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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882)
- —' -JM --¿r. - * J » - ■» *-»•-• —•—-- — ■ 1 — ——.-.—.i -3-»— ■M er ^ — .i--.— POLK COUNTY ITEMIZES. SCF, 'H ... i..Trsr. Davoted to the Best Interests o f Polk County in Particular and to the Pacific Coast in General. ,..#2 V> ... I/O c ..— bVAXCE. DALLAS, OREGON, SATUl VOL- VIII. NO- 10- >AY. JAN U ARY « 8 . 1882. tZZZ a t» " M u > M u i:r H m u ». u r n e ru m i i.o L t . bind o t ntre. * D A U C I»« W m . C J U A .X T . The nbore is a uauio applied to Eon-on I teuizm : Having read th* Slap! baegl here wo are again, and we C oax — I n Monmouth, January 21st. to find the aJKieiit city of Ciuciunaii. ntu ft «ociety for younst people. The A r t i c l e on “ Dancinf»,” in your isaue the wifu of Mr. J. H» lteed, a sou. Quite h stir is being m ale h erein the Eola, alofly evolving. Who would not demand for potatoes. TI ioka “ s j u l s ’ ' believe ini he Spencer or Darwin theory object of which is the training of of Jnuuary 11th, aud being one of I m u st are worth hauling luto town now, nu I if of evolution, when one can see its devel children nnd youth in the principle» "those very orthodox" people who [ enough your farmer readers have any sur »lua opment it the environment of Eola? aud practice of virtue and temper denounce tbo modern dance, I beg tubers they can find ready salo for nu un Wheat is gradually changing its base to •t bave limited quantity. that of Salem, per the steamer Bonanza— j ance. It is the (-rent mission of the leave to say a few words on the same k Indebted Master Arthur Haley, tho m »‘l ca rrer, Society to unite the youth of our subject, but from tt different stand had tbo misfortune to step on a pis j • ol glass the other duy and cut his foot. fill the »i-ure; so he it. ! country in rt solemn pledge to ab- point tban (hit occupied by "A O.Y.” One of tho Professor iu tin. College, Auotbsr hop yard i* in astu te of pro- ^lin from the use of all intoxicating while lecturing the class in philosophy, gicssiou, under the control of Mr. | — p The writer ef.ireflHid would eon- Beardaf^y, who has purchased,d believe, ' liquors und from tobacco and from Toy tbo impression that tbs ancient P U<p. I saitl that if any part oi a machine ahould' ! iinpru viug. be broken and replaced with a new piece, tl.e clsini of the fciK2s’ »djuiniug the ¡,|l profanity, or scriptural aud inodorn dance« are it would still be the same machine, and town, and still we’ ll hop along. Wish 1 * Made ua a 1“ this Society tho youth ar* the same. He is certainly mistaken illustrated his idea by refering to his some »ne would hop on and build a cue-1 locket knife and said: “ Now, if I should tom (pist mill; also a saw mill. taught the naturo of intoxicating here, for there is a wide difference J o f Oregon oso ouu of the blades of my knife aud r\'hrfHmr^ J riulfs; how Alcohol is pioduced; between them. "I n the earlier peri- ¡ » • n y credi- should get Mr. K ------to pnt iu another fecV:.-i.iu.«e. m"a?itn“tu.1,llfoU blade, it would still be the suino k n ife." iH-eds of the pre.eut couipsuy. Uoiyl its uses and effocta, - They' are *bd it (the dance) is found combined in»<-d. A student then asked t ie question: thing ft that piece of road close by could should “ Then if yon should lose the other blade also '‘ change” to run down the river. taught all about the evils of usiug ' with lome aong or refrain, wore es- aud get a now ono, would it sti^l be tho Wouldn't need big rooks there to break tobaeco, and the wickedness of pro- | pecially in those impulsive outbursts » and duugh- same knife?” To which the professor the f tage down. f uiity. They nro taught to be true of popular feeling which cannot find What about tho store, did you say? I'll aud Wail* gnvo an affirmative »u sv er. Again, tho Arthur and student asked: “ Well, then, if you lose toll von. There is not a store-keeper iu and pure; in short, it it the aim to sufficient vent in voice or in gesture j i the handle and get u new ono, will it then Polk County that can get away with Wos. iustruct the vout 1 in wisdom’s ways - singly.' be the same kn ife?" “ Y ea," said the man selling goods cheap. Why go to Salem ■day from and help them to walk therein. Anciently the sexes danced separ- ] by illnena of letters. The student, bent on learning, aui’. pay ferriage and livery bills and twice Ilut some will sar, this is the work «tel.v, and tf they did so now dancing asked, “ if somebody should find I ho blades ns much for goods as you will nt Eola? report« bis forgottei art with.n a uiul the handle aud put them together, Coiitcr your patronage on ono worthy of of the Church and Sunday school. | " a “ 1,1 b« R forgotten ‘ Alcohol is the spirit of what knife would that be?” The P rofes it, and build up a trade at your own doors. decado. I admit tlmt thU is or ou^bt to be I the right sor took the matter under advisement. The time was, and can be again, if “ y e " of washing *urronuding ’settlers will but put your their work, hut are those instrumou-1 beverar:e* ^ ° st3t f8 the " T “ ot U-'e Those who give loot« rein rivance and Mrs. Cook, from Amity, is visiting her shoulders to the wheel, when we will have talitios accomplishing this work ?! da” co-. bister, Mrs. Wm. Percival. two solid warehouses, run by solid men. if not, then let some other aganev I J° tneir passions are to be found in ltev. S. M. Hubbard aud wife were in That’ s what tfie farmers want, so they take Ihe field. There are in En*‘- fu. 1 forc# at the modern baH, and ¡»•I the Dallas — — o ----------- a c t iv e ly re- town last week. Two excellent discourses cry cheap goods and no humbug, and bet land not leas than 50,000 persons ofUn are most actire in getting them were delivered by him; both wore attended ter chances to get higher prices for wheat s .W h ich will be under way. Take sex from the connected with tho ILinda of Hope, by largo and attentive audiences. i limn any other point around. Isn ’t that About half past six o ’clock last Tuesday enough? nnd it is mfe to say that orcr hulf dance, and nothing is lef*. who was nr- Cut happily, our frieuu condemns eve, some o f the youths of our lively little We have P rof. LaVere staying with ns the members are t-bildr u. i|l|lMi1 with burning excess in dancing. He would reform burg, bam bd together and gave Master until the roals get good enough for him to This Society is in no sense antago iibftfd, was bimorubly W illie Dawsou a nice little, surprise. It take his mammoth panoramic views around the Terpsichorean art. Ho would tat Salem. \ was his thirteenth birth-day. They re I to delight the people of this valley. 