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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1889)
IJt r VOL.XIII. JtOSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 7. 1889. iXO.49 OEfiEBALDIBEOTOfiY. , G rov-kr ClkvklaSD . . .. . . .resident. Tho-j. F. Bat Attn. .....Secretary of State Chas. S. FAraCHiLD, Secretary of Treasury. W. T.' Vila ....Secretary of the Interior. Wit. C. Esdicott Secretary of War W. C. Whitney Secretary f Navy. D. M. Dickinson. .. .Post Master General. A. H.'GauLand ....Attorney Geueral. Mklvkxe W. Fuller . . ...Chief Jnstice. STATE OF OREGON J . N Dolph I. H. Mitchell. lilNUKH HERMANN.... STLVESTER PlCNNOYER. Geo. W. McBride... I U. S. Senators. ...... Congressman. i . ... ....Governor. .Secretary of State. G. VV. Webb State Treasurer. K. B. McElrov ....Supt. Pub. Instruction. Frank Baker, V. .State Printer. R. S. Strahan ... 1 Wm. P. Lotu, s V . ..Suprem Jules. W. W.Thayku,: N. Davis, Clerk, Board School Land Com'rs. J:-H.sYaA; EaNER " Con.nM-oners. J. R. N. Bell, Clerk of Railroad Commission. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. U. S.' BkaV. . . .". . ... .. . ......... . Ju.le. J. VV''IlAMiLTox....ProBecutin2 Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. I. C. Fuli.erton .. Senator. C. E. KlCKKR, ) Jas. Bluskkll, ..Repres ntatives. E. E. Laljrie, ) G. A. Taylor.. ....Clerk. Ben. C. Agee Sheriff. V. L. Arri.vgton .Treasurer. Otis Hutchson.... School Superintendent Jas. A. Sterling Assessor. J. b. J?rrzHUGH ....County Judge. lewis Ash J i . . t IllRAM WEATHKRLY. VVIII1IUOOIOIIV1 O. V F. BltlGGS . . snrveyor. Coroner. M. R. C. S. County Thysician. Dr. S. S. Maustkrs. . . , Thos. Graham, M. D. Tiios. Smith . Sheep Inspector FRECINCT OFFICERS: J. A. EGGERS , ,. , David Hunter J Justices. H. S French . Constable CITY OF ROSEBURG. L. F. Lane. , I John Rast, V i J. Gildersleeve .... Trustees. David Moore, V A. Parks. f S. F. Floed.... Recorder. T. Ford ... Marshal. Harry McClallen .Treasurer. ir. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas. V. Johnston .Register. A. C. Jones ... Recei VI SIONAL SERVICE. ' Wm. Bell .. 1 ........... . Observer. PROFESSIONAL- L F. LANE, JOHN LANE JANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. s. F. FLOED -'Attorney at Law. ROSEBURG, - - - OREGON. I J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, tip stairs. C. A. sehlbredeT ATTORNEY A.T LAW ' AND Office Marks' Block Rose burg, j Oregon. K. L. MILLER, M D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Physician. Office up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. Dr. M. M Murpliy, Physician & Surgeon Office at the hte Dr. Hoover's office. ROSEBURG, - - OREGON. t3T Calls day or night promptly attended. EDWARD J PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of women. JAMES H.ttAWKINS. B.S.. M.D. OAKLAND - c- - OREGON. Special attention' to Diseases of the EYE & KIDNEYS. Call promptly attended night or day, "DM BROW ER, M D IPhys ietan & 8 urgcon Culls . pron;ptly answered dav or night. Office, Corner Cass and Jackson Sts. Residence in North Roseburg near . Col. Lime's residence. JOKN W. LINCOLN, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Ditches and Mining Claims Located, Lines Run and Maps Made. Plans and Estimates furnished for all classes of Engineering work. Accuracy guaranteed. ; P. O. Box 56, - : - Roseburg, Ogn. Roseuurg Flouring Mills RAST & CRITESER. This mill is turning out CHOICE FLOUR, I and Will Ree that you are satisfied. Gftt your biscuit flour ot tho Roseburg Mills The highest -market price paid for wheat. J. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician . ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clocks', Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINK OF CIQARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. THE OJar RELIABLE OPTOMER IX TOWN for the proper adjustment of Spectacles. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spectacles and Eye glasses. Office in Hamilton's Brick Block. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL, j OAKLAND, OREOON. rtlolinvcl ThomaH, Prop. .First ClaKN SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. MOOttE'S RESTAURANT. Principal Business Street.) Roseljiipgj , Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS VVe Keep the Best the Market Affords. THE New York Coffee House $3T Aijd Oyster Saloon K3T. Leading Check Mestaurant in the City, SIFORD & HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - - : OREGON 2TPrivatcIlooni9 jf the Latost Design for Ladies OPE DAY AND NIGHT. . C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN. C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor, FIRST CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Brick Building i 130 Rooms. In the Center of the city. COR. FP.OXT AND MORRISOX STS., PORTLAND i O. HlMonroe, Late of the Monroe House. Proprietor Chsmekete Hotel. FREE BUS, Sample rooms for Commercial Travelers From 1 to 3 per day. SALEM - - - - OREGON THE STATE Agricultural College, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Term Commences Wednesday September 12, 1888. FACULTY. A full corps of experienced Professors and Teachers. ; - COURSE OF STUDY. Arranged expressly to meet the demands and needs of the farming interests cf the state. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. For students over 15 years of age who desire to enter the College but are" not prepared to enter College classes by examination. MILITARY TRAINING. , To the extent required by law. BUILDINGS. Large, Commodious and well ventilated. LOCATION. In a cultivated and Christian community, and r one of the healthiest in the state. EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Circulars, containing matter full of interest to farmers, will be regularly issued and copies mailed to each patron of the College. EXPENSES Reduced to lowest figures. Two or more free scholarships from every county. Consult your County Superintendent. We confidently appeal to the farmers' and : Granges of Oregon to patronize the only school established by Oregon for the pro motion ot her agricultural interests. For catalogue or other information, address, li. I ATtNOLD, President, Corvaliis, Oregon. ' THE OLD RELIABLE SBTOSBIB BHOr. On Jackson street, established in 1867. Also a new shop near the depot established for the bene fit of his many customers. Jacob BitLzcr HENRY EASTON S Grocery Store! KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND - ' a full assortment of OF ALL KINDS. Gnanntml to be of the best quality. CANNED FRUITS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, ETC., ETC. CANDIES and CAKES. A SPECIALTY. Produce Bought AND THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID Give me a call and convince yourselves. UENRY E ASTON. ROSEBURG. - - OREGON." 30,000 Acres Farm & Grazing Land IN DOUGLAS AND JaCKSON COUNTIES . ' - " SE?!Z&ffll BAILED, . ". ;- Fine farvis of almost every description well fenced, well 'via! 'redt and sit uated VHrthe most healthful climate, ore now offered for sale T ' In Tracts of fromi6o to 3000 Acres. I have entered the Real Estate Jiusiness to slay, and Iiave ttr prior jacil itie8for disposing of land. Therefore those - wishing to sell' thir land will do well to y place the matter in my charge . " t : 0....AVI J. C HUTCHLYSOff, Oakland, , oregon. 11 mil 1 mi Chas. E. VVolverton. I President. J. W. Cusick, Treasurer. The; Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co, CAPITAL STOCK $500,000 00. PAID UP IN CASH $00,000.00. ALBANY, - - - - - - : - - OREGON WM. ULRICH, District ASent, L. D CARLE, Local Agent. - MEIFORD, OREGON. : ROSEBURO, OREGON. Samuel Marks, AsnER MAnICS , S. MARKS & Co. ! DEALERS IN HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND - I 'inrfiniii M 11 v li III I III Wis- Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cig-ars, f Boots and Shoes. Wool kl and Produce tion Dougni AND THE VERY HIGHEST HASH BHirrt n m -r.nn n,r.. . MAUK8 At CO 1000 REWAKD Will be given any man who will produce a sci entist of large experi ence, and widely known to be an honerable man, who Will assert that re fined cast zinc is not one of the most enduring' of all known materials to withstand the actions of the weather. DETROIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich ENDDRSEUBY frtMi J ILALLf ft 3 IT )VEr 45000 ' v r 1 MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, - PAGE & - - ; -DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, JEWELRY, WATCHES, PUTTY, COMBS, EI C, ETC We expect to do a strictly cash business, and will endeavor to mako it to the interest of all to deal with us. We also invite a continuation