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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1888)
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY. AUGUST 31, 1888. I'OLITIOAL. THE ISSVE IWXAIXS. Mr. Elaine will not be able tp change the national issue from a reduction of taxes to a reduction of wages. The surplus is too large an J too men acing a fact to be hidden or ' success fully ignored. .No stump oratory, how ever audacious, and no personality, however magnetic, can ciuse the voters to forget that one party proposes to stop the S'irplus and. the other to spend if Kor ean the Republican Senators change, the issue by what the Tribune properly characterized iu advance as " tariff bill for buncombe." The Re publican platform enumerated and favored six schemes for spending the surplus, and only one alternative the abolition of the whisky tax for pre Tenting it. The Senate has put itself irrevocably on record in support of this licy by passing bills at this session at would exhaust the surplus in the Treasury and perpetuate the war taxes for another twenty years. Mr. Blaine himself has given his ad hesion to this policy by poohpoohing flre"surplus question and saying that it could be wisely spent in thrte internal canal schemes. The -workingmen know that while wages cannot be voted up or voted down, taxes can be. And they will vote that unnecessary taxation is un jnst taxation and should be stopped. -V. T. World. More Converts to Cleveland. Judge Chester H. Krum, a leading itizen of St! Louis and a life-long Re iblican, delivered a tariff reduction eech Saturday night before a crowded juse in response to an invitation of e Twenty-second Ward Democratic .ub of that city. The judge is about rty-five years old, one of the ablest yers of St. Loifis, and sat Eix years the circuit bench, to which he was cted by the Republican party. His --her was ex-Mayor John M. Krum, 10 was famous in the early history of city. The Bpeaker said at the opening of his address: ?One who has been a Republican ever since he be ' came a voter appears before you to night to evidence his withdrawal from the party of his former affiliation. Having no ulterior purpose, and hav ing titken this step after serious delib eration, he hopes that ihis utterances will be received: as frank, candid and truthful experiences of carefully con sidered thought upon matters of nation al , significance." The great issue of the? campaign, compared with which others were insignificant,' was, he ., the tariff question. As to civil . ice reform both , parties favored it, ut were loudest ' in commending it wbei not in . power. After reading the tariff planks of the Republican ' platform, Judge Krum said: 4'Such is the platform of the Republican party and the people are ashamed to give it lf"Support. ' But, gentlemen, no cit izen of the "United States ought to ap prove such an astounding declaration of party f rincipks. From every stand point of free government and public economy it is the most atrocious party utterance which lias been mnde irv the "history of American politics. It finds extenuation neither in necessity nor concern for tho public welfare. It is 1ased upon no substantial foundation. It is subversive of- well-established r)rincirles of political economy. It i 1 . - finds no sanction io the constitution. Its sole purpose is to maintain upon the statutes of the United States laws u'h;-h the necessities of actual war fr.fcd. but which can now. by so- Called protection, benefit less than three millions of people who happen ' to be its favored recipients only at the expense of over forty-two millions, who are exjiecfcd to 'remain quiescent and unwilling victims of unjust and unnec essary tarifl discriminations." This make3 the second prominent St. Louis Republican who has an nounced his intention of supporting Cleveland and Thurman on account of the tarn question. The first was N. O.. .Nelson, elected to the city council three years ago on - the Republican ticket. He is the head of the N. O. Nfclwn Manufacturing Comjttny, which employs several hundred hands, all of whom share in the profits of the con cern. Ex Assistant Attorney General Har . v?y N. Shepard came out squarely in support of President . Cleveland and the Democratic platform at Walpo'e Mass , Saturday night, on the tirifl' issue. Gaorge T. Chambers, a prominent Republican near Carlisle, Pa., and . Burgess'Av'eluVy, of Somerset, hereto fore an ardent Blaine man, have jw but for Cleveland and Thurman. Quite a nuiuWr of Republicans arc