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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
NION IN BRIEF. ossessed oi Many Xatural Advantages. .BEAUTIFUL, THRIVING CITY- Excellent Water Power Fine Schools and Churches A Manufacturing Oenter. At all times and in all ages the sites for the building of cities have always been important features to their future growth Band welfare. In Ancient times they were often selected on account of their impreg nability and natural advantages against marauding banditti and have changed ac- coriiing to the advanced stages of.civiliza- tion, while today natural locations are jthoio that have all the advantages of being a ccptral point for the importer as well as the exporter, and as we stand unon tin? 'Aimnilt back of Union and g:ize down upon the ocauiiiui nine cuy in me center ot a great iHysi., of natural productions, such ire r. j upon ami uiggeu from the ien r?a p'tacics of this county, look ing nortln kl one can behold a great un- lulating ocean of grain fields where the husbandman grows ricii oil'of his own indus tries, and some can almost say, "lichold I am monarch of all 1 survey." while turning to the east we can see the famous mining districts of Cornucopia, Sparta and Sanger which are at present looked upon as the Eldorado of the Northwest, while to the south and west thousands of cattle, horses and sheep graze upon the hundred hills, all paying their tribute to Union. Catherine Creek, a stream of water as pure as over llowed from the distilleries of the skies, ripples and tumbles through the 'canyons from her source among the gold mid jewel-decked granite mountains whose ?arly history and legends of fabulously rich lodes of gold renders tame many tales sf the Arabian Nights. 'Tis of these moun tains the noble red man's wildest dreams Shave found full realization. To them the creations of maji and genii become living facts among these miracle-wrought crass and Eanyons down which Catherine creek tum lcs in cataracts whose crystals dissolve in fenowy foam and spray long before they strike the rocky chasm below. Here you find a realm of giant crags and almost fathomless abysses, whirlpools and eddies -a land of cloud-wreathed heights and iwfttl depths, rQQks mid. tinkling streams lul flying itfray, where rainbuWs Cast their littering coronets around our mountains !)fty brow. 'Tis from this distillery watcr ower is furnished for our city below, and jvers of the piscatorial art will find the iddies among the gorges full of the gamy lountain and brook trout; and the nu merous lakes which abound among our inountain tops furnish the rarest sport, or here in their placid depths arc found ihe larger and more sedate bull trout, kten weighing several pounds, and along hen borders and among the hills the jtately elk and deer are found, sometimes in droves also the stealthy cougar and kar serve occasionally to give zest to the ihuse. j Within a few miles of all these, and their natural center, has sprung up Union, the county sent and metropolis of Union sounty. ller location is such ss to bring o her all the advantages to be had in the famous Grande Ronde, with a waterpower hat is beginning to turn manufactories f all kinds. In fact, our waterpower is Imply sufficient, if the attention of our fnterprising citizens were turned in that direction, and they would utilize it all, to nake Union a great manufacturing city, vhich she undoubtedly will be in the near uture. This is one of the best places in )regon for the erection of factories of all limls. A woolen mill has been greatly eeded und at present it U almost an iUred fact that we will send out, inanu- actured into cloth, all the wool produced h Union county, tor our most enterprisi ng citizens have taken hold of this project ind are determined to push it to final lompletion before another feeason. I The rapid strides that Grando Hondo alley's Queen City has been making this leason lias placed her forever as one of the itst locations in Oregon for those wishing jo find a home where happiness and com jort await their pleasure and where, if judiciously Invested, a few dollars will king them in a handsome income, AVi lave Just Jcompleted a first-class system of kater works that permeates every part of be city and furnishes the purest of water 0 all. This is something that lias long kcu needed, and now our lawns and gar lens can be sprayed when desired, and to ihe queen's taste. Small motors can bo Ised, as we have n fall of over one bun red feet. 1 A largo grist mill was built this summer S A street, by Wright & Davis Bros, pis is one of the handsomest mill in the founty