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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1888)
r - . 'Rosebui raisco A la "Bancroft & Co X VOL XIII. ROSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST '31. 1888. NO. 2. "Review; hie KOSEBURG REVIEW lias Pushed to the Front and ' Hai the Largest Circulation and Is acknowledged to be the Best Newspaper Ever Published in Douglas county. 1 Subscribe Now. One Year - - - - -- -- 552 oo Six Month - - -' - - - - 1 CO tJT Obituary notices of nut more than ten lines published free; additional lines will be charged fur at the rate vf tea cents per line. (iESEBALDIREOTOBY. Okovkr Cleveland. President. Thus. F. Bayard Secretary of State Chas. S. r AiRCHiLD,Secretry of Treasury. W. T. V'iuaj ....Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Esdicott Secretary of War V. C. Whitney Secretary of Navy. V. M. DirKiNsos... .Post Master General. A. 11. Garland Attorney General. Melville W. Fuller Chief Justice). STATE OF OREGON. ?,0LHu '' U.S. Senators. . II. Mitchell ) "Hisukk Hb!:mass., Congressman. Sylvester 1'kxnoyer ....Governor. Gnu. W. McHripb Secretary of State. G. V. Vbi:b.... .State Treasurer. ' K. B. MlKlroy ....SuptJPnb. Instruction. . Frank Baker State Printer. K. S. .STRAflAN ...1 VVm. P. Lrmrr, ....Supreme Judge. ; W. VV. Thaykr, J N. Davis, Clerk. Board School Land Com rs. ?-,,oVNAGGONEI'lRalfoad Commissioners. 1. II. Slaier J j. R. N. Bell, Clerk of Railroad Commission. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. 8. JinAsrT. J udKe. -WniAMlLToN ....Prosecuting Attorney. "' "- - DOUGLAS COUNTS. . C. FulleRTO. ........... Senator. o. E. Rickkr, 1 ; J , BlcspSLL, Eeprea. ntative. L E. Labrie, G. A. Taylor.. C lerk. V zs. C. Agee Sheriff. V. I- ARuiNr.TON Treasurer. Oils Hutchsom.... School Superintendent J as. A. Sterling Assessor. J. S. FrrzHCoii County Judge. Lewis Ash -. Commissioners. Hiram Weathkrly.... j W.F.Brioos Surveyor. Dr. S. S. MansTERS Coroner. Thos. Graham. M. D. M. R. C. S. County Physician. Thos. Smith Sheep Inspector PRECINCT OFFICERS: - J. A. Eggers ..1 justices' DAvrn Hunter I II. S. French .: Constable CITY OP ROSEBURG. H. C. Stanton, I John Rast, L P. Shkridan, V . Thos. Grisdale, W. F. Benjamin"; S. F. Floed... .... -T. Ford WiixH. Fisher... . Trustees. ........ Recorder. (.. .Marshal. .Treasurer, U- S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas. W. Jounston. . . . . .Register. A. C. Jones Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. Pague . ; . Observer. PROFESSIONAL- L F. LANE. JOHN LANE jANE SLANE, Attorneys at Law. posits r,vr.mppr.1WAn Hotel. s. F. floed Attorney at Law. ROSEBURG. - - - OREGON. J. C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. OlHce in Marks' brick, up stairs. K. L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Phjsician. Office up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Rpsebnrg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. EDWARD j PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of JAMES H. HAWKINS. B. S.. M.D. OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to Diseases of the EYE & KIDNEYS. Calls promptly attended night or day. J. A. Eggers C. H. Eggers I safer. Bros, Contractors and Builders. Plans, specifications and bills ol lumber made on application. Having had twenty years experience iu carpentering, e guarantee onr work to give satisfaction. Uive as a call. niws RoseDurg, - Oregon. dr. jordan's Museum of Anatomy. 