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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1888)
DESOBIFTrVB w u ' . ; -OP- DOUGLAS COUNTY, Kevi oseour TTTT T iUIVi'wJt uiiuiimu f-- v KOSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY flf 1888. VOL. XII. ISX). 40. R "II s ' (ft -THE KOSEBURG ItEYIEW Has Pushed lo the Front antl Has tlio 'Largest Circulation and Is acknowledged to be the Best Newsaper Ever Published in Douglas county. Subscribe Now. Oue Year - -Six Months - - , - $2 00 - loo tW Obituary uotkes of not more than ton linos published free; additional lines will be charged fur at the rate uf ten cent per line. GEflERAL DIEECTOBY. Obovkb Clsvhxakd. Pr?ule"i' Tmos. F. Bayaud. ..... .Secretary! State Cu ts. S. AlRCllll.D,8ecretry of Treasury, i . t.u... i.rfitArv of the Interior. ir.ri .. .Secretary o War W. O. Whitket Secretary of Navy. W. T. Vilas ...Post Master General. A H iIarlasd .......Attorney General. MiiT WaVtW. .... ... .Chief Justice. STATE OF OREGON. J.N Dolph. I U.S. Senators. J. H. Mitchell... J . - Bixoaa HbrmaNS Congressman. Sylvester Pknnover... 0o.y'n?'- Geo. W. McliRlDE Secretory of State. O YV W-bb . ....StoteTreaaurer. E." B.'McELKOir....Supt. Pub. Inatrnction. Frank Bakes. Pnuter- K. S. Strahan ... Wm. P. Loud, .... Supreme Judges. W. VV. Thaybi wrMIl JDDICIAL DISTRICT. r a TtMi- ...... 3Ue. J "AY Hamilton ....Prosecuting Attorney, DOUGLAS COUNTY. J. H. Shopk, 1 Senators. J oh it Emmitt, ) W.F.Ben J am is P. P. Palmer, ...Representatives. J as. Blcndbll, H. Mckenzie. Tilt. R. 5ESJDAN Ben. C. Acee ...Clerk. Sheriff. , . . .Treasurer. iy w EST G.' T. Russell School Superintendent. Jf FrrHrmn County Judge. t. (Tirif ikT. AMrasui. p A Mr-fiea. Commissioners. K K. ISkitt ...Surveyor. Dr. S. S. ll.tK.irMi OTe . . . Counly Physician. Tlios." Smith Sheep Inspector PREC1SCT OFFICERS: r. L. GANNON V Tustices Ias. Harpham ) PETER tONGER CITY OF ROSEBURG, H. C. Stantos, t Constable John Rast, I J. P. Shkridan, ...... . Thos. Grisdale, Trustees, H. V. Floed. .Recorder. T. Ford Marshal, Will H. Fisher Treasurer, XT. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Ciias. V. JohkstOS. ....... Register. A. C Jones .Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. 3. Pac.ce .'. .... . . ...... Observer PROFESSIONAL- F. LAKE, ANE & LANE, JOHN LANE Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan HoteL J. C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. R. C. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I CASYOXVILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Physician. ' Oflitce up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. GEHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) HO MCSOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Sl Graduate Of The CNIVEIISITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office at Residence on Jackson St, Roseburg, - - - Oregon. Dr. C-A-BONHAM RESIDENT DENTIST Roseburg - - - - Or Sfflue over head la VarW buihlinir. Uy repot II , tfon M a Dentist is based on 'he merits ol work. Prices reasonable and to suit the times. A3TOOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Tl EDWARD J. PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND -Special attention OREGON, discuses of to women. CITY BRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOS. CARLOS. SOUTH 1IMPUUA MILiS MANUFACTURES THE BEST FLOUR SOLD IS ill:0:S:E:B:U:R:G:.- GUARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST "New Process Flour." CHOICE WHEAT STORED FOR FARMERS AND Bought For Cash. LINCOLN BASHER, Proprietors. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, ORKOON. Rloliard Thomas, Prop. SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel a he Deiot of the Railroad. Central Hotel! KOSEBURG, OltKGOISf, OPPOSITE CARLOjfs LIVERY STABLE. Board and Lodging per day $I.OO S.OO : " week , " ' Without lodging....... 4 oc Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25 cents- ' Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally . MRS. . GARRISON, P"P- No Chinese employed . SIOORETS RESTAURANT. Principe Buaineae Street.) Xtosotuief, Oregon MEALS 35 CENTS LODGING 39 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. EUROPEAN PLAN. gSMOND HOTEL. First Class In Every Particular, Coama Frost am Moaaisoa Sts. PORTLAND. OREGON Tuoms OuixsAit, Proprietor. P - J l P JH. O'MALLEY. . Propiletor of the ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. And Dealer in - Toombstones, Tablets, Ktc. Shop Rear of Horan's Store NOTICE. ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- T cern that I have appointed D. W. Steams of Calapooia Precinct, Insiec torof Stock for said Precinct, Post office address, Oakland. Also Ralph Smith of Wilbur Precinct, Postoffice address, Wilbnr and others will be added as parties interested make their desires known to me., THOS. SMITH Inspector of Stock fcr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or , April 13th, 1887. NEW STORE AT DILLIRD, OB. would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Made Clothing ana in tact everytning usually kept at a fiist-class store. Uive him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Froduc Taken in Exchange for Goods. taAU orders promptly attend td to. FROM SSOSEBURQ TO ;EMPIRECCITY. Xta.X'ZIS From Roseburg to Looking Glass $ .75 " " Foot of mountain.... 2.00 Dora 5.00 " " Fairview. 5.50 " " Sumner. t 6.50 " v Marshfield. .7.00 " Empire City 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For Particlars Inq 'ire at the Post Office. Jas C. SfcCULLOCn, Prop. CIVIL BESID STORE V. I. ARRINGTON, DEALER IN Dry Good3 Qroceies eto Ali Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO , OREGON BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT BO WEN BROS. llaving dissolved the copartnership exist. tug between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in the line in a "WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AXrj AT REASONABLE RATES. DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy 751 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO PO AND LEARN HOW TO AVOID J disease, and how wonderfull) you an Private office. 111 Ceary Street Consultation on lost manhood and all diseases W Send for Books. ft made. JASKULEK. . , Practical ' nulimakei, Jeweler and Opticisn. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clock, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINK OF CldARS, TOBACCO A FANCY GOOD. THE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IN TOWN for the pnieralntment of Sp'wtacles. Deput of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Biwctaclca aud Eye Slamea. OBiiii Uamiltoa'i Brick Block. Great Overland Iioute THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ONLY LINE RUNNING Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, - Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Umigrant Sleeping Oars, WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST. FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO TII-K EAST Via St. Panl and Sflnneapolis. WVt TIAXSCOXTIHEKTAI UN RONNINC tr Palace Dining Cars (Meals, 75 Cente) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST OVER THE W NORTHERN PACIL1C RAILROAD To Sioux City, ! Council Bluffs, St Joscpli, Atchison, Lcavnwortli, Kansas City, . Burlington, uincy, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS- EaIT AND AND SOUTHEAST OUTHEASl -O i ia st. l'aui nnu minncanous. Emigrant Sleeping Cars Are hauled on regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of TriE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 1 A. m., 3:30 A. m. and 1:15 p. m., daily; arrive at Min neapolis or S Paul 6:30 and 6:35 P tt , third day. Connection made at Sc. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:05 A. M., arriving at New Tacoma at 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. R. fc N. Co's boats for all points on Puget Sound. A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. 0 regon Pacihc opular icturesque R ail road nly ver oute anges 325 MILES SHORTER, 30 HOURS LES3 TIME, Accommodations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and ' Freights via Yaquina and th Orearoa Development Co's Steamships much less than by any other route between all points in the Willamette Valley and San Francisco. DAILY PASSENOER TRAINS. (Excepts 8undavs.) Leaves Yaauina 6.30 a m I Leaves Albany 1.00 p m Leaves Corvallis lO.SSam Leaves Corvallis 1.47 p m Arrive Albany 1L1S a m Arrive Yaquina . 