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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1878)
' Ta l:tt3r-iC3Dar?-Teb- t n wsjup evr iri'i!iied in Dnilf e"un?r. UYPyU- Cil., JTEK NO. 11, K A. J, hnid r?!tf'.r eonita anima tions ever first sd laird Taesday U "io.i nio.ttt 1U members is. good tandui wi!l take doe mti line! notice Hid govern thociaelv-f accordingly. Visit lnsr companions are iavited t meet with the Cna.iter when convenient. ft. HERMANN, H. P. W. I. Fhiedlahosr, tfee'y. ALAUKEL LOD JS A. F. and A. M L holds regular meetings on or Unions each full m ion. A. JONES, W. M. A. F Campbell, Secy. r?3EJI?SSfc PHILETA" IAN F. iueets Satu'lay, ol each week, at 7 o'clck, ia their bull at Kosie burr. Members of the order in good stand ing are invited to attend. By order of the G. CHRISTMAS SERVICES. ' Services In coiruienioraiion of the birth and glory of the t-avioar were held In the Episcopal and Catholic churches at the proper time. The services at tbe church rt named were quite imposing, the prin eipal feat ares of which Mag the sermon of Uev. L H. Wells taken irom Isaiah, " Unto you this day ia bora a son, and his name thvll be Emanuel aud the Instru mental ana vocal music. The Beouion wan eloqutnt aud instructive, while the music wa tur superior to jsucu we have lis. tentd to. The choir was) under the direc tion of Mrs. Henry Hedges, aud Mrs. Phil D. Souzer presided at the piano. The choir was made up as follows: Mesarr. Marr and Strange, tenori ; Murton, Bassi; Mrs. Henry Hcd-f soprano Mie Pweus and Ui s Starr, aiti, Mrs DeSouxtr con e intralt', A her the service closed a collection was taken up tor indigent clergy men. The win- dowe and chancel of the church were hand somely decorated with cedar. The Catholic services a ere no less at tractive aud equally as Imposing. Mass was celebrated at 8 and 9 o clock and H gh Mass t 10:30 by Kev.Taiaer John Uein. , rich, and the choir comprising Messrs. Lau genberg, who sang bast. lira. Louis Lan- geiiberjj, saprano, and Mrs. Henry fe ,lges, soprano and alto and wLa presided at the organ. T e altar was decorated with ever greens verv tastefully, and the services were in every way pleasing to good Cat hot Jics. . ThaBaH. The ball given by Ike Pbilalathian So. ciety last Ft iday, .was largely attended. Quite a number from Oaklani were pres ei't. The music was fa, and dancing was continued to a lata tour next morning, Suppers were handsomely spread at J. M. Crow's restaurant, aaa the Cosmopolitan Lotel, and with this regard or any other no complaint quji be mada. Everybody was well entertained, and when the time came to go, all departed fria she ball thanking th society tor the pleasore afforded them, and wishing for s second invitation to an other ball. The net receipts were $39. mm . i Cases Appealed. There are four eases appealed from this county and will coma mp for trial at the January term of tit State Supreme Court. The cases are entitled as follows ; Samuel Rich vs. P. P. falsaer, to set aside sheriff's deed; State ef Oregon vs. Law rence O'Neil, sujt efqity to foreclose lisn; SnUe of Oregon vs. Wo. Munds. suit of eq-ty-to foreclose lira; Henry L. Hat)-, son vs. Mate of Oregon, to test the legali ty of the court silting ia judgment upon m8 case. Cards Received. Tuesday evening last Hon. A. F. Cauipt b -l aud Alias Luette Grubbe, and Mr. Q iincy A. Grubbe and Uiss Sarelia GriT. fith were j lined in matriaaouial tiea at the M E. Church, Salem. Eeceptira were af terwards held by the relatives of Miss Oritfiih and Mine drabee. We acknowledge the receipt of cards, a4 extend to the hap py couples, our warmest 'wiaUee for their future happiness and prosperity. Mrs. Wilww Dead. Mrs. Wihiou, formerly Mrs. J. W. P. Huntington and daughter of Ddcle Jesse Applegate. Oied at Wilbur last Saturday. Her remains were conveyed to Yoncalla, at which place they were) interred in the fam ily graveyard. All who knew Mrs. Wilson -rt-member her as a aoble woman of many virtues, a true wife aa4 examplarj Chris tian. Peace to her aahea. A Meteor Hestreyi a Haystack, ' A day or two ago, early in the ev. ning a meteor fell between the house and a barn of Mr. ChambeanX, lu this county, striking a haystack. The meteor exploded as it fell, and the hay limiting was de stroyed. This ia the irst instance of the ni Wi .