attempting to deny that there is free whisky plank in their platform. In the face of facts they have rather a difficult task. Let us quote: "We favor tho entire repeal of inter nal taxes, rather than, surrender any part of our protect! v system." That Deems explicit ami to the point Rather than surrender "any part" of the protective system, rather than re duce the sugar tariff from 84 per cent, to 68 per cent.; rather than reduce the tax on steel rails from 17 to 11 a ton; rather than lower the tax on pig iron from $6.75 to ?6 per ton; rather than add salt; lumber flx or jute to the free lust; rather than reduce the cost of cot ton cotton bagging, or twine for tu-njp binding all of which are pro vhled for in '"the Miils bill the lie pub'icaus declare: " We favor the repeal of internal taxes." Investments ought to prosper in Ire. 1 mil, for there I he capital is always Dublin. .. . KiOBIT CENTS A IAT. lion the Pennoylvania Iron OreMiiier i Protected, i Xorristoan (Pa.) Register, July 10." , Eighty cents a day for a .native American laborer in Republican Penn sylvania and in the well protected iron industry! This is the record for Le high'county, and the wages are those of the miners who dig the iron ore for the furnaces that crowd the Lehigh valley. The Italian scavengers who sweep the fi'th off of Chestnut street, Philadelphia, are paid 1 50 for their unprotected labor. Macungie, where cU cents is considered an equivalent for a day's work, is less than fifty miles from Philadelphia, and in a countryYich in iron bi-e. The Macungie Iron Com pany baa its blast, furnaces there, and in tho immediate neighborhood are the mines of the Neutral Ore Company, and of the Warwick, Crane and Thomas Iron Companies. At Alburtis few miles away, the Thomas Iron Company has two furnaces, and others are dotted thickly along the lines of the East Penn and Lehigh Valley Rail roads. Both hematite and Bessemer ores are tound, and iron is among the best m the world. The miners who work for 80 and 90 cents a day are those who dig the hematite ore. In the Bessemer mines where the work is under ground and more like that of a coal mine, the men receive the more muniucent sum of $1 25 a day. Still less than Philadel phia street cleaners. The Macungie Iron Company s tur- nace is out of blast, and won't resume till trade improves. Meanwhile the ore miners must to go to work harvest ing and haymaking to keep them through the summer. Some of them are tenants on farms, paying the rent by farm-work. Others are German and Irish immigrants. These live m shanties erected by the ore coutractors and do their own cooking. Eightv cents ft day covers their own cose of living, for things are cheap around there. The men in the bla6t furnaces are paid SI 40 to $1 50 for the twelve hours' labor. Hematite ore, 35 per cent of which is iron, costs at the fur naces only 2 25 per ton, and a miner, whose wage3 of 80 cents a day are in cludeded in this pi ice, digs about a ton of it a day. Tho furnace men have recently secured a reduction from the railroads ot 15 per cent in freight rates and yet they say they cannot make a living with pigiron selling at 17 and 18 a ton. This is in the district of congressman Sowden, who opposed the Mills bill The county has a Democratic majority of nearly 2,000, and now the congress man's constituents seem disposed to retire him from public life. They are willing to give the Mills bill a chance, to see if it will not improve the rate of daily wages. Tariff Inequalities. Four years ago the Republicans pledged themselves to remedy the ine qualities in the tariff. Now they are defending them and are doing all that the most vicious deception can do to show the farmer and laborer how he is benefited by these inequalities. Here are a few of them which we should like some high tariff organ to explain: ' The farmer or laborer pays an enor mous duty on sugar which brings from 4 to S cents but he can buy jalap and castor-oil free of duty. He pays 25 cents a thousand duty for the shingles on his house, but a railroad company imports its ties duty free. He pays 25 cents a gallon duty on oil to paint his house, but the bankers wife imports attar of roses free of duty. The white lead for his paint costs 3 cents a pound for duty, but niother-of pearl comes in duty free. For his earthenware he pays a duty of thirty five per cent advalorem; but down for trimming is admitted free. Glass bears an enormous duty, but bamboo canes and parasol sticks bear none. Iron plow-points are heavily taxed, but raw silk is exempt. Horse