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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882)
IN D E P E N D E N C E , O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y , J A N U A R Y ‘ Hugh is going to h t mo have a the skies still blue and uu,1 A (Yard or Tw o to an Old Lady. a-ge us a valid excuse for this utter lives of all tho Rowena, in the new pony for my birthday, and 1 l liorp-Enden. family. dimness o f perception. But, no. I here were* This hook had beeu purposely shall go with him to see MissCaiew, The Northwest answers our nr- Mrs. Duniway would like to know • - ■ ■ ■ more threatening and kept ftotn us. and our old nurse, too,” unconsciously forging a link, anyw t iments of week before last. 1 he ,(pon what authority wo state that Bitty Hawlls, said that we would • Miss Oarew doesn’t wish a great portentous than those breaking! u uwer is deaf, haul, and conclu- ¡(ic company Was willing to witli- rue the day we ever dragged the sulky buy to visit her! Does she, over ! liorp-Enden. Miss Co warden !" ! Hugh was now paying assiduous »ivo of the invulnerable strength j rttW ¡t* charges against Ho.lgin if .secrets from that musty tomb. “ Is Miss Ctrew a great lady, court, and evident,y intended to Somebody had to leave Thorn- wf our own ponition. The; gist of j ]1L> would apologize. We reply, upon Elm enee !" I asked, quite calmly, in push matters with the heiress. But t ie reply is that we are “ boys." the authority of Mrs. Duniway her- Enden and go out into the wide suite of a dull, savage h ate-for he could not feel comfort« 1,1 world and wrestle with the iron * be crime of being youthful, in the I so!f I f thu R,lcit.nt ,jlllll0 )ias for. and women there for that lion ¡hie this woman, of whom 1 had never safe until he should feel Ins hands ; language of l'itt, is one wo st e 1» it, our “ verdancy” must' ! money which we heartily despised, even heard before— growing at my closing on the marriage-settlemein. Two weary days had dragged neither to palliate nor deny, ^ ’"¡charitably attribute her defect of but needed ridiculously. We were hc-art -oil. yes, indeed 1 Miss Carew is themselves away with their inter- age is no criterion of the truthful memory to the Wastini effects of getting out of everything, even hair a pins, which is a dreadful state for a great person, find means to marry ininaMi* hours. nn<l ness of our statements, nor of the a garrulous old age. inv brother Hugh, who is coming windy, moonless night again, three women. force of our logic. These must j In conclusion, old heart, wo cx Shouldn’t you tided in my close room, and throw Some body had to go, and mamma home to-morrow. .stand or fail upon their own merits. tend our sympathies. Boys though Wa> out , f "the question 1 So was like to see Hugh, Miss Cowaiden— ing on a shawl ami intitHer, left the Youth is not a badge of fraud -tioi we be, We have not lost our rover- Ito, likew ise Betty Hawlls, and that I’ll manage it if you would ! You side-door, and struck into a grav evidence of folly. Grey hairs may] encc for old ladies. We love them,1 lazy ° ‘^ Brace, and that scatter will think him very handsome, 1 eled w alk to the portico-lodge used by the servants. bo a crown of glory, but it should t an,j when the infirmities f age brained Smudge. That somebody | know I” The figure of a woman—a slight And Florence forsook all study was I lvachel Cowaiden, spinster, it. * ' • r ten thut the fool grow s ake one of them querulous, and I ,,i(| j ,i¡,| n anticipation of several fete days graceful woman—advanced toware » is the wise man, and unjus me rapidly, a