Image provided by: Dallas Public Library; Dallas, OR
About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882) U A N . 38. 1882. WEAKER, A s K io ic i' m i s . Roads worse than ever. The first snow of the winter. only slight. T lic It is FKAM i L L T 1K IC . Itc iu U e r* » L u te I 'u i l l a d e . L e n a I te m » . | Our weather cle rk is os ch an gea b le as C r it ic a l - . a young maid and they were as terrible as an army with banners. And they blew upon the ram’s horn and tlie cornet, and the sac- but, and the alto horn, and the flute and the bass drum. Now, it came to pass that the younger son joined not with them that diil strike, neither went he out churches sell as bullion, at an aver age reduction of five per cent, of their face value, much to the advan tage of foreign missionaries and poor people at home. Our loads are getting so rough that E ditor I temize * : In your issue of last they make one sick to ride over them, or The brick work on Mr. Poppleton’* week appoared editorially a lengthy criti at least such was tho case with oue pas store is finished. und Mower». The editor oi tho Oregonian, in senger on tho etago on last Monday. I Header». We acknowledge a cull from Mr. J. J. cism of an article by “ A Suffragist” in tho When the stage arrived here in theafter- coini tenting on the Duniway-Simp. Daily Oregonian of the 14th instant. Daley, of Dallas. Certain of your strictures and com no of the passengers got out of the to his w ork , n or on the h igh w a y, | son fracas, .speaks quite coinuieiula- The Trustees have made an order to ments I deem worthy a passing notice, J coach uud that he staggered reminded lest at any time they th at diil i bly of tho action of the young have the front room of the town jail, in | and with your permission, Mr. Editor, I one of being nut to sea, tho way he strike should fall upon him and bloods, his hopeful nephews. He which they meet, repaired and papered. ! should like the space of a half column or braenu himself, It wan rather funny to flatten him unto his hom e pi •acked thinks such lilielous, .scandalous Mr. R. It. Parrish is lip trom Portland. i moro iu reply. ! •«« him. And saying to 1 imself, “ This j jn ic e , w hich is even a fte r the fash- IT” B O X *. He is making arrangements to build a journalists as Simpson should be “ But it pleases us to note” that you r, is tho hie, roughest, hie, s^a I ever saw / . ¡bn o f that people, ^ D o u b le * brick on his Front street property, join- i article is occasionally satirical as well as j splosh he went over into the mud. llie castigated for their articles. We A n d lie began to be in Want, I t o r o f t l i c img Messrs. Belt, Robertson & White- i quite lengthy, and while I shall not at- j soa was too much for his underpinning. , A n d he w ent o u t and jo in e d him thoroughly agree with the Orego I u m l B n i t aker in this enterprise, unto a citizen of the country ; nian. If the young men had been I tempt to imitate my distinguished critic Mural: Always carry plenty of ballast, [ » ‘ l ’o r T lim r un(0 the lunch- A l i r a vc j As the young Dun ¡ways will probably in this particular, vet it atferds me an op- and there will be no danger of gettinc \ and J 10 f,ent hold personally responsible for the | be indicted by the Multnomah grand I portunity, if to disposed, to discuss the tup heavy on the roughest sea of abvoi- room to find tourists, abuse their mother, on the platform :jur 3 % “ Ml Portland” will now have the | more relevant portion of his criticism with nty. | And he w ou ld faiu have filled iimiiiary stato- I opportunity of testifying to their char* greater piquancy than I otherwise should. Mrs. John T. Crooks has been very ill. him e lf up with adamantino cook- ! and in her paper, heaped upon some Ito thè trouble, j acter. I In bogiuiiiiig your criticism you pre- Col. A. T. Long will lecture at High- . it»« and indestructible . pie, and the , ! of our own citizen.7, and bad re- of thè asaault ’ Attention is called to the card of T. F. \ suiiie to caricature the writer by ipiotiny laud Church,Saturday evoning, February | ' u 'caiiHwd sandwiches which the j ceived personal chastisement for the thè editor of Smith, who for a number of yours, has j a misprint ut his expense. You are wnl- I same, we have no doubt that this 18th, and at the Zcna Church, Sunday toui ists always did eat. Anti n.o man gave unto him. I .. ,, . . , , | practised his profession in this county, come to any advantage you may gain in \ the 1‘Jtli, at 11 a . m . All are invited to (then included having boon located at Dali And when he came to himself he actl0n Would 1,ave bocn com™enae<1 Imlu- this particular, [An unintentional typt i attend. Bro. Long is a tine speaker, and censure, and pendence is now his home. graphical error ‘A .Suffragist” refers to if you hear him once you will want to hear said: “How many hired servants by Mr. Harvey Scott, uncle of the RTelcntue, pub- We call attention to the attention to here.