nails to shoe his mules with are taxed 4 cents a pound, but fish J plate used by railroad companies pay 1 J cents a pound. j The duty on needles is 25 per ceiit j ad valorem, while furs are admitted ! duty free. For a jack-knife he pays a duty of 35 per cent, while on a meerschaum pipe he pays -none. For his cheap kitchen table the duty is 15 per cent ad valorem, but mahog any and rosewood come in free. On cotton stockings the duty is "5 per cent ad valorem, but the farmer can import jet for jewelry, free. On blankets ths lowest duty is 10 cents a jwiind, but fashion-plates are free. And so one can go on by the yard contrasting these unequal duties What the rich two is free; what the poor cannot get along without bears a heavy duty. In every case the legis lation is aupinst the laborer and in favor of the wealthy. This is the tar iff that the Republicans declare they will maintain at the expense of free rum. Ej: The Jute Tax. The attitude of the Republican press of this city upon the rrain sack ques tion is thoroughly discreditable. It is so hostile to the interests of the State that we should not have lielieved that auy California journal could adopt it if the rwliness of the ssme papers to abandon tl cir old hostility to the friends of Chines.1 immigration had not pre pared us for any sacritica of principle to iarty policy. The California wheat-grower is robbed to the extent of 40 ier cent on every bag he buys. He knows what this loss means. 'Politicians may tell him that the removal of the duty would give him no relief, but he knows better. He knows that he pays the duty, and it is obvious that if it were not levied he would not have it to pay. A SSXESD Or "LABOR." Mr. Morton, tho V nil street candidate of the monopolists, is a great friend of "American labor." He has manifested this by importing large numbersof Ital ians, under an agreement on their part reading as follows: 'We the undersigned, hereby agree to give our services as nnder-gardners to Levi P. Morton for the period of two years beginning March 1, 188?." What were the wages Mr. Morton paid From thirty to thirty-four dol lars a mont i, without board, about j half tho jn i -t! paid to American gard-! ners in Aine-ru-a generally. t But then, Mr. Morton being poor, j could not afford to ay for "American labor." But he is a gr'e,(t friend of "American labor." Mr. Morton also imported during last April and May. Two stable grooms: Two footmen; Six female servants : All of whom he agreed to pay about half-price. Yet, Mr. Morion is a great friend of "American labor." East Oreyonian. iSucklen s Arnica Kalv6 The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded- Price 25 cts etlox. Far sale by W. S. Hamilton. If anything could lift the Kepub lican newspaper from the "low swamps of personal defamation" to the "high plains of principle." it would be done by the precept and example of their men. Mr. Harrison plead for that And now comes James G. Blaine him self and among his first words when he lands upon his native shore, speak ing of the Democratic candidates, are, "of whom I would not speak in other than terms of the most personal re spect, for President Grover Cleveland, and Vice-president, a warm friend of my own, Judge Thurman." Mr. Blaine's party favors the re peal of the whisky tax and Mr. Blaine does not. How will Mr. Blaine, when he comes to stump the United States, explain the difference Will lie go back on his party or go back on him self? He says there is a moral side to the question. He takes the moral side, and of necessity Ins party takes the other side. Verily, it hath come to pass that Mr. Blaine is "better than his party." Children Cry for To Houekreper9 and. farmer. It la impor tant that tbe Boda or Baleratusyoanie should be White and Pure same as all similar substance used for food. To Insure obtaining only tbe "Arm & Hammer" brandSoda or Saleratus, buy it in "poanl or half pound' cartoons, which bear our name and trade-mark. as inferior goods are some timessabstitatedforthe "Arm & Hammer" brand when bought in bulk. Parties nsing Baking Powder should remem ber that its sole rising I OCR TRADE MARK property eonsista ot bi carbonate of soda. One teaspooufuf of the "Arm k Hammer" brand of Soda or Saleratus mixed with lour milk equals Packed in Card ON EVERY Mrs. Dart's Triplets. President Clercland's Prise for tho thrre best baWes at the Aurora County Fair, In 1887, was elven to these triplets, Mollie, Ida, and Kay, children of Mrs. A. K. Dsrt, Hamburgh, N. V. She writes: "Last August the little