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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1889)
-va - A . : - .1 " AO oaVv If te-,r-d SEMI-WEEKLY. " 1 - r, - . . ..." - - . . . . : The Semi-Weekly Roseburg Review Is the leading newspaper and the bel advertising medium in Sout'itrn Oregon. .Subscribe now. Only $2.00 Per An;uiiii. SEMI WEEKLY. The Semi-Weekly Is just the paper for you to take t: a!l the locaf and general ncwa. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Only $2.00 Per Annum. 'ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 23. 1889. Y0L.X1V. Roseb evieWo , GSSEEALDIBE0T02Y. Bgjrj.VMIN II YRUI30H. ......... .resident. Levi P. Mortox,. Vice President. James G. Blajnk Secretary of State William WindoM, Secretary of Treasury. Joh V. Noble;. Secretary of the Interior. Ukdfield Proctor .... . .Secretary of War Bunjahix F. TRACY . . .Secretary of Navy. John Wa'sahakkr ..Post Master General. W. H. H. Miller . . .Attorney General. JeremcaH I'csk, Secretary of Agriculture. Mblvillb VV. Fuller Chief Justice. DOUGLAS COUNTY. beuator. ..C. Follertos . C. E. Ricxk.s. 1 , Jas.'Bm;niii.l, 1 1 E. E. Labrie, 1 G. A. Taylor Ben. C. Acer. . .. V. L. Akrivgtos. Otis Hutchso . . J as. A. Stebliso J. S. Fii;'.huoh . Lewis Ash Hiram Weatherlt W.F. i)r.n;;s Dr. S. S Makstkrh Thos. Graham, M. D. Taos. Smith .Reprcs ntatives. Cierk. Kheritr. ........... .Treasurer. .School Superintendent Assessor. .County Judge. Commissioners. ;:.:: . . Surveyor. , . ... . .Uorotpr. M. K. C. S. County Physician. . .Sheep Inspector .'PRECIFCT OFFICERS: . , " J. A. Eo3F.aSi. I Justices. ' Davi i 1 1 un-ter . . J II. S French.. Constable CITY OF KOSEUURG. L. F. Lane. ! Jon Kast," i ' J. GlLDERSLKEVE ...... Jjavio Mo ke, 1 A. 1'AkKS. , S. F. Klokw . - . . '. Recorder. T. Fi'-." Marshal. .isJ:tRt-.Y McCl.ALl.EN J- JASKITLEK.. Practical Watchmaker, . Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINE OP CI'JAIiS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. fliHE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IN TOWN J. for the properadjusitment of Spwtacles. liepot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Sjwctaeles and Eye glasses. Office in Hamilton's Brisk Block. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, ORKfiOX. RJ?)iarl' Tliomas, I?ri. Trustees. , . .Treasurer. LOntitS 1HRHCTOEY. . V-W?w-"ork nilLETAKIAN LOIKSF Ko. 8, 1. - O. V., meet veef;sisS' o Hatitrday eeniiiir of n:h w-t-k at 7 o'clock , in their hall at Koseburis MemlicrJ . fthe orjjr in pood slaiidiiisr are invited to attend. Uv irder of the N. U . UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 0, I. . O. I'., meets atOJd Fellow Hall on tht firetand third ThursdH.vsof auu month. . VUitinj brethren invited to attend. G. A. Taylor, C. 1". C. A. SsHLBasur.. Scribe. .....UMPQU.V CHAPTER, Nc 11, R. A. M., hold i.'V--'S their regular coimnuni -ations every ".'."'' third Tuesday in each month. All r,,,.!, heri i:i Sfixjd gtandiin; will t;ike due and iiat'.V i e a-td jjoveni. themselves accordingly Visiinis ( ii, .anions are invited to meet with the -bapel wlicti ci.nvcuient. ' M. F. 1LVPP, II. P. Simos Cako, Se'-'v PO.SSIltJR 1 CUPfER St. S O. E. S. hold their regular nivutm-'j on the first and. third Thursilaye in evh ;ii uth. Visiting muinbers in jfood standing are respecuuuy invited attend Ms. Clara Kpllerton, Fhkb Johnson', Worthy Matron. Secretary. v J LAUiiEL LODOE A. F. M. WILL MOLD regular meetings on Wednesday on or before cadi full moon. ti. r. uv&xv.w., Frkb Joii.nsos, Sec. A. O. U. W. ROAKRUKO LODGE No. 1. meets the sewnd and fourth Mondays of oach month at 7. .10 P. M. in the old Masonic Hall. Members in good slandimr are invited to attend. 1). 8. WesTj.' v C. W. Johnston Fiuai(cter. Recorder. 