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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1887)
THE ROSEBURG REVIEW 'Has Pushed to the Front and Has the Largest Circulation and ' Is acknowledged to be the Best Newspaper Ever Published in Douglas county. Subscribe Now. One Year - Six Months - - - $2 50 - , - - 1 25 PROFESSIONAL. P. LANE. JHJf LAE JANE & LAN E, Attorneys at Law. Vain street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. OfBcc in Marks' brick, up stairs. R. C. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CANYCSVILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D . y' : :. SURGEOX. - ; f IIonioeoathicJhjsiciaafc- Qffiice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. Dr THOMAS GKA1IAM, A GRADUATE Of the University of Pa. at Philadelphia and of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for the practice of his profession in ROSEBURG OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Cntholic Church V. G. (EHME, M. D. (ifrotiour.ced Aina.) HOMOEOPATH IC PHYSICIAN & Oi aduaic Of Tiic UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office at Residence on Jackson St, Roseburg, - - Oregon . Dr. G A- BONHAM RESIDENT DENTIST Roseburg - - - - Or 0 yfflce over head in Marks' building. My repnta tion as a Dentist is based on 'lie nionis 01 niy work. Prices reasonable and to suit tne tunes. 13-GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Successor to S. Hamilton. Roseburg - - - Oregon. EDWARD JJ PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND - - - OREGON Special attention to diseases,, of women. THE OLD RELIABLE .BUOHIB BE F Established in 1867, Jacob BiUzer MAESTEES. Homeopathie and Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Satchet powder, Combs, Toilet articles, etc, etc; Stationery, ink spectacles, dusters, memoranda and school books, mucilage, pencil, erasers, shoulder braces, sponges, trusses, drug gist sundries, etc. 1MJG--S And chemicals, paints, oils and var-, window glass and putty, wall paper, cement, a full line of brushes. Perscriptions and family receipts care fully compounded. All of .. which, and much more can be found at our STOBE. MILLWOOD IMS ON HUBBARD CREEK. CLARKE & BAKER, Proprietors. We are now prepared to furnish lumber o the best quality In quantities to suit the pureliasers, always baring on hand the largest stock of any mil in Douglas County. . We will furnish lumber at our mill at the following PRICES. So-1 rough lumber- $3 to J10 M No, 1 flooring, 6 Inch D M 16 M No. 1 flooring, 4 Inch D & M ..1S M No. 1 finishing lumber..... $16 M CLARKE 4 BAKER. INSURANCE. GO TO Humphrey & F int. And get your property insured, for they represent reliable companies, such as the ANGLO I1EVADA Of California And LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Humphrey & Flint .- . t - . : : : - i VOL. XII. J- JASKULEK. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FOXIi LINK OF CIGARS, TOBACCO A FANCY GOOpa. THE OXLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IN TOWN for the proper adjustment of Spectacles. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spectacles and Eye glasses. Office in Hamilton's Brick Bio ck. NEW YORK LUMBER & Wood Yard do To II. It. Howell's East side of track one block south of 1 . ..." 1 r, . i 1 I depot is wnere you win nna numoer one dry lumber, Sugar pine, Cedar, Fir, and all Dimention lumber for buildings, sawed and shaved cedar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Doors, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts, Ceilinsr, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, 1 i inch plank sawed expresslv for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar .fine Door fc Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or.' which from personal inspection I believe to oe the finest establishment on the Pa- ific coast, it employes seventy men. I lio Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and exnerts in the busi- . . 