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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1888)
-. A, - I evieWo l A J. ! Lsi-J - -t . rRisco : yfr- '9 V0LX1II. ROSEBURG, OREGOJT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER T. 1888 NO. 23. .Roseburg PL 1 i - -TUE ROSKBUHG REVIEW Has Pushed to the Front and Has the Largest Circulation and Is acknowledged to be the Brat Newspaper Ever Published in Douglas county. Subscribe Now. One Year - - - - - . .- - S'-' oo Sis Month - -- - - - - -loo ff Obituary notices of not more than ten lines publish! free; additional lines will be charged fur at the rata of ten cents -r line. GENERAL DIRECTORY. hovr Clevel.sSU president. Thus. F. Bward Secretary of State Chas. S. r AiRCHiLO.Secretary of Treasury. W. T. ....Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Knmcott Secretary of War V. O. Whitney Secretory of Navy. I). M. Dickinson.... rst Master General. A. H. i! aim. an i. ,f Attorney C'ceneral. Melville W. Fuller Chief. Justice. STATE OF OREGON. J. NT DoLl-ll I tj g senators, j. H. Mitchell i . KcsuKR HbrmaWN Congressman. . Sylvesjer I'essover ..Uoveriior. .ko. W. Mcl'.Kini. Secretary of State. ;. W. Wfmi State Treasurer. '. E. B. Mi Ki.kkv ....Suj-t. Tub. Instruction. Frank Uakeh. .State l'riuter. K. S. Strauan ... 1 Wm. V. Lohu, Supreme Judges. W. W. Thayer, J N. Davis, Clerk, Board School Land Com'rs. i't VAtiONER Ralad Commissioners. J. R.N. Bei.l, Clerk of Railroad Commission. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R, S. Bms Jude. J. W- Hamilton.... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. 1. Cc. Fuller rpN Senator. - E. RlCKER, ') J.vs. Blumobll,- Reires.-ntatives. E. E. Labrie, ) V.. A. Taylor Clerk. J'.ts. C. Aoer Sheriff. V. L. Arrin;ton Treasurer. CM is 1 1 utciison . . . .School Superintendent Jas. A. Assessor. J. S. Fi rziuuii County Judge. Lewis Ash I Commissioners. Hiram Weaihkrly .... J NV.F.Bricc.s Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Masters Coroner. Thos. Graham. M. I. M. R. C. S. County Physician. Thos. Smith Sheep Inspector precinct officers: J A. Eggers Justices. David Hunter i J H. S. French Constable CITY OF ROSEBURG. H. C. Stanton, 1 John Rast, l I. V. Shkridan, Trustees. Tkos. Grisdale, I W. F. Benjamin ; . F. Floeu Recorder. T: Forj Marshal. Will H. Fisher Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas. V. Johs8Ton .Reg'uiter. A. C, Joxes Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. Pague .Observei. : PROFESSIONAL. L F. fJISE. JOUN LANK jANE Si LANE, . , . , Attorney at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. g F. FLOED Attorney at Law. ROSEBURG, - OREGON J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, np stairs. K. L. M1LLER.M. D SlTROKON. Jlonueopatliic Phjsician. Oflicd npttaits in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Clirouiij diseases a speciality, EDWARD J PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of JAMES H. HAWKINS. B. S.. M.O. OAKLAND, - - OREGON. Special attention to Diseases of the EYE & KIDNEYS. Calls promptly attended night or day. J. A. C. II. Eggers Contractors and Builders. PIji, specifications and bills of lumber made on application. Having hail twenty years experience iu i-anenteriii:r, we guarantee our work to give satisfaction. Give us a mil. EGGERS BROS. Uosuburjr, - Oregon. DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy. 751 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. f po ASD LEARN HOW TO AvOlu ' J disease, and how wonderfully you are made. Private office, 211 Geary Street. Consultation on lcwt manhood and all diseases of men. Send for Books. THE OLD RELIABLE On Jackson street, established in 18C7. Also a new shop near the depot established for the bene fit of his many customers. Jacob Biltzer SiM KEE The Ch iw Merchant, Fornurly knrwn as Sam Y"oung, lv pens al. kinds of ("hinese fancy-work, and fans of every description. Give him a call. J3T Opposite Carlons livery stable. Washing and Ironing neatly done. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. ft! . I HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPOT HOTEL, .. OAKLAND, ORKtJOX. liioliafil OTlaomaxf, Prop. First Olawi SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Dejot of the Railroad. MOORE'S RESTAl'ISAXT. Princiiml BusincasStreet.) MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. EUROPEAN rr.AN. E ESMOND HOTEL. First Class In Every Particular, Conxta FHOCT ASB MriRRlSOX Sts. ' POKTLAND, OREGON Timmas GnsKAS, Proprietor. , THE New York Coffee House tar And Oyster Saloon Leading Chech Restaurant in the City. SIFORD & HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - ORECON fS"Priv ate Rooms jf the Latent Pesiyns for Ladies OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. C. W. KNOWLES. ST. CHARLES HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAH C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brltk Building ISO Rooms. In the Center of the city. COR. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL NEAR COURT HOUSE SQUARE JIOSUBUIIG - OREGOX. This well known house under the new management will li conducted on Ike best nnd most jcpulir plans. .No pains being spared to t;ive general sat isfaction, i SPLENDID SLEEPING apartments with single arid double beds. A DESIRABLE PLACE FOR TRAVELERS AM) FAMILIES. will be supplied with the best the mark et affords, served by tvhite cooks. FREE HACK TO AND FROM TRAINS. Rates reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. J. A. SLOVER, Proprietor. MRS. J. PATTIE lias oiened up her stock of ALSO A. FXXX-I- STOCK OF ZEPHYR & BERLIN WOOLS, ARRASENE & EMBROIDERY SILKS. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. Rememler the place, next door to Pritch ard's Jeweler Store, Jackson Street. NEW STORE AT IIM,ini9 OK. would rcspeutfally inform the public that he has on hand a Gne assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Made Clothing .and in fact everything usually kept at a nist-ciass store, (jive him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Good f All orders promptly attendtd to. The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S.Hamilton. Successor to S. Hamilton. Roseburg ------ Oregon. J JlSIvTJIIiIIs:. Praciicl Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clock, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eycglasse. . at A FULL LINE OF CM AI5S. TOBACCO & FANCY OOuDS. THE ONLY RELUHLE OPToMER IV TiiWS for the proradjU4tmeut of Sli'H.'laclc.s. holot f the Oeliiiine Bractlitn Pebhie Spectacle -4iJ Eye ce in HanAitoli'il Brick l!io k. the cmp,Arr Transcontinental Route 111 mm 1 1 3& 2 5 ,B.-s13 -VIA THE Cascade Division Now Completed, Making it the Shortest. Best and Quickest. Tlia dining car line: the direct route; no de lays; fastest trams; lowest rates to Chi cago and all points east. Tickets sold to all prominent jioints throughout the etst and southeast. To East-Rounil Passengers. Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, And sue tint your ticket rcada via Til IS LINE, St. Paul or Minneapolis to avoitl ehanras and serioua delays occasioned hy other routes. Tbrouirh second class sleeping cars ran on regu lar express trains full length of the line. Berths free: lowest mtes; fjuk-kest time. General Office of the Company, Ho- 2 Washinerton St. Portland, Or- A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't. Oen. Pass. Agt. Hi. 3 Washmsr'o" St. Portland, Or. THE YAQUINA ROUTE Oregon pacific Railroad AND OREGOX DEVELOPMENT COMPANY'S STEAMSHIP LINE. 22.-. MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME Than by any other route. First Class Through Passenger and Freight Line from PORTLAND and all points iu the WILLAM ETTE VALLEY to ami from SaN FRANCISCO, CAL. TIME SCHEDULE (Except Sundays) Leaves Albany 1.00 p ni Leaves Yaquinatf. 45 a in Leaves Corvallia 1.40 p in I Leaves Corvailis lo.&ani Arrhe Yaquhia 5. 30 p m j Arrive AtlMuty 11. to a m O. & C. trains conuect at Albany and Corvailis. The above trains connect at VACCINA With the Oregon Development Company's Steam ship Line between Yauuiua and San Francisco. SAII.'iu DATES. Si. earner Will. Vallev From ;Jan Francisco Sept. 1, 1SS8. I l.'l, 4.'., " I Front Yaipiiua Sept. 7, ISsS. - Ill, Tiiis Company reserves the ri-lit to change filing dales without notice. 'asneners from Portland and all Willamette Val ley l oiiits can make close connection with the trains of the VACCINA KOL'TE at Albany or Cor vallis, ami if destined to San Francisco, should ar range to arrive at Ya'iuhta the evening before date f sailing. PASSENGK'l ASD FBEIGHT RATES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. For information apply to C. 11. nasvvell, Jr., C. C. Hours, O. F, P. Agent. Acting J. F. li P. Agt. Or. Development Co. O. P. B. R. Co. :t04 Montgomery St., Corvailis San Francisco, Cal. Oregon. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY'S LINES. THE MT. ShASTA ROUTE. Time between Roseburg and San Francisco, i, 29 hours. CALIFORNIA F.XPRFSS TRAINS TIAILV. Souch j ; North. 4:00 p. m. I Leave Portland Arrive 1 10:40 . . 1:45 a. M. j Leave Roseburg Leave ! 12:50 A. M, 7:4'J A. M. I Arrive San Franisco Leave I 6:30 r. M PULMAN liUITET SLEEPEES. Tourists Sleeping Cars for accommodation of Second Class Passengers, attached to Express Trains. The: O. and C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on East Side Div. from toot of F St. West Side Division- BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS MAIL TRAII5 DAILY (KXCF.PT Sl'SPAY.) . LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 7.30 A. M. Corvailis.. ... IS.25 P.M. Corvailis 1.30 P. M. Portland 6.15 P. M. At Alhany and Corvailis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific. EX TRESS TRAIN DAILT (EXCEPT HUNltAY.) LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 4.50 P. M. McMinnvillc. . 8.00 P. M. McMiunville... .5.45 A.M. I Portlaud 9.00 A. M. For full information regarding rates, nia, etc. call on company's as;cnt. R. KOEHLER, K. P. ROGERS. Manager. Asst. O. F. 4: Pass Agt. Douglas County Bank, FLINT, & TAYLOR, Rosebnre - " Oregon. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANsiirajBysiNEss Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, Sail Francisco, New York and other points. Hills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re eeived sul.ject to check. Collections made on all accessible points at reasonable rates NSW HSmUB&HT Juit opened liy Williams Bros. Meals served at all hours, day and night. The tabic will be supplied with the best the market affords. .MEALS 23 CENTS. II you are hungry give them a call, next door to J. T. Bryan's Horse Shoe Store. 3fl (inn hr.rm Mm & Rrsitt w Mr b vf v inwi il Uil IK DOUGLAS AND A -is . jTtt'C fitt'H'ti Of lliittitsi tt'lt'i; intfril in the intixt henlihfal v' In Tracts of from Iftff tht Ural Kvlttl'i litis! ttr fur u is tins! in uf !:' I. 'I h , f,, hi tivi lu jilure i.