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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1903)
r<E POLK COUNTY ITEMIZcR OL'K STAFF OF HCSTLEKS. Women a J Well « en very tin«* rose« to be planted at the west front of the court house, DA LLA S, F R I D A Y , MOH ) 3 . 1 9 0 3 . W H A T T H E Y HAVE TO SAY A BO UT T H E D O I N G S IN T H E C O U N T Y . Kev. J . K Baldwin, of Independ ence. was yesterday supposed 10 I k > at A n U n e q i H H c d a n d C o m p l e t e Re the point of death in the Salem ho»-i s u m e of W h a t Y o u r F r i e n d s are pital, where tie went .1 mouth ago to a n d Have Been Lately Do in g . be t euicd for la giippe. Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. c u t * ! . It would do !»etter if bo Would make hi» order apply to all alike. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS i Joh n A Mi'Is im- sol | hi» Racket store to a gentleman from North Ya m bill, and invoicing commenced T u e s day. !• is reported that Mr. Mill» will go to Sab-m ami |x>*Mhly go into the New Yo rk Racket «tore with hi» , fa'.heiinlaw, Mr. Bartie». PLOW S * HARROW S ^ WAGONS Kldnsy troubl« preys upon the mind, dls- CU LTIV A TO RS ^ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon a .. w a s h , We have a Carload of Buggies, Wagons and .Spring disappear when the kid Montgomery school report f j r the Y ou K n o w W h a t Y o u A r e T a k i n g . «D IT O » AND P H O P R irio R . T h e M hhoiis contem plate erec ting a neys are out of order W agons Coming. When you take Grove’» Taaltde»» month of F ebruary : Average daily or diseased. 5 0x80 brick store building udjoiuiug I attendance. 2 0 ; tardy, 0 ; visitors, 1 0 ; Chill Tonic, because the formula i» Kidney trouble haa th* it hall ami tilling the space he Never before did we have so much or so _ become so prevalent tween the R. M. Wade »tore and the 1 neither absent nor tardy, h a il Brown, plainly printed on every botile, »how- H U B 8 C K 1 F T IO N K A T E S : great a variety of thiug-t for the farmer.«. Y jj that It is not uncommon crtaiuery. Filim eli Notion, K ^ ie ami Haiti«.* At- h'R that it is »imply Iron and Inumine for t child to be bom f i 50 ......................................... Per y* ar ar der, Lillie and Edward Beven», Du in a la*tele*» form. No cure. 110 p»y . /j All kinds of machine oil. afflicted with weak kid- Ph ase notice that Tuesday’s Orego ♦ — ! [j $ 7 5 ................................ Per »ix mouths lev ami Victor Bateiielor, Walter Guy 1 neys. If the child urtn- nian had a special item from it» I n ri N ^ O K - T va H a D A L L A S . p i ............................Per three mouth» er and Alpha Hooker.- Edith Mill WAGNER BROS. DALLAS ates too often, if the dependent e correspondence about V«lvei ti»ing rate» made known on teach«, r. Miss Id.i Faul, of Salmon River, i- urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child Fra nk Blanchard. Tills item was »^liiOitiu u. Correspornience 1» solicit* working for her sister, Mrs. Will reaches an age when it should be able to prtn 'td word for word in tlie Itemizer control the passage it Is yet afflicted with •d Brown, who has a new baby bov. bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of two weeks ago, and a week later by F in e J o b Printin g «Ione at reasonable Miss Lelia Syrou and her »»idei the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first the Enterpiibc, but now appearing in •»pices. FA C TS IN F E W LINES have step should be towards the treatment of the Oregonian as freth news. g* ne to their home on G«/o»e- these important organs. This unpleasant neck. Pari» ha» 1,310 factories. trouble is due to a diseased condition of the U S. Special Agent Vaile is here T H E SUPER IO R . A diet of garlic 1» a wonderful aid to Dan Boyer was here visiting his kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as haiking over postoffive matters with most people suppose. 