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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1889)
I : I SEIVH-WEEEXY. The Semi-Weekly Roseburg Review Is the leading newspaper and the best advertising medium in Southern . Oregon. Subscribe now. Only $2.00 Per Annum. SErJWEEKLY. The Seml-Weekfy Roseburj 71 -Tievz Is just th; paier for you (o n! t all the local and general new. 2 fy$cY $2.00 Per Annum. ' -v. Y0L.XIV. ROSEBURG,, OREGOtfllOIYDAY, MAY -27. 1889. ... . osoBFg fSs$ RevieWo UEjmLAL. DIREOTOSY. BasJAMis Habrisojt. President. Levi P. Mortom, ......... .Vice President. Jam 3 G. BLAIXK. . .....Secretary of State ' William Wisdom, Secretary of Treasury. Johs W. JJoble. .Secretary of the Interior. Kedfield Proctor . . . . . .Secretary of War Bksjamix F. Tract . . .Secretary of Navy. John Wanamakek . .Post Master General. W. II. H. Miller Attorney General. .Ikremiah KrK, Secretary of Agriculture. Mki.ville vV. Fcxler Chief Justice. DOUGLAS COUNTY. I. C. Fi'I.lertos Senator. C. E. Kicker, ) Jas. Blcnukll, v ....Repres ntatives. E. E. Labrie, I G. A. Tavlok.. ......... Clerk. Ben. C. Agee .Sheriff. V. L. ARRIWJTON Treasurer. Oris 1 1 ijtcuson.... School Superintendent J AS. A. S TEBUNfi Assessor. J. S. Fi rzHceit .... 1 ..... . County J udge. Lewi, Ash I Commissioners. Hiram W eatherly .... J W. F. Bit iocs Surveyor. I)u. S. ii. Makster. ..... ... - -Coroner. Tnos. i;raha,-M. D. M. R..C.-S. . V County Physician. Thos.Smi nt ........ -Sheep Inspector PRECIN'CT OFFICERS: J. A. Er.;F.RS Justices. David Muster J J II. S French Constable CITY OF ROSFP.URd. L. F. Lane. i John Uast, f J. GlLDERSLEEVE Trustees. 1AVII MO IKK, 1 A. Parks. S. F. Fl.OKl Reorder. T. Fki Marshal. IlAKf.Y McCi.ali.kx Treasurer. j.oihii; imsucTiHtX. MllLKTAKlAS LofiCK 2 No. s, I.o. . r., meet on Saturdav cvenim; oi ai-li wttk at i o'clock , in their hall at Kosehuri; Members ,.flhe ord ;r in good stuiKliii' are invited to attend. IJv order of the N. . UNION ENCAMPMENT. No. 9, I. O. ). V.. meets atOdd Fellows' Hall on tlw first and third I hursd;:yof ach montli. Visiting brethren invited to attend. U. A. Tavi.ok, .'. I". C. . SKin.EBr.DR. Scribe. rHI'ljlUrilA ''JJi-i their' regular ITER, Nt 11, li. A. M., hold , ., "i mini i nesua in eacn mniiut. "m "" Ri.-Mi!icrtin sfMii stanlinirill take iliieai:l '.i.-ir kihI govern themselves accordingly Visiti.i.- 4-.,:.; miiii'iis are invited to meet with the -Impel .o.MVeiiieiit. M. K. KAPP, II. P. Smos Cauo, Se"'- KOSUlil'R'J Cil VI'TKR No. 8 O. E. S. hold their regular im-eiina on the first and third Thursdays in etch month. Viiitin nieinUers in ;;iod standing are respectfully inrited attend Ms. Clara Kru.Kr.Tos, Fkek Joussox, H'orthj Matron. Secretary. , LACIiEL. LODGE A. F. M. HILL HOLii nj.,olP llliiutlllifl on Uu, .... I... each mil iiuion. N. V. BU.NNF.LL, V. M. Fkke Johnson, Skc. A. 0. U. W. R0SF.P.l'RG LODUK No. 16, meets the second and fourth Mondays of etch month at 7.:i'l P. M. in the old Masonic Hall. Members in rood standing arc invited to attend. D. S. YVpist, : C W. Joiixstox. Financier.: " Recorder. PROFESSIONAL. L F. LANK. JOHN LANE li ANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. s. 1 F. FLO ED Attorney at Law. ROSEBURG, j- - - OREGON. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' -brick, upstairs. C. A. SEHLBREDE, A.TTOHNKY AT JLVAV AND PUBLIC Otlice Marks' Iilock Roseburg, Oregon. K. L. MILLER, M D Surgeon. Ilointuopjtthic Physician. Olbxe up stairs in the old Sheridan lirick, on Jackson Street, llostibiirg, Oregon. (Jhronic diseases a speciality. Dr M. M. Murpby, Physician & Surgeon Ofiice at the hte Dr. Hoover's office. ROSEBURG, j - - OREGON. tsf Calls day jr nijjht promptly attended. EDWARD J PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND ' - - - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of women. JAMES H. HAWKINS. B.S., M.D. OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to Diseases of the EYE ii KIDNEYS. Calls promptly attended night or day. D M- BROWEft, M D Physician & Surgeon Calls promptly answered day or night. Office, cn J.icksosi St. near the Bank Residenee m North Roseburg near Col. Lau' resilience. Dr. J. W- Shangle Physician C Surgeon. Office at M. W. Davis's dentist office. ROSEBURG - - - - - OREGON Special attention given to diseases- of the skii. Pimples an I Freckles removed. J)lt. TWOS.