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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1889)
3:e:m::e-x7"e:e33:zvs" ROSEBURG REVIEW MONDAY, MAY 27, l'O. ' P. UTisr Sunday si-lund a!, llie rverv !tunliy m.irnir..j at 9:45. A extended In eierylxitiy. J.V KKRilBI 1-KRIAV-StllliHv fellO'd '.nrvli every Sunday a ii'i'.!.s 1 iti..n extended M ail to aUeril. i I'iSi-t elnirrli inv'itali:i '.'ll.MlR.Stipt. . ' I'rc! n-ri.-a; St. K. Oil Ri ll - SiiTiJav (, !mm.1 l 'it- M KCI.IW. .t-rv Suiiiav ut- Or. M. a coriU..t iu rLil.eii v: tn e.l U cVei- Ik, ly. X. T. J;.i.Tr, mi; !CK to ii!.: nrr in !' ''' : lie '" i v,-; ; . ' . s oh a St If He m ' :', a I! , i fll Ms i.---. . J s t .J l j I be :: I; '. ! ir :l..;r r..; ;.: I :!.! c I 0:'.S I. ..,e io ! l.l:ls, llw i lew i .'-. h.i; :in it-iils .urn, ir.i u.iy iiit'h, rnc!u!cs nut to .! ., ili'ci i.iu; lu ciiii.e ve-t to a j'.acc where he c.-.n cuj'iy On his way he came through C 1 iT.ah; picw Musico, Arizona and Ca'.if;r nia but nu j' which suits him s i v. s-l' as tliis. ;f i sifter tn absence of a few months lie has r-ti'.iiied l Oregon nod to stay. Mrs. Steele will rtniaiit in Kansas until her husband stcuns a resilience here which will only be a few weeks at most. We are glad to have Mr, and Mrs. Suele. again among us and their I many ir.ends here bul tliem a liearty we.come. Tuf V. C. T. U. Convex rioN. The 1 tat. comenti .11 of the V. C, T. U . closed hist "ridjy evening. This session, which was held at Sa'e:ii, was very interesting. The attendait'.e was good and much bcneiicial work done At the Thursday evening session Mrs. In ncissa Kinney entertained the audi with a nost interesting lecture, replete with temperance truths in new and attractive garbs.. .She -reviewed the field and showed thit in the lljht of past events temperance and prohibition workers had every reason to con gratulate themselves upon the results of their arduous lalior.;. The election ot oliicers for the ensuing year resulted as follow?;. Mrs Riggi of Portland was reelected president. (Mii. Henrietta l!rovn of Albany, corres ponding secretary . Mrs. R. M . Robb of Fast Portland, lecording secretary. Mrs. Margaret llilyeu of Eugene, treasurer; Miss Iryinejiaving tirst been el -cle l, but de c'.i.el. The ('. !.: S.vMi Separator. Mr. Raber, inventor d a new machine foi exiiact i::g the line gold from the black sand which is f..n.i 1 .- ru toy 1 laces along the coast of this stiti; an. I (' ;i oinia, was in the city yesterday. He stat-is t'u it his machine, which was m ule at the Willamette Iron Works, i-! a grand success, and he has Iscen olT red. $2,000,000 for the rin'it to use it in the state of Califor nia. This i.; a very snug sum, but dos not come up to Mr. Panel's ideas of the value of the privilege desired. There have been many machines invented for separating the tine gold from l.l.iek s.nd, but none heretofore have been a pronounced success, an.l if this is what is claimed for it there are million-; in it. Orei' 1 MeIjV.U. Po.i:! AiTOINT! Ii. Governor Pennoytr to day made the appointment of the state medical board, which 'was created by the late l4;;s'.aiure. This board is known as the board of t vamiiiers for the state of Oregon. The following were appointed: . Ihxon for one year, i) , P.' Piiiminer for two years and ! James l'.rown, three years. "These gentle- men are all rcjrrrhints of Portland tand, it is i ' 'understood, are all of the alopathic school, t ' ' The dental board was also appointed to-day, 11 as loiiows: 1- Vi. t larn anil j. iaruer, , both of Portland. Dr. E. C. Miles of Ya- I tjiiina was appointed health officer for Ya quina Bay.--Capital journal. A Big Cf.i.KFKAt ion. The Oregon AF pine clidi discussed the matter of the Fourth of July-celebration. It was staled that the party to illuminate Mt. Tacoma had been or ganized nearly sin months ago. Mt. Hood a. id St. Helens should be lH.tminated at the sime time. That would make a new feature in illumination. A heliograph, that has been successfully tried at a distance.! 120 miles, j c mid be s-ecured at no great expense and the 1 simultaneous illumination tf the mountains would be a grand sight. The entire cost n illuminating the 'mountains it is thought would not exceed $ 1 ,20. E. Tt-r. nt;:;. Tm.k Notht.. The nest re$ id ir 1 jii.irtc 1 1 ; xamination of teachers will be h -hi at ( 1 a'. I e. !, commencing at I'.oori May 2 according to 1 r-v. The Drug'as conn!) teachers' associ ili-m will mei t on the Saturday following (Jiin:- 1st,) at the same place, sub ject, gian-.m n ; wen's, their uses an:! alc.t Let ail c uis.- whit can. T' ackers and scliool officer; specially invited. L . Hf ll HINr.ON, County school Supt. Oak! 1, Oregon, May 22, 18S9. Fst i r I'I'.s is. -The state board of hortf culture in session in Salem this week discov ered that the w irk of combatting the frui ' . J , " , . pests was inaugurated none too soon, licsiocs .u -.a.: .. 1 n.- ,u i:.i ,1,. 1 1 IT icvu it j 'ii:?t a ii-1 nivjiii luuj mm ins- ""San fose ra!e" paininf a dangerous foothold i i the Rogue river valley, and the wooly aphis in Western Oregon. The Hoard will issue bulletin No. 2 in a few days, and invite all persons interested in fruit to send for cop- ies lb the secretary. Journal. , , ates elected Dki.i ts Del ly the Douglas county meeting of the Chris tian church held in this citv last Saturday to , , . . siaie meeting 01 uie v. iiri.suau cnurcn 10 oe held at Turner, Marion county June 13, 1S89, are W. M. Manning Canyonville, J. II. New ton Myrtle Creek, C. A. Sehlbrcde Roseburg, T. O. Hutchinson Oakjand, R. L. Shelly Drain, Fr.-Ie i Todd Elkhead, G. W Ben edict Elkton. ChaxoED. The Ptesbvterian Sunday SchnuJ has changed its hour of meeting, to imimi-iately fallow ii s: the morning church service. 1 Ins arrangement seems to woia well this hot weather tsptclally, and also u secures moie fjrown peoiue 101 leaciieis me - i i . i .1... - than at any other hour: aiso thLs order, P" ! Sunday j scho .1 in the congregation and the , congreghtion in the Sunday school where; ,, , " . i ' Lboth ourht to lie. : .- J-., I - Static Fair. The Oregon State Board of ; .Agriculture u ill fiold the annual state fair at : the fair grounds near Salem, commencing Monday September 16, 1 S89 and continuing six days. The.cisti -premiums offered for ag- rrulturai, stock and mechanical exhibits, for works of art and. fancy work, and for trials of speed amount in the aggregate to $15,000. Henrv a BnrlinPton. Iowa. duiL-istsavs. of Chamberlain's Cough remedy. Mr. Henry ought to know, as he has sold over 300 bottles of" the remedy, during the past w inter. Coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough nr r..