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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1889)
ROSEBURG REVIEW MONDAY, MAY 27. 1889, THE LIXKVILLE ROAD. . (Portland Mercury-) We continue to learn what things onr late legislature should have dene -.tnd did not do, as also some things it did do which it ought not to have done. For instance, it passed a hill appropri ating 612,000 for a wagon road from Paisley in southeastern Oregon via Keno to the California line on the Klamath river.. There was consider able opposition to this bill, and it only got through the lower house hy one vote. It was known as the Cogswell bill, and .was introduced hy Senator Cogswell, of Lakeview. The effect of the bill will be to smooth a way down the Klamath river over which the im portant commerce of southeastern Ore son can be made to flow into Califor nia instead of retaining the advantages r.f that trade in our own state. Many members now see how they were de ceived. They were told that it was j only a slight divergence to avoid the heavy iiiountaitis between Linkville and Ashland, and that it only passed into California about six miles and re turned. This .we are credibly informed was an inexcusable misrepresentation. ' The trade so diverted is thrown into onr sister state on the south side of the Siskiyou mountains where it is invari ably and of necessity carried to San Francisco . When we consider the im portance of the rapidly growing trade of southeastern Oregon, we can at once appreciate the loss to our own state by such an act, and can only characterize the act as. a job by which most of the members who supported it were badly duped. Matters of this kind are of the utmost imoortance to Portland and should not be neglected. We ought to ; do all in our power to concentrate the ; commerce of every part of our state at j A our own metropolis instead of paying money out of our own treasury to en rich rival cities in other states. Some years ago an appropriation of 40,000 was made by the legislature of Oregon, to bnild the Southern Oregon wagon road from Ashland across the Cascade mountains into southeastern Oregon, and for a number of years a great part of the freights of that section were taken over this road. Had the $15,000 I been appropriated to repair and im prove this road, which is one of Ore gon's most important highways, instead of putting it into the pockets of Cali fornia neighbors, the Portland mer chants, instead of San Francisco mer chants would be able to furnish south eastern Oregon, or, at least to compete with San Francisco for that trade. It -13 not the loss of the $15,000 so much as it is the loss of the trade occasioned by it. The Portland merchants are neglecting other sections of the state also that are worth looking after. The Umpqua, Coos Bay and Coquille coun tries, do an immense trade with San Francisco that ought to be done at Portland . The building of a good road from Roseburg to Coos bay is all right and ought to be aided by the state; but when it comes to deliberately pay ing out money to' drain us of our wealth, it. would appear to a reasonable man that there is something more than a mistake about. 'Aside from all this there are features about the Cogswell bill that ought to have opened the eyes of the most stupid, and particularly as it was introduced by C. A. Cogswell- WE A Til 17 if -V KOI' flVLl.ETlX.2fO. 11. The weather generally throughout the Southern 'States and central valleys has loen unfavorable to the crops, owing to the deficiency of rain. This i lias been especially the case 111 the Ohio t Valley, where the total absence of rain, combined with un usually high temper ature, has augmented the drought con ditions previously reported, and some damage has resulted to wheat, oats and tobacco along the Ohio Hirer- It is probable that this section will lj vi.