-u: r 1 in it.'J . C. HUTCHINSON. r OAKLAND, CllAst E. TA7iLVERTOV, President. J. W. Cusick, " TierisaKr. The Farmers and Merchants "Insurance Co. CAPITAL STOCK $500,000 00, PAID UP IN CASH 00,000.00. ALBANY, -WM. ULRICH, District At;ent, MEDFORD, OREGON. Samcel if arks, S. MARKS & Co. DEALERS IN V ; illEEAL ft! 414 HE HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND , Dill' Crockery, Glassware, " and Produce Clotuim tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. ;i:vv.MMf Will lc irh't n any hum EMDQRSED EY who will in-oilin-u Sci entist of lurirt' tptri ente, and widely known to he an honeruWe man. wlii) Will assert that re- nutMl cust 7tin' is ii"t f the most cudurin: ne -tt- r'TJii all knitwn nuiienai' withstanil the action's of WDL' r v. mtoNZE co., 4S000 M&S3K;VncM on litr..;t, .Mi. h L'l ' ss am J. A. Cardwell, Agent, - PAGE & OAKUAND DEALERS IN DRUGS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, JEWELRY, V'e expect to do a strict ly cash business, and will endeavor to make it to the interest of all to deal with .v.. We also invite a continuation of the pat ronage of all former patrons, and solicit new ones. W GIVE US A CALL. -3 MOORE & THE PEOPLE'S GROCERS Keep all Family and Fancy Groceries. ALSO Agents for all kinds FARM Wagons Binders Buggies ! Reapers and Carls j GIVE TJREM POST OFFICE -r Drain Academy ;tate ioemai ITirst Term lo..rj;iix 1888. -witlx cx Iwli corps or Oompeterit Xix-strnctofs. For further uuormation see IP railfa til ur 'ws WItaHiQ J.f.'KSON COVl.S ('':! 4 ' 't'tZ Jttu'ttt, H i 1 '" ,',v '.'f; itfeftil for sul, 160 to 3000 -Acres iuhI hani .injurlur ftxlttng to fcU t.t !r . ,ii:!' I id I! OREt.'ON. J. O. Wkismaj;, , Vice-I rej.f.-nf. .-v 1? K. Fj.orRKiN, s --v "d Manager. - i - OUKtJON, L. U CARLE, Local Aueut. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Asher Ma!:ks (iOODS, Provisions, Cigars, Boots ami Shoes. of every Descrip WHITS CHSM22 AND STATU Ally Were awarded -GOLDMEOd-- AT WORLD'S FAIR, i h8i - r SirpEffioRTO Wdnumental i;V b aa MBS -w Jacksonville, "Oregon DIMMICK - 4UX.3EiG-OAr. OILS, WATCHES, E!C. ETC COMBS, EVANS kinds of of she: Mowcis etc CALL. rtosEuuPtU, on 0 ViAiVf &aaJa later advertisements, or address Y, C, Hawley, A. B., L. L. B,; Principal. MRS -15. JMaOTOlIKlo VINE MlL-LINEPiY AND Z;JEAF QUESSMAKINd, nosKi;uk; jri:;on. w II. i. ' i:ISH Voir THE ItEST AXf) FISKST ( 1 1H y M.,irU'-l. l,:'di.- Wear, 1iCCS, .in.:', iit.-U ' ', :!! .-.vcli v. The dri-.-r-inaKiil tia:: Is, 1 :m;k-r l!it f.Mn. II.,UliUi-,s. CAU. Ai) SICK. department j immediate . in skillful 'iipeni.iion XiCAU T1IK DEl'OT D- T- PR ITCH A BD 5 . v a-: a its AM) QHOl" OX JACKSON STREET, OH'O O site Sheridan Urns, hardware store. ROSEliUKC; ----- OREGON . " 1 FROM ROSEBURS TO EMPIRE CITY. nATES From Roseburg to Looking Class $ .75 " Foot of mountain. . 2.00 " Dora 5.00 " Fainiew 5.50 " Stunner 6.5O " Marshlidd 7.00 " Empire City . .7.50 DAILY F.XCnrT SUNDAY. For t'articulars Inquire at the Post Office. ,!as C. JlrlTLLOCIl, Irop. Hope For The iftlicted. S. S. Marsters M. D. of Roselmrg (si'aduatoof tho I'h sio-.IIedical College of Ohio; SI ember of tlie 4merieaii Assoeiation of Physi cians ami surgeons, and Presi dent of the Oregon state P. 91. to met't the uri-nt necessities and silent appeals of a largo class of suffer ing liuinanity, litis litted up his office in tho rear of A. C. Marster's drug .store, on Jackson street, nnd announces iiimself prepared to prive SPECIAL ATTENTION to the Treatment of Curvatures, If is)i;HTIlU'Hts, Polypus ami ii' rations of the Female Or gans, and to tlie treatment of Piles, r'isiuloaiid Fissures of the Bfee- ( (Illl and all chronic diseases of the I'liiio-lrenital and Keetal Or gans uf both sexes. The Do- toi'.s treatment of the above malhidies, is not empirical or experi mental, i.!it Sale, Scientific nd Successful and in accord with the Latest isiscoveries and Must Iriraiieed fuiowledge of .lledi- al Science, lit- cures Piles and Sislulo witiiout the knife and with- t,t snilei-ing ti tho patient. Possessing a t.horoiiili medical initi ation ai'iiied with the experience and ohr-eruitixn of tliirtv-live vcars iiractiee ire oli'. is hi medicnl skill and service to Kiiderinar hiiinanity. For examina- ions