7 PROFESSIONAL- L F. I..:vE. f ANK & ViNE,' JOHN LANE Attorneys at Law. ,Marnstreet, opposita Cosmopolitan Hotel First Clns SI.E EPIKG ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with' the Best the Market affords Hotel at, tbo Dejot of the Railroad. 3ionss su:staijb:at. Principal Business Street.) MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keej the H:st Ihu M ark't Affords Tf IE New York Coffee House And Oyster Saloon. Leading Check 'Restaurant in the Citif. SIFOHIHUIACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 Fgy STREET, POSTLASO - - GRECGH 5TPrivatc Rooms jf '.he Latest Designs for Ladies OPEN D.tY a:d NIOnT. :. C. W. KNOWLES ST. CHARLES HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIKST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-roof Brick Btiildim ISO Rooms. In the Center of the city. THE BOOM HAS COME AND II," Parry, the Tailor, Wiil make you iho latest style suits. REMEMBER ; That one suit made to order will la6t as long as three "Buzzards." If yon want to keep up with the times, call on IT. Parry ml onler a suit that will make you look as i you belong to somcbodv. RoseDurg Flouring Mills RAST & CRITESER. This mill is turning out CHOICE FLQUB, and Will see that you .are satisfied-. ; .,' Get your biscuit flour ot the Roseburg Mills The highest market price paitl for wheat. A Great Bargain Store. MYRTLE CREEK. - - - - OREGON DEALER IN Drugst Mctlichies, Toilet Ar ticks '.Stationery, etc. etc etc. Also a stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and HARDWARE. Produce bought. The patronage of the people of Myrtle Creek and vicinity respectlully solicited. Low Prices and Quick Sales. I can ptease yon, so don't fail to gi-e me a calL Chas. E. Wolverton. ' President. J. V. CtTSick, Treasurer. J, O. Wkisman, -.- Vice-President. J..K. Elderkin, X "- - - Sec. and Manager. 1 4 The Fanners - and Me?chahts Insiif ari'ce Co. CAPITAL STOCK $500,000 00, PAID UP IN CASH 00,000.00. ALBANY, VM OREGON ULRICTT, District Agent, .i;:i)FORD, OREGON. L. D CARLE, Local Agent. ROSEBURG, OREGON. DOUGLAS COUNTY, comprising an area of ii:00 sqaarc milca, is within itself an Empire of Wonderful Resources, Magnificent Climate, and Agricultural, Mineral and Timber Wealth, and OFFERS THE GEEATEST iiclnceiiieiits to Home-seekers ; i - That can be found on the Pacific Coast. ngn- COU. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND FLOED S. Attorney at Law. ROSEBURG, - - - OREGON, FULLERTON, rAttorney at Law. OlBco inP'Marks brick,' up stairs. C. A. SEHLBREDE, ATTOIiNUY AT JVAV G. H. Monroe, Late of the Monroe House. Proprietor Chemekete Hotel. Siuuile rooms for Commercial Travelers Office Marks' Block Roseburg, . Oregon. K. L. MILLER, M I) ( Surgeon. Iluniojopathic Phjsician. Office uustairaiu the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a sociality. Dr SJ. 3rl. Murpliy, Pliyiciau & Surgeon Office at the lite Dr. Hoover's office. ROSEBURG, - - OREGON. OT Calls day or night promptly attended. EDWARD J PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Social attention to diseases of women. jam to n. nHi tino . s.. M.n. OREGON, OAKLAND - - Special attention to Diseases of the - EYE & kidneys: Calls promptly attended night or day, D -M BROWER, M D Physician & Surgeon Calls, promptly answered day or msht. Office, on Jackson St. near the Bank Posirlori in North liosebursr near Col. Land's residence. Dr. J. W. Shangl'e Physician cv Surgeon. Otncc at M. W. Davis's dentist office. ROSEDURG ----- OREGON Sptc;al attention given to diseases of the HkiM. rimnles and Freckles removed. J)R. I1IOS. GRAHAM Has established a dispensary in connection whh his practice, where he has supplied him sell with all the latest appliances to enable him to more successfully prosecute bis profes sion. . I. J)R. X. JT. OZIAS, Physician & Surgeon HOL'RS: lo a. m. to 12 m 2 to 4 and 8 to 9 p. m Sundays, 3 to 5 P - ra ROSEBURG, . I Opr. J J OFFICE: Slocum's Hall, Jackson Street. OREGON. From 1 to 3 day. SALEM - - - - OREGON Tina TVTJi: i.,, A g r i c ultuval Coll eg ef CORVALLIS, OREGON. Term Coiniuences Vtrct!nesIa j September 12, 1888. FACULTY. A lull corps of experienced Professors and Teachers. COURSE OF STUDY. Arranged expressly to meet the demands and needs ol the larming interests ci me state. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. For students over 1 5 years of age who desire to enter the College but are not prepared to enter College classes by examination. MILITARY TRAINING. To the extent required by law. BUILDINGS. Larre, Commodious and well ventilated. LOCATION. In a cultivated and Christian community, and one of the healthiest in the state. EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Circulars, containing matler full of interest to farmers, will be regularly issued and copies mailed to each patron of the College. EXPENSES Reduced to lowest figures. Two or more free scholarships from every county. consult vour Connlv Superintendent. We confidently appeal to the farmers and Granges of Oregon to patronize the only school established by Oregon for the pro motion o! her agricultural interests. For catalogue or other information, address, B. L. ARNOLD, President, Corvalhs, Oregon. THE OLD RELIABLE On Jackson street, established in 1S67. Also a new shop near the depot established for the bene fit of his many customers. Jacob Bitizcr ROSEBURG, the county seat of Douglas county, is located in the midst of this rici cultural, fruit and stock raising district, and is a thriving town of 1800 inhabitants. The prosperity and advancement of the county during the present year will be far greater than ever before, and Home-seekers and Capitalists should make their purchases NOW Don't wait, but take advantage of the present low prices. To all interested parties we would say: ': THE . ! HENDRICKS-REVIEW Ft.' 3 Si 12 0YM C ROYAL ?S5'DMJ 1 J ( nrnnrir- Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varies. A nnrvel of parity strength nl wholesomenesa. More economical than the or-linarv kinds, and cannot be sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cans. ROYAL BAK1NU POWDER CO., 106 Wa 1 St. N. Y. POULTRY RAISING. FX-' sr. traAa Marl Great Eug-lisii Remedy Murray' 's Specific. A gnaranteed cure for all nervous dineaee8, such as wfak memobt. loss or brain powkr, ilystcria, Head ache, PAIN IN TUB BACK, NERVOUS Pf OSTRATIOX, WAKEFULNESS, LEI COR KI.OSA. l-XIVKKSAL LASSITCOR, 8KMI wkaknbss, Impotencyand g-eneral Rnf.irB Takinir. I?88 01 ixwer of the Generative . uraiin;-ln cither sex, caused by indiscretion or over exertion, and which ultimate ly lead to prkuati-re old aok, in sanity and consumption. $1.00 a boxorsix boxes for $3 00. Sent by mail on receipt of price Full particulars in pamphlet, sent free to every applicant. We Guarantee Six Rnyp.s to cure any case. ForevervSSOO AfUf TiklftC! order received, we send six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the money if our specific does not effect a cure. Addressallcomrir.u-.icatiorstothe Sole Manufacturers, the muhkat mkdicine co. ... .. Kansas City, Mo. t?T Sold in Roseborff by W. S. Hamilton. JOHN A. SUFFEBIN, Proprietor of the ROSEBURG. Imn Works 1AS11AO ol any size and Iron Work of J every description neatly and piomply ex ecuted. GHIST, QUARTZ & SAW HILLS Made to Order. STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES Made to Order and Warranted . ONLY BEST MACHN1NISTS EMPIOYED iro m -AJT 'jPECIEj REVIEW SOSEBURG, OREGON, Transacts a General Eeal Estate Business and takes pleasu showing land to Intending Settlers. Wo buy and sell on commission, Farming Land, Stock Ranges, Improved and Unimproved Land, City Property, Etc etc Special attention given to the developing of Douglas County's industries, Agricultural, Me chanical and Milling interests, and imparting information to Capitalists as well as those seeking investments in Oregon lands. Eastern Manufacturers and Money lenders will find it to their ad vantage to confer .with us, also all persons requiring information as to plants for Foundries, Saw i ir'11 1 T- ... 