— E d .] him again. Come and judge for your hath my father oil the farm with assaulters of Mr. Simpson, [inpson, in con- hn ad enough and lots to spare, ami iM B With great fairness, however, you print selves. the ad. of Mr. E. Cox in to-day’* issue. lined a com mu- I perish with hunger ?” in full the propositions laid down by the Tho fruit-dryer sold by Mr. Cox is cer G H T E H G Ü L T Y. Rumor has it that a dance will be given subject and re- And he resigned his position in tainly an improvement on any we have writer as facts established by the late pos on the 14th of February at Phillip’s hall. On the day the lunch business and arose and In so doing I submit lever seen. No better investment can be tal investigation. As soon as Judge Cox had delivered On last Saturday morning we were went unto his father. following, the \ made by farmers whose orchards gener- that you at once destroy the edge and his charge to the jury the latter retired aroused from our slumbers by the baying upon Will am But when he was yet a great 1 ally yield no revenue, than to order one vigor of your criticism. Your comments of hounds. We were not awaro botute and after a few minutes the court ad be name of tho way off, he telegraphed to his upon these propositions are very candid of these dryers. . Ich, of course, and fair, and the only exception I can that our yards smelled like foxes or coon». [ father to kill the o ld cow and make journed tor a short recess. As soon as Owing to a press of business we were Epson assuming possibly take is that you put too much They came very close to our door. We mevry, lor behold ho had struck it court reopened the jury came in and de Sblication. The* unable to “ revise” Prof. (Janigus’s man stress upon language that could not well believe it to be a put up job, or else bad rich, and the old man paid for the j clared their verdict of murder in the first telegram. sr to pass, but uscript, in consequence of which a few bo worded otherwise, sud state facts as training of the dogs. “ unintentional” errors crept into his no Now, the ehler son was in the ! d«ci'»«- «¡cortina to the indictment, be»- I promise that no offensive lan- Born to the wife of John Beckett, a they appeared to the writer. In writing tice to “ astronomers.” We hope our north tield plowing with a pair of ing been but six minutes in arriving at i,.ld b* a m i to future articles re- daughter. these propositions I studiously avoided readers will “ tumble to tho racket” and balky mules, anil when he drew | guch conclusion, their mother. | On last Sunday any allusion that could be construed as a Born to the wife of John Crook», near severer than not “ give it away.” reflection upon our honorable Postmaster, Zcna, a son. John seems to be cured nigh to the house he heard music Orders for job work received at this and danc'ng. fo r which Willis T e le g r a p h ie r S u m m a r y . and if there is possibly any such an ex now. And he couldn't seem wot- -why punish the re- office. pression it must be attributed to my pov Don Charles N. Rotter died on tho these thing« were thus. frPRflcome. Accord- •Tob printing done at I t B i MIZP. ii office in erty of language, and not as an intentional N o t ic e t o S c h o o l C le r h s . And he took the hired girl b y 23d at New York. Ined they armed good stylo. Orders taken at Indepen (these italics are mine) fling at a gentle Superintendent C. E. Magers an Smallpox is causing much excitement lies and started dence or Dallas. man for whom I have always entertained nounces that ho is ready to supply the the ear and led her away, and fcH e was seated on clerks of school districts with blank re asked : “ Whence Tometh this un at Omaha. A fresh lot of groceries just received