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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1889)
YOL.XIII. DIEECTOSY. , n rKa OT,2V;a vx i ....... . President . Tim;. F. Hivaud... Secretary of Stat Ch vs. S FAiaciULD.S-jeretary ot Treasury. -iV. L Vil. ...Secretary o the Interior. V.i. O lsjie.irr.. . j Secretary of War 'vV. (J. 'Vihtskv. ......Secretary of Kavy. I. M. Oa KtN-s.tS. . . .Tost Master General. A ii. ' Atti.AX U. ........ A ttoruey General. Mui.yi.u.E W; Foiles . . ...Chief Justice. J. N D.tuii ..... J. II. .NlUchcll J U. S. Seuators. iiiSvSKR Heumans ; . ..Congressman. Stlvesi E I'kxnoyes. Governor. Geo. V. Mci'.ride Secretary of State. G. VV. Ve;:b .... . '. State Treasurer. K. Y. McKi.fcov . ...Supt. Tub. Instruction. Frank BvKtti: .State Printer. R. S. SruAHA-t Wm. P. Iuitn, W. V. TiiAyK!j j- . ..Supreme .fulges. N. DaVis; -Clerk, Board School Land Com'rs. wV'VGOX KR 1 Rail road Commissioners, J . 1 1 rvl.A l-KIt J c - j. KN. Bklu Clerk of Railroad Commission? SKi.'OND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. II. S. Ik'.AN. ...... .. . Judge. J. V- llAitLT(H i . .. Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. f. C. Fui.t.ERTON Senator. C. E. Rk kek, 1 .. J As. Blu.n kkll, ...... ..Repres ntatives. E. E . Labrie, ) G. A. Taylor Clerk. Hex. C. Sheriff. V. L. Arri ngton ....... .Treasurer. OTIS Uutciuox.'!.. School Superintendent J as. A. SrEui.ixc; Assessor. J. S. I'itziiuou .... County Judge. hVIS.Atv Commissioners. IIlkAM Wkatherly .... J W F.Jiiiicc.s ......... . ..Surveyor. Dr.. S. S Maksterh. i ." Coroner. Taos. Graham, M. D. M. R. C. S. . County Physician. Tjios. Smith... .. . .Sheep Inspector PRECINCT officers; j: A. Eggers .......... ,. Tustices David Hunter. ... ,. Jusllfes- II. S French . . . .Constable CITY OF ROSEBUUfS. L. F. Lane, ' John Kast, I J. Gildersleeve Trustees. David Moore, A. 1'ARKS. S. F. Fl.OED.. Recorder. T. Foiu Marshal. IIarky McCi.ALI.en.... Treasurer. U. X. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Ciias. vV. Jounston. ....... Register. A. C. J O.N E3 . . . . Receiver . ;. SIGNAL SERVICE. Wm. Bell , ....... Observer. PROFESSIONAL. L F. LANE. JOHN LANE JANE&LANE, -' Attorneys at Law. Main Street, opjwsite Cosmopolitan Hotel. s. F.TLOED Attorney, at Law. ROSERURG, - OREGON. J. ti. FULLEHTON, - Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. C. A. SEHLBREDE A.TTOUNKY AT lAAV AND Office Murks' Block Uiiselnir"-. Oregon. K. L; MILLER, M 1) Surgeon. Homoeopathic Ph j sieian. "Office up stairs in . the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Iloselmrg, .Oregon. . Chronic diseases a speciality. Dr. II. M- Murpliy, P5iyi5iaa & Surgeon Oli'ce at the Hte Dr. Hoover's office. ROSEBURG, - - OREGON. Calls day or night promptly attended. TDWAr'PAGET SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of women. JAMES H. HAWKINS, B.S., M.D. OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Spofialattention to Diseases of the EYE Jc KIDNEYS. Call- prmnptly attended night cr day. DM. BROWEH.-M- D" Physician & -Surgeon-. Calls proivptly answered dav or niht. , i ( )HK-o Corner Cass and J ackson Sts. . RcsidfiKv in North Ilosebn rg neat Col. L:m.-' residence. J01tX W. LINCOLN, liivil Engineer and Surveyor. !itcher nntl Mining Claims Located, Lines Hun and Maps Made. I'lans and Estimates furnished fur all classes of Engineering work. Accuracy guaranteed. P. O. Box ?6, - - Rosclmrg, Ogn. RoscDiug Vlounng Mills RAST & CRITESER. This mill is turning out CHOICE FLOUR, and THOS. G3E&XrS7a3SX3?& Will ; tint yon arc satisfied. Gt yonr biscuit flour at the Roseburg Mills Tin; highest, market price paid for wheat. ,j JASKIJLEK. Practlc:il Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WAliUANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clock, Jewelry, Spectacles anil Eyeglasses. A FULL LINK OF CI'JARS, TOBACCO & FA3GT GOODS. THE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IN TOWN for the proper adjustment of Sp-ctaclc8. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spectacles and Eye glasses. Offlee in Hamilton's Brick Elo ok. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, ORKfiOX. I?JoIinil Thomas, 'Prop. XTii-sst Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. HOOUE'S HESTAtUANT. Principal Business Street.) Xi!Stiliir, Oreffon MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. THE New York Coffee House SAnd Oyster Saloon, Leading Check Restaurant in the City, SIFORD & HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - - ORECOM 44TPrivate Rooms jt .he Latest Designs for Ltulics OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. C. W. KNOWLES. ST. CHARLES HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Brick Buililin? 160 liooms. In the Center of the city. COR. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND O. H. Monroe, Late of the Monroe House. Proprietor CHemekete HOtel.jj. A. Cardwell, Agent, .- HaHHBWHMBHHHHHHBHWBMaHaMaB TPRllIE BUS. Sample rooms for (.omniercial Travelers From SI to 3 per day. SALEM - OREGON THE STATE Agricultural College, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Term Commences Wednesday September 12, 1888. (, FACULTY. A lull corps of experienced Professors and Teachers. COURSE OF STUDY. Arranged expressly to meet the demands and needs of the farming interests cf the state. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. For students over 15 years of age who desire to enter the College but are not prepared to enter College classes by examination. MILITARY TRAINING. To the extent required by law. P.UILDINGS. Lame. Commodious and well ventilated. LOCATION. 'In a cultivated and Christian community, ami one of the healthiest in the state. EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Circulars, containing matter full of interest to farmers, will be regularly issued and copies mailed to each patron of the College. EXPENSES Reduced to lowest figures Two or more free scholarships from every county. Consult your County Superintendent. We confidently appeal to the farmers and Granges of Oregon to patronize the only school established by Oregon for the pro motion ot her agricultural interests. For catalogue or other information, address, B. L. ARNOLD, President, Corvalhs, Oregon. THE OLD RELIABLE On Jackson street, established in 1867. Also a new shop near the depot established for the bene fit of his many customers. Jacob BiHzer HENRY EASTON'S Gro7er7 stor! K EKPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full assortment of OF ALL KINDS. Guanntrcil to lc of the best quality. CAXSK1 FIUMTS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, TKA, COFFfcE, SUGAR, ETC., ETC. ( ANDILSand CAKES. A SPECIALTY Produce Bought AND THE SitKUEST CASH PRICE Give mc a call and convince yourselves. UEXHY E ASTON. KUSLBURG, - OREGON. ROSEBURGr, 30,000 Acres Farm Grazing Land IN DOUGLAS AND JACKSON COUNTIES Fine farms of almost every description tcell fenced, well watered, and sit uated in the most healthful climate, ore now offered for sale : . - In Tracts of from 160 'to 3000 Acres. ; I have entered the Real Estate Business to stay', and have'superior jacih ties for disposing of land. Therefore those ' wishing to seli their land will do well to place the matter in my charge. J. C. HUTCHINSON, OAKLAND - . - - - OREGON. Chas. E. Wolverton, President. J. W. CtrsicW .., ---v. rteasvttcr.' Hie Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co. CAPITAL STOCK $500,000 00 PAID UP IN CASH $CO,000.00. ALBANY, WM. ULRICH, District A;ent, MEDFORD, OREGON. Samuel Marks, S. MARKS : & Co. DEALERS IN- illBBAL -HAVE CONSTANTLY 3 iti Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, 1119 1 III III Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. DIAKK8 & CO Ifosebur, Or. 1 . 1 uT E7 B 1000 REWARD Will be given any man who will produce a sci entist of large experi ence, and widely known to be an honerable man, who Will assert that re filled cast zinc is not one of the most enduring of all known materials to withstand the actions of the woather. DETROIT BRONZE CO., lctroit, Slich ENDDHSEIJ 45:000 I. riinMI IMCMTQ iuiiumi. 1 w PAGE & - - , DEALERS IN ' DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, JEWELRY, WATCHES, PUTTY, COMBS, : EIC, ETC- We expect to do a strictly cash business, and will endeavor to make it to the interest of all to deal with us. We also invite a continuation of the pat ronage of all former patrons, and solicit new ones. 1- GIVE US A CALL. MOOEB & THE PEOPLE'S Keep all kinds of !amily arid Fancy ALSO Agents for all kinds Wagons Bus: fries 00 Carts aiVi: THEM Ji CALL POST OFFICE , . NEW ERA ROLLER MILLS HOSE & FLOOK, Proprietors - ! AND ': Manufacturers of the best Roller Flour, Keep constantly on hind Choice Blour, Bran, and Chop feed at the lowes1 pneos. 