long traveling cloak ijus*, and contradictory, we say to ¡ It was a'rcndfullv dreadfully unromantic in the mar future. e'en the vise have orice been oul^,,lfj “ Mover mind her; he gentle not a bit like a book, for I was not Two days after I sat in ninpecus- completely covering her from head an A n ! even if tlic fact that ]u>[; s]lb growing old, she’s | the heroine that was setting to ' tomed nook in Flynehly Park, hear to foot. A housemaid, perhaps, from Blackwood. Nearer and we arc “Heuge lings” should warrant, ,,ro,vin>' old 1” 1 work in a mean w iy to keep the ing the wind moan thiongh the nearer came the small pah face. ,,i. ¡real heroine from starving, and trees, and thinking of onr stunted a closer scrutiny of our argument, - loing without ribbon» ana ’ hair- ¡crab-apples at Thorp-Enden where| Good God 1 It was Rowena Cow- we gently remind the old lady who Bowcnn. the blue birds sang in Spring, when arden I pins. pats us on the head, that second 1 seized her arm. She did m t “For »ome must laiigrh while others weep, “ I am certain the disgrace of it :l taU, dark-haired man approached, | childhood is even a more pitiable Thun rr.m* the world away.”— Huuilct. I will kill me, Rachel; bat 1 suppose «-vuning from the l.all, intent upon ¡utter a sound, but shrank a little spectacle than first childhood. For 0™ r 'vhlc,h «»e alternately I "Rowenaj Somebody must leave tho dear •' that would be a small a Hair 1 You ;l \\ ith lus Gis “ Rachel. , , the one is the beginning of st rength, little home at Thorp-Enden, and . are just ns headstrong as ever your -milled and Downed What are doing doing here here ? ? \Y hat the otlier a symptom of decay. The ¡<--ave it at once, and perhaps for-1 father was in his life. ’ » b ^ ’d hand he whisked the dead “ “ W hat are t?vc-r! But if that somebody 4ul Headstrong with scarcely any- ha\es . |,n y s p^tn with a naw- have you come here foe ?’’ one is the enfolded be-all ty of the “ To see Miss Carew’s intended not go, then everybody must; even tiling to eat in the house, and those tiK'm * , was bud; the other the locselted leaves |)001._ u„ ; v iitt.e Brace, the • three hel pi css women anti Smudge Lucwiiv a c.umpof young trees husband. You will help me ?” “ I must know why you wish to of the faded rose wbase freshness skye-tefrier, and Smudge, the kit- and Brace to look after: * |1,1,1 Jue- Ho !a,^ h^ 1- dryly with- .. mind • i mammy, Rachel-’ i out heart or mirth, and tearing the see him." and sweetness have been kissed ten ten. j i “ ,,n Don’t !' D on t tnannny, Ruche! • . , / . , . "I w ill tell you afterward.” things into into i ! ¡’i f tl awav by the tho licentious breezes ot Hi one one grand grand lump, lump, for for paupers j i saj j H0 jp, > squeezing squeezing my tilings 1 ‘ 11‘ °, V •’ ^ " No one liael ever forced lto to do A LSO , “ E X T K K P U IS ir F L A X E ll A M ) the summer days. But noton that! T l “ '‘V 1<'X’ * fu™ t|- apotheca, vhs went ,na "a y , whistling an 1 anything. THRESHERS, PUMPS, ETC., g L M A T C H E R , STICKERS J L » tb» 1 had her supper fetched up on l i n n s s a m i I r o n < 'n M t i n g u I ' l l < » n S h o rt \’r*d’ account should we despise rhelattci. where to l0ok fol- it— tlmt was the | ‘ Vou’,-,. a K(IU| anj UH,an wolp lll0v'-“ 1 toward tho poor little letter, The “ buds” here bend to the With- rub I Money is not plucked like j pnow’, though l am sure papa'*!