1 Postmaster Merwiu. brother, Jo h n . D i» superior 11 principle and test the complex ion. Women as well as men are made mis The czar of Itusslu has established a ed capacity for feeding any and all erable with kidney and bladder trouble, Charles F Sm ith Ims purchased the Mr«. J . \V. Boyer has been quite kind* of material to be threshed by a ten hour working day. *ick with lagrippe, and Ann a Mitchell and both need the same great remedy. Nellie Patterson r* idence. »•-parator, either ljo »e or bound. By A mail should weigh twenty-six I The mild and the immediate effect of lias been working for her. taking off the knives, which will re (Buts. R. Fitchard, a prominent Imp Sw a m p -R o o t is soon realized, It Is sold pounds for every foot of his height. quire two or three minute», it is »» Lott Brown has returned from by druggists. In fifty- The most valuable byproduct pro f ' jYTit___ i dealer here, will soon go on a three | ¡cent and one dollar months’ business trip to Utica. N. Y. Portland. wet! ad.mted to threshing loose »tuff dneed on the farm Is the sUlmmilk. sizes. You may have n* it i* f> r »heave». 1 am ready to Some of the new things for spring are here and Whitewash made of quicklime and Two weeks ago E lm er E Yarned .1 >lin Sloan, who li is made his home j sample bottle by mall t< »t it» capacity and quality of work wood ashes will destroy moss on tiles. more are coming in every day, Our spring stock at O . H . Cobb’s for t De l a * t year, had ! free, also pamphlet tell- Horn« of »w&mpRoot. cut his knee with an ax. Dr. Butler i 1 couqietition with any other appli The number of laborers required to .1 paralytic stroke Friday and is in a I jpg abovp it. including many of the 1 treated the case a short time and then will he the best and most fashionable we have ev ance for the itame purpoa*. T he con cultivate the tea crop of India is tkXJ,* thousands of testimonial letters received Mr. Y arm 11 went to the hospital ai ciitical condition, testant in 11st set a first c U m tln esh- er handled, as we only buy fiom tried and relia j from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Ktimer Salem. We learn that he will have 000 . i ig outfit witfi'n 6 or 8 miles of J)al- Will 11 ol nan and W alte r Doltcdi, 8t Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and | to have his leg am put »ted. ble manufacturers. There are many reasons why Two roots nml the trunk of a fossil 1 im , ami have enough material for who have been cu tting wood for Mr. mention this paper. tree huve Just been unearthed at Brad Jlolverson’s is Salem’s Best Store. One fact alone li «If a day or m >re o f test. They are Robbins, have returned borne. j George Con key leaves the employ of ford, England. Lo not make anv mistake, but re to show their best capacity, quality covers all and that is we have every kind of mer F A Dooly soon and takes another member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. The standard of height in the British Sam Hayes inis returned home and quantity of work and the amount | posit ion her«*. George is one of the 1 chandise you want at prices that are all right. Kilm er’» S *ump-Roo t, and tbe ad* finny is greater than in any other from several months in the east. of power and lime required. Then I most popular clerks in town and the army in the world. dress, BinghampioD, N. Y. on every Each and every piece of goods in this stock is es will set the Superior on the same out store that secures his services is to be i bottle. C old s Are D a n g e r o u s . There are slxty-flve steamers on the fit and te»t my $120 feeder against pecially chosen