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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1888)
J .mJ.M.-SIL'' .... .. 1 CoA- ROSEBURGr, OREGON FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17.1888. IYO. 46. VOI, XII. - . i ' : - l&V- ? Rosepufg the SliUiili REVIEW las Puslu d U the Front and Uaa the Largest Circulation and Is acknowledged to be the Best Newspaper Ever Published in Douglas county. Subscribe Now. One Year -- ----- $2 co Sii Months ------ - - - 1 oo gyT obituarv notkes of not mors than ten line publUbed free: ad..ilional lines will b charged fur at the rat. of tu xnti per (JESEuAL DISEOTOB Y G aovsa Cleveland. pref!,ei Thus. F. Bayaku Secretary of State Chas S. r AiRcmi.D,Scretary of rreasury. yy X VlL - . SreUry of the Interior. Wm C. K.crr.' Secretary c , ar W.C. VMi.rsE Secretary of Navy. 1) M. Dickisso .... Po.tMa.ter Ghwenl . Attomev GaeraL Morruo K. W ait . . -Cruet J ... TATK OP OHEGON. - A M. ItAKLAA .. - . ice. 4. N Dolm. .......... I u. S? Senators. J. H. Mitchell J . (.. Hbrmans .....Coocressman. STLVESTER PBNS.-YER ". JeoI W. McHaiDE..... Secretary of SUte. 4' W Webb SUte Treasurer. K.B.'McK' ...Sav-t. Tab. Instruction. ....State Printer, Frank Bake :. JR.. S. STRAHAJi ... Wm. P. In:o. t .Snprenw Judges. W. VV. Tn t ku, . SECON U J U UiCIAL DISTRICT. ir Bkan JmlKe' J W- UiSaVoS . ..Prosecuting Attorney, DOUULAS COUNTY. J. H. RHWit, John Estarrr, . W.F.Benjamis P. P. Palmek, f J AS. BLVMWEI.L, I H. Mcke-szuc J Titos. R. Sheridan Bts. C. Agee . . . . Senator. ..Reprea ntative. Clerk Sheriff. Tr&urer. V. S. WEST G. T. Russell. .School" Superintendent. Jas. A. Sterling J. s. FrrzHuuH J. U O. A. McGee. N.' 1)r. S. S AiAnrtui ... Thos. Graii". M- 1'- Assessor. Couuty Judge. , . .Commissioners. Surveyor, .. ..Coroner. M. R. C. S, County Physician. Taos. Smith . . Sheep lnspecioi PRECINCT OFFICERS: T. L. Gannon X Justices. Jas. Harpham. J Constable CITY OF KOSEBURG. H. C. Stantos. ! John Rast, J. P. Shkridan, thos. Grisdale, W. F. BenJamis S. F. Floeu.. .. T. Ford Trustees. .......... Recorder. Marshal. Treasurer. Will H. Fisher U. S. LAND OFFICE PvOSEBURG, Ohas. W". Johnston Register. A. C. Jones Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. 3.PA0CE .....Observer. PROFESSIONAL- L F. LANE. T AKE & LANK, JOHN LANE Attorneys at Law. Main atre;t, ojipiwite Cosmopolitan Hotel. FULLKKTON, Attorney at Ltw. Olflce in Marks' brink, np stairs. R. C. HUjSTER' M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CAXYOXYILLE OUEtiON K. L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon. i Homceopatuic Phjsician. OtEtce up stairs "m the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Rosebnrg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. (EHNlE, M. D. (Pronounced Amo.) HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Grsiriualc Of The IJN1VKKSITY OfJLcipzig Germany. ' Office nt Residence on Jackson St, Rosebud, - - - Oregon. DR.-C-A-BONHAM RESIDENT DENTIST Roseburg i- - - - Or Office over head in MarW buildin. My repnta tlo.i as a Dentist i ba.ed on 'he meriU of my .1Vu mm . , times. . work, rnees rwww"'. O-00LD FILL! SO A SPECIALTY.- EDWARD :PAGE, SURGE CN AND PHYSICIAN, OREGON. OAKLAND Special attention to diseases of women. Milla Svanoe Lund M D OF WOMAN'S MEDICAL COIXEGE Chicago Illinois. OFFICE AT THE RECTORY. Office hour from 9:30 a. m. to 12 M. "Diseasts f women a specialty. SOUTH TMl'dUA MILLS MAXVFACTl HE8 THE BEST FLOUR ; I - . SOLD IN ocXranteed equal to the best "New ' Process Flour." CHOICE WHEAT STORK D FOR FARMERS AND I J Bouirht For C ilrf LINCOLN A BASHER, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. Richard Thomas, Prop. .First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND TUG Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel a he Depot of the Railroad. Central Hotel ! ItOSEBURG. ORKGON, OPPOSITE CARLOX'9 LIVERY STABLE. Board and Lodging per day . m A eek . . . . . $I.OO 5-00 , 4-OC " Without