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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1889)
ROSEBURG REVIEW THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 18S9. TUE JEW H IX OVJt MIDST. Alabama Christian Advocate. We are cot so sure but what the Christians ot this country have made a great mistake in their treatment of the Jews. We seem to have fallen into the idea that we are helping on the ful fillment of prophecy hy reviling and ostracisms' the people once chosen and honored of God, but now .abandoned and for3aken. It is true that they are denational ized, and wander to- lay without a na tional center, or een a shrine or tern pie upon which thfy can lavish the wealth of their patriotic sentiment; but they are neither forgotten nor aban doned. God still has his eve fixed upon the wandering posterity of Abra ham, and when their period of exile is full, will open to them a pathway ' plainer than the one that led through the wilderness to the promised Canaan beyond the Jordan. Nearly two thou- sand yeais since the dying Saviour said, "Daughters of Jerusalem j weep not for me, but for yourselves and your child ren." ' In his expiring moments he-had a clear vision of the doom that awaited them, and through the agoiiies of the cross and smoke and fume of the burn ing city wailed out a prophecy concern ing them which finds a literal fulfill ment in oar very midst to-day. For centuries the winds of every nation have borne to the ears of in--- suited majesty the story of their op pressions, while the redened pages of. history in almost every land have been stained with their blood, and the end i3 not yet. They are not heathens, but consti tute a portion of the most enlightened and lawabiding" citizenship of every civ ilized country. Still, nothing is being done to bring them to the Saviour, w ho loves them still. They are working out their in dividual and national destiny alone and unaided. ' Are they approachable on the sub ject of Christianity? Ye have found numbers of them so, and from conver sation with them have learned that o. they felt most keenly the loneliness of then- situation, and the doubt and un certainty of the future that awaits them. , If the Church would only put Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews in the hands of every Jew in the land, it would eventually bring a glorious harvest of results. An effort to convince and save these remakable people would be far better than, to abuse them, and charge them with murdering the Son of God,, and so on. They possess some of the most remarkable national traits of any people in the world, and we frankly confess to our high apprecia tion of that good old Abrahamic blood. It would certainly be a great pleasure to us to preach Christ to a congrega . tion of Jews, and we have sometimes indulged the hope that it might yet be so before the close of our earthly urin istiy. ' They are here, under the very sun " light of the gospel, and is it possible that they cannot be reached and saved by it? When the apostle said, "Lo, we turn to the Gentiles," is, it possible that this meant ; the perpetual aban donment of this people? We thhik not. Some of them have been reached converted, and saved, and surely others " may be. Invite your Jewish neighbor to your church and to your home. Put some good books into his hands to read' and perchance God will honor your humble instrumentality by revealing to his long estranged o ild his precious Son, who died for the Jew as well as for the Gentile. i Ted. yrs from now a'l the Georgia fanners will have smoked bacon to sell, and they will finda ie.dy market for it at home. Atlanta . Constitution. And Georgia merchants will pi-ffer to handle the, acitl-eured articka f:orn the wist that will coin? a litOe cheaper. Honest home industry m.ut always Stand an adulterated nomtK'tition. Th" hotel-keeper prefers oh: tin.ngaiiue be cause it is' cheaper than butter Squildig "How's Jones this morning?" McSwilligcn "Wdv I had no hnpi s of his recovery until last night, but i.ow I think he "willgt w-ll." '.Squildig "His canutidion is ni-mt favofiibif, thou is iff , MeSwtiit- g-n "Yes, the. io:tors" have givm him up." Recf-nt expeiimr;nfcs mw that a tti toia walkn a mile in foui liour.. , lie would just ibout iet tbo p u-e for a pair of lo vers strol I ing 1 y moon I igh t. Bu i -lingtoniVee iVtss. Ho would lie a damly to send to the po:.t ofllco for a fast mail. The mayor of New York h;is l;e n aildressiTig a convention of tailors, and the Herald says he missnd tiieopportu