-.i;iu .-nr...! ! it !". r s V l.v A C Marsters & Co. ZOCAL RRETITIES. Lively. Warm v. G wt Mur .1 v A W t: Ido.;":. S'-lll.? ISJi'-ie V. l-ii jil';'-: : Tin: ;'.;..iinc. s..Ut'u: 'Pr ' .- .miner days c mc ! ; . ' k the P.. '-. !.'., 1 ! Mem -i i ; : i V 1 be I i;.cyc:i.-T uy on July 4ih. a rc-.b;c-(l i.irti : TliK. Ul.Y I F.W office. I. C. MtCi.ah'ii lias ti' -n of a new v .,islied. Thccity of GuMirie 1.1 il. Ol.ih 0:111 was t!;e I s; ne of a small riot 1 rst Thursday. : tlo to Ilammitte & Woolsev for i.od bar-I 1 t;iins in hardviaie, stoves and tinwaie. The finest quality of ; honey in the comb nt : Henry Easton's Roseburg grocery store. Do yo-.r expect to find lower prices in liar 1- wnre than at Jaskulek'a? Well, you wont, impossible for any one tosell watches cheap- er ,ila, r T. Rrvan at Lanrcnbem's brick. James-' Fletcher is making some ornate and substantial improvements upon his residence. The "Perfection'" hammock at J. Jasku lek's. The best hammock in the market. Try one . If you want to sf-e a fine display 10 and 15 cent counter goods call ami see llnnimi'te & Woolsey. Hammitle i Woo'.suy are receiving the largest stock of hardware ever shipped to Oakland . Secretary Rayard will lie married to Miss Clymer on June I2ih, The v.tdding will be q;iet. Mr. Phelps, late miuster to I'.igl.niil, has resumed his old position as piofe sor in the Vale law school. Fx . ' A line thousand dollar house i.. in course of erection in North Park addition. Puy a lot early or you will be too late. The Canadian Paciijc railroad i; taking s!c to securj a large share of the trade from tha Paciiic coast to points east. Simply perlect, perfectly simple, the li lit running New Home sewing machine. It is the best. For sale by J. J askulek . All persons knowing ; themselves indebted to Henry Faston will please call and settle at once. il. EA:;rON. Roseburg Grocery store The le.-.tival last Friday evening, given for the lieneiit ol the .M. Church, w.i; ouile succes: ful . The gi receipts were ai..ut $S5. ' Tho plans and spe. itications for the new school huue at Coivrdlis have been finished, and uids for the construction thereof adver tised for. A $6,000 subscription has been raised and woric will te c mir:-.cnce:i soon on tne new wine of the Slate Normal schot.d huililinsj at Monmoaih. , , , j roe ...ospe. meeuugs .,iu uae , ou in the Iaitist church tor Ihe last lew ilays ; days closed last r.i"ht; Rev. Mr. Wade having appointments elsewhere. We -lie trnlv nln ! to sen rhr.t tin' Povernor i , ... 1 1 r 1 11 r has appointed our old friend Dr. James j r ., ,, , ,..-. : l.rowne as ine of the medical exifminers for : r ,, . r ., ia full term of three years. J. E. Ragon sold his property in Riverside near the bridge last Thursday to Mrs P He wilt soon' sta'n with Djen for $1,300. his family for Harney valley. It is not nl-.vay-f the man wiiest who knows the ni'.-st, bul most people ti w no y nil. i s .1 ... ti,o : OOll l I.llOW OILS, Ml II Will O.iy ou lt7 IWH just as wise as you possibly can. Last Saturday a shrewd forger named W. M. hite victimized the Puget Sound Na tional and First National banks of Seattle out of $S,ooo anil $2,500 re-ipect fully . Rev. J . R. Bell lias been invited lode. liver tl e annual bacalaureate sermon at the Drain State Normal school June 10. We learn he has accepted the invitation. The O. P. railroad company will do their own work on the const ruction of their cast ward extent ion instead of contracting it as i.i the pist. The woi" vil be be;;U!i soon. Crawl lodge A. F 'v. A. M. meet at the M.t-oiii!-. Temple in i'oniand 0.1 Juno 121I1, 13th, an.l I ph. The Grand Chapter R. A. M. meets on the loth, and llth, of Jane. It i-. rainored th ii ii Attorn, y general Mil icr ts appoiutc I to the supreme bench, John F. Sw i.t of (. alilori.i l may be recal lied Irom the Japanese mis ;tn-l -iiven a p ace in the cabinet. Second ' ice president Na di ol the O. P. railroad has received instructions direct from the New Vork headquarters to energetically ; push the work on the Oregon Pacific eastward i 1 " extension. t ; There will be a grand railroad excursion to j Grants Pass from Portland and other points i ! next Friday, May 31st. Round trip tickets j ' $7-5 from Portland and return. Good for ! three days. i The second Saturday in June at Myrtle ' Cieek there will be held a grand picnic under t , , . r , , , ,. T . lite auspices 01 tne general puonc. iei every l..l,. ttn.l -tiitis lisrinrinv nnd food will j 1 ' ! shall prevail. In a short time the Cosmopolitan hotel un- ! der immediate supervision of George Haynes, the proprietor, w ill be open for sleeping apart ments. This is a good move, and in the right direction. Pa-se & DimmicU. Oakland will quote a l1:1r.,.;,,ni,;ni. mini nits nn 1 lnbrimi - in ou in the npXt issi,e of The Review and j t n Ilst w51i i,e f!,1(.tcd twice a month as ' ,,. ,v ,,.. v . .... r: .ii-. 1 1'.-i: l p,r .- ri'tl-R ivs oiler Hii int-st rmil - , re'.. -i.i. i : cheapest lot of fruit trees that has ever liecn . i ; , .,, i Itjj s4f. 1 lieji 1 till 1 IV V VlllV. mi... .S-t lhem of , rile to BXt f.R & Shroten, Roseburg, Or. - , , . 7 The "Perlect Ret sprmg bed is the best. , Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Mr. 0jm Oslxirn is now manufacturing this bed jn Kosebur". Call and examine it before ; purchasing elsew here. Near office. ; i Tntf Alb my mining and milling company j pUrchaseti an j yeiinei,iav . outfit ior preliminary work last and ooerations toward develop- ; ing their mines will be at once commenced, i Mathew Calheun has been appointed general ; supeiiuie.icicm. . ! snnei intendent. I The entering wedge': of a complaint that i may prove fatal is olten a slight cold, which a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral might 1 have cured at the commencement. It would be wel i . therefore, to keep this rcmci iy w 11 tun rcai;h at all times. The prevalence of scrofulous taint in the blood is much more universal than marly are a are. Inde.d, but few person are free from it. I oitunuleiy, however, we Have m .-Vers j S;.s puriih. the most potent rcwdy ever dis- i C eo. J lor r.ll'.ic'.ioii. loo! ic.'