at | the greatest respect and the highest < & tho office when the Duni- Belt & Son’s; also a brand new stock of »¡deration. I made no charge against Mr. ports. A r all clerks must report by the seeming hilarity ?” A case of varioloid at Amherst College And she smote him with the causes cxcitemcut. S l , 0 >r»d, *nd without any parley gent’s furnishing goods. Hodgin, either by implication or other first Monday in March, or caase a for palm of her hand, and said : “This ' -’S * Here» attack on Simpson, The windstorm of the 22d at Boston Shiloh’s catarrh remedy-—a positive wise, for I believe him to be a high- feiture of the district money, clerks will Patent 0r^> to the floor. ' The blows « ere cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker iuiuded and honorable gentleman, a citi do well to supply themselves with thy brother has come, and was continues very furious. dead and is alive again,” and they ' principally to the head, and a zen of unblemished character and sterling blanks. mouth. For salo by L. \V. Robertson. Gen. Garibaldi is helpless Naples, began to have a high old time. U rnihir»f t “ 1*“ w#r* inflicted, and was conveyed ashore in a litter. Why will you cough when Shiloh’s Cure integiity. And the elder son kicked, even S o ir e e . j blood to flow freely. The “ Now we come to the curious part of will give immediate relief. Price 10 cents, Secretary Folger says he has no inten A very pleasant dancing party was given as the government mule kicketh, tot rtrik* Simpson while lie was this moat remarkable” criticism. In my 50 cents, and §1. For sale by L. W. at Butler’s hall on Tuesday evening last and he was hot under the collar, tion of g«»ing on the Supreme bench. except when he attempted to communication to tho Oregonian I said Robertson.* in honor of Miss Iona Strang, of Salem, j and h e gathered up an armful of Seventy thousand claims for fixing •►•positf type says that one of them said in substance that the point was for the who is visiting friends in town this week, j profanity and flung it in among fair rent are listed in the land courts of Are you made miserable by indigestion, him,” tort this is d. niol i.y the prosecution to establish the fact that the About thirty couple were present, who | the guests, anil gat him up and Ireland. I LI i. present at the constipation, dizziness, lnss of appetite, package in dispute had been properly ad 10 * *hn Angel and B. H. Barnett, yellow skin I Shiloh’s Vitalizer is a posi dressed. I maintained that this fact was “ chased the hours with flying feet” until girded his loins and lit out. The deaths from smallpox at Philadel And he got him to one learned phia for ihe week ending the 23d, are 23, ‘d* anil Jg with Mr. Bjfmpsmi, and Dr. tive cure. For sale by L. W. Robertson. established, and after carefully reading midnight, when the party broke up, some The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bourbon, the caustic review of my position in this adjourning to Assails oyster rooms for in the law, and he replevined the an incrcaso of 14. atles and |^° ®*me ^ 4 Duniways as a The outside* part it s took no Ind., says' “ Both myself and wife owe particular, with all due difference to my supper, while the remainder repaired to entiie ranch whereon they were, The bark Quivey, from Havana to «lines and ktjj* m elee,H itept Angel, who our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure.” critics superior legal and logical acumen, their respective homes. The music was together with all and singular the Baltimore, sank last week near Hattcrae herediarnents, right, title, franchise, furnished bv Messrs. Pierce and Godley. °ds in Uni* a broom M arm s length to For sale by L. W. Robertson. Inlet and eight lives were lost. 1 see no reason to materially change my estate, both in law and in equity, ¡nrs and h ! ^ ow#* Dr| Ilowe, after tlie opinion. It seems clear to my mind that O r d e r o f CiiuMCii F r ie n d s . Tho Canadian Press Association is urg together with all dins, spurs, K M m g lc . ‘s through, p W e .1 Simpson up, primarily the fact of tho proper mailing A Council of this Order was instituted angles, crooks, variations, leads, ing the government to take steps to abol Those indebted to Cooper Bros, will of this package figures as an important S' n f°a"*>red up what money had fallen in this place at Odd Fellows