751 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. VO PO AND LEARN HOW TO AVOlu " I disease, and how wonderfull too are made. Private office, 511 Geary street. Consultation on lost manhood and all diseases of men. Send for Books. THE OLD RELIABLE "On JuckaOu strep., established in 1867. Also a new shop near the depot established for the bone fit o his many customers. Jacob Bt&zer SAM KEE Th e Chi n'e:t? Merch a n t, Formerly knewn as Sam Young, Keens al". kinds of Chinese fancy-work, and frins of everv descnption. Give him a call. t3T Opposite Cations livery stable. Washing and Ironinc. neatly done. ROSEBURG, - - - OREGON VV1 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL. OAKLAND, ORKtlOX. I?i'laai-1 Thomas Ii-i. JFli-tst Claw SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AS'D THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of ttie Railroad. MOOKE'S RESTAl KAXT. Principal Business Street.) Itosebuij;, Orcffon MEALS 35 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. EUROHKAN PLAN. jTISMOXD HOTEL. First Class In tvery radicular, Cousin Front asd Muerisox Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Thomas UtrrxBAN, Irorietr. THE New York Coffee House HESTAUBAWT And Oyster Saloon Leading Chech Restaurant in the City. SIFORD & HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, POST LAND - - ; OREGON tSTrivate Rooms jt tbe Latent Designs for Ladies OPEN DAY AND NIOUT. C. W. KN0WLES. ST. CHARLES HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN- C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVEBT RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Briek Building ISO Rooms. In the Center of the city. COR. FRONT AND MORRISON 8TS., PORTLAND COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL NEAR COURT HOUSE SQUARE llOSEISVliG - OTIEGOX. This well known house under the new management will he conducted on the best and most nopular plans. No pains being spared to iive general sat isf action. SPLENDID SLEEPING apartments with single and double beds. A DESIRABLE PLACE FOB TRAVELERS AXD FAMILIES. THE TASLD will be supplied with the best the mark et affords, served by white cooks. FREE HACK TO AND FROM TRAINS. Rates reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. J. A. SLOVER, Proprietor. MRS. J. PATTIE Has opened up her stock of ALSO A FULL STOCK OF ZEPHYR & BERLIN WOOLS. ARRASENE & EMBROIDERY SILKS. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. Rememl)er the place, next door to Pntch ard's Jeweler Store, Jackson Street. NEW STORE AT DIIjBjARD, ok. I U ll.Iil would respectfully inform the public that he has en hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ueady-JIatle Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a tiist-class store. Give him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Goods. m tfAll orders promptly attended to. The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Successor to S. Hamilton.) Roseburg ------ Oregon, Practical WaithaiakiT, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer hi Watches, t'lockf, Jewelry, Spectacle and Eyeglasses. A FULL l.fNE OF CIUARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. mHE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IN TOWN L for the protieraillustment o( Snetacles. lcint Genuine Brazilian Pebble Sieutscles md Eye glasses, omce in Hamilton s Brick ISlock. Transcontinental Route PACIP VIA - TILE Cascade Division Nov Completed, Making it the Shortest. Best and Quickest. , The dining car line; the tlirect route; no tie- lays; fastest trains; lowest rates to Chi cago and all points east. Tickets sold to all prominent points throughout the east and ! southeast. To Enst-Botmd Passengers. Be careful and do not make a mistake, but le sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, And see that your ticket roads via THIS LINK, St. Pan! or Minneapolis to avoid ehangos and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through second daw sleeping cars ran on regular express trains full length of the line. Berths free; lowest