of the pat ronage of all former patrons, and solicit new ones. GIVE US A CALL.3 . MGOBE & EVANS THE PEOPLE'S GROCERS Keep all kinds of t . amily and Fancy Groceries. ALSO Agents for all kinds of Wagons Buggies (.arts Mowers etc aZVlt THEM Jl CALL POST OFFICE WEW ERA ROLLER -MILLS. ROSE & FLOOR, Proprietors. . AND ' i Manufacturers of the best Roller Flour, Keep constantly on hand Choice Flour, Bran, and Chop feed at the lowest prices. j j tzT We also do an exchange business. ' " - i Highest cash piice paid for wheat We invite the public patronage, I " And guarantee satisfaction. kosspuko, - ----- ES2&- PULL EOLLEE MILLS. WILLIS KRAMER, Pp. OPRIETOR. Keeps constantly on hand Choice Roller Flour, Can and chop feed ut the LOWEST Highest casli price paid I invite the public patronage, and guarantee '; satisfaction. Myrtle Greek, - . 1 urn ihiii iihi nni'mi mill in hi in - J.- O. Weisman, ; Vice-President. ;. . - J; K. Elderkjjv bee. una Manager. mm &-lumwm ill every Descrip Ti... w. WHITE BRONZE AND STATUARY Were awarded GOLD MEDAL AT " WORLD'S v FAIR, New Ohlkans, 18 8 4-5 .jSUPERlORTO 1 Him fQN'UMENIrU. Prices oq: Jacksonville, Oregon DIM. MICK - - -. OnEGOXff Binders Reapers and ROSEBURG, OR ' ' for nil kinds of gram. , ..... . W. KRAMER, - - Oregon. n Absolutely Pure. 1 his powder never varies. A mirvel of ! parity streng-th and wholesomeness. More cconoiiiical than the ordinarv kinds, and cannot be sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL liAKING POWDER CO., 100 Wa 1 St.N.Y. i Great English Remedy aivarie. I1 uVMIl'il Snvyffi . - A Riiarnnteod cure for all nervous diseases, such as wkak mkmort, loss op brain power, Hysteria, Head ache, PAIS IX TnR BACK, KERVOU8 Pl'.OSTRATlON, WAKEFULNESS, LEUCOR RKOSA. UNIVERSAL LASSITUDE, SEMI WEAKNESS, Impotencyand general BafcraTaHno'- LOS8 of power of the Generative sex, caused by indiscretion or s. uro-ans:-in either Tra1 Hark. over exertion, and which ultimate ly lead tO PREMATURE OLD AGE, IN SANITVand CONHITMPTInw 91 (Ml iv box or six boxes for $5 00. Sent Dy man receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet, sent free to every applicant. We Guarantee Siy Rnyps tnmin inn.... c nn AffrTklV. guarantee to refund the money if our specific does ni fT .ij 1 1 a i 1 1 -" A .1 .1 .11 .. . : . ii Sole Manufacturers, iue hurray medicine co. S3" Sold in Roseburg by W. S. Hamilton. THE BOOM HAS COME ; AND II, Parry, the Tailor, Wiil make you the latest style suits. REMEMBER That one suit made to order will last as long as three "Buzzards." If you want to keep up with the times, call on II. Parry and order a suit that will make you look as if you belong to somebody. BUICK & BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE AGENCY.; REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Roseburg, Oregon. f2TBuy and Sell Heal Estate on Commission. Loan Money on Improved Lands. l"Have For Sale Large and Small Tracts of Agri cultural, . Grazing and Timber Lands and City Property Correspondence Solicited. D. S. K. BUICK, Manager. . Springfield Saw Mill SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. A. WHEELER, Proprietor. Manufacturers of Common and Clear Lumber, Flooring, Rustic and Finishing Lumber, Laths, Etc QUALITY EQUAL TO THE UKST. Facilities for the prompt and satisfactory fill ing of orders not surpassed . Correspondence with Builders A Contactors Solicited. J0HH A. SUFFE3IN, Proprietor of the Eron '.-Works CASTING of any size and Iron Work of every description neatly and promply ex ecuted. GRIST, QUARTZ & SAW MIL! 5 Bfado to Order. STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES waae to uriier and Warranted. ONLY BEST MACHNIN'STS EMPIOYEO DR. JORDAN'S Muskum of Anatomy. 