to tlte requirements of the trade congratula'ed. Swiss lakes. The largest can trans How often you hear it rem arked : $120 cash to l»e p'aced in the hands of we know so well, and the greatest care is used to port 1,200 passengers. I t ’s only a cold/’ and a few day» later someone agreed upon. The »aid cash L if e G u a r d s . serve our customers with all the attention)due them. The median age of the white popula Ic rn »hat tile man is on his back is to he paid to me if I am aucoessful Th«' Life Guards are two regiments M ONM OUTH tion in the last census year was 23.4 with pneumonia. This is of such in tli • contest, but if I f til then the of cavalry forming part of the British There were three conversions dur common occurrence that a cold, how other party is to uet h ick bin money and of the colored 10.7 years, household troops. They are gallant ing the Evangelical protracted meet ami in.v feeler. T he ro n fe jt is to he j During the lust ten years 275 acci- ever »light, should lx.t be disregarded soldiers, and every loyal Bri'ish heart ing. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy coun over the ipiality and quantity and | dents, involving 801 deaths, have oe- is proud of them. Not only the K in g ’s teract* any tendency U ward pneu the line? and power required Each turn'd to people «•limbing the Alps. Postmaster Lucas is still in Port household, but yours,ours, everybody» It always cure» and is pleas land under treatment for -deafness should have itn life guards of us is to choose * judge and limy to 'The need The income of the Suez canal last monia »elect the third judge. The Superior'« year was $19.-150. (H)(), being dues from ant to take. Sold by Wilson Drug Co caused by lagrippe. of them is «»specially gre at when the - - ♦ • ♦ ----------- greatest foes of life, diseases, find al ca >uc t. in average length of straw C 8,001) vessels which passed through it. Another family from Nebraska has lies in the very elements, hm cold», OAK M fLL V IC IN ITY . sb »111 7,200 -heave* an hour. It does Fifty thousand Christmas postcards settled among us, bringing a carload influenza, catarrh, the grip and pneu it» work without chugging or niiuat* designed and printed in London have F T Sh iite ha» about 100 liens sml of stock and household goods. monia do in the stormy month of reacting, retarding grinding been ordered for sale o?i the coutinent. maikets almost a packer of egg.-a mouii .I from the cylinder, thu» proving Mr. Henson has torn down the old March. T h e he.-t way that we know Twenty-five survivors of the eruption Week. i t to be light ou the power, and giv at St. Pierre, Martinique, are adver house on the corner north of the nor of to guard against these diseases ii* ing greater a.-sur.uico of thr sbing tised us an attraction at a circus in Much spring work was done during mal school and will erect a new one to strengthen tin* system with Hood’» Sarsaparilla— the greatest of all life «i? and cleaning without waste. T o i 11- Berlin. the spring weather. A carload of poles has arrived for guards. It removes the conditions in troduee the .Superior into the market, The motto “Dieu et Mon Droit” was Doc Miller and L. I. Buracil are the Monmouth and Lewisville tele which these diseases make their most * I offer it to anyone who lias a good Tlte undersigned will sell at cost his entire stock first assumed by Edward ¿II. of Eng making fence. S&r phone line. successful attack, gives vigor and tone machine and a season’» threshing en land when be took the title of kiug of of goods, consisting ot dry goods, groceries, boots M gaged, wi'li or without pay for one Mr. L achine, of S m i th f x l d , will Kenneth Campbell is hauling lu m to all the vital organ» and functions, France. anil shoes, hardware and