rates; quickest time. General Office of the Company, So- 2 Washincon St. Portland. Or- A. LV CHARLTON, Ass't Gen. Pass. Agt. Kd. S Washington St. Portland, Or. THE YAQUINA ROUTE Oregon pacific Railroad AND OREGON DEVELOPMENT COM PANVS STEAMSHIP LINE. 22S MILES SHORTER, 90 HOURS LESS TIME Than by any other route. First Class Through Passenger and Freight Line from PORTLAND and all points ia the WILLAM ETTE VALLEY to and from SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TIME SCBEDDLE (Except 8undavi.) Leaves Albanv ptn Leaves Yaquina 0.45 a m Leave Corvsilis U0 p m j Leaves Corvalli 10.36am Arriye YaqutnaX'30 p m j Arrive Albany 11.10 a m O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. Tke above trains cannectat YAO.U1NA W ita tbe Oregon Development Company's Steam ship Line between Yaquina and Sail Francisco. SAILING DATES. Steamer From San Francisco From Yaquina Will. Valley Sept. 1, 1SS8, j 13, " " " " 23, ' Sept. 7, 1SSS. " 19. This Company reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice. Passengers from Portland and all Willamette Val ley points can make close connection with tbe trains of the YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany or Cor vallis, and if destined to San Francisco, should ar range to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date of sailing. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT HATES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. For information apply to C H. Haswell, Jr., C. C. Hoot-a, G. F, 4 P. Agent. Acting 0.F.4P. Agt. Or. Development Co. o. P. R. R. Co. :lor Montgomery fet., Corvallis San Francisco, Cal. Oregon, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY'S LINES. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Time between Roseburg and San Francisco, 29 hours. CALIFORNIA KXPRF.SS TRAINS DAILY. South I ; North. 00 p. M. I Leave Portland Arrhe j 10:40 A. M I:4.' a. H. Leave Roseburir Leave I 12:50 A. H 40 A. M. Arrive Sun Franisco Leave I 6:30 r. u PULMAN BUITET BLEEPEE3. Tourists Sleeping Cars for apcommotlatioii of Second Class Passengers, attached to Express Trains. The O. and C. H. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on East Side JDiv. from foot of F St West Side Division- BETWEEN TORTLAND & CORVALLIS MAIli TRAIN DAILY (RXC1IPT SCTOIAT.) LEAVE. ARRIVE. Corvallis 12.25 P.M. Portland 0.15 P. M. Portland 7.30 A. M Corvallis 1.30 1'. M At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon 'Pacific. KXPKESS TRAIN DAILY (RXCKPT SUNDAY.) LEAVE. ARRIVE. McMinnvi1le..8.00P. M. Portland 9.00 A. M. Portland 4.50 P. M. Mc.Minnvillc... .5.4 A. M. For full information regarding rates, maps, etc. call on company's agent. R. KOEHLKR, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. O. F. & Pass Agt. Douglas County Bank, FLINT, & TAYLOR, Roaelorg - - - - Oregon. Tl AN S ACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the iir;ncipal cities of Europe. Deposits re. ceivetl subject to check. Collections made on all accessible points at reasonable rates Willamette Vit i versify ! GRADUATES STUDENTS IN Classical, Literary, Scientific, o rni a 1, tiusifiess. Law and Jletlical courses. OLDEST, LARGEST, AND LEAST EXPENSIVE Institution oflcarning in the northwest. First term begins September 3d, 1SS8, Address THOS. VAN SCOV, Pres. A 24 Salem, Oregon, 30,000 Acres Farm IN DOUGLAS AND Fine furm8 of amost every tfineriifio)i well fenced, veil watered, find sit uated in the tnost healthful climate, me 7ioic offered fur Rule, In Tracts of frm 160 103000 Acres. a I hnve entered the, 1' Ext a tn Itus'utexx to situ, and have superior facil- tie.i for disOji,)ii of liiiid. The,-efvre lo well to place the mutter in my (hrtrje. J. 0. HUTCHINSON, OAKLAND, - - Chas. K. WuI.verton, President. J. V. Clisick', Tren-iircr. The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co. ' CAPITAL STOCK $500,000 00. PAID UP IN CASH $00,000.00. ' : ALBANY, - - - WM. LLRICH, District Agent, MEDFORD, OREGON. Samuel Mauks, S. MABESI & Co. -DEALERS IN- IlilBM MllOIMDiei HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Clothing Dl Crockery, Glassware, Provisiona, Clg-ax's, ' Vool and Produce tion Bought J AMD THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAIS FOR THEM. 8. BXAXtlCS & CO . 