^° a s‘ee.B 'va^ l'V. It was the a tray, which 1 took at tho door. Water Wheel Governors of test pattern known. “ gent for Degroat’s Patent Oi#n to the 1 time in my life that Rachel Sho was wonderfully calm, hut as ered flower anil acknowledge that Mia lipc leaves from consumptive would turn over in his coiiiu iirincipaUy Cowarden did a dishonorable ac- white as a ghost, and did not much while they cannot admire, they and brauibly gooseberry-bushes.! think of his child going out to ser- resemble the old childish Ro who And there was nut a living mortal v i c e ¡ t i o n . F u m itu r »;/ “ ^ may, at leust, pity the unfiagrant , soul who would be likely to lend I swallowed a great many lumps - J llcf n to Piocc ou‘ ‘ He letter had cried herself sleep when mt ftrika decay of their ancient cousin. ; us any, even had wo sera; ed up the Udding then. good-bye at Thorp-1 » crY aP ^ “ Y *‘ PS- £ '" ''* ¿ 9 liai1 S * a thorn m her , except e Mrs. Duniway pays us the com courage to ns.-, lor it. ! Enden, but only realized the awl'ui-! f ,Ui Y' . ".’I" ,lu "? , liua,,s" ul* • . . Wppos'.tf Iixie say» t ‘ hat, ‘l* ^ 1 f? ,lT ’ Ul ? 'u» Uon ]" r' pliment of saving tiiat w e had help . It is true there were any quan- | , su f MIV UU(|c-i taking when Brace 1 ^ New lirlrk ^ in writing what she oleases to term ,,,>'ti,lcal « « « « ¡n the shape | ran his llosu nose in my hand, and |'at »««e r. lrut the certainty of i t , her to herself; happy m having , in writing what she pleases to tcini ,(jf debts to „ , L, his 1 1 f„ ,„ ,i „„ :p | i was no less cruel. _ her near me again, even at what- , to poor poor rapa papa JU, during hisii Megan to shake and whine as if !l1 1 1 Why did 1 not lling it froin tnt- ever cost, cost. One thing she said, vol- : "an ingeniously wrought distortion wild, spendthrift dav«— when Ro k .cvv the family house had gone to L Beils and fa with MANUFACTURED BY as she would have done had our juntaiily : of palpable facts.” Mrs. ])uniway and 1 were at boardhig-scliool— but rats and hats. I’ ... , ,, j. .j. positions been reversed ! Shades and If0 c*me 1 “ You must trust me, Rachel! 1 is mistaken. Wei wrote every line* .lear deal little holiness helptess mammy had no I “ fjood-hy e, liaclic ! W e’ll will never live to disgiace the more idea of how to begin to collect .you don't write often !” i i will not speak of it to any one, frame« anGth. * , . - ■ul the editorial referred to without this outstanding wea.tti, or in what . i D , dearest! I am sorry that the hap- nanle of Cowarden. I have hem or suggestion fro... any one. ,|l,.u U.1 . of tlie ,„uk f)„. tho An«l Ro. with watery eyes and Roods in Italy a help ■vit B towsled cur.s, flung ImrsJif in . a t;,u° of my life must be cloud- I reading the old hook at home, and her.- And it is not nn “ ingeniously -eaiidaloiis wretches who had de-, chines andld’ t,low*’ it is the name I bear which has liinp heap over the gate, looking T 1 V a secret, b t -h e r e the ron- ate cursed me! Of all the Uowenas, wrought distortion," nor any kind fnuided us of our just rights, than ■ r,, „ in nection of it was lost; 1 hen it be- tul ( her 1 last, while oinudge and Brace , , , , ,,, f • ■ ■ , gHii again, in a tremulous hand— Ilot one escaped misery and death of distortion of facts. That is the ^ havo of the Northwest passage ! followed nu with w istful. • unknow- this moment | “explain all, and all will be well.” — not one !” advantage truth has over error. j itig eyes. . , , . . . - . It never once entered her mind The rest is like a horrible night romnioBMi m* cried on ^ knew that my heart was break And ah, how bitterly I truth is not hard to re- i 10 replied The simple that a ,.otlibutive justice might „ t ing, but I seemed turned into stone, mare to me ! As long as it has been i HR orders il % to the lat®. It requires