notions, Sale will con and imparts a genial warmth to the I harvest’s threshing If not sold before % Dr. Heinz, professor of therapeutics work tin- Fern and Gilliam hop yards. ber for a big barn ou his farm south blond K e m e m h r the weaker the 1 close of the season, it could then be tinue for GO days. I will keep a full line of gro of town. of the University of Erslangen, advises system the greater the exposure to | » Mis» Edith Miller was at home over purchased. Price made known on ap ceries dut ing this sale and will sell them cheap long, deep and quick breathing for cur * The owners are working on the disease. H o . m J ’ s Sar.-ap u ilia makes Sunday from her school at Montgom- plication to 'Thomas Elliott, Clay ing seasickness. er than any house outside of Portland. Call and Denny ccal mine east of Bethel. A the system strong. Street, Dallas, Oregon. * »>• Cleburne, a town in Texas, possesses -------- ------- company lias been organized and be convinced. This is no fake sale. a gray billnlle tomcat that is thirty R .C K R E A L L . stock will soon be offered for sale. COUNTY COU RT. Weil A g a i n . years old. The aoimuj has no teeth uiul * T h e many friends of J o h n Blount Peter Cook’s grandcon, O. val Price PKOBATK. Is unable to mew. T r a g e d y A verte d. will be pleased to learn that he has from Needy, is lu re issisting iu the » Twenty-five thousand black silk entirely recovered from his attack ol Sibley, J . " J u s t in the nick of time our little store. M Cham berlain’s P a i l hov wus saved’, writes Mrs. \V. VV’at- lh the matter of the Win. Savage handkerchiefs have been ordered by rheumatism 1 A. F . Stoner anil Mrs. L. C. B*own 9 minor heir» the gusidi m was ordered the British admiralty for the navy Balm cured him after the best doo kins of Pleasant City, Ohio. “ Pneu ms in the town (Motion, 1 nd.) hud monia had played sad havoc with have returned from Salt Creek. to turn over to Mrs. Savage, mother from a Macclesfield firm. The whole number of Seminole Indi tailed to give relief. 'The prompt re him and a terrible cough set in be of «aid minor», the old not«» on hand, F ra n k Gibson went to Sab'm to »e* ans, as shown by a census Just taken, bel I ruin pain which this lin im en t af sides. Doctors treated him, but he to lie credited with same. is but 33‘J . Nearly all of them are in fords is alone worth many limes its grew worse every day. At last we l i- uncle Doug, who is iu the hospital T h e tifili report of 'h e guardian of the Florida everglades. tiied Dr. K in g ’s New Discovery for t In re. cost. For .-ale by Wilson Drug Co the J . k Taylo r minor heirs wus filed. The greatest number of complete Bl- Consumption, and our darling w .* j T h e en tertainm en t here Monday T h e administrator of the Mary J . blew ever Issued in one year—viz, 939,- »■•*'cd. Lie’s now sound and well.” evening by S . R Young was much POPCORN. M'lxlev e-tate was authorized to »ell 700—was sent out In 1901 by the Brit Í can »ave money for y u on hop wir *. Direct shipmen t from «»astern mill. Everybody ought to know it’s the o n ♦ njoye«l by a good size«! audience. Larkin Grice and J . C. ('annoy talk ly sure cure for coughs, colds and all real pro| *er’y without notice, and ish Foreign Bible society. Prices always the lowest on wire and wire fencing. Correspondence solicited. Mrs. J o h n Burgard is up from Port the real property of 'h e D. J W hite* W A L T E R MOULE Y Guaranteed by all There are 3,900 window glass pots In of buying Henry F a w k ’s old tlin sli- lung disease* Mker estate was authorized to be sold the country, hut owing to the limited ing machine. dr ¡ggists. Price 50c and $1. Trial land to see her parents, W E . ('lark 9 ami wife, who have been greatly trou S A L E I S ’ in 'h e same way. number of sk lied workmen It Is only William Best and Horace Sykes butties free. bled with lagrippe. SteUa Sm ith is 'The time for filing inventory of the possible to operate 2.300 pots. have the measle.