1 . , I mthe machinery is new ana put an in the best manner, and all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is all tlone by number one me- chanics and i8 equal to any work of lnspector of Stock for Douglas Co. Or. Arc hauled OH regular IM the kind done in New York or the Wllmr. Op. Anvil im is7 j East. Fruit boxes, Picket fences and Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where 1 have sawed all Dimention lumber to order on short notice. All guaranteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. otove wood constantly on hand at HARD TIME PRICES. McGregor's old stand, Jackson Street : Roseburg. J. J. CAWI-FIEMK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. millS MARKET is always supplied with X me choicest quality ot Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal and mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be spared toward giving satislaction. I BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bowen Bros . and are now prepared to do all work in the line in a WORKMANLIKE MASNEB, AXD AT REASONABLE RATES. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. C ALL ON JOS. CARLON. FRUIT jpt mRF-ES Ml OR f T7INES I RUITO" 1 REES t OR tsr INES FROM JKTO. -W. Z.X3NTOOXjZQT, OF SOUTH UMPQCA MILLS. TI E IS AGENT FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY FOR XI .THE CALIFORNIA NURSERY COMPANY. of Nilcs, AlameUa county, California. A corpora tion naviiitf tw Acres set out in nursery. 1ALL ON HIM, OR WRITE 'FOR DESCRIPTIVE Catalovuo and prices to his address, Box 50, KoseDurir, vreeon. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS. I College of 1 iberal nrts; II College of medicin. Dr. R. P. Fraserf, dean. IV Woman's college. Mrs. C. C. Hawley, dean. V Conservatory of music Z. M. Parvin. director. VI University academy. VII Art department. Miss Marie Craig, lnstructo . 1360 STUDENTS I 400 GRADUATES, Thirty teachers. Day board for young men. $1.50 PER WEEK, Ladles' board In Woman's college hall, 92.60 with unfurnished room, $3.50 with nicely furnished room. First term begins Septembers. Catalogues and information seut free. Address. VanScoy, President, Salem, Oregon Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, Roseonrg . Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANHINQ- BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposit re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessablcpoints at reasonable rates, Rosebiurgl .. . Re vie w HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. XMolinril Thomas, Prop. .First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE j Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel a lie Depot of the Railroad. Central Hotel ! ! ROSEBURG, OREGON, OPPOSITE CARLON'S LIVERY STABLE. Board and Lodging per day " uol J1.00 week...... coo " Without Lodging 4-00 Meals, 25 cents. Lodging. 25 cents. Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers ana the public generally. MRS. JS. GARR RISON, Trop. "No Chinese employed . NOTICE. ryO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON-J- cern that I have appointed D. W. Steams of Calapooia'Precinct, In spec t0l"0t btock for said Precinct, Post uuce atiuress, uauianci. Also Kalpli bmith of Wilbur Precinct, Postoffice O j ii -ii i 1 - ur una ouiers win oe auui a parties interested make tneir uesires Kxiown to me. TIIOS. S1IITI! Wilbur, Or., April 13th, 1887. MOORE'S. RESTAURANT. Principaal Business Street.) Koseburg, Di-?fro MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. CIVIL BEHD STORE V. L. ARRINGTON, DEALER IN - Dry Goods C-rocoies etc AH Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND. DOUG, co . ouegom NEW STORE AT ML.E,ARI9'OU. It M flMK ft jxm would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of i Dry Goods, Groceries, Kcady-JIailc Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a nrst-class store. (Jive him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc TnlilMl 111 FvilinilrA Tnv I2nn1. , n -v- OAU orders promptly attendtd to. S. A. HIJTCHLXSOX, MILLINERY STORE! , Oakland, Oregon. LADIES WILL F.TD MY STOCK LVRGE AND V Complete. Prices moderate. Give AI 9 Call. Mrs. S. A. Hutchinson. i Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL INSTAKTE1Z. FROM BROSEBURQ TO .EMPIREKCITY. RATES From Roseburg to Looking Glass . . . .$ .75 " " Foot of mountain " " Dora .. 2.00 . 5.00 rairview 5.50 " Sumner. 6.50 " " Marshfield 7.00 " " Empire City 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For Particlars Impire at the Post Office. Jas C. Mtt l LLOCII, Prop. EURorEAX FLAX. j JV5MOXD HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, CORSER F8.0ST AXD MoEBJSOS STS. PORTLAND, OREGON TncHAs Gci.seas, Proprietor. ROSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, OCTOBER U. 1887. Great Overland Bonte THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD OXLY. LIKE RUNNING Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Cars, -WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST.- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE KiVST Via St. Paul and Minneapolis. ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNING , j ssr US' Palace Dining CarsS (Meals, 75 Cents) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST. OVER THE NORTHERN PAC1L1C RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Lcavenwortli, Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS O U Msrn and rjOUTllEAsqn 1ASJ AND OOUTIIEASl O . . - Miimcai)olis " US Elttisrailt SleeiHDS Cars t 2ress Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 P. si., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or Si. Paul 12j30 p. m , third day. Connection made at Sc. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 J A. M., arriving at JSew lacoma at 0:U Ei m., connecting with O. R. fc N. Co's i boats for all points on Puget Sound A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portlandj Oregon. Oregon TAacific T) nly U'opular W ver X icturesqite X.; ailroad oute (- Langes "25 MILES SHOHTEU. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsiirpassecl for comfort and safety. Fares and I rciylits via lacjuma ana vne Oregon Development Co's SteamsUips mucti less than by any other route between all points in tlie Willamette Valley and Svn Francisco. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS. (Excepts Sundays ) R.S0 a in I Leaves Albany 1. 00 p m Leaves Corvallw 10.38a in Leaves Corvallis 1.47 p m Arrive Alb.uiy 11.15 a m Arrive Yawjuina 5. M p m O. & C trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. Wii.M. Hoao, C. C IIooub, Ceil. Manager. ActingC. F. & P. Agt. Corvallis, Oregon. OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. First class Steamship Lino between Yaquina and San Francisco connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Orezon Pacific Railroad Company. SAILING DATES. From San Francisco From Yaijuina Yaquina City, Sat, Qct, 1 1 Yaquina City Fri, Oct 7 Will. Valley, Thur, Will. Valley Thur " 13 Eastern Orcg, 'l uc, 11 Eastern Or, Tncs, ' 18 15 I Yaquina City, Sat, " 22 I YanuinaCity. Sat, Will. Valley Thu, 20 i WW. Valley, Thur ' 27 Eastern Or. Tucs. ' 25 j Eastern Or, Tu, Nov" 1 Yanuina City. Mon, " at laquma v;iiy, sun t The Company reserves the right to change steam ers or sailinc dates. S. B. Tost, Gen. F & P Ajt. 301 Monti?omcry St., San Francisco, Cal. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections THE MT. ShASTA ROUTE. Close connections made at Ashland witn stages of the California, Oregon & Idaho Stage Company Only 1 3 allien of sstnting Time between Roseburg and Saa Francisco, 29 hours. CALIFORNIA KXI'RKSS TRAINS DAILY. South I North. 4:00 r. m. I Leave Portland P.oseburg Arrive 1 10:40 a. h. Leave 1 12:50 A. m. Leave 1 5:10 r. . 1:45 A. M. I Leave 8:30 A. M. Arrive Ashland PTJLMAN JJUFTET SLEEPERS. Daily between Portland and Ashland, and Siskivou and San Francisco. EMMIGRAKT SLEEPING -CARS. Between Portland and Ashland, Siskiyou's and San Francisco Freb or Ciukoe. The O. and C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trainson East Side inv.irom iooioi r o.. West Side Division- BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS SI Alt, THAIS DAILY (EXCKPT SCSI) AT. t r vv I ARRIVE. Portland 7.80 A. M. Corvallis 12.25 P.M. I Corvallis 1.30 r. m. 1 rortianu v. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains Oregon Pacific. EXFRBSS TRAIN DAILY (KXCtrT Sl'NDAY.) rriv-c- 1 ARRIVE. Portland ...... .'4.5.1 P. !. McMinnviile. . 8.00 P. JL McMinnville 5.45 A.M. M'ortland 9.00 A. i. For full information regarding rates, maps, etc-, call on company's agent. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. O. F. & PaesAgenV. H. PARRY, Merchant Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C. Marks Store. Repairs and Alterations neatly done. HARDWARE Are now prepared to'oflfor bolter bargains than any one in the stale, The "Star" Chilled Plow, warranted the best and Steel Plow The Solid Comfort Sulky, the onlj successful Sulkyf - Harhows. Common Harrows, Lever Harrows, Spring Drills etc. which we will sell cheap. JTCTST RECEIVED An immense stock of "Superior" Cook Stoves Fire ing and Box stoves, every one warranted which we Prices. Waoons. Lxnsing Steel Skein Wagons White Sewing Machines, and the largest slock of Hardware o all kiuds-Nails, Horse shoes, Guns, Pistols and Animation ever brought to Southern Qrcgon. BOUT POKGET tST That wo cm sell you Winch Jater Kifles an 1 Shut Remember that we have an inunjiic stock of Cheap er Than The Chctpeat. We c l'o .v uo one to se'.l clicycr Samuel Marks, DEALERS IN- ililML HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Clothing, Day ClOCkerV. GlaSSWaie, Provisions, Cigars, Wool and Produce tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. MARKS fc CO HITCH UP! But before you do that come 'round W. G. WOODWARD'S AK mi AND Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Best Stock use nothing but the best EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. W. G. Woodward Roseburg. 