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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1882)
I iH Ê tS Ê k ■ K » G ra n d D A LLA S h M a s h B a l l ||£j TWO l itt • «’III »UK*. A S h -lt li ruKT. tool» to n tuoi tu » . »n io iij civilized races one thnt is | Ihr Bc.c|>tl.« n Ni l at IhJ M aori« cowardly ? They will all fight : There is no nioro sweeter repots 1. The hoys like to read, and the «iflhr \> IUM-; Kdiltir Americans, English, French, Get- ' w Licit is purchased by 1 master says, “ no time for reading. nU.I.At*. KATCRDAT. JAR. Î8, mans, Spanish, ltaliuns, Russian*-- iul,or. D o you over print poetry iu the , t|,em tutor bugs must he picked off. « all will light. The Greeks fought Tlt’ XIV P T V I» TIC P « « « . n e iT M ic r il Those are the Christians who are Tribune?" asked a young ladv ns nml the 1 k » v goes, though he only for their independence. So did the more careful to reform themselves she caine into the oditoriul-room w n'ed to re: d • n ■ p ea t after d li «•IB. Poles. So did the Hungarians. So ner. The best o f everything i« «“ >1(1. Men with cheek» and greenbacks, boys do our own Iudinns, for that mailer. than to bo continually censuring i yesterday afternoon. “ I suppose,’’ continued the young for no barer wishes second rate aod women too, others. All the world over, men draw n up in Hants to wht-r« the toiler winbs bii eye I Do uot bi*g»u to quarrel with the i lady, “ that the literary editor is the articles, and if any suggestion is Glad that in the future, when the time* line will light, bo their cry “ Hu 1 world too soon; for bad as itmay be. ! !'"-son to whom I should apply for made concerning a uew kind of pear nr« bln«. Columbia !” *‘ Vive la Franco !” cr iu form at ion, but I thought peibnp# tree or a grapevine, the answer is. They will hare a nest o f e^g» laid by. “ Faugh a kallaga !" lJut the great it ia the be«t « « have to live iu— some of the oilier geutieuieu iu lnr¿ “ I ’ve no money to throw away f"i Little do they fancy tLat it won't be long nation is the nation that is brave in here. such t r u c k ; there’s plenty of apples íuitfht tell m e." Ere their hopes will u2l be overthrown, i „ 0 .* . Neither a man nor a woman is en And in pain and sorrow they will .log ibis f t»e» ce H c i° a r e our ° " n Southern The horse reporter, who lia i been and wild grapes.” song: ! people writhing yet under the sting tirely atife until he or she can emluie compiling some exciting statistics sfai 2. A pleisant home, « tractive W IL L BE G IV E N BY T H E Ku.piv u me Bank, the cashier's gone! of a defeat neurer and bitterer thun blame uud receive praise without ex- regarding tho number ■ f «millin'B dishes of fruit always ready; educa _ i Ireland has known in hundred! of citeweut that had tr«tt d in 2:110 dating the ted, home loving boys; good society years. They are uneasy still uudei The chief properties o f wisdom Close i he door and shatters, pot away the the uovr order of things; they re are, to l>o mindful of things past, past season, aban don 'd his fascinat sought for by father, mother and ing pursuit, and. after indicating to children, books by the best authors hey; Let the swindled po«»ple growl and groan. member dead friends, ruined homer, c refill of things present, providoLt the poet I y In wave o f i i hind and “ papers that smell of the print crushed ambitions. There nro those of tilings to con e. All tho funds are scattered, far aa they tin (s h e w as a libeity to occupy a ing office,” an exceeding neat farm, -ON among them who still carry on the can bo; The universal heart of men blesses chair, spoke us follow s: whose walls are made to last, where Empty is the beak, the cashier’s gone! old war in u petty way. But look dowers. He has wreathed them “ In answer to your question, how the vnst majority of them have around tbe cradle, the marriage 'I is». I may say that uot only does trees of all kinds of choice fruit are Bound a leapt by table, in a qmet room, grown, nnd where the cultivated given in th* ir adherence to tho uew altar, am! the tomb. Sit the bank director* in a row, poetry sometimes appear in tl is laud yields just the kind the farmer If to-morrow a war M l Ibeir solemn faces dark with care and order o f things. G ood temper is like a sunny day; paper, but that wo now have on our wishes, for no weeds are allowed t<< gloom, breaka out between this country and Hearing what it breaks their hearts to any foreign power, there will be no it sheds n brightness over everything; staff o f contributors wouie of the grow, aud the best of all, a proud know— it is tho sweetener of toil aud th o ! most gifted sougsters that the mother sayiug to me, “ My boys Fearing of the millions none shall see more prompt, d o braver volunteers soother of quietude. G olden West has produced, and never gave nio an hour's pain iu than tbe South will supply. again, Simplicity of manuer is the last that they uro allowed to trill their j their lives.” Wlmt should we have said or done fitmiiug that far yearn wna going on; I, paid Dallas Men nre