-. stay mg 1 here. PERRYDALE 0 . C. Walker estate was extended 30 A Spanish ducat belonging to the pe L. D G'hsou h i* a new gang disc days. riod of Philip IV. of Spain, 1021 to Mis« Elsie K«*yt has been sick and CROWLEY. % 1025, ha» been found by a Mashona- plow. «4. MBs Lena Wolfe ha- been home on a C OLLEG E NO I E S. land volunteer near Mufeking. R S. Evans ting strawberry plants visit w Stormy weather ii- int«»rf«»ring pring work, l ut much plowing Of »pot!e»s clniract« r— our 1 umlry T h e V. W . C. A. will send twi del* ■ A portable seat for messenger boys for J . \N . White and F. v . Hturbuck Many young lambs arc being lost seeding was «lone during the workers Mini y «nr »bins, w h e n l l « y eg.ties to the Northwest convention at has Us*ii Invented. A tired lad carries re-owrd a piece of frozen out oats. It concealed beneath his coat when not ■ •a account of the wet and cold weath wt at her, and tl weir s r* in Ido* m kii" w « ach « thcr. 'Tin ii.t roduct « n Capitol.t in M iv. Mr-. J . W. McDowell has been stay- in use. but it will usually he in use. er. «i«l»eixls i'|«o y « 11. .Inst H i d us ( I oji t »Ix ariog h 1» commenced g wi t h h e r d a u g h t e r , Mr s . J W . 'The » rm g est c Jlegt orators of the j is Germany sold Russia nearly $700.nnn your tid«he»>. Will call I« r M m goo Georgia Fhriver, of Dallas, Inis been ley Edziir ha.- l«> 1 »« vcr.*l sheep, c st.i'e are entering tm» local prohibit ion worth of plows last year. The plow in 1’ h ci icic, win* i> very low with con- and inti« iocc ibem lo « nr v- ik«is. unknown. tlie guest of Lulu 1 uruer. Collierts ol tiieir colleges in order to use in that country has wheels at the -111.ip. i on. W« send tlu'in back «>o tim«' ami y« u t*k e t i e *» tug caati priz -s givju in the beuui tip. h o It does not have to ho held Work has l »•gun in the Imp yi will wear them with the piiile »but H I . L.i' 11 ‘Iin h s sold Ids interest VV'wefut G h o d r e n . »'.ale contest here May lot. Hi nee June 7 more than 95.000 British ; reine.*« frem liuvixg a frieml in your n lie iloiiiiug mill here a 1 id moved George P* wiheier i- working f«»r F r a T n g time the two year old Roberts. b««M)in. L«avc orders with F un k The girls basket bill team w.ia dc- officers and men have left South Afri . Dili of Mr P. L McPherson, 59 N away. Muscott 01 Salem »tage fc.ted Iasi F inlay night by the Ui< k- ca. Tills is believed to constitute a Tenth St., Harrisburg. Pa., would Several from Crowley and Oak M r. f laukiii1 ton, wife and (laugh- leali go Is team, «c**re 2 to 15 1 he world's record iu the transport of sleep Im* »wo or (I ree lynirs in the 0 1 s, of Bridgi poit. haw been vi»iting Grove inie d t«* hoar Aaron J o n e s at im xperience of the team »ml llie ah- troops. curly pa a I of ill«* night, which made it her parents, Mr. Wise and wife. Mon mouth Sat ur«b«y. The agricultural returns of Great mi 1 ce, through sickness, of a forward I very hard for her parents. Her mo COLONEL J . O L M S T E D , PROP . gave the game to belter placer« of Britain for 1902 show that the total T here was 1 gathering at the home Mr». Ii. M Smith has been down ther concluded that the child bad longer expelleuce. under crops ami grass was 32,387,700 -tomscli trouble, and gave her half of imm Mon m tub visiting her daugh of Emerson Mania last week to ex acres, a decrease of 29,480 compare«! «•no of Ch mb* 11 iu’s Stom ach and ter, R om », who is It aching at this press sympathy f«>r A. Heise. whose with 1901. home was burned. Liver Tablets, which quieted her place. A h » thanks offering for