60 p m O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. Wm. H. Hoo, C. C. Hool's, Geo. Manager. Acting 0. F. & P. Agt. Corvallis, Oregon. OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. First class Steamship Line between Yaquina and San Francisco connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. SAILING DATES. From San Francisco From Yaquina Eastern Or Mon. Dec 10 1 Sat. Dec 24 Will Valley I Wed. Dee. 21 Fri. Dec. SO Eastern Or I Fri. Dec. SO The Company reserves the right to cliamre steam ers or sailinr dates. 8. B. Tost, Gen. F 4 P Agt. 304 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cat OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections THE MT. ShASTA ROUTE. Cle connection made at Ashland rUa stages of the California, Oregon Si Idaho Stage Company Only 13 MiltMS of Hinging Time between Roseburg and San Francisco, 29 hours. cauroHSU sxrssss rasiss daily. South I I North. 4:00 r. B. I Leave Leave Arrive Portland Roseburg Frisco Arrite 1 10:40 A. U. Leave 1 12:50 A. H. Leave i 6:30 r. u. 1:45 a. M. I 7:30 a. u. PULMAH EUITET SLEEPEES- Daily between Portland and Ashland, and Siskiyou and San Francisco. EXCURSION SLEEPERS FOR Second Class Passengers on all through trains Fssb or Charge. The O. aud C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on East Side Div. from foot of F St. West Side Division BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS feATI, TRilS DAILY (SXCSTT St KB AT. LEAVE. Portland 7.30 A I ARRIVE. . M. I Corvallis 12.25 P.M. Corvallis 1.30 P. M. Portland.. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains ot Oregon Pacific xrsSSS TSAIS SAILT KXCXTT SCSDAT.) LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 4.50 P. M. 1 McMlnnviUe.. 8.00 P. M. McMinnville. 6.46 A.M. Portland 9.00 A. M. For full information regardine rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. G. F. a Pass Agent. H. PARRY, MercbaLt Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C. Marks Store. Repair and Alterations neatly done. J. HAEDAVARE T Are now prcp.ired tj.olTor better birjjiins than any one ia thi state. The 'Star" Cliilloo Plow, warranted the beat and Steel Plow The 8,0 id Comfort Sulk', the only succemtui Sulkyr . j V rv . Harrowh. t'orriion Hurrows, Lever Harrows, Spring Drill etc. winch will sell cheap. An immenae stock ol Saperloir Oook Stoves Fire inf aad Bos storos, every one warranted which we Prices. Wiaosa. Lansing Steel Skein Wagons White Sewinf all kinds Kails, Bone ih jee, Ouiu, Piotvls and Amunitlou ever braujrht tj S Mithern Oresoa. tr3" That we cin sell yot Winchaater Rifles u l Shot Remember that we have au imm:ne stock of Cheap er Than The Cherpejt. We alio no oue to Bell chCkper Samuel Marks, S. MARKS & Co. -DEALERS IN- III HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND-- Glotiig, ! Day Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Wool and Produce tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S.SIARU8& CO - HITCH But before you do that come 'round W. G. "WOODWARD'S AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. : use nothing but the best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. W. G. Woodward Hoseburg. SMsMBMSMsMSSMSWgsaMSMMUSSl I 1000 REWARD Will be given any man who will produce a sci entist of large experi ence, and widely known to lie an honorable man. ENDORSED BY who Will assert that re- ! lined cast zinc is not one of the most endnring of all known materials to withstand the actions of the weather. DETROIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich 45.JUO MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, Makes The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH periM ... . ...... , RUSTIC per M FLOORING per M Situated 15 miles from Roseburg on MOORE THE PEOPLE'S IS CEEAP! 3?3jOWG. ; e)Knpe. The Bryan" Stool Plow Ths Norwcgisa tootb llVrrow, Mutinx ftu '' 'r. "',rr . Rack, warranted forts r'yn. ,A full line ef Heat- wll wtl clwnj r l! .o n mo get "traahA Get our i 1 llachiiiee, and t:.e I... ,tt stock of Hardware o Gunscheaiwr than rertlsnd. Tinm jre just from the East aud will sell It Cheap tluui we, for it ean't be dons. KIIERI1MN BROS- Asher Marks (ioiiDs, CMoijijaiEs Boots and Shoes. of every Descrip - Rosobnrir. Or. UP! to M DONT FAIL TO CALL ON ME WHITE BRONZE . SUPERIORTO 5i i:rs AND STATUARY Were awarded -GOLD MEDAL AT : WORLD'S FAIfi Nsw Oslsaks, IDcsigijsand j'pricegon 1 S 8 4 - a - Jacksonville, Oregon 22 . . . . . A . 