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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1887)
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 188T. enter except such as are duly qualified- .. Sec. 9. Adah, Rutb, Esther, Mar tha and Electa Bhall perform such du ties as are required of them by the Ritual of the order under the super vision of the Patron. Sec. 10. The Sentinel shall guard the outer door and avenues leading to the rooms under the direction of, the Matron, also to lighting and keeping the rooms in order, for which services he shall receive one dollar per night for each meeting. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1 Opening of the Chapter. I 2 Reading of Minutes. ' 3 Does any biother or sister kuow of a sick brother or sister, or any ons in dis tress? 4 Reports of Special Committees. 5 Reports of Standing Committees. G Receiving and referring petitions. 7 Balloting for candidates. ; 8 Conferring degrees. 9 Unfinished business. j 10 Reading communications, 11 New business. 12 Good of the Order. 13 Closing. ARTICLE V. COMMITTEES. Section 1. The Worthy Patron, Worthy Matron and Associate Matron shall be the Trustees and Executive Committee of the Chapter nd; shal attend to all business referred to them by the Chapter. Sec. 2. The Finance Conuniitee shall consist of three members of the Chapter who shall be appointed at the first regular meeting after installation of olliecrs, whose duty it shall be to ex amine the books of the Secretary and Treasurer and report the financial con dition of the Chapter semi-annually and to examine and report upon all ac cjunts referred to them by the Chapter. Sec. 3. The Visiting Committee shall consist of the Worthy Matron, Associate Matron and the sisters com prising the points of the Star. The Worthy Matron shall at the time of in stallation or at the next regular meet ing, assign to each member of the Com mittee a certain day of the weak upon which to visit all sisters or brothers ot the Order who may be sick within the jurisdiction of the Chapter, and it shall be the further duty of this Committee to attend to all such cases of sickness weekly during their tenn of office when deemed necessary by the Worthy Ma tron and report the same to the Chap ter. And this Committee shall v have the power to draw on the Treasurer in sums not to exceed ten ($10) dollars, for the relief of any diseased worthy sister or brother, and shall reiort the same to the Chinter at the next nieetin-' thereafter. Sec. 4. It is further resolved that in a case of emergency such as sudden death, that the Worthy Matron shall have the power to draw upon the Treas urer to the amouut of forty ($10) dollars the same to be reported at the next regular meeting thereafter. ARTICLE VI. petitions. I Section 1. All petitions for initia tion or meaibership shall be in' writing signed by at least two members of the Chapter in good standing, which cti tions shall bo presented at a! regular meeting and be referred to a Commit tee of three for investigation iand lay over uDtil the next regular j meeting unless by a unanimous consent of the members present it shall be declared a caso of emergency, when immediate action shall be taken thereon, j Sec 2. It shall be the duty of the . Investigating Committee to make due inquiry into the character and standing of the petitioner and report the same to the Chapter at the next stated meet ing unless ordered to report sooner by the Chapter. A petition may! be with drawn at any time before balloting by a two-thirds vote of the Chapter. Sec. 3. Candidates who have been themselves for.; initiation within the ' space of three months; if not, it will be necessary to present a new petition un less delayed by sickness or unavoidable accident. j Sec. 4. A separate ballot must be taken on every petitioner for member ship or for the degrees which must be inviolably secret, without debate, and no inquiries permitted or statements made, as to the character of any one's vote. One or more negative votes re jects the applicant. In case but one negative vote appears, the Matron shall order a second ballot, which shall le final. Every member present must vote unless excused by the Chapter Every person receiving the degrees or elected members thereof, shall sign the By-Laws. Sec. 5. After an applicant for mem bership or initiation shall have been re jected, a petition shall not be renewed until one month shall have expired, then to be presented as a new petitioner. A withdrawn petition shall be treated the same as ajrjected one. ARTICLE VII FEES AND DUES. Section 1. The initiation fees of this Chapter shall be five ($5) dollars for gentlemen and two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for ladies. Affiliation fees shall be