his good -tomach, and she slept the whole T here will be services at the Crow health Pope Leo X I I I . proposes to T o C u r e a Cold in one Day. 11 ght through. Two boxes of these ley ami Oak Grove «'liurches Sunday erect a home for the aged poor In Ills ’Take Laxative Bronx) Quinine Tab Tablets have effected a permanent native town of Carplncto, Perugia, at March 19th will I»« the la t m eeting c u e and she is now well and strong lets. All druggi-t* *d'foinl the iiicney a cost of $200,000. if it fails to cure. E \V Grove’s sig for thi- season of tlx Oak G-ove liter For hale by \\ i!i-«m Drn ><’«». Judge M. M. Sheldon of Macon, Mo., ary soeiety, In addition to the usual nature is on each box. 25c. -• • •- - SALEM AND ALBANY. la a C o m m o n Spring Trouble. married a young couple recently and program there will he an e x t ra pro OAK G ROV E. gram furnished by tlx* A I) A C All I t’, a sign that the blood t. drtirient left out the word “obey” In the cere T h e Largest Furnitu re, Carpet and Wall Paper dealers in the W illam- IN D EPEN D EN CE. In order to make sure that The house occupied by A. Heise ¡«re invited to co m e and see tbe fun. «•tte valley »hove l ’oillaiid. Have a correct inensurement of your In vitality, juat aa piinpira and other mony. both parties should be aware of the «ml burned to the ground M r Wvsniig and son are visiting rooms and windows when you co me for carpets, wall paper ami shades. eruption, are aigna tliut tiio blood Volunteers will c u t woo«l for the omission he called attention to It. Tuesday, March 3rd, Being very dry, tlx'ii fr ml, Mr. S« hriv«T, here. They W e cu t shinies to fit. without charge and make them in any width. Oak Grove churc h Saturday. I. impure. Grout Britain Is still the greatest tea it burned so rapidly that the family b *w j u - t atriv. d fr< m Woof!ford conn W e make our own mattresses and each is exactly as represent««!. ♦ • ♦ — - I t', a w arning, too, which ouly tho drlqking country. The consumption 1» hud time to save only a few of tln i r ly, Illinois, and arc looking for »» farm W e also make our own couches and lounges and carry a large line of C L. Hubbard ami J . G VanOr.-«lel five pounds per head of the populu- ! h'.OH. h dd «• IT. « t-* The following Sal- to make a homo in Polk county, hav haxurdou, fail to hoed. coverings were in the metropolis ye»ter«l iy. tlou. In Switzerland it Is estimated at ! I urda\ evening the neighbors showed ing sold out in Illinois. one and a half pounds per bend and In 't h e i r sympttlhy by ga b.r in g at tbe J . II Moran »pent a few days in the United States about one pound per < Inline of K I.. H a m s , where the fam- I'm Hand on land business last week. I ily are *ta>ing at present vciy getter- bead. Sev« rnl i>f our c I lie ns have been in Itemove it, give uew life, new cour Practical measures are now In prog • 11-ly taking with them bankets and 2(>9 Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. Stores at Salem and ress with a view to exploiting the vnrl l*ox«‘s heap<d with necessities, until a Pmtlai «1 trying to get the railroad age, strength and animation. Albany. goodly amount was collected. The «ompanv to make changes in the run DALLA8 COLLEGE ou» coalfields t-x 1st ing In Egypt and They cleanse the blood and clear tho elsewhere on the direct east, rn route. 1 hou.-e, which was the property of E. niug of the trains to m ake it more complexion. - up «id«* to the people along the Cor + f 9 4* f The Egyptian government has granted L. Harris, was not insured. 