no ability to write have w e t taken some of them with ' " ,y IIst '"-k111 1,11 m t,le ""known v] v As 1 walked back and forth under it is still fresh in mind. life to which I was jo in « Notice, • op on i it. But once written its clearness the plague, or railway accidents. Hugh Euvrock had been found !ciu> kept running over, but still the tue trees, over the wet leaves, I -nreferred nnd force are so apparent that it believed firmly thut they were • tears flowed on. We aresel . wae conv - • this ,i • case, traveling sometimes happens, as in , ~ ■ continually; ■ r - ’ rollin"' *>. in , Ah, could 1 have been an enr- i , , , . : ... , . ,, ,-k and I . 11 . .. , , luxury arising fiom ra ta s utile I press-, how gladlv would 1 have ex-!, On, Ro! R o !. Why. hut W hy did ,1 ever I !"■ ^ t h e heart. He is were i that the writer receives the credit,! j^trimony which he had mce so 1 j changed worlds for that liomelv T °” ? , : I a 1 m uttered a cry or sound ot Cncaper fa be not d»i which is only <lue to thu strength freely’ lavished on his friends , , . , , , , , . . . cotta’-o at Thorn-Enden with all Hut who could have dreamed a,0 l' } n' 1- A small sciap of paper .,. t would nnd beauty of tho truth he is tell- Bbor, dear, large-hearted papa . I .,(at “ ct)tlUil) p ’ ! tiiat any .w olf would nave broken was I’lnnod on ms coat-lapel: Give us n ( Wi|U( nl This Dryer is 1 ho latest ini pro vein «it in Emit Dryers, haTingf keen ing. That is why Mrs. Duniway iU11 sure that bo and I would rathe. . . . r ,, i into the little fold at lAiorij-Endcnf' . ‘-I kill him because he ought not wavs find us !i*rje of aa , *•, • i .. i . ! have ^ worked like slaves for mam- • b a i * is n..* ne\cr to uc the same ! ,iive. And vet 1 I love him too mneh puts tiiat editorial so far above bur . V . . 1 i........... n i > t mm wx) mutn patented in August, 1881. It lias tlie liWest capacity of nnv Fruit Dryer “ (Ah. Ah. n«vorfrnmharfraawa..u never from her tree would n,. fly, pre 1 see the ¡ should bave lo to remain on earth when he is no | sold at tho price, and is the most easily 1ml economically operated of any you pjoods and a, .rney Tut1 iiu>ther-roLin forth ill quest; circuui8 ! b.nek shadow that settled over it humble attainments. That is why al| tile grqtiiicution of lielpin And lt-ave the wanton rothtr lriyli, more ! on the market, ihe fruit trays are raisi n by uu elevator, operated by a Or danger ’neatn tnat i-Tftty nest.’ U55 A fine even no vigorous and experienced a one. *•«»' »■■'»>' ■ « « i.igm. R owena L avrock — his wife!” lever at the bottom, and can be put in dr taken out without loss of the lich thes The next day the sun came out writer ns tho “.-■■eiiior editor” must ^ had mooned away a good j In r !1 tlie sorrow and trouble, and . ,, brought . Miss Carew, and heated air, and without exposing the fruil to a cold draft. It has also a ___________ S nm8 Ct desert the facta ami the argument !,,anA J’l-ars "■ lliorji-Endeii j ® s! c w ho pitied, me ? Amid all the tears B O K T.iP J until featnxe not possessed by any other dryer, to-wit: It has reflectors at the .,,i I... house, waiting for a prince to come “ ion had bettor come homo dear,Iaml rlugl! rode away in tine spirits an.i fn,ni, who whispered Willie si and expend her in calling amJ IIiariy r “ as f J h mamma am! !afU.w y.