- GRAHAM Has established a dispensary in connection with his practice, where he has supplied cim sell wtlh all the latest appliances to enable him to mote successfully prosecute his profes sion. pR. X. J OZIAS, Physician & Surgeon HOURS: ioa. m. to 12 m OFFICE: a to 4 and 8 to 9 p. in. -Opp. Slocum's Hall, Sundays, 3 to 5 p. m. ) J.ickson Street. ROSEBURG, OREGON. " Practiciil WatcSimaker, Jeweler and OpticiaD. ALL WORK WAU HASTED.' Dealer in Watches, Clocke, Jewelry, gpecfacles ami Eyeglasses. a full line of CI'JARS, TOBACCO FANCY GOODS. THE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMF.R IV TOWN for the projier adjustment of Snctacles. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Sjiect acles and Eye jflaMses. office in Hamilton's Brick Block. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. Firli;nl Thomais, l?ri. .' "First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. -AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at tlie Dqot of the li:iilro;ul. MOOKE'S RESTAl'RAXT. Principal lln-unis? Street.) Kosiihurf, Or';oii MEALS 25 CCNTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep B "Mt I ho M -.rl,i-t AlJV.rds the New York Coffee House And Oyster Saloon.S LeaditHj Cheek Restaurant in the Cittf. SIFORD & HACKNEY, PRGFHiETGRS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - - - ' " - CRECOS Private Uooms ,if tho Latest iH'siiu-iis for Ladies OPKN DAY ANI NIOIIT. C. V. KXOWLF.S ST, CHARLES HOTEL - EUROPEAN PLAN- C. W KN0WLE3, Proprietor. FIUST CLASS IN F.VEKY KESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Biiiidini; 180 Itoonw. In the Center of the citv. COK. KKONT AND MOP.IUSON fcTS.. POUTT.AND 0. H. Monroe, Late of the Monroe House Proprietor GhemekelB Hotel. Sample room for ('oiii;iiorcial Travelers From 1 to S" per d.ij'. SALEM - OREGON TII10 8TATK A g r i e ultu r a I Co 11 eg e, COP V ALUS, OREGON. Term Commences Wednesday September 13, 1SS8. FACULTY. A lull corps of experienced Professors and Teachers. COURSE OF STUDY. Arranged expressly to meet the demands and needs of the farming interests cf the state. PREPAR ATO RY DE PART.M ENT. For students over 15 years of age who desire to enter the College but are not prepared to enter College classes by examination. MILITARY TRAINING. , To the extent required by law. ; HUILDljNGS. Large, Commodious and well ventilated. LOCATION. In a cultivated and Christian community, and one of the healthiest in the state. EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Circulars, containing matter lull of interest to farmers, will be regularly issued and copies mailed to e.ich patron of the College. EXPENSES Reduced to lowest figures. Two or more free scholarships from every county. Consult your Comity Superintendent. We confidently appeal to th? farmers and Granges of Oregon to ' patronize the only school established by Oregon for the pro motion ot her agricultural interests. For catalogue or other information, address, B. L. ARNOLD, President, Corvalhs, Oregon. TUE OLD RELIABLE BHOEll -BEOS'. On Jackson street, established in 1867, Also a new shop near the depot established for the bene fit of his many .customers. lacob ISitizcr HENRY EASTON'S Grocery Store! KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full