1 1 , i f ; , 0 mttnT-r ana rianing Aims, tanneries, uriciv maKing, eic. etc. v;ouKESi'ONJjcifi culiuiii'.u. ic have for sale, among many other choice bargains, the following: FLOUR MIM: FOR SALE. 111 until' A GKEA1 utK. j Doing a fine locrrfand custom busine?s of ' J 6o acres cho;cc farming, and fruit lands i t mil from town: between ;o and 7? acres of . Fine tract of land containing 568 acres half .;,; half a mile of shipping point on O. & hog pen, slaughter and smoke house marsti and bottom, uykes and levees com- c 1,, Good dwelling, fair barn and Also near the mill property, a nice P'ete. rorty acres in cultivation, ooou orcharj 0f bearing fruit trees, consisting of DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy 751 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. nOASD LEARX HOW TO AVOID VJT disease, and how wondcrfull you aro made. Private office. 211 Cearv Street. Consultation on lost manhood anil all diseases of men. Send for Uooks. ! Forty acres in cultivation residence and barn, with 5 lots, nice location, dwelling house, cheese house, barn and ottier appjes pars, plums and peaches. 100 acres .. 1 . -. : 1 1 : .Mt r 1 u 1 ,n.,r- . Fine property for sale, -consisistinc of foun- ui uum....B. u, w.w. uu. atabe, balance tine and pasture, an , ... ...: Located on Smith river b miles JrornUardiner , -H r fr,.:. dry building and machinery, with everything suitable lor lruus. . in TlniKTlnc rnnntv Alsn ton ni-rps of wild pertaining to a hrst-class busmes, together ' ... , . ..,. t-i, land lying two miles below the above tract with land on which the property stands, lne , , ind fimr mili frnm f..Trflinpr. filtered verv whole property can be bought very low, or pnnntrP nr 200 acres of which is level plow land, I alance will sell half interest in the above to some re- ndrick5.RcTOW Rea, timbered and table land suitable forpasture. sponsible party who wishes to engage m the iiFNnRirKS Ml.w Located 12 miles from Corning on railroad . manutacture of Agricultural implements, tne a s h , ,, :,. Buildintrs fair mmmm!m2. anfj wiihin a quarter of a mile of school . MILLWOOD 1ILLS Ox IIlTBISAi:i CSIEEK. OLAKKE & RAKER, Proprietors. Wo are now prepared to furnish lumber of the best quality in quantities to suit the purchasers, always havinsf on hand the largest stock of any aiill in isnugias i;oanty. We wiil furnish lii'nber at our :ti II at the follow! n? TRICES. No-1 roush lumber gs to ?10 M No. 1 flooring, 0 inch I 4 M 810 M No. 1 floorim;, 4 inch l & M $13 M N'. 1 flashing lumber ....$16 M CLARKE 4 BAKER. Easy terms. Fine farm in Tehama county, California, . . . r r Oflfered very containing 300 acres ui ciy ,.iuiuv.i.t uuu, latter preferred. This we think one of the best locations in the stale. Hendricks-Review Real Estate Company. S. 3. HENDRICKs, Manager. amuel Marks, Asiier Marks 1AEKS & Go. -DEALERS IN- HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND JumuK iiiiy goods, uiiOii.ii J5 Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. HENRY EASTON'S Grocery Store! Keeps coxstantlt on hand full assortment of OF ALL KINDS. Ouannteed to be of the best quality. CANNED FRUITS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, ETC., ETC. CANDIES and CAKES. A SPECIALTY. Produce Bought AND THE 11IGIIEST CASH PRICE PAID Give me a call and convince yourselves. HENRY EAST ON. ROSEBURG, - - OREGON. Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bough! ; AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. . SXVliltH fc CO - - - - Koscburg, Or. L um Lunirjer! Can be supplied to the citiz; ii3 of Roseburg and vicinity In Car Load Lots Direct from our mills at Hudson. In smaller quantities turongh JL C. REARD8LEY, Roseburg BULHLU1T & HSJJlLn LUMBER GO. P. O. ; Address Drain, Douglas county, Oregon. CITY DRAYTNG DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOS. CARLOS. OAKLAND HOTEL Wm. HARGAN Prop. 1 MEALS 2-5 CENTS. LODGING 25 CENTS. BOARD AND LODGING PR WEEK $4. FIEST-0LASS ACCOMMODATIONS- Thorough satisfaction is guaranteed to travelers and the public in general . HT The table is supplied with the test the market affords. OAKLAND ----- OREGON. Meat IMCstirls-et McGregor's old stand, Jackson Street : Roseburg. W. B. ISOEIRKIS. KiCHEST KA3KZT PRISE PAID FOR HIDE?. THIS MARKET is always supplied with the choicest quality of Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal and mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be spared toward giving satisfaction. The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Succewor to S. Hamilton. koseborg ------- Oregon BUICK & BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE AGENCY. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Koscbars, Oregon TBuy and Fell Real Estate on Commission. Loan Money ou improved Lands. yilave For Sale Larce and Smi.!l T-nrf. f A or! cultural. Grazing and Tim!er Lands and City D S. K. ISl'K'h, Manager. RED FRONT CigSLV Store M. CAR09 Manager. 7as mmm mm mm IN ROSEBURG. the flocks are, if they wander far off, as is their custom. 3 ; v That not every one succeeds in poul try raising ia of ten to be attributed to uncomfortable poultry houses. All fowls require some place for comfort and health. 'When left to themselves to roam all over a farm, they become unprofitable to their owner, a burden to themselves and a nuisance to the neighborhood, if in close proximity. a certain degree of. connnement is nec essary for fowls. Too close confine ment, however, will prevent them from laying . and eventually destroy their henlth., A good sized yard or run, along with a place for shelter and roosW -ing is what 13 required. The house should be built on a high and rolling place, so that it can be well drained. The oil notion of using round polos for perches is, or ought to be discarded. S'at3 four or five inches in width are much more comfortable, give better rest and are more easily cleansed by white-. wash, or washing in water mixed tfith carbolic acid. Lima and carbolic acid are, in my opinion, preferable to kero sene, and fully jis cheap. If poultry are not protected from the cold of win ter, they become torpid; it exposed to grit heat in summer, they become en feebled. To avoid the numerous dis- e ases which are brought on by damp ness, care must bo had that die house be in a dry location, and properly de fended from rain and storm i. Good ventilation is indispensable to guard against an infected atmosphere, and suitable facilities must be afforded for their necessary exercise which all kinds of poultry daily demand. There should be provided for them a place for dry sand, ashes, loose dirt, or road dust, that they may enjoy the pleasure of rolling min, and also for their amusement. The house should bo thoroughly white- : washed al! over, perches about three A paper read before the Farmers Institute at Roseburg, May 10, 1SS9, by F. Berchtold. -', An inexperienced hand in raising dif ferent kinds of poultry will, m the beginning, make ' . many mistakes, lose a great number of his geese, ducks and particularly turkeys. It is to be supposed that this falls to the lot cf all (I know it was mire) but it is our prerogative to be benefitted by misfor tune and to learn by it. Poultry laising as it is, or ought to lie, prosecute it e-day j 13 a science, which must be learned like any other science, "No master falls from heaven" is about as trno here as