Ixnlging Meals, 25 cents, Lodging, 25 cents -Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel sand the public generally. MRS- GARRISON, Prop. No Chinese employed . SI 00 HE'S KESTAIKAXT. Prineip Buuiiiesa Street.) Roweburg, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. EUROPEAN PLAN. psMOND HOTEL. First Class In Every Particular, Cornsk Front asd Moiirisos Sts. PORTLAND. OREGON Tiiowas Gdixkan, Proprietor. T. H. O'Mallev. C. Faber O'MALLEY oi FABER MARBLE WORKS Manufactures of MONUMENTS & HEADSTONES and all kinds of Marble, Granite and stone works. Mason and Brick work done on short notice. Shop at Flocd's old stand . SOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- -A- cern that I have appomted V. w. eains of Calaiooia Precinct. lastec- rnf Stnrk for Raid Precinct. Post m . rk.n 1 l u.1,,1, , . , m , ' -1 . "i , . -r, . . .s: l Oiuim OI Hour A-recuici, atoi.oiuoo address, V llbnr Hlld other Wilt be aj je( ag parties interested niake their" I I desires known to me . THOS. SMITH Insector of Stock for Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or, Apni 13tb, 18H7. NEW STORE AT D1I,1,AHI, OK. would rea pec t fully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, llcady-Made Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a hist-clais store. Give him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Prodnc Taken in Exchange for Goods. CT.AU orders promptly attended to. -FROM-s- iROSEBURG TO LEMPIREGCITY. HATES From Roseburg to Looking Glass S .75 " " Foot of mountain. . 2.00 " Dora ' " Fairview " ' Sumner " " Marshfield " " Empire City DAW5Y EXCEPT SUNDAY. . 5.0O . 5 50 . 6.50 . 7.00 7-50 For Particlars Inq -ire at the Post Office, jas c Mcculloch, Prop CIVIL BEW) STORE V. I.. ARRINGTON, DEALER IX Dry Qoods Grocsics etc Ali Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO , OREGON BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT BOWEN BROS. Having dissolveil the cojiartnfrship exist ing between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and are now jireparej to lo all work in the Hue in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AND AT REASONABLE RATES DR. JORDAN'S 4 iUUSEUM OF ANATOMY. 751 MARKET STREET SAH FRANCISCO. po AND LEARN HOW TO AVOID VJT disease, and how wonderful!) J nuvle- Priv4te offloe- 111 Gnr Street IConsulUtion on lost manhood and aP J. JASKULEK. Practical "uubDiakxr, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK. WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clocke, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LIS 8 OF CIUAUS, T0BACC4 FANCY GOODo. THE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IN TOWN for the proiierarijtutment of 9pcUole. Depot olthe Geuuiue Braiiliii Pebble Sstcles wd Ey glasues. Olltce In Uamiltou'a Brick Block. THE GRLAT; Transcontinental Route US -VTA THE Cascade Divison Nov Completed,'. Making it the Shortest. Best and Quickest. The dining car line; the direct route; no de lays; fastest trains; lowest rates to Chi cago and all points east. Tickets sold to all prominent points throughout the est and southeast. To East-Bound Passengers. Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, And see that jour ticket raula via THIS LINE, St. Paul or MiimeipolU to avoid vhangds and serious delays occanioued by other routes. Through second class sleeping cars run on regular ex:rjss trulns full length of the line. Berths free; lowest rales: quickest time. General Office of the Company, Bo- Washincton St. Portland, Or- A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't. Gen. Pass. Ag-U No. 3 Washington St. Portland, Or. TriE YAQUINA ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad AND OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY'S STEAMSHIP LINE. 25 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME Than by any other route. n I'M...,- ThM.,.1, P.M.. . n .1 c.;..t,, T In. from Portland and ail points in the willam ette valley to and from San francisco, v-. "'meM tuver une oi oteamers -nm. n. uoaa, me "fl. . Benuey, rne ' . , v ... MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. From Messrs. Hulnian A Co's. Dock, 200 and J02 Front St., for Corvallis, and intermediate poluta, making close connection at Albany and Corvalila with trains of the OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME SCHEDULE (Except Sundava ) Leaves Albany 1. 