vety long melodies for the lienetit of our And their voices faintly sound the sad had the unreconstructed Southrons attainment. "P a p a ,” said an inquisitive boy, readers every Saturday or Sunday. G O O D M 17M I C , K T C . refrain; afraid of being natural, for the dread met in convention, ten or fifteen We aim to afford all persons who “ this morning tho domiuio prayed Empty is the bank, the cashier's gone! years ago, and unanimously resolved of being tuken for ordinary. ------------------ o ----------- feel within their minds the surging for more rain, and this afternoon Gaarrirans and widows, orphans with their not to pay their bills until we gave Dreams may servo as monitors, by of a llood of metrical melody an op- Deacon Bixbv prayed for dry wenthpr all, them independence ? W e think we indicating our present moral state, nortunity o f depicting in v o id word- to get his hay in. Now if the Lord T.’onder why directors ore so blind. can answer theqoostiun. AY e should but must not be relied upon us fore pictures the beautiful images that loves the deacon nnd the dominie They alone are free from bitter woe and ">• iv« a* sut cam* np fr« have said very little, nud wo should shadowing future events. pain tad will remain fancy has limned with delicate touch just tho same, what do von suppose have clapped every recalcitrant TThose accotints arc always overdrawn: Those ire mock geutlefolks who upon tho rose-tinted chum Iters of the lie'll do about it?” "M y son,” an debtor into jail, just us wo should All the others madly howl the sad refrain: mask their faults to others and to Srr.y bas told Empty is the bank, the cashier’s gone! if he had attempted to defy the themselves; tho true know thorn im igiuatiuu. It matters not whether swered the old gentleman sternly, -irne, Inauguri the horny fist o f the swost crowned “ whenever you want to ask foolish law north o f Mason and Dixon’s perfectly aud acknowledge them. t ’ «locks», Marion county esonrs. sou of toil or tlie dimpled fingers of questions, go to your mother, don ’t . a d m i s s i o n « _ liue, and wo should have settled the ö ' h . L. Hanno W ounds and hardships prove our a patriciau maiden guides the pen come to me.” (Tose the door and shutters, put sway the whole business iu a very short time. SuricflAf Lnckiamut which gives expression to these courage, and when our fortuuos nre key; II on Thnredaj s : $ 2 .5 0 A certain latly in tbi* county set ft hen T i c k e t s for M a s k e r s , i n c l u d i n g s u p p e r , Let tlie »wiudUd people grow! and groan. That is tho duty that now lies be at the lowest, our wits and minds thoughts— all are alike welcotn«. ufion thiitceu egj^s. A few days after new«, •"'l Government. All the funds arc aenUercd, tar as they fore tho English : EO C e n t s . I L a d y M a s k e r s , : F r e e . 'f*ïluî'ÂÏÏ'‘ th« From out this stately chimney that wards, looking into tho nest, she was S p e c t a t o r s , are commonly at tho best. piatile, bnt W hat they are doing now ought to nail be, r iuUreat n* ox frets the sky in the rear of this es surprised to find tho hen missing and tho cash htj' The man whose thoughts, motives, Empty ia the bunk, the enihier's gone! have boeu done two jenrs ago. If a a l l a u i : i n v i t e d t o c o m e . eggs gone, and in tlivir stead a hngo rat ol tablishment come forth in curious aspirations and feelings nre all de man will not pay his rent he tle snake comfortably coiled up. Notic DemcmWrtv 10, 1882, a sc curl and funtnstic quirk great clouds voted to himself is tlie poorest of should be punished as be would ilu ta n . ing tho SYvolfen condition of his snake- V».ir Mc; ll)ted «bid hoo A. II. IIOLMAN. bo for any other sort o f die- judge as to the effect of his own of lleeey smoke that wrap the struc ship she procured a spade aud pinned his NAT. HOLMAN. Cooper and Pr R aving published some articles ture iu a white filmy mantle. Within head to the ground. Then, with a rake, liouestr. I f anr loan euconragis action oil other men. NtMT (.Iijidence, eftme O' one vear after the establishment of the tail was drawn out aud fasteuml from the T oledo lllado on tho situa- nnotho*r in breaking the law, bo meeting of the Itegarded simply ns a gratification tion ia Ireland, which were not very also should be punished. If the and a source o f pleasure, good thè free-for-all poetry bureau thè ; down to prevent wriggling. A prnkuifa Uros, have ad Tribuno aliami, lieti thè uro of coni / *oon ■P'«*llie r. ptite troni head to teil, l'Au..,(w,eir livery stori complimentary to the British Govern- ! oountry is in such a state of pecuniary hooks are more valuable thau nil the for fuel. I dislike to give awny thè i “ ,8 W wereh.ken «ut. B.aog carofn y -------- __>r fine team» • ^ . , wiìshod they were piaceli under t1'“ e“"'“ meat, wo have been requested to distress that the people are absolutc- luxuries that wealth can procure to game, . but . you art so pure and beau- brni um, eventuali v every ono hatched (Succesbors to U. Ford), b s’ mm «"> nJ th*‘ Ml v without money, they should be