4 Wo also do an exchange business. ( Highest cash puce paid lor. wheat. We invite the public patronage, And guarantee satisfaction. ROSEBURG, - - - JULL EOILBE MILLS WILLIS KRAMER, Proprietor.; Keens constantly on hand Ulioiee IIHicst cash price paid for all kinds of grain. T invite the public ' patronage, ' and guarantee satisfaction. Myrtle Creek, - - OREGON, MONDAY, M O. Wrisman, ; Vice-President. ; j K. Ei.derkin. ; OREGON L. D CARLE, Local Agent. ROSEIiURG, OREGON. Asiier Marks aooisiiiEs H'MiUj wnnn Cigars, Boots and Sboes. R 0 Aj WHITE BRONZE AND STATUARY Were awarded GOLD MEDAL -rAT WORLD'S FAIR; New Orleans, 1 s 4 - a i jSUPERIDRTO ALi- Monumental csirjijsaijdl Prices on Jacksonville, Oregon jpM M MM - - . - OREGON. EVANS Groceries. of Binders Reapers and Mowers etc ROSEBURG, OR j ROSE & FLOOR - - - - ORSGOKT KOIKT Hour, Wan ana cnop iced ht the W. KRAMER, "" Oregon. D1MMIGK GROCERS RCH 4. 1889. 1 .- IV- 1 1 ..I f '! II WE Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A imrvel of purity reneth and wholesomeness. More economical tian the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short Weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 Wa 1 SLN.Y. Great English. Remedy Tl Mart, Murray's Specific. A guaranteed cure for all nervous diseases, such as weak memory, loss of brain powrr, Hysteria, Head ache, PAIN IN TIIll BACK, KBRVOt'S Pl'.OTRATION, WAKEFI LNK8S, LKUCOR RI.OKA, l-NIVEKSAIi LASSITC DR, 8KMI- wbakness, Impotencyand general loss of power of the Generative Oivans:-in either "Trsdn KiA, Before Taking. fx, caused Dy indiscretion or or exertion, and which ultimate lead to PREMATURE OLD AOR, IX- AKiTTand coxsumption. 81. 00 a Vox or six boxes for 95 00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet, selitfrce to every applicant. i We Guarantee Six Rnyp.s cure any case. For every 5 00 AitCf I tkla gt oj-dcr received, we send six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the money if our specific does Ut effect a cure. Address all communications to the r: Manufacturers, the Murray mkuicinb co. Kansas Citvi Mo. Sold in Roseburg; by W. S. Hamilton. THE BOOM HAS COME AND Iff, iarry, llic Tailor, Will make you the latest style suits. REMEMBER That one suit made to order will last as long as three "Buzzards." If yon want to keep up with the times, call on II. Parry and order a suit that will make you look as if you pelong to somebody. TJICK C- BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE AGENCY. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Iloscbtirg, Oregon t2TBuy and Sell Real Estate on Commission. Loan ( Honey on Improved Lands. . 1 itS" I lave For Sale Large and Small Tracts of Acri cultural, Urazmg ana Timber Lands and City iToperty. correspondence solicited. D. S. K. BUICK, Manager. Springfield Saw Mill SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. A. WIIEELEK, Proprietor. Manufacturers of Common and Clear Lumber, flooring, Rustic and finishing Lumber, Laths, Etc. QUALITY EQUAL TO THE BEST. Facilities for the prompt and satisfactory fill ing of orders not surpassed. Correspondence with Builders & Contractors bolicited . JOHN A. SUFFEBIII, - Tropnetor ot the Iron Works CASTING of any size and Iron Work of J every description neatly and promply ex ecuted. GRIST, QUARTZ & SAW MiLI S Made to Ovtler. STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES Made to Order and Warranted. ONLY BEST MACHNIN'STS EMPIOYED DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy. 751 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. VGC O AND LEARN HOW TO AVOID disease, and bow womlerfullj you are made. Private oftico, 211 Geary Street. Consultation on lost mm, hood and all diseases of men. Send for Books. MILLWOOD MILLS ON HUBBARD CHEEK CLARKE & BAKER, Proprietors. We are now prepared to furnish lumber ot the best quality in quantities to suit the purchasers, always having on nana ine largest stock o( any mill in Douglas County. 1 We will lurnun lumoer at minn 11 at the following PRICES. No-1 roush lumber ...