.Cil.'.'s la U Fast nnd other I 1.1-4 ii.uv cjijircssi.e heats i summer c n;o bet-ore she scho 1 vcir closes, advocile j a'ooiisin.ient of tin aiti rnooti sef-si .n i!ur term nn. tlii ci'mmt-iifciutnl ! ait i!i:'.:r t-arlser loll I-: a 1'. w A ii.r. : I, t: 1 rtt-i-.'S ti.-dctia, iiimois : 11-. : v.uli a !-,ay y'iii g -. v.!, 1 his lniMiht i.jr! .iiis! Sinuiel Cun ai.d er.eiitric ol 1 baclie . icj'iuT il im.iires in the -.- s In i. . ' .i'7jH-sm. Use c' ::.!. v.-ci'th -t:;n..f $io,iC'0 f.r breach of pr-nnisc l marii- iv.;e. V:Vy i'ilkingion is n- ilher dead nor asleep but his resoundt j; s!r okesi upon the anvil and ; work bench do w.i e up any that may slum- I l r ti. long. He I j wairoiis. buckboards i.rnv.n:.;. implements, j hicks, busies etc. etc. I I for sale. He repairs wood and ironwork, i .1 1.1.1.. 1.., r,..,,l osrl,. I i uue:j iii.ieivfiiiiiiiiiie, aii'i it mum-i ; ! and late on Front street Oakland Oregon. iloraccijret'ley once wrote a note toaoroin er eiiitor New York, whose writing was equally illegible w ith his own. The recipient of the note not being able to read tt, sent it back by 1 he seme messenger to Mr. Greeley for eluci dation. SupH)sing it to be an answer his own note, Mr. Greeley looked over it, but was likewise unable to read it, and said to the boy, "Go; take it back, what does that fool mean?" "Yea. sir," said the boy, ' "that's just what he says." -4 I'ERSOXA L MEXTIOX. B. D. Smith is in the city on business. Rev. R.I.. Shelly of Hrain is in Roseburg to day. H. Djer of Myjitlc- Creek wa; in Koscburg last f liday on business. F. P. and Y. pVaiching came dow n from Canyonville this kiuuiiiiiL' . Hon. J. E. llhindell is in lioseburg to day. He is a rustler and no mistake. Thus. R. I'.oggcs returned from California much improved in health, la-it Saturday morn- lames Hill of Marshfield is in Roseburg. Wc suppose he c one up to see w ho it was that was smiling. Mr. Donnelly formerly of Virginia, but now of J unction city was visiting friends m Rose burg a few days ago. W. R. Drake of Myrtle Creek gave The Rf.vif.w a very pleasant call Saturday. He reports that section prospering as usual. Rev. David P.rower returned this morning from a visit to Ashland. H?-will start to Coos county to-morrow for a several week's sojourn Jlirtte Creek Hems. Myrtle Creek is enjoying a boom. II. Dyer is in Roseburg and we are seized with consternation. Dr. Matney is selling out at cost, e.ectmg to leave our burg soon. Messrs. Gabbert and Stevenson had 93'S sheeD st,carej this week. Horn to the wife of Prof. Woiiacot; April j n-t 101, ni: 1 , ivlini 1 -j ji'juuun. Mrs. G. W. Honey of Camas valley re-im- ton last week, much , . , . L ' ' There has been much sickness in and about Myrtle Creek, during the last month, but all are well or recovering. George Beeler, the Insurance agent after spending several weeks with his family left last night on business. i. a :a.i I-,.. . .1. : j ucuucu iusi 111:11, ai uic iiieuuug 01 j th' e concerned, to hold a picnic here June Sth. A cordial invitation is extended to all. -All of the Myrtle Creek teachers that I , . , , . .. 1 I nave converseu wuii laieiy, expect 10 aiienu . , , ... , . ,. . T j the Teachers Association at Oakland, June j the 1st. j Mcrvin Daily, while on the road to school ! Monday morning, was throw n from his horse, I and the hoise falling on him crushed his foot I 1 very badly. j Willis Kramer, proprietor of the Roller ; mills at Myrtle Creek was in Roseburg last j Saturday, and reports all lovely along the line of general prosperity. j The improvements at Myrtle Creek this I spriri ; hi ve added much to its looks. Mr Beeler ic at home enclosed each of his residences i:i a neat fence of different styles. I S K ce of Frozen creek went to his 1 J .it granary one morning this week and . toa id nil 'us wheal had been taken. Some , on.' undoubtedly, thinks it is easier to steal J than '.i work. 1 The favorite resort ol those interested in ; poultry lat week, was to Mr. Powell's where ; the incubator wes hatching. Mr. Powell has made quite a success having constructed his own incubator. Those wishing one could do j no better than to pattern after his work, f M Nature's Music. The song-birds lately received in Portland from Germany after be- J ing kept m large cages a few days for recu peration have been given their liberty. "The greater number of thf birds," says the Orego nian, "were turned loose at the city park and adjoining grounds. The birds were delighted to regain their liberty. Th3 saucy starlings flew hih up in the trees and chattered like mad, and the crossbills also flew up high and looked down at the cages as much as to say, 'if you ever get us in such a box again you can shoot us.' The finches and linnets shot in among the bushes and set up a joyous clamor, and a short time after were seen hop ping about the paths of the park, some of them already gathering straws evidently in- I tent on nest building. There is no doubt ! aloul llle l'irds tlo!llS wel1 herc. antl l,ut very 1 little about their winter immigration. If they should not find their way back, they will I 1e somewhere on the coast and will increase j until the whole country is stocked with them, luiiuo .iiii'wii.Jiiuiia aic laiitb.i ui aiivi ' 1 1 M,,.-,!,, r,,,ii,, n. i .1 i ii is muhc niveiy in.ii 4 i.oee Miionieui win oe .' ... . b ..' :. i.i. i .i.. i .1 . ....ii i. made from England next year. "XntMnn to Enal ft." "I have been selling Simmons Liver Regu lator for .ihe past six years. My customers pronounce it the Itest ever used.' One of my customers whose health was in a wretched condition from a very bad and stubborn case the express 1 of Dyspepsia, used the Regulator and was en j tirely cured . Iam using it myself lor Tor- ! PK Liver, caused by close confinement. ! tllW Potning to equal 11 ana nigniy recom. mend its use. Respectfully, C P. Hisey, Druggist, Edinburg, Ya.' A New Enterprise. B. F. Ramp and J ; v . Dowell respcctlully mlorms tne citizens ol j Roseburg that on and after May the first that they will be prepared to deliver a no I quality j of milk to all ol them that are in need of such j a quality of milk. .Usual price. They intend useing cnecRS or tickets . uruers leu at liar ker & Willis's. OAKZAXT ITEMS We are sorry to note the serions illness of Ada, little daughter of S. J. Jones. Joseph GosseU had the misfortune to loose a very fine work oxen on last Saturday. Lumber is