Hall on veins of gold and silver ore, mill- ish postage on newspapers. Is. ( asrs 18 Utter’s pocket. Tho Duniways please come forward and settle imme factor iu the case. For what more could Wednesday, January 23d, bv C. A. sites, dam sites, flumes, and each Mormon money and spies are said to diately. We mean what we say. inuourst li^ ®'n’ P*°n *f he wrote the arli- the prosecution do than prove that the Wheeler, Deputy Supreme Councilor. and every of them firmly by them be working among the Congressmen at i 0 replied that he did not. They package was properly addressed ? That I q A d m i n i s t r a t o r 's N o t ic e . The following is the list of officers linnly by those presents. Washington. orders il It to the police court and gave Whereas I, W. P. Connaway, was on j *s 8 ay» addressed as they claimed to | ¿elected for the ensuing term : J. M. And it was so. The police have confiscated a number -il'C. ig up on a charge of assault and the 3d clay of January, 1882, duly ap- j ■ Independence, Polk county, Oregon.” Mitchell, P. C. C .; A. C. Sweet, 0. C.; of the London Punch in consequence of a -prefem d by Dr. Ilowe. Mr. pointed administrator of the estate of i Dn tho other hand, it became obligatory ¿|IS> g q gtannus, V. C .; Mrs. L. B Y U T A M ) K li.H O R . cartoon bearing on the receht imperial waa conveyed to his homo on Thoma 3 Birch, deceased, by the Hon. Utt tlio i>art of dvfunse to eattxblUh the j ¡,weet( Soo. ; S. Stamms, Treas.; H. M. 1 „ -------- rcscriut. rk and Yamhill streeta, where the County Court of Polk county, Oregon, fact that there had been some mistake ! T,;,ipn Young man : It’s all righ t for . j 0],n j . M m ? seek, W .; j Liues, The court denied the motion for a new da were examined, and though therefore, as such administrator, I hereby made, j 1 you to want to own the earth. at least misleading circumstan |W. DcBord, G.; ----- , S.; Drs. T. Caper tha be not dangerous, barely missed Alc(lical Exilin'- ius ,‘u,c1' of >t 08 you can in a decent trial ill the civil suit brought by the gov- give notice that all persons having claims ces connected with the address upon said * l go ftnj j E Uavijj t would have produced death. against the said estate shall present them, wrapper, etc. If this could bo done, <»f|jnerj#. anj I \V \ Cu umiiius G \V ! sort of way. But don’t imagine 1 eminent against Bonj. B. Wiley, »tar *ivo us a a. Willi* and Hubert plead guilty route contractor. with proper vouchers, within six months course the onus of guilt or dereliction of OeBord and J. SI. Mitchell, Trustees, I yon own the whole of it. That’s i's arge of aaaault and battery, and from the date of this notice, to mo at L. duty wuuld t»e removed from the Post The mime of the Council is Orient, N<*. where lots of fo.ks make a mistake. m ; w to d a y . n-ney presented to the court as W. Robertson’s drug-store, in Independ master. In my second proposition I 7, of Oregon, and will meet Tuesday A modern voting lady’s forehead. £ 0 uus aa. circtuustuuces the article in the plainly stated that this latter fact had ence, Polk county, Oregon. evening of each week at Odd Fellows’ The editor of this column not hav 1155 A fine of tivo dollars was im- been established. T. F. SMITH, M. D., W. P. CONNAWAY. ing seen ono for several years, is hall. lich they promptly paid. On But my critic is disposed to think that Jan. 7th, 1S82. Administrator. witling to pay a fair price for a Prodigal Boa. Gening Chas. H. Coles swore out such a position is decidedly unique and glimpse at the genuine old article. B elt & P ipes , 1 * 0 HT. A uatice Davis'court for the Anomalous. It is very evident that he So bandage or otherwise mutilated Attorneys for Administrator. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. Willia and Hubert for assault The prodigal son of the bible no specimens wanted. misapprehends my position iu tho piem- jan28 ly erotia weapons, and they were doubt represented his time, and ises. F or R e n t. Mr. Thurndykc Rice, editor of iJ Conatnble Simntons. At their tilled the place perfectly as a para He seems to think that we must either K a i l r o n d T im e T a b l e . A large farm for rent. Enquire of A. the North American Review, is now he ezamhutien « as set for Sut- worship God or Magog; either own silln- ble, but the modern prodigal is Wing, independence. in a position to atlord the whole of