(3 to 910 M No. 1 floorintr, 6 inch D & M $16 M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch U & M ..9'8 M No. 1 finishing lumber.. ......$16 M . CLARKE & BAKER. XOTICE. rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- cern that I have appointed D. W. Stearns of Calapooia Precinct, Post- office address, Oakland; ; Ralph Smith of Deer Creek Precinct, Postotnco ad dress,' Roseburg, and A. J. Chapman of Wilbur Precinct, Postoffice address Wilbnr; Inspectors of Slock for said Precincts, and others will be added as parties interested make their desires known to me. THOS. SMITH Inspector of Stock fcr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or, April 13th, 1887. E XVI I ! sta.tessteit'jlI ticivifv Some of the Country. Famous Chat nr I Dotneatlc Zife. " ;Most of our statesmen, says JJarper's Bazar, have pure domestic records, and most of them have been ardent lovers, and have raado good husjbands. Thos. Benton was devoted to bis wife, and ho says in hia thirty years' ; memoirs that he never attended any place of festivity or amusement after her death. The wife of Senator Allen, cf Ohio, better known as "Fog-Horn" Allen, died at Washington during the winter of 1847. It was before the day of a railroad to the West, and the old Senator, carried hr - ccj ps(L, home to Ohio ovx?r-ha mountains,' riding- beside it on horse back during the day and watching it at night throughout the cold, dreary jour- ney, until at last ne lata it oesiae ner ather, Governor Aithur, in the beauti :ul cemetery at Chillicothe. Stephen A. Douglas, the little giant of Illinois, was twice married, and it is said that he courted Mary Todd at the. same time that her hand was sought by Abraham Lincoln. Miss Todd, on being asked which of the two she in tended to marry, replied the one she thought had the best chance of being President of the United States. When Lincoln was elected this re mark became prophetic. Douglas af terward married Miss Martha Martin, the daughter of Colonel Robert Martin; a rich planter and slave-owner from one of the Carolinas. She brought a fortune, including a number of slaves, into the family, and died in 1850, about seven years after her marriage. A few years later Senator Douglas married again, and this tinio he chose a beautiful girl who was employed in the departments at Washington. Iler name was Adele Cutts, and she sur vived him, marrying again after his decease. Geoi'ge Bancroft was mar ried twice. His second wife, who died several years aeo, was very popular in Washington and was a noted society figure. Henry A. Wise, the noted Virginia statesman of Tyler's day, was married three limes. His first love was the"daughler of cue of his Y'rofess ots at college, a Mis3 Jennings, whom he married in Tennessee, and with whom he went on a wedding toup to pay a visit to Andrew Jackson at the Hermitage. His second wife was the daughter of John Sergeant, thw Whig candidate for.the Presidency in 1832. Wise proposed to Miss Sergeant, it is said, on the dome of the capitol at Washington, and one of the results of the marriage was John Sergeant Wise, the Virginia statesman of the present day. John S. Wise was born at Rio Janeirot where his father was officiating as Minister at the time. At the moment of his birth his father determined to have him born under the American flag, and ran up a dozen on different parts of the consular mansion. SESS111LE SIRS. CLE EI.ASD. 57ie llaa Followed ller Inclinations as to Dress and Wines. Providence Journal. American women are a law unto themselves in the fashion of dress and of entertainment. But the example of the mistress of the White House, nev ertheless, has influence in more ways than one. Mrs. Cleveland's toilets have been very minutely described, She has never worn decollete gowns, though half the women at the evening receptious have, and some of their eowns have been shockingly low. The President's wife, with her innate mod esty, wears, the pointed, or square neck, and never low, but simply revealing the well-rounded throat. I From the long glove to the short sltevB a finger's length of the arm is ex nosed when her sown has short sleeves. There can be no affectations, and but one reason lor Mrs. Cleveland not wearing the low- cut waist, and this is her own feeling about baring her pretty shoulders after the manner of eo many women. It is not because she is mistress of the White House, either. Some of her predecessors, women twice her years, wore the decollete ftown. She does not talk I teniperence nor obtrude her views on other people. But in a Bilent, brave way her "light shines," and has ever- since her wed ding night. When the guests pledged her health in wine bhe lifted her glass of water. She has not once gone through the form of a wineglass at her plate, though at the state dinners, at every other plate there are six glass es for as manv different wines. 