and is also very large and commo pous and Is capable of turning out 100 barrels per day. Hutchinson llros.' flouring mill, situated bout a quarter of a mile below town, Is N largest in the valley, having a capacity i 113 barrels per day. It is a full roller "1, run by water power, and Is turning ut several grades of excellent Hour. Our schools rank among the best in the late. This sumiuer a handsome twenty boosand dollar building was erected by ur energetic citizens and supplied with all e facilities possible, so that the able rps of teachers who aro now moulding he youthful minds aie giving the be.tof atlfaction-to the kickers und all. We a high school grade so that when oum; men and women step from our "mo halls to battle with the world they oo with a ifood common school education. 'e believe Ihorouirtdy In our common noon and would much rather spend our ly In emnlovlnir an Able corp of "hers and uimlvliie them with all txlcrn ppinc4M, so tlifct it uood educa '" iv vrvll m sound principles of morsl ;yiHiy IwpUnua n (l0 wlrnli of our Wni young wu mid wowhh, th la ul thm for crtwM IUh eui4 ' thtulaMu always manifest in Cur school work and hope as the population increases . to establish still higher grades. Let us ( always keep paeo with advanced education. The city council, by their energy, have done groat deal during the past year to i advance the city's interests, not onlv in building water works but n fine city hall that would be an ornament to any city in our land; aho helping to purchase first class fire apparatus, o that the ever-willing firemen can combat, with every chance of success, the fires that aro liable to scourge any city at any and all times. May our city dads continue to be honorable and conscientious in regard to the' future wel fare of our city, and discharge their duties as well and truly as in the past. Tho wel fare and prosperity of all cities is largely in the hands of the council. We now have the lightning harnessed and its subtle lluid is lighting our streets and many of the private residences. Hot ter facilities are being introduced to make these lights inferior to none. The U. S. signal service now tells us whether 'twill rain, shine or blow. This is a great convenience to all if they will but note its mandates. Morally and socially Union ranks ns the foremost town of Eastern Oregon and her hospitality is widely known throughout the surrounding country. In all charitable undertakings she leads the van. We have four churches of ditl'erent de nominations, three of which have substan tial church buildings, all in a flourishing condition; six secret societies doing much good to humanity Friendship Chanty and Benevolence is a motto that, if lived up to according to the true purport of the words, will tend to benefit the moral at mosphere of any town. We arc represented by stores of all kinds and classes, all doing a thriving and profit able business, as they supply a ;rcat agricultural and mining district. There aro numerous mining camps in thn near vicinity and this is a class of trade that is strictly cash and always very desirable. The trade is that solid kind that one can always count upon We aro also supplied with several saloons, barber shops, black smith shops, etc., two hotels and a restau rant, so the most fastidious tastes may bo satisfied. Wc also have two first-class livery stables, so persons coming to our town will have no trouble in procuring a team to take a drive in our exhilcrating atmosphere, feasting their eyes upon the grandeur of our mountain scenery and breathing in the life-giving elements that can be found nowhere so pure as in Union county. The tenderfoot, when lie first beholds our beautiful location, backed by OU.r great pnnoramic view of mountain scenery, cannot withhold the Involuntary exclamation "1'aradlse found at last!" Our court house has been thoroughly renovated and lemodelcd, and finished up with superb taste. It has a large and com modious nail amply suflicient for public gatherings and for the holding of court, but there is not a suflicient number of rooms for offices and tho accommodation of jurors during court, which deficiency will no doubt soon bo remedied by tho addition of extra rooms to the building. The jail is also too small to accommodate the prisoners now confined therein; and while it is provided with four good steel cells, it is lacking in several respects and will soon have to bo enlarged and made more secure against the escape of prison ers. But, taken altogether, Union county has public buildings that will compare favorably with those of most of tho coun ties of the state. Several large