-itcd by rains to-day, which may in a meas-1 uie prevent extensive injury. Reports j from the cotton belt indicate that the j entire section is n need of ram, and owing to cold nights it has been found necessary to replant cotton in some sec tions. Warn weather and numerous showers in .New England and the mid ! die Atlantic states proved favorable to all crops, the growth of which was unusu- ally rapid, and although the crops are in excellent condition, more ra.m would be beneficial. In the Noith- west the general effect of tle week j was to improve the crop conditions, j Tnis stati-ii.o.nt applies to Minnesota, DakolH, 1 iva, Nebraska, Kansas, Northwest Missouri, and tuitions of . Northern Illinois. Some replaiifing in this section will bo necessary owing to the. high winds which uncovcied and' Kcat'Cffvl needs. The weather was j favorable for corn plaining throughout . the corn-bile, Dakota reporting an un-1 usually larg.i acie ie, and planting j well advanced. The condition of the ' fruit crop is encouraging in all sections, J New Emjlaud and the middle Atlantic states reporting the fruit ciop as ex cellent, while in Tennessee and Ala bama fruit has been slightly injured by light frost. , A. V. UREELY, Chief Signal Officer. Two or three span of good young mares and horses for sale, all well Lroke.' I tend ricks-Re view Real Estate Co. Pi TRADE E S ' 4 .MARK J Vv. ; -f:" tl MH-ZTHE GREAT FoKBruIsss and Burns. Fresh, Strong, Convincing1 Facts. Best Remits. XastFrevidaeX.X., Inu'll. Wail la tm am ploy s( to Bantow Iton Co. appli.4 yvor SC. Jambs Oil to Buy baa tans af ta molUna. asa always vita bwt remit. 010. W. HOMOR. ladder Tell. OalTerton, Joe 13, 1S8S. rU troa latder; bnuMd amd tpral it my foot ard wrist; nfftna fin dayi: m cand yi: wu carta cy m JOSHBA WXTETJl. St. Jacobi OU. Enee-Cap Hurt. ; Hall, lad., Aac.tS.lSSt. .-? wu aart aad I n2tnd S moatbs; t sot-la of St. Jamb OU paraaanUy raatorM b. : 0. 0. kcMOBJUB. Dislocation. Jollrf, IU., Kay a, llM. Ulocu4 taeuMar S )n ago; eaaiatd CHki t tow; th pala wai curta by Bt. CUaodaayaaaaaantarsef it. J. S.BBOWM. Horse-kick. Oiark, 0., tabnd wAt from taa kick ot a aamhadto eaa.. two arttlw it. iacoaa OU caradaw AT DRUGGISTS AMD DEALERS. ' THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore, kid. Douglas County Bank, FLINT, J: TAYLOR, Rosebnre - Oregon ., TRANSACT A GENERAL BANSING BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, i5au Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessible points at reasonable rates Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Fresh Groceries! Fresh Groceries! Having just purchased the Depot Or cery Store oE G. W, Howard has on hand an entire new stock of TheBest Staple and Fancy Groceries. Includirg Flour, Produce, Canned Goods, Cigars and Tobacco, Notions, etc., and everything that is kept in a first-class grocery store. A full line of Boots and Kemember everything is NEW. g r-a- Ani w a kr fl nnv( Opposite the Depot, Eosebukg and Oakland Fence Works, Manufactuiers of the Celebrated TJNIVEKSAL COMBINATION FENCE. - Fnrms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardens ami Zawns Neat, Durable, Cheap and Strong. J. H. MOODY, : : Eoseburg, Ogn. 000 REWAl'.n Will be given siiy man who will produce a sci entist of large experi ence, ami widely known to be an honerable man, who Will assert that re fiued cast zinc is uot one ENDORSED" BY PfACALLY;J of the most endurin all known materia withstand the actions the waathcr. rETKOIT i BROSZE CO., Detroit, Mich 45.000 riiinMi J. A. Card well, Agent, PAGE & V DEALERS IN- DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, JEWELRY, PUTTY, COMBS, .We expect to do a strictly cash business, and will endeavor to make it to the interest of all to deal with us. We also invite a continuation of the pat ronage of all former patrons, and solicit new ones. gr GIVE US A CALL. NEW ERA ROLLER MILLS. ROSI? & FLOOK, Proprietors. AND Manufacturers of the best Roller Flour, Keep constantly on hnd Choice Flour, Bran, and Chop feed at the lowest prices. We also do an exchange business. Highest casli pi ice paid for wheat. ' We invite the public patronage, And guarantee satisfaction. ROSE & FLOOR. rosebtjxg, - - - . . . o:swaoKr. FULL ROLL EE MILLS. WILLIS KRAMER,- Proprietor. Keeps constantly on hand Choice Holler Flour, Bran and chop feed at the X.OV7T7ISJS81 PRICBS. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of grain. invite the public patronage, and guarantee satisfaction. Myrtle Creek, A. I ' I ----i 'ast- sirs. s. a. iirrcnixsox, MILLINERY STORE! ROSEBURG, OREGON. LADIES WILL F.f"D MY STOCK LARGE AND Complete. Prices moderate. Ci-rn Mo 0U. Mrs. S. A. Hutchinsow. Transcontinental Route VTA THE Cascade Division Nov Completed, Making it the Shortest. Best and Quickest. The dining car line; the direct route; no de lays; fastest trains; lowest rates to Chi cago and all points east. Tickets sold to all prominent points throughout the east and southeast. To East-Bound Passengers. Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, And see that your ticket roads via THIS LINE, St. Paul or Minneapolis to avoid change and serious delays occasioned by other routes. . Through second class steeping cars run on regular express trains full length of the line. Berths tree; lowest rates; quickest time. General Office of the Company, Bo-121 First St. Cor. "Washington, Portland, Or- A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt. Na. 3 Washington St. Portland, Or. Shoes is also kept in stock Give me a call and see for yourself. T Ann tva a flasA Roseburg, Oregon. FOR - WHITE BRONZE 3ION1ME1VTS AND STATUARY Were awarded ! GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Oklrans, 1 SlfPERIORTO Monumental cesigi5arjg. , Prices on uic - MTC - Jacksonville, Oregon DIM M ICK URBaoja' OILS, WATCHES, E1C. ETC W. KRAMER, Oregon. TO. MAKE A Esllcloos Ask your Grocer for COW BRAND SOOAsiSALERATUS. IWiUljrirt. YAQUIHA BAY ROUTE. Oregon pacific Railroad ' ' ' AND ' OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY'S STEAM KR8. Short Line to California. FREIGHT AND FARES THE LOWEST. STEAMER SAILING. DATES. From Yaquina. I From San Fmncisco. WilL Valley, May 23, " June 1, 8, Will. Valley, May 19, 28, ' Juune 5, '1 he Company reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice. Trains connect with the O. A C. R. R fc and River Boats at Corvallis and Albany. ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER THE ELEGANT STEAMBOATS WmMEOAG, N 8 BESTLY and THREE SISTERS. SOUTH BOtfiei) Leave Portland, Mon Wed A Fri. 6 a m Leave Salem, I Tue Thur A Sat. 6am KORTH BOCKD Leave Clival I is, M.,i Wed A Fri. 8am I Leave Albany Mon Wed a Fri. 9:30 a m For information apply to C. H. Haswell, Jr., . C. C. Hootri, O. F, A P. Agent. Or. Development Co. 34 Montgomery st San Francisco. Acting O. F. A P. Agt. O. P. R. R. Co. Corvallis, Oregon. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY'S LIKE. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Time between Roseburg and San Francisco, 29 hours. CALIFORNIA RXPRRSS TRAINS RUN DAILY. Between Portland and San Francisco. South j North. 4:00 r. M. 2:00 A. u. 7:45 A. u. Lv Lv Ar Portland Ar Roseburg Lv San Framsco Lv 10:45 A. M. 12:80 A. M. 7:00 r.U. LOCAL PA8SHNGRR TRAINS DAILY (KXCEI'T SUNDAY.) 8:00 a. h. Lv 12:40 P. M. I Lv 2:40 r. M. I Ar Portland Albany Eugene Ar Lv Lv 3:45 r. . 11:35 A. . 9:00 A. S. PULMAN BUFFET SLEEPESS. Tourist Sleeping? Cars, For accominodatiou of Second Class Passengers, attached to Express Trains. The S. P. Co's. Ferry makes connection with air the regular trains on East Side Div. from foot of F St. Portland. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS MAIL TKAIN ZXIM (EXCRFT BIND AT.) 7:30 A. II . 12:25 r. M. Lv Ar Portland Ar I C:20 p. si Corvallis " Lv 1:30 P. M. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains o Oregon Pacific Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILT (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 4:50 P. M. I Lv 8:00 P. M. Ar Portland McMinnville Ar Lv I 9:00 A. M. 6:45 A. M. Tlirowp-la Ticlcets to all points South and East via California. For full information regardirs; rates, maps, etc. call on company's agent at Roseburg. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. O. F. & Pass Agt. Established 1852. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or, THE LEADiriQ GULWKtia, mum AND OP , OREGON. OOTCrtrEOTX03W3E3Xt,Tri THE NEW Candy and Not ion Store Is the place to get the best and freshest Oianges, Lemons, Candies, Nuts and Confections of all kinds, at lowest pi ices. Opposite Sheridan Bros.' Hardware store; on Jackson street. Mrs. J. C. Bqyd, Prop. MEW STORE AT 1IJLL.ARD, OB. would respectfully inform the public that he has on nana a rtne assortment ot Dry Goods, Groceries Heady-Made Clothing and iu fact everything usually kept at a bist-class store. Uive him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produce - Taken in Exchange for Goods. vp All orders promptly attendtd to. Stearns & Chenoweth OAKLAND, - - OREGON. DEALERS IN' A full and complete stock of Hard ware, Tinware, Stoves and Guns, and everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE COUNTY. Produce taken in exchange for goods J. S. Beckley OAKLAND, OREGON. HARNESS SHOP. Full stock of Harness, Sadulcs, Etc. ; also, a complete Furniture Store. Carry a large and well selected stock of household FURNITURE, Of all descriptions and best quality, at Lowest Living Kates. CALL AND EXAMINE MV bTlX K. OYSTER It EST A UHAST Meals at all hours. 