1 . . . . .... .$8.00 $16.00 ....$16.00. Sam Cameron Manager. North Umpqua. Good roads in Summer, & EVANS 1? 3 I iflia e I 1 GROCERS I'- Absolutely Pure I This powder nercr Tarfes. gA msirel ofnnritY w.toatlcal than the ordinarr kinds, and cannot be sold in kom petlUon with the multitude of low test, short weight slum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 10S. Wall I St. N. Y. MRS- is. F- H0TCHKISS FINE MILLINERY AND KTEAT 13RESSMAK1NG ROSEBURG OREGON. WILL FURNISH YOU THE BEST AND FINEST I f Goods 111 the market. Ladies Wear, Lao Ruchinc, Hosiery aad Jewelry. The dressmaking department is in skillful hands, and under the immediate supervision of Mrs. Hotchkiss. CALL AND SEE. NEAR THE DEPOT D- T- PRITCHABD- 30 i t: a ns , AND Tsxcr-Eixszsu. HHOP ON JACKSON STREET, OPrO IO site Sheridan Bros, hardware store, ROSEBURG - OREGON. -THE Waw Vnrlr fYiffnP ITnilCP nBSTATJUAHTT AnCl U VSter bal00n,-w J . . I . - I vr- w- I. T A 1 In the City. SIFORD HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND 0BEC0M CsTPrivste Rooms of the Latest Designs for Ladies . OPKS DAT ISO StnHT . STATE AOIUCCLTITRAL COLLEGE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. THE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN J. on beptcmbet Stn, with a lull faculty as ast year. 15. L. AKJNULU, ires. Hope For The Afflicted. S. S. M:irsters M. D. of Roseburg UrmliKirRof the l'hvKin-Mpdit'Ai Coiiesre of Ohio: Member of the .imencau Association of InySI-1 fillllS and Surgeons, and Prcsi - dent of the Oresron State P. M. A to meet the urrrent necessities and silent anueals of a larsre class of suffer- ing humanity, has fitted up his office m the rear of A. tJ. Slarster's drucr store, on Jackson street, and announces himself prepared to crive KPFfMAI ATTFNTIflN to the Treatment of 4;nrvaturea. Displacements, Polypus and Ulcerations of the Female Or- gailS, and to the treatment of Piles, ristulo and Fissures of the Kec - tum and all chronic diseases of the Urino-tienital and Rectal Or- cans of both sexes. The Doctor's treatment of the above malladies, is not empirical or experi - mental, but Safe, Scientific and Successful and in accord wich the! Latest Discoveries and Most Advanced Knowledge of Mcdi - BstutocSoutecS psl SriMire. He cures Pi Im and Possessing a thorough medical edu - cation armed with the experience and observation of thirty-five years practice be offers his medical skill and service to suffering humanity. For examino tions reasonable charges. CONSULTATIONS FREE. MRS. S. A. IIUTCiILS01V, MILLINERY STORE! lOaklnnd, Oregon. fj AD1E3 WILL FifD MT 8TOCK LARGE AND T7 Complete. 1 'rices noderate. Oi M Call. Mbr. S. A. Hutciiwsok. fk BEST PIANOS and ORGANS IN THE WORLD m manufactured and sold tor the least mooey - uy ClrirtilfiVlJlD i i rO".VA -i'j co. n.j. JDmoy na pArca. Ajtuiuiity istivcK .riwMfiiriay not carry a jewel m its head, tbu o5 ajA i I pi I 11 : ' f T "S KJ 3 2 ee ' 1 . " J : s g t ,. ; J J j THE MANSION- fsr arsis. It would have been called a pictur esque little house if its commonness had not forbidden so distinguished an epi thet There was no beauty in its de sign or in the work of the builder. Nature had not yet wrought upon it any of those fanciful adornments of moss or lichens which in their decay change dull and common things into things that are picturesque and beauti ful; but new and poor aud dull with summer's dust and the tear traces of thi late winter, it was; and this was "The Mansion." In the endeavor to find a level upon tli uneven ground for the foundation of this house, it had been necessary t- thrust down a long post to rupport one corner, while other shorter and lesser posts seemed awk warkiy striding toward the mound on which the upper corner rested appa rently more at eae. The sugniion fln. ..kiola- th an. ywwr legs of pej 'tS, made, together with the low-browed iWsmd its little front windows for evftfL 1VA.VA trin liffsA finriM a. Iwalr wliifh I hinfxl that it mirrl.r. fu snmA hfthrt I ntfa thm I all rarlw for , ln Within dor. I cheerfulness in reserve, but a consistent disregard of both those conditions per fectly suited to the exterior promise of this verv plain and very queer little house. i The playiul