00 p m Leaves Yaquina 6.30 a m Leaves Corvallis 1.4? pm Leaves corvauis lu.aaam Arrive Yaquina 5. 60 p m Arrive Albany 11.15 a m O, A C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis, The above trains connect at YAO.UINA V. iih the Oregon Development Company's Steam ship Line between Yaquina and San Francisco. SAILING DATES. bteamer From iin Francisco From Yaquina Will Valley TliurFeb. 9.1S88, Tuea Feb. 14, 1883. eastern or l ues " 14, i sun iv. Will Valley Sun " 9, " Sat 25, Eastern Or 1 Sat " 25, " 1 Tlmr Mar 1, This Company reserves the right to change soiling dates without notice. Pa8scnicers from Portland and all Willamette Val- ley points can make close connection with the trains of the YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany r Cor vail is, and if destined to San Francisco, should ar range to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date ; of sailing. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT KATES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. For information apply to C. H. Haswell, Jr., C. C. Hoot s, G. F, A P. Agent. Acting G. F. A P. Agt. Or. Development Co. O. P. R. R. Co. 304 Montgomery St., Corvallis San rraucuco, lai. Oregon, J- OVERLAND TO CAEJFDRNI VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R And Connection THE MT. ShASTA ROUTE. Time lictween Roseburg and San Francisco, 29 hours. CALIFORNIA KXPRRSS TRAINS DAILY. South I North. 4:00 r. M. Leave Portland Arrive 1 10:40 A. 1:45 A. M. I Leave Roseburg Leave I 12:50 A. 7:40 A. H. I Arrive San Franuco Leave I 6:30 r. PULMAN BTJITET SLEEPEES. EXCURSION SLEEPERS FOR Second Class Passengers on all through trains Frss or Charob. I The O. and C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on East bide im'.trom lootoi i u West Side Division- BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS MAIL ISAIS DAU.T (KXCKPT SCSBAT. LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 7.30 A. M. CorvaUlj ...12.25 P.M. Corvallis 1.3W. M. PortlaniF! . 8.15 P. M. At Albany and Corvallia connect with trains of I Oregon I'uctnc EXPRESS TRAIX DAI1.T EXCEPT SUXDAT.) ivavf I ARRIVE. Portland 4.50 P. M. McMuinville.. 8.00 V. . Mcilinnville.... 5.45 A.M. 1 Portland S.00A. M For full information regarding rates, maps, etc. call on coniiny'a agent. R KOEHI.ER. E. P. ROGERS. Manatcer. G. F. A Pasa Agent. iimhiuUioii off than On. Hundred Thousand application, for paten u la iTni.A Ki . taa .nd Fonieu eonn trim, the publishers of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patent, caveats, trade-marks, eopy--i;.. mt fnr th. United HtalM. and to obtain patents in Canada, EnsUnd, France, Germany, and all other countriM Their eip.rU anos ta auMuualed and tneu- laeiuuas it .-a rmJAfinnm menaHHl and flled In the Patent Office on abort notice. Term, very seasonable. Mo charge for examination of models r drawings. Advice by mail free. Paten uobwined threusnnnOo.snotlee4 Inthe BCIEJIXIirtC AMERICAS, which has the larseet circnUtlou sadwthe moat Inflo.ntial BewspsM of its ktnd.pnbliahed la the world. Tbs aaVTntasss f soea a aotooe svacr psteatew 4S?iim-& LrolendldTrnhistrstsd aswausust is pnbliahid WKKKLY at S3-00 . year, and is admitted ta be the best paper devoted toKieaoe. aaechsaioa. Inventions, ensineering works, asa ether departments of Industrial pnereea. pub i fisbed tn any conn try. It emtains the names of all patentees and title of every Invention paten te achweek. Try It fans months for on doUar. Sold by all newidMlers. U you hav an invention to pateat