ones became very sick, and as I could pet no other food that would ajrree with them, 1 commenced the u;e of Ijictated Food. It helped them imme diately, and tuey were enon as well as ever, and I consider it very largely due to the Food that they are now so well." Lactated Food is the beat Food for bottle-led babies. It keeps them well, and is better than medicine when they are sick. Three sizes : 25c., 50c.. JLOO. At druggists. Cabinet photo, of these triplets sent free to the mother of any baby bom this year. Address WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. KDWIGHT'SiTj THE COW BBAND. TO MAKE . DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Dwight's Cow-Brand Soda "Saleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULl WEIGHT. B sure that there is s picture of a Ono on your packac and you iV have the best Boda made. THE COW BRAND. iFcr OArn A Xv ForBEASTiII w w 4 Mustang Liniment y 1 WW" i li mil il n 'III in ' ll l li l nillll in.. I I I in in-n ..i.n. i ii.r-.i,..i , nainrn nl Tin 11 I Williams Bros. Meals served at all h.mrs, day and night. The table will le supplied with the best ihz market MEALS lb CENT. Kyuu are hungry give ihemacall, rjext door to J. T.'s lf.rse Shoe Store. Rtiher than the Chepft PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland, Oregon. isiiinifiit. Uino4i-.i instruction, eslab- :. imputation, irrnwhiK iioriularity. Business. n-yflhQjid. Common Hchooland Penmanship Depart nenis. Students admitted at any time. Cata logue and specimens ot penmanship sent tree. i. A. H Sl O, Sce'T. A. P. ARMSTUOXU, Prin. Pit IDE OF ItOSEBUHG. THE Xew t'offee House Restaurant Just opened by E. Zi. Rogers, Where will be kept a nice oyster and ice (TCnlM parlor for ladies and gentlemen. Meals at all Hours. 25 ct3 Coffee and dike 10 cents at the counter tT On Ja-ksm street opposite Sheridan ISroa. G. M. ELLIS Successor to J. O Rose. Livery, Sale AND Feed Stable. First class turnouts at Reasonable rate3, and on short notice tcT Special accommodations to commercial travelers. Jackson Street, - .- - Roseburg Oregon. Great English Remedy ? Murray's Specific A uuimuteed cure lor all nervous diseases, such M wiak memory, loss op brain FOBR, Hysteria, Head ache, PAIS IX TIIK BACK, .VERVU19 PROSTRATION, WAKRH LSBSS, LKl'VOR RhORA, I NIVEK8AL LASSITUDE, SKMI- wkakxkss, tiupotency and general pw iung. oruans-.-in either sex, caused by indiscretion or over exertion, and which ultimate ly lead to PREMATI RE OLD AGE, IX- SAxlTvand cossl-mption. St. 00 a Ooxorsix boxes tor 85 00. Sent by mail on receipt ot price. Full particulars in pamphlet, sent free to every applicant. . TLI IOSS OI IHIWCr Ul WIU Trade XUrb. to cure anv case. For everv 8D.0O AftffTiklSg order received, we send six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the money if ourspecifle does no i effect a cure. Address all communications to the Sole Manufacturers, tub Murray mkdicike co. Kansas City, Mo. 5T Sold in Roseburg by W. S. Hamilton. Pitcher's Castorla. four teaspoon fals Of tha beat Baking Powder.aaT ing twenty time Ita coat, besides being much healthier, because itdoeanot contain any injurious substances, such as alum, terra alba etc., of w hich man y Bak ing Powders are mads. Iirymen and Farmers should use only ths-Arm Hammer " brand for cleaning and keeping Mtlk Pans Sweet and Clean. Cadttok. See that .' every pound package of ' "Arm and Hammer Brand" contains full 16 ounces net. and the i pound packages full 12 ouncs net. Bods or ; Baleratos same as speci fied on each package. PACKAGE. Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft. .'.- DWIGHT'S7 BOOOBookAgentavrantedto - - h 0 It OroverJCIeveland toll ma mu. M VU fcntual ft. Ua aonlat&OB la BW I-""!", wttk pmul mdalMSM, katklaus tnhmij UlwMadwlla ui cnnlia aae wood ThbMk sIm Hsalis a Fortran ad s fan sad oompuf ktorrapkr nEEtxif a. thtjtbUn. tws probata tips Be 17 b Mmbcttw MBtbettwd U, tow tl right qm L utTlhc IS 1 MOBDOTtftUO tfa fol4 Wtmi Writ far foil Mrttonhm ad SgjUl A". WINTER A CO., aU-a. V . "tBJA. A fate DUPQUA ACADEMY WJLB mi ORE G OX. New an ansjements. Buildings re modeled and refurnished. A new Board of Management. An Able Fac ulty. Students have advantage of the folio -ing courses of study. Classic, Scientific, Xormal, Elo cution, Art, Common School and Music. Fall Term begins September 3, 1888. Vrite to us for particulars and circu lars of our school. V. J. GARLAND, Principal. IO.ri30"fcTxis City jBalxery -AND ' O OHrPHOTIOTJERY. ii Kcclmer, ; DEALER IS J FllESII CANDIES, NUTS, asu TKOPICAL