11« nistic to the church; on the contrary, free it from its objectionable accom O oy have form 1 port plenty of cuke, candy and “ fu i.” its purposes, aims nnd nctunl rosults, * has 30») scenes, many of tko Centennial the boot and »hoe Mr. Johnt y Gilliam and Pr if. Ira are supplementary to church work, paniments, which he claims, do not are both excel* Smith, from Dallas, were iu towu over ! buildings and works of art. IIo is also a belong to the dance. His task is ^ splendid violinist— such a rave thing and while I would not abate oite ore tc give satis- Sunday. amongst the would be players of this val- jot or one iota of Church or Sabbath Herculean and should have been At rates that defy competition. P rof. D . \V. Prince, an eleciuiouist, | ley. To trip llio light fantastic to his begun a year or two ago. Should ale, who has gave nu interesting reading to a larjt soul-stirrin ' strains would be a source of school work, but still I would urge he live to be as old as was Me lit t o Eastern audience, in tho Old College hall, last | greatest pi a uiv, but that we can ’t d> upon nil tbe importance of engaging thuselah and have the strength of a ‘Territory, was Wednesday evening. ' Imre, because social intercourse doe* not iu temp ranee work outside of tbo Bamson for his task, there will still ip proved a very | Mr. Henry Tatom has gone to Portland exist in o» r surrounding community, aud Church. to uttoud Business College. From a{> ' “ dancing is g ich a kin.” Hu will usher The Band of Hope meets a waut| J? w“ rkJ °^ » J > , P roff»"7 afte/ he u u i ? purchased __ |a pearances Polk will, before many ycais, forth with t ie music of the birds nnd gen which iieh is ot lilted n v c church, h u r c h o or r h,lf shuffled off this terrestrial sphere. is n not tilled L b.v . any be the business county of the State. paying tf il fifty cents Dancing is somewhat like dnuk- tle, genial Spring, to evolve a pleasure other temperance organization. All Quite a number of young folks met it that none will regret. ■a that ho has ing; indeed, they are twius, and go 20. 612 aeres, 4 miles southwest of Monmouth, all F « r m ln g L a n d s, - ------------------------ «so*U*nt it.jck 1 and uidgrsln grain t farm of TO# , more plentiful Prof. Stanley’s last Tuesday eve, aid William Jonos has a fine horse crippled can uuite in this Bund. Adults pay arm in nrm. Tippling often, aud 1. Tho J im u riarria' farm of QC 0 aero«. 1} mil«« «ant under fence aud subdivided into sitable field«, 40 the LlttL Luckiamute. 8 utUee southwest <4 F*a>W_ organized a Literary andSingiug Souiabje. in the shoulder. IIow? is tho question. an admission fee of fifty conts. acioi in cult! ration, 3iX> acre« susceptible of cuitiva under fence, 230 acre* in cultivation and b early the of L na II- i *. M j T bo divided into two farm*, making; They elected W . E. Richardson, Preii- Appears to have his shoulder out. Any Children nro admitted free. The almost always, leads to excess in th* tiou, good housf and burn, plenty of water and timber, entire tract su«ooptib.e of being cultivated, two uwaii- railroad t:»e dividing lino. The nortl» half eon- |d masquerade 270 Acroi, 2:50 in cultivation; tf.Hxl hoove an i 3 miles from railroad station. Price, 38,000. oue- log house*. 1 Urns and out buddings. 2 ereherd*. lias Trombone dent; E. H. Richardson, Secretary; .¿nd <\ne will confer a boon by giving au opin money is applied to tho purchase of drinking; so moderate dancing has a tain» with fruit*, in a rood neighborhood, en eowitjr barn, s<v»d orchard of apples, pear», plum», etc.; all third down; balance on time to suit purcha«or. appointed a committee to draw up a Con tendency toward excessive and im ion. isday evening, 27. 314 acre», 3 mile« east of Chambers’ mill, on line road, convenient to sobool and m ating», l mile he under fence, plenty ot water for »t >clc ami {¡; w < h 1 well books, papers, and whatever is stitution aud By-Laws. This is tho right at house. South half contains 3V0 a<'**,all under between PolU ami Benton countio», neatly ail under biacksn'.ith shop, i * mile* from sawmill; weuld make By the way, talking about evolution moderate dancing. Heuco parlor ill be a large step und every success possible attend makes one think that the theory must be needed for the successful manage fence, HO a rej in cultivation, nearly all siHceptihle fence, 50 acre« in cultivation, 2t0 a»re» open laud, two good farm*. Price. 87,000, 83,000 down; balaece cultivation. Tho above to bo sol l in parts an de- the entire tract well set in gras», comfortable house, on tuue to suit ptuibaser. you. X. and/» Let all c-hris- dancing is daugerous, if the public of right, judging from tho J'celastial” race, ment of tbo Baud. scril>ed, or iu whole, a» i n s u i t purchuior. Turin*, shed», etc., 4 aero« in orchard, pieuty of tlrdxjr, a l«et week jm r 4A. 400 acre«, miles southwest of Della«. bel»| ns the}' arc so far evolved that tho tail is tians and all temperance people promiscuous hall is feared. Tippling StO per aore for the north part, 820 per acre for the Hr-it-mte stock ranch with good out range. Price, the balance of J. M. Scott's farm; good boaae aed Sliver Mine. >«r Eugen» Oily fo r .--J -I" > down; balance iu two c^ual annual shed*; good orchard; all under go>.d new fence; M on the wrong end. IIow about it, when take hold and help in this grand »ad parlor dancing both sow to the south part, if sold sin<lu; 8t!0 per acre if sold alto 8-1,150: i dixeevered by Stimi is on A. Stiuit, who has been prospecting in payment.«, with interest. gether. One-half down, balance on time, secured by aerr-sin cultivation; nearly aJ) su*«*ntible of cultiva mortgage on premises. ■eform. Any one wishing informa wind and reap the whirlwind. |ditob bau • good i>.trgnii>, the mountains near Dallas, off and on, it is cut o ff? 23. An excellent farm of 270 acres, adjdning Inde tion. and is now one of the U st *t** k farms la Polk Patent medicines still come to the front, Place all the restrictions named 2. 