sawmills are in the near vicinity and the lumbering intorests are bound to become quite a feature in this vicinity. A large fruit cannery is being talked of, and as this is tho most central point in Eastern Oregon where the large and lus cious berries and fruits of all kinds aro raised in abundance, it cannot'help being a decided success. Union can boast of one of the greatest inventions of the age. Tills Is the home of the Single Bail & Saddle Truck Railroad, and its principal office. It is destined to play an important part in our future means of transportation. To the pleasure seeker and invalid' we can say, you can find no better place to while away the summer months. Only a few miles away can be found hot springs and lakos rivaling in niodlcinal virtues and curative powers tho famous Kansas hot springs. Rheumatism and such complaints- disappeur with almost magical rapidity. With trout fishing in our streams, all kinds of game in our moun tains, and prairie chickens and myriads of ducks, geese and all kinds of waterfowl throught the valley, who can say ours is not a city of destiny? Taking all the different advantages into consideration, one cannot help saying that Union is one of tho best towns in Eastern Oregon, and sho has been steadily advan cing and developing her latent resources until now we have a unique city of about 1500 inhabitants, where all tho advan tanges of schools, etc., arc tending to carry us forward to the happy destiny we aro bound to reach. The branch railroad is nearly completed, so that our latent re sources will no longer be kept back on this account. A great deal of wealth Is already here and It only requires a little more en thusiasm on the part of our citizens for Union to take tho leadot the thriving cities of our land. All we now want Is for peo ple to come and take advantage of the many opportunities now to be thrown In the path of every energetic citizen possess ing either brains or muscle. Gus. 1). Johnson, Proprietor, Two door uortb of 1U1I Iljoi., Unloa, Oruoa. SHAVING Hair Cutting and SfaaHng In Ihe la test Style of the Art. ToDSonal Parlors! H'lHI, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . W. SHKLTONt '. M. IWRROI.!.' S II ELTON & CARROLL, Attorneys at Law, rXIOX, OREGON. Special uttoutlon giveu to all butfnvss cutru tcl to u. OfUce two doors youth of tank. K. H.AKIX, Attorney at Law, rxiox, or.Ktiox. Prompt attention lmid to nil lmtiie entruv tod to mo. Otllee two doors south of biirdwnre store of Summers & Lnyiie. ' I. N. CKOMWEU M. I)., Physician and Surgeon, rXIOX, OKKliOX. All calls promptly attended to day or night. Olllce with U. Kiiktn. Ke!denrt on A street, fourth liotiMMM'st of Wright's store. E. BROOKS, M. 1)., Physician and Surgeon, ISI..YXI) flTY, OUKCiOX Prompt attention given to all professional calls, tiny or nlglit. T. McNAUGHTOX, M. D., Physician' and Surgeon, KI.C.IX, OliKCOX. All callt. promptly attended to, day or night. V. H.. EWIN, M. U., Physician and Surgeon, COVK, OHKCiON. All calls attended to, day or night. MRS. A. M. PELHAM, M. D. Homocpathic Physician, Dlsecscs of Children a Specialty. Olllce at the I'lm residence, Xorth Union. O. F. BELL, Conveyancer, Abstracter and Searcher of Rec ords. Notary Public, Union, Union County, Oregon, i iRSr-Ollire, (for the present) at residence in Xortli Union. ll-'-f-tf. Slimtll'F'S SALE. 1) Y VIUTUK OK AX nXKCUTIOX 1SSUKI) I) out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Orcuou for the county of Union to me directed and delivered, hearing date the 10th day of Docenihor, 1MI1, uin a judgment and or der of Kale of heretofore attached property en tered the yth day of December wherein George Hortepool recovered Judgment avralust J. 1'. and Kllzabeth Chirk for the um of 1111.02 with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent. er annum, from the 17th day of November 1SD1. and the further sum of fJ5 attorney fees and f;M. Ifl for costs and disbursement!) which Judg ment was enrolled and docketed in tbc Clerk's ollico of vnld court, on the 9th day of December, 1891. and decreeing tne sale ot tuo following ue bcrlbed real estate situated In Union county, Oregon, towlt: All the right title aud Intercbt the said defendants J.l'.and Kllznbcth Chirk had In aud to the following described real estate, to wit: (Nmiincucinir eiidit feet south of the south cast corner of block 8, in Arnold it Dray's ad- illtlon to tne towuot i.auranie, union county, Oregon, running thence, west, 210 feet, thence south, 2T2 feet, thence cast. 