1000 REWARD EKDDRSC0 BY I ' WcticallyA i Will be irfven any roan who will protiuoe a sci entist of large experi ence, and widely known to be an honerabltr man, who wiu aiutert uiat rc fiued cast sine ie not one of the most enduring1 of all known materials t withstand the actions of the waather. DETROIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich 45000 ' r MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, - PAGE DEALERS IN- DR'JGS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, JEWELRY, We expect to do a strictly cash business, and will endeavor to make it to the interest of all to deal with u We also invite a continuation of the pat ronage of all former patrons, and solicit new ones. g-GIVE US A CALL. : MOOKE & THE PEOPLE'S; GROCERS Keep all Familv and Fancy Groceries. ft -ALSO- Agents for Wagons Buggies Carts GZV& TJBBJM POST OFFICE Drain Academy STATS MOBMAL irst Tevinx toes-ins ei3t, ltli 1888, witu ix XvlII corps of OorLipetenjt Instructors' For further information see W,C.1Iawley, A uraiing .an v JaCKKOX COUNTIES il.ox". i"ishiu,l to tell their In tld will L - - OREGON J. p. WnrsMAx," y '. J. K, Eldf.rkim, 1 , Sec. and Mansccr. - - ' - OHEUON L. D CARLE, Local Agent. ROSEBURG, OREGON. " Asiikr Makks GOODS, ! GROCERIES Boots and Siioes. of every 0 escnp- Kosclnr.".' V SUPERIOHTO I Monumental WHJTE C.1BSZS AS Dr- STATUARY Were awarded GOLD KEDAL : AT WORLD'S FAIR, Kkvt Orlkaxk, 1 W K -1 - . 25 Jacksonville, Oregon DIMMICK OILS, WATCHES, EIC. ETC COMBS, EWS . kinds of "'-j.:- me all kinds of Binders Reapers and Moweis etc Jl CALL. i ROSEDUHf!, Oil - - later advertisements, or address B., L. L,B,, Principal. MRS- E. F- K0TCHKISS FINE MILLINERY AND j 2XTEAT X5RKHSMAlilXG, lib.SEKU KG OREGON. H7I1.L FURNISH OV THE T.KST ASD FINEST V itontU in the market. Ladies Wear, Laces, Ku-.liiiii.'9, iiurficry aiiil .Icwcliy. . The drcssitinkin department is in skillful hands, and under the immediate supervision of Mrs. Hutchkiis. - CALL AMI SEE. NEAR THE UEI'OT D- T. PRITCHABD ill VEAIiS WiVTCriMlLKBri AND SHOP ON JACKSON STREET, OITO site Sheridan liro;. hardware store. ROSE1JUKG - ----- OREGON. '.' Kit FROM ROSEBURG TO EMPIRE CITY. H.LTES From Kosclmrgto Looking Glass $ .75 " " Foot of mountain .... 2.00 " " Dora 5.00 " " Fairview 5.50 " " Sumner 6.50 " ' Marshfield 7.00 " " Emjiiie City 7.50 DAILY EXCEl'T SUNDAY. For Particulars Inquire at the Post Office. J;is . Mi t'l LLOOI, Prop. Hope For The Afflicted. . H. S. Mursters M. I. of Rosclmrg Craduutcof tho Vlv: sio-.'Iotiical College of Ohio; bomber of tlw linorirau .tssoriaf Ion of Pliysi ciaissnn.l Sargcosis, ami Presi dent of tii Ores:)!! State 1 XI. .4 to tiitift tu',uri'r.t necessities and niltiut apieul of a Liigi; i-Ihss of sulTer- ini hnnianity. Las iltte.l ui his office ia th: rear of A. C. Jlursler's drug store, on Jackson street, nnd annon."s uitn.wlf prepared to give SPECIAL ATTENTION to the Treatment of Curvatures;!, Displacements, Polypus and Ulcerations of the Female Or gans Rfd to the treatment of Piles, !stuland Fissures pf the lice- 11IU nnd "RTI "rc i ironic diseases of UlB I ili5JO-?:e5liJ a ad Jfecfal !HCI CailS of both sexes. j ITie Doctor's treatment (f the above tnaliadiii-i, is not empirical or experi mental, bnt Safe, Scientific, and