being; placed on the ground for j tin tlist Presbyteiian church in OaUand. Mrs. Whitmore of May view, Oregon is this "-t! l"c sUCH -j,-' 1 "l,n;I Rev. Mr. Richard . on of Kugene City preached here on JaM Sd.bath niotnin and Mrs. F. A. Howard of KcIIivin was in OaU land on lat Thursi'.ay purchasing g'-o ls and cubing on her numerous friends. A. F. Rrown arnvtd home m last Snbhath morning from his astern nip lK'l.'hsas though he hail l-en we 1 treated r.t the old home. Graves the photographer Ins pitched his tent in Oakland, and is ready and w illing to make a first-class likeness of vou , and every- ,)l)(!y else ... , , .,,., nir. wooisey 01 llaminitie iv w.ioisey re turned from a business trip to l'ortland on c, . , . Saturday morntnq; and looks just as thin , , in I iiesii as ever. Thursday May 23rd Messrs' E. G. Young & Co. shipped to Portland eighteen hundred dozen eggs, and then complained that it was a dull day lor that class of fruit. Wm. Patterson Esq., who recently pur chased a house and lot of J. E. Pike on IaicusI street in Oakland will reside in Oakland and not in Roseburg as stated by last Thursday's Herald. P. B. Beckley and A. J. Dear will drive to Portland this week a fine lot of cattle and sheep. The freight rate is so high that this driving to market is almost a necessity. These gentlemen can put their stock in the Portland mark?! in this way several hundred dollars cheaper than shipping by rail, We were p ined to L-.-.m fiom a sta'ement by our Sal-biift school Supt on last Sabbath that some person or persons had entered the l'.ipti-l church here, and had mutilated a laige minder of the singing books lielonging tolhis church. Such ivmduct as this is con teiiiplaliie beyond conception, and the perpe trators of ih s infamous crime should be pun ished as only such crime ; deserve. Dr. J C. Shambrook who left our rpuet village lat week and as we understand has permanently located in our county metropolis, is a physician and surgeon ol the highest Ol der, and the people of Roseburg should con gratulate themselves upon this valuable ac quisition to their medical fraternity. The Dr. is a graduate of one of the highest standing medical schools on this continent, and carried away from his ahna mater two of its most val uable medals, and its highest honors. In the doctor's new location we wish him all possible success and prosperity. A wrong impression was made by the Plaindealer last week, in stating that the Oak land brick factory was unable to supply the demand etc. It should have added that a break in Mr. Hansen's machinery was the cause of the shortage in supply. Had this unfoitunate accident not occurred, Messrs. Sheridan Bros, whom we recognize as one of the most enterprising firms in Douglas county would not have had to suspend work on their new building, and now that Mr. Hansen has new machinery from the East, just give him a few days and he will supply your enterprising city with all the brick you want. Roxana. ASllLAMi JOTTIXGS. Ashland is becoming more and more a re sort for healthseekers. Many come and are benefitted. All are pleased with our valley and city. We shall have patriotic exercises on the glorious Fourth, anil expect to be favored by an address on that occasion by Congressman Binger Hermann of your city. Decoration Day will be suitably celebrated by our citizens. Burnside Post will have charge of the exercises. The Rev. II. P. Satchwell will deliver the address. This is commencement'-week in Ashland. The State Normal school, Prof. J. S. Sweet president, sends out twelve graduates this year, one from the advanced course and eleven from the elementary course, ten young ladies and two young gentlemen. The Hon. E. B. McElroy, State Superin tendent oi I'uouc instruction was wan us yesterday. He addressed the Nomnlstudents and many of our best people in Granite hall last evening, givi-ig us an able -presentation of normal school work. Prof. Sweet also read a well considered paper upon the same subject. This evening the commencement proper will occur and the following programme will ba observed: Phrio duette, "ioaata," Kuhiatl by Miss Goodyear and Miss Calvin. Salutatory Ellen Bursell. Chorus, "Song of the Fairies," Glover. School History Lydia M'Call. Piano solo, "Gavotte," Giese by Ida Eites. Essay, "Trifles," Kate Hansen. Recitation, "Creeds of the Bells," George L. Helms. Chorus by the Training School. Essay, "Horace Mann" Camilla Walker. Class history Jennie Oliver. Piano duett, "Boat Song," Wiliard by Freddie Brightman and Miss Calvin. Oration, "Ambition," Charles D. Griffiths. Essay, "Education," Henrietta Moore. Chorus, from "II Guiramento," Mercadante. Prophecy Sophia Wilson. Quartet, "Home by the Sea," Rogers by M'Call, Tennebaker, Sweet and Helman. Valedictory Minnie K. Preadmore. Presentation of Diplomas Cen. J. M. M'Call. Chorus, Class Song, Mueller. Now and Then. Closinif Ejrerriitex of the Ronebnrg Sthool. rnhlie. There will be some examinations and rral exercisrs in all fhc rooms until 2:30 p. M., when all the grades will assemble in the prin cipal's room, where they will be favored with short addresses. At three o'clock, there will be an exhibition o( class work done during the year by more than four hundred children, most of whose parents reside in this commu nity. , The graduating exercisej and other promo tions w ill take place in the evening at SIo cum's hall where there will be an excellent programme rendered. I There are eight graduates in Book-keeping and eleven in the Literary course. A cordial invitation is extended to every on to visit the school, during the day and attend the graduating exercises in the evening. lmpnirettCircitlnt ion. Dr. Flint's Remedy, by exercising a regu lative influence over the action of the heart and the generel circulation, will check at once bleeding from the lungs, and will cure dropsy of these organs. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Cig 3Ioac for Oregon. SEXATOR IOLPII FEELa CBJtTAIll TUAT B WILT. C ET OUR JUST SUA HE. Hr ITttH Reason to Relieve Tunt a Ri at H.CIwn,, fniltte Reco,ni,r,;l to Orrrrome the Raid 1 Otixtriietion, "How do you think i'h memVi ; of the senatorial committee have been impressed with the nwessiiy (,f impiovin the Columbia river?'' asked of Senator 1 olph just Wforc 1- b'-srde.i the (r.iin fljT Kidami for the Sound yesteiday. "I thliik they have been much pleased with what they luve reen on this coa t and are thoroughly impressed with the vahic of the lolumoia river as a means ( transportation,"' ua I. is reply. 