reasonable, charges. CONSULTATIONS FREE. sirs. a. isrrcHLXsox, -MILLINERY STORE! Oiililancl, Oi'C'gfOM, T AOIES WILL F.?"l) MY STOCK LARGE AND JJ Complete. Frlccs nnlcrnlc. f:i-r Mo Coll. nlns. S. A. HrrciiiNsON. CITY DRAYTNG DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON " JOS. 1 AULOX. The BtJTEHS' OTTIDE It issued March ant) Sept., l each year. It is an ency lolopedia o( useful tnfor 'mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the j necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with 1 all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sises, styles and quantities. Just figure out what ia required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make s fair estimate of the value of the BUYEBS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO.J 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, ILL .TENTS Obtained, and all Patent BusincfW in the V. 8. Patent, Otllce at .tended to it m(HKATK hKtS. Our olfice in opiKrHite tlie L'. S. I'atent Otncc, and we c;ui obtain tit-tintn in less time than ihoye re- Mcrmm V ASH! NiiTON .Send MtlKIOK IK AWING. We ad vim- as tf iia'.entaDilitv frte eharjc: ami we make No CHAlitiE L'.SLKSS WKOHTAtN l'ATKNT. Wt- refer here t the l'astm-wtcr tneSupt. of the Monev fr.ler Iiv., anj to otticials of the L S. Pat ent 'iiice. K"r'-:n-n!:ir, a-ivire, terms arHi relorcn etw to a.rUiaf c.ic .ts u jour own St;it or- countv write to V, A. OW & O , Opposite Patent 0!tlce,- Washington, D. C a.CCLTJ JVLCLl''K-Ot i!fi!r.-.-.r's r..l d, : ; ?ref : Roseburg. FAI3 F3H HIDES I'lHS MARXEF . iUv-jt s;i;.j Of a'.l l.iivU, inc!utlin ; !icrf, por!;, y nn! muttor.: a'.o, corn beef, saur-nje. lanl, etc The nutst favorahle iniiuceiiicnts .Hi red to patrons, an.l no.cfTort wHt l spareJ townr! giving satisfaction. ( rovai. Bsta:t 2k Absolutely Pure. Tills pwier never varies. A m-irvet of pnrity s renirtli 'aur wlurltsi'iuciKKS. Mure economical tliau tho ordluarv klnil.., ami cannot les.l.l in corn ietitir,!i with the multitmle of low test, short weight alum ur phosphate ii il i-s. S-.lil only in eai:s. KOVAL BAKISU 1'OWHKR CO., 100 Wall St. X. V. Established ls.i2. A. ROBERTS, - Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING CIOTHIER, HA.TTER AND KESOHASfT, T MSiOB OP OREGON. THE BOOM HAS COME AND If, Es.rry, tiie Tailor, Will ni;:l:e yon the latest stvle suit. REMEMBER That one suit made to order will last as long as three "Buzzards." If you want to keep up with the times, call on II. Parry and order a suit that will make you look as if vou belong to somebody. JLBANY i COLLEtilATE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. I INSTITUTE, j ALBANY 1S87. OREGON. 1SS8. TWENTY FiRST YtfiB- CLAEfSICAL SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL. COURSES OF STUDY. INSTRircTIOJ. THOKOfiJll, DISCIPLINE FIRM. Tuition ran- t-n from five and a half .lllr tr. twelve and a half dollars per term. The year beuitut on Tuc.inv n. .-ir.Kt 11, m;H.ll. .a SeptemlK-r and ends on Weduexday nearest the Uliddlv 4 June, and it divided into lur equal terms. A careful supervision is e-vereised over itudent from out of town. Oond hoard can be o!itiind in private families at vcrv naoiiable rates, li.ionis for self boardiwr can readily lie had al ftity cents p.-r week. F..ranuouncemeot and full jiarticul.iin. address the 'resident, KtV. Kl.liKIIT ; t'OMHT.A. M BVICK .C- 11EXJAM1S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Roseburg, - Oregon. t3THny and Sell Heal Estate on Commission. Loan Money 011 Improved Land?. aTHave For Sale Large and Small Tracts of Airri oihnrol, Orazim? and Timlr Lauds and City Property. Correspondence Solicited. D. S. K. BUCK, 51anai;er. Mo GREG0R & SHAW. WHOLESALE BUTCHERS .No. 2fl2 First Street rOP.TLAND - - - OREGON. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR LIVESTOCK IN KCSBBUEG- t - . SnKF.r A Sprciamty. O. cfc ZFL. T'nrljLs A Full Line cf Staple a'id Fancy Groceries, Taulk axd Pocket Cutlery, Glassware, Crockery. Qucensware, Etc. Goods Di-liveretl anywlifre iu the City limits, Frco of Cliargo. ! t'-T patents, rTMt, tra1.mrk. Njpy i nirbtf. r.. fir tho L1 ni:.l Stt anrl to obtain pertMittf in Canada. I'ntfland, rrano, Garmaur.and ail thpr cimmnfn Tu,rexprl' nc ia untryuaied And their facilitiea are uuur pawted. Draw intra and Rpecificatlnna Trpard and ft'd IB tha Patent tttlice on Uort notirn. Term Try ruonabl. ' ctifiru for aiamination of taodala r drawinira. A'lrice by m; free M PaiantanMaigpH ihroueh Vnnn.tfo.aronotieM fetha W. IKVriFIC AIKKIt W, which ha the larjrAt cireaiatioa and i ti myt influential newepar of ita Lind published in tha wortd. The advaotaet of such notac ararr patattta mndorstand. Thia larire anfl mTdidiyi11titTated nwttarie la i pan-lubed WEKKLY at tXHO a yw, and la admitted to be the beit paper devoted to ecience. ttechanica, fnTantiona, enmnriDf vorka, ana ther depart roeata of indnitrial pmareea, pub lit ied in any eonntrr. It containa the namea of ft!) patentea and title of every invention patnt4 ach week. Try. it four monlua lor one dollar. Ik) Id by all aewadealera. If yoa have an inventiAQ to fratent writ is Mtinn A Co jubUnhra of Bcianuiie f UTtntaa tl Broadway, fim lTerk. yJiattUbock tftwt fataaU twUei fttt . LjJJJ J t$- I AftT Fortr yerV Eiri Xlllljl jreperjrt:on of mora T4 i than One Hundred f-J fl ThotHRi.4 amiMcatlonii t.r pet en u m fa fl h United run and Fr-iirn coun Kjy rift, the p-ibfishr vt th Srintiflo r!. Amriran contintii ton ft tniiritora ItIJ .-i .v?.vo.v Tit in.v. wombs '-nr AJtKSICi, JiXJtKl. liR. TAT. MA OH. Ar,sre mas a man in Maon whose possessions were in Carole!, and the man was rery great, and he hid tlirce thouind sheciianda thonsard osts. -1 Sam. 2:,:. My U't introduces 03 to a drunken I'lont of lirge proortr. IWfore the day of safety deposits and government bonds and national banks, people had tluir investment in Socks and herds, and this man, Nabal, of the text, had much of his possesions in live stock. IJe c-itine also of a distinguished family, and he had glorious Caleb for an an cestor. But this descendant was a sneak, a churl, a sot and a fool. Now that was the man whom ALi gail, the lovely and gracious and good woman, married a tuberose planted beside a thistle, a palm -branch twined into a wreath of deadly nigbtsliade. Surely that was not one of the matches made in heaven. We throw up our hands in horror at that wedding. How did she ever consent to link her desti nies with mich a creature. Well, she no doubt thought that it wonld be an I honor to le associated with an aristo cratic family; and no one can despise a great name. Beside this, wealth woild come, and with it chains of gold, and mansions lighted by swinging lamps of aromatic oil, and resounding with the cheer of banqueters, seated at tables laden with wines from the richest vine yards and fruiis trom npest orchards, and nuts threshed from foreign woods, and meats smoking in platters of gold, set on by slaves in bright uniform. Before she plighted her troth with. th'"s dissipated man, she sometimes said to herself, ; "How can I endure him? To be associated for life with such a debauchee I cannot and will not!" But then again she said to herself, "It U time I was married, and this is a cold world to detiend on. and rterhnna I might do woise, snd maybe I will make a sober man out of him, and marriage is a lotteiy, anyhow." And when, one day, this tepresettative of a great house presented himself in a parenthesis of sobriety, and with an assumed geniality and gallantry of manner, and with promises of fidelity and kindness and salf abnegatien, a June