9 Not Children) Cry for NO. 49 t - "uii iuiue8 giving ine : i.: 2. e 1; .. - ., Jl" A : jbf dinners in honor of the PresWenTsrnd his -rife, give them with out wines, I do not know of any Cabi net officer's wife who n a total abstain er from the use of wine. It can be said of former Cabinets, but not, I. be lieve, of the present Cabinet. The luncheon parties given by Mrs. Cleve land to ladies have been rwithout the wineglass. Neither Miss Cleveland nor Mrs, Cleveland has ever served wine or punch at a luncheon. But in the Cabinet circle, and at the very few other houses where they have been guests at luncheon, wine has been the rule. -"r- At the first State dinner given to the diplomatic corps after her manage Mrs. Cleveland's cold water gave no oflence to her foreign guests. On contrary; many, of them, in talking it over afterwaids, eommendedher as a woman of courage and tat: They said she had the couraga-tourink her cold TjitSolitary example at the table. But her modest, delicate man ner of doing it won general respect and admiration. The influence of the Pres ident's wife in this direction may not be widespread, but it is quite certain that it has braced up more than one official family who were averse to the use of wines, but without such exam ple would not have Lad the courage to entertain on the cold-water plan. CLEVER CLIPPISQS. The shaky structure the dice box. Sic transits An ambulance wagon. The man who wears a diamond rin on his finger is the man who points with pride. -r People on the lookout for .Vide Is sues should watch the saloons on Sun days. ? It was a mean editor that beaded the account ot a death from delerium tremens "Spirited Away." Before you elope, young woman, let your mother know your route. More honored in the breeches than in the observance Slim Calves. WithrdoAable pride and without being slangy, Indianapolis may point to the fact that she has Ben there with both feet Hair may be plaited and yet be golden . "That's a saw spot with me," re marked the tramp as he viewed the farmer's wood-pile. - Tiie one of the ti.ings by means of which art gets the bu!g 0:1 nature. If Utah comes into the Union bhe will probably be called the Matrimonial State, ' The first person mentioned in history who turned over a new leaf was Eve. "I draw the line right there," said the burlesque artist as she shaded her eyebrow. A toothsome spread ,an alligator's mouth. The young woman who refuses to marry does so by slight of hand. Room for argument The family sitting-room. "Hello, Sergeant," said a discouraged looking man as he walked into police headquarters. "What can we do for you sirl" "I want to report a case of house breaking." "Hous3breaking? . Whendid itoccuif ' "It has been going on for two months." "What are the circumstances?" "Oh, they are soon told. I went to housekeeping, and wiih rent, and gas, and groceries, 1 am dead broke. I'm j the worst house broke man you ever 1 saw, and I want to get square with somebody." -.Merchant Traveler. The book-seller or news-dealer who rfttowingly sells a - vicious publication to a young person is as deadly an ene my to society as the most violent anar chist. But he does his deadly work so quietly that sleepy -headed men who think themselves good citizens never protest or interfere with him.- If this i8vnot stupidity, it is worse. And you are one of them! O. P. F. On the Honeymoon. Mr. Seabury "Why that smile, sweethoartr Mrs. Seabury "1 was just thinking of mamma's last admonition lo -be careful of all'gators after we got here." Mr. Seabury 'Nonsense! We have not seen one ince we left her. (And the suspicion of an accent on "her" marred what would have been a very pleasant afternoon.) Pitcher's Castoria.