irony which had given i to it the name by which we knew it, "xha Mansion would have been un kind if it had been directed against that poverty of idea as well as of puise which so often marks the humble dwellings of the poor; but all indiffer ent to cottage beauty or ironical epi thets, the toad like house squatted on the hillside and winked its little window-eyes towards the east; and saw there, stretched out before it, a land scape grand and beautiful as was ever seen in poetic vision. Snow-clad mountainh, pnrpla foot-hills, green fori eats and smiling farm lm Is, a beauti ful river where whit sails flitted ever the blue water us did the sea gulls in the air above, tely trees upon the tanks wh'-re birds flitted and sang gaily and under whose shade groups I of spotted cattle and white robed sheep wn.lmd at will, a olimnan of tha hnsr city as it hugged the winding bank of reverence haJ she been Queen of Eng the stream where it swept under the laud and himself an humble courtier bridge and hurried away towards the v.hir vnrvlnir I moods of rejoicing or gloom, the little 11 i:..i I Had It been in very truth a man- IfliAn nA nni. thn imri. nrl r-rnnr-Wl I UUUaD EH. W V. lb 11 1 IO UbllO WiUWW V11. I HmMinoi of thn rentil which mav or 1 . ... . . I story would not have been written. It was only when Providence had placed in this rough setting a jewel which glowed there in its pale beauty for a time and then departed f 01 ever that we knew how well it had benn named. It was when spring had advanced a 1 a little, droppmir a towinten polity w the bare brown branches and softening the harsh voices of the wind to gen tier measures, that we saw movements about the little house which gave a hint that it was about to be occupied. There were some slight demonstrations I of wrestling with the accumulated dust of months, and a few simple articles of I household furniture put in their places; and toward evening when the western sky was lit up by the glory of the set ting sun, a carriage stopped before the Humble gate and an invalid woman carefully wrapped up, was bome in arms up the uneven pathway to the doubtful hospitalities of "The Man sion." i I For several days we saw but little For several days we saw but little 1 of our new neighbors; a man whom we of our new neighbors; a man whom we I rightly guessed te be husband, nurse 1 and heusekewper went in and out of the! place with a brisk and cheerful man- I ner. which indicated that he had at command evert thing essential to com- fort At length some simple errand of inauirv about the resources or the I neighborhood brought him to our door, and his errand done he said with a cheer- ful and eood humored air. that his wife I had been sick but was now out of the doctor's hands and would be pleased to have a cell from us. "While the rain I was falling through the alternate shade 1 nd sunshine of an April day, we paid our first visit to the 'lady of the man- sion." Through the comfortless little front room and sn inner bed room! to the narrow little kitchen we were ush- 1 ered by the husband who presented us to his wife "Mrs. Grey." Upon a Sset- tee contrived of chairs and blankets where the comfort of the kitchen stove 1 might be had the invalid received ! ns I She was neither vonnff nor beautiful nor cultured as the world counts thrso I Paler than we had seen htm but cheer things, and yet without the aid of per-1 ful he held in his hand a puzzling 1 sonal adornments or attractive sur I ronndings, there was in her face a rare I beauty a beauty net of an earthly I sort but such as comes from a bure - 1 and high spirit filled with love j and sanctified by suffering "I am happy to see my neighbors" said she, as she gave her thin little hand in welcome. "this is so beautiful aplace that! have eome here to grow strong. 1 think all who live her murt be good and pleas ant to know." Wo had not expected such a greeting but without heeding our hinted demurrer, she went on sav . . .. ing. "1 have been ilL but now I am geuingweii, i only neeu tonics ana 7. ,i v . my husband' nursing, and when the spring flowers come, I expect to bloom out too." Simply as a pleased child she prattled on, hopeful acd happy from the blessedness within herself, and wholly nnconscious of the threat emng evn irom without, it needed 1 . . ... il.i .1. 