assortment of OF ALL KINDS. Gnareivt'vd to be if the best qnalitv. CWN'KO Fttt'lTS, TOBACCO AN U CKJARS, TE, CUFF EE, SUGAR, ETC., ETC. CANDIES and CAKES. A SPECIALTY. Produce Bought AND THE HIGHEST CASH PKICE I'AID Give me a call and convince yourselvca. HEXR1' T AS TON. ROSELURG, - 1 OREGON. THE BOOM HAS COME ' and II, Parry llc Tailoiv Wiil make you the latest style suits. ilEMEMBKIl That one suit made to order will lust as long as three "Buzzards." . If you want to keep vtp with the times, call on 31. Parry and order a suit that will make you look as if you belong to somebodv. Roseburg Flouring Mills RAST & CRITESER. This mill is turning out CHOICE FLOUR, - and A ... armors. cx&rarc&Esasxer Will see that you are. satisfied. Get your biscuit flour t the Roseburg Mills The highest market price paid for wheat. 1 D JtTnYZ J M r DOUGLAS COUNTY, comprising an area of 41)00 square -mile?, is within itself an Kniiiirc Of Wonderful Resources, Magnificent Climate, and Agricultural, ' Mineral and Timber "Wealth, and OFFERS THE GREATEST Inducements to Home-seekers That can be found on the Pacific Coast. HO.SEIiURG, the county seat of Douglas county, is located in the midst of this rich cultural, fruit and stock raising district, and is a thriving town of 1800 inhabitants. The prosperity and advancement of the county during the present year will be far greater than ever before, and Home-seekers and Capitalists should make their purchases NOW Don't wait, but take advantage of the present low prices. To all interested parties wo would say: THE HENDRICKS-REVIEW -A.T T'X-aiE PLB VI Ti3 W OFFICE ROSEBURG, OREGON, Transacts a General Eeal Estate Business and takes pleasure in I showing land to Intending Settlers. JVe buy and sell on cemmission, Farming Land, Stock Ranges, Improved and Unimproved Laud, City Property, Etc etc, Special attention given to the developing of Douglas County's industries, Agricultural, Me chanical and Milling interests, and imparting information to Capitalists as well as those secki. g investments in Oregon lands. Eastern Manufacturers and Money lenders will find it to their ad vantage to confer with us, also all persons requiring information as to plants for Foundries, Saw and Planing Mills, Canneries, Brick making, etc. etc. Correspondence Solicited. We have for sale, among many other choice bargains, the following: FLOUR MILL FOR SALE. ' ' . A GREAT OFFER. I ioi;n; a fine local and custom business 3 of 1 mile from town; between 50 and 75 acres of !,oS pen, slaughter and smoke house- Sj:oo. Also near the mill property, a nice ana oarn, w ua 5 iois, nice location, Fine property for sale, consisting of foun- dry building and machinery, with everything pertaining to a first-class busines, together u-iih UnA r,n whirl, t hn nmiwiw stand. Th,. whole property can be bought , very low, or will sell half interest ir. the above to some re- sponsible party who wishes to engage in the manulacture of Agricultural Implements, the tatter preferred. This we think one of the best locations in the state. Hendricks-Review Real Estate Company. S. 3. HENDRICKs, Manager. amu el Marks, Asher Marks 3. MARKS Sl Co. -DEALERS IN HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Clothing, Dm goods, iiimm. Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. Woo! and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. 