'J10 feet, thence north 272 feet to tho place of beginning, known as block .1 In Arnold & Drays addition to tho town of La Grunde, Union county. Oregon. Now, therefore, under aud by virtue of said execu tion and order of sale as aforesaid, I will sell at public auction at the court house door at Union Union county, Oregon on the 18th day of Janu ary 1892 at 2 o'clock V, M. of said day all tho right title, Interest or claim, of, In and to tho said heretofore attached property which the de fendants J. I', and Kllzabeth Clark or cither of them had on the 15th day of October, 1891, or have since acquired thereto or suttlcleut thereof to satisfy said judgment, Interest, attorney fees, costs and accruing costs. Terms ef sale, cash to mo In hand In U. H. gold coin. Dated this 1 1th day of December, 1891. J. T. IIOLLKS, SherlM'of Union county, Oregon SIIKHIFF'S SALK. NOTICK IS IIERE1IY (ilVKN THAT ItY VIH tuo of an execution and prdes of sale is sued out of the Honorablo Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union county, bearing date the 10th day of December, 1891. and to me direct ed and delivered ujkui a Judgement and or der for sule of heretofore attached property en tered on the 11th day of October, lhUl; wherein l'reman l.add is plaiutltl'and Don Turner and M. W. (iarrison are defendants, for the sum of with Interest at the rate of 10 per cent. Ier aitnuui. from thellthday of October,' 1891, and tho further sum of JI8.01, for costs aud dls bursmcnt.s of this action and ordering tho sale of the following described real estate, to-wit-AH thcright titleiind Interest that the defendants, Don Turner and M. V. (iarrison or either of them hud on the 11th day of ugust, 1891, or af ter acquired in or to the following described real estute, viz: hot 1, block , (with nil of tho Improvements thorium,) C street in tho City of La (ininde, Union county, Oregon. Nuw, there fore, under and by virtue of salil execution and order for sale as aforesaid, I will sell at public auction at the court house door at Union, Union countv, Oregon, on the lfith day of January, 1892 at 2 o'clock 1. M. of said day all tho right title and interest of lu and to the said premises that Don Turner and M. W. (iarrlsou, said de fendants or either af them had on tho 11th day of August 1891. or after acquired In or to tho above described real estate to satisfy said Judg ment, attorney fees, costs, disbursements and interest as aforesaid anil uccruing costs. Terms of sale, cash to me In hand. Dated this llth day of December, 1891. J. T. IIOLLES, ghcrlll'of Union couuty, Oregon. NOTICK OF ASSIONMICNT. To Whom it May Co.vckisn: Notice Is hereby given that on the 30th day of October, 1891, T. J. Chandler, an Insolvent debtor resldldhig near Klgln, Union county, Oregon, did convey by deed of assignment to W. W. White, under and byvlrtitu of the pro visions of tho statutes of Oregon providing for the assignment for tho benefit of all tho credit ors of tho assignor, all his property, both real und personal, lu trust for the benefit of tho creditors of the said T. J. Chandler. Aud all persons holding claims against tho enld T. J. Chandler, or to whom ho Is ludebtod. aro hereby notified to present their claims under oath, ui by law provided, within three mouths of this date to the undersigned t Enterprise. Oregon. W. W, Wiiitk, Assignee. Enteupbise, Oregon, Nov. 18, 1MI. "14 YEARS Bs&rtaxttWmm mm Canity tn IctUu it DR. MILES RCSTORATIVK NERVINE," RtjX. V. Urk INnmi Vo, N. Y. "10 rra, sNek lit TWO Aettl," JfmaUitt Vital. OtUw,OUa. JRmiImU Ut Uk iMA4y M M fell! From l.n t,ri.n lo luiitto 1 l. lin.iMir. Ore .am, Uitiruarv 27, lMU. On Nov P'.x. I uac .1 1. Heldcnrelch a contract to sell a tj-act of land, containing 20 acres, divided Into lots and block, lly Feb. M, 18P1, he hsd sold ecry parcel of It, anil I de sire to recommend him to any and all partita desiring to buy or sell property, os a rustler and satisfactory man to do business with. A. W. UVKRARSIIS. I.a Oitisiu:, Oregon, Doe. 19, 1890. Wo, the nndcrilgnoil, recommend J. L. Hot ilenrelch as an eHicloitt, reliable and energetic real estate agent. To persons desiring to pur chase or dls)so of property we will say that Mr. Held.inrolch i a man who knows lottor how to, and ho attends to his business better than any real estate dealer we ever met, and we llnd from our dcalliuit with him that hoilo-Iros above all to give satisfaction to all parties doing uusiuoss wuu mm. iiospocuuiiv, v. K. l'no-T, K. L. NIokklock, li. N . .MOHK1.01K, II. r. .MOJIEI.OCK. I.a (iiiAM)i:. Oregon. Julv 10. 1891. 