25 CENTS PER MEAL Come and ICat. . On Jackson street near Fitzhugh buiidinng. Jos. Svkes and Walter Patterson. Proprietors. MOORE & THE PEOPLE'S Keep all kinds Family and Fancy ALSO- Agents lor I A UStIT Til? A Wagons Binders Buggies Reapers and Carts Moweis etc GIVE THEM Ji CALL POST OFFICE OSEBUKG, OR The Hardware Co. Hammitte & Woolsey 0AKLAM, -DEALERS IN- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES & TINWARE, , CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & CLOTHING. CX.OTSCIia'O- iLT OOST. BARGAINS! BABGAINSH Having determined to retire from mercantile business, I offer my entire stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE At greatly reduced prices. And invite all in search of Bargains to call and secure them at my store in Roseburg, Oregon. Sol Abraham. NEW GEOCEEY STORE MILLER & ACEE, PKOPRIETORS. Having just opened a new business in Roseburg and are now selling " at very low prices complete line of the . Choicest Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Flour, Notions, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. In Fact ovory tiling; ound in any city Grocery Stove. Produce o('allKindH taken in Kxclimiffo lor Goods. S3" Call and see our stoik, Moore's building next door to Stanton s. Everything is freRh."6a M. JOSEPHSON HIW -YOBR Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of eveiy variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fncy Dress Goods A full line of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. A full line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. A full line of Crockery and Glassware. o VI A. ft H And last, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. OOIVEJEl -A-3TI SX3X3 3VC3E3 M. JOSEPHSON. Land For Sale! REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND General Commission Agents. , ROSEBURG, OREGON. -We have on hand an immense area of the finest grazing, farming and fruit rowing lands in Southern Oregon, for sale in tracts of any size and description for cash, and on tune. We do a fair and legitimate business for a small commission, take pleasure in showing property to intending settlers, aiid solicit correspondence Parties wishing to secure a home, or invest money in a safe and sure wav for speculation cannot afford to neglect examining our lands before purchasing elsewhere. . GIVE US A CALL. Ofllee witli the Herald Ofllce ItOHJiEIl BROS. 1 If! ill, 111 lill The Best Stock of -AND- At the Lowest Prices. AT : EVANS GROCERS Groceries. all kinds of, Eff'B'TOFTE'i ' 'CASH STO 0 0 0 o 3 Goods in Roseburg i CAM O Bros. DENTISTRY! DR. HUNT of Chicago, hxs located in Roseburg and is prepared to do FIRST r LASS DENTISTRY at moderate rnces. Gold and Rubber Plates, GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS -AND- TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN -AND- : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Call and have your teeth examined. Room No. 1, up stairs, Marks' Building. H. C. Stanton DEALER IN STAPH DRV GOODS! -OF THE J5EST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING ic. Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY. a full ; GROCERIES! Wood And Willow WARE. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, EIJCTRIC LAMPS, M SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONERY. Subscription AGENCY. Subscription received for all Eastern and European Publications. AT2 COLD IN rMiy FEVER HEAD. Try the Cure Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Restores the Senses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle U applied Into each nostril and basrerable. Price 50c. at Druggist or by BULil. ELY BKOTIIERS,56 Warren SU,New Torlc. J. H. O'M ALLEY MARBLE 1 WORKS Manufacturer of IvX onu m ents AND jE3I eadstones and all kinds of Marble, Granite and stone works. Mason and Brick work done on short notice. Shop at Floed's old' stand. J Gunsmith & Machinist JOSEPH W II AUTOS, of West Roseburg Is now prepared to do Gun repairing of all kinds. - . v Gun barrels bored and browned. Light blacksmithing and machine work done to order. Locks repaired. Keys fitted and all work neatly done. FULL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, ' FROM v. ROSEBURG TO EMPIRE CITY. From Roseburg to Looking Glass. .....