'Ail t!ie c .'liiinittee are c.uiicsiiy in lavorr.! river a.n-i harbor improve wen's. Senator Ho ir has made i f the most valuable speeches on ihe subject ever delivered in congress, and the other niemoerS ol the committee are able advocates ol inter nal improvement,. I think the senators, as all members of coiigrc-s who have heretofore visited the coast have been, will be disposed to be very liberal in the mat'er of appropria tions lor Oregon." "Do you think you will succeed in getting larger appropriations in the future?" "The situation in regard to appropriations for river and harbor improvements is not horoughly Understood by our people.. Our improvements are not by any moans the only important ones in the country. There are, I suppose, alxtut 400 different improvements novy in progress, !or which separate appropria tions are asked. Many of these, like the ap propriation for the improvement of I he Upper and Lower Mississippi and the appropriation for the improvement of the Lower Columbia and Willamette rivers, include a number of distinct works. They extend from San Diego Cal , to Puget sound, all along the line of the great lakes and from the northern coast of Maine to the Texas boundary on the Atlantic coast. Every community believes that the improvement in its locality is the most impor tant one, and is the most ne.-'leete I improve ment in the country, nnd their view are not only impressed upon the members of Congress but are elaborately presented to the commit ters of congress by the delegate of Boards ol Trade and other commercial bodies. "Appropriations are largely based upon the estmntes of the United States local engineers, which are revised by the chief of engineers. The amount annually estimated for river and harbor improvements by the local engineers is large and constantly increasing. I think that last year it was in the neighborhood of $50, 000,000. The secretary of war cuts dow n this Estimate to a mere fraction and. in this condition the reports of the local engine -rs, the chief of engineers and the secretary of war come to congress, and however desirable it may be to secure for any woik the full amount of the esiimate on account of the large aggregate of the estimates, il is found impos sible to do it, and it becomes necessary, therefore, for the river and harbor c-cunittee of the house, in which branch the bid origi nates, to determinate in the first instance how luge an aggregate appropriation it is practica ble to secure, which being done, its rotation to the gross amount of the estimate to a large extent determines the amount of the appro priation for each work. "It is impracticable to confine appropria tions to a few' works, and unless the different portions of the country are provided for no river and harbor bill could be passed. The only thing that can be done is to increase the aggregate amount of appropriations. ' The appropriations for rivers and harbors have been constantly increasing and the last appro priation was the largest ever ma le by con gress. In the bill as amended by the senate and finally passed, Oregon received her full share, and I have no doubt that she will con tinue to do so in the future. "I hepe, in addition to scenting icps in.ibie appropriations lor tne works now in progress we will, in the next river and harbor 1 ill, be able to secure an appropriation for ihe cum mencemeut of the improvement at The Dalles rapids. The board of engineers appointed by the secretary of war to examine the ob struction and report as to the best manner of overcoming it are now in taircpe examining some of the hydraulic lifts for boats now practical use both in England and 1- rancc. They will probably endeavor to secure all pos sible information concerning ihe plans ol the proposed ship railway between the Bay of i ng 10 cure w un .oca, ireauuem, prorjounceo 11 J ' j it incurable. Science j has proven catarrh to fundy and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and j 1)e a constitutional, requiring ronstitn their report no doubt will ba very thorough 3 tional treatment. I IiVjl's Catarrh Cure, man and valuable. I have reason to believe that' t fact u red by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, the plan recommended wiil b - a boU railway 1 with hydraulic lifts, in-tc.vl of lurks i-r .11 - ciines. iAt all events, I feel certain that anne plafi of improvement will mended and that the Orc; lie siroiiriv rccom 1.1 : .. :o .1 . 1 t . . t .;! ue aoie 10 secure mi .q.pi",iii.iiioii. i neeu not say that I shall do an i.i my power to se cure an appropriation for eury improvement in the state." Oregonian. XOT 31VCII IX AX ttl'l lCE. The p ipers lelate a story of ex .Sheriff Ho- gan, oi Koseuurg, wno was iiisappomteo lie cause Cleveland did not mak-? him United States marshal. Not hav;ru that io attend to he went to Spokane Falls and relieved his foiled ambition by buying -towns lots and sel ling them again, clearing $100,000, selling what cost him $2000 tor $45,000 or could if he only would. It. isn't every man who has speculation in his eye that makes it pay so well, but almost any good trade or business pays any man belter than seeking after ofnee. The office seeker 'never knows what he has, and the man who conducts his own business is monarch of all he surveys in that line. Every man who is disappointed may not make as good a thing of it as sheriff Hogan did, but any man lit to have an official position can do as weil for hunsell as office can for him. Ore gonian. We have the same experience, except the money part, of ex-Sheri!T Hogan, and agree with tne Oregonian, that only a few offices pay. We are quite happy without an office. EX RAX R THE 31 IX It, By seeing as much as you can of the world. But ere you set out either as a tourist, com mercial traveler or emigrant whether you go by rail, steamship or steamboat, provide your self.with Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, which the traveling public recoonies as the finest mcdica-1 saleguard and preventive of sea sick ness with which any one journeying by land or water 'can be provided. Il furnishes to the western pioneer adequate protection against malaria, iheumatism, and those disorders of the bowels which yiiasma tainted w ater 1m get. Its sedative etVect upon a stomach pcrtur!ed by