751 MARKET STREET SAN FR IN CIS CO. O AND LKAUM HOW TO AVOID disease, and how wonderful! you are made. Private offici, 211 Geary Street. Consultation on lost manhood anil ail ditanea of men. Send for Books. MILLWOOD MILLS ON UlTBEUKD CKEEK. CLARKE fc BAKER, Proprietors. We are now prepared to furnish lumber of the best quality in quantities to suit the purchasers, always having on hand the largest stock of any mill in Douglas County. We will furnish lumber at ourra"ll at the folio wine PRICES. No-1 rouprh lumber . .fS to 910 M No. 1 flooring, 6 inch P & M . $ia m No. 1 fioorine, 4 Inch DAM $18 M No. 1 finishing lumber $16 U CLARKE & BAKER. NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON cern that I have appointed D. W, Stearns of Calapooia Precinct, Post office address, Oakland; Ralph Smith of Deer Creek Precinct, Postoflice ad dress, Roseburg, anfl A. J. Chapman of Wilbur Precinct, Postoflice address Wilbur; Inspectors of Slock for said Precincts, and others will be added as parties interested make their desires known to me. THOS. SUIT!! Inspector of Stock fcr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or , April 13th, 1887. Wilis SECRET OE I1APP1XESS IX MARniA.Gr:. Thomas Jefferson wrote the follow ing excellent advice; there is a great deal of human nature and good sense in it: "Harmony in the "married state is the first thing to he arrived at. Nothing can preserve the affections uninterrupted , bnt a firm ; resolution never to differ in will, and a determi nation in each to consider the love of the other of more value than any object whatercr on which the will had been fixed. How light, in fct, is the sac rifice of anv other wish ! when weighed against the affections of one with whom we "are to pass our " whole life. And no opposition in a single instance will hardly in itself produce alienation, yet every one has his pouch into which all these little oppositions are put, and while this is filling, the alienation is insensibly going on, and when filled it is complele. It would puzzle either to say why, because no one difference of opinion has been marked enough to pro duce a serious effect by itself. But he or she finds his or her affections wearied out by a constant stream of little checks and obstacles." Other sources of discontent, very common, indeed, are tho little cross purposes of husband and wife in com- mon conversation; a disposition in either to criticise and question what ever the other says; a desire always to J r 1 3 1 f n t . . m ucLuuuaLiato unu maKe mm ieei nimselt in the wrong, especially in sympathy. .Nothing is so goading on the part of either. Much better, therefore, if our companion views a thing in a light different from what we do, to leave him in quiet possession of h.s view. What is the use of rectifying him if the thing be unimportant1? and if important, let it pass for the present, and wait for a softer moment and more conciliatory occasion of revising the subject together. It is wonderful how many persons art rendered unhappy by inattention to these simple rules of prudence. The Boston Courier. THE OLD PEuI'LE. If you are so fortunate as to have the "Old People" in the house, see to it that they have its brightest corner and a goodly portion ot the best that can be afforded of comfort, convenience and beauty; thaP aged blood may be kept warm and cheerful, that failing limbs may have restful repose, and the dim eyes that have watched over you and yours through so many toilsome years may see around them the ever- present evidences of faithful and grate ful care. v There is nothing in the world more pathetic than the meek, timorous, shrinking ways of certain old people we have all seen them who have given up their old homes, into younger hands, and subsided into some out-of- the-way corner of it, to sit by the fire side and table henceforth, as if they were mere, pensioners afraid of "mak ing trouble," afraid of being "in the way," afraid ot accepting the half that is their due, and going down to their graves with a pitiful deprecating air, as if constantly apologizing for staying so long. Ex. Proud of Hit Stater. Tho Chicngo Tribune relates the case of a young man who was re garded as a phenomenon ; because he took his sister to all the best" entertain ments, and actually devoted himself to 1 her durintr the lecture anil mnmrf. coa. O -ww .w W son. Being praised for his unusual .11 i " 1 - . ' . THE attention 10 nis fister tne youna; man promptly and proudly leplied. "No, there's nothing wonderful or extraordi-i"1"01113 nary about it She is the only woman I know in whom I have th nm(. thorough confidence. She is always the same, always pleased and affection ate, and to tell the truth, I'm atraid she'll go and marry some of these imi tation men around here and be unhap py all her life. She has nobody else to look to, andFU take care she does not have to look to anybody else. I suppose some day a genuine man will come along. If he's a genuine man, 