nity of hia life m not inaugurating a crusade against tho word "pants." MARK For Horses and Cattle. Recent, Prompt, Good Results. Swelling- Kepomet. HI, liar SI, 1838. My mar caught cold; mult: nrellad limbt; lump between Jbre-lepi asd Inflammation. Cored her with St. Jacobs OU. L. 0. GA&DHEB. The Armi Palace aad Stock Car Co.. The Bent. St. Clair Bldg., Toledo, O., Jane, '88. We cheerfully recommend St. Jacobs Oil as th belt for general use on stock. H. ASMS A CO. For 10 Months. Wimboro, Texas. June 20, 'S3. My borne was hurt on hind leg: suffered 10 . month; -.; vared by St. Jacobs Oil; has remain-1 suixnent. W. J. CINE. Lair- j -kneed Calf. Sew Haven, O., Jane 23, '88. ilid a calf afflicted wXh weak knees; could not wali; experimented witBsgt. Jacobs Oil. A lew good robbings cured It; ita&s about well and strong, . O. w. BXK&S. For Stable Use. Aberdeen, Dak. .Tfaly 1, '88. I keep St. Jacobs OU for ues in myXJiDies 01 many horses. I tad it th best linidegt for rains, braises, galls, Ac. GEORGE METIER. At Druggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, Ml . TJTli: GKREaAT transcontinental Route MmRF mm VTA THE ascado Division Now Completed, Making it the Shortest. Best and Quickest. The dining car Hue; tlio (tiroct route; no Re lays; fastest trains; lowest rates to Chi cago and all points east. Tickets sold to all prominent . points throughout the east and southeast . To .East-Bound Passengers. ' Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, And see that your ticket roails via THIS L12SE, St. Paul or Minneapolis to avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through second class sleenins: cars run on reirular exprsss trains full length o the line. Berths free; lowest rates; quickest time. General Office of the Company, No. 2 Washington St. 'Portland, Or. A. D. CIIAHLTQN, Ass't. Gen. Pass. Agt. S3. 3 Washington St. Portland, Or. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Oregon pacific Railroad AND OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY'S Short Liiic to California. FREIGHT AND FARES THE LOWEST , STEAMER SAILING- DATES. From Yaquina. Pjoni San Francisco. Santa Maria, Jan. 2, 12, 22 j Will. Vallov, Jan. 3, 13. Will. Valley, " 8, 13. Santa Maria, " 7, 17 The Company reserves t lie right to change sailing dates without notice. Trains connect with the O. & C. U. It t 1 River Doats at Corvall is and Albany. ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER THE ELEGANT STEAMBOATS Wx M KOAG, N S BENTLY and THREE SISTER3, SOrTH BOUND Leaye Portland, ilon Wed & Fri. Cam I Ieave Salem, Tue Thur & Sat. Cam Kor.Tn boi sd Leave Corvaliis, Mon Wed & Fri. Sam Leave Albany Mon Wed & Fri. 9:30 a m For information apply to C. fft Easwell, Jr., C. C. IIooub, O. F, & P. Asrent. Acting G. F. & P.Agt, Or. Development Co. O. P. R. R. Co, 3i Montgomery 8t. Corvallis, San Fraucisjo. Oregon. The u OTEES' GUIDE is issued March and. Sept., l each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor- 'mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. "We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles end quantities. Just figure out what js required to do all these things C0KF0RTA3LY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MOISSTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 JSichisan Avenue. Chicago, 111. Children Cry for ; These twin diseases cause nntold sufrerlng. Doctors admit that they are difficult to cure .so do their patients. Fame's Celery Compound has per- manently cured the worst cases of rheumatism and fGfSSf i II ' neuralgia so say those who have used H. "Having been troubled with rheumat ism at the knee and foot lor five years, I was almost unable to get around, and was very often confined to my bed for weeks at a time. 1 used only one bot tle of Fame's Celery Com pound, and was perfectly cured. I can now Jump around, and reel as lively as a boy." Frank Carom, Eureka, Nevada. FOR. SALE. NO USETO OWNER, $1.00. Six for $3.00. Druggists. Mammothtestlmonlal paper free.i.. Wells. Richardson & Co.,Props..BurlIngton, Vt. MiMflUn f1YCQ Give -ff Brighter VIAMVnU f'CO color, than any other Dyet. TRADE I ' . f , f.; ;ft V TO MAKE Delicious Biscuit f ' ."Tv'i.:-. ' jl Ask your Grocer for III iSit" m' w-COW BRAND ' i fSODAKSALERATUS. HHEUiATSi um ?i o XJS LITTLE &vgWo LIVER QO'Qois pills. fusil? tesssaslsi rzsfzsnr saeoecii taeqnaled rta a irVER MIX. noes not gripe. OSE PELLET A DOME. SMALLEST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKS. Beware ofImitatlons, containing1 Poisonous Minerals. Always ask for Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which are little Sugar-coated Pills, or Anti bilious Granules. Being Purely Vegetable, Dr. Pierce's Pellets operate without disturbance to the system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass vials, hermetically sealed. Always fresh and reliable. They are a gentio laxative, or an active purgative, according to size of dose. SICK HEADACHE. Bilious Headache Dizziuesn, Constipa tion, indigestion. Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and bowels, fire promptly wlim-frl and nepmnnpnt Iv cured by the use of Br. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of the remedial power or tueso .Tenets over so great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said .that their action upon the system is univer sal, not a gJaiid or tissue escaping their sana tive influence. Sold by druggists, for 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Lab oratory of Vvokld'8 Dispen8ary Medical Association, No. 0G3 Main St Buffalo, N. Y. is offered by the manufactur ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemed?) for a cane of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure. SYMPTOMS OP CATABRII. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges tailing irora tue tieaa into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery. and acrid, at others, ttucn, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weak and watery: there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of oifensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a "nasal twang"; the breath is offensive ; smell and taste are im paired'; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gen eral debility. Only a few of the above-itemed symptoms are likely to be present in any one case, u aousanas or cases annuauy, witnout manifesting half of the above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end in tho grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by physicians. By its mild, soothing, and healing properties. Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy cures tho worst cases of Catarrh, Cold In tho Head," Coryza, aud Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. l!ntold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. Hausner, the famous mesmerist, of Ithaca, N. r., writes: "Some ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronic nasal catarrh. My family physician gave me up as incurable, and said I must die. My case was such a bad one, that every day. towards sun set, my voice would become so hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morning my coughing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me, By the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, inf three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent" "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." Thomas J. Rttshino, Esq., S902 Pine Street, St. Louis, ATo., writes: " I was a great sufferer from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly Aawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could net breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. Luck ily, 1 was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving val uable hints as to clothing, diet, and other matters of importance, will be mailed, post paid to any address, on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 668 Main Street. BUFFALO. JT.'B tWOVEO, 6,000,000 IT'o believe that, ft u,iuu,mm nays bat to l nv Seeds of the largest and most reliable heuaj, and they use T. M. FERRY CO. ra acknowledged to be the Largest Seedsmen in the world. D. M.Feeiit&Co's QlnRtrated. Deacrip. live ana raoea SEED ANNUAL For 1889 Will be mailed FREE to all aimlicants. and to last ve&r's cuatomani without ordering it. inmtru In existence. I ahooM send for it. Address D.H.FERRY& CO., Detroit, Mich, Miss Z. Minard DRESSMAKER. Is prepared to do dressmaking in all its brandies. ggT FITTING A SPECIALTY. All Orders Promptly Attended To. Place of business at residence on Jackson st. Roseburg, - - - - Oregon. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. j CALL OX JOS. "CARLOX. 