uns tin torials in the Henrst papers continue tiext two years than he will r<*c«d\«* which uses its wings for flying apd front «»f a lighter Kid in n e r had 50 YE A R S ’ in week day and Sunday issues alike. from Boston This is on condition in* iIso offensively when necessary, has a E X P E R IE N C E s sent, centri row A in the pugilistic The Chicago Am rican recently printed can get Ins ivli-ase from Boston arena a Ihth* while ago Tummy U.vai* one entitled “ The Whisky ‘Joke’ on the and Jack lUmt sang Inm u lul ahy that I Barroom Mirror.” It notes a barroom sounded very much Ilk«* "G o \\n* Bn* on the tuirror o f which was Inscribed, and Sil Down." “ li whisky Interferes with your busi And puot Garter lias found liitnsoi. ness. give np your business." The « i t o f the running And tiure yo T waoe M a r k s Anieriean describes tw o sad whisky are. or. n il h e r u ■« D is io n s tragedies in the current news and then C o r v r ig h t s A c . T h e scratch id a pin may caose ih- Anrons Mauling a sketrh snd «Iwicrlntlnn nisy says: qnlrklT tuu'srtNiii our opinion free wnother an T h e lin im e n t b ottle and flannel strip are h*M* of a Ii nil or o w n death whci Miveutlon i* i>r«»hsbly piMentAblo. ('ommunlrn- "N o names are printed here; no tloii!« mrtolly »•■»itldentlal. H A N D B O O K o n l’ntenU fam ilia r o b je c t» in nearly e ve ry household. blood poip«»ning res.ilts fy mi th** in names are mnded. You read such «ont fr«*o. (»Most nuenry fo r ne«nirli»K imtentn. '*ntnnlN taken tni'oiiwh Munti & C o .----- ’ ■ T h ey are the w eapons that have been used for ju iy . A ll danger of this may h* pieces of news, «julekly told in eoin- rial notte«, without chmge, in the generations to figh t old Rheum atism , and are av«»ided. h-.wev. r. I»> pr-onp ly apply j m<>nplace language, every «lay. I f you a V u t as effective in the battle w ith th is g ia n t ing Cli,«nil**r|ai.i’s P in Balm. 1 i \ read attentively the grswsome tale of an an*to-ptic ami q in k lieslin g lut- : A handsomely illns'rntsd w«H*k1r. l.nrsoAt elr- life ’s tragedies ami failures, the sui disease as the blunderbuss o f our forefathers cu!ntt«m o f nnr «rlsitlflo Jouriml. Term*. $3 a would l>e in modern warfare. ¿»•"•ul f> i e m f. I t i i m .« an*l bum s. Foi | yoar; fonr month«, $ * 1 . s<ì 'iMd ‘ by all ‘ TU»wi*aoMlers. cides and murders, you w ill usually R heum atism is caused b y an acid, sour •ule l»y W ilson Drug Co. fil'd the partly empty whisky bottle It is filled w ith acrid, irrita tin g m atter that settle* Branon (XU««, «Í25 F 8t„ Washington, I». C. sticking out smnewhere in the narra con dition o f tlie blood. in the join ts, m uscles and nerves, and lin im en ts and o ils nor n oth in g The P ow er. tive. in almost every ease you find else applied e x te r n a lly can d islo d ge these g ritty , c orro d in g particles They Or«*:»t scDnttst* cx|x»*.md thetr views that the unfortunate one lias taken the in t»V ns itlw.nise and maty. were deposited there b y the blood and can be reached o n ly th rou gh th e blood. w itty salo.u owner’s advice, *lf whis A:«, ^atnu mothr p. <*rs .uni laws. ky interferes with your business, give R ubbin g w ith lin im e n ts som etim es relieve tern Dorati ly the aches and W idth fount) a trifle era*' pains, but these are o n ly sy uptom s w hich are liable to return w ith e ve ry Now whm make« my small world gc up yotir business.* rou n«l "W e do not wish to preach or mor change o f the w e a th e r; tiie real disease lies deeper, th e blood and system Is n«'f the least bit hazy. arc infected. Rheum atism cannot he ra dically and p en n an en tly cured alize unduly. It Just revolves snout---about— "M en nml women have drunk trntil the blood has been purified, and no rem edy does th is so th o ro u g h ly Oh, well, hi r name Is Daisy! - H L Stine in New York News. through nil ages. They drink less now ami p ro m p tly as S. S. S ’ It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream —— — o f rich, stro n g blood to th e affeited parts, which than ever, fortunately. N«* uh > o f them dissolves and washes out all foreign m aterials, and the W hen you fee blue md ¡lis t r*cr will doubtless continue to drink as sufferer obtains happy re lie f frou: the to rtu rin g pains. tilin g g o t« wnm g, fake a «|.»se «»: i long ns hard work, keen competition, S. S S. contains no potash o r oth er m ineral, but C h .*m b er!