1 won't object. Until he does come, she is good enough for me; and if ever I find as good a girl, I'll marry her." The example is most commendable. A young man would do well to seek his sister's society until he finds another lady as good as his stster. Manner is something with every body, and every thing with some Children Cry for J?OX TILLERS OE TUB SOIL," Progress, the one ruling idea of the" age, is the sure'road to profit in farm- . insr, a business that constantly .de mands better' methods, fuller - means and more intelligent practice. Put potatoes on clean land that has been in corn, so as to have the land free from weeds . Give the otatoes close cultivation until harvested, and after fertilizing the plot put it in grass. If the seed is clean the weeds will not. come up to kill the grass when it is ' young. I ho growing of a grass crop demands that the land be gotten in condition a ear before the Reed i - When grain and hav crops are sold Kff they carry away the fertil ity of he farm, but when such- crops are fed to stock not only is a portion of T the crop left over as manure, but a higher price is received for 6uch crops in the shape of beef, pork, mutton or milk, which enables the farmer to re store any loss of fertility by the increas ed receipts consequent ujon the keep ing or stock. For farm manure the sheep is sur passed only by the hen, and rivaled on ly by the hog. It is much easier to save manure from the sheep, less of the liquid being loss. Owing to the dry ness of the soil most of the liquid is soaked up and saved only in expen- I sive tanks or cemented cellars. Sheep I ... & wnue on grassx scatter their manure much more evenly, and it is, therefore, of much greater value. Thus wherever sheep are kept the land is found to in crease in fertility, The farm does not bring in so many dollars a day as some professions, but it is the safest place to be with your family. The children are simply an ex pense in town; on the farm they can assist and at the same time get the very essential thinsj, the 'practical partof an education. The minister's boy cannot help preach; the lawyer's boy cannot help plead a case. They are undiffer entiated -quantities as yet of no good to anyone except in the possibilties wrap ped up in their beings, which may be by thorough schooling and long drill brought into future developement. But . the farm boy pays his way and counts as 60on as brain and muscle come into action. Ex. j The sun had already sunk in the west when the convict returned to his native village. "During the many years of his confinement he had hai bored but one idea that of revenge. Ashe neared the old schoolhouse (which, by tho way, he made up his mind to fire) a bell fropi a distant spire liegan its slowand solemn peal. A feeling which the convict had not felt in many years filled his breast. He stood rooted to the spot, and tears, hot tears, moist ened hia cheeks. When the bell had ceased its tolling, he hastily wiped his ejes with the back ot his calloused hand and exclaimed. "My heart is softened; I will not shed blood to-night I will rob instead. -Life. . A Western woman recently killed a tramp with arolling-pin. The tramp's nephew sued the woman. Damages were awarded the rolling-pin. The nephew undertook to argue the case with the woman. The nephew's funeral occurs on Monday. Undertakers lift their hats to the woman when they meet her on the street Tue sanest man in England is said lo live in the town of Woodbrido-o O ome one was about to present his I Innntilna - tl ... ! UttUo"Lur seaisKin saque nut lie reuse(l to let her accept it, on the -hart it would cost too much to camphor to keep tho moths from lfc during the summer. A Lover's Stratagem -'IIow is it you always taksyour intended to the railway station?' "Because we can there kiss undisturbed, as the folks tlunk we are merely Saying good bye." ' "OH, you have come first at last; you were always behind before," was the queer greeting a school-master gave to the first boy at schooL iiucfclen s Arnica Balv6-" The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, - Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Ccrr.a ted all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guarantee to give perfect satisfaction, or roaney refunded Price 25 cts rbox. Fur sale by W. S. Hamilton. Pitcher's Cactorla: