Image provided by: Dallas Public Library; Dallas, OR
About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1903)
L 0 0 .4 L AND G E N E R A L W H A T W E H A V E L E A R N E O D U R IN G T H E W E E K F R O M A L L A V A IL - A b le S o u r c e s D is h e d u p fo r O u r N u m e r o u s F a m i l y of R e a d e r s In A b r e v ia t e d P a r a g r a p h s , For grocerks go to Osfleld's. Spectacles and glasses ul I’ fonoigV M. Hay ter, dentist, Wilson building A C. Dirnmick a* the wagon bridge b is for sale oat, cheat >uql timothy bay, also bran, chop and oats. Go to him for your horse and cow feed, which will be delivered anywhere in town. Frank Brown went to Salem and engaged Imm Edward Ellis at the Fleur de Lissom e choice, frtsh can* die« lo he sent over daily. Immense lots of new g«*od* are ar riving at the Bee Hive store. L tdie&’ dross goids and trim 111104« in greater and more attractive variety 111a.11 ever before. Their new shin waist« soon to arrive are in all res} 1 i ts extra goo-1 anil will not fail to f.e praised by all ladi- a who take a close look at them. They have many oilier taking new things. Mr Uglow has leased one of hit; new Mill street store rooms to Judge Bird and Mr. Jacobson • f McMinnville, and about the tirsi of June they will open there u nice line o g. nts clothing and furnishing goods The C. E. Herren farm south of M< »nmowtli has been «oid to a Mi. timitli, of Dallas. Herman Tarter, who w is raised on Pedee and educated in Corvallis, li s just returned from seven months' special chemical training in San Fran cisco, and lias been chosen as depu'v food and dairy commissioner of Ore gou at a salary of $1.000 a year, lie ha« gone to Portland to assume his duties. The sheriff has already collected perhaps half of all the taxes and by the middle of April will have taken in at least three-fourths of the whole amount. Mrs. F. A. Burdon, of Oregon City, is visiting her parents, E. Bailey and wife, of the Bethel hills. The revival meetings at the South Methodist church will continue over next Sunday. Mrs. Harry Dunn, who has been in the Salem hospital under treatment, is much improved and F. J Chapman is recovering from a severe attack of lagrippe. The now bunk vault is completed, the front doo- lias been moved to the south corner of the room and a beau tiful steel ceiling is being put up. Tom Newlmid and Irvine Smith are to set out 14 acres of bops iu the But ler vicinity. Mrs I Claggett, of Independence, has had a serious stroke of paralysis. The Conrad Smith farm near Rick- re all has been rented to a Nebraska man. C. L. Hopkins, of Falls City, is wor king at the Peedee sawmill. J. R. Cooper is arranging to burn 300,000 brick at Independence, and i- having 200 cords of wood cut for that purpose. The January r« port of some of those who furnished milk to the Independ ence creamery is as follows: E. N Hall, seven cows, $48; Frank Lough- ary, six cows. $43; VV. W Smith, eight cows, $05; H. Mafison. nm* cows, $84; W. O. Mo;row, 11 cow . $94: I M. Simpson, 18 cows, $93. H. P. McN iry and others have «old t Thomas Holman lots and lands in and around Eola for $8,000. These Dallas college girls last F i- day evening in our gymnasium tack led a like number from Rickreall and came out second best. We mean Hattie Teats, Ethel Ballantyne, Ed” a Hayes, Rebecca Gates, Maud and Vangie Hart. The Dixieitcs weie Mrs. Hill McDaniel, Mrs. T. D. Mc Dowell, Grace Burch, Dora Roy, An gie and Helen Southwick. It was the iirst public appearance of the D a l l a s team, while their opponents bad b» fore engaged in several contests. SA LEM B USINE S S SUCGESTIOnS. C ir c le D ay a t t n # C a r n iv a l. PA LLS O T Y . U. D. Hniwii, will« Town# ml A The first day of the Woodman car Hart, will do »11 kind» o* .letioKraphie Schramm’s feed yard at the steel The March se««ion of Mono grange nival here in June will he known hh work mid i# for lypognipllio »up was held at Lewisville ami Rev. T. P. bridge catches nearly all Polk county i Circle day, and the vim with which plum. _ 1 Haynes w «« admitted to membership the circles of the county are taking teams because of convenience and The voting |M*ople of the Prtmhyteri- [ by demit. Frank Butler was installed hold of the mailer makes it certain to i good treatment. All wraps and pack- j ages may safely ho left there. »11 