writs t em- (... J f AfterwtTfsais' i C5Lyi Aiu 1 Eperjence In the HARDWARE Or Are naw prepared tojoffer better barjiins than any one in the; state. The "Star" Chilled Plow, warranted the belt and cheapest. The "Bryan1' Steal Plow The Norwegian Steel Flow The Solid Comfort Sulky, the on!) successful Harrows. Common Harrows, Lever Harrows, Spring Drills etc which we will sell cheap. An Immense stock of "Superior" Cook Stoves Firo ins: and Box stoves, every one warranted which we wi'l Prices. Waooks. Lansing 8teU Skein Wagons White Sewing all kinds Kails, Horse h sa, Ouuj, Pistols and Amuuitlon ever brought to Southern Oregon. DONT FOROBT r That we cm sell jol Winchojler Riflea and Shot Remember that Ve have au immenw stock of Cheap er Than The Cheapest. We silo no one to sell cheaper Samuel Marks, S. MARKS & Co. -DEALERS IN- m Ml IlEOMIBISI mm HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND PjilflW TYllV Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, and Produce tion Bought AND THE VERT HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAUH-OR THEU. . MARKS & CO HITCH UP! But before you do that come 'round to W. G. WOODWARD'S AIMSS -AND- Buy a New Set of OB A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Best Stock use nothing but the best EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. W. O. Woodward Roseburg. 1000 REWARD W1U be given any man r man ENDOHaLJ Br le man, I. I hat n' PHACTlCALlgl who will prouuee entiat of large ence. and widely to be an honerable who Will assert that Sued cast sine is not one of the mo3t enduring of all known materials to withstand the actions of the weather. DETROIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich 45.000 rv v ' MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, Makes The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH per;M RUSTIC per M FLOORING per M Situated 15 miles from Roseburg on MOORE THE PEOPLE'S IS- CHEAP! Bulky. tooth Harrows, Boiling Disc Harrows, Seeders, backs warranted lor li years. A full lint of Heat- sell cheaper than you can get "trash." Get our ; Machines, and the largest stock of Hardware r Ira. ar. Guns cheaper than Portland. Tinware just from the East audwill sell it diap thin we, for it isn't be dons. SIIEK1IUX BROS. Asher Marks GOODS. U-ltOClRIi Cigars, Boots and Shoes, of every Descrip JttMsolurtT. Or. Harness of Goods jever BrougLt to Town. leather, and have got DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME WHITE BRONZE MOX13IESTS -AND- STATUARY Were awarded GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, ' Naw Obliaxs, 19 8 4.5 15UPEJRI0R.T0 mmsatoi. esigiiSfuji pricc9 on - Jacksonville, t Oregon $8.00 1 $16.00 ' .$16.00. Sam Cameron Manager. North Uinpqua. Good roads in Summer. &EYAM GROCERS -9 MRS-i.F- HOTCHKISS FLNE MILLINERY AND UEAT DRESSMAKING ROSEBURG OREGON. VII.L FURNISH YOC THE BEST AND FINEST Uooda in the market. Ladies Wear, Laces, Ruchlnics, Kosiery and Jewell y. The dressmaking department is in skillful I hands, and under the immediate supervision I of Mrs . Hotchkiss. CALL AND SEE. NEAR THE DEPOT D- T- PRITCHARD 30 YEARS AND - SHOP ON JACKSON STREET, OPPO site Sheridan Bros, hardware store. ROsEBURG ----- OREGON. THE New York Coffee House IlEaTiV.TTItAIIirT And Oyster Saloon Lending Check Hestaurant in the City. 8IF0RD HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, I PORTLAND OREGON tarPrivate Rpoms of the Latest Designs for Ladies OPEN DAY AND NIGHT STATE 4GRICI LTI KAL COLLEGE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. THE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN on September 8th, with a full Faculty as ast year. K. L. ARNOLD, Pres. Hope For The Afflicted. S. S. Marsters M. D. of Roseburg Graduate of the Physio-Medical College of Ohio; Member of the American Association of 1'nysi clans and Surreous, and Presi dent of the Oregon state P. 31. A to meet the unreut necessities and silent apiteals of a