gratify the most fastidious physical 1 m!l! .eu verv ill at t g i*« place to the follow ing from the supplied wit.i luough, out of the j taste. tiful, aud y*ur eyes havo sudi « ont, „,„1 th» rbickvns gre’w and thrived. « in this eity, wistful, trusting look, that I could We regret that a striet renard for truth American “ P u ck :" national treasury, to tide them over Adhere rigidly nnd undeviatingly uot find it in my heart to decei'e. j compels us to nay that the hen was net advertineme The Irish have talked more and until better times come again. This j to truth; but while you express swallowed, uor were the chicks marked Band. Thay E D E S & A D A M S ’ done less than any other people on . “ Land bill” nonsense of fixing what i w hat is truo, express it in a pleasing G o iu peace and by way of the stairs, j with a snakt.—St. Paul Pioueer Press. and som* g< the face of tbe earth. F or centur- a man shall charge for his own proper- j manner. Truth is the picture, the gentle maid, nnd take the fruits of j Free of foil. itlet* and A. ioa they have bragged to the whole tj is bad law and bad policy—and manner is the frame that displays it the God-given genius which enabled i you to produce ‘ Sava Our Mother’s •operty in this Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con This re to advantage. world o f their courage, their wit, infamous injustice, too. ,400 differenc Hoops for Clara’ to some other shop" j sumption, Coughs and Colds, Asthma, A n ti L o u n g e s. their cleverness, their good nature. fusal to pay r c D t is sheer dishonesty, Christians ara like the several — nnd with a pearly tear dimming j Bronchitis, etc., is given away in trial No necessity ex At tho preacut day, what do wo find and nothing else. flowers in a garden, that have each his bright blue eye, the biographei : bottles free of cost to the afflicted. If you d Templar Loc AND- The Irish go into the thorn ? A discontented, idle, debt- cuses it. receiving « of them the dew o f heaven, which, of Maud S. again turned to his work. have a severe cough, cold, difficulty of '0 t ' ARK CORDIALLY INVITED TO CAM. AND ! disowning lot. Discontented with 1 trouble they are getting up w i t h as breathing, hoarseness or any affection of \ p. At the last examine our W oven W ire B eds and L ovnom . 1 being shaken with the wind, they let “ Hns anybody been to see me ?” | the throat or lungs by all means give this The most perfect B j .1 or l.oung-j ever manufacture-I. j the government which protects them, bad a cause as men ever fought for. j fall at each other’s roots, whereby inquired the literary editor, ns he wouderful remedy a trial. As you value Elastic, Clean and Durable. Each nnd every one I Mai# Sliaj, [yd* lately re. What thoroughly disgusts us in ! that makes them every concession warranted, nnd we defy competition! Liberal discount 1 they are jointly nourished, and be- entered the room half an hour later. yonr existence you canuot afford to let to the trade. presented to within its power, that treats them this business it to sec the way that We refer, by perniiaMlon, to tho following well ! corno uourishers o f each other. “ I had an appointment with one of this opportunity pass. We could not known kins, a disting with a forbearance unexampled in ! many newspat rs in this country | gentlemen of tlhd State, who havo mod our ; Main Street, Dallas, Oregon. afford, and would not give this remedy j our best-known poets.” beds: the records of politics. Idle— for , have treated thu question— with one j m i x . HL LO ict: KMSeriXG. away unless we knew it would accomplish IJ IVIVQ RETsqtiersile on “ I guess she was here,” said the what we claim for it. Thousands of hope lier. P. S Kniglit, S-tlmn. P. K. Wagner, Salem with thousands of hands strong for eye open to the light o f common sense, 8. A. Trimbb II. A Johnson, Rr“n<b'*t »f Lew. h John «on, “ th* work of the anvil, tlie plough and the other eye on the Irish vote, j Man is the only animal that can J horse reporter, “ and I may say. less cases have already been completely J. H. Aliwrt, AVINO ITIlCItASKD THIS WELL-KNOWN j "'«h eu il.« ton,. Dr J. >v. M Afea,“ •T. A. Biker, “ c rtabliiihiiicnt, yvc projMise to conduct it in first a S . “^ í r . « c* in rolk < nnd the lo-m>, their broad land has O f course, the Slur is always ready to be taught to sleep on an empty without divulging any professional cured by it. There is no medicine in the Ott». J. Pearce, “ Dr. E. Y. Chase, “ i «u h lav* shape. Always in read in Ms, l)r. A. M. Be.t “ •neither nor agricultural howl with nnv Sixth-Ward Pat at i stomach. The brute cteatiun resent secreta, that when you pull up your world that will cure one-half the cases 1». C. Howard, Ii Koval A it h: M. N. Chapman, “ Dr. Z. tí. Nichob, “ i»np»>rtanc6,*nve for fi few cities where i the “ Queen iu tho Tower o f Lon- ¡ all efforts to coax them to such a string of suckers nt tlie end o f the | '¡" ‘t Dr. King’« New- Discovery will cun-, Ge • II. Jones, •* Dr. W L. W*de, “ G ood T « « at’‘ ,v received C ¿ < ^ > < > I > T E A M S , UOOQ ieaatuBUUi th9C0 or “H*c Hyde * ®rnS Store. Pul1— Ben Strang, L ' » . 