church mo »rnitiirin« t«> bold » ! master and Eleanor Butler lady as : be one of the biggest day« of the four. fair H.irlv in June to procure nn-»n» | Histaut sh W a r d . A pleasant meeting | The coiniiiitteo have allowed them lo buy a hell for heir church. The j wa* held wnh a good dinner. Mr. $ 10 0 for drill priz< i. $50 for the robes At Johnson’* »tor. they are making loader* are full of enlhu-mmn uud per j Jam« « of Milwauke* grange, Clacka of the queen and $ 1 0 each for her six big reductions on all kinds of winter mas county, was a visitor, aeVeieuee, two ip!»li<ic* that goneial maids of honor. Each circle will have clothing to make room for spring ly make llnngl no. Frank Butler has «owed 18 acres of one or two candidates for queen, and goods soon to arrive. Ask what dis- i "ouuts they will make on rainy Jack While, of the F.ola hill*, ha* clover, the ««« d Untig inoculated with will elect one maid of honor. Dallas weather clothing. Be sure to not buy lieeo appointed it nuanl at the peni i culture of ba« teria to promote circle has nominated Mr«. Wm Ta growth, supplied by the bureau of ti »in i v ** Mrs. G N Oherrmgton for | any spring clothing until after having tentiary. queen and elected Miss Nannie Whirr examine«! their attractive offerings. plant industry, VVaHhingt'Mi, D. C. There will Iw a bit; meetimt of I’o- as their maid of honor. In our next Headwear and footwear in great vari Dr. Arthur R Butler has been ad mtMin grange at Mo. iiiouin tomorrow, issue we hope to give a full list of the ety. mined to plead in the «upreme court eminent speakers from abroad being candidates and to announce that vot of the District of Columbia. iu attendance. Every granger in the ing has begun. The vote will he pub Do not fail to eat at the George county should be there. In union Miss Sure, of Dakota, is vi iting lisbed in detail in all the county pa lunch counter on State street the pers each week thereafter. New fea there is strength. Ru\ . and Mrs Bristol. next time you are in the city. tures are being conslautly added to There was a small tire in the roof Mi'«« Grace Carey is visiting rela the attractions o( the carnival. of the sawmill office Silt'dtj night, it tives. Take your (»«Its, goat hides, soap being di covered about 1 1 o’clock. T e a c h e r s ' M e e t in g . grease ami tallow to the Capital soap Valentine Wagner will move to the Marble Cutler Hawkins will soon ranch lie purchased of T. D Hollo- Tin- next monthly meeting will be work«, where they always give the held at Independence on March 28t|i. heat prices for such tiling«. Laundry erect in Pleasant Hill cemetery a $125 well monument to the memory of Judge First there will he a general discussion and toilet soap for sale. Mrs. Leel’s brother and nephew of busy work and then Mis« Ednelle Stouttbr. and in the Bethel cemetery from Eastern Oregon are vi-itiug her. lie is to construct a $2{M) monument Collins will talk about introductory Fair dealing with the farmers for over the rc.-ting place of G. 0. Bell Mi-s LoreCa The South Methodist pastor of the work in literature. and wife He has just received from Lewisville church has two servic- s on Fmitli will have something to sav miles around and having so many the east 32 boxes, containing 9,000 Sunday and during the week is cut about plant st idy and Miss M. L things they wanted have cau«ed the busimssof the New York Racket pounds of marble worth $500. ting w i n *d for B. F. Smith. He has a Hampton about the geography of Or store t«> increase so much that they i gon. After dinner Prof A. F. Camp Contract to cut 85 ricks. Brown S l Son will have made up bell will deal with the reconstruction have had to add a large room, in today nearly 100 pounds of their fa which a large assortment of dry good« Mrs. Cynthia Glaze lias moved mous candies for their Saturday from Mr«. Wright’s to Alvin Brown’s period of history and E. M. Smith with is being opened this week. applications of per rentage, after trade. Country people can then get and will make her home witii them. v hich there will be an address by Dr ire.