large class of suffer ing humanity, has fitted up his office in the rear of A. C. Marster's drug store, on Jackson street, and announces himself prepared to give 8PECIAL ATTENTION to the Treatment of Curvature, Displacements, polypus and l iterations of the t enia le or gans, and to the treatment of Piles, ristulo and I issures of the Kec tUin and all chronic diseases of the Lrino-tscnital and Kcctat Or gans of both sexes. The Doctor's treatment of the above malladii's. is not empirical or expert- mental, but Safe, Scientific and Successful and in accord with the Latest Discoveries and Most Advanced Knowledge of Medi cal Science. He cures Piles and FistulO without the knife and with out suffering to the patient Possessing a thorough medical edu cation armed with the experience and observation of thirty-five years practice he offers his medical skill and service to suffering humanity. For examina tions reasonable charges. CONSULTATIONS FREE. miS. S. A. IIITCIII.VSOX, MILLINERY STORE! Oakland, Orog-on. a A DIES WILL T.FD MY STOCK LARGE AND V Complete. Prices moderate. C.i-r M Call. Mbs. S. A. Hctohimsoii, tie BEST PIANOS and ORGANS IN THE WORLD (re manufactured and sold for the least money mrnte jei-iteva; am, saamoa this pipie. PATENT'S Obtained, and all Patent Business in the V. 8. Patent, Offloe attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite the V. s. fa tent UlTlce, and we can obtain Patcnta in less time than those re mote tmm WASHINGTON Send MODEL UU DRAWINO. we advise as to mtentability free of chanre; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE OIITAIN PATENT. We refer here to the Postmaster, tne supt. of the Honey Order Div., and to officials of the U. 8. Pat ent Olfice. For circular, advice, terras and referen ces to actual clients in your own 8 late or county write to , A. SXOIV sX t O., Opposite Pate Offloe,- Washington, I. C " McCreKor'a old stand, Jackson Street : Roseburg. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. millS MARKET is always supplied with X. the choicest quality oi Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal and mutton: also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. I The most favorable inducements offered to I 'patrons, and no effort will b spared toward I giving satisfaction. oy i 1 ' 1 si sj , e n? H I ui T " . 1 2 UI r eg CO - e I V,. . ,.j i i 1. mm .fpit Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mnrvet of parity trengtb and who.esomeoesa. More economical than the ordinarr kinds, and canno be sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short eans. royal baking powder co.. io Wail J St. N. Y. When I say Crmaldonot msaa merely to top them for a time, and then Lavs them re turn again. I mbam A. BAD1CAJ, 0U&& , I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or - Ur FALLING SIC1LXES3. A lift loos; (tody. I waEiiAlfT my remsdy to Cubs the worst eases. Because others have failed Is no reason tor not now receiving a euro, fiend at once for a treatise and a Fan Bonus of my Infallible Bbmeot. Exprsss and Post Office. It coats yon nothing lor a trial, and It will cur you. Address H.C.ROOT.M.C.,IUrtau.ST.,RrwrotC iLBAiNY ( COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. INSTITUTE. 1 COLLEGIATE ALBANV 1887. OREGON. 1 888. TWEMTY-FlflST YEAR- CLASSICAL SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL. COURSES OF STUDY. LNSTRL'CTIOM THOROUGH, DISCIPLINE FIRM. ' Tuition rangs from five and a half dollars to tveHe and a half utillan per term. Tn year beirins on Tusilay nearest the middle of September and ends on Mrdncd;iy narcst the middltt of June, and i divided into four equal terms. A enreful sufiervlsion is exercitwd ovr i-tudents from out :f toa n. Good board can be obtained in private fitnilMes .it verv rcadt,nablu nU:K. IUmiuih for .11-tHjanliiij out readily be had at fifty cents wr vnt For anununceinvnt and full iarticulars. address the President, HEV. ELBEltT O 'MHT, A. M . EsUblished lSi2. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING GLaTKtlK. HATTER AND OF OREGON. BUICK & BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE AGENCY. REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Kosebiirjr, Oregon. SoVBuy and Sell Real Estate on Commission. Loan Money on Improved Lands. 0-Have For Sale Large and Small Tracts of gri- rtuuurai, urazing ana nmMr uiiius and city Poperty. C'ormpnndence Solicitnl. D. S. K. Bl'lCK, Manager. Timber Laud Act June 3, 18)8. Notice For Publication. United 8tats Land Office Hosebure, Oregon Dee. 22, 1887. Notice Is hereby (riven that In compliance with tbe provisions with the act of Cong-rers of JnneS, 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ," John W. Willsie of Camas Valley, County of Douglas. State of Oregon, has this day flic! in tills office his .worn statement No for the purchase of the S. E. 4 of b. W. 4 ni tuwl 1 ,1T, V,, . In Tmt..),!n Ma a U .7 . a w. and will offer proof to show that the land' ft FITS! toragriculiurol purws, and to establish his claim I tiilent with the whole of the fact if I Mitt DtlodrOP "Don't vraJitsV to aaid land ln:fore the Kcgister and Receiver of this 1 t . . "1 I r .. . . . J 1 XK- omce at Rnimrg Oregon, on Tuesday the ih, day He names w'witneasea: William Murrav, Frank McDevit, Martin Friend, Owen Willsia allof Csuus Valley Douglaa county Oregon. Anv and all neraona claimlmr adrerselv the itwwa aeaenned lantis are rctuestea to nie tnela claims in this office on or before said 6th, day of March 188. CH AS. W, JOHNSTON. H eg iiler. Notice For Publication. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Feb., 1st 1883 ftroncK is herebt given that the fol- intention to make final proof In support of his I ley Ufljin 01 Species Jr. 140 Uim mtA ,b.t fluid nrorif will be made before th. I r Rexiater and Receiver of U. 8. Land Office at Rose burg. Oregon, on Santrday Match, 10th, I8KS. vis: Jech H Gixaett. Homestead entry No. M 3 for the E , of 8 E J 8Wo(SEJASfcOfSW, see 14 Tp. 24 8 R 4 west W. M. He names the following wttneaars so prove niscon tlnuona residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis. Joseph C Quant, Ralh Coekcran, w. 1. Uoseett, James E. Medley, all of Oakland, Douglas county, Oregon. CHARLES W. JOHISTON. . Register. NOTICE. To all whom it may concern, This h certify that I will not lie responsible lor any debts contracted by my wife Mrs. Ida M Coonetl as she has left my bed al board with . .. out cause or provocation. Geoxcx Conkkll. RELIGIOUS. TAVT IN CT.RKO YMEK. Jin Inraluabtm Quality TV Jnttanm In WMrh Xt Htm. Tact is a quality the usefulness of which is not confined to any given class of profession, although it may be J peculiarly necessary to the diplomat and the doctor and the cleigyraan. Tact supplies the soft answer that turueth away wrath, and also, as Felix Oldboy tells us in the New York Post, severer answer that foils bumptious- x et no amount ox tcx couia have saved that hot tempered English clergyman who, Laving vehemenently aeciatea nis pansnioners wwt vi i unmitigHted asses," was quietly aakea by a by stander whether this was the reason why Le addressed them every Sunday as "dearly beioven wreinten. cial feet. Heretofore the exposed por ays Felix Oldboy: J tions were double walled with boards "I never knew a clergyman who had toct makea failure in Lis'calling. and I I uave seen ungnificent pulpit tal ntsl brought into the dust because of a lack j in this dreHion. One of our auccest-jin fill cuy j.ieachers of hfty.years ago had I this quality in us tf ertion, and a j story in illustration of it comes back I to me as I write. There were Iner soils in his day, for the genial agnostic of that name, who has hit so much J more happily than his predecessors the J vein of coming hi airy unbelief into I substantial .iolUis, is not a new crea- tion by any means. On one occasion the c'ei jiytnan was traveling m a stage coach in company with a noisy talker I who presisteJ i:i thrusting ujion his I fellow passengers the fact that he did j no', believe in the Bible. In parttcu-1 lar he wa severe upon the writer, who J had Hlleged that Joshua commanded I the sun to stand still and look on while I he wiped out the heathen. The clergy, j man had been measuring up his com- panion, f nd at this point he spoke out. 