1 1 . » » n i i n f r t t t .I T«* r v l .. L .1 i n i t .« A ,1 , . 1 V . l O / . I 4 .» fi A i . . violation o f the laws of nature. The season there will be one p o e t ' * Hodge, “ Dr. H. F. Adama,“ on .” ** T But we did not /> expect to see English capital and Euglish custom d Davis A Co., Wholesale Agents. J. J. Dalryinplo, “ Rev. Isaict DiJlon, Albany. have built up trade. Dishonest, the Sun in this bad company, in- 1 lion roars in the forest until lie has missing.” — Chicago Tribune. Portland. Chaff. Calvert, “ T. W. Hjlt, In.lepoudciiee. A t L ovj R a t e s . K Tilomas, Otklaud. J. M. Patterson, “ OuriUblcsweSr^iSOnerR CEPAPP beeuuse, when a famine comes upon dulging in dem agogic editorials and found his prey, and when he hns J. M. Tiiotnpeon, Eugonc. Auytbing in tho grocery and proviaiou w. W. Martin, ■ EarCCT IIOIID I tent indobi:; jail on Wd devoured it ho sleeps over until ho Eiixha Strong, “ thorn, they make it an excuse for not poems about “ Ireland’! W oes” aud i J. C ( Jhureh, “ line may he found at II. J. Butler's. w»virt*'¡38 are Carlyh I K. Moores, “ K. M. Uoitinaón, *• paying tho money they owe. “ Tho Iron Heel of Depression.” needs another. The horse will paw- Parllcalur Attention Paid to Tran There is nothing manly, dear II. D. Boon, “ John O’Hrian, “ MU. Luther Myers, “ Robt. s. Dean, “ When we any disloyal, we mean The Sun ought to have too much I all night in the stable, and the pig boys, iu making light o f women. sient Slock. N EW T H IS W EEK. rutatid that II. C. !I.mj¡»hrey, “ Ei. flinch, “ to use the word id ita fullest aud dignity, if not too much sense, for 1 will squeal in the pen, refusing all \ For your mother’s sake, honor the 1 1». F. Harding, “ Charle* Johnson. “ I.IVK THE.'H'e «"Id t*>« t- C üy ’ p n s c a ll. nOLMAN DUOS. K. J. Harding, H. O. Tilomas, Turner. __________ srlie* from fairest meaning. Ireland lives cn!v this. And tbe Sun that has been j rest or sleep, until they nro fed. i ! sex. Never use a lady's name in an | Janiei Morrison, Polk (V And a lio*t uf othoi's. ^ ■ ■ H .o o o . through England’s pride and courage wailing for years, “ Reduce the army The animals which chew tho cud ! improper place or at an improper j I I . C . G E N T R Y , Office and placo of buxine«, in Starkey’s Block, PBOrîSSBSÎT> rho form, Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. and military skill. I f England had i to ten thousand m eu!" will sing n have their own provisions for a late ; time, or iu mixed company. Never ; P c t r y d a l e , O r e g o n , noJ EDE3 * ADAMS np here, is * not fought for herself and for her ! very small and feeble song it over meal just before dropping off' to 1 make assertions about her that you Has Just received the best stock of Fine J. R. SI?- A. Stiles, w own ou a hundred battle-fields, this Governm ent is induced by bad ! their nightly slumbers. i think arc untrue, allusions that you f work in his Man cun train himself to tho habit L a n d for S a lo . Ireland would bo thé helpless de counsels and false rcpicxentations of! j feel she herself would blush to hear. ^nstin, «he i without a preceding . pendency o f some continental power. popular feeling to commit some j of sleeping rote gaap;p. 5.*». CO acres half m:lo west of Sheridan, good honre, | When you meet with men who do East Side of Main Street, Dalian, Oregon. Ever brought to Perrydafc. barn and nut buildings, nplendid young orchard, and lon^ years of | not Irishmen to-day talk of tyranny. breach o f neutrality, and the British j laeuL ^ut 011E.V ined ft few da scruple to make use of a lwrry patch. Price, 3,500; $l,0JJ down; Wlance on DAi~ jn confteqn As ho comes into the : woman’s name iu a reckless and un- Give me cull. AH are welcome and will be hand- time. W hat is the equitable, even indul G overnm ent sends a little diplo- practice. Bomely treated. 11. C. GENTRY. i Holmrn pin gent goverumeut of England to the malic note to enquire the reason worlil nature ¡3 too strong for him, i j principled manner shun them, for M ‘.’SO acres three and one-half miles east of East rrt» ALL OF MY OLD FRIENDS AND THE PCB- Portlan.l. no improvements, i’rice, ttt.OOO; î * lie iu general, I would announce that I am ready / IFF1CE ON M lU ^ m iuiK trfttor1 despotism which Austria or Russia thereof. The Sun is tloing no better ami he must bo fed before lie will they are the very worst members of down; balance on time. I t > «lo all kinds of wagon and carriage wood w >rk in a v 9 1>fU<^,rt Vf orris Jone« Administrator’ s Notice. bare exercized over the nations they than did tboso unworthy English j sleep. A child h stomach is small, i community— men lost to every souse f>7. (500 acres suitable for small colony, known as I w.irkmanlike manner and at the most reasonable r’,>0,,t a Have conquered? Lot the disaffected journals that, twenty years ago, gave \ a,u^ when perfectly filled, if no of honor, every feeling of humanity. In the matter of the estate of (ieo. W. Teller, deceased. tho Waymirc farm, on Little Lucklanulte. 