1 1 duv a mouiBni w see mat sne nta en terea aa a iiuia cnuainwine i.ingaom 01 ileaven and d s-eit there. What her was it that poverty, discomforts, uisoaso nnu ucatn lueii ciarea upon j : ., j ii. ?i j i i i her with insistent menace! The antrels of faith and love were with her j upon ner ntf" imnu ana upon ner leit; ana Uving in the light of their presence i ij i .1 i i auu ieu uy mem, sue anew no aanger ana xeit no iear. ioe contrast between nusband and wi was vary maraea; ne, neaitny, strong and vigorous; she, wasted disease anl helpless as an infant; watchful ntici listing every . want; - she receiving with gentlest accepUuce every kind office. Husband and wife were all in all to each other in simplic- lty oi taitn and purity and entiret0f anection; and so from th perfection their blended Uvea there riione forth radiance which changed the poor little house into a temple of happiness and love. Day by day we watched this interesting pair wcing clnarly enough that disease had laid his relentless hand upon the little wife, and that death alone could release ber; but they saw it not; their hopeful eyes were stead fastly turned away from the cloud of gathering sorrow which already filled so much of their life's sky; and the twain wandered on in their love-lighted pathway trusting in good, uncomplain ing of suffering, ar.d unconscious of trouble to come. V. '. But April bad now Jone her gracious work in ''redressing the wrongs of win ter." The swan-flower trees were al eadv shining and the pusy willows hud thrown off their glistening ca(s. The wake robin was astir, antl v'mlots and anemones were abloom embroid erini; the ereen hillsides; ami soon May, "queen of blossoms," would come scattering with bounteous band tresn a ad. Bowers everywhere, .would the patienCjrenue sunerer 01 ins oian- "ion whose wunt was daily filled with the frazranfr of. af divine bestowing. SOOn DIOOm-Iiae a nowor lu mst emer earden of Godt She was always on her bed now: the I end was drawinz near. Jack, as site called her husband, was ready and skill ful as ever but seemed perplexed, al most doubting that she bad fallen ill again. - "Poor Mandy he would say, "is a long time punished. we inea as best we could to ease her. The doc tor came again in answer to; their call; but whether from tenderness or the want of it, he only left her a soothing potion, and gave no hint of the hope lessness of the case. Perhaps it was well. Tho Father himself would speak the word at the proper moment, and as he tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, so he mitasrates the sorrow ot his children in their bereavement and suf fering. - " Poor Jack was growing troubled, not that he saw the danger, for he did not ana it: but he was concerned lest "Mandy micht be sick again." Per- hapa it was in doubt of his own abili tiaa in such an event that a servant maid was brought into the house, and kind iieople even called in; perhaps it was from a desire that due homage should bo naid to his wife, whom he could not have served with protonnder dependent upon her grace; but be stiU continued nurse and housekeeper, per forming culinary wonders and offering Mim with daintiest care. : The nale I f 'yil,g very qlet on th Pa'ow now. only the brave, dark eyes fol- lowed him lovingly wherever he moved, P wo, " l"7 IWU "cf . -1 . 1 1: 1 1 .1 1 1 done, the same sweet content and cour- as t endure May day had come with fairest sky and sweetest oreatn 01 nowers. ah pxcited call from the servant and we hastened to the f ick room. The dying woman was .raised upon the bed, her bead resting upon her husband s breast, hrr fact- breathing henry and rapid. With her eyes fixed upon her husband as though she could never cease to look she strove to sneak. An asony of intense love was in her looks and tones, she knew that she was to be bome away from her other self aud in the agony of that oart'nff all other ills were swallowed up. The poor husband was heart broken; all were weeping and a wail of sorrow filled the room. It was a pit eous scene and one never to be for gotten. We approached the bed and asked "Is : she going!" "Yes" was the answer. "Oh! that is well" said we "the weary sufferer will find rest and the drooping flower win Dtcom in Heaven, lbe golden gate will open wide