-ur first quarter. Mamma > fter luncheon. I had forgott! „ to I ™ „ Z ‘ f W o r t to mv aeliinri bottom that throw the fresh air on to the furnace, thus heating the air be- eroue wi names. j thought Ro bi-autiful enough foi thinks tin re wi I ne no further no- >at anything, and liad not spoken jR,alq ? f<uo it goes to the fruit, litis is a very inij itant feature. Theso dryers •y Conato ' Tlui fuel's first argument i» a bet, any grandee of tlie cai th. | cessity. A gentleman lues called at a soul for liours, as till' children | had fallen sound asleep, aft r kuilf only on orders, and orders slrnu l bo sent in early, in order to ! The aoooiul ia uu cnithet,’ Such links and rolls of dead-gold ! J llorT-H/ideii, who said that long were paving a birthday-party, and jUo !m., llia,, me give her a minute ‘ insure their being tilled. xt, and ilciscttccl. But the good lady makes an hair; such china H u e eyes, a-. decpjnb'“ father had bot rowed money Jic oChool-room [description of the house and its Ihe diver can he seen at Mr. Paul HiltiVand’s on Luckiamnte, or at recognii I had put a letter in the po t to T :al;a> aRlJ left him the debt amt effort to evade the dilemma held as wells; such baby cheeks and tint wings. She lmd stolen up in the Robert McLaughlin’s (ou "NATios»-«¡Ve ex»i IA miles north of Bufiu Vista. We guarantee sat interest Did you ever hear of Rowena explaining, in an otf-hand ! little ears; such dimplul l ands and night, and had closed a tearful up for her dioico two weeks ago jury. elbows! All, Ro was mir idol ! She all-v t‘ lil1'i s" Hinny? Mamma ¡s way, tin t the heir, Hugh Lavrock, little letter near my hand on the isfaction to nnv one who will purt-luma a ilrydr. Or.U-rs can bo sent to the We again present it to her. Either ivad too k .autifl|, for t,, 123 Front Sire«, bwajl» hen . I restored to her belief in the world’s lia' 1 c<>m e home, in obedience to his coverlid- m let-signed at Independence, Polk Count if, Oregon. I indulgo in no society she made an untruthful statement alsnit Thorp-Enden, and we liad goodness nnd people’s honor, and ! 'ather’s w ishes, to settle down, and i 1 D iet ivn Tt n- TKu • r * boasting, but nm willing for nil to see and camino for thmuselves. roBTUinat tba l ! v u , l i , « „ ...... . .l.urtly \wd U, I W , , !iV ™ L | ™ S r ' l ! ’ concerning Mr. Chittenden’s iej u- always ilctennined at the end of j »■■„,„ VI „ I xdependench , Oregon, Jiinunrv 2í!, 1882. ( ’< > _ The Du tation for truth and veracity, or she " " i - sober conferences- inainmaaiid is get t »N; on good a , r. AKMvntosc def«i omudge ! And you must come! beauty of a grand Swiss glacier 1 ne u . i R, C , f— that our Ro should be niieeu uf confessed her willingness to tr.e J. A. IVFiCO V Sil I N C O R P O R A T E D ^ IN i s t i i. 1 also mana,.d ..." . '. i ! !' f , ' a' ! a world of her own, and wear vio- home! Mamina joins me in much , "ifbou t life or warmth. him as tier w itness, knowing him — Alt love! So does Bettie and the the guess that Flynehly "m | 1 A ^ i i T , , „ . let-velvet dresses, with round, t» pubi to be. as she alleges in effect, a con- pointed stomachers, and a cap of 1 droll. Your darling, Ro.” Park was heavily encumbered, and S » Eve h a v ' s' I • 1 Pc-snwl for 11 » to*"1 j . j l - . firmed liar. Jlt^rc are the two horns. pearls like Amy Rob; arts. I'lmlinl. .KlmüuJon«!"1» • * | This old, faded letter, smelling of ¡“ w '.,!-d| t!,c (,'a,ow ,,lonc.v SHV‘-‘ ¡the marriage was llieua"^ But' bc- examination on enterin;. hat tho; Impale yourself, dear madam, uj on 1 sat for hours hliukimr at the ! Ko- a,lJ ,“ -a|-ing the marks of her i I- Jt , " as a c,;ll»i1 letu-r, iievo me. t was tinn° in my faith, Gen. 8 « n g j w ! How tho sight of ! l,ut *.t ™ a« » the sur-1 and was innocent of evil thought, one or the other. It will not do to dull-red coals Jh the firm,lace tiai- .... . " • ‘"•"h e e n d ll,ait lika a heavy |” Y j ,s • dtn<l Y instrument lb', ' ■ Your letter awoke me. It is all , sclini.ARSlIir, ¡ smile aw ay the difficulty by writing in g « future fur Ro. and could al- !'