1. tho undersigned, John Anthony, proprietor ot tne i.a untune many i aciory, rcmovoi mv stnob ut Ihn llri nf .llllv 1. : novf ilnv Mr. .f L. Heldonreli'ii, resident agent at this place for tne I'aiaune insurance 10. oi .Mononosior, laud, came around aud advised me to straighten up my stock" ami lake good care 01 tne damaged noods. and the damage will Ik) falrlv ami promptly adjusted as soon as tho adjuster gets arouim. rotiay my iiamago was sausiacioriiy adjusted, and tlie cash paid for said damage. John Anthony. We, tho undersigned, were Insured In the Commercial Insurance Co., J. L. Heldcnrelch agent. Having moved out on occount of the llro the 4th of July, and damaged our stock, wo received our money prompt and satisfactorily. Palm Kit & Dknham. Having suflercd a loss by the Into fire, and lsMng insured in the Palatine Insurance Co. of .Manchester, England, J. L. Heldcnrelch resi dent agent, i take this means to return thanks, for prompt payment of my loss, to said agent and Insurance company. Very respectfully yours, CiiAiu.Ks Smith. I, the undersigned, lost u building by tire on tho 4th of July, whlelmas insured lu the Pala tine Insurance Co., Manchester, England, re insurer of tho Commercial, California, recom mend J. L. Heldcnrelch, their resident agent at. this place, as a rustler and reliable man. Many thanks to the 1'alatlno Insurance Co. for their fair adjustment ami prompt payment. Itcsiect fully, J. T. llAKKK. OPENED - ANEW! THE EI.KHOKX Livery and Feed Stable. (N'ear the Court House.) Hulick & Wright, Proprietors. Good Teams, lluggics and Hacks for the ac comodation of customers. ' CHARGES KKASONABLE. A share of the public patronage solicited. 0-1-tf. A WEAK MAIM Can now euro himself of tho dcplora- blo results of Early Abuse and Perfectly Restore his Vigor and Vitality by our Home Treatment. The Remarkable Cures of hopeless cases of Nervous Debility and Private Complaints are stnmping out quackery everywhere. Treaties and Question List, a physician's gift to humanity, will bo sent Free to thoso alllicted. Address with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 105 Kearney St. Room 2 5-7-yl. San Francisco, Cal. LTJMBEK for SALE at the High Valley-- Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber constantly on hand or furnished on short notice. Trices cheap as the chcaest. Patronage - Solicited. r.-:)-tf WM. WILKINSON .; BON. City Meat Market, UNION, OREGON. BENSON BROS. FJnopniETons. Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Hams Lard, lite,, Kept constantly on hand. Cornucopia Saloon, UNION, OREGON, WILLIAM WILSON, PROPRIETOR. Finest of '-vines, Liquors and Ci gars Kept in Stock. jD-Llqiiori for medicinal purposes a spc clBity. Good billiard table. Drop lu and bo sociable, Do You Want to SAVE FROM 25 TO 50 CENTS On Every Dollar You Spend T If so, write for our Illustrated CatalOKUt, contalnlnc Illustrations und priced of every thing inauufucturod In the United rJtatei, at manufacturers' prices. 10,000 Illustra tion!, all lines represented. Catalogue maiieu iree on nppiicauun. Auurcea, GHIt'AdO OKNKItAL 8UITLY CO., nn West Van Iluren fit., Chicago, III. For Sale. fPANM lu (few, wwIHk of 114 acrt 1' u u4r if, will pffhsrii, ulna (, swtll Ui n, Mil UlUlkti u4 (M wwslui muVUhim)1 tun hr Uf i . All Summary 1 1 a 1 Ml 9 M. H Ut Ml W II rj H n Ci RETAILERS OF 1 1 Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Farmers' Steel Goods, Pumps, Saws, Wedges, Sledges, etc. Agent for Cliarter Oak Stoves. A Full Equipped TIN SHOP Is JSWc make a Specialty of this Line. Call and see ns. SUMMERS t LAYNE. one door south of Jnxcox's store, Union, Or. Do You Want to Make n YOU CAN m i I WM Silver Castors, Butter Dishes, Berry Dishes, Pickle Castor, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Butter Knives, Berry Spoons, etc., AN ELEGANT LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS' GOLD WATCHES, NECKLACES AND JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CALL EARLY 'AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. ATTENTION;. I lmvo jtitit rccoiveil FURNI Compriaing ovorytliin,'of tho latest stylo and pattern in that lino, also Carpets, Window Shades, Mats,1' Rugs, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Reed and Rattan Goods, UpholsterediRockers, Easy Chairs, etc, of all descriptions, gjfNow ia tho titno to get your Furniture, while yon can bo suited, in stylo, design and prico. Constantly on hand, u tull stock of SASH m DOORS. S. C. MILLER, - Union, Oregon. S. D. WILLIAMS, DEALER IN STAPLE I FANCY GROCERIES Kruits, Confectionery, Nuts, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. 0fHkU Oeih I'rloe l'W for Coumry 'reduw, mm IBIUfl run in Connection with our Store. Nice Present to a Friend?. KIND IT AT mm im. an iniinotiEO Hhipmont of TURE w (Ml reu4 oi lh h. (Hr W