Successful and in accord with the Latest discoveries and Most ittvanced Einowlcdge of Jiledi- Cfti Science. lie cures Piles and "istlilo witliout the knife and with out su fieri UK to the patient. Possessin'' a thorough medical edu cation armed with the experience and observation of thirtv-fivo years practice he uifers Jiis medical skill and service to siiiTorins humanity. For examina tions reasonable charges. ! .CON SULTATIONS FREE. . S. A. i!l'TCIIIXSO, MILLINERY STORE! Oaklmul, Oregon T AlMES WILL F,i"D MV STiX'S LARGE ASD XJ Complete. Prices mttderate. r:iv f n Oll. Mm, S. A. Hc-n-nixsos. CITY DRAjYTNG D3NE WITH DISPATCH. (.'ALL ON JOS. CARLOX. The BUYERS' GUIDE U issued March ancj 8ept4 1 each year. It is an enoy lolopedia of useful infor- ' mation for au who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We 1 can clothe yon and furnish yon with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sises, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYEB8' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, ILL .TENT! GS2Z Obtained, ami nil Patent Dnfnofla in the I'. S. Patent, office attwidt-d to Ue MODERATE FEti. Our office is opposite the l S. Patent Office, ami we can obtain Patents in less time than those re nuttetnnn WASUIM.ToX Semi MODI! I. Oil DltAVtN'O. Wo ndww an ti patentability free of fharc, an, we tmtite No CilAKUK t'XLKSS WE OUT AIN PATENT. Wc refer here to the, Die Snpt. of tl.c Muncv order Div., wt' to ofiirials rf the IT. S. Pat ent Olfiec. ror, aIvU-, term and referen ce to avtua' events m jntir own Slate or comity write t, Oiioi't.c Patent Olili-e, Washinjfttm, D. C M jfJrctr's o'd taitU, .inrnS'-u HI reel : liosclKiiir. W. S3. iSOIIRlEI HiSaiST MARKET FJ1I3E PA13 FOR HIDES. THIS-MARKKT is alwnys su-plsed will, the choicest quality of Ui ail kinus, mciuciing beef, pork, veal nnd mutton: also, corn beef, ay.-tgc, lard, etc. The mast favorable inducement offered to patrons, and no effort will ly; spared toward giving satisfaction PJR OVAL fSWcfJ sa 01 fr. Absolutely Pure. This powilur never varies. A inirvcl of purity srength 'anil, wh)Ifsoiiic!i'33 Mure ceoi.omicnl than the orJinary kinds, and cannot be sold in c-m-lietition with the multituJe of low test, short weight alum or phosphate pon-dera. Sold only in eans. KOYAL BAKING I'OWlJKi: CO., 100 Wall St. N. Y. Eutahlished 1852. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING CLOTHIER, HATTER AND OF OREGON. THE B00MTIAS COME AND fiJ, Parry, t Ue Tailor, Wi'l ninl.t- vou the latest Ktvle suits. REMEMBER That one suit mude to order will last us long ns three "Juzzar.ln." If you want to keep tip with the timi'S, call on "H. Parry and order a suit that will make you look as if you ljeloii' to somebody. .ALBANY f coi COI. L1.C.IATE LEG I ATE INSTITUTE INSTITUTE : ALBANY OREGON. lSS. 1S87. fifiOT VEAB--- CUSS.CAL CCSEfJTiFlS, UTEP.J.SV COMMERCIAL AND .'.'"NORMAL. COURSES OF STUDY- INSTRUCTION THOROUGH,' DISCIPLINE FIRM. Tuition ranges from five and a hair dollar to tweh e and a hall dnUttra irer term. The year begins un Tuesday nearest the miUiltc of entemuer and enusi 011 nedm-Mlay nearest ihe middle ,f June, in 1 i) divided into (our equitl terms. A careful eunervisiiJii is exercised over student from out of town. - - Good bimrd can tic obtained in private (aimlieaat verv rc.-wtmaldc r:it-s. 1;x.iiin for scii-boardiug can readilv le had at fiitT cent per week. For announcement and full Ktrticu!arp, address the L'rtaiueut, KtV. ELIlliiif N cuNUlT, A. JI. IiVICIC c- BEXJAM1N REAL ESTATE AGENCY. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Roscburff, .- Oregon i3"nuy and Soil Real Estate on Commission. L-an Alouey on Improved Lauds. f3T Have lor Sale Lartfc and Small Tracts of Ari cultural, urazin and Timber Lands and Citv rroperty. Coi respondents Solicited. 1. S. K. Itl'K'K, Marajer. JIo GREG0R & SHAW. WHOLESALE BUTCHERS No. 2S2 First Street PORTLAND - - OREGON WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR LIVESTOCK IN KOS:En3URG- - - - - - Sheep A Speciality. O. cftJ TCVXls.s A Full Line of Staple a'-id FaTicy Groceries, Table axd Pocket Cutlery, Glassware, Crockery Qneensware, Etc. Goods LVlivered anywhere in tl City limits, Frc; of Clftrg Forty rears' 9-a in tns than iir.o Hundred Lt:on Minor, Thousand application fr patent la the L'nilfl MM" anl I't-nien conn tries, tha pulilifihera 'f th Ivrintifto American continue to act a enlicttorn for patent,, caoeat a, tr.v!e-mark,, eopr wiohta at,- fort!; 'nip-it States, ana 10 ootata pateni, in t.nwi, f.uu, Oermanr. and all other co -, . Tneiretpert dos is nnevjuaied and tli.r i'aeihtie ar uasor Paaaed. . . . Drawings so speciSw.tiens rPr, snfl "' In the Patent office on ehort notice. Term, eery reasonable. Ho charge for exam-.natiou bl mooels r drawins. Advice hr m;.i I fro Patent nlra;n1t'ir.jcrn MHr-.r.ACo.aronotioed Intbe HCIF.VrlFlC AMEftll :AX.which ftaa the lanfert circulation anu i the rait inuuential ttewspaper of 1U kind published in the world. Tbe advantages of (oca a notice ever patentee, anderstanda. This large and epIr"WVr illTurrafed newspaner tspnbliehed WKEKl.Yai 3.CO a rear, and is admitted to be the host paper devoted to eoienoe, mechanics. Inventions, ensnn-f rinjr works, ana tber departments of indatriat prosreea, pnb lisaed in anr countTy. It contain, the name, of all patentees and title of even invention patentee each weok. Trr it four luuaths for ons dollar. Sold br all newsdealer. If roa nav an invention to patent write te Warn M Co, publihr of Scentii, Aasriesa. (11 Broedwar. Se-e York. . tUadboek tbn patesU sulle4 free, ; m STOKIES- A XBRRini.rC 7tZ tTXDEtt. Ilcnade a patt-at niedicine that even Mr. EdisOQ ' With all his great inventive power couldn't equal or excel, This wonderful elixir of this marvelous medi cine mixer Would take a hopeless shattered wreck and make liim sound and well. It would fill with strength and gumption, a man dying of consumption, Change Hie hopeless paralytic to his former normal state, A man dying with the scrofula (and sure no death is awfuller) It would rejuvenate, repair and rehabilitate. He said 'twould kill sciatica and no man could speak emphaticer Of its merits as an antidote against malarial chills. ike a penetrating physic it would expurgate the phthisic. And it was a panacea for every human ill. He said 'twould kill the cholera, il the pa tient would but swallow Tablespoonlul of the stufl before he went to bed, And he had a firm conviction it would cure all affliction. j And, if properly administered, he thought twould wake the dead. But one day they found him lying, gasping on his couch and dying, And he whispered, tell the coroner I never more shall wake, shall join the angels tuneful for I took a tablcspoonful Of my Patent Paaticurial Panacea by mis take! ' Yankee Blade. Persons visiting Washington have, perhaps, regarded the Capisel as com plete, but it is, in fact, an unfinished building, and the house has just appro printed 8100,000 for a grand portico and stair-case for the west front. How ever fake an economy may prevail with Senators and Representatives regarding other public buildings, they all know better than to put cheap work n "the Capitol . Originally the east front of the building was meant as the real front, but placing tho President's house back of the Capitol caused the City f Washington to be built behind the Capitol as it was. So the west front had to be made as grand and imposing as the east. Two or threo vears aaro Congress appropriated over 300,000 for the new