3rAKlt .fc CO . - Kosobui-ff, Or. Liunbeji, Lumber! Can be supplied to the citizens of Roseburg and vicinity In, Car Load Lots Direct from our mills at Hudson. In smaller quantities through L. C. EEARDSLEY, Roseburg B ULKLET & HEJILJD LUMBER GO. P. O. Address Drain, Douglas county, Oregon. ' A Great Bargain Store. - MYRTLE. CREEK - - - OREGON DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Artschs, Stationery, .etc-etc. etc- Also a stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and HARDWARE. Produce bought. The patronage of the people of Myrtle Creek and vicinity respectfully solicited . Low Prices and Quick Sales. I can please you, so don't fail to give me a call. CllAS. E. Wbl.VERTON, President. J.AV. Cusick, Treasurer, The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co. CAPITAL STOCK; $5009000 00 PAID UP IN ALBANY, WM. ULRICH, District Agents MKDFORD, OREGON. r y iVd m M e I ill U I U ! AX..-ESTATE CO! " ' Fine tract of land containing 568 acres hair marsh and bottom. Dykes and levees com- plete. Forty acres m cultivation. Good uwciunj; uuc, mene nuusu, nam uuu ouier out buildings. All fenced, with cross fences, Lcated on Smith river 6 miles from Gardiner in Douglas county, Atso 500 acres of wild land lying two milesbelow the above tract " four miles from Gardiner. Offered very ,ow- or lurtner particulars enquire ol lleudricks-Review Real Estate Co. s- R- Hendricks, Manager, mmmmmmmmmam . J. O. Wrisman, Vice-President. J. K. El.DERKlX, V Sec. and Manager, CASH $00,000.00. OREGON L. D CARLE, Local Agent. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Q nO t it 3 360 acres cho-'cc farming and fruit lands wilhin a mi,e of .shippin p1:ll n Q & Q railroacl. Go0(i dweiD"R, fair barn and q( mn cm- ( apples, pears, plums and peaches. 100 acres arable, balance fine timber ami pasture, all suitable for fruits. Easy terms. Fine farm in Tehama a-unty, California, containing 360 acres of very productive land, 200 acres of which is level plow land, 1 alance timbered and table land suitable fur pasture. Located 12 miles from Coining on railroad. Stage passes the place .daily. Pui!dings fair and within a quarter of a mile of .sciuol. OAKLAND HOTEL Wm. II AUG AX Prop. MEALS 25 CENTS. LODGING 23 CENTS. BOARD AND LODGING PR WEEK $4. FIRST-GLASS ACCOMMODATIONS- Thorough satisfaction is guaranteed to travelers and the public in general . 3T The table is supplied wit!i the best the market affords. OAKLAND OREGON. DVL'ebi-let McOrea-or'g olJ stand, Jackson Street : Roseburg. w. ii. itonitER. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HlDEf. THIS MARKET is always supplied with the choicest quality of Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal and mutton: also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be spared toward giving satisfaction. The Leading DRUG HOUSE ! W. S. Hamilton. Succewor to S. Ilamilton. Roseburg - : . Oregon ? ROYAL KSSI J l .tei Absolutely Pure. Ttiia iiowder necr varies. A mirvcl ol narilv icreiiifth anil vli'leJiiieness. More oconouiical tlian thu orditiarv kinJa, and cannot lie sold in com petition with Die multitude of low test, short weight aitiiii or phospUute mn-don. Sola on!v in t-a:iH. IUJVAI. BAK1NU I'OWDliK CO., 100 Va I St. 2 Y. Great Eng-lisii Remedy Mitrray'a Specific. A (fiiunintecd cure for all nervous diseases, such as weak memory, loss of brain 1'owkb, Hvrtoria, lleai- ai-he, l'AIS IX TI1K BALK, KKKVOI S l'.'.0TKATIUS, WAKKFl'LNKSS, l,Kl COK KI.OKA, I'MYXIMAb LASSllVhK, SEMI WKAKVKSS, linpi.tem valiH .renral Stforo Taking. I'er of tlie tnerativc sex, caufd by indiscretion or oVr exertion, and which ultimate ly lead to r-REM ATI-UK OLD AOK, IN SANITY a lid CflN.SIl! PfN-. $1.00 a box or six hoxc-B for $,1 0u. Sent liymai! on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet, tent free to every applicant. We Guarantee Six Boxes to Ctirc :tnvc:Wi Cn n,-..... s-r. fin order received, c fend six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the inonev if our specific d.-b no t tfTect a curs. Address all comn;mMcal ions to the Sole SiaimfacturcM, tiikmprr ay mi:iiicink co. .t-c. , Kiin-is City, .Mo. T' "W "i Uostbiir by W. S. Ilamilton. JOHN A. SUFFEBIN, I'ropriclor of the ROS EBITRQ t C1ASTING of 3113- sue andiron Work of I every le3crij.11 n neatly and proniply ex ecuted. GHISI, QUARTZ km HILLS STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES Made to Order and Warranted. ONLY BEST MACHNINfSTS EMPIOYED DR. JORDAN'S Mushum of Anatomy. 