120 actiw, good timber land. Term», 8820; cash pendence, under feuen and subdivided into field», two couuty. The price U now re«iuced for a sho*d ttaua i u s o arittersl on tin* l oi !, tion in regard to starting Bauds of for several years, lately discovered lotuo positively curing every ill. W ouldn’ t it hundred and forty acio.« open prairie, large orchard, from «10 per acre t** $8. This, Uyoud all doubt, ia down. let, who is opening n bilv-r ore near Eugene City which is clai:nal to be better to reduce tho number of cura Hopo can address Mrs. E. M. by our friend upon gambling, aud S. H20 acres, 7 milos northwest of Dallas, unim containing choice variety of fruit, i» we<l watered, one of the beat bargain# in Oregon, considering Iks lili Creek, was in t-iwu tins be very rich in silver. A party of g title- tive powers? There might be more “ sell” Vuudervert, Superintendent of Juve I suppose he would teach the youth proved, 80 acres of open Und, nearly all susceptible -d Uiirty acre« thick with fir and oak timber. Price, qual ty of the farm and the location. Iule ua a call. H<* is * n o n n o men from this place accompanied b n to iu them. Yours evolviugly, onc-hal/ mil* from school house, two M , 5 no; one-half down; be.iunce on time to suit pur- , 47. ho acre* in Cooper Hollow, N K 4 «4 the 8 1 i O. nile work, Salem, Oregon. There all the tricks at cards, and have them cultivation, •nd tho 8 K \ it th# K | of H 28, in T i l , K I » ; one-half niile>: from F.1W Morn mill, In chaser. the supposed silver mine, where Milt. letraek it rieh. Wo so become experts iu the art of gaming? r.nd 29. 012 acres Q miles westaf Lewi.«', file, under fence 45 acres under tvnee: 20 acres in cultivation; i*ncevk- good neighborhood, lay« on both side* of Salt creek, will be oue organized at Amity on |]ud too Matty ailver uiiui-a to Thompson and some men w< r < If» to t» roa<l lollin g Hridgoport to Monmoutli; g.-od aj»d «ulxUvidcd into suable field.«, Zoo acre* In culti BttlDUirORT ITK.BS, ' title go m A warrtuiCev «¿ed will be ¡riven Term», I expect “ A. O. Y .” will call mo r Sunday the 2i)th, at 3 p. m. All work, while the party returned to l)dlas, vation, comfortable house and barn, w ith sheds aud living water; plen'.y uf good oak timber, 'fwnue, 31,900; ¿1,000 down. an old fogy, aud perhaps something 1700. cash In hand. out building;*, good orchard, four hundrod acre* |FROM O l R SI'ECiALCUKRRSrONDEXT.I where they are anxiously awaiting jtlevel- I tl.h W t i l l I I J I V I t - O l AIS WtJC1 l i t VI AI WA. i y 4. 80 acres, 2 mile» southwest of Monmmth, three who take an interest in the moral | tc id. o f Portlnuil, h it .lo Dalle*, with St hand fourths ol it «usjoptibie of cultivation, plenty of oak fdACCptihle of cultivation, 1 mi?o to scliooi houwi. : 43. IfX) acres, 12 mile* south E d it o r I t u m i z k r : I t e m s s c a r c e th is w elfa re o f t b e r is in g g e n e r a tio n u r o i ” 0 , '‘ e, pieuty I»f oak and fir t mbor. Price, flo,:«4M»; one-hidf of cattle; good house and hem. with otlier eut-hsUd- ■ ,000 ahare* o f th e Sa'i-m mol | opuients. Stiuit is an enthusiast m the î ' ° a nit ,u a *tBr- ’ 1 cirely o ,»•/. 1 »• sorry tnti txint .1 , n who can- timber, 40 acre.« open land, t l per acre. uowt., remainder on 5 ye--r* time with interest. foranv people ifigt, and a guo<l orchard. Terms, railroad atock, wbuh is m u subject of miut-s, and says he wrnts to week. cordially invited to attend. 5. 19.*» acre i, % mile« mirth west of Dullae, no improve» •¿s X T T ? ; find a silver mine because P x x k y t, the Mr. C. Lewis is visitifig friends here. 30. Otfacr**, »} rr ilc« south west <*f Monmouth,under ‘utii utilize these-winter evenings in mentar-pionty of oak timber and water. Price, $¿75; untiaaned. T he *ilv W 1 1li.un 49. 122 a j u la Mill Creek lx>tte:n, C mile# freen M bs . S . A . M c K c n t , F. K. Hubbard will Boon remove back »mall payment djwn, ualance on time to au»t pur* fence. g.xi«l liwclling house and barn, orchard, ninety 1 Sheridan, 1 * mile» from Elklioru Pnetoffice, 2 m il« illuw o p that enterprise tl lie is author of a treatise on silver niniug, a y other way than by dancing. I acres iu cultivation aud most of the eutire tract sus from Buell’s mill, 1 mile from school house, on eeoat/ chaser A u iity , Or., January 23, 18S2. I says: “ Wherever, in any part of tlie to h.s liinn. of cultivation, ooc mile to school bonne, n»ad; all under fence; 112 acre* In cn'tlvafion; 1# closely «e tch e d . am not a pessimist. I do nut be «. 119 acre.«, in West Chchalero, Yamltill'-otuity. 4 ceptible | world, silvt r mines have been forked, Mr. Hiram Plummer aud wife were church and R. R h ULI os . | mile to llyerley’s fl»>uring acrcj "f timber, h«>U*e, barn and a thrifty young or lufrof. D . W . P rlc.-f, an e lo c u t io n is t , they jure worked now, unless P/sed by mil»« east of »V'aputo Station, lnm«c, burn, suiall CETaiLL HtaiooL »:> n ilr A ix jf b » T . lieve life should be joyless. 1 like mill. Price, 48,5oo; onc-haif down; balance on tluie . here recently, the guests of Win. Btump. chard; church house in immediate vicinity. T orn«, orchard an l 40 acre« improved. Price, 81,000; 8 j 00 to suit purchaser a an entertainment h e r e o n .. ..... ... i war, invasion by Iudian , etc. 'Ve know 83,150; 81,000 down. D. Ruble has suspended work on his Following is the programme of exercises to see happy, jovial, good natored down; balance on time t»> suit purchaser. tting, which wee greatly enjoyed l>> 1 of no silver mines in the world tint have mill and gone to making rails. i 31. 100 acre», 4 miles southwest of DalLut, all under j 50. ion aero*, 8 m'ies S W of Dallas; all level bo*- 7. 50 acres o|*en prairie, 4 njilej »outl»we»t of Mon fence aud nubdivided into «izabie field.«, IS iutcs in 1 for the school entertainment -o take place ! I’« 0 !»1* . ?•>“ ■»* f “ W . b » t \ b e lie v e mouth. ” »e preeeot. He ia a jroonn m.-m , f ; given out.” In support of this joiition . under fence, near county road aud school cultivation, 125 acres susceptible of cultivation, house t»m land i.i cultivation; well w*atcrc<i; «ill un<ler go-xl J. B. Teal contemplates racking a pond few e; first quality of wheat or gram fand; title good. mi dr niai.uere, and will .in tune Is- , he cites tbo mines *uf Mexico, the old at Bethel on the evening of Saturday, 1 ,e ,u nre m il“ -V m " h,clJ house; ¡rx»d farming land. Price, 31,800; out--half and 1mm, plenty uf water and timlier. Price, 81.200; 1 | Tc: for the purpose of raising carp. in*. 