the rocking of a ship is tru'y magical, and it is a capital appetizer ami nerve invigorator. Excellent rs it for biliousness nnd kidney-in action,Jand ,fl counteracts, in r remarkable degree,- the effects of fatigue, physical or men tab After wetting ami extosure in inclement weather, it should lie used as a preventive. Portland to have a Muske. It is an-- nounced that a gentleman from the East has ; decided to establish a musee and theatre at y Portland to be managed on the same scale ash the Eden musee and theatre in New York and I other Eastern cities. Portland is nurelv laive ! enough to well support a family resort of this nature. Ex. Fine Strawberries. This olfice is in receipt of a Itox of very finely flavored straw berries, the name of which ls unknown, from Mr. S. Sykes, Sr., Banner Hill garden, RoscJnirg, Or. Oregonian. STRIKE OSTBE yjRROW ESCAPE, Trains Tied up and Employe Kirkimj For iVaem. When the train ot the celebrated narrow guage for the west side arrived at Monmouth ast night at 9:30 (two hours behind time) the ciew stopjied work, declaring that they would run no more trains, nor let them be run over that line, until their back wages were paid. This is a strike, not for higher wages, but for arrearages .Thin morning no trains are mov ing on this brand of the narrow guage, con sequenlly there is no nnil from that direction. The strikers say they will prevent the junning of any trains until their w sges have been paid. This cessation of trains brings again to notice the fact tin! th ? narrow gaue company is in leb'e 1 t ail of its employes in sums ranging from a few m-onihs' wages up to the greater part for two or three years. Some men they owe as little as $loj, while others have claims for $1,500, an I wi; even as high as $4,000. It is q-.tite certntn the strike will extend to the eisl side system, as the cars were switched around in a pculiar nunncr at Silvcrton last nit'ht. Verily the narrow guage system as conduc ted in Oregon is peculiar. Ex. Later: On Wednesday afternoon special trains were run down the lines on both sides of the river I o Dundee, taking on every em ploye of the road who held an unpaid check, and those men hell a meeting. They dctertimed to assign their checks to Joseph White, who holds a responsible position under the management of the road, and instructed him to commence suit forthwith and obtain judgment. The trains are running as usual and there has been no tie-up, but the men want their money -and they are determined to try for it. .v 1: m o uia Ij s 1: nn c Tlie.lneiiiuii al service was held at the Pres byteiian church yesterday nt 11 o'clock A. M. AU'the churches united in this mournful, yet beautiful exercise. The house was full to over flowing, and the church was beautifully deco rated w-iili flowers. The G. A. R. Reno Post and the Releif Corps, met at Slocum's hall and formed m line and then marched to the church, taking the fror.t seals provided lor them, after which the Pastor, 'Rev. W. A. Smick read a hymn which was sung by the choir and congregation. Invocation by Rev. Mr. Smick, another hymn, reading the scrip tures, 76 Psalm by Rev. . R. N. Bell, prayer by Rev. Mr. Wade, song, "the Blue and the Gray" was yery aflectingly rendered by the choir and many moist eyes could be seen in the congregatiori, .sermon by Rev. Mr. Gittins, closing prayer by vRev. Mr. Wells, and a hymn and benediction clo-ed these im pressive services. Memorial day is fast be coming a great day in t'u':, nation, and all would do well to observe it, bo'h north ami south, 7.V MEMORIAM. Kru.oiais, Or., May 25 KV09. Once more t r community has been visited : by the grii.i hand of death that has removed , from our midst the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Maupin, which expired at i:io! P. M. of the 23d. The remains were interred in the Dimmick ceim-Dy oh th's 24th, in the j presence of a larce tir-!e of friends and rel.v 'j tives, Mr. Lawrence Pirdce directing the ob J seqiues. in this .sad i.-peavement, the alMictcd i parents have the cond I deuce of all. "Sutler little clii'u'o and forbid th; in not, dom of God. n to come unto me; I r of such is the kin;: CJIVR'VH SERVICES. Rev. II . B. Johnsih and Rev. Norcross will hold basket meetings at the following! times and places; Sunday Juno 2, at the Bogijess school ! house), 1, June 9, at Olalla and June 16, at Green's chool house. All nre corlially invited to attend Rev. W. X. McGed meeting at Civil Bend, will begin a protracted Junes, 1SS9. Dur ing school days the il o'clock service will be held at Dillard, evening at Civil Bend. Bas ket meetings on Saturdays and Sundays. Evangelist F. W. Parker will do the preach ing. All are united to attend. . There is more Catarrh in this section of the ;;,! country than all other diseases put together, j i,e jncuraj ,)e- Kr a great many years Doc- j tors pronounced it a local disease, and pre- i scribed local remedies,1 and by constantly fail- Ohio, js the only constitutional cure on the market. It is tnkrn internally in from 10 ; 1, i 1 o 1 leMsnnonfnl It acts directly upon 'ihi' blood and mucus surface of -the system r 'Ihev cfl'er one hundrci; dollars for any case it (ails to cure. Send fori circulars and testimo- "''snials Address. F. L CHENEY CO.. To- ,. e(i (j. .Sold by A. I. Marsters Cjo y i. ' - 1 1 J PENDLETON I F.I.F.l'ljlONF. COMPANY. -Ar- j ticies of incorporation were tiled with Ihe Secretrry of State last Priday by the Ptqidle- I ton Telephone company, who are to construct, establish, maintain and operate a telephone system in ami throughout Pendleton. The amount of capital stock is $4000, divided into shares valued at $25 each; the incorporators are J. E. Bean, F.J. Donaldson, John Gagen, G. W. King, J. I). Murphy, J. H. Riley, L. Keith and . P. Wager. Hymeneal. MILLER PITMAN. At the residence of J. W. Pitman near Dillards, Sunday May 25, 1SS9, John Miller and Lcttie Pitman, Rev. T. P. Haynes officiating, Thf. Review joins their many other friends in wishing the newly married pair a life of unalloyed happiness. GRUBBE REED. -On Thursday May 23, 1SS9, at the McClallen house, Corbin Grubbe and Ollie Reed, Rev. Gittins ofii dating. The ncwiy married pair will reside at Dim mick's ferry. They are both well known in t iis county anl Thf. Review joins their many other friends in wHiing them a long, prosperous and happy life. GRIFFITH. In Wilbur May 24, iSftO, toj the w ife of Win. Griffith