FRUITS, FRESH BREAD Ami all kinds of pastry to suit ' tho most fastidious. j Made to order and on short notice. GIVE US A CALL. Jackson St. - - Roseburg, Or. JOIIX W. LIXCOLX, Civil Engiueer and Surveyor Ditches and Mining Claims Located, Lines Run and Maps Made. Plans and Estimates (umiahid for all classes of Engineering work. Accuracy guaranteed . P. O. liox 56, . - - Roseburg, Ogn. RoseDurg Flouring Mills RAST CRITESER. This mill is turning out CHOICE FLOUR, - and THOS. OZUTBSIIR Will mo that . you aresatisfieii Get your biscuit flour at the Roseburg Mills The highest market price paid for wheat. ; INSURANCE. -CO TO I Flint & Taylor And get your property insured, for they represent reliable companies, such as the ANGLO NEVADA Of California And LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Flint & Taylor. The Orieina GTCf LITTLE untsauv . . M easT.O PILLS. ma? TssxtisLii tzsnma bascesii VBH!qile4 as a irvF.R PIIX. nora not arlpe. OSB rUUT A. IMrSE. SMALLEST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKfl. Bewnreof Imitations, containing Poisonous Minerals. Always ask for Ir. Plcree's Pelli-ts, which are little Sugar-coated fills, or Ami. bilimm (Iran 1 1 lea. Itciiifl Purely Vegetable, Dr. Pierce's Pellets ope rata without disturbance to the system, diet, or occupation. Put up in gluss vials, hermetically sealed. Always fresh and reliabli-. They are a irentlo laxative, or an active purgative, aceoruing to size oi uoec SICK HEADACHE- Billons Headache, Dlzziiiesa, Conatlpa tlon, lndlnestlon. Billons Attacks, and all derangement of the iiomtoh and bowels, are prompts relieved and nermancntlr cured hr the use of Dr. Pierce Pleaaant PnrxatlTO Pellets In explanation of the remedial power of these Pellets over so gTcat a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said that their action upon tho system is univer sal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sana tive influence. Sold by druggists, for 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at tbe Chemical Lalv oratory of Woiild's Dispensary Medicaid Association, No. 663 Main 6t Buffalo, N. Y. 5001S is offered by the manufactur. ers of Dr. Safe's Catarrh temedy, for a caso of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure, SVinPTOns or caturh.- duil heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weak: and watery: there is Tinging in the ears, dr-afness, hacking or coughing to clear tho throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a "nasal twang"; tbe breath is offensive; smell and taste are im paired ; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gen eral debility. Only a few of the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case. Thousands of cases annually, witho it manifesting bal f of the above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end in tbe grave. No disoasf- js so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by physicians. By its mild, soothing, and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemrdy cures tho worst cases of Catarrh, "Cold In the Head,' Corym, and Catarrhal Headache. Bold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. "Untold Atony from Catarrh." Prof. w. hattsnkr, the famous mesmerist, of 1 1 horn. X. l' writes: "So mo ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronic nasal catarrh. My family physician gave me up as incurable, and said I must die. My case was such a bad one, that every day, towards sun set, my voice would become so hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morning my coughing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. fly the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemedy, in three months, I was a well man, and tbe cure has been permanent." "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." Thomas .1. Bcshino. Esq.. 190 Pine Strut, St. Limit, aro, writes: " I was a great sufferer from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and spitting, and for tbe last eight months could not breathe through tbe nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. Luck ily, I was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." i ' A corapleb s Treatise on Catarrh, giving; val uable hints as to clothing, diet, and other matters of importance, will be mailed, post paid to any address, on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. Address, , WorltolDhBsnsary dkal Issodatloa, if e&S Msln Btrsat, mTPTALO, , X 1 This space is the ad of Sol. Abraham's GREAT REDUCTION SALE REGARDLESS OF COST. M. JOSKVI-ISOIST IJSW Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of cveiy variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades ad Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. 