83,200; 8280 down; balance in oite and twa I lin en citttta n n i i t i f p r f n L' /»till u .'.P li.l i jtfT of hie profeeaiou. tljeso same country folk cun spend down; balance on time to suit purchaser. , one-tiiird down; balm.wee on time to suit purchaser. I years, with inottgago on premijo*. : Spanish mines, opened before llifnboldt’ s Miss Ella Warren h i l the misfortune February 4, 1882: 8. acres one mile we «t of Dallas, ISO »••re« in cul 32. 120 acre* of prairie, one third of a mil* | 61. 345 acres, 8o acre# in cultivation, 168 eereo ty private letter from Portland wo nro ; time; the South American mines still us to cut her foot quite severely one day their evenings pleasantly, and ho tivation, large orchard, comfortable hou«e, null s>mtnwest of feouver'» btatioii, on c.unty road, un-.Ur ............String Band M u sic..................... under fem e, comfortable hr-u«o,*bai n and e r j u r j , >rmed that Mr». Susan Whitt m s productive as they were three ienturies last week. mado bettot and happier than by watered, on county road. Price, 80,000; 81,209 down; fence, comfortable hou«e and barn, rich, productive , . also Opening A ddress.. ............J. E. Fenton smoke hou^e and out buixlings, p’ec*y w? w * ~ balance iu inatalluisnts of 8500 a ye«r, with interent. ried a few days since to Win. W itt- i ago; mines in Hungary, worked ’a*fore the toil, plenty of g'xxl water. Price, 83,9oo. If you have any wild horses that you Musi voch I .......... | »mi»!! orchard; 4 niiio* fnani flour n» ’ i. saw* rod .......... dancing. The muscle« of these peo ........By the S chool 9. 220 acre«. 1 mile southwest of Dnlla«, 90 acre» In architect and bnilder, I '. \ j Christian era; tho silver m im nof Fr<-i- want rode with spurs, call on John Me. 33. 80 acre*, t mil os north of Dalla«, 85 acre» in culti fining 1»ml, on cou. ty road, l <> i 11 q from p le—to which “ A. O. Y .” refers— Select Reading ... ......... Mary Morgan cultivation, well watered, comfortable house and vation, good farm building«, orchard, water, etc., on tootle Post Office ami *«ore. tul’e * to +.•-hool h .n Indiana, bnt at present of S[.,,l,.,uo I burg, opened m the eleventh cuntury, etc Mr. Frank Butler’s son, who has been R ecit’itiou .............. ......... Ellin Em met l I 290 acre* sustMptible «4 rultivstioi good «mtiet f » can generally be exercised enough barn, small orchard, jd cn tf of oak timber, on county county road. . Price, 82,550. la, W . T , where they will reside. — n uirly all now worked with/ unnb ited c uifined to his room for some time with E ssay. . . . Hattie Frazer to secure a healthy development at roed. Price. 82.390; S1.0J0* down; balance on time. ■ 34. 40 acre«, 7 miloawest of Lewisville, fl miles north stock range, plenty of oak, orb, Sr. Her , ’ naj-U- (fothiug stws better i .fl.wnmatory rheumatism, is rapidly rni- Music, “ The Old S exton” . . . . E. T. Hatch 'am Coad this week pnredasi l of Mr . productiveness. 10. An improved farm of 20Sacre.«. 2ntllesca«tof Dai- I of King's Valley, 10 act e* plowed, good i-abltt, 4 acre» ; timber. TcrniS, <8,159; #1,009 dV w. , boha**-* la», 150 acre« in cultivation, well w*teiea, g.»od houve, ! under rente, 3,i » ) rail* on premise», hall a r* pot «• j time, with mortgsgs on prem U«. their labor. erica Grant, fifty-six acres of tin <;.m i than a silver mine, and noUhdy stiya p oving. . Master Simon H ir i Deed illation .... barn and orobard, county roa-1 on each et»d. Price, | toe», railroad laud, 1st payment made. Price, $180, ! &*• 78 acre*; f| m il « west of IN) oa near eom**- o c tio u rlaito, jnat cast of t o w n . n Ks>i,. r with a supposed silver wine Vetter than •Messrs Harris & Riley cannot run their Es m y............... Let these evenings be spent in $G,552; one-halfd iwn; balance in tw-v annual payment*, j esk.j|,. . Emma Bailey r>.sd, small house («.omfortubUb good horn, »• ■ - a the house, barn. etc. T li- p : -. ; Sliuit. mill to its full capacity for want of logs. M usic................. . .S .tin g cultivating; the mind, aud iu social 11. 00 »T»., 11 mi'-< ot lnrt,p*ndenM. 10 | j.v 2 | 0 , 01 - ,. Ornile, «ralh«Mt or U»t^tll»,4 mil-, ! (« e ». » « r e s in «uttlrsAiow, s » « i« «,.tibi« o t W. (' fhirreu has moved into the house d was **.400, and Sam secured A llar- acre* open Un 1«, halan •« timber an l bru.«h, on W.l I M north ut Hin«-. V»U»/, os 1 - o .I m . antier lene«, dl. x l« l ! sn>«er. » « • « . . «1,010; a * converse, nnd I will not ask to name lamette river, good land for gvrdenlng. Term» #7J5 . into »¡cable rich!», 70 acre» iu cultivation, 40 acre* i I ' i ij Bit in I o r It. loaf . ” 1T.AMA—- 11,1 n, as it ia one o f the n o d,.n recently vacated by Butler DeLashmutt, A correspondent, last week, speaking of cash down. the hooks they shall road, nor select ' «uiK-etitiblo of cultivation, g«K>d dwelling, 2 barn* and ' .. Mrs. Fenton Mrs. Ashton . . . thus leaving no vacant houses iu Sodom. 63. itio acres. Q ir.llea west of Lewis*. !!!«, 1$ sere* cee ia the ccon ty. . under fence, uonuortaule h«m*e aim uni a, » m .« « • soiue infractions of law, lound fault with 12. 318 acr-3*. 8 mile« south of Dalla», 60 acre» under ether out building«; scho<)l ltou«e close by; goml or- | .. Anna Graven the music they «hall enjoy. Let the A Mr. Martin, recently from Pennsyl Lily Ashton ,Ve have lately heard the name of our ! the Marshal for not being ur#utid at 11 or feiice, g-.f»d orchard, tw ) hundrrtl «cr»i »u-Aceptibio of j ! chard, plenty «»f timber andg<M>.l water, lie*on county I house, granary, orchard of « pplee. peer#, plume, Patty Jones. .. ........Lucy Bell rood. Price, *4,.»00; $1,299 down; balame on time to vania, but at present residing at Oswego, money they would spend in dancing cultivation, plenty «*f water and oek and fir timber, | ■en* C e a n tj Clerk, M. M. l-dim. uo-n- j 12 o ’clock at uight to preveui distmba».ce prune«, ('em uno. etc., U mile» to a * mtn. J mile 4 i • ' suit the purchasor. . . J. E. Fenton bo appropriated judiciously iu the on c.-unty r-rtd. Price. 