7 miles j pricee. I have on huinl a good stock of thoroughly j i . m n. cr'"'1'1 Dnrh„,n southwest of Dallas, 400 acres in cultivation, all Irishman ask this question in L om uid aud com fort to our own rebels, j sickness disturbs it., sleep follows Many a good and worthy woman’s VO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HAVE under fence and sub-divided into 2 field-. 3 dwelling Seasoned L u m b er. 1" been duly appointed by the County Court of tho houses, 2 large barns, 1 large orchard, one m'lo from bardy or in Poland. Ireland belongs It is, however, a pleasing reflection! naturally nnd inevitably, As diges- character has been forever ruined State lowfthishanf of Oregon, for the County of P dk. administrator school house, one :m;o from saw mdl, one-half mile to England. The Irish have no tbat our new President has shown ti°n goes on the stomach begins to and her heart broken bv a lie, con- of the estate of Geo. W. Teller and have.Inly .¡ m il Ro I from bt*»knn!!h shop. Terms, t l 3,500; one half HbÄLbterappcarani a* such. All persons having claims the s id down; balance on time. A single fold in it w ill. . . , REPAIRING MADE A SPECIALTY. moro right to ask for recognition as no sort of sympathy with this idiocy, j empty. mcio.vmu-'trisnd lh«t arc re luested to present them to me at my 58. 140 acres, two miles south of Sheridan, 75 ? " » “ Pnue.ploa villaiu, estate place of residence in Polk county, one mile west «it Hcum eorrrspoBfl» i an independent nation that our In- President Arthur, we think, under- I make tho little sleeper r e s ile * ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give me a tria!. acres in cultivation, halanao pasture, ¡S ’500 house, Salem, within six months from the date of this noti-e. ------------- is bn»y s again to repose the nap is short, and b- U t1 bellc, v e<1 b- V,l'c o ‘jie f S00* 1 l,ir“ " small barn, g>nd orchard, spring f-r house, st.._k edians have to set up a governm ent j stands that the men of this country And ail persons indebted to the estate arc re piested - ......... i , i.....i.„.. cipies, who are too ready to believe F. A. BROWN. water. Price 82,000; «1,000 down; balance on time. a , .«lieve he co S. D. GIBSON, ..for themselves on the lands that are look upon the English as the people three folds put an end to the slumber i slander or condemn imprudence as a to make immediate payment. D allas , January 2, 1882. 59. 440 acres, tlie’ old Ncwbill farm, 3 miles from C. A. JOHNS, Attorney. Administrator. «»or property. The memory of his- i who arc, when all is said and done, Paregoric or other narcotic may j crime. The smallest thing deroga- Granii Ronde, 75 acres in cultivation, good orchard, January 5, lfc&2. house, ham and out buildings. Pries, $1,000, tfl,u00 tory runs uot to the time when I r e -! the nearest and dealest, the cleanest- close ila eyes again, but without | tory to a woman’s character will th down; balance on time. Vihut drew 'laud had a government sufficiently liHiidcd and truest-hearted, that either food or some stupefying drug ou the wings of the wind, nnd mag- D’^LI^Briie drat M. 240 acres, j .ins the above or Newblll farm. 75 Notice of Final Seulement. it will not sleep, no matter how a res iu cultivation, g<»ol pasture, range, water, strong or sufficiently stable to make America will ever kuow. ;.w h il Li, give S n , p n h lis 1 nify as it circulates until its mon- timber land, and orchard. Price, 02,000; ¿500 down; healthy it may be. Not even an r Icjsinrij e'.^portland In the matter of the estate of J. M. Chand!er.decea«*ed. balance om time. her respected among the ps*i«Ais of w in nt: » m i : » * ciikistixx w ire. angel who learned tho art of min 1 strous weight crushes the poor un V O TIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CNDF.R- tn- Wiin T.« c nrdT. font «2. 200 acres won of Sheridan on the Grand Ronde the earth. When tbo Irishman conscious victim. Remember this •*;' signed, administrator of the estato of J. M. road, being a part of George Tharp claim, 00 acres in BJAYIXO PURCHASED THE TIN talks o f his lost freedom he recalls 1 A well-known Judge in one of strelsy in a celestial choir can sing a ; if you are tempted to repeat or listen Chandler, deceaseti, Im» filed his account for final set- cultivation, all susceptible of cultivation. g>»d or w a b bc k st tlameut with the County Court of Polk countv. Ore chard, s »me <»1.1 buildings. Tenus, $1,400; SáuOdown; 1 ■ ■ dall Mill, twelve mile» southwest ot only the system of slavery under the , the Southern States, speaking of his baby to sleep on an empty stomach. to a scuudalous tale. gon. nnd that Monday, March 6, 1SS >, has been set for balance on time. Dallas, we are prepared to furnish to order We use the oft-quoted illustrations, i hearing the same by Hon. I. F. M. Butler, County reign o f barbarian kings. The younger days, fays that some soven- attorni ■iin her» for GRANT A DfcLASHMUTT. the Finest Quality of Judge. All persons interested are hereby notified to as sweetly as an infant, i . . • .. . . ,, , oouutry