1000 KEWAKD Will be given any man ENDDBSnT'BY who win proauae a eci entist of larpe exiieri- once, and widely known to be an honerahte man, J ...w' who Will assert that re- FAUpuUJjr, , fined cast zinc is not one 3 of the most enduring all known materials withstand the actions of the waather. DETROIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich JI5.00 0 s Prices on MDNtlMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, REAL ESTATE AGENCY. REAL ESTATE AGEN.CY. na !,. Oregon- 01 1 " jv J , XCuy and Sell Real Estate on t'oniniissioii. Loan Money on Improved Lands. 0lfavc For Sale Larjre and Sm:ill Tr.uta of -lri-tultural. Grazing and Timber Lands and City Property. Coirespondcncc Solicited. D. S. K. EU1CK, Sla-jajcr. Ihis paper is kepi on file at E. C. Dake s advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Fx change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts lor aavenising can be made for it. IS CHEAP! US t cheapest .The "Bryan" Steel Piow The Korwj?n tooth Harrows, Rolling Due ITarrowi, Seeder e, backs warrant el tor 13 yean. A full line ol Heat wi'i rcll cheaper than you can yet "trash." Oet our (Juns cheajier than Portland. Tinware just from the East audwill tell it Cheap t han wc, for it can't bo done. v SIIEKIOAX BROS. Asiier Mares & Co. goods, Grociris Boots and Shoes. of every Desc ip- Roscbiivi;, Or to U1 IT) of Goods ever Brought to Town. leather, and have got DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME WHITE BRONZE MON13IENTS -AND STATUARY Were awarded -GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Orliass, 1 8 8 4 - S - Jacksonville, Oregon JH. O'M ALLEY, Propiietor of the ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. And Dealer in TOOMBSTONES, TABLETS, ETC. Shop Rear of Hogan's Store. the TAATTMP AQQ LiVUlYliU UUilUU GEIST MILL HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY J. G. Wright, WHO HAS REMODELLED IT. A STEAitl ENGINE WILL DE ADDED BY August 15th, piRST flLASS FLOUR LOUR 1' IRS. ST VJLASS MERCHANDISE on snoitT nroTiCB - EVERY SACK GUARANTEED! i, C. WRIGHT Proprietor. ' NO. 2 111 ArTiintl J jyj j A I a f f I fr a! U 13 1 1 r I ttDSUllUUiy fUrVi This powder never varies. A manel of parity trength and who.esomeness. More economical I than the ordinary kinds, and cannot besold in com- peution with the multitude of low tgt, short I weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold ouly in cans, roval BAKING powder co., 106 Wall St. N. Y. MRS E. F HOTCHKISS FINE iMILLINERY AP I 3fl"EAT 13RESSMAKING J ROSEBURG OREGON. " Will furxish you TnE best and finest j Goods in the market. Ladies Wear, Laces, I Rucliiwts, Hosiery and Jewelry. The dressmaking department is inkillful , hands, and under the immediate supervision 1 of Mrs. Hotchkiss. CALL AND SEE. NEAR THE DErOT D- T- PRITCHAPD' 30 VEAttS WATCHMAKER AND s HOP ON JACKSON STREET, OITO site Sheridan Bros, hardware store. ROsEBURG - OREGON. I THE NCW lOrk LOltee HOUSO :Allu. UyStCr b3.100n,-5ijing their temporary absence, or in case Leading Checlc Hestaurant in the Citg, SIFORD HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND ORECON tSTFrlvate Rooms of the Latest Designs for Ladies OPEN DAY AND NIGHT STATE AGRICULTURAL LLEGE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. J. I i- i m.t. r i- i. on enicmucr oin. wun a iuii racuiiv as ast year. B. L. ARNOLD, Trcs. SELLIISTG OFB AT COST!! FOR- 6o DAYS! 6o THE ENTIRE lSTOCK QPfJ I C, Sheridan's HARDWARE CONSISTING OF Stoves, Iron & Steel, Shovels Pitchforks, Barley Forks, Axes, Guns, Pistols, CnU Iry, Augers, Cross-cut Saws, Hand Saws, Planes Braces, Bitts, Squares, Hammers, LocliS, BnttS, ijj a TPiloa- TiuiiinHii --- '"-tf StOVeware, Etc. fll8 BEST PIANOS 80(1 ORGANS INTHE WORLD Are manufactured and .sold for the least money V) Ul c X o uf SB UI tc e3 3 o 1 tn ui ui niwu tuH.wAXKtfi co. Ki jy xxmoir TUB rtm. i 1 DOUGLAS COUNTY Is Situated in