82,oo>; ono-lhjnl down; bal- | has taken a claim near the old Splawu j M uk A ih ton . . . | »«-bool house, 8 lidio»from flou !ug mil), w#ll watered. oed in connection with th e 1> n i n | on the streets. When Williiin Graut was »••ce on time to suit purchaser. 33. 100 aero.«, on 3! ill Creek, 34 mile» south of Sheri • I (5 acres in oat«, 30 arre» nice level limi, good out . . Ham Hawley Caleb H anson. . "n in a lio n for Secretary o f St it--, w- j solicited to run for Marshal he was prom mlU. 13. 360 acre*, lOinile«south of Dalla«, 80 acre* under j dan,all under /enee and divided into field*. 65 acres in range. Term*, |1,«C0; 8700 do»m. . . . . M ilt. Davis purchase of books, papers, music, We were, to day, favored with a view of • Dick B u stle.. . . n» not authorised to state that h - i s ..' ised that if he would accept the nomiuu- 40 or 50acre« in cultivation, gtxnl dwelling hoti«e i cultivation, 40 acre* wo>»l easily cleared, and nearly . John Fletcher etc., nnd in a few years the commu fence, 64 160 acres, four milee northwe»l ol ! Kheridan, ■■ M «hs i, granary, y »ung orchard, i* well watered, an ex- j all suwotfptihle of cultivation, comfortable houne, she«i». ''M idair, but we will eay that if 1: -i . - . 1 , tion an effort would he made to have the the mammoth tusk of a boar recently pur- ' llarry H in son. nity will have been noted more for . . . Zibe Denny Toni C h u bb«.. . cellent stock range. Price, $-,590; one half down; | etc, suheol house within 1) mile», church right there, acres in cultivation, g'»«d 1 chased by Frau f Butler. Be careful, ■ it will be no easy matter to beat kun. I Board o f Trustees give him compensation utity n « S , 1 luUrj (ruin Klk *nP ¡ P " ! M..I b « n » p .u h , rr»r*-. good mill site, lio* on county balance on time to suit purchaser. •« >"“ '•» os. i f . A. Lawrence, a married man of r n i adequate to the duties. \\ * heard one, at Charley, aud d on ’ t let any of them hurt ! M u sic......................................... String Band its increased intelligence and culture, 14. 21« acres, Smile»s<»uthwo«tof Dallas, 40acresim- ; Ion» P. U.,2 miles from K i ll .rn MI1U. rH'-s. ti.l'J». ! r* n. " " ' r »«• • ' tiin.b.H to »uit ift|.unh.i-ir. purchaser. * "d J * * P ' 1 “ ' lo u - h o o i - k o s « . Terms, T u m , 82. AI. IM, than if half a ceutury of dancing prove«!, 130 acre« *u«ceptibla of cvittivatlon, all under . 81,109 down; balance on time 1 | tsts.hs ..un d, eloped a short time «inn- « u b M m ! least, of the present Board assert that he you. one-half f . down. 'W c understand that the Stoddard & j Select R cad iu g................. Henry Portwoud fence, hou«e and barn, plenty «»f timber and water, j 37. 485 acres, 1J miles northwc*t «4 H««uver'» Station, had been enjoyed. llie llo n n , o f that place, and tb - muni, would introduce an ordiu/uce fixing the 61. 320 orrue t miles south of Litchfield’s store, 2 orchard. Prie", $3,150; one-half down; balance in 1 on county n*a*l, 350 acres in cultivation, lie» in Nuap Graves grub puller is meeting with ll itt»»;- ( Farce..............................By the Little Folks re married at Astoria on th.- Mil,. u salary o f the Marshal at from $200 to Creek Holton», a large r.nd well flmsltcd house, 2 mile« fn#m P«et Office, saw mill, w-h'Md house and ‘ ‘ A. O. Y. intimates in hi« clos two e«|ual annual iwynionts, with interest. Oration, “ Tho Stage” ......... O. O. Graven barn«, sheds, and out building», a good oi chard with •uunty road, 36 e«*re« under good fence. 59 acme e f - t s t once to Ban Francis. .' He u ,, $000 per nunnni and defining his duties, ing success, where it has bet*u tried. We | D uet........................ By the Jubilee Singers 16. 190 acre»,2\ miles north of Ruona Vista,25 acre« in ing paragraph, that dancing had its h »nd alder, creek, b«»Hom ami good stock range. have never seeu oue of them, but from : m arly n teacher in the ;• but no such move has ever been made. what we have been told they are a grand j Declamation . ------ euit . . . George Btonrh origiu in the invisible world, and ‘wmnisr Hohool, and has protubh- gone Our town is ordinarily very quiet, bat .............. Ollis B« 11 that it came from God. If dancing Ä E-may ..................... ... success. ” 2. Ä TLTb’úv“ w T Ä Ä U!“ “ « » - " " » r * I "urch^ r , ..’join Burton. there are tiiu *s when drnnken men will P re g c r tf. pu re hater, half down; balance on tiHie to snit t purchaser. j *rr‘ X#W B ■ hall Your correspondent recently witnessed j Tableau.................. •33. ISO acres, 4J mllii* smith of Dallas and 4J originated elsewhere than in the 1 William Howe, ex-Coonty T ro o u r r. create disturbance, aud if our people ex some pretty good riding done by G. W. j Recitation.............. ) milt?» oast <4 Slayton, in Marlon Co., I«. 120 acre • Plackam.lh sh«»p and two seta of tool», h m set a t ' ..............Lucy Bel of Moninoutb, 1 ir 0«) ? acres in cultivation, e 8 « or 10 acres iu i | canmnter's 4b seres op m lami, small h m « , g hm I orchard, 1« well r i tools, oue acre of land, a dwelling lions* heart of some evil miuded man. from the upper pect a person, just because be is Marshal, Scott. The mere made it pretty lively i Closing Address... ' l l I-AMBI week reeeired n letter ‘ . . . M. C. Fen tun house, « .t . r .d , ,.lri,tv ..I Sr. o.k, a.h .,,,1 urtplr ll.-U r . 1 *U u n , I. U ..OU. .Ir dwelling U« «hods, and gu*d . and barn, iu Pcrrydale. Term»,81,580; one-lialf eaeh. , i i r t of the eonnty. addressed flreesed to him and with a salary of $50 per year, to stay up for bun for awhile, but ho came off vi* - M 1810...................... whoso baser passions demanded . ho ,1 h oil., rixbt thsrr. II«. on t-mn-.r r.. M P r ie . : ..........String Baud l . 2 i*M; " V quality will • Lot 1. Dlock 7, In La CreA*l:i Homeeteml, Leva»«* f ‘ attuning m ossy for the c county. ou n ty . \v «•li all night to keep these fellows quiet, we torions in the end. An; ono wishing Were « • » » : « « V down; balano, on tim . to uuil |.,irrUai.r. , L n ^ w i X \ 7 7 Ï Â ^ T l .^ 7 h í " i « i 7 » . more consideration than his moral - O . .. . W — — -----------------I I VUUIjftllU U B ill orchard In the county. OOMiMiW« i Addition to the Town of Dallas. Terms, «00, cash in compare niA witn any FE LLO W ( I1 IZ > :\ N ! fe in d iv id u i who acni it a ru !.