-li candy to take home with them, O lr nder’s Pharmacy next to Da Miss Maude Montgomery is quite E. J. Thompson. Lunch am wi'l he it being only a few hours old. The« an lneaied act os« the street fnun the sick and has been taken to the home served bv the teachers of Independ mon’s grocery is the best place to go B- It & Clieirington drug 'tor« You <»f Stcwar» Montgomery, t • he nursed ence. Teachers are requested to take f«»r everything in the drug line. Small specimens of composition work done expenses enable him to «ell at a small c m e.isily recognize the place from by Mrs. Elsie Parry. •by their pupils. It will then be de profit toe line display of candy vou see on Miss Mamie Graham is clerking in cid'd when and where the annual pat-sing. the Bryan Lucas store. teachers picnic will he held. Tell your friends to ge to the Strong Miss Ada Tatom, who is teaching Mr. Pugh has bought the Hunter A M A RKET R EP O R T . restaiiiaiit when they want something in the Walla Walla country, ha- Raymond «took of confectionery ami extra nice to eat. changed her address from Lamar to will move it into his uew building (Corn cted weekly by Gooch riroa.) 1 Mydr, Washington. next to the barber shop. Wheat, per bushel. 70 cts. Moving picture illustrated concert It always pays to buy the best of Bran, per ton $22 Miss Inez Black, of Dallas, was mar everything. You would never be sat at the citv hall next Tuesday even Shorts, per ton, $25. ried March 3rd at Menlo, Washing lug. Improved combination machin isfied with a poor picture. Mr. Cro- Oats, per bushel, 30 cts. ton, to Morris Rigg-*, son of G. P. nise over the Dalrymple «tore can ery to make thin«.8 look very liielike Flour, per 10 barrels,«$3 80. Riggs, formerly of this county. Delightful ilbisl rated songs, huuutrotH mak° photographs of whieh both you Flour, per sack, $1. and your friends would feel proud. and comic specialties. Admission 25 Buckwheat Hour, $2.50 per cwt. Van Oradel A Hayes this week pur ---- -------- cents, children 15 cents. Germea, $1 60 per cwt. chased for Mr. McClure of Michigan, CO U N TY SEAT C U TLE TS . Corn meal, $2 50 per cwt. The remains of W. H Wild, former the Joseph Cmwlher timber claim iu For a dime the stage driver will ca - ly of West Mai* m, were brought from ■ lie Siletz basin at $3,300. Mr. M c [Corrected weekly by Dunn’s Grocery. r any small package between Dallas Dawson City and buried iu City View Clure had before purchased in that Potatoes, per bushel, 50cts. and Salem. region about 25,000 acres of timber cemetery this week. Butter, per pound 25 cts. that would average 50,000 feet ol lum Mr. York, Brown’s candy maker, is Lard, per pound, 12^@ 15 cts. ber to the acre. w<U known to several of our business See Vanekike A Hughes, across the Bacon, sides, per pound, 13@15 ct«. men. they having eaten hi- candy way from the postoffice, when you Hams, per pound, 14(5)17 cts. A. W Plankington, of Pridgeport, while living in Portland They all liar «old to E*l. Keyt, of Perrydale, a want a team to go to the country Shoulders, per p o u n d ,9 @ il cts. pronounce bis candies excellent and good team for $150. They will furnish a rig tliat will be E ggs,per dozen, 14 cts. the best obtainable iu that city. sure to please you. Chickens, pt r dozen $3(<i$4 John Sloan ««ied Wednesday at the Dried fruits, per pound, 3@10 cts %* Hie maible works of G, L. Hawkins homo of O. H Cohh in Dallas, aged Beets, per pound, 1 cents See Mr. RiHser, the gun store man, it) Dallas cive such general satisfac 61 years. His son, Elmer, lives near Turnips, ,»er pound, 1 cts. when in need of firearms or ammuni lion that an order for cemetery work Portland and his daughter, Mrs. By Cabbage, per pound, 2 cts. tion. Nearly all sportsmen iu the is seldom ser.t outside the county. ers, a*. Gardiner. Onions, per pound, 2 cts. county go to him for su« h things. He 'There are new boys at the home of Almost every train from Portland Beans, per pound, 5@7 cents. can mend almost any broken article. VV. J. Wagner and Henry Stump. brings into our midst some people. Corn meal, per pound,3J ct« *** Many of them like the country and Hay, per ton, $7@$12 Joe Brown, of McTimmonds Valiev, If you have failed to get entire sat are arranging to stay, but. some are --------- ^ brought 34 dozen eggs to market la*t isfaction at other groceries try Dunns. disappointed and not certain what R IC K R E A L L . Saturday and large numbers came They have the reputation of carrying they will do. from various ot her sources. There will be an entertainment superior goods at fair prices. Canned Joe Craven