xt, and they were released on gianco to the Duniway Publishing Com somewhat different, and is thus Following is the time table of the W. O. K. his magazine to “Bob” Ingersoll’sl R., at this place. W tB tfd . recognizance. It is their ¡»ten- pany or swear fealty to the Independence ! ^ p re s e n te d b y an e xch a n ge creed it he wants it. A lady named Oak wood, sawed in two-foot lengths, Postofiice coterie. Personally I claim no j PK PA ItT. (Old "XATtost'iye examination and go befóte Now, there w as a certa in m an Bourne, of Newport, R. I., lias left Passenger trains north.................. delivered at office of Belt & Pipes, on had tw o sons. jury. such relationship towards either party. I Passenger .rains south.................. i: mm, ■ • ita her* publiahcd are siihstan- vibscription to I temized . A n d the y o u n g e r o f th em said to him by will, §500,000. am willing to believe there is “ a golden ARHIVK FROM. , elated by tha parties to the ac- "Whew 1 Coming up the stairs Passenger trains north.................. mean” between these two extremes, and I his fath er, “ F a th er, g iv e m e the P a y Y o u r D o c t o r s ’ IS ills . Passenger trains south.................. POBTLlJUat the reeult will be is hard to that both parties arc honest in their j P<-, 1 'k°n o f g o o d « t h a t faileth to me. takes the wind out of me,” rental ks Drs. Davidson & Lee request those The Duniway boys claim that statements and convictions. I have no . A n d he d iv id e d u n to him his tiie gentleman who climbs to the iRMSTXOM. defending their mother's honor, knowing themselves indebted to the firm “ mud i to throw either at Mrs. Duniway | liv in g , and the ) OUngest son p 'lr - editorial rooms to give advice about to make settlement immediately. Don’ t r&L'° 1 . Simpson claims that he not or Mr. Hodgin, and I am equally loth to p h a s e d h im self a n 03 i-cloth g n p - running the paper, “tío glad,” says -io t write the article, but did not forget this, but remember that we need cast any reflection upon the testimony of sack a,nd Kot out of the country. the editor, shaking him by the INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. ts publication. Sant Simpson some money. witnesses, I believe they ware all equally . A n ,i ca,ne to P * * ‘ h a t ^ . hand, . and the gentleman thinks the tííiiniS Sir. I» «•>* »ntbor of it. The Duni- You speak of Hie |journeyed ev en u nto liu cicsk in tint! e d it o r is so d e lig h te d to see him . honest and sincere. A S e c r e t D iv u lg e d . atiun 00 “ “"t hat thoy received word Sunday t,' el ao a>Ilst | A gen tlem a n re ce n tly lost his Mr. A. Assail will hereafter furnish “ this apologist of the senior editor." You j ^ lu ,^ :Vu t Gen. Simpaon hud urtned liiin- _ | w ife , untl a voting m iss o f six years, are simply mistaken. I do not occupy | Lead vilie. Ratta « » canned oyster stews at 25 cents a dish. ! he end ia nut yet. Dr. Howe -----KEEPS— and have never occupied the role «if an ! A n d w h en h e w as co m e n igh w h o cam e to the fu n era l, said to his i Fresh oysters will cost as before, 50 cents, 1 AMHtP, Ha*» 11 u 4 a ¿ iu th ieb a ryo of assault This insinuation is unworthy ; U P^° . c ll:V , . a " su u m little da u gh ter o f a b o u t th e sam e l: tl’HV, Oanpt««L b ! prepared in any manner, with all trim- j VG, ,«r smiU ,adly » « • !» " . but it will be ' t f m u sic and d a n cin g \ « Y on r pa w ill m a rry again, Canned Fruits and Vegetables aml coulte,n,s i:,itic' t he had nothing to do with tho tilings. If you wish a fine flavored cigar , uf You chiv*lric also “ -very much fear that ‘a suf- j , A n ' lie m to th a t place, and w o n -t |ie r TOBACCO, after eating, he has it. ¡us w way, waa there only as a witness. fragist’ has not only admitted away every i ^ ,er? a,os<f a m * W e,lt i,ls a3r» a a ! ! 4 O h, Vts, w as tho re p ly , “ b u t n ot CIGARS, tvntnuMM« ■------- ■ - -------- hireling at the gates smote upon I tU 1 after the funera| . I vestige of the case against Mr. Hodgin, at re;i?onabIe rat» * V A lB H lS IffiC i* . C a lic o H u ll. him with a »lung-shot of great po- j CUTLERY! s .Inumai, . ; but has as well knocked the props from l" “ ‘ ii11" P " ‘ W iv e ff o u g h t rea lly to be m ore » of Ornamental TOO WflBt a valentine, On Tuesday evening, February 14th, tency, and th the younger son w wist i .1 1 t r .i ii , I,, : ten ev, and e y o u n g e r son is t j . , , ® •, . 