- oi . r t.. apprehend that they will bo disappointed. wild horses rode might do worse than m Iso small ‘ fruit, und iultdlsotnul nature, a ---- , | consisting ¡J“«* • “ r-f“ sun "-*. gooseherrie*; _ hand. „ ., . ., T _ _ tlien At . , it cam» # ___J ! south of l>a!las, 1 » acre# improves, have known that The proper way would be to increase the ca l on him. •: • io acres , iu . , oats, wiwwmiij of grajws, currants cunuiui and |nu>ci>rrnvii, 280 iv e Ir in a r is I appear before you on this occasion to from let. In the town of Monmouth, l bone# wttfc evil Spirits I can think of no balance in meadow, 1 ) miles from schiNil house, j * crw in ^ ock I past'«re, 60 acre* of th i pasture su»-eptl- five 1 town - * B. Crystal has keen Treasurer for al pay of the officer to u reasonable sum and room*, good water. Price, $66o. Grunt & DeLashmutt sold Fred W a;- announce to you that I non running atcr, crop g.ves to purchaser it • 0f cultivation, all *ulKlivi«le'l into siz.tbU.- field« and require bis presence on the streets until hotter IiaillO for the modern ball; J j.,u before harvest. Price. # » ; fS00 dow n; balance no isi » I t w o years. may l«e «Hvidwl, inakiir/ 2 .«jdendid farm*. Terms, raire's sheep to Mr. Harris. The p ricj for tho office— there, I have spoilt it again. 3 lots in the t->wn of Monmouth, house f?n99 feet 87,.00; 1 down, balance on time. than that suffj^ested by a young man : ®n tiiue. the sr.ih, says: Mr. the saloons were dosed, which the or paid was $2.50 per head. 4 rooms below and 2 almve, gu..d water, plenty at , » b # Oregonian .f m v •inn ii «a in iu nr»*» w h o i i U - 18. MO »era«. • miles north «4 Dallas, 100 acre# in cul- 39. 100 aero* pf Oovernmcnt land, Q miles wont of I'. fraite. Price, #1,»oo, cash Hi haai. W a «hi ngton dinance requires shall be done at 11 .; H . Tyson, o f Last Saturday the remains of Mrs. Excuse me, gentlemen— I thought I was « or my a c q u s in t s n c e w ho n a t i l i o r i m i s , tlvatlrtti lttn miI!ÉIa.i1uoMain* f lliliu i«i M. Collins', on the Pec.lec, fair ilwclliiig-h-uise, stock i dO#n jesterduy ntler- o ’clock. The Boa d of Trustees should Mary L. Hubbard were laid t* rest iu ihe running for Sheriff and was making one evert' one he can—‘ ‘The Devil’s Sun •houses an-l 1*1 acre» of laad. with 1 bams ami , nnty. M ill- watered by living stream«, good hou««, l»ru ami out , . i . j atc ■ - ii «ind.-r *anee irwud smi new- 6 a<-ro* iu out building», good water, in tbe eouth part «4 rv • j| • 1 I building«, btlihllnx», large l.r y . orchard urohkrft and w t* ..l.n ly u l . » I I truft. .n ¡ „ „ ¡ „ w ; " » U , - - - - • • * it partner E n d e l l-. take immediate action in this matter. •on, say* that b hispartn 48or other Hubbard cemetery, on tlu* Little Lockia- of my little speeches again. I will sAy, il«y school.” It is here that town, a very «terirahle property. Prioe, # 2 , 180 ; s m w vli excellent garJcn, with ficUHtee facilltiei for --------------- - w cleared; tor irrl-_vatLn«r Irrhfatlnj t ». on I ____ _____ _____ _ , !>j aero* cosily all rotting ! 1, on? tuffa fwi. (ho was so reported, ‘ is not n down with mute. Another good christiau mother however, while I have the floor, that I he.« .. .w-w -»-ace op time to salt purchaser. IBuiul U iir v t. germinate nnd find con- county r«w u i fr«»m Dalia# to smt U u . Price, 17,000. | ,.0uuty n*ad; four g«od iq fdynty of (lliioei. purposes gi wall-pox, and the etoTy of [the letter with mitjf of outrange 19. 100 acre», 4 mlie* north of Monmouth, on county well adapte I to stock-luisfli, The people of Dallas have again- shown has been called troin our mid-t by tie came to this place seven years ago, nnd run r-eniul soil i d w h i c h to f l o u r i s h ; it i s ; . . . torn 1 - » — « M I M I -n . •«•« M n ll-M x scab haring b e e n received . i road, all un ici f-.-n—, and subdivided into fittine Tenn», Woo. imlf down, fiels l^ 'n f the D s n A J’ s their liberality and enterprise, having hand of death. She was a devoted fol WM the East ia • hoax* 40. 121 Acre* t miloe ctfd „ T l ‘Uff ; od i' r at Uouse and living er f*au.- not sorry fo r it. I first went to growing here that the liase sensualist touche»! fields, gr*i henee aut bar«, tw. good weil* witn lower of Christ and was prepared to die. raised the amount o f $300 to defray the g.xid house and Imi ti ;gu4'4 ..»rd; all in ti(te*hotf iiusu " : igeu p* John Coon has returned homo from i hops and made it pay, and with the as the pur. and virtuou. und awaken« j ___ __k has had charge expenses of another band tournament, to . ' Ä ^ * Mr. }U ' __ _______._north from Dallas, for from Dallas Ui In.icpeu8mw : Hrll-wilv take place in June. The exact date we Portland. II* has been driving the coach sistance of my brother hop-growers of passions which lead to ruin; it ie here, county. l*n«c. ell per acre, om-ksit «l.,wn; t»l»J»ce j roo .1 Hs»n«e ar.<l > i a AaalVf, hewsn t6a36, »- «*oe L4tr- i# r*9fj, '■'•rj. a - 'm e time, has been yfitnon-d n Hurrouncled bv thwe influence«, tlmt! 20. 352 acre». <>n ilio liti« <4 ------- tcc«e. .tn«!T I mmr are unable to give at present, though for the Esmond hotel. o \ a P m the West SM* Railr«»«l, | | Temi», .f *0 por a.-ro, onc-tliirl down, baia.)«;* un tufi* fwoiru. tr-'fl * * * **v, j'ltitti and m M h » u««e. George Lre baa moved into his new this valley, have mado hop growing one •oiofor o f th the ■« w r ad- possibly about the 27th, in hopes of unit- j •oto fo r boom nomo favorite favorito «V i* a corn«r lot, pi «asan t vHueuon T Tan.«» a tù ,» a «*W, tU *. -»ria- . _ .. ____ _ t to near Mv<,*ov StnUm, all under f«iivìe, »0 nere* in culti- « to eult purehsesr. this Suit., | many ft "lovely woniftti stoops ti« ìmiu I, «>r «vili « xc I mui ^ o for lami mansion uml «etilo«! down to uct nul bum- j gf tbe future iinluKlries of hero Mr. ing with the fr ternity in cele f.d lv n n ,l H ild a fn«> l i t « t h a t m e n WJ arre» euscepuWe of cultivai k>8, wel l , 4! .833 turrrm, f l II. lie* « e d «4 LewUiffie; S76 arra» »uitabl# for a t-hicken ranch. botte, bon. ..M ..rehard «e. ruunty ì tnmx ^ LbdBM ed ini« .ixahl; fields; r * - » , rwartu friends, brating their principal holiday, this being nos«. We extend to him our good winhes which at present is but in its infaucy; D>l l y, ü l d n u d a t o o Dito unit m e u W4UreJ. but that is not what I was going to eay. : betray. l o i N I Poor. , road, ennvenienl I» Stowrvh ani r h o..l .ex cellen t ! bott*. « »«»»1 ham» and «4h«r «mtbmMtmr*. an « saw ! ] H" ns# and I 4 In Sahtti.kA !fe. 6,14oc% 64. Cc*»ba in the futnre, au I also to Mr. Al. G try no. ’ that he St. Joh n's day. It will he a splendid l l v U i i a m r o o f f i » j « f regret r» ^ ; wheat lend. Price. #20 per acr«; «me-liaif d..wn, Ual- , ,nt .