and wife have moved Putnam Fadeless Dyes color more and supper at the school house at 8 goods of every imaginable kind. goods, per package, than any other. into the T A. Farley property, recent o’clock Saturday, for the purpose ‘ »f ly occupied by J. H. Lawton. Sold by diuggists, 10c per package. procuring means to p»tint the inside It will 80011 he a real treat for any The DeMoss F. rnily concert troupe of the school hou«e, The price of ad lady of taste to go into Mrs. Chace’s Exposure to a sudden climatic mission will be 10 cents, «upper 15 millinery store and inspect the many will he litre March 21st. ch inge produces cold in the head and cents. The following program will he pr«*tty things she has for the spring catarrh is apt to follow. Provided Any idle teams can find work on rendered : trade. They could not he better satis with Ely's Cream Balm you are arm the new raihoad near Dallas. Song— America. fied short of Portland. Her new trim ed against nasal catarrh. Price 50 Recitation— Linn Nesmith. John Taylor was down from Lewis mer, Miss Bratton, has arrived. Cents at druggists or Ely Brothers, 56 Vocal Solo— Homer \Vhitp. YV.irmi Stree», New York, will mail ville Tuesday. Recitation— Ad.» Lmignecker. it. The Balm cures without pain, District Attorney Hart lias been at Violin Sol"— Mrs. 81« faith. An ounce of prevention is better does not irritate or cause sneezing It tending court at Albany this week, iban a pound of cure. A t Wilson’s Vocal Solo— Sybil M ’ Dowell. spreads itself over an iriitaled and drug store can be had a variety of Recitation— Miss Harmon. 'The Christian church Sunday angry surface, relieving immediately m« divines that will ward off different Tableau— A Bachelor’s Trials. the p.nn ul itifl nimation, cleanse« school has for some time had a rival diseases. It pays to buy simple rem Ladies’ Quartette. and cutes. Cream quickly ry in securing new scholars, the remit cdi. s and keep them in the house for Drill— Primary Pupils being an increase of over 50 percent cures 1 he c Id. emergencies. The Wilson' Drug com 8 M«<— Angelin«* Southwick, They will soon have a supper, the los Doug Gibson, of West Salem, is in ing side t • w:i m h and wipe the dishes pany have whatever you may want. Recitation— Fred West. the Salem hospital tituhr liiodkal as a penalty tor being so sl««w in gc • Try their cough tablets. Solo— John Orr. treat 111 ‘tit. ('¡ik«"\Vulk. ! iug new selml us* Solo— Fred West. Tin* local contest f«»r a delegate to Your cows and vour liens must be E. T Morrison ami family have Male Quartette. he la e prohdii'ion oral' rtcal contest well fed to make then» give plenty of reached Redlands, California and me Tableau— G oil night. will be held ii' Dallas college nex* milk and lay plenty of eggs. At Ull- --------- ♦ • ♦ ■ well plea-ed with their surroundings Fiidny evening. ?ey’s feed store you can get a variet} B U E N A V tS TA . ■ •f f he very best things for them. Within a few days J If. Mulkey, of Mrs. John Uglow D quite ill with B. F. Hall and wile, o! Croston, vis- .nag fever it South Bend, Washing inon li, B / . Riggs, of Bdbtou. and *% i'e«l at the home oi E. N. Hail last tv tl. J. S. Pettyjohn, of Butler, have each 'The products of the Dallas flouring week. paid u« $ 2 for this paper and the Oie- mill are not excelled by those of any M ss Edith Miller’s school at Mont gonian for a year. Mrs H. A. Baldwin, of YViulock other mill in the valley. Other go nery will close .March 31st with 1 r lias been among friend« and relatives things being equal you should always pi ig’ amrne, there being three gradu H. J Christiansen, of Pioneer, has patronize home industry. ates, Essie Atwater, Maggie Kemp over 80 Leghorn and Minorca chick heie. and Gertrud« Waters. F. .1. Yates, formerly on the Boise place at Elb-ndnle, is now on the Sav age farm just thi« si.le of YVillamina. where In* has put in a large crop of oats and all his stock i* doing well The third of »h*> series of sermons The T. J. Scroggin farm a mile south of Sheridan, lias been sold ton on Facts that Call for Faith will b* îeliven-d by the pa tor at the Pre.