for her and the dear Lord will give ner waicn oter you. oue iay quiet and smiling while one by one the bands of the frail body were loosed and she slept to wake in Heaven. Spring and summer had been gath- ered into Time's grand teservoir the past,: ana iue autunui inu were I again piping through the bare brown branches. Jack Grey had wandered away into vie country wnore nis wire had spent her youth, a poor broken J winged creature still chirruping cheerfully, i He went thither hoping I to find among these dear farnilliar scenes and in honest toil, comfort for his hungry heart Workmen with jackscrews and rollers had stirred the little toad-like house from its repose on the hill-side-and guided its creeping 1 journey to another less interesting spot where it rested again, and gave shelter j to a fair woman and fairer child i en. A chill November day was drawing to a elOse, when a summons called us to the 1 street door and there was Jack. - 1 structure, made of innumerable small J sticks, cut with a ' pocket knife . and j htted together so that ticy formed a I frame for a picture. Explaining this J "it wai" he said "a gift in his wife's I name because we had been so kind to her. And so the honest fe.Iow true I and tender to the heart's core touched I his hat and went away, leaving behind I him a memorial of true love richer - 1 than he knew, I Oregon boasts the most enterprising - 1 daily and weekly press ef any state in V.. . I the Union. Ihere lit no paper which .1. .i . . . . so completely nils its new, giving the news and all the news to as large a section as does the Oreaonian. I One might as well miss a meal as an issue of Oregon's great iouroal. The I Statesman, of Salem, is full of vim and - 1 enterprise and the Jacksonville Times 1 is a marvel or what a ountrv naTr I . T . , .. - can oe. lis success is doe te the enenrv I enterprise ana push of its proprietor. to bo all tbroushoat the state can! I found papers far ahead of similar nnb- 1 1- .. ... . I ncauons in tne east i nn Kevtrw feels well itself, looks back over tho J past three years of prosperity, pullx off lies coat, so toseaK,Iorthe work before it for 1888. It i bound for the ton I i uenry Villard is the man of affairs par excellence in this country. Jay uoul.I is the monster monev surtiW by I Villard the min of finr,r.ial r. he tions. No miHfortrtnn n n tK . w w va i vsa VUv can auell the impetuous but sura eamor nf because it is not based on reckless speculation. Mr. Villard is not one! to "stay under," and that he is again I becominc a nnwor in AnwrW will 1 of the signal for fresh activity on the part a of investors and capitalists. . THE SKW Jt A I LRU AD. S. F. Alta: The excursion of Cali- fornians to witness the driving of the last spike on the California ami Ore gon road was suggested by the Altn, and carried out successfully by jthe state board of trade. That organiza tion took charge of affairs arid secured a representation in the party fiom six- ' teen counties. Thete representatives were drawn from every leading indus try and profession in the state. They are men who have been d.Iig-nt in tbiur business and nre fit to tand before . kings. Each in his : way, they l-ave created this new California, which is pushing its rivalry against the sunny side of Europe, for en this continent it has no competitor; and by rean of ' it products, which, deprridint upon a unique climate, differ from ail. others, it has no home jealousies. The exjte ,v . rience of this representative body of Califomi&na has nirsde them wise in . estimtting the capacity of a country, and eo-tlie-y weni to Oregon as a jury of exert-i to aee hat is the promise of ooiuroercinl advantage to follow,,t(ie railway anion of t.V states - : - Since Oregon passed her sstic stage and became dry land,.. WriTr mountains Were raised anif her rivers receiveil their appoiated chrinnels, she never passed a keener inspection than. under the ey of these gentlemen. We do not say they went there expect ing to find a rival, but we know that they returned feeling that they had at last discovered at our." own doors a region capable of the most valuable reciproc.u trade. , Oregon produie what we . cannet, or what we will no because ot other utilities in our soi which are better for us to follow, aiH California