'Did you ever read the further expla- nation of that miracle given in the Book of Zoiobbabef be mqnired. i es I have,' snapped the learned infidel, 'and that doesn't throw any light upon it either. A general roar 01 laucnter. which followed this confession of ignor ance, emled the cantroverey and bot- tltd up the agnostic. On flnnfhA,Twfn.sfnri t.hft RArnH rlftrirv-1 . OJ man was annoyed by a bustling denomi-1 . 1 1 ...e 11 J i. nauonai pieacucr, wuu waitcu uji luiuiaQ (, Aney are UOg art I , T T . luiii iu iiiuiiv, uiiu til at vuivw wnm mi- rested the utteiition of all witlr'n hear, injr, challenged him to a controversy on the Apostolic Succession. The challenged man turned sharply and said, 'Cm ou repeat the Lord s Frayer, sn l 'But,' stHmiiicnd the man, 'I want to discuss ' 'Sir, repeat the Lord's Pray, er u you can. it tne man ever anew the petition it had now slipped from his memory, and he became red and silent Then his dignified antagonist turned in a stately way to the gathering group of amused auditors, and said: 'Sir, I will leave it to this intelligent agsem Wage to decide whether a man who is unable to repeat the Lord's Prayer is fitted to discuss Apostolic Succession." Syllogism. j Salvation cannot be learned off, or got by rote: "Did Jesus die for all menf' "Yes." "Are not you a man?" Yes." "Then, did not Josus die for you?" "Yes." "Do you believe that!" "Yes." "Is it not true that he that believeth shall : be savedr "Yes." "You believe; therefore, clearly, you are saved!" Ah! this salvation by syllogism is a delusion. "Jesus died for me," mini fied into the mere premises of an argu ment or an impenitent lip, is as worth less as any shibboleth a bigot ever framed. Thousands can get through the narrow steps of that poor mental exercise, only to realize that in its bos om lies a sophism, and that its conclu inn is a lie. YoebefaWa,,y Church multiplied i , would sav. "Thev have tumbled over I the wall, net Mima in afc -f ho wv-Wa eate - A jtospel without- reiientance. a salvation aithout convtcdon of ain. a faih without trnsf. an V,w logic, and a reliuion without holiness what will it all issue in but an eternity without hope! A Rule mf lgie. "Every hypothesis bound to ex. I plain, or at any rate not to be inr.nn. roesse to account jar; and it there itoseousn tias a , very Sensitive i tingle one of tfiete facte which mouth!" Mitt Eayne fblushiner ai "t.. . . . ' ..ii ..rr . - can be shown to be inconsistent with (I do not merely mean inexplicable by, I . . . . . I . i ou wnvrarr tne uypotnesis, tUCA hypothetiafoUtto the ground-At wort u nothing. Une fact with which . . . A . it is positively ineotuittenlu worth much, and isas powerful in negativing the hvpothesis, ae Jiee hundred". Hu A truer and more concise rule OI logic never was written. Evolution is an integration of matter and con jomitant dissipation of energy; during which the matter passes from an indefinite, incoherent homogeneity, to a definite, coherent heterogeneity, and during which the retained motion to J undergoes a paralM transformation. Fiffv Vftara aim the SciiDlnma war - 1 . , , . , circulated is 136 languages: now they are circulated in 280. I AGEIOULTuEE & EOSTIOTJLTTJKE MAI81XO WIXTSB Z.AMBM. So far as I can leam five person within my circnit of acquaintance are engaged in the business of raising lams in winter. I visited the larvest crower toay. He had 150 ewes. Two bucks were placed w,th them in June, and they will be taken sv-way so that no lambs wUl be born after ; February. ' Xhe sheep are all grades, and . weigh ghout J25 .j, wi,en -m . condition.. On the approach of , cold .. weatte - . ther are out in the . basement of his barn, which is full, walled on 0M side, partly two sUel the jjj, gjul te poctions abdve tb V wsJi are boarded, Lattened, and are to . be lined with sheathing paper, which ho tM purchased at 3 per 1,000 superfi. ,ni filled j j, 8traw tot maJe such tavoc with straw that he thdnging to paper. The space is vided into compartments 12 by 16 f dimensions, with an alley thro- the center. Each pen will accom date twenty ewen. They have t separate hayracks and feed ttou jThe temperature is kept at fifty deg j by air-shafts extending np through roof of the barn; one is sufficient1 for four penr. A tank of running water u in one corner, and each pen of sheep is supplied with water in pailv. The area is well lighted by windows from three sides. The sheep are fed clover. hay and corn fodder. The grain ration is corn, oil meal, and wheat branuiix nl equally by waight, all they will about two quatta a day each. In ad dition they have all the globe yello beets they can eat, which is about twenty bushels a day for the 150 sheep. ' The gates are made so high from the floor that the lambs can escape inuj the alley, where there are constantly feed troughs for them, supplied with the game gram ration the sheep have. At I Christmas the ewes are sheared, the I shrinkage in wool ftom that to the I usual shearing time bemg. about tweu- I tv five rwr epnt Tn Jnnrw an.. - I March the Iambs are sold, and tt J carcasses weis;h from tLirty to (ot- I five pounds each. The fiist lamV0- Krlnrr fill 9 anA m,,.lli v- vu, u 6i.uti.iij. until April, when the price is dof ' .1 A .... ... 90O ,. , ... ., . wropiiea xa cieau . wniie LUUSlul, then burlaps and shipped bv express to New Yoik City. The person whom I called upon to-day says his ewes ar I fat and ready for the butcher as soon I as the lambs are sold, llaiiy otbeis I in this locality are going into the busi jness. There are plenty of people in i aew I or uiry able and anxious I have spring lamb and green peas I the winter. Cor. Alsie York Tribune WIT AND HTJMOS. -A- Vp Ytmr iVeposerf. Civ tie Harry, you must have no ticed that you have grown very dear to me. I 1 it is use lea a to conceal the truth, mv darling I love you. Harry (turns pala and trembles) It is so sudden, Miss Jones. Excuse iny agitation, but I must have time to think. Clytie Then you bid me hope, my angel! Oh, rapture! Harry (blushing cofuetishly behind his whiskers) I have cot said that. Really, Miss Jones, I must refer you to ma. - Clytie Cruel, cruel one! Why have yon awakened this pleating hope in my bosom if only to blast it? Con sider, my lova. Will nothing move yon to mercyt Bestow upon me this little hand and make me the happiest of maidens. Harry Alas! I fear it cannot be. I esteem you highly as a friend, Miss "W i I V 1 1 do not lovo you. (Holds o yon you. (hi olds out bis hand.) But I will always be a brother J yO. ' Sh throw ten,elf wilh despairfe W11 "P0" hU bo8m' ki"-- him I"or atel7 and ru8!,t OHt to the dark, dark W0lld' c0ivi p year is a fraud. 0 mafia lie Je (wiu.esaing "Fjust") "How are yoa pleased with Irving, Miss Breesjr She "I like him imnvMudv And how much he is like Dixev." I lently) "How should I knowT .1 .Ml MM ', ffmh.j,. ttl l , 1 I . . - jji ueiit jjj it mrnag. Miss Uhicage." Jfite n,i I KAMA ... MM.- Urn. m A I Tt yw ." "ow else co-.Id as 0 vernave any divorogf France "You'd better not trea 1 n my tail!" Germany uVe !, T a treading on it" J5VanceWcI , l mean with lth feet." Bismarck runs a paper mill and di-. tUIery. He also rana the German ZZn pire, but. the two former hrlng fc; " the most money. C-mtumptUm SwrWy Canvw. To th Editor please inr-. above nameddMecse. By its timri. ... J 5h sands of hopeless cases lWe hn .1 cured., nin be steAnZ my remedy free to .T rT nave consumption if thev will sejS ! - Kerosclfullv. . T a ti XT. i Proprietor!. B(m. Send for Books. 'tf'i&wAf:.'