morning smiled on a March squali and the great bou led woman surren tiered her happiness to tho keeping of this infamous son of fortune, whose possessions were in Carmel. Behold here a domestic tragedy re peated every hour of every day, all over Christendom marriage for world- ly sactesx, without regard to character. Good and genial character iu a man is the very first requisite for a woman's happy marriage. Mistake me not as depreViative of worldly prosperities, There is a religious cant that would seem to represent poverty as a virtue, and wealth as a crime. can take you through a thousand, where God is as much worshiped as lie ever was in a cabin. The zosnel inculcates the virtues which tend toward wealth. The whole tendency of sin is toward poverty, and the whole tendency of righteousness is toward wealth. God liness is profitable for the life that now is, as well as for that which is to come. No inventory can be made of the pic ture g4llries consecrated to God, and of sculpture and of libraries, and pillard magnificence' and of parks and foun tains and gardens in the ownership of good men an4jvoinen. The two most lordly residences in which 1 was ever a guest, had morning and evening prayers, all the employees present, and all day lens; there was an air of cheer ftil piety in the conversation and be havior. Lord Raa'stock carried he aospel to the Russian nobility. Lord Cavan and Lord Cairns pent their va cation in evangelistic services. Lord Congleton became missionary to Bag dad. And the Christ who was born in an Eastern caravansary has lived in a palace. It is a grand tiling to have plen'.y of money, and horses that don't compel you to take the dust of every lamber- ing and lazy vehicle; and looks of his tory that give you a glimpse of all thf past; and shelves of poetry to which you may go and ask Milton or Tenny son or Spencer or Tom Moore or Rob ert Burns to stp down and Stend an evening with you; and other shelves to which you may go while you feel dis gusted with the shames of the world, and ask Thackeray to express your ehdgiin, or Charles Dickens to expose PecksnilTianisin, or Thomas , Carlyle to thunder your indignation; or the other shelves where the oi l gospel writers stand ready to warn and cheer bp. while they open -doors into lhat City which is s.i bright the noonday ' srtnV abolished ! Tiiere m no virtue in owning a horse that takes four iniuntes to go a mile, if you can own 0110 that can go in a lit tie ovor two niiit'itis and a half; no virtue in running into the teeth of a non' T.iti'l with thin apparel v i cm ulloid furs; no virtui in beta, po ir li.-n you can honestly be rich. Tho fa;t b, that about ull the brain and liumuoRS "cuius is on the side ii t liyion. .'li ii may pr"t?nd to '.e pise religion i ni t .Ivy arc tank hypoerits. Theses cxpui'i was 1 ilit wjir n bo came tip to tlitr tillage on the seacoast.and insisted Children Cry for on paying ten dollars t ' church, though he til l not, atieud himself. When asked I is reason, he said that Le had been in the habit of carrying car goes of oysters and ckms from that " place, and he found, since that church was built, the people were more hon est than they used to be for before; the church was built he often found the load, when he came to count it, a thousand claims short Yes." God line is pro G table for both worlds. Most of the great, honest, permanent worldly successes are by thof who reverence God and the Bible. If a man have nothing but social posit anil financial resource, a woman puts her happiness by marriage in . hand, re-enacU the folly of Abigr when sue accepted disagreeable Na' "whose possessions were in Ckru. and tho man was very great, and had three thousand sheep and a tho sand goats," If there be good moral character r companied by affluent