1 , ... OYSTERS, under the defense of the Duniway s. ' ..... .... :» ____ ¡ca re fu l a b o u t te llin g th e truth to W b£' y ^ p 0 M one of those the Independence Silver Cornet Band will not how it was. Why should you fear that ■* suth-agist' 1 their husbands. “Why do you start SARDINES, I have. I have a thous- j give a grand Calico Ball at Butler's Opera j And in the second watch of the QUEKNSWARE, handsome and House. The ladies will be expected to has dune so dreadful a thing? 1 have no ni^ht he arose and he was alone; i so whenever I come into t le room?” ax to grind, and am no partisan iu this °. .. .. ,, ... ¡a s k e d a brtUMiue man of Jus better ou will hav« no trouble iti get- j wear calico dresses. A huge time is ex- T. . . . . and tne p ieces of gold and s ilv e r . . 1 , And a full stock of Fami y (»rocerien, which cheerfully w controversy. It is limii&tcnM to me 1 ° .n a if. I t is only my nerves. my be sells at bottom prises. Stand next door to Pricts range from 5 cents up- ' pected. - were wpre gone trorm. I . ’ * * the I’i'rtSi.1 July 22 1881 ly whose props fall or where tliey fall. I j poor nerves,' »lie replied, “which Drug Store. « hom horn I have might *l»u send a nice box of d Teacher and F o r 'F r i s c o . I aim to “ hew to tho line, let the chips fall ^ n<! " r“ ’ S° ’ * i , are so very weak that I am startled ^ J your tody friend, as the same 1 i A n d he arose and sat down and . \ . , .. . T I Mr. H. Hirachberg starts for San where they will. by every stupid tiling I see. Attfnet 1 ,» 'H i *••* I h * « also thu tiuest rent his clothes and threw i Francisco about the first of February, to You say that Mrs. Duniway was unnoc-1 -------- «M rator B*y oysters, stewed, and dust upon himself. j A ntOe colored boy wrote the 'or™ rot*; or • good cup of coffee, be absent about two months. r~ ex- sarily severe upon certain witnesses for And ho went and joined himself followin', excuse to his teacher : “ I ! pects to lay in a stock of goods, with the ; tho defence. For once wc are m accord, i UNDER8IGIN ED W OULD MOST After all this, I can furnish unto a citizen of that country, and aSil f5ony ^ couitln t come to school <pi?E . respectfully inform the citizen« of Buena fine cigar .hit'll will leave a view of going into the dry goods business I think that the Madam’s abuse of wit- be sent him down in a prospect1 on 1* i*i«Iayr, nut I cou.dnt cause it ' Vista and vicinity that he ban constantly on rain. That ilie way it go in the ! hand a lull line of your mouth. All of again, in (Independence. Joe has done ; nesses waa in bad taste, to say the least, hole to di«*. And be never before dag. woiid. Jf the Lord «hut the door, GROCERIES <t DRY GOODS. htel at Adam Assail s, business iti this town too many years, ! One more comment And then I am done, and is too well known for us to deem it You also aay, “ this defeuder ami zeahms I Wherefore when lie »pat upon no man can open the door; and if Booti», Shoe*, Hatfl, Cap«, Hardv.*are, Tin ■ necessary to introduce him to our readers, exponent of * an enlightened political his bands ami lay hold of the long-! ^ t h e d«>or, no man can ware, Woodwn-war**, 1 tie lies, Glann-ware and ! His old customers and friends will wel-1 movement” makes also the statement handled shovel, were with they are *hut tne door, and if the Lord say various notions, and would mn»t reepeetfullv ir s e li b e rg . invite the public Ut call and examine both Day any money come his return to our business circles, that the *• hoodlum element were mde- wont to shovel, he »truck hi« el- ram, no man can «top it rain: but goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. He will open iu hu brick store, now oc- ci-ruusly obstreperous.” That is not in ce, will pay the bows upon the wall of the shaft the Lord do all things well, and you TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. icuuied by E. Poppleton, in the .Spring. i accordance with our observation. irtson or Mr. VV. wherein he x L mx I, and he poured ouLjhtn t to "rowI. . . . i i . 1 Prices M low M tk. lowest, and don't you VERY P r iz e * A w a r d e d . This last statement is simply astonish the earth and rocks over against 11 receipt for the \\ hen an Austin schoolmaster j forget it. n . H. C l . I R K . lllR s c H B tn o . The two writing classes of Prof. Clay- ing, and I am disposed to believe that it the back o f h is n eck . entered his temple of learning a i NovSmS. S TABI 88, 1882. 