Southern Oregon, and is a veritable empire of 4,950 Square Miles, being larger than the Great State of Connecticut, Magnificent Climate. Wonderful Resources. Live Men ; Wanted. The Review is the Medium for Reaching this Great Empire. I BY-UWS OF THE EASTERN STAR. Pubtiahed for the Information of Sittsont Gciieratlif. - AllTICLE I. NAME AND OFFICERS. Section 1. This Chapter shall be known by the name of Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, O. E. S, and its elec tive officers shall consist of Matron, Patron, Associate Matron, Secretary, Treasurer, Conductress ani Associate Conductress. The sppointod officers shall consist of Adah, Uuth, Esther," Martha, Electa, Chaplain, . Organist, Warder . and Sentinel. V ARTICLE 1L ELECTION AVD INSTALL AT10X. ' SectIox 1. ' The annual election of officers of- this-Chapter shall be Eefd at 6tated meeting next preceeding the 2 - 7th d of December, the anniversary nf Kt Tnun tufi -EvanffelistL . . .... oEC. -'. &. majonty 01 ail VOCCS cast ghaii be necessary to elect. . Sec. 3. The ofhcers elected shall DO installed on the nirht of election, or as soon thereafter as the Chapter may determiQe bufc not later 'than the next rtfgular meeting. Sec. 4. It is obligatory upon all moiTilwira flint, nrfi plpf.tpel tn ftffli-n nnfl " are to be installed, that they should inform themselves in their work and assist the Matron in the discharge of her duties. Sec. 5. All officers are expected to be present at the time of meeting, and in no instance shall they retard the business of the Chapter by delay or in atendance. Sec. 6. The meetings of this Chap, ter shall be held at the Masonic Hall on the 1st and 3d Thursdays of each month at 1 o'clock p. si. ARTICLE III. VACANCIES. Section 1. In case of death, resig- nation, absence or other disability of l. . ... . the Matron, the Associate Matron of right will assume the position and itacnAnoilnlif ina r officers are absent, or nnable to attend a meeting cf the Chapter, the Patron of permanent absence, until the next annual election. Sec. 2. Vacancies in other elective offices may be filled by those appointed by the Matron at each meeting. ARTICLE IV. DUTY OF OFFICERS. Section 1. The Patron shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Chapter, advise with and assist the other officers, and preside during the confer ring of degrees, whenever invited to do so by the Matron. Sec. 2. The Matron shall preside at the meetings of the Chanter excent I when tiic defreps arc bfiinf rnnrnrrftd. o o see that the Constitution, Rules and Regulations are strictly enforced, ap point all committees and see that the officers faithfully perform all thcr du ties; she may call upon the Patron to preside at any time. Sec. 3. The Associate Matron shall perform the duties appertaining to her office, and in the absence of the Matron shall assume the responsibilities, powers and duties of the Matron. Sec. i The Secretary shall keep a faithful record of the proceedings proper to be written, transmit a copy to the Grand Chapter when required, keep a j separate account with each member and report at the first stated meeting in June and December the amount due from each member, receive all moneys due the Chapter and pay the same to tha Treasurer, taking her receipt there for, and perform such other duties as may properly belong to the office. The Secretary shall be exempt from dues for services, and snail deliver all books, papers and other property to his or her successor in office. ec. b. The Tteasurer shall receive Ln monPVS fl.ora tha R(VtV &n(J keena account thereof, and shall pay ont the Eame nnon an order dulv shmed I. .... . . . . 1 hv the Alatron and countersimGd bv I the Secretary, she shall make a semi" I annual rnnrf. rif a mnnnt rf rMninta nnrl expenditures of he Chapter, and at the expiration of her term of office de liver all moneys, books, papers and other property belonging to the Chap ter to her successor in office. Sec 6. The Conductress shall re ceive and conduct candidates during the ceremonies of initiation and perform such other duties as the presiding officer may require. Sec 7. The Associate Conductress shall have charge of the preparation of candidates for the ceremonies of initia tion, receive and introduce all visitors, and perform such other duties as apper tain to her office and as may be required by the Matron. Sec. 8. The Warder shall guard the door from the inside, report all persons claiming admission and see that none