in any other c tse. Nothing hho-t of constant practice, close sttention, find willingness to work cast make a man a successful poultry raiser. Cut i: the diihculties are once oiice surmounted, nature's course thoroughly a.'uJied andi le work pursued with untiring energy e are then apt to meet with but few osses, and theso are mostly such over which we can. have no control. A variety of food is a necessity fcr owls to keep them healthy and In good condition. Corn is not the best of diet for any fowl it contains substances which are too' fattening; a uk1 f it, :iowever,is occasionally very acceptable. Wheat, oats, buckwheat, scraps f me-4, burnt bones, we'l pounded and mixed with hot mush seems to be agreeable to them and gives a good appetite. Bar- ey, also, is a good diet, and, in winter, vegetables of any kind are useful, or, when in garden time, the birds are shut up, a few vegetablesand a plenty- nl supply of fresh water are ahegethpr indispensible to their health ad com fort. Not less essential is it to furnish owls with small srravel or Dounded lass. Small pieces of gravel, glass, broken crockery aie greedily picked up y these birds and act in the gizzard as grinders to further the digestion. When a hen gets read v to sit. it in a good plan to arrange her nest, pnttm-(fcefc flom tliC Srou,,d' (for heavy in two or three quarts of dry ashes w" 8 E 6 "S e,Suie?n mcDes NOTICE. rrO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON cern that I have appointed D. W. Steams of Calapooia Precinct, Post office address, Oakland; Ralph Smith of Deer Creek Precinct, Postoffice ad dress, Roseburg, and A. J. Chapman of "Wilbur Precinct, Postoffice address Wilbur; Inspectors of Stock for said Precincts, and others will be added as parties interested make their desires known to me. , TIIOS. S31IT11 Inspector of Stock fcr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or., April 13th, 1887. (fine, loose dirt will do) and spreading them evenly over the bottom of th 3 bo; if the box was clean this will in a measure prevent the knit, of liee from developing and . an nouns; th little chicks. When the hen comes off the uest to procure her rations it is impor tant that she be not oveifed; Lnr food ought to bo WeirweTTtfd;6liewiseif will be swelled in the crop,.-and if a post-mortem examination wc o hold over the bodies of hf-ns which Iie on their nests, it would be found that food swelled and hardened in their crops was the direct cnus of ih.:r ex it from dutr. Rread crumbs, ioih-d potatoes, or corn meal, well swelled are a safe food and a dust bath of either dry ashes, sand or road dust (which latter is by far the bsst) will kep them healthy. It has been ascertained that a little sulphur, or black pepper and finely pounded crockery mixed with their food twice a week will prevent trouble from gapes or (pip) which proves fatal to so many chicks. A good sized hen can mother fifteen . or eighteen chicks just as well as half a dozen, so if two hens hitch together only a moderate number, it is a good plan to put the chicks at night under one hen, and a new lot of egs under the other, and let her enjoy a rime of rest for another three weeks . Ducks are greedy birds and will eas ily overeat if they get enough at a time. They need plenty of water to drink, and to swim in. . As a rule tiy are too dirty in their habits to make it agreeable to have them in the yard near the house, but if there is a pond or a stream of running water near by the house, they are a profitable fowl to raise, since aftr about four or five weeks they are quite hardy Wai take care of themselves. Tiifii fe.iibem are valuable, and yield enough . Wtsona bly plucked, tj inun; than piv fur their troubl; i . Turkeys need special can- and atten tion during the first two months. They must b..' kept from ilio wet j.jid out of the dew at