was conquered, and finally ! tv yours ngo he ha«l become skeptical, "sloep D.lLU'n<1K'' No. ! i. - ... , J i . , A monkey witness is anortlr to be present at the Court House in Dallas, at said time, ondny evenl J , . . , . V and show cause, if any there be, why sai.l account conquered, centuries ngo, ns Scot and that Mr. I I ------, a noble, whole- because this slumber of a child Adminislrators Sale. should not be allowed and said administration a jiv follows immediately after its stomach I “ PI’ *®1 ' 1 1 ’ u murder tnal .u an Indian ffice on i mill u oR p e iv r c u « * V. land apd Wales were conquered. It souled mail, whom hereverod almost cLsed E. L. D k I,A8HMUTT. Administrator. Court Mw* '-------* benp ftnd “ re! Dated January 0, 1882. Of every description. nt bat,ura’ A trftTuhn" sbow- could not be otherwise. This little i as a father, but who was a confirmed is completely tilled with wholesome 1 COurt VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH AT BY VIRTUE " k into the m as, whose living depended on five „ „ of *;> ,* r,,cr g ! th * ( ‘«ri.inty O l l i «»f the coutitv >,i food. The sleep which conies to h an d ’s breadth o f sea-girt laud could \ deist, though he had a Christian nation i» c X. L. BCTLEIe I .»lk amí Ruto of O n -in . ma le at the Novcuiher monkyes nud a goat, was recently .oder oblig* term tiiereof, A. D.. 1881, in t|i¡- mattar of tho a hniii- not bold three kingdom*. Scot wife, soon found him out nnd en adults long after partaking of food murdered near a village, liia troupe Mratmn °f tho estate <«f John Holman, « D A L * Adirertor, f< ami when the stomach is neurlr or ! land and Wales long ago accepted deavored to instill in his miud his ETC., ETC., ETC., . » . Holman. A.lininiatrfttor, will hl -II t«» th- highest W ing killed with the exception of . Yrt. of the hU er in front of the C mrt !| »tue loa.’, iti tlie town the situation» mado the best of it, I own deistical notion*. “ But lie quite empty, is not after the type one moukey, which ran up a tree Always on hand, We have a l^rge supply A t t oUD^'rey. It ci ol Dalla», of sitici county ami Slat--, on and joined their forces with the’ 1 niturgad m *,” says tho Judge, “ uot of infantile repose. There is all the nud watched the assassins bury his of excellent logs and Yvill guarantee to til! n ' tion __ conce; Tho 4ih d a y o f IV liru n ry , 4, l>., ms*?, ILL r .„.vM ROMP w TL greater force to make ns stroug a ; to let his wife know that he was a difference in tho world between the master and companions. When all all ord ers s a tisfa cto rily . at the hour one oelock p. m. of ni-l d tv. toe fo’. lr r Ballatoti, Polk Co., of refreshment and the sleep mg premises belonging to mici estate' to wit ■ The .Street. opposiUCoeh^g th e country as tins w orld has ever deist or that I was skeptical, i j i ! sleep , HARRIS A RILEY, was quiet the monkey ran off to the north irnlf, tho norta ha!/ .,f thu south half, »mi |.»u -----V-.vt’d State» G« ituowr, D allas , Oregon, July 1, 1881. asked him why. T o which ho replied o f ~ * ” ,on ’ ,, .. . . , , “ patel” of the nearest village nnd » i * R:; •í n e t,UM a>* tow|whi!» ‘J- south of Codeso J [X Me . C Qf*1 e ycitrniest If W C f 4 L ’f *v m-’ . ri..lian, countv of Bulk, Only Ireland, in its unproductive that if he was to marry a hundred I ^ s_‘ ecP blood that made him understand by screeches “ 5 Htate ‘ ‘W n , albi eontnining ;,J7. »:; a t e««. idleness, stood apnrt nud waged a times ho would mairy only a pious swells the veins in the head during nnd signs that something wns wrong. remis of sale -One half eash in hand and one half PHYSICIAN I r t C f f í n tw- equai sums payable in one anj two wars, with ineau, cowardly, and childish war woman. Again I asked why. 'Re- our busy hours must flow back, The “ putel” followed tho moukey, % It C8 interest at 8 per cent., « vuritv as by law rr DALW- ftilrond qu’jH . By order of Iloti. I. F. M. Butler, ( unity against thç great nation that, in cun-1 cause,’ lie said ’ if elio is a Christian 1 !®a,TÌn? E v ill y diminished volume which led him to the place where his „ » Academy 1 L iti-rinn * * }’’ Administrator. quering a wild land, made its people ; jt m,k cs her a better wife, a better ! bl'l; ,u,, tbe b” w th u t' “ te'? H*r°bbçd master was buried a n j the murder D hly alt íí A. . Bi Attorneys fur Adni r. H F F 1 C K AT * 2 * h Of t o e C L O T H IN G , Dated January ó, 4882. partner* in its own greatness aud mother, a better mistress and a bet- ! with such violence. T o digest well, was duly discovered. O I Helene* ^ Th ^ tho monkey r l o r ^ Ireland would not work with ter noighbor. I f she is poor, it eu- | this blood is needed nt the stomach, is now kept for tho identification of DALLAS, OREGON. tpo rest; sh® would only beg (for to able* her to bear adversity with | and neurer the fountains o f life. It the assassins, a plan which recalls 7 1 AVI\í¿ RECENTLY PURCHASED THE BA- is a fact established beyond the beg she was uot ashamed), and bite patienco aud fortitude. I f she is * . husinc?