fifty (50) cents; the fee must in all casjs accompany tho petition. The dues of this Chapter shall ' be two (?2) dollars per annum payable semi annually. No member in airears for one year shall be allowed to vote at an election or entitled to hold office. Sec. 2. Any member in good stand ing may withdraw his or her member ship by paying up his or her dues, and notifying the Chapter to that effect at a stated meeting, but no recommenda tion certificate shall be issued unless ordered by the Chapter. Sec. 3. Any memljer failing to pay her or his due for the term of one year shall be stricken from the roll of mem bership, and shall not be entitled to Chapter privileges while so stricken from the roll of membership. Any member stricken from the roll can be reinstated by paying the full amount of dues standing against them together with what dues may accumulate had they not been so stricken from the rolL ARTICLE VIII. Section 1. Of revealing the trans actions of the Chapter. When a can didate for initiation or affiliation is re jected, or a member suspended or ex pelled, no member or visiting member shall reveal either directly or indi rectly to such persons or any other, any transaction which may have taken place On the subject, neither sliall any proceeding not proper to be wiitten or made public be disclosed outside of the Chapter, under penalty of reprimand or suspension or expulsion as the Chap ter mav determine. Scrofula Is one o! the most fatal scourges which afflict mankind. It is often inherited, hut may be the result of improper vacci. nation, mercurial poison, undeanliness, and various other causes. Chronic Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Humors, and, in some cases, Emaciation and Con sumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion of the blood. This disease can be cured by the use ol Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I Inherited ascrofulous condition of the blood, which caused a derangement of my whole system. After taking less than four bottles ot Ayer's SarsapaiiUa I am Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have not found it necessary to use any medicine whatever. I am now in better health, and stronger, than eyer before. O. A. Willard, 218 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. . I was troubled with Scrofulous 8ores for five years; but, after using a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the sores healed, and I have now good health. Elizabeth Warnock, 5i Appleton street, Lowell, Mass. Some months ago I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores on my leg. The limb was badly swollen and Inflamed, and the sores discharged large quantities of offen sive matter. Every remedy failed until I used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By taking three bottles of this medicine the sores have been healed, and my health is re stored. I am grateful for the good it has done me. Mrs. Ann O'Brian, 158 Sulli van st., new xorK. it Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver fc Co., Lowell, Mm. Bold by all Drntgiita. rrice $l;aix bottles, 95. THIS IS NO IMPOSITION ON THE PUBLIC! IIPQUA AUTICLK IX amendments. Section. No alteration or amend ments to these Iy Laws shall be made unless the same be proposed in writing at a stated .meeting of the Chapter then if approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present it shall be con sidered a part of these By-Laws. MAM.TACTXBES THE BEST FIiOUR -SOLD IX SR:0S:E:B:U:ItG; 1 OL AUANTEED KtjUAL TO THE BEST "New Process Flour." A Bladder, Urinary and Liver Disease, Dro;jr Gravel, and Diabetes, arc cured by HUNTS REMEDY THE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVEli MEDICINE. HUNTS REMEDY curca Bright's Disrate, retention or Non-Retention of Urine, Fains in t'.:e E. k. Loins, (: Side. MINT'S RPfclPf cures Intemperance, Nrwus Liu-ve;, Gmcral Debility, Female WtakiiiM, an.l TV. o-x-t. HUH cures Billuusrics?, IIea;!a.';c, J..i:i:dlee, Urt.r Stomai li, Dyspepsia, f'ui.stipati-Mi a:s-I Pile. HUNTS REMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidneys, Liver, and Bowels, restoring them to a Jieallh.' action, and Cl'KES vhin r,ll other medicines fail. Hundreds have been saved who have been given up to die by friends and physicians. Send for pamphlet to HUNT'S REMEDY CO., Frvi5encfc. K. I KOI.D ItV AM. Dltl'GOISTS. C. V. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTFL, EUROPEAN PLAN ) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. " FIRST CLASS IN EVERY UEKI'ECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fir irouf Brick Building ISO Rooms. In the Center vt the City 6TTRY IT!Jg WHEAT STriRFU FOR FARMERS ASP BASHER, Proprietor i IHOICE j Bough'. Fur Cash. LINCOLN & BASHER, The Red Corner Keeps Constantly on hand the Finest Cigars, Tobacco NUTS, TOYS, , NOTIONS, and Everything usually kept in a FIRST- CLASS Notion and Candy Store. G. A. TAYLOB Will soli by the motto "LIVE AND LET LIVE Call anil Examine our Stock -Before- PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. 4 I COR. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND H. C. Stanton DEALER IN -x STAPLE DHlf GOODS! OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING Ac. Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY, a full GROCERIES ! Wood And Willow WARE. CROCKERY k GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY. Subscription AGENCY. Subscription" received for all Eastern and European Publications. Eh o a PS W EH Q PS . o a From NOW until further Notice I will sell Everything in my store AT A KEOUCEB PRICE, and ..efy' Anybody in Oregon to sell at the same price! ljo rs 3J )r 1r Sr ll)iljf t P. S. I Am Not Retiring From Business. H O m C Ed H m o H Jo n i v. D I 0 a a-i I o EH c 1 EH i I 25 a: . w - 6 1 M Y7S U HI 5J as O Op; 5 w tp Pi w to w .s o S I I ft? W -a o o 3 I O (4 EstaljIislicJ 1S52. . A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING CLQTOtER, AND OF OREGON. THE PEOPLE'S GROCERS. CITY BOOK STORE, Post Office Building, MANY LAMP CHI JI1TEYS ABB ofiered for sale represented as gooa as uiu imvua o BVT TCET , And like all Canute rflts lae3tta Benuurkable lUASTtxa QmaUtles OF TILE GEOTCCC J L!nlUU ladlalst upon them Tritb X3CtTv THIS A Exact 0 Pat Oct. CHH51 ',1883. The PEARL TOP is manufactured ONLY by ' &0 A. M ACP&TH & GO PITTSBURGH, PA. A Full Line of Staple and Faucy Groceries, Table asd Pocket Cutlert, Glassware Crockery Queens ware Etc. Goods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge. . BARKER & WILLIS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. GAJXEil FRUITS A SPECIALTY. Produce bought and the higlieet cash price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON. New Stage Line. ROSEBURG TO CAMAS VALLEY Roseburg, Oregon. An Immense Fall Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Books and Stationery to Arrive Immediately. Leaves Roseburg, Mondays, Wednea drys, Fridays, and returns Tuesdays, lbursdays, and Saturdays. Time of having both terminal points 6 o'clock A. m. and arrives at each point at 6 o clock P. M. ROBT, T. MCCULLOCH, Prop. . LAFSEITESRG'3 - Boot and Shoe Stare, ' Jackson Street, Opposite Post Office, XtoBoburg, Oregon. KEEPS OS HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST assortment of Eastern and San Francisco and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEBS, SUP. PEBS ami everything in the Boot and Shot line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots ami Shoes Made to Order, and Ferfect Fit G uaranteed. I use'the Best of Leatber and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANQENBERa. FUltmi DEE rALAGF, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Hag the finest stock of furniture south of Portland which he sells as cheap as it can be bought In he State. The new fangted DOUBLE BED LOUNGE. AXD PATENT CORNICES. " PAUL SCHLOSSER Dealeh In STOVES, TINWARE -AND HAKDWAKE, Drain j - - Oregoii. fEEPS AFVI.LSTOCK OF NAiLS, CUTLERY IV Shelf and Builders Hardware. Also Revolvers, Guns and Ammunition All kinds ot Tinware Made to Order. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, Our Grand Cut in Prices is Being Inaugurated. Stand by Us and Get the Benefit of Low Prices. We Lead, Others May IPollow. City Patrons should have our Delivery Wagon call every morning. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY 37 XXXI BEQT GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRIOBS MOOPvE & EVANS. ALSO AGENTS FOR TECH BATTV WAOON', RACINE HACKS AND BUGGIES, OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, ROLLING HARROWS, SEEDERS, AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. MOORE & EVANS. 1 H ' TGrVE US A TRIAL -COUNTRY PATRONAGE ESPECIALLY SOLICITED Inspect orn prices at once, REMEMBER WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF Books and Stationery. , MOORE fc EVANS. it We Will Prove Our Words bv Our Deeds, M oore & Evans. Also has on hand a full Msortmcnt of bedl and bed ding, chain, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds of Children Chairs, etc. J. GILDERSLEEVE. Roseburg Flouring Mills RAST CRITESER. This mill is turnbgout cnoiciis FLOun, and will sec that you are satisfied. Get your biscuit flour at the -m -m rl11 Koseburg Mills The highest market price paid for wheat. TTIE AMERICAN Fruit . Evaporator. BEST AND CHEAPEST Drier in the World. A PREMIUM WINNER Wherever :-: Exliibited I W. C. WINSTON, Agent, . R - - - SAMPLES OF THIS MACHINE AKE KOWOK K k at Barker ft Willi', Koaeburr and SUupe & Wiiuiilurd'f Oakland