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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1887)
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, OCTOBER H, 1887. rillLETARIAN LODGE No. 8, 1. O. O. P., meet on Saturday evening ol ach week at 7 o'clock, m their hall at Roseburg Members the order in good standing arc invited to ntttind. By order of the N. O. ISIO.Y ENCAMPMENT, No. 0, I. O. O. F., meets ntOdd Fellows' II all on the first and third Tli undaysof each month. Visiting brethren Invited to attend. J. JASKULEK.C. 1. .Ions Chase. Scribe. V LAUREL LODGE A. F. M. WILL HOLD regular meetings on Wednesday on or before each full moon. J. R. N. BELL, W. M. J. F. DC5CAS, Sue. Appointments. Thc follmving arc apiwintmcnts fur the M. E. Church south. 1st. Sabbath in each month at Roseburg 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. 2nd, Sabbath Deer Creek at 11 a. nr. and at Roberts deck 4 p. ui. 3rd, Sabbath at Nick lay's school houe at 11 a. in, and at C'alapooia school house at 4 p. m . 4th. Sabbath at Hudson school house at 11 a. ni. and at Myrtle Creek at 8 p. in. Rev. T. I'. lUrjiEK, i Pastor. Public Sen ics at M. E. Church, every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. tit. I'raennecti iig Thursday eve ning. Classniccting at the close of the Sunday morn ing service and also it the-close of the praj criiiect iug Thursday evening. Sunday school at 2:30 p. in. H. C. Stanton, Superintendent. 1. T. Si MMF.RVILIE, Pastor. Cot KT in Session. Court is in session, and attorney.-., nirois. witncses ana all others having bu.sluc- there-,- ami who want to get then: on lime shukl I my one of those cheap, but eoud watches ju.,t received at Pritchard's. Another Lie Nailed. It is an old say ing that there is nothing new under the sun, but it h not true. lor further proof call on Moore & Evans and see one of thtir new self sharpening Oliver C hilled plows. Every one guaranteed to do good work. A . 1 5 1 Race. Saturday was a bin day of excitement at Medford. A match race for $1003 between Tollmtn's Ten Cents and Kiddle's Nellie (jray took place. A lare crowd was in attendance, ami bets were two to one in favor of Ten Cents. The distance was 500 yards. The horses got a gcxxl start, and at the outcome Nellie Gray led by half a length. Kkitkned. Mark Myers who lives on the East Umpqua returned Wednesday from a trip to his old home in Pensylvania, which he had not seen for 30 years. He said he did not know his old home, things had changed so much. He also attended tho G. A. K. Encampment at St. Louis . where there were thousands of people and at which a good time was had . Pleased With Vermont. Governor I'cnnoyert says the prettiest country he saw on his Eastern journey was the valey of Lake Champlain in Northern' Vermont. As he passed through it the forests were in' their brightest autumn colors, such as he has never seen before. The glimpses of the lake, its bays dotted with islands of - radiant hues, pre sented a picture of rare loveliness, while the farms and villages showed that the people were nut living on scenery alone. Statesman. East Ump-vca Bridge. The contract lor a county bridge across the East Umpipra opposite E. Wiaibcrly's house was let this week to the California Bridge Co. of Oakland California for $4,497 on condition that a free right of way is given from the county road to the bridge on each side of the river by E. Wimbcrly and Stephen .Shnim over whose land the road shall pass. Aiid if free right of way is granted (which we have no doubt will be, willingly,) the work of construction will commence as soon as material can be got on the grounds, and will be completed this fall . All should heartily co-operate ' in this bridge . building which so materially adds to the value of property. ' I-'IXAXCtAL REPORT OP It O VOL IS COVMTV AGRICULTURAL AXO MEC1IASICAL associa tion: Cash Dr. To stocks. .M ' Gate receipts at grounds. . ' Receipts of ball . " " " Exclusion train. t .$409 :$ .. 595 00 . . 117 00 . . S9 76 55 00 Licence rights Total $1266 00 Cr. By work on race co-.iisc and grounds. " K Russell $ 1 W Wi'ey : . 5 5 73 6 " James McGinniss. 33 50 12 50 I 50 " Chas Wheeler. " Joe Di.xoi ' V Cocklerea I 00 Win Buxton " Jas Davlin " L Tlmisli ........ " K Russell " Wm Bremncr " R SAkers " Jno Weekly " Wm Silvers , " lili Brockway.. " K B Irelaud " JnoGeider (blacksmith bill) " Win Ferguion (building contract) " (lumber bill)...-.. " (extra labor) " (I door) ' Jas Byron (bill rendered) : A Thrush (bill lumber) " Sheridan Bros (bill rendered) " E Miller, (bill for boards). . ...... " J Jaskulek (bill rendered). "EH Lenox (bill services rendered) T J McBce (bill for posts) " Review Pub Co (bill rendered). . . " Moore & Evans (bill rendered)... " Expense of ball (music & in'grs). . " " on races J " ' ladies riding contest. . . 12 OO 15 00 4 50 0 75 17 00 2 00 25 2 00 40 00 3 50 50 165 00 31 2S 10 62 2 50 39 85 258 86 19 60 49 48 20 00 16 75 25 00 15 00 4 45 21 00 47 75 5 00 131 00 23 00 24 00 2 00 3 25 12 00 1 00 excursion train & a'gl . . Junior band gate keepers 1 marshal 1 " (mounted),.. 2 entry clerks 3d (g 2. . livery of band D Lenox on account . . WmGage" " 4 20 2 00 Total expenditures Total receipts $1167 71 $1266 00 Balance on hand , $ 9S 29 This leaves the society clear of debt, and as will be seen the balance is not very large. The Executive committee have decided to allow $75 as premiums viz: $50 on stock and and $25 in the pavillion, balance to meet cur rent expenses. The committee also decided allow cash premiums on stock, and as the $25 . is not as large in proportion to the exhibits, to award diplomas to that amount, premiums wil be disposed of as early as possiLle. E. II. Lexox, ' Secretary. I Civii tend, Or. Oct. 12, 18S7. LOCAL BREVITIES. Bridges. Litigation. Koads good. Fine weather. Bright prospects ahead. Bridges! bridges!! bridges!!! Lots of sickness reported now. Still strangers continue to roll in. Considerable litigation going on this week. County court was in session again this week. Job work a specialty at The Review office. Burb Brockway was seen on our streets this week. Last Saturday was quite a business day for Uoseburg. j G. W. Dimmicji of Elklon gave us a call Wednesday. J W. C. Winston w ent to Portland this week on business. Bury your doubts and try J. Jaskulck's Bargain store. j W. K. Moore was on tho sick list a day or two this week, j Heavy forest fires are reported near Santa Kosa California, j fjuite a number of people in town this week attending court. Hon. J. C. Drain was in town attending court this week. I Yellow fever is said to be spreading at Tampa Florida, j Dr. E. J. Page,; of Oakland, shook us by the hand this week. See the list ol heavy tax payers in another column of this issue. i A womans boarding house was opened at Portland this week. John Dixon is lying very e-ick at L. Short's residence in Wilbur. 1 Hon. E. G. Hursh returned last Friday from his trip to California. The boom is being felt in our midst, espec 1 ially the bridge boom. Insure in the old reliable California. M. O Wimbcrly, local agent. A bran new organ at The Review office cheap, come and see it. S. C. Flint is registered at the Oilman house in Portland this week- i A new double barreled shot gun for sale cheap, enquire at jhis office. The present month presents a general ic-vis-al in all branches of business. Hon. G. W. Kimball is in Portland attend ing the Mechanics; fair this week. Kev. S. T. Wilson was in Roseburg this week holding quarterly conference. The Mechanics fair is now in progress and the attendance is above the average. Hon. j. F. Watson, of Portland, is in Roseburg this week attending court. For good Job work neatly and promptly executed come to The REVfEW office. The alleys and streets of Roseburg should be cleaned and thereby prevent malaria. Everybody that likes chicken dinnercall at Moore's resturant especially the preachers. Win. Ferguson of Camas valley was in Rose burg this week proving up on his homestead James Hutchinson of Oakland was in Rose burg this week and gave The Review a call. I Our friend L. S. Rogers sports a fine gold keystone as a watch charm . It is a beauty. The Misses Katie and Jennie Buick went to Portland this week to attend the Mechainics fair. ; Mrs W. A. Smick went to Portland to at tend the Presbytery, which convenes there this week. j Judge Thomasi Manning, United Stales minister to Mexico died in New York this week . j Mcssr.i.Cawltield and Ragon are pushing the work on Abraham's new residence right along. I Rev. Walton Skipworth made an able ad dress on prohibition last night at the court llOtliC . I Conquer you prejudice by giving the -low priced goods !a trial at J. Jaskulek'3 Bar gain store The scar and yellow leaf of Autumn is fast falling and covering the sidewalks and fulling the streets There has been a Mission Band consisting of the children organized in this city. It is good work J. W. Wriidit of Mt. Scott was m town this week and bout;rit'our Chicago Cottage organ, consequently we do not have any more music at our otlice. I Stoves? Yes, stoves, a car load of the bs kind of stoves just arrived at J. Taskulek's Bargain store. ' Mr. E. Skipton father-in law of Prof. J. B Horner is in town this week, and cave The Review a call. Where is that crowd K"ir,g? Catch on: It is going to J. Jaskuleks Bargain store, for all kinds of Lamps. 1 As we go to press Kev. John Howard is ly ing very low at his residence with hopes for his recovery dispaired of. Rev. J. C. Richardson will preach in the Southern Methodist Church in this city next Saturday and Sunday. i J. H.Allen the fisherman returned this week from Bandon beach and reports it very windy down there now. L. McGregor was up from I'ortland again this week buyinc slock to supply the wants of bis many customers there. Mrs. T. R Sjheridan returned this week from Coos county where she spent the sum mer visiting and recreating. Miss Nettie Birll went to Portland this week to attend the Me :hanics fair and will visit in Salem a few days on her return . Miss Edith Callahan passed through Rose burg last Saturd; y on her way to Days Creek to again resume rer school work. Considerable courting going on in town this week. Scv :ral young ladies called at The Review o lice which accounts for part of it. Moore's restaurant has lieen closed for the want of a cook but has got a good cook now and opened azain in cood style. Call an I see. j L. Bcliils canie home this wce'.i in response to a telegram from here stating that his little daughter was vcrv sick. She is better at present writing. I We are sorry to say that the wife of II. L Envies on the East Umpqua is quite sick with rheumatism. We hope soon to hear of her complete recovery. Rev. T. T. Ilayncs will preach al the Hud son school house the 4th, Sabbath in Oct . at 1 1 a. m. and at Myrtle Creek at 4 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. same day. We acknowledge the receipt of a compli mentary ticket to the North Pacific and fat Stock Association to be held at Portland com mencing October 17th. Wanted at The Review office 5 dozen hens, one half black Spanish, the other half ; brown leghorn. Come right along w ith your fowls and get the cash. The war in Jerusalem is still raging fiercely and II. C. Stanton is haying large sales of those eastern books. A third invoice of them will soon arrive. Call and examine them. We w ork for cash, And not for fun; And want our pay When work is done. A gentleman who arrived in Albany Mon day from Eastern Oregon over the Lebanon wagon-road says he found a foot and a half ol snow on the summit for a distance of seven teen miles. The President and parly arc met with cheer ing multitudes of people every where in their western trip. They were at St. Taul Monday where the President made a short speech to thousands of people. W. B. Clark said that at last he came to Roseburg on a "free stage" from his place, Millwood. He is proud of this new enter prise, and it all comes of having a Democratic administration. You see. Sufferers from the effects of quinine, used as a remedy for chills and fever, should try Ayer's Ague Cure . This preparation is a powerful tonic, wholly vegetable, and without a particle of any noxious drug. Warranted a sure cure, A full and complete line of picture frame moulding lias just been received by P.' Ben edick. All varieties, widths and styles. Call and inspect the same. Also a large assort ment of mirror plates and cornice poles at remarkably low prices. I am sorry indeed that the people were dis apointed last Sabbath at Deer creek. Be tween the prohf s and myself we made a botch of matters. Perhaps neither were to blame. I am sure that I was not intentionally. T. T. Haynes. Hon. A. B. Campbell president of the State Temperance Union of Kansas will be in Roseburg and will speak to-night on the great issue before the people vi: Prohibition. Ha is an able an excellent speaker and all should hear him. Dont fonrct it is to nicht. Gen. E. L. Applegale spoke last Friday night at the court house on temperance vs. prohibition, and if after listening for two hours an intelligent man goes away, and after awhile tries to recall something worthy of re membrance and utalization he, in our opinion would fail. "I have taken, wilhin the past year, several bottles of Ayer's Sarsapaiilla, and find it ad mirably adapted to the needs of an impover ished system . I am convinced that this prep aration, as a blood purifier, is uncquakl." C. C. Dame, Pastor Conrre'j.itional church, Andovr, Me. Keep an eye open for Bargains in Watches Clocks, fine Jewelry & Spectacles at J. Jask ulek s Bargain store. He warrants everything. as represented and as we know his word to be as good as a note given by the best man in Oregon with gilt edge security, we surmise that the bottom has dropped out of the prices Quarterly meeting at the ' M. E. Church Saturday and Sunday. There will be preach ing Saturday at 2:30 and also at night. The usual services will be held on Sunday. Quar terly conference will convene after service Saturday evening instead of afternoon as was announced last week. Rev. S. P. Wilson the presiding elder is already here and will preside at all the services. An exchange puts it this way: When a man conies into the office and planks down the cash and says: "Send me your paper for year," that means business. When one says: I want your paper but haven t got the money now," that's all right. When he takes a paper out of the postoffice for several months and then sends it. back "refused," that's mean ness. When a man spends from ten cents to a dollar for cigars or beer every week and says he can't afford to take his home paper, that's a no such a thine: . When a man borrows The Review to read every week, that's cheek. m m-m MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNITIES. COUNTLESS ARRAY OF BARGAINS' COOPS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY! CALL AT ONCE The greatest opportunity ever offered the citizens of Douglas county to select goods trom a mammotn stock at tueir own prices is offered in the final and complete closing out sale at Sol. Ab raham's store in this city, Do not delay but call at once as Mr. Abra ham is desirous'ofclosing out at once and ex pect to be rid of lus stock in 60 DAYS! Bar gains are offered in every line of his complete stock and the rush to his store was never equalled at any sale in this county. The rea son is that this is not simply a clearance sale, in which profits are reduced, but is a grand bona fide closing out sale to retire from the mercantile business. The people can judge of the quality and prices, and the unpreceden ted rush to his conuters show that the people appreciate bargains when they sec them! Do not fail to call at once. If you live in the country, hitch up your teams and conic and s ec the bargains. It will well repay y.ju . MEXICO. DISASTROUS STORM ON THE I'ACIHC COAST, Nocjalf.s, Arizona, Oct. II. One of the most disastrous storms ever known on the southern coast of Mexico occurred the 71I1 and Slh. The city of Uuchto, a town ol more than 8pD0 people, was totally destroyed and many lives lost . A telegram gives the most affecting scenes. Many women, children and men were floundering in the stormy current, crying for help which was not at hand. The storm was very severe at Mazauan, but no particulars are obtainable fur the reason that the wires are down. Dispatches this after noon 6tatc that the supposition is there were a number of wrecks in the rjulf, but the facts cannot be ascertained. Dispatches to-night to the associated press reporter say the entire codec and orange crops in Sinala were de stroyed. News of the extent of the damage created great excitement and subscriptions for the relief of the sufferers have already been started . Letter EHnl. The following letter, or one nearly like it in an Albany paper was found in Roseburg the other day: My Dear Miss . My heart yearns for the time when I can be with you again. You can not understand the depth of my love for you, nor how my heart swells with a just pride when my eyes look upon your matchless form and figure. I can scarcely wait for the time when you shall be all, all mine, and then we will buy all our groceries, fruits and vegetables of Moore Evans who always hava the freshest and best Yours Lovingly, John. A STEEL BRIDGE. To Span the North Ump qua at Winchester. OLD DOUGLAS LEADS. THE ACTION OF THE FROUUKS- SIVE COUNTY HOARD UNIVERSALLY ENDORSED. LEADING TAXPAYERS ALL FAVORABLE. The Review has splendid news for its readers this week. The era of progress and improvement is upon us, and Douglas county is preparing for a future of prosperity and greatness worthy of her wonderful resources and great natural advantages. County Judge Fitzhttgh and Commissioners Hall and McGee are thoroughly in harmony with the new spirit, and in fact are entitled to much credit for the formation of public opinion that im provements are necessary to the future growth of our much favored section. These remarks are called forth by the splendid action of the County Board on Wednesday the 1 2th inst., in letting a contract for the building of a com bination iion and steel cantilever truss bridge across the North Umpqua river at Win chester. The same is to be constructed by the California Bridge Company of Oakland California, at a cost of $44,940 and is to be completed by the 1st of September 1888. The construction of a bridge at this point was called for by a petition "ten feet long," to quote the language of Judge Fiuhugh, and the said petition was re inforced on Wednes day last by one from the leading taxpayers of Roseburg, and those of the county found in town on that day, requesting the bridge to be built immediately. In addition to this, Mr Sol. Abraham, one of the heaviest taxpayers of the county, made his first personal appear ance before the Board and delivered a speech in favor of the bridge, that did him much credit. The crrcat unanimity of the public in favor of this large undertaking is fully convinc ing that our county is inarching in harmony to the tune of progress. It is worthy of note that at the same meeting of the Board, a con tract was let to the same company for the erection of a combination truss bridge on the East Umpqua near 1". Wimbtrly'a residence to cost $4,497, and this with the bridge oyer the South Umpqua near Winston's which will be completed by the iirst of next month at a cost of over $12,000 in conjunction with smaller appropriations for other bridges will make over $20,000 which will have been ex pended this year on bridges in this county, and this $45,000 contract for next year. As in everything eUe Douglas takes the lead 111 the number of stream requiring bridges, and the good work will not cease until we have a most thorough and complete road system, ex tending to all parts of the county. All the work for these leading improvements has been paid for by careful management of the of the county's finances, and these bridges are not built at the expense of a heavy indebted ness on tne taxpayers, but the coi'STY is now out OF deist and in splendid financial condition, the motto being, "improvements on business piinciplcs.'' But to return to the big bridge. It is. to be about Soo feet in total length, with combina tion iron and steel cantilever truss 5S4 lcet long capable of supporting 580,000 pounds, all to rest on concrete and iron piers anchored to the bedrock. The floor will be about 50 feet from the river bed . It will be the first steel cantilever bridge built in Oregon and the second on the Pacific coast. Some idea of its strength and substantial character can be judged by the fact that the foundations alone will cost more than the total cost of any other bridge in the county. Our space is crowding us and we have but room to state that the action ol the Board in the letting of this contract is universally en dorsed. The voices of the croakers and kick ers, if there be any, are drowned in the general acclaim of approval . Forthcoming Camtuhttea. The New York Sun suggests the following "list of candidates for office, both elective and appointive, who sooner or later may ettim the consideration of the public: For president, R. T. Lincoln. For vice president, F. P. Grant. For secretary of state, Walker Blaine. . For attorney-general, Allan W . Evarts Fof secretary of the treasury, John Slier- man, jr. For secretary ol the intcr:or, Harry Gar field. For secretary of the navy, C. Alan Arthur. For Governor of New York, Hamilton Hah, r. For president of the Missouri Pacific, F.ddie ! Gould. For Master Workman, K. ot'L., Mr. Pow- dcrly's son. For champion of America, young Sullivan Platform (in classic verse:) Tin glad I'm a gentleman's son."' EXORMOCS TRAVEL WES THAR IK if Will Xecessitnte nn Additional Trqin on the Union and Central Pacific. Sax Fra.ncisco, Oct. 10. The Central Pacific is so greatly overtaxed with its enor mous west bound passenger business that the company is considering the matter of running an extra daily train each Way, and this it will probaMy do soon if it Can induce the Union Pacific to put on a corresponding train run ning west from Omaha. The move will, it s believed, be an imperative necessity, by another year. It is stated, however, that T. G. Potter, of the Union Pacific, is expected to arrive here soon to make arrangements for the new service in person, and it is also slated that by November I the new plan will be in effect . There were eighteen passenger coaches on the overland train which came in from Ot;dcn on Friday last, and on several occasions of late it has been necessary to run a train in two sections. The trains rantie from fifteen to twenty-five coaches, and bag gage and express cars. Two trains daily arc run by the Union Pacific as far west as Jules hurg, Colorado, which is one-third of the dis tancc from Omaha to Ogdcn. The Union Pacific people are said to believe that the running of two trains daily from there to Og den will not pay. It is a bigger undertaking for them than for the Central Pacific, which has less mileage. NOTICE. ; The undersigned forbids all persons hunting on liis place. A violation of the above notice will incur the penalties of the law without fear or favor. Henry Lander. circuit court proceemxgs. Oct. 10th, 18S7. State of Oregon vs. John McCurdy, R. B Mathews, unlawful gaiming. Both plead guilty. Fined $50 each. b. Marks & H. Wollenberg vs. Simon Kre- mont et al, confirmation, sale confirmed . State of Oregon vs. Ned. Gilmore and Lee 1 arner, rime 01 wilfully disturbing a public meeting. No arrest. state 01 uregon vs. David Baker, haibonng nnnor. t iic acknowledgement of satisfaction t.y motion 01 minor Diyid Grenot vs. . Frank McMullen et al, foreclosure default and decree as prayed for. State of Oregon vs. P. S. Dcarling, Recog- nuance. Dismissed on motion of Dist. Ally. State of Oregon vs. Z. T. Andrews, Recog nizance. Deft. dead. State of Oregon vs. O. W. Ohlsen, Recog. nizance. Not a true bill. deft, dischameif and his bail exonerated , Rosalia Telland et al vs. Thos. Reilly et al, I Suit to quiet title of real property. Order made substituting admr. and heirs and cause refernd to clerk of court to report testimony by next term B. A. Owens Adair vs. Action to recover money amend answer. J. J. Whitsett, Application to J. M. Dillard vs. Allen & Lewis W. Merrill, Action to recover money. and G. Settled and dismissed. G. W. Weaver vs. C. W. Johnston admr. and Esther Owens, Suit to set aside a fraudu lent Conveyance. Report of referee filed. Humphrey and Flint vs. R. Phipps, W. R. Willis and wife, S. Hamilton, G. A. Taylor and H. C. Slocum, Foreclosure. Referee re port on file. Chas. Kohn & Co. vs. A. F. Flournoy, Action to recover money. Demurrer over ruled with leae to answer. Thompson Dellart & Co vs. Henry and John Bowcn, Action to recover money. Set fled and dismissed. School Conir's vs. B. F. Dowell and wife. Foreclosure. Demurrer overrullcd and de- fault of defendants duly entered and decree of foreclosure entered. S. Hamilton vs. J. B. Spaur, Sarah Spaur and Frank Spaiir, Suit in equity for posses sion of real property. Settled and dismissed. S. Marks & Co. vs. Thos. P. and Mary A. Baker, Motion for leave to issue execution. Settled and dismissed. Phoebe E. Day vs. J. L. and Sarah Coon, Foreclosure. Default and decree. S. Marks & Co. vs. Jos. .'lobcrls, Action to recover nif'iiey. Settled, and dismissed . Elizabeth ('lariison vs. ( J. Hocket, Action to recover money. Ycrdict in lavor of pltT. for $31. John T. McBJc vs, Jacob Spaur, S. Spam and D. White, Action to recover real ptopcrty and damages. Demurrer withdrawn s ith leave to answer tiled. Joel Thompson vs. J. II. Whitsett and J. B. Williams, Action to recover money. Set- led and dismissed. Cathrinc Brooks vs. John W. Brooks, Divorce. Referred to S. F. I loed to ienort testimony. E. J . Page vs. Theresa A. Tage, Divorce. Demurrer to answer oyerrnlled and order made allowing deft, $30 per month for her support and $250 for to maintain her defense, payment of alimony to be made within thirty days, and every 30 days thereafter, and $100 of allowance to be paid within 30 days and remaining $150 within 90 days. Mary E. Stearns vs. R . L. Stearns, Divorce. Default and referred to V. C. Paikcr to re port testimony. Julia Levy vs. E. II. Levy, Divorce. De cree in favor of plaintiff.' ' " '"' E. and A. B. Tingle ys. Geo. M. Beeler, Action to recover money. Order of sale of attached property. W. Benjamin vs. Elizabeth Garrison and S. T. Garrison, Foreclosure. Settled and dismissed. Wm. WTade vs. Ellis Blackwell, Confirma tion. Sale confirmed. State of Oregon ys. Willard Cane and John Whitney, unlawful gaiming. Guilty, lined $50 each. State of Orecon vs. C . D. Murray, Recog nisance. Guilty sentenced to one year in pen tentiary. OA KLAXV items. Mr. James McKinney is now proprietor of the Bailey hotel. P. B. Beckley Esq. and wife went to Rose- burg on Monday returning the same day, W. K. Hanna is acain a cilicn of Oak- land and will conduct a restaurant 011 Locust street. Rev. Saycr entertained the people of Oak land from the lmlnil, Sunday morning and evening. Aunt Katie Churchill left Oakland on Mon day night for Stockton California, where she will visit friends. Mr. -Myers of Portland, arrived iu Oakland on Tuesdav niirht. He has been cngancd to work on the residence of C . A. Sclilbrcde I lus lot east ol tne beckley 11 very livery and will soon creel a handsome eoltaerc on the same lot. ! Monday last, and will resume the study of medicine and surgery in the ofiicc with lVc. jjr Our little city is unusually quiet this week, quite a number of our people being al Court, and others attending the Mechanics Fair at Portland. , G. A. Taylor and wife were in Oakland Sabbath last. Mrs. Taylor was curotite for the Mechanics Fair, Mr. Taylor returning to Koseimrg Monday morning. 1,-11 I, 1 c- i 1 1. . t I......... hall on lad- Saturday night to a good house, on the temperance question. Vc have various opinions as to the cried of his talk. We regret to note thc illness of Prof. G. T. Russell. His nhvsician says he is suffer ing from over work. We hope the Prof, will take necessary rest from his labors, and that he may soon recover his wonted health. Rev. Mr. Haynes of Roseburg and ofM. E. C. S. preached an able sermon in the Dap list church on last Monday night to n large and much interested congregation. Wc hope often to have the pleasure and profit of listen ing to Mr. Ilayncs. Uoxana. A Letter Trom- Iowa. ObKALOOSA, IOWA, Oct. 7th, J087. Ev. Roseburg Review: Thre -will be four car loads start from here on the 20th inst for the racitte coast. Some are gotrj to your place, myself with the ballance will be there about the 15th of November if nothing hap pens. I Remain Yours, Je&seJ. Hill, Xbtable Death. Paris, Oct. 10. Maurice trainer ol Patti, is dead. Strakosch, OVR SOLID MES. The following is" a list of tax payers of I Douglas county that pay over $100 Abraham Hyman $ 25 00 Abraham Sol 38200 Adams Mack and wife. . 140 00 1 Agee B C 21 60 Applecate Albert 120 So I American Mortgage Co. of Scotland Aprdecate Lucv and Irene .1 Archambeau G Jr 104 30 1 Binder Anthony 128 30 1 Balfour--. tsooo 328 40 109 70 I!0 00 165 00 555 10 Beckley Henry Beckley PB Bingham Sol estate. . Bogges Thos Bons Browne Thos Browne & Vbraham too 00 j Browne Jacob...: Browne A F .... 1 14 00 285 00 196 30 101 00 130 00 Booth! O Clark & Baker. . . Canaday John., Cellars Jos 128 40 1 Chenoweth Jas 209 00 1 Cole Jas. 1 13 70 293 7 III 30 Conn Henry . Cooper Plinn. Crouch Mrs M 132 40 Curry N 250 00 Davlin Jas 188 40 Dawson I R 106 10, Day G W 120 00 Day Phoebe E 1 44 30 Dixon J R 131 30 1 Dixon R B 135. 30 1 Dixon & Irving 424 70 138 60 25550 Drain C& Sons . Drain & Co. Dundee Mortgage Trust & Invest ment Co.......... 367 50 Durland Mr & Mrs C G. . . 223 80 Eliff Hardy. 201 00 Emmilt John 298 40 Evans S D 142 60 Gardiner Mill Co 992 60 Grenot David... 133 50 Giubb J II . 137 6o Hall John 174 5 Hall Geo 347 30 HallLS 10020 Hamtlton Jas 102 70 Hamilton S -. 403 90 Hart II B 100 30 1 Iayncs Geo 274 90 HcddcnC 225 00 Hcndcrer Chas G 1 60 00 Hinklc Robt f.14 20 Holmes M" B 257 90 Humphrey & Flint . Hunt T C 329 10 165 So Irwin Wm 129 00 Jones Ahraham 117 20 202 40 Jones Geo V Josephson M 125 00 .Kent Levi. Kcrley W T iO 90 ' 33 80 Kimball G W, . . Ktmmcll Chas.. Landers Henry. 141 10 1 189 20 j '37 90 Lapoint Chas. 296 90 Larout N !.?7 20 Levens D A 109 80 1 Love Wm. 105 70 Lyons M 107 50 Mannin" Wm . . ; 100 SO Marks & Wollenberg 646 So Martin Mrs Emma 120 00 Maxwell Y McGuire DC MinardS Nichols IB O&C RRto I jn 00 HI co '58 50 1 m &n tc 9 cm 10 " 357 20 Oregon Southern Imp Co. . Ozouf A - E Pacific Tostal Telegraph Co 100 00 Rast John J70 Reed A W Rice Isadorc E .. . ioy 40 204 10 Richards Jas Riddle T S 160 w Rose Aaron 1S2 00 Sclig Simon Shambrook Geo Sheridan Bros Smith Chas W . . . . Smith Cyrus 143 00 238 20 i S3 60 192 00 138 30 206 40 Smith Mrs S & Sons. Smith Tho? Standlcy Henry Stearns D W '7 9 04 7o 122 60 Sutherlin Fendal. 066 10 J J Sutherlin J P estate Talkinglon Warner 12 Thompson W R. si? 60 Tipton M & Son. r . , t n m 140 00 Tracy C E Western Union Telegraph Co.. 151 00 Wheeler Simeon csfate. 160 00 Willamette Raal Estate Co. Woodruff A II estate Young Jas C. . . '. 1 ) in "3 30 102 00 191 CO 24 40 Young E G Young EG & Cu , Voles Valley Amendment Lctipne. Friday evening, Oct. 7 18S7. The following programme was carried out . Prof. O. C. Brown was elected CSairnian by a large majority; Wm. Churchill, Secretary; v , , Mr. 1 nomas, icssc onamuiwK oiuu . . nenry, literary committee, a ng cnuuw "Gol.lcn Slippers" was sung by L. S. Forlin, I r r -.1- T-t 3 r:ti! 1. .uurue inomn ana miium son. 1 jvc uunuic speccnes wnicu wcio en joyed by all, followed by a ong entitled "Hide Away.'" Hon. S. F. Floed was elected speaks for the next meeting by a large m.,;.T On n,tinn th iMvlins mliourned . " .-w..w .... j to meet Friday, Oct. 14, 1S87 at 7 O ClOCk ' n(ru -an- .iirr 1 thc pubhc know that they've interested jn prol.ibition afiairs, that which I think all citi - zens should be fully as deep if not more inter' 1 thaa they. My reasons for Ibis is that 1 ... t,,... ti,-c in mi, liaiitifiil we have no whiskey shops in our beaulilul valley, ami but tew, il any, mat loves uie king. .Now we ask tnose tnat are not in lavor Now we ask those that are not in favor of prohibition to come to our meeting, or visit some of the saloons in the neighboring towns, ,1 1 think bevond a doubt vou wilt come and sign our pledge at once. William Churchill, Secretary. HIED' OTEV: A Wilbur Oct. Sth, 1S87, E. W. Otey died after a brief illness. Mr. Otey was one of the pioneers of Ore gon, having emmigrated here in 1851. was born in Virginia in Isib, and was at the time of his death in his 5 1st year. He wm good ana weii respectcu citizen in tec cwipu nity in which he lived, and has now gone to reap his reward in the world beyond. Only 40 Cents. In postage stamps for a new Nickle Plated Hons. Stem Winder and Stem better atcn, patented. Address ROY JACKSON, Box 311 t-ast I04U1 street, N. Vi city. Mention this paper. THE HOE MARKET. The Opinion of Mr' W. J. ITcrrcH, Ike Hop Commission Merchant, on The Outlook. From W. J. llcrren, hop commission uicr- chant of this city, the following concerning prospecls of the hop market, etc.. are Fathered Growers are busilv encaeed and but few sam care being taken in handling than in any pre- vious crop. In some instances the yield has been rather disappointing on account of the dry weather daring the growing season, but where the vines have received good cultiva- tion and proper care, the y ield has been fair and the quality good. A good deal of surprise is manifested in the trade at the apparent indifference of brewers to block up. They have bought nothing, comparatively speaking, and nearly all sales of 1S87 heps so far have been for the English market, anJ it is now quite certain that .1 large portion of our choice goods will find ready buyers at remunerative prices for that market. A few hundred bales of New York state hops were recently sold for export at l7'i "nts per pound in San Francisco, but one sale is reported of 100 bales at 11 cents, and that market is quoted nominally al ten to thirteen cents. The Statesman recently noted one sale of forty bales by Mr. Herrcn that netted the grower 12 cents here, but more inquiry from England and the disappointment concerning the quality of New York state hops gives a firmer tone to the market, and some improve ment is looked for. Orders are still wanting, and those who hold for fancy prices may get left. States-nan. Shiloh's Locals. "Hackmetack" a lasting and fragrant perfume. Trice 25 and 50 cents, Sold by W S. Hamilton. Shiloh's Clre will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For sale by W. S. Hamilton. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by W. S. Hamilton. Sit 1 lohs Catarrh Remedy A positiv cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, and Canker Mouth. Sold by W S. Hamilton. Why W'ill You cough when Shiloh's Core w ill give immediate relief. Price lOcts., 50 cts., and $1 . For sale by W. S. Ham ilton. For DysI'EI'sia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizcr. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. S. Hamilton. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says. "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cire. Sold by W. S. Hamillonf ' Are YOU made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Yitalizer is a positive cure- sold by w. s. Hamilton TTrefeiet Indeed. Are lnose wnom a conhrmeu tendency to uu lousness, subject to the various and cliangeful symptoms indicative of liver complaint. Nau- sea s'c headache, constipation, fcrred tongue, an unpleasant breath, a dull or sharp 1 P111 in lnc neighborhood ol the aitecteu or 1 can, impurity of the blood and loss cf appc I lite, signalize it as one of the most distressing, 1 " 11 onc tne most common, of maladies. There is, however, a benign specific for the disease and all its unpleasant manifestations. I1 's tne concurrent testimony of the public and the medical profession, that Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters is a medicine which achieves ! results speedily felt, thorough and benign. 370 20 Besides rectifying liver disorder, it invigorates ' the feeble, conquers kidney and bladder com 230 plaints, and hastens the convalescence of 1 those recovering irom enieeonng diseases. 1 Moreover, it is the grand specific for fever wd ague If tot True Merit Will Jto. The unprecedented sale of Boschcc's Gcr man Syrup within a few years, has astonished the world. It is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Couchs, Colds and the severest Lune troubles. It acts on an en- itirclv different nrinciolc from the usual pre I scriptions given by Physicians, as it does not 1 drv up a couth and leave the disease still in 1 the system, but on the contrary removes the I 'r.i.- 1.1- V 1- . t - .,- 1 ,1 I CaUSC UI UIC 1IUUIMC7 iUtt 'una Aiivvivu ww 1 ,,i ,nvplhcm in a mirelv healthv condition 5 A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make their appearance, will save I doctor's bills and a lone spell of serious illness, i trial convuice yu ' lncse ,acts- 11 is 1 positively sold by all druggists and ceneial dealers in the land. Price, 75 cts., large bot I ties, I - Cure for Piles. PiIks are freouentlv DrecetleuUv a seuas 0f wcignt in the back, loins nd lower part of the abdomen, causir patient to sup- DOSe 110 hta aHectlon Ot the ludneys Or neign- . AX . : t i . Doling organs, av uuin, Bjuiywuia vi u- ditrestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness V. . i . ' A ;fll of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like pers- piration, producing a very disagreeable itch- iBC. after eettins warm, is a common attend ant Blind. Blecdina and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. ;ko8anco'g pjie remedy, which acts directly Upon the parts effected, absorbing the ta. 1 1 rT ' v ' r i vct r 1 I fpotintr a nerrrmnent cure Price 50 cenU. - nr - Medicine Co.. o Medicin Piqua, 0. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. A it End to lione Scraping. Edward Shepard, of Harrisburg, III., says: I . . x. 1 c. r,.. M"vng rcce.vcu so n..u ,t.u ",c """ J1 U,J uul " " . Humanity Know U. nae Hitu a iuuu.u - I . t r... -:t. -.Jn.ln InM I . , I ore u" ,c14 ,w J w u'j uwivw I ... . ... . mc 1 would nave to nave uie pone scrapeu w ct leg amputated. 1 uscu insieau, uiree uoiues of Eledtnc bilters and seven boxes uuckicns 1 Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and . - . . a. 1 wc"' - - . . twcinc Miters are soiu at 5 cu.ts a t,ott!C I "U imcKico s zinnia oaiic iti .jvtiuj imi uv r 1 j "- - - j GwMl RefHua j,t ircry Case jj, a. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer ol j Chattanooga, Tcnn., writes, that he was e riouslyarllictcd with a severe cold that settled on his luncs: had tried many remedies with out benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King's cw Discovery lor Consumption, did so and was entirely cured by use of a few bottles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the experience of thousands wose lives have been saved by this Wonderful Discovery I Homestead Entry No 30ei for the lots 5 and 6 6t-c 30 . - . T" n- C5 u a ' war lt it., f, 1 r. r Trial Bottles free at A. C. Marstcrs & Co's. Drug Store. Oust What They All Say. Hon. D. D. Hay nie of Salem, Ills, says he uses Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup in his family with the most satisfactory results, in all cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup, and ffffimm.nrl it in nartirnlar (rw tf. ltlll nnK. He a - sample bottle 5 cents at W. S. Hamiltons. Liter nils. Use Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pilla fo Sallow Complexion, Pimples on the face 1 Biliousness. !.. . . Ncvet sickens or gripes. one for a dose . Samples free at W. S. IlamJ Douglaa county, Oregon wf thin sis months frm uhe r . date of this notice or the first publication thereof. just 15, Roseburg i. the only town in Oregon allows a slaughter house Within its limits, Copy Of Order. ' In the county court of Douglas Co. State of Or. In the matter of thegunrtiiaubhip ' ) of c Minor heirs of Levi Bet-klcv deceased J citation. Now at this tinie comes Henry Beckley guardian of Mary Beckley and Lola G. Beckley minor heirs of Levi Beckley deceased an i files his sworn petition which seU forth the allowing facts to-wit: That said petitioner is tiic dulv appointed Guardian . of the minor heirs of Levi Beckley deceased, that aid minor heirs re residents of Douglas county Oregon, that said minor heirs are each the owner of an undivided one third interest in foe of the follow. iiiT described real property, situate in said Douglas county, state of Qregon, towit: Lots numlercd 5 and 6 of sec. 19 and U.K. quarter of N. W. 1 of sec. SO in T. 22 S. R. 7 West and lots numbered 5 and 6 of see. 24 inT. 22 S.B. 8 West of Willamette Meridian containing 17i.00 acres, that the personal property of said minors has been exhausted ex cepting about t70 each and that it is necessary to sell said real proiierty in order to support main tain and educate said minors, that the interest of said minora in said real property docs not rent for or otherwise contribute t the support of said min ors and that said property is depreciating in value. Wherefore petitioners asks that an order of this court he made directing the next of kin and all others interested in tho said estate to appear and show cause why a license should not be grunted for the sale of said real pnicrty. It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the court that an order is sue to the next of kin and all other persons inter ested in said real estate to be and appear in this court on Tuesday, the Sith day of October, 1SS7 at 10 o'clock a. m. then and there to show cause if any there be why an order of this court should not be made for the sale of said real property as prayed for in said petition. It is further ordered that personal service of this order be made at least 10 days before the time for the hearing thereof and tnat a cony of this order be published in the "Rosr.nriw Rbvikw" a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Doug las county, Oregon- for the full jKiriod of three suc cessive weeks. ATTRSTj T. R. Siisripas, County Ciork, by 1 J.8. FiTXiirnii, W. T. Wrioiit, Deputy Clerk j Countv Judge. Administrator's Sale of Kcnl Property. In the County Court ol the State of Oregon in aiid for the County of Douglas. In the matter ot the estate 1 of . J. J. Wbittett, deceased. j . . 19 all vhom it liny eonrerii. TTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES, THAT UNDER J.X and in pursuance ot an order of the Countv Court, entered therein on the 16th day of September 1887, directing a license to issue to the underaigned Administrator of the estate of 'J. J. Whitsett de ceased, to sell ou the premises for cash- in hand at such time as he snail deem best for the interest of said estate, all the real property, belonging to said estate, or so mucli thereof as may De necessary to satisfy certain mortgages on said property. 1 will therefore, for the purpose of raising money to pay off and discharge the mortgages ot George Haynes and Sol. Abraham on the whole of said real estate on SATURDAY the SOth day of October 1867. at t he hour uf one o'clock P. SI. of said day, on said remises, sen at punlic auction to tne highest bidder or cash the following described premises or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy aforesaid mort gages to-wit: ihe South half 01 south V est quarter of Section eleven and South East quarter ot South fcast quarter of Section ten (101 and Isorth East quarter of the North East quarter of Section fiftceu all iu Township 23 South of Kangc 5 West of Will. Mer. containing one huiidied and sixty acres. Also all that piece or )arccl ot land described as follows, beginning at the Xortb West eoruerof Section elcrcu (11) running thence East forty-t o chains and sixty- nve links tnence South to the south Due of Donation claim No. 41 of James P. Gilmore and wife, thence west along said line t Section line between Sec tions ten and eleven (10 & U)tlieiicc North along said Section line to place of beginning being a por tion of said Donation claim No 11 situate in Suction eleven (11) Town 28 S. U. 5 West Will. Mer. contain ing 2Zu acres. Also tne Donation land claim of James F. hitsctt described as the South half of the . South East quarter of Section eleven (11) and the SouthWcst qunrterof the SoHth West quarter of Section tw elve(12) in Town 2S South of Range a West viil. Mer. containing 110 acres; exceptuig 4 acres from the above tract described as comniencinz at the North East comer of the South West quarter of South Wet quarter of Section 12 running thence South 15 rods thence West Mi rods thence North 1 j rods and tlicdcc East SO rods to place of beginning. Also the North West quarter of Section thirteen (13) iu Town 2S South of Range a West Will. JUT, containing iw acres. j. it. ui rat ITT, Administrator of the estate of J, J' Whitset NOTICE Of Restoration of Indemnity Lands of the 0- & 0- B- B. Company to the Public Domain. t S. Land Office, Roseburg, Or. Sept. 16, 1S7. Pcrsuant to instructions of the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, dated August 15th, 1SS7, and under the direction of the Hon. Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Office, dated August 31st, 1S87. NOTICE IS IIEKfcBY GIVES THAT TIIC W ITH dramal of lands tor indemnity purposes under the grant to the Oregon Central, now Oregon & Callornia Railroad Company by act of July Sith 1806, has bctn revoked by the order of the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, to take effect from the aate of the order (August 15th, 18s7.) And that 11 lauds so withdrawn for indemnity punmseg under said grant within th is, the Roseburg U. 3. Land District are restored to the public domain aud opened to settlement under the general land laws, except ?uch lands as may be covered by selections approved by the commissioner of the General Land Office and the Secretary of the Interior. And that on and after the ISth day of Qctolcr 1SS7, said lands will be open to filing and entry, All applications for filings and entries on lands covered by unap proved selections will he received, noted aud held subject to the claim of tho company, and when pre sented alleging ujwn sufficient primafacie showing that the land is not subject to the company's right of selection, notice thereof will be given the com pa, ny, and thirty days allowed within which to file ob jections, if no objections are filed such application will be admitted, but if the comjiany shall appear and show cause, an investigation will bo ordered to deteimine whether the land is subject to the com pany's right of selection. Chas. W. 'oustox, A. C. Joxf-s, Register. v Reverter. NOTICE Of Restoration of Indemnity Lands of Oregon Central Waon Road Com pany to tne Public Domain. V. S. Laud Office, Roseburg, Dr., Sept. 16. lasr. Pursuant to instructions of the II mi. Secretary of the Interior, dated August lath, ls87, and un der direction of the Hon. Commissioner ot the Gen eral Land Office dated August 30, 1SS7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE WITH drawal of lands for indemnity purposes under the grant to the state of Oregon for the Oregon . 1 . l 1' I! . . I P.,i.i...r-.- U,. m ... ,,f T.,1. O . . . 1 I mi h-..wn revuko.i And that a land so iti,. drawn for indemnity purposes under said grant r'eoT pr0Ved by the Commissioner of the General Land . . . ... f. . . . V. 1 .. . .- umccanainc occrevar u iuc micjioi, arc re- stored to the imbiicdoinain, and o,ned tj "tile- ment under the general laud laws And that on n() aftw lt)h Jay of 0rtobci.t lss7f ,aml8 wnj be oien to filing and entry, ah applications for filings and entries on lands covered by unap- J'l0!!!1 "2toda!2d J2 I presw,ted alleging upon sufficient primafacie sboiv- Ing that the land is not subject voine comiian s will be given the ":''c company, ana tniny ua. amwcu wiuun m-nicii to i nic oojecuuus, wjtvi i mcu i(ni cation will be admitted, but if the company shall appear and show cause, an investigation will be or dered to determine whether the land is subject t the companv's right of selection. Cius. W. J011NSTOM, A C. Joxr-s, Register. Receiver. Notice For Publication. I j - 7 ' Land Office at Koscbnrg, Oregon, Oct. 6th loot. 1 TyroTICE is HEIIEBY l THAT THE Kt)l- . 1 IV t 1 . ) . I Ka .1 . t . . Li. j - "-s v.""- , ; claim, and that said proof will be made before the IllWUslVIt " Uiaac , 1' v 'u'rui VI ill . I HAiM n Rmimv., nt IT H I . .1.1 .,m .L iu.. ltm0wBMltO1fatnria.ilt0Blhcr 12, 17, viz: Augua ;B. f 8 .TS 1 26,8 K West w. m. co;ln;r ideA"'u(,,:t .nd Uivatio'n of,' Vd 1 ianu, viz: j. tanwngm, jonn rearce, a. v ioucii, Geo. W. Alderson all of Cleveland, Douglas county, lorejon. CIIAS. W. JOHXSTOS, Register. Xotice For liiMicntioii. Land Office at Hnscburg, Or., Sept. 11, 1&7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE Fol lowing named settler hs filed notice of his intention tj make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prot.1 will lie made before the Register or Receiver ol V. 8. Land Otlice at burg, Oregon, on Saturday. Not. 5, USa7, vi - 1 A. II VITI.UtK, Tp 2a S. H. 8 West W. M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot, said land, viz: James F. Templin, of Roseburg, Douglas countv Oregon, Wm. C. Burk, P. W. McKinney, John Stephens of Oakland, Doug las county Oregon. Cas. W. Johnstos, Register. Administratrix Xotice IVTQTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UX XI dsrsigncd bs been duly appointed by tho order ol the County Court l Doujlas county, state of Oregon. Administratrix ol thc estate of Frances Arena in beau deceased and that she has duly quali and I claims against the deceased are required u present fied as such Administratrix. All persons noinng r 1 mem to saiu Adminisirainx ouiy ibui Only ,t her regWencein French Settlement m And alt persons knowing themselves tnaemea iu the deceased are notified to mak immediate pay. ment to said administratrix. that Dated Se?t . 30th, r. t Al(lflluCi I Aonny for iw 6Uj. . Adnunwtratn,