« of G. W. Kuiiff, i IwYve n«»w on htinl tho time-honored history o f the dog i)> »t ick of tbe band that guve. Since the time rich ami prosperous, it lessens her possibility o f contradiction that sleep of Moutargis. —London Graphite. M»ll »Irre«, Italia., «rejan, G R O C E R IE S , E T C . nids digestion, aud that the process ■ho found a master, she has snto| art desire for mere show. Aud when I. pre;tarod to supply j from other peoples, wrapping ber- she comes to die, if she is iu error. of « conducive to refresh- Tho strongest «vitlance against tlin ►elf in the mantle of her poverty, i-bo is as well off as vgu and I . . .o r i r 2 th<* ; It needs no argument to seven M olly Maguires soou to bo Slia’ l keep an orJorlv pine« and fu nish mv patrons ffice on * iu ir o r c ir g v With tlie best to be hv*l. II. >V. LYONS. accepting overy gift and cursing the I; A full supply of aud if we are iu error i H2nv',uc* u" o f lh !" r®1* V °n triad at F n ion stow n .IV , i* afforded O D allas , November 18 , 1891. H ou M . ^ÿbbhn’ft fe Hams. Lard, Chickens, Etc.^ g i'e r . She ha* contributed nothing she is a thousand tim e, better off The drcm .ine.sw h.oh a lw a y .fo Iowa by Perry G vddis, an eavesdropper. J, Jik i li R of Ol Ita, !».t quality, „ th, |owcst pr¡e to the national prosperity. If she than wo can b e .’ I asked him if he tho well . ordered meal . . it—If a t e .» , - , o >0 hja ’ av hoine. lalu on eu ig h N b e , that he N o t ic e . j it has been 1 knew of any other error, or syitem ',uoujr o f " atu2? has not benefited lien.flted by it, il .,h ’ * '"(«•’«lepon- saw tbttt { lle Molly Maguire lodge ATT0RN Ï * * * " Hiyhoat Cash Price paid far pat Stark, U. 8. L and O rne» at O rboott Crrv, O regon , > because she would not stretch o u t ; o f error, attended with so many ad-1 _ nc0 _ Naw * urk Jaurual of Com' room wo* lig hied, and drawing near November 2-i, 1881. » Also for Chickens and Wild Game. ■ a n d N o t i e r , ty Censtaatly ou hand. her hand. Sbo baa }>obcd before . vautA(reH . . Hi* raplv wa* evasive, T VOTUTa IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIMMAS O. ____ ___ ♦ ______ lie beard Toices. Here was a chanco, j D allas , December 27. 1 » 81 . ^ Richmond, of I’oik County, Oregon, haff, under tlie world as a pictureaque martvr. ; Hut what he had said led me to cx- the provisions <*f the Act of CiinjKm approved June A curious ease o f spontaneous thought, to discover some of the A competent druggist ftlwar» Sbo hua dhne nothing, and she hns i antioc the subject for myself, nnd I combustion oocurred at the residence sccrets of the order. ,* entitled “ An Act for tho Sale of Timber WP || m wi He crept Executor's Notice. Lands m California, Oretfou, Nevada and \Va»hingt«)n t„ hssn fro* »'2 ^ ,1 M r . C o » in readmes» to fill physicians’ •ftked everything. A n d ,b e it noted, often look back to that conversation of Joshua Barker, tho otlior day. He un'5cr the building, which hud a rerntory,” made application tt) purchase tlie north Ute security . prescription». tbe idlenass of Ireland »« no question us one of the most iiu|Mirtant incideota was sitting near the couch upon c racked floor, nud listened to a A VOTICE m irritrsv oiven that i iUvr hall of north half of southwest «piarter of section 4, the brink. s»!em, T‘ I t t ’ !{ ^ we<t Willainetto Meridian. • f disaffection or discouragement o f tny life, and to it I truce my de- j All adverse claims must »»e file 1 in the United 1, cloceAso l, ktfl uf Prilk s countv ä m t » . • Irishmen have rarely dupe any work, termination to study the bible care which hi* little girl, who had been b" nteJ discusst ° n- Ti*e *'«bject of G iv e m e n C a ll, st ites Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, before the ■ Ivadlv burned, was’ lying, when she debate was a refusal to license tbe expiration of sixty days, «rr at .inv time daring the . | »o . »u n a indelitefi to said estate arc runusste l to m âui CTen iu tt)js free country, to improve fully and to examine the evidence o f J publication of this notice. nnmeritat.^mentt., the ■iiddenlv cried out in accents of *^lc on5y barroom in tho place, nnd their social condition. W e have tho Christian religion for myself, tho > ville. \ Hmli.ll countv, Urrdon- ami all n»««. -* ùnn a n*? nnder ,nv h*,vl thf* 2Hth «iny o# November. A. P A T T E R S O N , alarm, that she was burning. With- sevcr''1 mend «ers proposed the assas- A* ‘ ,<W1- L. T. BAKIN. Register. found then» useful iu building rail result of which iisa led me to a full decfi-OOd out the slightest idea o f the truth, sinotion of Maurice H ealy, the min roads, in digging canals, and laying! and liiiu g faith iu the Saviour, P.allstOD, Poili Comity, Oregou. I " r *“ ''¡ irv » arreüat M irnm I 1 AS a E T H ^ . j j but merely to pacify her, she was ing superintendent, who had been I » .U»‘u Mx month, from fist,, a . J iii nsakei “ ' sewer-pipes. W henever they have x . II. Gazette, carefully raised, in order to change instrumental iu thus cutting off tho I r>.t,J January 5, l9S2, E “ VUtjr «* » > ' «»*•'«• neon above this level, it has boon supply o f liquor. Healy was mur in tlie front f only to mnladminister tbe govern- j A curious story is told by the .Shef her position, when to the alarm ami dered in a few days afterward. amazement o f the family, tbe bed field (E n g.) Telegraph: " A gardener, inent uf aoiue hapless town or city Oue door north of J. D. Lue'», Dalla*. Notice of Final Settlement. Administratrix' Notice. that bad fallen into their eln 'eli.s. who had become blind, owing to u ding underneath her. was found tube The girl who is a!way» saying she R. F. S M I T H , Prop’ r, They ara too lazy, too lackiug in ! cataract, dreamed that if b* applied on tire. Investigation proved that wouldn't marry the btest man living, V O T V F . 