marble terrace, which ia now complete. It adds immeasurably to the Wanly of the building, as it ap parently it an additional story, thus doing away with the heavy effect of the dome. The Capitol is a very gooi jstaiiiiard for judging ot the great ext'iiiXf certain historic structures, 'f wm other creations in stone have al- nrost the identical proportions of the Capitol. Oae is tbe great pyramid; tfie otlu r is St. Peter's. There Is not the difference of a dozen feet in the, length of .any of these. , The True ficnllfmaa. The following sketch i called "The Portrait of a Truo Gentleman." Jt was found in an old manor Iiousb in Gloucestershire, written and framed and hung over the mantelpiece of a tatjestned sitting-room: "The true gentleman, is God's ser vant the world's master and his own man; virtue is his business, stady his recreation, contentmoiit his rest and happiness his rewnrd;?God is his Fath er, Jesus Christ is his Savior, thesaints his brethren, and all that need him his friends; devotion is his chaplain, chasti ty his chamberlain, sobriety his butler, temperance his cook, hospitality his housekeeper, providence his steward, charity his treasurer, piety his mistress of the house, and discretion his porter to let in or out as most fit. Thus is his wholi family made up of virtues, and he is the true master of the house. Ho is necessitated to take the world on his way to heaven, Vut he walks through it as fast as he can, and all Lis business by the way is to make himself and others hanny. Take him in two words a man and a Christian. WIT AHD HHM0K- The latest style in bankruptcy is to run your business on a suicidal basts, wreck yourself and everybody who has anything to do with you; and as you go down with your few or little assets under a mountain of lu bili ties, charge your fai'ure to the In ter-State Commerce law. Jay Gould is like the American tramp. He takes nearly every road he comes across. The efforts made by Boston girfa to improve their intellect somehow seem to wrap their shape. An lnsnman, wbo was very near. sighted, aljoiit to fight a duel, insuited tuat he hhould stand six paces nearer to his antagonist than the othci did to him, and they wore both to ie at the game uuie. "Pa, wii' ie has little sister gone tof "To Heaven, my son." "And where lias brother Jack gone tol" "To Chi cago " "How far is Chicago from Ilcav.-r.r' ''There ate no figures big enough to express the distance." Marriage. Marriage is a feast where the grace is sometimes better than the uiuner. Coquette. A coquette is a rose from which evt-ry lover plucks a leaf; tiie thorns are left for her husband. An Irishman watching a amn of b-iscbail was knocked down by a fouL ".V iov 1 was ut, begory I thon lit it was a mulf." Children Cry for t"J the Eve of the Campalgm. . - The political situation ia unique The candidates and platforms are before the country, and there is more or Irs skirmishing along the lines. The par ty chiefs are maneuvering for advan tage at Washington, with the Mills bill marking the Democratic position, wbiltfliepublican Senators are seeking to formulate some cunning tariff device that will reconcile the platform with the necessary reduction of the revenue without incurring the odium ' "free-trade" cry they have endea to apply to the ilills bilL But th only a drowsy hum to be heard in; ical circles, and the candidates t selves set no example of activity. President is at bis desk as usual a ing to his exacting duties, cast vagrant thought behind hitn ttK breezes he lately enjoyed." The bandana waves lazily in the Buc state, and the grandson of tbe tij noehero is receiving committee talking platitudes in the Hoosier daries. Even tbe "uncrowned is at sea for the time besn, an until Wednesday next will he