* Ways see myself braiding those 1'ai1' 1! U„w the sight of it scare! !»? * * "onniL TELEURAPHT, such pleasantry as this: “ Why. bless WKITI.NO, !*r iwntl * liioltt'ii locks, or bearing her train ' aching aching biam buiin like like a a red-hot ' ¡n1’ ‘^ i '!C" ? ?, * '" “ ‘i . '7 ^ Do not 'tmcnilnn- me ns you will’ t he hai your puerile verdancy, Mr. ( 'hitteii- on my arm, or handing rich India hcU* cast uint i h t 1 rich India !I,J" • How I 1 wish w;sh I I had j , Florence ' a nr-ttv" W 'M see ni" "ext, hut as you need to see | was tb illto the was , s- , , ■oience a • pretty ilcn was the Government’s witness.” shawls into her caniau - 1 was : ;lnto t,1,! tlmm <!»mrs s long ago, but it Was .o’ PV¡U\ , ’ at dear old Thorp-Enden. God PEN WOlIXnliinfc*». “ | knocked on my door in the dusk. irann.r n*. rc-ttc-ntbl.raw j That gentleman was the Duniwc vs' content to make a s,,! r haekgrounil !a I a1 ^ her, and 1 could not com- ; , , ' " I " a..' 'bless und keep vou, Rachel f,I- "Collar, '-'iniil.’ "«S’* _ ° for all the purposes of this • j for t it ashes. My Mv I,enn. . M issi ow anion— ili-ar Miss C’o w -' ways • ! •• •* •- For the last time or. earth, | C A P I T A L , P a i d U p i » U . S. G o ld (.’(>¡11 witness ‘ !,r II,v-elf so 80 Itowemi How eiia , i i in I m " j '1 1‘ to dust and and ashes. beau 'arden and cut, ul“ " T l ¡ ! \\ on t you please come and $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 j the sunlight; as, of course, k ! u * must. 111 u* R °xv,-*na: i i ~ , good-by! " R owena .” ! r ,m v ou argument, lie came at the request! In onr darkest, most hopeless - ta- i The life ot nn under-governess, in ! V' Y : The next time I saw her she lay 1 A S S U S , D c c e m lic r 31, 1880, 6 4 2 ,841.001 îed to you, and 1 will be Lock!» o f the Duniway Publishing Coin-¡.sons, is, mammy end I believed in a a gloomy house where there is lit- Vn v imnil t„ mnm.ivt rent in her white winding-sheet, tlie 111 COlliC f o r 1SS0 Miss (Jil ou will pany.who, if we have been correct- future state, as we called it, for Ro. i tie of society and friendliness U - ’ ;H j ' " «ml v,m must], lav well m blue 1,|uu «»’*’» opi-n wide,'the 3 4 0 .6 4 1 .0 0 eyes open wide, the yellow [ ’ * • • ly informed, paid or premised to \ oil now yourself, IW he, that tween its mmaUs, is not one likely sh„ w ||| ¡„¿ „h . she aiwavs Hi. curls still damp and driptd Aing. She | : bully ; ! to to contain contain lunch much of of interest interest or or melo- melo- ! w|H.n Miss Leontine 1 ,6 3 » ,2 0 2 .8 4 «tro««:, whom I »IfB pay his expenses. However that U-a,,ty " i ll1 d be J***» Bpidly ' bail ' been .... r found in a shallow was ' at tb,. stream : i » „ i ’ |H;rieiictHl Twciicr D m H high-1 i drama. My life was as .lull as pos- piano.” mav be it is a ccrtaintv that M r ¡ Í " lp l,t' 1 “ l* 8omc ,la)- by a'higli- near Lowborough, into which she tiO lllSIH ’anCC KeSOrVO. 1 7 4 ,9 8 9 .6 0 , - n il , * ‘ Roin some one. What is beauty sibb* at Flynehly Bark,and my time Ponum, AnpU I. ■'* :h oo." * * * • had plunged— so young ! so beanti- I osspn f >•« Id C was called 1*y proseen tors : for, I should like to know " out of lumn and the study-room in Ore •gon, I was thinking only of Ro, as my 1"* • w-carv *>f dife !