751 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. OAXD LEA R X HOW TO AVOID disease, and how wonderfullv you aro made. Private office, 211 Gearv Street. Consultation on lost mai.liood and all diseases of tncn. Send for Hooks. MILLWOOD MILLS OX EiriSIMKI) CREEK. CLARKE A- IJAKEK, Ti oprietors. We arc now pri.p-irr.1 t fuini-h inmticr of the oesi ijuaut.v in (pianUMcs to suit tnV purchasci always having m hand the iar-tst stoilNif anv ui in Douglas County. ill We will furaiJli lii.n!)! r at ourm 11 nt the folhra-inj; PRICES. ,Mo-1 roiiirh lunilH'r No. 1 flivorimr, l inch I ,t M N-. 1 floorin-, 4 inch I) & M ... No. 1 finishing lumltcr. ....... . .&8 to S10 M S16 M ..?13 M j'..Sfl6 M CbAHKK k CAKER. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. 4 (JALL ON JOS. CARLOX. liUICK cC- vi:xjamix REAL ESTATE ACENCY. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ICoscffiirs, - Oregon. S? and Pel I Ileal Kstate on Commission. Loan Money on Improved Lands. l:7"Ilave Tor Sale lare and Sma:i Tracts of A'ri, Cuming and Timber Lands and City rropcrtj forrcspwiidi nee Solicited. I S. K. HCICK, Sianner. RED FRONT Cisriaiv Stoxe! JI. CARD, Manager. Massif pjb mm IX ROSEEURG. XOIICE. i ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- rpo cern thst I have appointed D. SV. Steams of Calapooia Rrecinct, Post office address, Oakland; Ralph Smith of Deer Creek Precinct, Postoffice ad dress, Roseburg, and A. J. Chapman of Wilbur Precinct, Postoffice address Wilbnr; Inspectors of Stock for said Precincts and others will be added as parties interested make their desires known to me. : TIIOS. S3IZTI1 Inspector of Stock for Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or., April 13th, 1S87. Si Attr.rT.kl.y. READING. A paper read by Mrs. W. A. Sntlck before the Teachers' Association recently held t Myrtle Crack. To be a good reader is no mean ac complishment, but like all true culture it cannot be attained without effortand discipline. They who would become such, must make up their minds to meet the difficulties in their way with " determination to overcome them. To read well is not. a natural endow tnent; but some through early training and opportunitif s find the road to suc cess much easier than others who sej trouble with some impediment of speech or whose early training has been defi cient oc eronions. Jfe is alwMya. jncru difficult to correct a 'bad .habit, than to begin at the foundation and lean to apply tha principles of good reading as you advance in your course of training. hen we consider the pleasure and satisfaction to ourselves of readme well, it is worth all the patient disci pline that we must undergo to attain it. Iut yet higher and more noble than mere selfish ambition is the abil ity to entertain and instruct others. We ought tften to ba good leaders for our own enjoyment as well as the pleas ure for Our feilowmen. It is evident that the ability to read well for others leip.iires more diversity of talent than to read only for our own enjoyment. In the one case the purpose is to get a clear and lucid understanding of the meaning of the author for one's self; in the other to convey that meaning to others. In the one the understanding is principally brought into play to know the meaning of words and aiply the principles of analysis, to note the dif ferent shades of ! bought and expres sion; but in the other there is added to thts the ability to convey thcsT ideas to others by the different modulations of tin; voice alid o-psturps . In our treatment of th snbi ... e , , J) will confine ourselves to the art of pub- lie reading, believing it includes also the more limited ability to read for one's own personal enjoyment. ..It seems that the first qualification of a good reader is the power to use tho eves aright. The reader has to do with knguage in the form of sentences. K.iuc.oi wieeye must com- prehend the sentence as a whole, tlien the sentence m all its component parts, t-lii. rtnmil!.iK .I..? ..! i the peculiar relation which anv word or adjunct bears to every othei in liu sen tence. So flexible is the English lan guage in its construction, so varied arc the arrangement of sentences by dif ferent authors, tnat it both eyes open and even on thn alt rt to take in at a glance the whole construc tion. As the expert performer in mu sic is able to take in the entire schore at a glance, so the eye of the reader must view the sentence. The second qualification is the power of analysis. Every reader, like the dissecting sur geon, must in his mind tear all the parts of the sentence to pieces, to see the peculiar relation of each part to the whole sentence and then recon struct them so as to give his hearers the complete meaning of the author. The meaning of a sentence is often con veyed by the position of its dependent t ipaits and for this reason the reader cannot be too careful in observing the shade of thought intended to be con veyed by the peculiar construction of the sentence. Closaly allied to" this thought of analysis isexpression in leading. The light and shades of thought may be yaiied in the same sentence by the mere torce of expression. So the reader more than the author has the power to vary the meaning of a sentence, by reading it in a proper or improper manner,; Language whuh imfy have sneiucd dull and meaningless 10 us, may be made to glow with light and sparkle with jewels ot truth in th li .nds of a good n ader. Usually tuo 1 ttle atten tion is given to expression i i the school room. Good reading is more than the hum drum method (f callii.g out the words. If we could g- our scholars to enter heart dy into the meaning nd spirit of the author and make the lan guage and thoughts their own, it would give life and energy to the exervis? and relive it from tin? unpleasant and irk some duty it t'o often becomes. Another requirement to good reading, and that ix the cultivation of the voice. Upon this depends much of the pleas ure and enjoyment cf listening to the reader. Though he may possess all quumicauon, it the voice be harsh and grating, or it there is lack of projr emphasis and inflection, much of the pleasure of listening is destroyed I here must bo stress and volume of voice, and yet so produced, as to sound sweet and musical. The best results . . 'v""" in the cultivation cf the voice can.onlv be attained by careful training of the . J """"o OI lne . - "o v vv vocal organs, such as exercises in l ii .1 ..... breathing, a thorough drill in the oral elementary sounds and classroom prac tice in reading, Children Cry forPItcher'sCastoria; XatJ,rr too Charmtu. E. TT. S. Tingle has just ,aM a yisit to Tacorua and Seattle. Vhr ' went to look over the field with view" to starting a daily somewhere u. that far Western land, according to the Minneapolis Tribune. Mr. Tingle is very enthusiastic over the country, and tlanks that it is a trifle Jaan like (he ongwal Garden of Eden than an v place he has seen of late years. "When von climb over the Rocky mountains it is like getting over the garden wall," he said in a burst of enthusiasm . J am thoroughly convinced that it was on this spot that thi Deity smiled his aweete,t smile. Flowers Llxm ,. SUUnny rnd tJje nurmur of the cowslip as they raise their Leads in the balmy a,r chime in thMogingofthebird. to form the most entrancing melodies. Thb bread fruit trees grow luxuriantly in Seattle, . and I discovered one variety on which graw rye bread with carra way seeds m it, such as is often imported and used on free lunch counters of our modern cmhatio,,. Flamingoes , and other tropical birds are common i l,m i : stm,13 abound purple rnuIU and . -f,u x caught ?ome of the latter. , , See" roS(' tlre growing on busies as Urge a3 the ink rollers of my 'ito punting press, while th.. are so large ami succulent that tlw citi- 'nsfry them and se then, for food. Attar of roses is a i and the entire community is very 7;llSC?nJ ly reason of this fact. At jacoina the whole picture is dupli cate.!. Nature ha w , , s. oi'Jicu iier bounties there, was ti ii 3UUJU samples of wool tliat o,v.- . .. drauhc rams. I am Convino factory for the manufacture hrrfmnl. 1C rams coulJ d Paving busmess at wool growing. Cows are kept there for their beef alone, for the ingenious . . me ingenious l citizens ha r I n ... . , me cultivation of the milk weed to such a high d"ree tha't'tliey furnish all that is needed in the way of dairy products. Some of those milk weeds produce the richest kind of cream, and as the warm breezes sway them to and fro, this cream soon turns to butter by the gentle unduh- J ions. I think a new!Lper conld "aue to onng m a rich return to its owner. The country printing there - -wuuw v pruning luere is very fat, for it seems to keep T,ace I ...Til. ..1 . " with other native products. Carrier p:g..ons are trained to Visit merchants and solicit subscriptions, and they do this with an intelligence that is re markable. The printing press could be run by water power, and under that clear sky and healthy atmosphere I am convinced that the office boy would soon acquire the habit of writing lead ing edi torials and condensed paragraphs. So the running expenses are bound to be light. It is possible that I am too conservative in my views, but I cannot Lelp saying that I was favorably im pressed with the entire country which I visited. fff'-et Smiar in. Srbranlsn. Xebraska, it is Paid, will enter this year upon the manufacture ot beet root sugar on a scale of some magnitude. Those who will engage in the culture are mostly Germans who have been skilled in the raising of the sugar beet m the old country, and a large sum has been subscribed to secure the produc tion of the beet sugar in the market. It is said that the soil is adapted to the cultivation of beets and the climate favorable, but this can be claimed only after the experiment has been fully tried. v Washington's father died when the future president was 12, Jefferson's when he was U Jackson's before the boy was born, Madison's when he was a youth, Garfield's when he was a meie baby, Harrison the elder's before h reached his msjonty, Tyler's when ho was thirteen, Johnson's when he w four, and Hayes' and Cleveland's when they were young bovs. The character of nearly all of these were modeled by tueir mothers. Ex There wie but ' two living ex-nre idents to take part in the centennial exercises. It is a notable fact there were l.ut two out o sven presidents, viz: John Quincv Adams and Andrew Jackson, living at the time of the cel ebration of the semi-centennial fifty years ago. r,u'iin wi.,.i Meruit I went to the party 1 niht with George" L'tt'e Johnnis A quarter. Consnmntion Barely Cured. a v To the Editor Please inform yourread- io i ke tuiTOK riease intomi your read lers that 1 have a positive remedy for the fTe TTJ dVeasC' Kj? its,timtly thousands of hopeless cases have been perniao i inousanus 01 nopeiess cases nave been perniao I nently cure1 1 sna be gladto send iwr t bottles ol mv rcmedv fbfr ir am- ,,f -.... -j J -..j juu readers who have consumption if they will you v.'.. i tucjr wilt send me their express and post office address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. , iSi Tearl st. , N. Y A i H M i - 4 -