0 V) A ft o ji 0 b A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. M A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. r3 - J ' A full line of Crockery and Glassware.' And last, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Pinnies and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. COMB 3VTX3 m.tosbi?hso:n". The Lightest Running mid most Powerful Windaiill now lefore the Public Needs no attention, and lasts for years. Tiiese Mills are tlie Best, Cheapest, Strongest and Idiglitest, AND A HE L. m BELir-liEaXJl,.rrOKS- Pacific Manufacturing Co. - 934 & 936 MISSION ST., S. F. DON'T FORGET THE PRICEs. 10-fr. MILLS ?G0 7.r t(0 110 12-ft, 14-fr.. lG-ft" "A" .MILLS Deli vei el on Lcard car at Portland. N. B.-Ail our local Agents sell at above prices. Actunl cost of freight added. OREGON CASKET CO - 109 and 111 North Fourth St. PORTLAND Or. Order through The Revikw office and save extra charge. Land For Sale! REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND General Commission Agents, ROSEBURG, ORECJON., , We have on hand an immense area of the finest grazing, farming and fruit rowing lands in Southern Oregon, for sale in tracts of any size and description for cash, and on time. "We do a fair and legitimate business for a small commission, take pleasure in showing property to intending settlers, and solicit correspondence Parties -wishing to secure a home, or invest money in a safe and sure wav for speculation cannot afford to neglect jsewhore. G I V EUS 6 Om?s -with tho YONCOLLA STOCK FARM. Land for Sale. 40 acre3 located in the heart of the Yoncolla valley and known as the Applegate Donation .ands; 500 acres of w hich is as fine bottom land as can be found in Oregon. It is well watered with running streams and living springs. County road and Railroad located through tho land tho Railroad is fenced on 1.0th sides. Well improved with good, new, two-story frame hoiisf, five barns and all necessary out-buildings. All under good fence with cross fences divid ing it into suitable sized fields and pastures. Large orchard in good bearing. Also with the land; seventeen head of thoroughbred short-horn Durham cattle, seventeen head of good common stock cattle, seven head of fine brood mares, some thoroughbred hogs, one binder, mower, havrake, wagon, fruit dryer and all smaller farm implements necessary for carrying on the farm. For further particulars apply to reserved for HI For 0 w 0 0 V: 0 18-ft. 20-ft. 22-ft. 24-ft. MILLS "A' MILLS MILLS "A" MILLS 180 210 235 2G0. examining our lands before purchasing A CALL. Ilernltl Oilioo ROimEll ISllOS. W. T. Kci ly, Oaklaxd Oregon. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGASM Baa attained a standard of excellence which klmits ot no Huperior. It uontniiiH every improvement that Inventive fnnis, skill nnJ motley cun produce. OTJH B -j ; EVERY h i - - f - OEOAK AtH f J--j WAS- IS f .-v--- -i-j BANTED iv-.h:.J. V, -' C. fetf -7 Tfl FIVE BZCZTu fli i " ' :Hl YEAEt? These Orirans are celebrated for volume, j quality of tone, quick response, artistic Uesljfn, : beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them the moat desirable crpana for hornet, Khools, churches, lodts, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED REPUTATION. VXEQCALED FACILITIES, SKILLED WOBEXEX, BEST MATERIAL, COMBI.VID. MAKE THIS THE POPULAR ORGAN Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues aod Price Lists, on application, fee.1 CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. (gr. Randolph and Ann Stt.. CHICAGO. ILL H. O. Stanton DEALER IN staph drv mm OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING Ac. Boots & Shoes OF THE REST Q UA LIT V. A full j AQdVtlBB.CaUL'Q; of j GROCERIES ! Wood And Willow WARE. j CROCKERY fe GLASSWARE, ! ELECTRIC LAMPS, ! SCHOOL BOOKS, i AND STATIONERY. Subscription AGENCY. I Subscription received fur all Eastern and European Publications. DR. WING TtEI Rooins at Mrs. Comptou's RTio'enee. GIVE HIM A CALL. J. H. O'Malley. C. Faber O'MALLEY it FABER MARBLE WORKS Manufacturers of Ivr onu in ents AND EC ead. st ones and all kinds of ; Marble, Granite and stone works. Mason and Brick work done on short notice. Shop at Flood's old stand. XOTICE. ,5. rPO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON A cern that I have appointed D. W. Stearns of Calapooia Precinct, Pot office address, Oakland; Ralph Smith pi Deer Creek Precinct, Postoffice ad dress, Roseburg, and A. J. Chapman of lfUnr Precinct, Postollice address Wilbur: Inspectors of Stock f Precincts, anoTOthcrs w as parties interested make .their desires known to me. THOS. SMITH Inspector of Stock f cr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or., April 13th, 1887. MILLWOOD MILLS ox ni i:iJiKi creek: CLARKE fc BAKER, Proprietor We are now prepared to furnish lumber of the b -st quality in quaiititic to ault the purvhawra, i:iyj having on hand the lartrest stock of any mil in !