2w ! ton, having finished their course, selected was a slip of the pen. Yeur “ observa- And bv w a v 'd pxrpi'riingly few mornings ago, lie read on the f l F F I H F I T E M I Z E R Messrs. Belt, Magers and Pipes as tion” was certainly very limited, ami wroth. blackboard the touching legend: TEN DESß toon. ¡judges to determine the person to whom ■ surely did not extend beyond the limits A n d b e tried even yet A ga in ,a n d "Our teacher is a donkey.” Chinincs 3 ¿ C o . is the several prises offered were due. On j of the platform. In fact from what you b e h o ld ! th e Jinndle o f th e sb ovvl The pupils expected there would utual consent. All examination of the specimens of tho say the actors upon the platform did becam e ta n g led betw een le r., ’ be a rombined cyclone and earth-j Sure payable to 8. class of young ladies and gentlemen j occupy all your attention, and “ that is a nd tilled Ills ear nigh full o f lie- ijtiake, but the philosophic peda-1 »er pri>'<"ll,a _ . L g all debts of said (without k? iwing the writers), the ' in accordance with our observation''’ too. com p osed slate a n d t lie p o r p h y r y jfogue contented him self with add- 1 modatinf C® IR > ’ p £. D m t v , judges unanimously agreed that the best! I am now done with this controversy, which is ill th a t le g io n rou n d ing the word "driver” to the legend, rJ . C iA x x tn , and opened the school with prayer j All modern improvement*. Restaurant improvement was shown iu the specimen In this communication I ha vs endeavored about. » . O. Cuxsos. ES rDARPH’ ® tbe beat in the city. Open all day. which proved to be that of Mias Patience to state my position w ith perspicuity and A n d he w is t n o t w h y it wail so. as usual. I 2 i>, 1882. letton gttsr*l'"- l OUOOR. J. II. BRENNER, Prop'r. P4I.I Cooper. The prize was a neatly executed fairness, and have ala attempted to indi- N o w , a fte r m a n y day s th e s!io v - AnElmiraclergynian reports that j cmrd. In the other writing class the cats wherein my critic has misapprehend- tie rs w ith th e ir »h o v e ls , a n d the the war on mutilated coins has been m i c'"*)P0J O. A. WALLER, blasters with their blasts, an^ the a good thing for the contribution! lis t day of January, prize for best improvement, a “ Family ; ed iny position. That’s all. A S tm u cis T . bolster* with their hoists, banded box. A man who ha* tried in vain j Mol with the under- Record" was awarded tu John Denman ; E themselves together, and each said j to pass a half dollar with a hole in j ■«ullected punctual- that lor best writing to Fred Godley : And [W * have all along had two objects in that for the best exeentrd fancy |> en to hi* feilow : it finally gives up in despair and j tolonth. ’ work to Mr. Will Hostler. The speci view. One to defend Mr. Ilodgin, the "Oo to ' Ret us strike.” And drops it into the Sunday collection, Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, J. P. Invise, mens *11 chow * matked improvement. other to criticise Mr*. Duniway'» abusive they stroke. to which he was formerly in the ■ T. W. K elt , FISHING TACKLE, CUTLERY. and evince Mr. Claytou s sncce.«* a* a language. “ A Snffra-iif’ agrees with us And they that stroke were a.* habit of contributing nothing, or And Ammunition of »11 bind«. FW**i iry Wflflf tu i j A. Wnra. ho #*Kly dune. State **»■•♦*. o p p r ii* Sinith* dnj* . writing teach i tn both points. And that's «11. — E d . J the sands o f the sea for m u ltitu de,; at most a dime. Such coins the I •tTfl, I ls * , 1 A <*2 dtol«n, <yr*fotk. i AC are Get. find us Physician and Surgeon, GROCERY STORE A . W in g , Proprietor. Cash Store I Cumtux ? 0 ) P E E i« j ras? cu* I On h.mj Th. iM eett '■ inem, limano sirs on band ready for customer». Tha ! brand* of cigar* for a»!«. Al#u a firai-cliMD i billiard tabla in the hou*e W ILLIAM S A SLOPER 2-84-tf L. W. ROBERTSON. Druggist and Apothecary INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. - n u n * is. — Drag, and eheinic*]*, ,1 ____ riwn. paints. oiU. varnialie^ dy* i *ad tnMh bm.lws. V-ilte i '* K«p, shonklvr brsew, n drnggfc». ninririsw, eigan for mciUclnal inirpnM*. m *teht A k W 1 » <l» r. • »«____ i . --- mm . Æ rV ’ "