_ 2 0 0 .6 0 0 .0 0 that he would not have Irecn here “ Yes; ah, certainIv, nvimma !" I w.i-. devoted entirely to the house tingere (lew through the mail meas-I, s 'al1 * odd this history to that! to testify hut on their own motion. replied, with a genuine pang at my • *H,'d at Thorp-Enden, where I was , - . o — -v: „ , - , . . . ures of waltz and po.ka, and mv , list, as tiiat of Neither the “Government” nor tin- heart , thinking of those two fatat « And was so ■ ,lloutl con * ¡n,’, -‘n r ! v : the ............. last Rowena Cowanlen I j A ,Cat,*n ” r' n J P ° P u 1 a r c o m p a n y ofc'ers s u p e r i o r i aci*»»«- •.. i the .t co d state of Miss : en accès- ■ V,.¡„M .... under defense are res]x>nstb!r for bis pro Iittli* luicN shut in within two brown ! . Pl’J1 over mamma h .'jmldrn « , v a a , a 2ju l o U io :e S c a li-in e r c lin b lo i n a « o „ i t y a g n in s t , a t h e i hacks little i s,on to fortune, only I could never r . . ... . i , , , till 1 •. ii .i , ,. , . (.arew, w hose vo uiiunous b uc Sense anil Nonsense. duction. Therefore, whatever r.ijium i tell them in a letter, but must wait i.- . . ’• ; p-arlor-table: OS3 « n d d a m a g c b 7 O ro , b o i a - s o lid i n M M !s , c o n s e m n - L , li-i . satin skirta covered an entire sofa might attach to him as an habitual lintil uiy holiday vacation at tlie ; . Ml, , , . . , “ Money is active,” Fogg read in “ f u l l i o n , n fio irrr h bora to Mtt.h tin.,.. n, U v e m a n a g e m e n t , m o d e r a lo i n r a t e , m w p r o m p . n n d ' liar Attaches also to tho Duniways A iv I tviutlc it« frullai, io on tho Jmcrt nip." quarters end. ™ ^ !caned Ids newspaper. “ Tln^s so,’’ he hail been l i b e , . , in i b e n d jn e t m e n t n n d p a p r n e n t ^ r Another brief letter from R o ga vo 1 “ a ° r- sorf who who, as they allege, knew him to he i V lint if no «urne mio ever came j bought with Mi,-,.« Carew s yellow said; “ it's active enough to keep COOPEE « 2 ¡ out of my reach.' such when they brought him on tin- that way ! Down the willowy lain j me a vague uneasiness ; a cold anil ¡gold. I sickly fright. I was toofull of my pwn thoughts An excellent reason: A pvodignl stand. We have no doubt in the and over the green n.-ttly !,i:A to lIV E B T IB - k ^ “ Mauinia seems failing a little, to play badly. I hoip-l'iidcn to marry our Ro ? • —“ W bat makes you spend your ; world that if Mr. TVs testimony t H .iO ,0 0 0 . 0 0 deposited in Oregon for the fuel *i t ! but she will mend when our affairs At IvHst no prince or courtier ? F.orence was in ecstasies. (¡me so freely, Jack ?” “ Because ' STA®, had been in favor of tlie prosecu Policy Holder, in Oregon. Washington and fiaho ^ #eUUn‘7 ° f It was out of the question that are settled. We havo gotten X20 “ Miss Cowanlen is so good, and *ts the only thing I have to spend.” I tion instead of the defense, and the any ordinary man sbolliti marry from Mr. Queen, a lawyer fur Hugh. ...... ."Y.'T 9 « h » C B.IAMH- H. s t Lewis. A Lewis: J. INDEPENDEN® -o are-ai. he waltzi-s. A man with a small salary and of'^Mctreken’^A o ^ ' p A C. V a r , ^ ' ' f° Of f» A Allea 1 defense had attacked character, tin heiress of all the lW ardens. I Oh, Vo" w ill like him so, dearest— Hugh U vrock paled in spito of !lar?e family says if pride goes be- Bauker». L»dd & Tilt«.,,. ’’ ’ " “ S!,crman. of \\t ;u*irman &. Co. ; tiy Hugh I mean! Life is quite an- himself. the Northwest would even now la1 For hail there been anything to fore a fall, he would like t ) see leave it would most certainly have , other thing at Tliorp-Emlen now . “ Cowanlen is a singular name ! defending him with ns much ardor •*1811 left to my sister. For two O n ly judt now Hugh has been I have heard it before some where* 1” Pride start on a little ahead of the