night. They are tht most prouiaoie iowi to raise, as tiifry com mand a ready nuikt-t all unisons mi the year. -After-they am safely brought fi l. . t . t. . ",,u6" i"-ni3 ui wie ursi seven or eight weeks, they tak care of them selves and are more independent even i.,u uutus or gwstf. expoclin" rational only i,, ;!, niond,.y. Sour curd aud baked ItM are 'the 'beet prep arations for them when Jittl, ul hard boiled eggs chopped tip fine, with plen ty of gravel or poinded crockery for a food digester, wj!l keep them in vigor. They grow ver fast. Foxes and skunks aro theiij greatest enemlss, but u uieir roosts are put np out of reach of these pests, tley aro comparaUvely safe. Lalge turkey raisers have been known to suspend small bell3 from the necks of old tt rkeys, answering the double purpose of keeping foxes and skunks at a distance in day time, and giving warning jit the tme time where apart, ihrow loose dirt on the floor to the depth of about twelve inches; always stir and sweep the entire floor at least once a week, this dirt making a valuable manure. Dig a ditch all around the house a foot deep, so as to afford drainage. The shell of an eg?: consists chiefly . t-4 T! , - it -.. oi wtroonatB ui nine, anus) small quan- . tity of phosphate of lime and .animal mu'itis. Tiie white of an ecrc albu- CO men has no taste or smell; it is com posed of eighty parts of water, fifteen and one half of albumen, four and one half of mucus, besides some soda, ben zoin acid and sulphureted hydrogen gap. The yolk taste3 insipid, oily; it consists of water, oil, albumen and gelatine. The poultry must have something to form the shelL Oyster shells are pre eminently' the best; nothing furnishes so easily and surely the needed mate rial for egg shell. Ovster shells are easily obtainable in cities at restaurants where they are glad to give them away. Roasted bones, brown and brittle, are" almost the genuine egg shell. Scraps of old plaster are good, too, Albumen, the white of an egg, is found almost in its pure slate, in tresh, sweet milk and ia wheat, oats, rye, buckwheat, barley and corn. The latter furnishes od and gelatine. Of course, fowl?, when at largp, can procure plenty of seeds, weeds, bug, worm?, etc., that furnish a large portion of the items named. Bone and shells, however, are rarer, and albumen, particularly, is hard to find. Thu makes plain what we must feed in order to obtain the coveted eggs. In winter we must supply animal food in abundance and the material they re quire for the formation of the shell. Keep the fowls during winter and spring, on drip ground and not exposed to the wind too much. Have . every thing well drained, so they will not be drinking out of every little filthy pud die of water. In summer you must provide an abundance of shade and plenty of cool, fresh water, changing it at least thiee times a day. Keep a sharp eye on them now, for this is the time for cholera and roup. Do not let them tat any sloppy f iorl, or overfeed them on one particular variety of food. PJow the- yard occasionally, to keep the surfave clean, and you will be rewaided for your trouble witi, an abundant num ber of nice, clean, ft esh, wholesome eggs. Poultry, like almo:-t kU other ani mals, are liable to numerous diseases, some of them maliiriiant. nnd a frWI o .. !""""" many fatal. In Oiegon, as a rule, the number of important diseases srtems to be comparatively small and the disor ders usually ield to judicious .treat ment. That so liitle attention is paid to this matter, no doubt, arises from the fact that we value an individual foul veiy little and think it comi ara tively insignificant., and while the dis eases of other domestic animals receive prompt attention and efficient c ire, the neglected inhabitants of the poultry Continued to Jth page. Children Cry for, Pitcher's Cactor la. -.... V