-hy man from the east. teri in cliureh next Hahhalh morning Louis Pettyjohn has a new bouse on tiie sut>j c t • The Church; It VV,««, almost completed near Butler. anil Is, and Is to B . Everybody in vited. H t a t k o f O h i o , C i t y o f T o l e d o .I ens and for some time has been bring 'The Evangelical church has been ing to market 30 dozen eggs a week. neatly papered and finished inside, At fiist he got 20 cents a dozen, but and otherwise greatly improved. now they are down to 12^ cents. He T. P. Ogltsbee was in Salem last will now sell about halt of them, in cluding all the old ones. His ex per wee k . ieuce has been that yearling pul’ets Miss feme Emmons and CT ve Pra ue the most profitable layers. He ther, who ar attending school at Sa has leased for five year - the E I Giess lem, were at holm* Sunday. place andjoining his, and will run | Our scho *1 has an average attend mats and sleep 'here. ance of 36 During the pest month The Courtney Concert company will I there were 12 vi«itors and 6 « use.« « f hold birth at the city hall next Toes j lard up ss. These pupil», were neither Vera Murph), • lay evening with many pleasing fea- I absent nor laidv: lures. There will he new moving Lena Baldwin, Herman Prather, Or pictures and new illustrated song*, ville Wells, Grace Thompson, E lnu banjo music and negro songs. Mr and M rle Hall, G -urge Ground, Min Young, who lives on the Pfau place, nie Knighten. Maudie McLaughlin tins side ol Brunks, is the head man. Nelson Anderson, Ray durphy, Elsi« Liggett, Royal K r e u t i , Carrie N««h 'The dwelling and its contents of A. \ I «tier and Leon Log a n , . Geneva an I lleise at Dakgrove was destroyed by L nu Steele. 'I he teachers are B. L rire last week. Loss, $700. Murphy and Miss Katharine Coon. You would he surprised at the great number of g Id and silver articles you c m get at the Morris jewelry store. All <d them are useful and many are perfect beauties. They make such «.ice presents. **• The tin and work ehop of Fanil’s hardware «t«*re is hack next to the al ley and is best reached by going through the store. Mr. Nies, the tin ner, has had many years experience and can come very near to getting up exactly what you want. Mr. Faul! can fimiiid) you various kinds of agri cultural implements. He has a vari- « fcy of lubricating «fils. of Rock Creek, will run a restaurant at St. Helena, California, where he lias bought property. R E A D IT T H R O U G H . T v ro u ld S p o il T h i s S t o r y to T e ll It In t h e H e a d lin e s - To use an eighteenth century phrase, this is an “ o’er true tale.” Having happened in a small Virginia town in tin* winter of 1902, it is a sto ry very much of the present. Up to a «hort. time ago Mr« John E Harmon, of Melfu Station, Vu , had no personal knnwlcdg«-jnf the rare curative prop erties of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy. “ Last January,” she s.iva, “ my baby took a dreadful cold and at one line I feared she would have pneu monia, hut one of my neighbors told .ne how this rem« dy had cured her little hoy and I began giving it to my baby at otice and it soon cured her. I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for plaeing so great a cure within my reach. I cannot recommend it too highly or say too much in its favor. I hope all who read this will try it and be Convinced as I was.” For «ale by Wilson Drug Co. L IK E H O U SE P LA N T S. & a k in G ■ POWDER A b so lu te ly M ir* THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE L E T T E R L I8 T . These letters remain uncalled for in the Dallas postoflice for the w* ek end ing Mar. 9i ti, and parti* 8 calling for them will please state that they have been advertised; Mrs Jane Avery, Jos Henzse, Mr A Hart Morrow, K R Selleck, Mr Geo Whitehorn (2). We are like house plants. We need a change of soil now and then— to be replanted. New scenes, new exper iences, new surroundings—a change of climate, dry air instead of moisture, sunshine in place of cloud. This is soulttimes essential to health. There are conditions at hand that are better C. G. C oad , postmaster. than Europe can offer. Take a month or two in California. Plant yourself toi a time where there are no irrita Captain Corneil Hughes is organiz tions, where the hotel is beyond eri.i- cism, the landscape pleading and ing a company of juvenile soldiers to where warm sunii^, weather invites to take part iu the parades of carnival walks and drives. Pure and dry air, week. and the increased electric influences of sunshine are vastly helpful. N EW TO-DAY. You can make