produces what is physical! barred to Oregon, of what there woi'1 be lesser utility in the soil ami th fore undesirable. It is as if in adjoi ing fields it were discovered thpt i one grows cane and cotton, rice ' tobacco, and in the other corn - - heat, oats and rye, C:tx and 1 : - and fruit Such a situation doe: imply commercial rivalry, for it i " best field for mutual comm products. ' Such is the relation c gon and California as discover these ' keen-eighted citizens t.w , state. .... We must hereafter draw much froit Oregon and she must draw much fron. But let it be remembered that this railroad has not merely given us Oregon for these commercial exchanges. It has opened the noith. Look at the map and see over what a tedious voy age by sea or journey by land Oreor. Washington Territory and British Ci umbia had to seek the products o California. Loo again and see tha the reciprocal conditions which begir in Oregon are heightened as you g north, that more nnd more ofwbat wi want is produced, and so the dmaiM for what we have to give is incread and the commercial outlook rises w. the increasing perspective. When t' Canadian Pacific is tapped, wlu'ch ey is not lar swsj, oaii rrautuavvs near tne center oi au yui com , tion from New Orleans to Wim finished her road to the north we wjill be on a belt railway front the Gulf'ef Mexico to Hudson Ji' Bay. The view is inspiring, xt should tempt our young men into commercial life, for here is to be the world s best bld for . commercial genius. With a continent behind them and an ocejtn at their feet; San Francwco and Portland have an enviable destiny. The following information iu Uiid' to emanate from Mr. Campbell, the U. S. Consul to Auckland, lie states tliat in that country is found an enemy to tho codlin moth which he describes as fol lows: In the Wanganui district the na tives plant in their orchards & vine called phyBiuithus, which can be trained to run up the trunks of the apple trees and spread itself over the branches with-- out any possible injury to the trees. It' bears a profusion of fragrant whitish; flowers that bloom from spring., to au- tumn. They are filled with sweets and . attract all sorts of honey-gatliering in- , sects. The codlin moth finds tht m as 1 naturally as a duck finds water, and rind- -ing them, in order to reach the hi-ney,' it inserts its proboscis through a narrow cleft in the flower so shaped that although the proboscis can be readily inserted it cannot be withdrawn. The leaves- act much as the wires of an entrance to an old-fashioned rat trap act, and holds the moth a prisoner till he dies. It is a genuine vegatuble trap, baited and worked by Dama INature herself. If Mr. Cami.teUjacecidT- planthe describes can be naturalized in America it would prove a boon indued to the orchardisc ' Further ad vie s re lating to this pLtnt will b looked for ward to with interest The era ot proMietitv and advance ment should strike Doutus eourity tl- year. The boom will arrive as ,aertw and on time. The resources of tl. county are as yet almost totally imK veloped, and the county, being as l;tr;R , as the state of Connecticut, with ie sources as great, can support an equal population J ow is the Um9-B6oin I : . , " " i - - J I Piss cm Bhiinlil roinMii mr fhaf .., I . . ' , , " " i rtaiAnr. mnnPT ui butidit an ina Wjtr- ; r ' 'VJW , , ?k an?. D?lte ... . , . low tJ do a little trading nut what yon bring some articles of produce. Look around you at those who have been most successful and you will find this to have been their rule. o. n? . i. :n I , V., otronjr enorta wia i mayo u uui i citizens for the erection of a wolea nr.U at Roseburg during the present yritr. With a good strong pull all- together it can be accomplished IJemmicr tlio watch word for "88 is the "woolen mill." The Review is tennined to give Douglas county a :par ot which it maybe proud. The pirtress uiade dur ing the past three ye irs m but an e u-n- est of the future. Consumption &ttr 1'y Crrf. To THR Eiiitor, 1 Vise inform vruir readers that I have a pi - Jlte r"" above named Jt ease. Byli sands of hopeless cases have cured. I shall be glad to te my remedy free to any of yc nave consump ion if thrv wiii l t"pI.? n 4i 1 "ITreart St., N express and pout office address. T. A. SLOCITi ew York. fit r V 7 : 1 A