19 HEREBY GIVEN TI! \T I Ü \VF V '*T U F is HEREBY OIVEN THAT T PI arto - b-«*n »p p oin -d hy the County ( ' ,.irt of polk pluck, even to light. A htUidfui of petroleum to Ins eyes the eight would the feather* of the pillow on which i* pretty sure sooner or latci to make «Hintj w . . Ä w rÄ "* ,h* • * • " < ‘ V t . a,: ateuk: nuit ratrix of t húndate of Maud F Lojrsn (Let* of Salem.) r .'intv ì n’1 1 ."1 ,,,r > Jtl«n„, ', ilh she bud been lying had become det-eaewd All p«nom having cUinn there a/Ainn are irieudlew,«, hopeluw. Ctilatu. , he restuied. The old man (he was ' B f e lï \ 2"n! r. ,,rvV "l. *'l'l tlint the biggest kind o f a fool o f herself to pregni th in to me, duly verified, w ithin >1« s h ir waged for years a war agmn.t Spain H2), strong iu bis simple faith, car ■ ■tatted anti saturated with the oil ou account of some fellow uot worth rwt»rtr»:1 A riOOD CLEAN SHAVE TO BE r r inyn»w frmu «kUw a r i all persons tndebted to A n d J(ll r . x:h!s;< M .T«.»w j *« «íffiíll sani estate w di please pay me the mine. which should have enlisted all the, ried tiqmdreum into effect, aud his used in dressing bar hum s, aud the 1 *- bed St all tii MS, (live me a call. lus salt, and for whom nobody else L».w, Adm inistratrix. heat o f hor fever-filled lardy hud sight nTs restored,” An investiga H. F. SMITH. nation* of th* earth iu their cause, D a Mr it Attnmeys. would give teu cents. D ailas , Jnly 1, ISSI. ikted January 12, id82. » s!l ** ^ lint the hides bahiud a tion o f the above would probably caused theut to ignite. Fortunately discoverey in time prevented any iu- demonstrate the fact that the cherni- _________ __ _ landlord _ ... mllw leinn I>»t«t, D m b e it, T<«^!UI*CK' iä m i* i* ™ * * - fence ami _______ shoots l,ia in th* Sleep!.'»» night* made misorahle by that hack. That ia h u i lea of courugeous i «’•» properties o f the petroleum had l jury to the child; but it is a lesson lembi« co*v¿h, Shiloh’s Cure is the rem G E O R G E P A IR G R A V E S , M o n e y to L o a n . (»tn ta T fC * 1 to all who may chance to have the M o n e y ! M oney! warfare | more to tlo with the caae than the *“ ” k’ ‘ ------ *" edy for ^on. For »nie by Riitg» k Mill««, I AM CKSFARED TO NEOOTtATE Dalla». Lut, the Irisdimsn tells ua h* is a «•'tide o f “ faith ." This ia the lUth care o f luvnluls similarly situated. I AM NOW PREPARED TO LOAN » » " V biffi L Ime* oí troni JôOU to fit). issi , on fs- mont-T, iu any amount, ou rest »»tnt» Will yon »offer with Dyspep*?» and fighter—-b * flffbta fairly, on tbe opeu c e a *ur.V- _ m Thai hft«'kir)g coi^h cftti »o qnickly Li-ror Coni plaint f Shiloh» Vitalizar i» vor»bU term., on eithrr rest property ot O ‘ H f ATTgV-riO W TO TU E fAf T THAT Hi approved personal seotirily. Valila-fLdd. ' YVei), anppuaehtl « *’ c «ii r> j . k L». l( Vo,. « i , t . fir.«, mrwl hy Shilt4'i l’ urs. W*> an&rftottt i‘ , Z T T' ’ charged ? r ' r Id* borrower. ^ • »»"■ No conmitesioo ..L . . M i gnarnnteed to core ron. FvrsalebvRjg 9 ' WARREN TP ’ TTT r «■ > .d-jaej* t ? \\ Ii»re is . r* ri*»» p l o - ..( , 1 . k<n<| or «.¿o. P» r pa U bv lUygr MiPvr 1 .» - II , , , n'.r t*,ern 1^ t j t*W. i'npnU f, w hich k Mill-r. Dftlliw. P lU U .Ta1y ÎJ 1«SI R j . i L ? 1!. c , w p ” ,h * n » " * « w e In -h e co m ité P a u m . « - « m I, « M ! ! u .'in ío ln .'" "L ? H’'r* «’•«ipo'sw kenn» «ml »II to r 4 v » ni?» « « r U. nu POUC IOUWTY ITEMI7ER. TR O M B O N E B AN D , T u e s d a y E v e n in g , F e b r u a r y 14 th . IMMENSE AMOUNT OF FUN INSURED, n T Ä a*: The best Lady Character Yvill receive as a prize an Engraved Silver Cup. The homeliest gentleman, a tine Walking Cane. T h e B e s te ! IlOLMAN BROS. U N EQ U A LLED ! 1» l o r v L K It WOVEN WI RE BEDS BUI«» LIV E R Y , S A LE UVEI» FEED S TA B L E , •is H F. A. BROWN, WAGOH AND CARRIAGE M AKER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Í P!IY8IC!A»i1eHi,",,,oro1 ATT0RKiim",ron'!!. ei LUMBER! LUMBER! ' U! ;" 0,th' 0 O Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic, ALEX. PATTERSON, w T O r 1 H. V/. LYONS, DRY GO O D S, SALOON AND BILLIARD HALL, Boot«, Shoes, Ilats, W M 3 I - «. FRAZIER, Beef, Pork, Mutton. Veal, S, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. DRUCS AND M EDI INES d iS A R B E R S H O P ! E & Z m F. D. ***1 PRACTICAL sn sM s; rrr - Clocks, GENERAL m e r c h a n d is e , $66 S ? #