this trip at very lit tle expense and enjoy a ride over the scenic Siskiyou and Shasta moun 'ILEAN, white «pring oats and a young Plymouth J Hock cockerel for sale, also KoveCom b Br«««D tains, which at this tim? of year with I eghorn, B. P. R. and W hite P R. strictly thor tlipir snow covered peaks, aie unsur ough hred eiegn fo r sale at t l a setting by Boydston, three miles north of Dallas. passed for their grandeur. For complete information regarding rates, points of interest and delightful Lus Andalusian eggs from prize winning stock for sale by D. M Calhreath near Monmouth ut hotels in California, address, $2 a setting of fifteen. W. E C om a n , General passetigbr agent Southern Pa WO Good milch cows, on# of them fresh, for sale cific company, Portland, Oregon. by H. G. Christiansen near Dallas. ( B T If it’s a bilious attack, take Cham berlain’* Stomach and Liver Tablets ami a quick recovery is certain. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. Dallas now has 105 telephones in use and will soon have an all night service. The new order of things will probably begin the first of April. Mis« Minnie Roy will continue in the day service and n man will take charge at night. Our little city is gradually as suming metropolitan airs. loss of Flesh A N T E D —Several persons o f character and good reputation in each state (one in this county required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary S21 weekly, with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct each Wednesday from head omces. Horse and carriage furnishsd when neces sary. References Inclose self addressed envelope. Colonial Company, 334 Dearborn street, Chicago. W JR sale—one R. C. W. Leghorn cockerel, one 8. C. W. Leghorn pullet, anda S. C. W. Leghorn <o«'k. score 03. For prices see or address Bert A l derman, route 1, Salem, Oregon. F QQ.MF. registered O. I. C. pigs three months old for O sale by A. A. Lindeman at Lewis, iile. Address 11ALE D cheat hay for sale by S. T. Smith, o f near J I Smith held at £8 a ton. BOUT 60 ewes, 60 of them with 2-month old by their sides, also about 20 stock hogs A sale lambs When you can't eat break for by ilurton Z Riggs, on the J. L. Riggs f irm near llallston. fast, take Scott’s Em ulsion. When you can’t eat bread A W IL L IA M S , near Dallas, has a large work fsr sals, and would ta k « part pay in cat J tle • horse or goats. and butter, take Scott’s Em ulsion. When you have HREE yearling Shorthorn bulls for sals by Frank been living on a m ilk diet and T Butler near Falls C ity. want something a little more pound herse, good to drive simile or dou ble, for sale at a bargain only f50. A pply to A 1,100 nourishing, take Scott’s J. J. Fuller, west of Hotel Gail in Dallas. Em ulsion. LACK Minorca,'Brown and White Leghorn egg settings for salo by D. C. Crider, Dailas. To get fat you must eat B fat. Scott’s Em ulsion is ai FENTO N will furnish po«*l mohair tacks They may be had at the llrown k Ellis H in L • free store Dallas, at Buell, or of Frank Gilliam at great fattener, a great Peedee. strength giver. Those who have lost flesh 8 H Urr >t ttaJtcrMk. ' want to increase all body V C H E R i* wanted in achool district No. 13, A TE Tillamook county. W ill have a nine or 10 tissues, not only fat. Scott’s moiitha term. Good teachers, with recoiuiiienda M o m , M p tj to "I ■« I Ivon o n o o ' Ih o h >ard, stai ng Em ulsion increases them all, salary wanted. W. W. Cornier, chairman, A. P. Wagouer, J. It. Law rence, Hebo, Oregon. bone, flesh, blood and O I.C . Chester White pigs, both male nerve. - . A FEW »ml ftuuale, for Hale bv George Rowcliffe, «»ne and a half m iijs east of Dallas. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, GOOD sec«»nd hand SJ Studehaker wagon for sale by Percy Hibbard, Dallas, Oregon, for weak children, for all G Jersey cow, fresh this month, for sale, ami who need flesh, Scott’s j y I o iN a goad hilly goat from U K Grant for rent or sale by Jacob Schweitzer near Ihtllas, Em ulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural TONS extra« hoice hale«l «a t straw for sale by 20 C. D. Nairn, near Ballatoli. tonic. clean rape see«! and Mime seed <*ats for sitie Scott’s Em ulsion for bone, N - ICE, by C. 1», Pur vine near Rickrtall. flesh, blood and nerve. L i e a s C o un ty ) * 1IETF.EN HE » D O F EXTRA