4» + + 4» A ccep t no substitute. vaili» and west »id«», but someone -j* concessions for this purpose to Edward +4»+++4HH»+4»+4»-i-+++4*4»v*+++++4- It Saved H .s Log- -p ih d their plan» «n.d the project Í " I tell tired all the tim e and could not Nicluills, an Englishman. Courses not Excelled in the State. T Sleep. After takin g Hood's Sarsaparilla I*. A. Danforth of LaGi.nige, G t.. failed. Hitierian merchants are loudly com T Piano, Organ, Harmony, Composition a while I could sleep well nml tho tired plaining that Manchuria and ports In -uffered for six months with a fright City Marsh tl Hubbard ha« issued * + H - H * + - H 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + i * v 4 IJ A New spring styles—men and hoys. feeling had «one. This great incdhin« has Hlberia are tlood«*d with American. ful running M*re on his leg, hut ordeis t«> thr«*«» tinhorn gamblers that + *;• + 9 also cured me of scrofula." M r s . C. M. 4» 4* 4* German, Japanese ami other foreign vrites that Bin kb n’s Arnica Halve they nm-t stop gambling, and that 4* About worth at from $1 to $t. R oot , (Ulead. Conn. good» and that Russian trade la d!» wholly cured it in five d«vs. For ul- lx tir*«t time ha cat ch es tlx-m he will C. W. K A N T N E R , DIRECTOR- appearing. Energetic measures are de «'<•>», womuls, pile-, i t ’s t l t e liest Ill V« til* co mpD in t and have them pr *se- H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla promises to ! Stiidi«» in dormitory. c u r s and keeps th o promise. mnndcd. particularly a frontier guard ill i lie world. Cur« guaranteed. O 11- ly 25 «us. Hold by *11 drug e ist s. •mill« lent to prevent smuggling. The ^ Big assortment of colored and fancy combinations. If U need a high grade 8 A L T CRCCK. C lean sin g and H ea lin g watch or have a watch (!«•««. H»»rr sml A .1 Baxter C u r e for that needs repairing.**.*« | «•adì (••«»«! more img» for nisrkel. ('■ w I mmbd Kvaav F riday M ouxim * A? 7:30 w. Salem’s Best Store. 1 9 % 9 9 9 t 9 t * GOING OUT OF BUSINESS McCOY A. R. TOZIER 9 % HOP WIRE F E l S r O E W O R K S t Bobcm Friends $ Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention m m 4* * m %% m * * m * * m .* % m m SilEM S U M LAUNIIRY That Tired Feeling Ths House Furdshm^ Company H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla a n d P ills the House Furnishing Company. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT H A N D S O M E SPRING SH IR TS—SW EA TER S CATARRH Van O rsdel, Hayes & C o .,î REAL E S T A T E D E A L E R S F A R M S AND C I T Y L O T S PnreliMMng a ^ n t for W C MH ’luro, of Saeinaw Michigan, nml <*th*T r.’Mt«Tn timk-r ilealers. D 1 ixim 1, u p 8 t : l i r s , \\ H ho II I>(ii t l i n g . 5 DALLAS OREGON} CATARRH Mi»» Lilv Baxter, «t thè sia la vermty, 1« baving tr«*ubb* wifli e\e- od may bave U» give tip study ing for a lime. Il* 1 ry Gillmn s i l i return Kaptern Oregon and fami tl»e place. O j r geiual connty auiierintemlent w..s wilh ti» recentlv, lo« ling teoch* ers. \\ e are alway» glad lo »« e Inni, bui thè numlxir of douglintit» he cari gel ouf»i«le of stnke» terr«*r to Ih« «loiighnut jar. Rarlon R'irg» arili leave in J n n e for \Vadiing'«utl oliere lie arili engagé in farining We ar«- »««rry lo I*.««« him, «a he and In» «»tiinable wife »re lavor- iU» wilb all. S3 W I N T E R S H I R T FOR SI.50. j| Men and hoys’ winter suits going at Ely's Cream Balm )A .\ aik I pltwk-ant to 11a ' iCont*liM ut» in ju rio u I Urup It it •|iil. klv »l«or*.«-l «I«v en relit-' kt o ne*. I t o|*rn« ami COLD ' n HEAD"’*1'*“ 'i’’****"-"~ HtvU %n«l | UOv<* ftensH. r r**«<- mi «» •ln*.4i«t««a !.y niAil. T.lal | H.V HRoTHKaO. I R m W»*« th* | L*rs*«ta». •*« n a lM l W hy mall. W*rr».. Hi N«w ^orh. ( 'ome to me and 1 will’give you rijiht value for your money. P FE N N IG , Jeweler and Optician. W IU -O N BLOCK. ABOUT COST SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE Opposite Capital National bank and head quarters for Salem made blankets, flannels clothing, Indian robes, and Indies suitings.