circtimstanc I congratulate you. If not let morning lark fly clear of the Ro Mountain eagle. The sacrifice women on the altar of social and fi cial expectation is cruel and str dous. TllA wirar villain rot aai4l, . man who, having captured a w from ber father's house, and aftr oath of the marriage altar has renounced, says, by his manner is words: "I have you now u power. v bat can you do? M is stronger than yours. Now before me like a deg. Now away from me like a reptile. Y nothing bula woman, anyhow. ' you miserable wretch Can 1 mosaic, can long lines o x? 1 bronze, or statuary by Pahnerilnd ' Powers and Crawford and Chantry and Canova;can galleries rich fron the pencil of Bieratadt and Chore!; and Kensett and Cole anal Cropsey; -ould violins played en by au Ole Bu", or - pianos fingered by a Gottschalt, or solos warbkd by a Sonntaff: 'eoLld wardrobes like that of Marie Anioi nette; could jewels like these, of jliu.- i, make, a wife in such - ecm- - panionship happy? ' - - J . i Her gold bracelets are the afia" v a lifelong servitude. There is a over her every feast, not like Damocles staying suspended, 1 ping her lacerated heart. Hi robe is full of shrouds for death she dies daily, and she is buried alive, though buned under gorgeous uphol- , stery. There is one word thatsouude under the arches, and roils along th. corridors, and weeps m the falling fouu- tains, and echoes in the shotting of everv door, and groans in every no.e of strinsed and wind instrument: "Woe! Woo!" The ixenar-d sheep, in clden times, brought to tie' te,n,p of Jupiter to Ke sa. rificiL jLtc U" coTeied with ribbons r,d flowers ri - bons on the horns nd flowers uu tie neck. But tje 3or:dud ribbom-d dee oration did no; make the stab of tiie butcher's knife less deathful; and all the chandeliers you hang over such a woman, and all the robes with which you enwrap her, and all the ribbons with which you adorn her, and ' the bewitching charms with which you embank her footsteps, are the ribbons and flowers of a horrible butchery. When Abigail finds Nabwl, her hus band beastly drunk, as she conies home from interceding for his fortune and life, it was no alleviatio&i that the old brute had possessions in Carmel, and "was very great, and had three thousand sheep, and one thousand goats," and ho the worst goat among them. Tli animal in his nature seized the soul and ran off with it. Before thing are right io this world genteel villains at e ' to be expurgated. Instead of being wed- corned into respectable so. iety beaaus of the amount of atam and gartars and medals and estates they represent, the ought to be fumigated two or three year. before they are alio ved, without per! to themselves, to their baud o the door-knob of a moral house. . Here is an evil th tt c inn it stop, b,, women my. Keep all such out of artois, have no recognition for Uiem in tli treet, and no more t'liu- hIIvhij your life and destiny with "gales from Arabv" wou. pass the honey mxm with plague, AH that money c sition a bad m iing tt, in marriage is a . do. id id gilded honor, a builiiut go longed deat'i; and tho longer th ital union las1, the in we evide i be the ta;t, th it U nvg'it lrst:c have beeu born. Yet you and I been at brillunt weddings, h t fore the feast was owr.t'ieb.-U-'r tongue was thick, ml hi eye ;j ind his st?p a stager, a h i ' el glasses with jolly co nrd I .ill with lightning ex pre trtin to tit tal crash over tlie eibankmt ruined life and a lost eternitv. . Worn 111, j i iot y-ur i'it ; wifli such a right ban II A :c..jit " such a one n' jeael for fingir 0r t fe.-t that sparkle of precious stoiie t out to be the eye of a basilisk; ! uot the rii4 come on the fingt-rcf igiit hand, le t t'ni ri ij tn.-.i ,, be one link of rai-tivity In tl, ,1B Continue! on 4th, page. PitchcrJctorlaJ . -