GOOD C ALVE S Three new telephone 1‘ nes from I n for sale by D. L. K e y ta t Perrydale. We will send you Frank J. Cheney makes oath that dependence are to l e established, one a free sample. lie is senior partner of the firm of F. north to Brooks, one south to Par H E A V Y TEAM FOR 8 A LE B Y W E. J. Cheney & Co., doing buriness in ker, ami another into the farming Be iurt that thi. plriurt y G«»Ul» Martin, Dallas. Oregon. the oity of T o l e d o ', County and State community acros- the river. In the form of • libel t. on aforesaid, and that said firm will pa I , th. wr.pp«r of every bottle the sum of one hundred dollars for; Miss MamI Lift 1« teaelntig at V . D PAPE R S IN PACKAGES O F 50 PO R HALE of Emulilon you buy. An up to dale livery stable is that at this ortk-tf fur 15 rents, aleo blank nolee and 0 each and every case of catarrh (hat i leyvi**w, Miss Nellie Williamson a' of Rohinsou A Campbell near the mo (gages and all kinds of leva! blaiika & B 0 WNE, cannot be cured bv the use of Hall s Cherrvgrov •, Mrs Delia Morn-on a bia.'ksmith shops They are always CMCMIVTS, Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney.' Hr grove, Miw Mabel > 1* vena at II 1- re.«dv on sli««rt notice to furnish the r H EX YOU WISH T o BUY OK HELL A N Y K IN D Josiali Craton died at the home of Kworn to before me and subscribed in *Hldell and Mi-s Daisy Warner at traveling public witii anything called 409 Pearl SL .N .Y . PEDEE. of stock or )»ouitry here is the best place to his tiro; her near Peedee March 2nd, my presence this 6 th day of Decern j Lonesfar. f* t. let youi wants bo known. 50c. end J I, oil druJjUt*. aged 31 yeais. The funeral services Troy Turner has lo?t a valuable-1 her, A. D. 1886. A. VV . Gleason, No-j Countv Assessor M ver will have tary Public. Hull'a Ca'nrrh Cure is three deputies in the fi Id as soon as nr tli-» Kings Valley church w«*n* con cow. «HOICK H« ver s«*e«i, also bean I lees l-arley for sale. T i n y do say that Gay nor’« shoe J Koi eunpi- sa«l«liess C. L. Hawley at McCoy. taken internally, and acts directly on tlu weather settles, Arthur Fink in ducted by Rev. VV. L. Arnold, of (lie. That new buggy of Allie Edward« -tore D a tiptop one, because e very Executor’s Notice. Evangelic d church, of which lie was I the blood and mucous surfaces of the the northwest part of the county. \V took« suspicious. body c h i ) always get their footwear a member. He w«*s married to Mi«*« system. Send for te«li.nonials, fr< e. B. Daggett in ill»* north ast, J. VV*. , H AVE M ONEY TO LO AN A T A L L T1VR8 A T needs supplied there. Hat infliction In the county court o f the etate of Oregon for Polk F. J Cheney A Co . Toledo, O. Sold Bullet in the s*»ulhwe>t, and A. Hus 8 adin Yost in 189«8, and they had om- 1 Mrs Sadie Craton has gone to live ! th « vrry best rates obtainable.--H O. Cainpli«*ll guaranteed in both quality and price. county. hild. a son. with her sister, Mr«. Mattie Hensley,! In the m atter of the «»ta te o f C. C. Walker, de- by all druggists, 75c Hall’s Family ton in the southeast part. He will l i-eaet-d. Bills are the best. alt* ml to t he office work and i|.» til* j There are three churches at FaB- in Suletn. ^ jo N P .Y T o Id)AN ON IMPROVED F A M I P I * o t ic e ih hereby g iv e n t h a t i , c . m p«rt> at usual rates by Oscar Hay ter. U PurviiM, have been ap|>oint«d executor «>f the Not within forty miles of here can ass ‘»sing in and .1 round Dallas. The} ; CJity. Rev. B A. Bristol being pa-'or Frank Bcheyth*» ami wife hive hist wdl and t'otament of toe above desedent, ami For the convenience of the taxpay will probably finish by June I5 h. you find another store with a better t «tal letter» testamentary have been l*-ue«l to roe. of the «Vicihodiet, Kev. A. II. D »dd « f moved to I’hy Simpson’s logging ers of Polk county, Sheriff Ford will stock of everything to eat than is car All t»eriM»ni> imiehted to the eaid estate will make ini o n e y to lo an a t • per c en t on p a r mettiate payment t«» me, ami all those hav mg «-lahmt Butter fat u now worth 32J cents a the Christian, and Rev. T. H .S y m - camp security. J. L. COLLINS, Dalle*. place tax lists for the year 1902 as fol ried by Dunn Bros. Try their syrups against the eame, will orcseiit tln-in, tiulv authenti mj f| the Free Methodist churcl , < . pound at Brown's creamery. On ac lows: With Ladd A Bil.