*fiiV Stomach and L m r ' unwise living, disappointed hopes ami is a perfect vegeta ble blood p urifier and most T a b le t* T 'e y will deans«* aim ) jn\| constant temptation to escape life ’s orate y o u r stom ach, n g u la te y«»nr realities shall continue to make whis e x liila ra tin g tonic. O u r physicians w ill advise, w ith ou t charge, all who w rite shunt tlieir case, and we will send free our s jx x ia ! book on Rheum atism bowels, g iv e you a relish for your food I ky apparently a friend. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. and m ake you fe d that in this old "T h e young man who killed himself and its treatment. world is a good place to live. F o r I n « ir the half empty l»ottle. the sad. Scientific American. NEW YEAR MODES. T h e O r ig in a r «» !* , W h o Sm y* I t D o «*« (h a W o r k , l o i In i b i H l o M a k e it . T h e fashions o f the new year start o ff with some decided touches o f orig inality. hi the tw o sketches hers given may be found evidence o f tills assertion. That new and elegant motif o f the modes, the stole, lias progressed from fur to lace, and here you may see it rendered in real crochet of white, cream or ecru color with incrusted squares o f black filet lace aud small cloth revers o f color to match the lace with an embroidered border in black or self colored silk. The lovely fur hat shown furnished the crowning touch to a very chic f »roast tilled with muscle, yet It is rar lohind the. turkpy In that respect. There is room for Improvement in this characteristic, and it can be done with careful selection without In any man ner impairing the laying qualities. W h ea t an«l iln«*ktvlieat. There Is not a great deal of difference in the feeding value o f bucUwhyat and wheat, pound for pound, the buck wheat being a little more fattening than wheat. It is a good winter feed Hid may be fed as one feed tw o or three days in the week if It Is not too High priced. W e would uot pay more for a pound o f buckwheat than we would for a pound o f wheat.—Corn iner tial Poultry. K o e p i i i » C h ic k e n « W ith o u t W a t e r . This subject was discussed in A m er ican journals a few years ago, but the real facts o f the case seldom are pre seated in a convincing manner. No practical chicken fancier doubts for a moment the necessity o f supplying w a STOLE COLLAR OF CROCHET LACE, ter «>r liquid food to fowls, especially in warm weather. As fa r as w e can learn toilet. Guipure lace covers the crown the advocates o f "n o w ater" feed their ami tucked blue chiffon lines tlie brim chickens and fow ls soft food which o f this beautiful and graceful confec contains a fair percentage o f moisture. tion in sealskin, the brim o f which is Consequently their claim that w ater is overhung with a fine ostrich tip of not a necessity must be discounted to brown to match the fur. A better Il a great extent. The modern system o f lustration o f millinery modes and a feeding chickens is based on a dry mix handsomer winter hat would be hard ture o f the various grains, and such a to find. diet demands the addition of liquid Falling points are a great feature of food. W e have never seen any ill e f present fashions. Lace scarfs are so fects o f allow ing even young chickens manipulated on evening gowns as to to partake o f water or milk, provided produce tlx* effect o f peplums, forming ! the latter was pure and not offered in points on sides and front. The effect unlimited quantities. IIo w a chicken o f length is produced in short waisted fancier can ever delude himself that bodices by fringes drooping from the ! pure w ater is not relished by a chicken, breast. | young or old, is a mystery to us. Let Combined collar and fichu trimmings 1 such a mortal get up on a dry. warm (minus the long fichu ends) are in fact i July morning and watch the robins a soft vam lyke veiling on the top of I and other birds suck in the grateful the arms and the most graceful trim ! moisture on grow ing vegetation and ming imaginable for a low bodice. W e I also watch how eagerly the flock of find collars, capes, cravats, fichus, | chickens aw aits the coming of the w a stoles, or whatever form they may tering pot. It takes but a few drops of take. In guipure, brussels, lion i ton, i w ater to satisfy the most skeptical per- Irish crochet and the like. ' son that the instinct o f the feathered Ail these neck and shoulder frills are animal demands water. It may bo true ! in high fav« r as the finish for blouse, that some men can get along without bodice and bolero. water, but chickens— never Silver and nickel paillettes and mother o f pearl ami silver cup sequins B r i g h t ’ s D is e a s e . add new variety to the array o f span T h e l »rg« *>. «m n e ve r paid for a pre j gles that figure in evening dress gar M*ri* ion, c h