a daughter. Will's i countenanco is much less elongated than ustitl. VTlicn Tiaby tm sick, wo pavo her Castoria, When alio a Child, sire cried for CaaUtria, When bIio bcca-aie Miss, she clung to Cuttoria, -Whoa ho bad Cbildron, abe gave them Castori, ,An old lady at Burke, Tex., who had been troubled with chronic diarrhoea for over fifte- n years, says that Chambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1! d her more good than all the other medicines she he d ever used. Mr. S. T. Tread well, the leading merchant r .V . J V r .is- of the town, vouches for the altove statement, For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. LATEST DISPATCHES' THE SENATORIAL COMMITTEE. us HOOKAMME IOR PUCET S' U KI A TO BE VISITED. IJ- VIC -TO- Tacoma, May 23. The members of the' special senatorial committee on relations with Canada arrived here this evening, and shortly after were waited upon by a committee of the Chamber of Commerce. After some consul tation it was decided that the committee would remain in Tacoma to morrow and take testimony from a number of citizens, ex-Governor Semple, Judge Swane, of Port Town send, and Captain Libby. On Saturday they w ill visit Seattle and Port Orchard and re turn to spend' Sunday in Tacoma. On Mon day they w iil proceed to Victoria and wait over there till Wednesday morning, returning here in the evening, and on Thursday will leave for the Yellowstone park. t The new steamer Fairhaven has been placed at the dis posal oflhe committee by Nelson Bennett, but it has not leen decided to accept it. DR. CROMX'S BODY FOUND. Chicago, May 22. The dead body of Dr. Cronin, the Irish American who strangely disappeared from his home in Chicago two weeks ngo, was found this evening some dis tanco north of the city, in a sewer on Evan ston avenue. A bloody towel was wrapped aboul ihe head, but the body was stark naked. A Catholic emblem which the doctor always woie next his skin, suspended about the neck, was untouched. In the head were a dozen cms which bait severed the scalp ajwl in dented the skull. It is the opinion .of the police that Cronin was foully murdered. RATHER MIXED KINSHIP. V.'eston (W. Ya.) May 21. A novel and quite singular marriage has just been lirought to light which was celebrated in New York city on April 20th. The contracting parties reside in Lewis and Harrison counties, re spectively, and the disparity of their ages as well as the near lelationship existing between them has occasioned no httie amusement among friends. The groom is a wealthy old Latchelor who has seen not less than seventy-five summers, while the bride is a handsome blonde of twenty five. The gallant lover is the great uncie of his youthful spouse, and his marriage to her makes his wife the aunt of her father, the j great aunt of her sister and the daughter-in j law of her father's grandfather. She is her I own great aunt by marriage, the aunt of her ' own mother and her first cousin's great aunt. CRUISERS. !1!I. FOR, FOR IlUILDIN ;c. the new WAR VESSELS Washington, May 23. Advertisements lor building three 2.0U0 ton unarmed cruisers for the navy are being prepared at the depart ment . The vessels will be known as cruisers 9, 10, and 11, and will lies built at a cost not e .si '-.'iho $700,000 each. It was left dis cretionary by congress with the navy depart mtnt to build either gunboats or cruisers, and tlie latter were chosen. INSANITY FROM ANXIETY. THE SUFFERER A V.OMAN WHO CARRIED $lS,000 EAST ON HER PERSON. j Watep.smeet, Mich., May 23 A woman named Matilda Christianelli tried to carry I $18,000 on her person from Washington terri ; torv to Vulcan, in this state. The effort 1 caused her to become insane. The insanity is j mostly duo to anxiety and loss of sleep. She j , did not sleep a wink on the entire trip. ! Her husband died in the' West a short lime since. i .i ! i.'UK KEST TRIP ON RECORD. j Sax Francisco. May 23. Captain Brown i of the schooner Del Norte, is much elated at the fact that his steamer has jrkt made the quickest time on record on the round tup from this port to Coquil'.e river. The Del Nolle made the trip from her dock and back again in thirteen days, arriving yesterday, and that with a full cargo of lumber. The average round trip is thirty days, but it has been done ! in nineteen davs. which is thoucht ouick j ime From Ap,u 13, p to yesterday the I I)el or,e "as ,n:uJe lwo '"nd trips. On Ihe j last trip she was four days from the Cocfuille i r;Vt.r. PORTLAND PARAGRAPHS. Portland, May 24. Yesterday evening the clerk at the Quimby, attracted by a pistol report, rushed to the room occupied' by John D. Barnum and finding the door locked, burst in. The sight that met his 'gaze was a bloody one. Stretched at full length on the floor was all that was mortal of Barnum, sur rounded by a large old fashioned powder and ball navy revolver lying a few feet distant. In the right side of his head, a few inches back ol his ear, there was a gaping hole suf- i ficiently large to admit the end of a broom - sti The Oregonian railway contemplates build ing a bridge at Ray's landing. Plans are prepared and it is expected that it will be built before long. W. S. Ladd has contributed $50,000 to wards endowment ol the Presbyterian semi--nary in San Francisco. "BOLD DEED. xr.11 men enter an F.xria-.-.s car ROl! THE SA1 IC. AND Dallas. Texas, May 25 As the cast bound train on the Texas and Pacific ntad reached the outskirts of the city la;.t night two masked men with drawn rs entered the express car, beat the messes ger insensi ble, robbed the safe of fifteen bandied dollars, and eseapid . A GREAT WIN I 'I' '.i,!. . Tacoma, May 23. Big news arrived tn day lor I'uyalinp and a s working man The supreme couit of the United Elates his jast j decided that Rober: .Shields. iti at-d citizen of!'.!,, is oi a $22,oO!J.oj in solid, j hard cash, w hi-li i''.i- .-tiy oi Omaha, Ni l-., j ! owes hi :n. Nearly thirty ur : . ; up a homestead ol 19 ) ii :s 1 ,h present us on I site of iiiama He lei; his claiai h.r a few j day? and it was jumped by another iHrison, who was the ageW fra townsitc Company. Mr. Shield-j contcStv 1 the claim; of 1 he land jumper and for over twenty years the matter has b.n i'i lingalion. GOAL AT S I E1LACOOM. Steilacoom, May 23. For several vnk j past' George Roberts has ltecn busy prosj cci-s f ing in this vicinity for coal. He is an old! miner and said he was satisfied from indica j ; ti ins he had discovered that coal existed near i by. To day he electrified the town by show J ing several handsome specimens closely re X st-mlding authracite. Ue refuses to divulge ' its location, bul cnouch has lteen learned to ; jUll 0 lhal ,j,0 vem nt furlncr ,WJ ... ,.. ., , , miles from Steilacr rrm. He savs he has a j - four foot vein. CLT-AN OFFICE. Washington, May 25. Lorenzo Dow Montgomery, of Galesvilb.