$ .70 . " " root ot mountain. ... 2.00 " " Dora 5.00 " " Fairview . ... 5.55 " " Sumner 6.50 " " Marshfield..; ... 7.00 " Empire City. 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. , For Particulars Inquire at the Post Office. Jas C. McClJLLOCII, Prop. A. 0. MAUSTSRS &(10. DEALERS IN Pure Drugs Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet articles, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Spectacles, Dusters, Brushes, Combs, etc . OILS AND VARNISHES, Window Glass, Putty and Cement 1. i 1 1 MYRTLE POINT Myrtle Point,! Ogn., J. W. Ilajory, jr, l'rop Having just leased the above well known hostelry, ifc shall ! my ear nest endeavor to give patrons the best treatment possible, and such as will merit their patronage. The house has bem renovated throughout; supplied with good beds, and the table will be constantly supplied with the lest, the market affords. G. W. MAJOR Y. JOIIX W LINCOLN, Civil: Engineer and Surrejor; Ditches and Mining Claim Located, Lines Run and Maps Made. IMans aud Estimates furnished for all classes of Engineering work. Accuracy guaranteed. Office in Mark's bnckl P. O. Box 56, - - Roseburg, Ogn. BARKER & WILLIS DEALERS IN G OCERIES PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK EIIY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. Produce lought and the highest cast price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON. Mo GllEGOR & SHAW. WHOLESALE BUTCHERS No. 292 Firet Street Portland - - - oregon; mil PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR LIVESTOCK IN .liOSEJBURG. t3 - - - - - Sheep A Speciality NEW YORK 1 1 M. R. HOWELL, Proprietor, AND COH.1ILSSION 31ERCIMST. DEALER IN All kinds of Lumber and BuildiDg Mate- nals, Lime, uoal, wood, Laaders, Scrap Iron, Fruit Boxes, Green and Dried Fruits, Prod uce of all kinds, Flour, Feed lite CARPENTER WORK Done on shoit notice. Team kept or delivering goods. Correspo dence Solicited. 3T Office and Lumber Yard one block: South of Depot, Roseburg, - - - - - - Oregon. (P OF PURE COD LIVER OIL and HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So d is en Led tkat it cast ks taken, llgested, and as.lmtlated. by the moat tensltive itomacb, fv2ten the plais otl raanot be tolerated; and toy the com bination of the oil with, the Bypoplxee phitei is mocb more efflettciotii. Bemtrkale as a f esh prodaeer. Persons rain npldlr irbSe taklns it. SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The grtat remedy for Consumptlan, and Wasting in CJiUdren. Sold by all Druggists. O. tSa 3t. EH?l3L$& .'. A Full Line of I S n. . -w-a jr e I Cstapie ana rancy urocenes, Table and Pocket Cdtlert, Glassware, Crockery Qneensware, Etc Goods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge. LANGENBERG'S Boot aad Sho$ Etoro, Jackson Street, Opposite Post Office, Bosebnre, Oregon. KEEPS OS HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST assortment of Eastern and San Francisco ami other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, OAITEKS, SLIP PEKS and everything in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on .Ihort Notice Also a full stock of TOYS. NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANQENBERQ 3 When I say Ctmtt I da not mean merely to stop them for a time, ami then L.tva them re turn attain. I MEJCf A ItADiCAi. CU'iiii. 1 have made the diecaao ot FITS, EPUXPS1T or FAIXI1JG SICKITE3S,. A lifo-krosr study. I wakrakt my remedy to Corb the worst cases. Because others bava failed is no reason for not nowreceivins; acure. Send at once for a treatise and a Fres BOTTta Of my Isfai LIBLE Kemedy. Give Express and lo?t Offh-e. . It costs yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address - H.C.ROOTtE3.Cnl83rt3tST,KEWYar.S umb var