-h at Salem; cated. to me within six months from the «lat« of this B. L. Hastinjrs and wife have be* n and pancake flour. notine, at the «-flirt of the «-onnty clerk o f polk oonn Independence National hank at Inde count of the scarcity of cream they J. Pugh is the jeweler there amt the visiting their daughter, Mr«. W. D. U T K H A V E M ONET TO LOAN ON IM P R O V t » ty. in I »alia«*, Oregon pendence; Polk County hank at Mon now churn hut twice a week, Monday livery htable is run by Dennis A Elkins in Dallas. Vf farm property. S IB LE Y 4 K AR IN » . IAbteil at Dalla*. Meh 7. BMW ROCCA. C. M pf’ RVINE, mouth; Scroggin Br«*s. bank at. Sheri and Friday, and readily sell their , H ughes. Executor of the laet w ill and testament of C, C Ou»t Olsen is back from I<laho and Walker, drreaard Mrs. Womer’s mother has gone dan; postoffice at Butler; post office at whole output here at 75 cents a roll. Rev. B Z Kigg« will in May or the W. H. Yank ami family, who were oil *’arson k 4«tama, attorneys. home. Final Settlement. Buell, and with C. VV. P ig ett at Air- Tickets for tiie DeMuss concert to early fall move from near Ballston to his place, have gone away. lie. The above tax lists will include Joe Craton died of consumption on be held at the Methodist church on a big farm in the Walla Walla coun the names and taxes of (he t >x pa vers m t ’OTICE IS HEREBY G IV E N T H A T TME I T * Mis# Esther Hampton has gone to Saturday evening, March 21«l, may be try, and H>nry Gillarn is expected to March 2m! and was lai«i »o real beside Wood Wanted. dersigned has filed his final account as a<h living in the east, south and north comeback from Eastern Oregon and bis two slat* rs in tb * Kings Valley attend ichool at Crowley and L VV’ m inistrai«* of the estate of Margaret I Babcock had at both drug «t«»res. west sections of the county. take charge of the J. L. Riggs farm. • lerea»r<l, ami Fridar, March <3th, IMS. at 1 Hampton to work io a Falls City saw cemetery. o'clock, p m . of «bid day, at th* county court house, Fuller A Lacy have bought for an T o n e s le herebv given thst by nrder of th « mill. ---- -------- «••»untjr court P>«Ik cMHrty. Oregon, tealed of P<dk county, Oregon, has been fixed by Hon. J. I f yon are going fo want anything eastern party the Johr and Fred l#oy Wes. Williams, who has lived at Air- R. Sihley, judge of the «-ouutv court for mid sounty, bi«ls will l e reeci *d st the « ourity «rlefV* «»für* for O. H. Cobb lias l**cn appointed ad- While Jim Hatris is at Dallas his ♦0 c««r<1s of big hody i r , and 40 c««rds of «rlean, straigt as the time and place for the hearing o f th# sen»« in tire way of implements thi season Silel* timber claims, paying f7.UU0. lie a«) long, is now at Kanier down on ministrator of the John S. Sloan es- Wife i* utaying with Mrs. F. J. Morri <>ak irrub wood, all to be f«»ur fr et long, grub w«»od A ll persons ir.leresled in add matter are hereby *<*- we would be glad to talk with von . . „ ... , . the Columbia. tu he frotn t«*o to 6 inche* in dismeter. Wo « l t*> h* tided In appear at eakl time ami show eauee. tf any 1* 1* , tli*» property to be appraiwd by son. ■hunt than,. W e have the Mit.-hell. Mr. M. E W - v e r ai..l *o.. HaroM •lelivered » t the »,-ourt house » t Dalta« «n or before thore t»e, why sani »«— unt should not b# approved and the ao-mm! sett led and closed. The Soap creek hrblge near Ridd« r'f J. J. Wiseman, John and Henry B«*y- September 1. 100S. Bi«l* will h* opened oti Wed U „ i * A SUver line of * 0.*!. and « i l l have *•>»« U> -pend *<•»'<■ k. Dallas. Oregon. Feb. 11. 190*. _______ We had rix inches of snow last Hun- needey. April I. IfOS, at 1 «»’clock p. m The court __..... in.t.lo if if „..t Mr*. Ber'ie K,«e. at E Snter- grove is said to need guari rails at ert The probate judge ha«* b« eo tak O w B A S C O T I. give you . . »• reasonable not better her her *i»ter. *i*t. reeerres th * right to reject any and all btds. d»y. II. r .iodio « i l l be closed until the sooth appreseli to prevent possi ing testimony concerning the will of Administrator of the ostate of Margaret 1, C . 9 , f-OVO H A N Y, jirioe* than von can <«« in Portland.— pri«e County Clark ble accidents. , Rooert Farley. the middle o i H « r - C. li. lUrberuw »a d wile, loroHfly Guy Br «*., Dalla*. scon U ( I N M N N I