d o g . b 0i eSi>n Branch w. B u U s S h H , S p e S c ,T??'Y* ia l A g e n Manager t. and at lower pH«* Ibtf W f ' as it is now ninligning him. price of coal and provisions. hundred years there hail always, called holin'— somewhere in voiir my'2- “ Doubtless at Thorp-Enden, a A cc( >m m odatiof H. J. F E R C U S O N , A s e n i, D a lla s . Mrs. DuniwAy asks if We remem- been a Rowena Cowanlen, anti that shire— on business nlsiut his es small journey from • here ? There A little heat that can’t be beat Specialty. tates: something tedious, but he Rowena CVwardun had as assured- ¡ are not many of the name left, hut the window open wide; a little Imr making the remark “after HORSBS rav\RP»I,tfJ | will he l ack shortly. 1 have so those few still take a foolish pride breeze, a little sneeze, arid you’re* ly I hs u it great beauty. -munte I the battle" that it is considered n Cnv dss, t, ,(e fc - í A ,*] P Q ü t L L ) SatÌ8facliu,i I My sisfi r’s name came upon her much to tell you when you are in in it 1” thu doctor’s pride. Seventeen dol-1 iw the Won*. take Ih k . a lvsn part of an attorney's business to a^a heritage; it belonged to liev as our own rookery again, which won’t tare ~ of ,w:‘" “ » - i \ v y * . U *1 chancet for He understood me. 51iss Carew lars and twenty-tive cents for tLll !, b.-m , «... “ » « ••¡»•iwt. Julv « IW I tamper with witnesses. Yes, wo re- n i« li as did tlie yellow locks an.I ! Is* long now. ’ d - ‘ »h a n d f-sa r., p-n ,, , - ^ in»ivctid me wiUi her eyeglass, visits. impr.v,. auvh clmm-f. wnUin l i ! ¿ L » » • ' i , ' 1« no* ifV .J u «r B rx r. J --r- TJ»"! I f f him Or*,-,,., a--, S)-*»)' « K l . « « » , h.,,, ‘ ^ ” t* » . *».u I mi».»d memlier it. But the old soul has sunt earn eyes. Fate nainetl her! U 1. . . ovei this ictter, with the i-rcilliously. AjiiU VuM. I Tom Thumb wears the same size >“ U)cir own |,«Wi|tÎÎ " Î l " * 'rkJ"T'^ e». ! 1 j, rwta, s * r, CO t a ’there was a dog’s-eared, time brown leaves falling in w hirls and{ t>h, how l longed for those green ' ,:k »snwr V tb. Sr,) v „ '»,1 mistaken the irony of the remark of underclothing as a child P*T more t an ten tim.-» orH.n,r.'- J V will j worn volume in an old hair trunk show .re und. i the gieat Flynehly liiils, and the blue birds and crab- years old, and bnvs twelve suits SIX "..tu fumi.Kc I r42 s T lZ L '* * ''- e « w n » ^ » vou. »1* » at for an actual confession. Tlie "boys” nuk. tn ,nc> r.pi l,r . Vmi "-u, uj ‘ ’ 1’ '* 1 * ‘ in the attic, in which appeared, oaks. Florence nnd Egmout, mv "P|’l° blossoms! It seemed to me a time. This is the wav he has of " • ll. iin iA iE s . t lm .to tb , » ori ™ '" r e . jrnnr w ii»:. everyth “ '’I'.n^’or** musf, in the absence of a better ex ^ '«A written down in shabby characters, pupil», were* quarrelling lomllv ovci Mwamtl-m ml «D tbit f.'n Jl, J,u* r“M . can w >rk in «nare the Summer was still fast showing that there’s nothing small ATT°i:NEV am . cox nsklor vr I that the Addrean | the l.twint*** \ »T.yn, a C o ., p 'rtiand, , rtl.,,.1 . I,:.™1 *” *► «• Maine. planation, h’ ,1-1 the dullm -i ,.f AV running thr >t|gh two c»*ntiirie. tlie n proepeclix'*- holiday. aslooD iu that d* ar old »pot, and i about him. ______ I work. Xootlui'*« ~ No on) c n l.ll V* Subscribe for TtiiT Sulrem, Oregon 7 -«rJ « C o r X T T I nnv«. C H U « “ “ dj., I tejhzlk . flirt, «Milv w»* Vítf'iíUs iiaUA At independence, JPolk County, Ogn. ^ *<***&'*''» . - ^ i ^ ^ ^ s t f S i i S O L E R i O H T F O a PGLKlBEHTON COUNTIES. i«.~, v,ui,|. <*», .«i w.~-u».:SKn 55 ! HOME MUTUAL Losses, paid since organization, km i s h m ij GOLD. B IS T 1