-. f- f K-s h en appointed Indian depredatt-:: .,.! i;,' t dollais per (by. The name of Robert v Andersr-n, t.f B '. s City, Oregon, has been sciH to the pns.di.i.1 for appointment as United States commis sioner for the district of Alaska. The p'. p'acc is worth $1,000 a year and fees. Hyrtip of Eiffa. Produced from the laxative .and nutritious juice of California 6g9, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and cuiing habitual constipation. " OCR CLVnBlG "rATES WITH OTH ER PVBJ.1CATIOXS. Parties paying for The Review in advance at cur reduced cash rates will be furnished any of the following named publications in connection with this paper at the prices given below. It will be noticed that there is a re duction of at least 15 per cent on publishers' customary rates in every instance, nnd in some more: WEEKLIES. Toledo Weekly Blade Harper's Weekly Scientilic American , Detroit Free Press New YorR Star New York World ....... . - San Francisco Examiner Portland Oregonian Harper's Bazar, Philadelphia Times Frank Leslie's illustrated paper licrinan Sunday Magazine. ... .... $3 00 5 70 5 00 . 3 00 . 3 00 . 2 50 2 75 . 3 00 5 7o . 3 00 5 7o . 5 7o 4 5 ..... 5 j-.- 4 3o ! ... 4 50 Popular Monthly Budget , Pleasant Hours. , MONTHLIES. ' West Shore, Portland Or 3 75 Century, Sciibner's 6 00 Demorest's Magazine 4 CO tiodey s Lady Book 4 00 - St. Nicholas ... 5 00 .- Harper's Monthly 5 50 . Ameiican Agriculttri t. 3 50 " Harper's Young People. ..400 Peterson's Magazines' 4 00 IT 1 1 1'JuseKeeper , j Chicago News 3 OO Missouri Republican. 3 OO Globe Democrat. .. r, 3 OO Pioneer Pijess 3 OO Other publications will be lurnished at a re duced price when ordered with THE REVIEW. Review Printing House, Roseburg, Oregon. Sugar Pirn; foor anl Lumber Company. Our Mill and Factories are now in full op eration and we are prepared to Ml! orders foi Lumber, Doors, Windows, Frames, Casings, Moulding, Brackets, Turned work, Laths, Pickets-and fence work better than ever be fore. We make a specially of House Finish ing Material, Counter Fittings, Church Pews, Pulpits and finish in natural woods. Boxes of all kinds furnished on short notice. Cata logues, moulding sheets and prices furnished on application. Sugar Pisf. Door and Lumber Co. : Grants Pass, Or. M'orest fifore Poultry Ynrita. Wyandot tcs, Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahmas, Rose and Single Comb Brow n Leghorns. White Leghorns, White Wyandotts, i Partridrre Cochins and Black Minorca. America's best breeds. My fowls have ' no superiors. Have wen the highest honcrs at all exhibitions for th past eleven years. ! A few choice fowls for sale. Kfc'gS Yr sitting, $3; two sittings, $5. Send stamp for catalogue. : Address J. M. Garrison, Box 55. Forest Grove, Or. Two or three span of good young mares and horses for sale, all well broke. Ilendricks-Review Real Estate Co. Ryspepsia and Llrer Cotnjtlaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yoursell of every symptom of these dis tressing complaints, i! you think so call at our store and get a bottle, of Shiloh s Vilalizer Every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly, and it it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by W. s Hamilton We have a speedy ana positive Cure lor Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and Head-Ache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Trice 50 cents. Sold by W. S. Hamilton. Oh, W hat A Couyh, Will von Iieeil lh u-irninfr Xli cirrnl J ts" - -k pel haps of the sure approach of that more ter rible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cts. to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never' (ails. "This ex plains why more than a Million Bottles wer sold the past year. It relt-ives vCroup and Whooping Cough at once. Mothers do not bo without it. For Lame back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by W. S. Hamilton.' Ediior of the Review. Please an nounce m the columns of your valuable pa per that we are sole agents for .St. Patrick's Pills, the most perfect cathartic and liver pills in the market. They not only physic, but cleanse the whole system; purify the blood and regulate the liver and bowels; they are vigorous but gent !e in their action and can always be depended upon. For sale by A C. Markers & Co. . Not a ITT, but an expression of delight. "About a week ago," says a Los Angeles, Cala., druggist, "a chinaman came in with a lame shoulder. I sold hina. a bottle of Cham berlain's Pcin Balm and guaranteed that it would cure him. He came in again last night, and as soon as he got inside the door, began to swing his arms over his head like an Indian club swinger. I thought the blamed fool had a fit, but he finally stopped long enough !o say. "Medicine velly fine; alle same maka me feel plenty gr tod." Chamberlain's Pain Balm, is without an equal for sprains,' rheuma tism, aches, pains or lame back. For sale by A. C. Marsters iV Co. Liver Disorders Soon cause the blood to become contam inated and require prompt treatment. The most marked symptoms are loss of appetite, headache, pains in the bacK or side, nausea, and relaxation of the bowels. Ayer's Pills assist nature to expel the superabundant bile and thus restore the purity ot the blood. Being purely vegetable and sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take, mild in operation, and without ill effects. "After many years' experience with Ayer's Pills as a remedy for the large number of ailments caused by derange ments of the liver, peculiar to malarial localities, simple justice prompts me to express to you my high appreciation ol tho merits of this medicine for the class -f disorders I have named." S. L. Loughridge, Bryan, Texas. " I had tried almost everything for chronic liver complaint, but received no relief until I used Aver's Pills. - I rind them invaluable." W. E."Watson, 77 East Illinois st., Chicago, 111. Ayer's Pills, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Drup gist and Dealer In iledicio