a n g e d bands in San Fran - nitures. n -c n A n g iM 30ih, 1901 The There is no sort o f a gown for any f iuvolvodin coin and stock $112,500 occasion which lace may not auoru. If i < 11(1 was paid bv a puny ol business one so wishes. I q,. n bn a >-pioilic for B right’s disease The single, ostrich feather, in the | and diabetes, h ith erto iucurable dis- longest and most luxurious form, is the <*a-«*». T linv com m enced I be >ei ious stylish ornament for many o f the popu lives? ¡gallon o f the ¡qwcilic N o v i m lar large picture hats o f velvet or felt. h er 15: b, 1900. T h e y interview ed Now that the fiat crowned hat is well cor«-* of tli • cured and tried it o u t on established, it does not strike one with ns m erits by pm lin g over three doze «•M?»es « n 'b e trea tm en t and watching h« m T h e y also go t physicians 1« ii, n»» chronic, incurable capes, an*! d m iu i-tered it with the physicians oi I judge*. U p to A u gu st 25th, eight.' -even p e rc e n t of Mu test cases w k eith er well or piogrensing favorably. |'h«*re being but thirteen per cent oi aim res, the p artita were satirfied and . l..»e ! the irametOiiou. T ile proceed iugr .»f the in vestigatin g com m ittee .»ml the clinical reports o f the tem «•uses were published and \' .ll be niail- • i fr. e on application. Address Join» I F ” It'»n C om pan y, 420 M on tgom ery street, 8an Francisco, California. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TIME TABLE CORVALLIS MAIL-DAILY 7 ;Wlam Lv.......... \ Portland............Ar B’.SO p ni in 46 a m Lv............. Derry............,Lv2;18 p m li:45|>niA r ...... Oorvalli»...... Lv 1:20 pm At Albany and Orv«!M« connect with trains of ! Oregon Central ami Easter.» railroad. DALLAS PA88ENGKR— DAILY, EX. SUNDAY FOO p m Lv...... I 7:_0 p m A r ....... . P< »rtland.. Dudas.. ArlO 20 a m .Lv 7:00 Y A M H IL L DIVISION: Passenger -u pot f*.ot of JeliVr-on str« et A HU. IE FR E IG H T —TUI W E E K LY Le$ve 7:40 a m ...... Portland...... Arrive 3:32 pm L e a .<• 3.0*1 p m .............. D alias.......... Arrive S :*20 a ir. Arrive 5.05 p m ........... A iriie ..............Leave 7 00 a n CsrvalHs fc Eastern Railroad. T I M E C A**D N O No 2 f(*r Y n q u in a : 1 2 :4 5 p ni Leaves Albany . 2 :00 p m ¡.•■¡* ves Corvallis (> .25 p m A * ri v. s Yrxjuina No 1 r r tu rn in g! Lt aves A’ q in » . F) :45 a m Le ivt*s C(n vj-.llivS. 11 :30 ii n Arrives Alban y . 1 2 :1 5 p m l N 5 for !><•’ r it : 7 no I aavch A lb Any 12 0 5 A ’ rive* D troii No. I from IK*'m il : L e w * h D. troil . . 1 2 :45 * m A i iv**f* A loan v . 5 :3 5 h m I n in s la u d 4 arrive in M any i.» t in* to connect * i ' b the S. 1*. south Inui*!«! *rain as wed a.-* wiving two or three hours in A n any 1»« fore depart- ur*. of'S P n «r 'h hnm.d train. T r a in N . 2 . o n n e c t s v ip h th e s p P a in * at tV rv. lli* anil Albany k) »» •- d irer: 8« i vivo to N ew port ami ndj.t ■- ♦*nt i*e *e lie 4 . Train 3 for D etroit, Rrei'cnhueh and oth er m ount tui resur • ie.ives A l bany jit 7 :00 |> ni aft* r th»- arrival <»f S. P. south botin i ti:i n from Portland reach ing fV troit si 1 2 .0 0 p in For further ii form ation apply to EDWIN STONE, manager. J. T U R N E R , agen t, Albany. 11. H .C R O N li^ E , agent, Corvallis B A T IN SEALSKIN AND CHIFFON. unj surprise that there Is a w hisper o f very high crowned hats and quite small chapeaux in the near future. A il indications point to the fact that the “ jupe eollante," or clinging skirt, is numbering the later milestones on its road to desuetude. The yoke skirt is now an accom plished fact, as is even the skirt o f full plaits, carried straight up into the waistband, appalling though this pros pect certainly Is to all but the very slender sisters. AM Y VARNUM . T h e A m e r ic a n C o rs e t R e ig n s S u p re m e The Am erican corset reigns supreme In the world o f fashion. The American consul at Nottingham. England, informs tlx* state department that American corsets rule the Eng lish markets ami so fair eclipse the French corsets that Paris makers are forced to get their patterns from the Vnited States. H I * S w c o c * *. A writer in Country Gentleman gives these reasons for his success with arti ficial methods: Keeping chicks lu ma chine at least thirty-six hours after all were hatched; feeding only when hun gry and not ^po ranch: grit and bone- meal mixed with all soft feed from the first day; reducing heat in brooder as «luickly as possible and as soon as chicks could stand It; plenty o f fresh air and exercise and ns soon as possi ble after being placed in brooder, weather permitting.