^ubaH «g ri|0 4 .;# fruit; 1« well « ¿ U r a l 150 acre. SiUMos to city of Salem. «-o*n*r of Divirina and Proel W bnt’n tbe mutter with our corres It is this : I have just opened here in . ________________ Ul be c ompelled to loovt. chance for the Order to have the grandest - ___________ j anc* on time to suit purchaser. j in culti valine : Mr» wn cuunty ro»M, 3 ui'le* to narrow • str#-.U, I w s s 22* 2S, with adtHtioa, 11x21, S gswi 21. 67} seres la R if Luckiamute Bottom, on the A. gauifa rail road. \ h «.no of the b#»t st«>ck farm* in th* ‘ romn- heloar, and 7 rooms above. f«>nd wood »Ju.*L - Hilvsrton propose« to boil 1 a town hall affair ever seen in Oregon. The details pondent«; they iiiu»i be trying to buck- i Eola, what might be called, a Country ' Sc W A L L E R . C'.tatuherlain donaUon. fiftv a.-rc* in cultivation, 17J ! cuunty, plenty of onk and fir flintier; 9nf) »era mor* ] wUhw»»«*- sto' le, orcbanl of plums, cherries. Term*», > by 100 fact, two stories high, to c«.»t and dates will be fam ished in due time, slitle. D on 't throw oft on ua becattue it* 1 Store. I propose to do a square I usiuess M c S R E W a re* nui.-er, oa*. .ir. . h . ao . c , a« i, etc., It unie» fr«»iu I ttiljr cleared, that i* susccptihle of b « n « «¡HO. )«1- t t .* » . A» « Au»«. aud will sell groceries as cheap, if not • •X50<h The lo r e ? story will be used for but rest assured of tbe one fact, thst this, dull time a, but come to tb^ front and show l-.r k -r . « .u „ u . h -u -f »n I lurn, rH-h u , , p r^uuai.. , | »... « ï-~ u u «J. I .rim , f ! . W . *l,iw ) | _ . . cheaper, than any other store in Polk i P e r r y d a le , O r e jó n . companies, beyond nil doubt, will eclipse anything your colors. ....... ..... .■n;,., ,,™ u , I nee a gr.-ut many immigrants nra buy- 1 county. I can afford to work cheaper will be divided ever seeu iu Oregou before. n. niile.wttth.ctof Pallw; f^rhor >c. I < ! 0 u»,lr, n-,rth ,,f Iinll.,. milu. w-»t of , lM „,1™ 14. tu ,1 - .*4... h,.,k , it»g land iii P olk. Polk comity '¡ike* well tban any other man iu Polk county, und < -0<v| ,»im cht-hm ho<ne .IH) wrK.l-.iwl; < « r i , in ’ Pcrrv.liU.; ì j milM * .u U i» « t o f IM M mi , »n orin i., | .„„™ , " l « l ’ pnRhM. i Au*. r . . ò . , h > n it.’r . : Vfouder how cnltiT»lion. * 1 o|i«n l»„ I. r o r i, l„r Ih . 1 i r o l . ) m il. fo n i » h « I htniM, Hu. n-w ,lw .llln,. I ru,m '.,n ruo(| a i n x i o north <* f i o » ' » with the new-comer# because lunu is sold I certainly can se|l cheaper. I hare a ivrlop enough m il. ir on o n n l y ro.1. <,.►! r >»9 (r im count, ro.,1 ] «„,.tbn rn crmuir, lr„l ,)th.r ..ot huilrlltijj^ 14 . . 1 « r..,,U „c<. ,n,l » . t o t llo.lor . l'r.M. , . W. rXK 4 ..m . n a r it c . so cheap. Next spring there will be .3 big large invoice of boot* ami shoes, manu ball. Believing in all things what was which < to the pre*ni«vj. Ten»»«, #I,UU0, ea«h in hand. ! in calli vati« «n. w» acre* summer fallow. 15 acre* lire I ttUn,-« .m t me rrith ln*lsrufrt_ factured nt Astoria by Ltiuenweber k Co. ' immigration to thi* State.' •»t »tA^.rr. i m <-tt .-/.r«h-a«t of I Sail A« all tn.lcr 1 n '»«'b under fen«v>, fine «»rchard with all kind* of fruit, Forties who h ive not paid their taxes tt 1 e daughter». My stock oi boots aud shoe « are purely ol [ is ami what is to bo, we conscientiously fence 275 a. rr« in T u llivati«n. all op««.1 land, no ! Price, $7,600;88,000down; bmlsMoe e « Mtts. | 4 village lot» and 11 aere# lm Old ln«Upende**e^ tetively. were will save me the trouble of calling on rood house and t«ari> and several small huildinr* #o Oregon inuterisl. The hides were grown ^ claim to sell the best goo«U st the lowest j jrruh*, all su««rptiMe ol euliivation; ordinary h *u*e j Cornar lot, with new house thereon near the <wm;i til# property, which b ellsihly sit<*ated; the 14 acre# In th e lV Iio lr l iN f o r j o f JirtllrJn r ago at their ! and hùrii. a /•»■I «»rehard; plenty of food w;*t*r In sev [ «round, hou»« ll «tories hifU, 6 ¡»'im i h«low, f<N«d in Ur gon. the leather tanned in Oregon, 1 them by culling ¡u the Sheriff’s office and prices (for-rash, or tho first cut on timo) ■lea Just below the Farmers' Warehouae. *#il riel*., J water. Price, #850; «509 down; bwJan«w in oue veer, crai piace«, springs niiio¡ii¿ all th«e year; on county in the elder sc- , No preparation has performed such mar with Hemlock bark grown iu Oregon; and : warm, sandy lr«ni, a.laptc i to th# growtU of l»»p* er j with interest. road Inediti^ fr>m Dalla» t<* Hruilo •». r with the ux settling the sau»c. The county is iu debt velous cures, or maintained so wide a an Oregon company manufactured the i of any store in tho country, Portland not , pot. un.lcr f *niv. IViee, 81 .Soe; fl^otMi dirwtr. Term«, #25 |*or acre, one third down, InkUncc «*n 43. Pive hundred and forty acre:«, 2i mile* »ooth rA v*^rt«hl*<<, Lai «nee cn time to suit purchaser. in two. Tht ; aud must have money. Please give this reputation, a8 A yer’s Cherry Pectoral, same. They are ail w an anted to uie; and 1 excepted. Just received, new and fresh time to suit purchaser. ; Independence, four lmndre«l and fifty a rea und. r could be ex your early attention. which is recognized us the worid’ n remedy I will warrant "them to my customers. | stock, and daily receiving the freshest and 24. 4«X> a«*res, 8 mile* south of inde|»*ndence, under fence, «Mie hundivd and rtfty acre* in cultoatioa, wee R i l l P r o p e r ty . L. M. HALL. 300 a.-re* in cultivation, Z_'5 acre* l'im iarr hundred sud fifty acre* open prairie, ueai >y the cut e it of saving the ; January G, IsdJ. for all dihettHes of the throat aud lungs. Now, this is no “ gas.” NYuy not patron latest out. Now, friend*, think for a mo- fane«', Tax Collector. Th- Dtxi* Flounng Mill, on the I a « >eoJc creek. L-> tra^-t »iiwjcptiMe **f cultivation, ita» a deep, rfc .; s».il, fih o v , lar^e coieiorU bk bette, l»arn, samx J s , Its long-continued aeries of wonderful ize home rauuufactnreis, when you can pr-MÌuctii|f ip»od en*|ie, larz* h»»u*e and Imrn. amok y mi •** east of liallas, J run of Motix, with choptwraodfi cures iu all clunatea U^ k made it univer buy a belter article for le«« m oney9 T«* '■ emise, chtcken-h«uiee milk limine, granary, orr'«l. •II cue m-*<1om iiu|Mv>vem«nts f w ma*iufa<rturing <U»ur, om ftPECHLTlX* %T 4 . I). I.ECH. Í p;«mty of <M*k. fir, aro *.