foot on the "land of the free,1 banners and music and th rahs which please him so well many cyclones will land with one can tell, but it in safe to Blaine will raise a hurricane if But why has Bft. 4farrjson & to meet him at the gates and"Ihelp to swell the triumphal entry of tqe ui who made him. The time must come, if Mr. Harrison shall be elected, when he ahall break the truncheori f bis office at the feet of his party orteleand leader, and even before thai, time ar rives he can do but little more' than echo the fiction Mr. Blaine will be cer tain to put into the canvass. True, it would not be pleasant to play second fiddle under such circumstances, but Mr. Harrison like the Lord Hi h Ex ecutioner, must become acenstowed to see favors lavished tou a ri4l, and get used to it by degrees. (But e will not be there, and all thVypc and circumstance" of "uncrownel'f.r alty must go on without him. democratic party the sl'uatrok marked contrast. The nominV rival near the throne, and cwf power behind it. "Four years' was an experiment now he the fierce light which beat u official life, nd in its glare ' out ctonspicuouslv the leadet fashioner of political though.3 in own party, and the safest guardian of th people, rights a half century has produced. He i stronger than his party, tor even those who rank hib in its councils and who diSered from -him on fundamental quest! .-na of policy have compelled to auirender to his btt- ter judgment and to his i-troug grasp ou public affairs, lieis unpretending nojiest, and sincere ' Ji has ker-t l.i pledges to the best of hiH" t$hy4 :.T the evidence of ii it tl..t tJi vice reformers b.-.d i:itle,'ieiidtits ae eveiy where yiehliug him their support. upon the great economic question of the day he stands for the many agamit the few fora policy w'lich he belie 1M will bring relief to tho sons of toi', instead of buildign np colossal fortnm at Uieir expense. If he had been demagogue he would hare pandered U tne well-known aj.petites of meo d counseled the repeal of the tax vn tobacco and whisky as a means of re- ' ducins the revennej lint L they were not necessaries of life, and mat one of them at least was a-powerful factor in the distress and want of the country. He, therefore, had He courage to suggest other means of re ducing tho taxes in his now famous message, and thought more of the iner als of the people and eemfoit of the tiomesandof their indulgence in habiu that ceitainlydo morw harm than good And thus hesubnit;shisiia-to'snh;.,i ing and educated people. No mat, impugns his m. tives or question.. Gis absolute integrity of purpose, The worst ihatevc'i 1. s ;liticai advirsativM can say of him is that he is mistaken in wanting to keep the tax on whiskv, and thus disturb the present "pnb;.. live system" We ol : eours, know more about all tlu when the Sen, ate and House hve m de tip the 'tariff issee upon which the people are to pa ; judgment; bnt unless all signs f,' -,: the quicker Mr. Blaine hhuffles rj,j, t" sea logs ananrrfcTaup frf ter, or Mr. Hit i i-oti will be api','"t r J main like his great fashioner and njst ter, an un:rorneil t-ing.w Baltimore. Au 4th 18rJ8. A rrcent vtrtfer, xp.-aking,f Kuym while a iniittiug their us fulness to ' certain extort!, says that h Weak,, of the club consists in the fact that ' many go to get ideas and so -.,' mpart them. It doesn't make any difference ho pretty a girl may be if -,he likt-s other young man better. - , Butchet I do not like to Jose T00f custom. V"i,at can I do to truke rrit. ten all tight with jrou! Customer Buy me a new set of teeth. Wife (after the theater) How j0y ly the moon is to-night, John! Un j band (it was a five-act jJay)' Yeah m dear (hie,) bo'li-f'm tmntifot ' SuLsoi ibe-for The Rsm y. . Pitcher's C&storla. V