1 Pitcher's Castoria. S NEURALGIA Taine's Celery Compound has been a God-" send to me. For the past two years I have suf fered wltu neuralgia of the heart, doctor after doctor failing to cure me. I have now taken nearly four bottles of the Compound, and am free from the complaint. I feel very grateful to you." Chas. li. Lewis, Central Village, Ct. Paints .Celery Compound "I have been greatly afflicted with acute rheumatism, and could find no relief until I used Palne's Celery Compound. After using six bottles of tills medicine I am now cured ot rheumatic troubles." Samuel Hutchinson, So. Cornish, 27. H. Effects Lasting Cures. Palnc's Celery Compound has performed many other cus as marvelous as these, copies of letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take, does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire ly vegetable; a child can take it. What's the nse ot suffering longer with rheumatism or neuralgia? - I n MDlcLi9uv)nLaciattl Food are Healthy, J't Happy Hearty. M it Vncyualed. i$iOuHi Ferrv's wmm : l Sheridan Bros. - ( IncorporaU'd September 1st, 1838.) ; -, Having chiinged and enlarged our business buying out stock m large quantities from manufacturers shipping in car-load lots we are prepared to offer bargains in I "Superior ' ' Stoves and Manges Firebacks warranted for 15 years. Heating and Box stoves of elegant designs; ; I Brwan" Steel ana "South Bend" lleversible Share Chilled Plows. "Norwegian" Steel Plows, Diamond Hardened Warranted to Scour in Black Ground. "Empire" and "Corbin" Disk Harrows, with seeders. "Lansing" Steel Skein Wagons. s Hay Cutters, : Feed Grinders and Powers, Norwegian Lever and common Harrow 8, Cultivators, Press Drills, Seed Sowers and everything, in the Imple ment line. Hard ward and Tinware of all descriptions in quantities not carried by any other store in the state, outside of Portland. Winchester liifles aud Sh.ot Guns, and JJreech Loading Guns of all descriptions and can offer bargains. ! We would be pleased to have you examine our stock and get our prices. Sheridan Bros. Hardware C'o. M. JOSJEHSOIST .v. Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of every variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. j A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. " A full line of Fancy Dress Good a 1 A full line of Hosiery. S A. full line of Clothing. o A ft 1) Til o b A f all line of Furnishing Goods. .' A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. U-1 A f nil line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobacco. . t A full lino of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a full line kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. -i C03VTE3 jSNJD SEE 3VL.TES v MJOSEPHSON. L nil ana i REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE ;.. - v- - ; and ; ' j ' General Commissiony Agents. ROSEBURG, We have on hand an immense area of rowing lands in Southern Oregon, for for cash, And on ti:i.:'. We do a fair and legitimate business for a small commission, take pleasure in showing property to intending settlers, and solicit correspondence Parties wishing to secure a home, or invest money in a safe and sure way for speculation cannot afford to neglect examining our lands before purchasing elsewhere, j GIVE U Ollloo vitli tlio EST LARGEST' SHIPMENT 'j - . OF CLOTHING & DRYGOOD! ----!' ' T i Jjymt Received and Offer e FOR THE LOWEST PRICES Call soon before tliey : are ALT, BISPOSE3D OF Fbr Onn ! VV. . For BEASW ' n W ,rVk mK 4J &9y.V r - , K r.lusfoog LSninignf y -j m - r.i-r. a- w ..w Hardware i Co. Glizlled 31, 0 W. o - it. o o 2 of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all or flip OREGON, j the finest grazing, farming and fruit sale in tracts of any size and description A UAL. 1j. Ileralrt Oilioi? KOIlllEli BROS nn ON THE 3A-MO Bros THE - Bepot Grocer KEEPS A good stock of family groceries always 1 ON HANI) also Tobaccos, Cigars, Candy, Notions, Etc. Etc. v 3T Chickens, Turkeys, Errs, etc., taken in exchange for GOODS. - OrrosiTETiiE Dr.ror, Roseeurg, Oregon . G. Stantoff -DEALER IN- staple iiiiv mm THE BEST ' QUALITY. GEN ELI A i, rURNlSlUNG. HOS1EUY, TUIM.M1NC tVc. Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY. A full -of- GROCE Wood And Wiilsiv - WARE. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL HOOKS. - AND STATIONERY. Subscription AGENCY. Subscription received for all Eastern and European Publications. " 1 m M fc ----- - kk i . ri- TrytheCLire Ely's Cream Bairn Cleanses the Iasal Passages. Al lays IriflaTTtmation. Heals tEo Sores. Restores the Senses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A pnrticlo is applied into each nostril and is auri-onblo. Price 50c. at Dru(TRits or by mail. ELY BROTHEKS,56 Warren St. ,New York. J. II. O'MALLEY MARBLE WORKS jIanufacturer of 2X X o xi lo. in e n ts AND jEE eadsto xi o s; and all kinds of JIarble, Granite and stone works. Mason and Brick work done on short notice. Shop at .Floed's old stand . Gtmsmitli & Macliinist JOSEPH WSIAItTOS, of West RoseLurg If now prepared to do Gun repairing of all kinds. Gun barrels bored and browned. Light blacksmithing and machine .work : done to order. i Locks repaired, Keys fitted and all work neatly done. FULL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. This popular remedy never fails to eflectuBlly euro . Dyspepsia Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness j And all diseases arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. The natural result Is rood appetite and solid flesh. lose small ; ef eaat ly suar coated and easy to swallow 1 a SOLD EVESYWHERE. L 0. DEALERS TN 55 Pure Drugs, -Chemicals, I'alent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet articles, LOOKS AND STATIONERY, Spectacles, Dusters, iSrushcs, Combs, etc. OILS AND VARNISHES, Window Glass, Putty and Cement Of Interest to Ladies. RewHiMra'l a FREE SAMPLEofonr wonderful T9C'iic for ft-ma!" complainlB to ci:y lndy who wlnhes . to tastitaeifcenrylnjfort-purchasing. 8t1 ntainp for ixifctaga. BAKg ReMMY CO., Box 104, ualo,2f. X. PAfiKERS SJAIR BALSAM Cleanses and bpnufifl the Mir. V i - ' w 'i' i wuiuivo n tiutiu iiuiv un ui t i'ftiVT-jrf .'-'Never Fai! to Rectors Gr ":i-K, t W -if i Hair to it Youthful Color, Grty iS' ;-?'Cn!8 scalp discasm and hair fiallliigl it. ns irntrtnm. PARKER'S GINCERTONIC Icveluable for Coughs, Colds, Inward ftdn EzlutaTtkm. 1 APIJR I hi .... I GOT SATISFACTION ' AT-rr Graves Gallery AND NOW I SMILE. Lightning process and latest styles in Photo's, Copjing and enlarging. ROSEBURG - - OREGON BARKER & WILLIS, DEALERS IN &BOCERIES PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, tfTC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. Produce bought and the higlutit cash price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON. New Stage Line. ROSEBURG T0CAMAS VALLEY- Leaves Roseburjj, Moudays, Wednes diys, Fridays, and returns Tuesday Thursdays, and Saturdays. Time oi i -avingboth terminal points 6, o'clock A. M. and arrives at each point at 6 o'clock P. M. Robt, T. McCullocu, prP- NEW YORK M. It. HOWELL, Proprietor, AND COSUIISSION MGRCUlT. DEALER IN All kinds of Lumber and Euildinff Mate .rials, Lime, Goal, Wood, Ladders, Scrap Iron, Fruit Boxes, Green and Dried Fruits, Prod uce of all kinds, Flour, Feed tc CARPENTER WORK Done on ehprt notice. Team kept for delivering goods. Correspondence Solicited, 3T Office and Lumber Yard one bloc South of Depot, ROSEBURG, - -s- - - - ORBCON. OF PURE 00D LIVER OIL Almost as Palatable S3 RlUk. So disnlaed lutt it smm b fMSfB, ilseated, and assimilated, by th not lensltive stomacti, wkn tno plala U cannot be tolerated and by tbo mh blnatton of tbo oil witn tbo bjrpojsbos p bite a is mncn mora efflcaeiomc. fiemsrkaltle as a fiesh prodseer Persons gabt rapidly wtlle ttHsg U SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged br Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and curs of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTIHO DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remedy of Consumption, and Wasting in Children. Sold ly all Druggists. O, cto JEV. TpirlJ3 A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Glassware Crockery Hueensware Jto Goods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge. LAUGENBEEG'S ; Boot and Shoe Stoce. Jackson Street, Opposite Post OSes, Rosebnrg, Oregon KEF.r8 ON HAND THE LARGEST AUD BK3T assortment of Eastern and Saa Frncieo ml other mkes of BOOTS, SHOK3, OA1TKK8, 8UF PEU.S aud everything in the Boot and line, sad SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Slioes to Order, aud Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant til my work Repairing Neatly Done, on bhort Notict Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS 2JUSNJAL INSTRUMENTS and , VIOLIS" STRINGS. ( LOUIS ZANQENBERa PHOTO on - r vvv. pnnrsnn n rrs rvr ffwmm. tyi . rvtu hi w MjmMhM.iiLun n. ijiw.upiiiwiii'uiuwiiiwiiipii!i- ttmmm .V.a?-. ,, ...... t MmT,J. I ' wiraaat 'When I eh? Crea I do cot meu meHlj to stop thcra for a time, and then I:? them n turn apain. I me ax A KAK1CAL, CUlUi I bavo mado tho disease of FITS, ox A life-Ions' rtudy. I wabhakt my remedy to Cdhb tho worst cases. Becanse others tiara failed is no re anon for not now receirirsg a cum. Send at once f or a treatise and a Free Bottli of ray InfatxiblS Kehedt. Give Express -and Post Office. It costs you notoisg ior a trial, &ud it will cure you. Address H.C.ROQT.riS.C., I E3 fzua. St, KmrYcsx