«<i uiaj-'c tl«sK r, aud pi -nty to«(. ther a ith 6 acre* #f Irmd and 1 dwelling house*, sally known as a sate and reliable agent give yon an idea what I can d o: I well sell can work cheaper iu the city tuao we in «os-half J.jwn; bsl«n»«** t t tim«i b> »uit purchaser. Pries, #12,80 m ; *6.t*w dow n;. : .g water. Prie», •!•».#■»•»: «o»# half down: baiane* tu ahuvlan«*# of fruit. House and 2 l«de, t i * ni th* Court Uous*. with to em ploy. Against ordinary colds, which uu A. No. 1 T ap Hole Kip Bo it for ba.«nce in two *| um m u « « | m . i h r « U . IH rrrl I m ^ o r t a llo a s . Humbug’ Th»»y cannot; bam. 50; the country. «wvhard, elurshbery aed **^li*nt waUr. Prie«, 1 time to anil purebarer. are the forerunners of more serious disor as good a boot as I have paid, myself. i 44. 400 er re« at KmithfkM, on the imrrow fan « The U« erWyaflll. situated on the little l.uckUaswte. neither do th e »; the proof of which we fl,Au0; #5'W down; balan •* in on# y far. Sailer, Lenin JL C o.'s Boots and Shoes, ders, it acts speedily and surely, always $7 Od for in Salem. I mean “ biz.” r»i''..v»d. b mile-nor»h of iNiiiaa, all ««ipitw f-n« e en I 10 milee south ««f Iwilaa, recently built, 2 run of st«j*w You IS. 112 a?re* is the b-Mtom al Joining town of fnde an l iii-t atc«t machine nr for maklnv » num ler 1 arti- relieving suffering, aud often saving life. had better call ou me soon, before I learn ever stand ready to practically dem on pemletj'-r. un«l«r fence, forty *cr«n ie cultivation, Dirty *u Mi tided into alza hi- S-dda. 205 acre* is ttlttvatfc* from Philadelphia. i ri.ia.-re« pasture, 2 i-omlurtaole dwelling aouarw, j eleof fi« <ir. toq^aher with l daeliing hone# and I t acre# in *rr eadly male «v» ly f. r In* plow, tw^o»y The protection it affords, by its tiiuely ns«- tbe mystic art of tho trade: for then, look strate. MaGfiiw k W t U t L Foster Kid Gloves, from New York. au«f other «nit htilklinf«, also war«b«>uac on t«:t acme a»h, Sr an I maple timiwr, »oil rich, d#*p, aandy l-arn« Johnson's Easy Eye Glasses, from De iu throat aud chest disorders, makes it an out “ for ways that are d irk , and tricks railroad, with r it t » /* t«»r 29.9011 bu>h»l* «if grai'i, sk a «If i «am. v#nr prwinctive, aiapted u» rsisinf v v tame*. tmok »ml ¡r«wd eoiireeleeees for shipping. SO M fi » t e r it v v «n cL invaluable reme«ly to laj kept always on that are vain,” etc. Give ine a call aud troit, Michigan. Price, 83175; $I,5 m >> dow.i; l-a.auc« «ai tun* to « I l - m 11 r full. W , > o»mg orchard, plenty u# w .p-r, sob».*4 The U f resie saw m il, wttS 2,988 sers baud in every home. No person can af purc'KM.r Giaut Patent Seam Ilm ts. Be sure and hoi-«, on th i |>r« mises, ow eu«^ty r a l . I*»«.*, «12,- flit La Iriolc crctk, then jndge for yourselves. I tai,«* west of Di Taken ap, by I N. D svblson, living I Itlackrfnitb »hop an«l f*wir lou and dwellmy fiau-c ♦ ford to lie without it, and those who have IS«); -T.dni) d*/w>n; baiane# ou easy terms. see them— the best invention yet made. Asking for a share of yonr patronage, I one uni» West of Bnena Vista, Polk ! 1I-.2S in Parker »tan. «., P«da c«/S»ty, Orau *a. once used it never will. From thrir subscribe myself, your bumble servnn', II.Mm- and two lots in (»alia*, on creek bsMotn; foop i T T," • ftnd, fo««l wat«w all under $•»>! ptask («uc* eonnty, Oregon, the following ilrncribed j jor /ard«.*uirr;. Terms, #1,090, $US0 knowledge of its composition and effects, payiaofit*. i' *-, $a0M, #209 fiitm n . J. W. Horv'o.x. «•»tray property, to-wit: One bsy horse, physicians use the Cherry Pectoral exten E ola , Dec. 20, 1981. The firm of Burns & Casd is this day l-*Vs haiirin bigh, star in fort-Ue»«1, hind j Tbo ttbove compriA^t o b i; a portion of the lau<U wa have ¡or Mia, and we «re daily receiving i sively in their practice, and clergymen m ^ -------- dissolved by muttiHl consent. .Ml claims fett white, a years old; «pLruiaw«! at $ 7 3 . recommend it. It is nbeolntely certain in tin.-'Lien*» t r n le a » « I v r . due said firm are payable to D. X. Burns, I N .DtvuMoy. And can show parties th« most desirmbl« locations io the country. Information pertetuing to Und* its remedial effects, and will always care The B ust H alve iu tbe world for Cut», who will pay all indebted ness of the January 7, 19*12. w here eures are possible. For sale by all Bruises, ¡lores. Ulcers, Salt Ubentn. Fever firm. D. N. B rass, _____— T —r ~ - . o»»*»». AdJree^ill corniminiemtion* to dealers. Hlaven «• I V l T f T ee*8 P*M e. «* * Bor* s, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, F kink OoiC. An uromutir combi ustión for tha pre- ! Corns, and all kiuda of Hkin Eruptions. D allas , January 11, 1812. B ia s : r t it i.t ix . Th«# Halve is guarantsed h» give perfect »ervKÎion of the Teeth aud Gums. It is My ffne p rof irtjr on Mill street, Dullss, * at: «faction in ©very ease or money re far superior to auy pre^Mration ol its kind ; Dallas, Folk County, is o ffjrtd for a •le at a bargain for a short funded. Price, 3« cent# per box. For iu the market. In large burniscine Opel «^J cents Fdr e#*e by Blggg sale bv Hyde’ s dru gstore, Dallas, and p o ta, p [»risi rie s W t im e . ‘H7I.T/. Or, B E L T 4 PIPES, indspr ntJeno ': or, C . L A P O k k K T T , Sheridan. A M . ’A ' t . the !b«» d rs lflit'* 1*62 IM S *. * Co . T rtl n ! b le d to Irti m ¡ ug |i lime» we G ra n t & D o Lash: ■Mâf ■ ESTATE AGENTS, M ill Street, Dallas, P olk County, Oregon. f K9 ui BELT & PIPES, Independence, P olk County, Oregon* CHAS. LA FO LLE TT, Sheridan, Y am hill Co., Oregon* IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A lso, Flouring M ills, Saw Mills, Etc., Etc. ALL KINDS R o n U t h o OF PERSONAL f o l l o w i n g u » t PROPERTY o r SOLD. B a r a a ln s . ..t v s .« te a ? -C t lii-i. c r L T s r is “*.,: »«»•-*»d» » « '« b e » «•»> !: ! '5 ä s ' ' Ä ^ M S G R A N T & D eLASH M U TT, . » J l ‘ . J K 9 Tt- -ïfj