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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1887)
THE ROSEBURG REVIEW Has Pushed to the Front and Has the Largest Circulation and Is acknowledged to bo the Best Newspaper Ever Published in Douglas county. Subscribe Now. One Year - - $2 50 Six Months - - - - - - - - 1 25 PROFESSIONAL- . F. LANE, -JOIIN LANE jane&lane; ( Attorneys at Law. Maiu street, opposite Cosmopolitan liutel. C. FULLEUTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks brick, w'p stake. R. C. HUNTER M. D. rpnri"uiAN and surgeon. K. L MILLER, M. D SUUGEOX. """ Humaopi-.tlitc Plijsician. 0i3ic..UiUi.ir3 in. i3 old Sli riuau Dilute, on 3"Aokso.i Street, Ilosobiug, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. Dr THOU IS G1M1LOI, A 'GRADUATE Of tho University of Pa. at Philadelphia and f the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LOUDON' ENGLAND has located for the practice of his profession in ROSEBURG - - OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church V. G.(EIIME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Graduate Of The UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose burs'. Dr. C-A- BONHAM RESIDENT DENTIST Roseburg - - .- - Or Office over head iu Murks' liuildins;. My rcputa lion as a Dentist is based on Hie merits of my work. Prices reasonable and to suit the times. rarcoLD filling a specialty.- The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. .uocci3or to S. Hamilton. " J Rose burg - - - Oregon. -EDWARD J! PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of women. . ' nmir.tli -muMh THE OLD RELIABLE Established in 1SG7. Jacob Bitl zer MABSTBB8. Homeopathic and Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Satchet powder, Combs, Toilet articles, etc, etc; Stationery, ink spectacles, . dusters, memoranda and school books, mucilage, pencil, erasers, shoulder braces, sponges, trusses, drug gist sundries, etc. DEUG--S And , chemicals, paints, oils and var nishes, window glass and putty, wall paper, cement, a full line of brushes. Perscriptions and family receipts care fully coropomded. All of which, and much more can be found at our MILLWOOD MILLS OX UlTRBARD CREEK. CLARKE & BAKER, Proprietors. We are now prepared to furnish lumber o the best quality iu quantities to suit the purchasers, always havinsr on hand the largest stock of any mil Id Douglas County. Wc will f uroislt lumber at our mill at the follunina TRICES. No-l roush lumber Si to S 10 M No, 1 flooriuj, 6 inch Dill $16 M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch DiM $13 M No. 1 finishing lmubcr... ..S16 M j CLARKE & BAKER. INSURANCE. GO TO Humphrey & F,int. And get your property insured, for they represent reliable companies, such as tho ANGLO NEVADA Of California And LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Humphrey k Flint STOEE. VOL. XII. J- JASKULEK. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED . Dealer iu Watches, Clockf, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINE OF CIUAKS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODa. THE ON'Ly EELUBLE OPTOMER IX TOWN fur Hie proper adjustment of Spectacles. Dopot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spectacles and Ej e glasses. Office in Hamilton's Brick I3lo ek; NEW YORK LUMBER & Wood Yard iio To 31 15. HowoH's Eat&ide of track one bloel: south of depot is where you will find liaruber one dry lumber, Sugar pme, Otdar, Fir, and all Ditnention lumber for buildings, sawed and Bhaved cedar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Doors, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts, Ceiling, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, inch plank sawed expressly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from personal inspection I believe to oe the finest establishment on the Pa cific coast, it employes seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, the machinery is new and put up in the best manner, and all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me chanics and is equal to any work of the kind done in New Yoik or the East. Fruit boxes, Picket fences and Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I have saAved all Ditnention lumber to order on short notice. All guaranteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. Stove -wood constantly on hand at HARD TIME PRICES. Meat IMTEbi'lS-Ot . McGregor's old stand, Jackson Street : Roseburg. W. B. Kohrer, & Co HICHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. THIS MARKET is always supplied with the choicestquahty of FBESH TVTT7 A TM3 Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal and mutton; also, com beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no. effort will be spared toward giving satisfaction. BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT BOWEN BROS. llaviug dissolved tho copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bowcn Bros, and arc now prcpare,d to do all work in the line iu a WORKMANLIKE MANNER, ASD AT REASONABLE -RATES. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOS. CARLOS. FRUIT j?jf mREKS j?t OR 7 TTINES I RUIT tw 1 KEES ar OR 3T IXES I F1JOM JIffO. -W. X.X3TCOXjSr, OF SOUTH UMPQUA MILLS. HE IS AGENT FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY FOR , .a.THE CALIFORNIA NURSERY COMPANY, of Jules, Alamcdii county, Californuk A corpora tion havini; 400 Acres set out iu Nurserr. CALL ON HIM, OR WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE Catalosruo and prices to his ajdrcss, Box 58, Koscbui z, Oregon. WILLAMETTE DIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS. I College of liberal arts. II -College, of medicine. Dr. E. P. Fraser,'. dean. HI Collcso of law. Judge Wm. Ramsey,' dean. IV Woman's college. Mra. C. C. Uawley, dean. V- Conscrvatory of music. Z. M. Parvin, director, I Lniversitv aeademv. VII Art department. Miss Marie Craig, instructo . 360 STUDENTS i 100 GRADUATES, Thirty teachers. Day buard for young men. $1.50 PER WEEKo Latlica' board in Woman's college hall, $2.50 with unfurnished room, $3.50 with nicelv furnished room. First term begins September 5. " Catalogues and information seut free. Address. Xlios. VanScoy, Xx-esileiit, fialcm, Oregon Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, Roaebnrg - i Oregon TRANSACT A GENERAL BAITHINa BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, Sau Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all acccssablepoints at reasonable rates. JTA.UaOOUUI HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS DEPOT HOTEL, i OAKLAND, OREGON. IfiolmWl Thoniits, Xi-oi. JTii-st ClasH SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel a he Depot of tho Railroad. Central Hotel! liOSlOIilTIIO. OIJKGON, OrrOSlTE CARLON'S LIVERY STAELB. Boar-! and I.ti-'rinporday . ... $l.OO ' " wee!...., .5.00 " Without Lodging. 4wc Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25 ccnt3 Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally. mttS. JS. UIKKISON, imp. No Chinese employed. NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON cern that I have appointed D. V. Stearns of Calapooia Precinct, Inspec tor of Stock for said Precinct, Post office address, Oakland. Also Ralph bmitu of Wilbur Precinct, Postofiice address, Wilbur and others will be added as parties interested make their desires known to me. TUOS. SMITH Inspector of Stock fcr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or , April 13tb, 1887. MOORE'S RESTAURANT. Friiirlnaal Business Street.) MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Atlords. CIVIL BE1D STORE V. It, ARRINGTON , DEALER IN ' Dry Goods G-roceies etc Al: Kinds of Proiuos Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND. DOUG. CO!, OREGON NEW STORE AT III.AKI9 OK. would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Iry ;mmIs, Groceries Rciu1y-3Sa.le Clothing aud in fact everything usually kjt at a tirst-ciaiis store. (Jive him a cvdl. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc Takcii in Exchange for Goods. taAll orders promptly attendtd lo. MRS. .S. A. IIITCUIXSOX, MILLINERY STORE! Oalla.iil, ' Oregon. 1ADIES WILL FSTD MY STOCK LARGE AXD V Complete. Prices moderate. Oiva Mi Call. Mrs. S. A. IIik uinson. Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Any thin;? repaired or made to order. CALL INSTAXTEIt. FROM 8R0SEBUR0 TO iEMPIREIICITY. From Roseburg to Looking Gfciss $ .75 " " Foot of mountain .... 2.00 Dora 5.00 " " Fsirviev 5 50 " " Sumner 6.50 " " Mandificld 7.00 " " Enij)ire City. ." 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For Parliclars Incp'uc at the Pit Oiiicc. Jas C. MeClLLOCU, Prop. EUROPEAN: TLAN. JJSMOXD HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, Corner From asd Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON TiJOJUS Gii.neax, Proprietor. -rvo a - I - . - ROSEBURG, OREGOKRIDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1887. ABMHAMS Offer The Ftllowing Bargains In f000 ioO acres. Farm 2 miles West of lloscburg, Oregon, ;J00 ucieh t the same under cultivation, all enclosed with substantial fence. House, barn and out building, together with all agricultural implements, andU2 head of cattle, and 5 head of horses. Terms cash. 1000 IS acres. Fruit farm 1 mile West of Roscburg. Twelve aires cleared and cultivated, ih;i11 house and otchard all substantially fenced. For a Prune farm this is a bargain. 4oj0 I h acres in West Roseburg.l,' 31iaiUat.- " : ' -53000290 acres. Farm 12 miles S. W. of Roseburg. Oao hundred acres under cultivation.--' Ooud "house, barn and orchard of 1 acres of select fruits, H mile3 from Dill trds Station, O. C. R. R, This h a bargain for a smal fanner. .$2500 103 acres under fence, 40 acres suitable for fruit, adjoiningthc city limits. Has a Miiallhouse, is well watered, j $5000 760 acres, 200 acres cleared and suitable for lumber and cord wood, the balance pasture situated J miles from (Jlendale in Douglas county. . This is a fine tract of timber and situated as it is in I miles of one of tho largest Ste im Saw Mills in Doudas county on the line of the O. & C. Railway, the timber alone is worth much more than the price asked for the faim. J 80000 2S3 acres. Farm under good well watered, all under fence, 6 1200 One house and lot 80 x 110ft. This is a good residence for the price, iu Ivtst Roseburg. S2000 One lot 10x100 and store building on Maiu steet. 61800 Fine city residence in good repair: situated on high ground, -veil drained, good water, in East Roseburg. (I acre) $1000 Good city residence close to the business part of town in East Roseburg. in good repair even-thing neat. 000 Splendid building lot in West Roseburg near bridge. Size 80x1 10 ft This is a bargain. All Parties having real estate to oiler for sale, or parties wishing to Purchase farms or j City Property will find it to their advantage to call and sec us. We have many more valuable tracts on our books which will be advertised in future. nregon TPyicihc "TN nlv l-'oDular Yc , ailroad oute Vver X icturesque Aanges 225 MILES SIIQUTER, 20 HQCRS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsurpassed for omfort and safety. Fares and Freights via YaquVia and tho Oreijon Development Co's Steamships much lees than by any other route between all posts in the Willamette Valley and San Franeigen. , DAILY PASSENGEB TRAIHSj " - (Excepts Sundays.) .( Leaves Yauuina G.30 a m I Leaves AlbaiA 1. 00 p m Leaves Corvallis 10.3Sam Leaves CorvUlig 1.47 p in Arrive Albany 11.15 a m I Arrive YajjuiWfaS. 50 p in O. & C. trains connect at Albany and lurvallis, Wsi. M. IIoao, C. C. IIooiB, Cen. Manager. Acting G. F. ilVAgt. Corvallis, regon, OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPa,.,T. First class Steamship Line between Yaqiana aud San FiMiKif-o connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. !5.VILING DATES, l'ruiu r;:m Francisco From Yaquina Y;tiuina City, Sat, Oct, 1 Yaquina City Fri, Oct 7 Will. Vallcv, Ihur, " e Will. Vailcy Thur "13 Eastern Orej, Tue, " lllJiastern Or, Tueg, " 18 Yaquina Citv, Sat, " 15 Yaquina City, Sat, " 22 Will. Vatlev Thu, " 20 Wiq. Valley, Thur " 27 Eastern Or, Tuos, " 25 ! Eastern Or, Tu, Nov" 1 Yaquina City, Mon, " -al ; Yaquina City, Sun " 6 Tlic Company reserves the riyht to change steam-e.-4 or salliiu' aates. S..B. Toby, Ccn.F & P Agt. 3f'-l !"ii'.'oiuery St., San FraucUco, C'al. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections ' THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Close connections made at Ashland witn tagc of the California, Oroifon & Idaho stage company Only SO 3Xiles ofStaging Time between Roseburg and San Francisco, 29 hours. CALIFORNIA KXl'RKSS tlS S'Tuth j FnfMajTi18)j'. I North. 4:00 T. u. I Lcavo l'ortland Arrive 1 10:40 X. H. 1:45 A. m. I Leave Roseburg Leave 1 12:50 A. v. 8:30 A.M. I Arrive Ashland Leave 5:40 P. M PULMAN BUFTET SLHEPEE8. Daily between Portland and Ashland. Tho O. and C. It. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on Eastsiueuiv.iroia 10101 ou West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS MAIL IRAIS DAILT (BXCKIT Bt'SDAV t EAVE I " ARRIVE. Portland 7.30 A. M. Corvallin B.25 P.M. Corvallis 1.30 P. 51. Portland 6.16 P. M. At Albany and Corvallis connect with tralna of Oregon Pacific. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (EXtEM SISOAY.) Portland 4.50 P. M. 1 McMinnvillo.. 8.00 P. M. McMinnville.... 5.45 A.M. Portland 9.00 A. M, t e ivc I ARRIVE. For full information rcsardiujt rates, maps, etc., call on company's agent. R. KOEIILER, E. P. ROGERS. ! Manager. G. F. & Pas Ayent C W. KNOWLES, j ST. CHARLES HOTFL, EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Dtick Building . ' Is0 Rooms. ' lu the Center of the City COll. FROST AND MORRISON STS.. PORTLAND This paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake 8 advertising acency, 64 and 6 Merchants Eji change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracti for advertising can he made tor it. mm & in cultivation, 230 acres of the land is cultivation, 185 acres plow land. Cood miles S. W. of Roseburg in Looking Glass City Property. Samuel Marks, Asuer Marks S. MARKS & Co. -DEALERS IN- mm 1B&L IIIOIMII -HAVE CONSTANTLY ON II AND Clothing, Buy Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Wool and Produce tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. MARKS CO - . HITCH UP! But before you do that come 'round to W. G. WOODWARD'S U A H M ft ft St III AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town, use nothing but the best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. W. r Woodward Moseburg. 1000 REWARD Will be given any man who will produce a sci entist of large experi ence, and widely known to be an honorable man, who Will assert that re fined cast zinc is not one of the most enduring of all known materials to withstand the actions of the waatlier. DETROIT BRONZE CO.. Detroit, Mich ptyicrirjajy w JlSOOO Ft MONUMENTS " J. A. Cardwell, Agent, H TARRY, Merchant Tailor. ID the Red Front, next door to A. C . Marks Store. Repairs ami Alterations neatly done. 1GW, GOLTIG era Real Estate timbered with fir and other timber orchard, house, barn, out buildings, volley, close to ost office and school. ES goods, Gbogibibi Boots and Shoes. of every Descrip Iloscburar, Or. 11 tl Ri u DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME WHITE BRONZE ASD STATUARY Vcrc awarded -CStLO MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Ohleank, flQKUMEjmi. i tut: 3 uu 1 s w j. - r - Jacfcsoj T II. O'M ALLEY, J . Proprietor of tho ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. And Dealer iu' Toomdstonls, Taijlets, Ere. shop Ken 'A Iiogau's Store. mi FRISCO A L Ihn roftd- OoX Q 27 o n v n Absolutely Pur This wonder never varies. v A marvel of puritv trengtn and nho.esomeness. More ecofiomlcaTi than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com petition with the multitude Of loW:' test, short weight alum or phosphate powdcre. Sold ouly in cans. ROYAL BAKING TOWDER CO., 106 Wall St. N. Y. " MRS- E. F- HOTCHKISS FINE MILLINERY AND UTL'AT DRESSMAKING ROSEBURG OREGON. WILL FURNISH YOC THE BEST AND FINEST Goids in the market. La'lies Wear. Laces. KuuLimr, Hosiery and Jewell y. The dressmaking department is in skillful ands, and under the immediate supervision of Mrs. llotchkiss. CALL AND SEE. NEAR THE DEPOT D. T- PRITCHARD 30 YEARS W.TCBMA.KBH AND JEWBLE1 s HOP ON JACKSON STREET, OPPO sue Sheridan Bros, hardware store. ROSEBURG ----- OREGON. THE New York Coffee House HESTA.TJKABrT And Oyster Saloon or. Leading Check Restaurant in the City SIFORD HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND ORECON 42TPrivate Rooms of the Latest Designs for Ladies OPEN DAYAXD MGIIT STATE AUKKTLTIKAL LLEE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. THE XLXT SLSIOX WILL BEGIN on September 8th, with a full Faculty as ast year. B. L. ARNOLD, Tres. SELLllSTGr OFF AT COST!! -FOR 6o DAYS! 6o THE ENTIRE -STOCK OFfS- I. C. Sheridan's HARDWARE CONSISTING OF Stoves, Iron C Steel, Shovels Pitchforks, Barley Forks, Axes, Gun 8, Pistols, Cut Augers, Cd'08s-cut Saws, Hand Saws, Planes Hammers, Locks, Bntts, Screws, Files, Tinware, Stoneware, Etc. file BEST PIANOS and ORGANS IN THE WORLD Axe manufactured and sold for the least money ul Ul X u Ul 3 a o 73 -3 o t Ul tn Ul to ul HCPTIOff TBU TATZ. ifROYALMWjOl Xj L jTaWASMlNGTON.WARffEN CoTJ DOUGLAS COUNTY Is Situated ' in Southern Oregon,, and is a veritable empire of 4,950 ; Square Miles; being larger than the Great State of Connecticut- Magnificent Climate. 4 Wonderful Resources. Live Men Wanted. The Review is the Medium for Reaching this Great Empire. - i LOCKJAW. An Hrprr t Discourse on a Dreaded Afflic tion Which lias Baffled Medicos. (Cincinatti Enquirer.) The medical staff of the Long Island Hospital, Brooklin, are greatly inter. ested in the case of William Kelly, a big strong man, a carpenter, ?ho had been dyingslowly for three days from tetanus or lockjaw. Dr. Lewis, the demonstrator, in speaking of Kelly's approaching terrible death, 6aid: "The disease is mysterious and ap parently incurable. The medical fra ternity do not understand its exact origin. All we know is that it m liable to follow a ragged wound, where the nerves have been lacerated. Clean smooth cuts do not usually result in lockjaw. , The locking of the jaw is only an incident Of the disease. The jaws are locked only during the terrific nervous convulsions whieh take away tne strength. Death is caused by x-. bltUStlOn. jSo frame can stand the convulsions, and no skill or any science can stop them. Between the convul sions the jaws unlock and the patient swallows food in either liquid or solid shape and readily. The common be lief therefore, that death is produced by starvation consequent upon the locking of the jaws is utterly erroneous. "Kelley takes food between his con vulsions. He slept two hours last night. The convulsions last from one minute to five minutes, and their (re quency greatly varies. A man may' have six convulsions in an hour, or may not have one in two hours. Per fect silence and repose tend to lessen the frequency of the convulsions. For nstance, the physician who is attend-. ing Kelley lifted his eyelid gently this morning to examine the pupil. , The patient went otY into a slight convul sion immediately. We don't know of any cure for lockjaw. We wish we did. Kelley may last a day or two longer." TJVirtf f Said oj Women. That, " Whether it bo To draw the tea, Or bake the bread; . Or make the bed, Or ply the broom, Or dust the room, Or floor to scrub, Or knives to rub, Or table to set, Or meals to get, Or shelves to scan, " Or fruit to can, Or seeds to sow, Or plants to grow, Or linens bleach, Or lessons teach, Or butter churn, " Or jackets turn, Or olislt glass, Or pkte o. brass, Or clothes to mend, Or children tend, Or notes indite, Or stories write When one task she's finished, some things found Awaitinsr a beirinniiiir all tli vmp w w o - round. The elementary schools in England and Wales have been more than doubled since 1870, and the number of teachers has inore chan trebled. Though there has been a considerable increase in board schools during the year, they are still comparatively few compared with the Church of Eng land schools, tho number being land 11,707. The expenditure per scholar is greater in the former than in the latter in other words, board schools cost the rate-payers more, but the parents less, than the Church schools cost their subscribers and par ents.- - Speak not to me of sun of the elementary chemistry of globes, The marvel of a humming bird's e"" transcends the Milky Way. xne voice of conscience in oo loli- cate that it is easy to stifle it; but it is also so clear thar it is impossible to mis take it. Beware of the man who listens much and talks little. He is getting your thunder and saving his own lightning. To be deaf is not as great an afllc- tion as to be dumb. Wo do not care to listen; we want to talk. The bird that know a how high it can fly is wiser than are some . states men. Long sentences in a short composi tion arc like large rooms in a little house. t What is civilation? I answer, the power of good women. What 1 aspired to be comforts me. is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Remember, we guarantee it, Fonalc at Jiarstct's drug ature