-..i,'Ias County. Wc will furnish lumber at our mill at thefolion ing TRICES Jio-1 roujth lumler 8S to. $10 M No. 1 flooring, Q Inch Dili ,(18 it No. 1 fluorine, 4 inch UiM '. 18 M No. 1 finishing lumber ......S10 U CLARKE 4 BAKER. iC. DEvVLERS IN 1, ASJl GO fc3 w J Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Tatent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet articles, HOOKS AND STATIONERY, Spectacles, Dusters, ISrushes, Cornl, etc. OlES AND VARNISHES, Yindow Glass, Putty and Cement Of Interest to ladies. W wfllmiil FREE 6AMPLCofoar wotvtorfol vpMibo for tm omtplniDt to tiny Indj who wit(b totrtiUfficacr hforpurchnirior. Knd ntump for VM-fARKEHS OINOER TOMIO wtthoot itetan 21 a cured the oi cuwt of CoMftfi, Weakly nil's, Arhrn. InditretiUon, lnww'1 I'tlxi. ExLaiuAion. I rival ubl for Jthcumattun. Vrtrmim Weakivw, u4 1I p&ioa and dt onWra of tb blo&utcti Aod ikweU, 6ue. M rutcxfU. HINDERCORNS. I The mtent. orewt and bent enr forOomn, Bunions, o. 1 6top ali pain. EnsHres cocifort to the t t. Nuver teiis Vucurtt. kcatoMirugvttU. liucgx ft Oft, X. V. ur kwt rttCeadded PHOTOGRAPHS ! XT l COT f'AT I S FA CTI ON iT Graves Gallery AND NOW I SMILE. Lightning process and latest styles in Photo's, Copying and enlarging. ROSEBURG - - OREGON. BARKER & WILLIS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. Produce lought anil the highest cash price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON? New Stage Line. ROSEBURG TO CAMAS VALLEY- Leaves Roseburg, Mondays, Wednes" diys, Fridays, and returns Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Time of leaving both terminal points 6, o'clcsk A. m. and arrives 'at each point at 6 o'clock p. m. Rout, T. McOitlloch, ' Prop. Bt ancfi Shoe Stop, Jackson Street, Opposite Post Office, Botelnre, Oregon. KEEPS OX HAND THE .LARGEST Aril) BEST awrtlnent of Eastern and San Prancisco and other makes of BOOTS, SllDliS, CAITEHS, BUf. PEBS and ererj-tlung iu the Bool and Shoe hue, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Ma,te to Order, anil Perfect Fit GoaranteetL I nse tho Pest of Leather and Warrant all my work. -Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. ZOVIS X.A.H3EtlBEB.G. Oakland PRESS BRICK and TILE. Trice of Tile per 1000 feet. 3 Inch $18.00 5 Inch $32.00 4 " $26.00 6 ' $43.00 J. W. Mullen-, Agent, Roseburg, Or LOOK OUT FOR HENRY MILLER FROM Riverside Garden With every variety of vegetables. Will visit RoscrWg every morniut; with rULSII VEGETABLES AND -v FRUITS OF THE SEASON. NEW YORK LUMBER & Wood Yard. Go To 51. R. Howell's East side of track one block south o depot is where you will find n um lei one dry lumber, Sugar pine, Cedar, Fir, and all Dimention lumber for buildings, sawed and shaved cedar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Doors, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts. Ceiling, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, 1 inch plank sawed expressly for sidewalk. I represent the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which' from personal inspection I believe to be the finest establishment on the Pa cific coast, it employs seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, the machinery is new and pat ap in the best manner, and all nnder 6trict discipline and order. Their work is all done bv nnmbr on me chanics and is equal to any work of tne Kind none in iSew Yoik or the East. Fruit boxes, Picket fencea and Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I have sawed all Dimention lumber to order on short notice. All guaianteed as represented or no saIc Call and see stock and prices Ltifore purchasingr" Stove wootl constantly on hand at HARD TIME PRICES. This popular remdy never falls ( effectually enre Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all diseases arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. The natural remit la irood mnmmtif Bad solid flcsb. DaM small 1 ilentt tjr mar waud sad easy to swallow. Kill. II KVrRYWHm 1 I yi