-e n j inbr .ever having heard wf. Encampment Officers Elected. At a meeting of Cu'ou Encampment No. 9, held Ust Friday ere, the following offi cers were elected ; J). B. K. Buick. C. P., John Nichols. H. P.. 1. K. N. Bell, 8. W.. Wm. Carroll. J. W., E. O. Hursh, S., C. Cohen. T , W. 11. Willis. L. Belfils. and J. K. N'. Bell, Trustees. . An Old Stase Hore. "Old Dave," an old stage horse belong ing to the California aad Oregon ltage Co.( died on Thursday morning. He was a faithful animal, had worked for the stage company eleVen yean without missing a day, and watt known to alt drivers ever in the employ of the company. The jShootiag Match. ' The shooting match at the depot Tues day and Wednesday was well attend, d. Some good shooting was done. Henry Singleton shot the eleventh shot at a tur key 200 yards distant and killed it, and after shooting the head of another off at fifty yarls. was ruled out. Henry is only 18'yereof age, Tri-weekly Service. Wm. Carll, Esq., Is in town making ar rangements for putting on the tri weekly mail service between this place and lied- ing, This service will be for second and third class matter, and will begin on Jan- nrrr finite . . r - Window and pietnrw glan in stock and . cut to order .x pr. Hamilton's.' " ' A GENERAL NOTICE. j There should be an "equitable adjcBt-ai-n." in all things, llecagiiliing the f.irce of this assertion, and blwving by so ;K)in w shall et fairly with and to iho dv3ii!a"i ;f the. psblie and onrselvea, we, .h under8!j;i'd pub isber. have agreed to ask the )llowing tatts foi certain cltiss i vertisemeqts from and alter the first ol Jaauiry. Traafioni locnl Botices, 20 cents per line firstjcscriion; 10 centi ner line 2d ic eeriion. Basiaess loca's for advertisers, 12J cents ler lice; or 5 lines for CO centa. FersrOnal erpltsftione, obituary notices (over iour lines); reei Ju'.U'tiaof condolence, 8 lines for $1, and each additional 8 lines, or Iraction thereof'58 cents. Legal Ldvertisi mei.t8. $ 2 50 per square first insertion; $1 each subsequent inser tion excepting as below staled. Appointments of administrators and no- tices uf "Mual settltuints," $i. Dissolutions, est ray n aices of either wife, huibaud or animal, notices of tres pnosers, etc., U. S. Land office advertisements, not exceeding 15. lines, U0 days. $3; sixtv days, 7 50, No deviation from the above prices will be made ander any circumstances. KELLY & WELLS, Publiahera "The Douglas Independent' Ck. BENJAMIN, Pnblmher-'The Pliindealer." CHAS. L. Publisher Tue Wesi em Star." UMPQUA FERRY. Farmers are still busy putting in their crops. E. Stephens & Co are turning out some of the bust shingles to be found. Nearly every one are elHxied slightly with the rheumatism down this wav . Mr. A.Clayton has moved on nis large farm where h? intends to reticle. The revival at this place was not very euecewtiful owing to the dislike of the preacher. Owing to the irregularity of the mails my Items have delayed for the past two or three weeks aud tbt relore did not appear. If one should happen through this sec tion, of the coantry oa Chria'uia he wuuid nfer that the people were quit, fond of amusemi-nU mtlte line of dances and socia bles. Work en the Hubbard creek mill Is still being continual with' energy and when eompleled it will be one of the greatest helps to this part that was ever thought of. b A ramble through lower Calapoia valley convinces one that the inhabitants are no slow about makiag extensive improvements oa their farms, especially in the line ot housea-.bui the finest and best tiniched house in. that aectiou is the new residence of Mr. Burk, which ia situated north of his valley farm about one mile, oa Prim-, rose hill. It is the workmanship of Mr. Creos, and finished, that is, tainted and papered, by Mr. McFarland, which un doubtedly shows hat both gentlemen, un derstand their business. CALAPOOIA. Fred got on his regular "Jamboree" this week. John Churchill will give a dance to night Christmas, Hawn aud' his son left a few days since for California. Success attend you. old boy. James Daniels and J. R. Baker are going to Oakland to attend school there this winter. Elder Burk did not preach at the Cala pooia school house on last Sunday as was reported. Mr. Preston Rice bad bis shoulder dislo cated by a sheep dragging him against a sharp r.l. Mr. J, T. Daniels has his bouse ready to paint. We understand that he has em ployed Mr. J. D. McFarland and Ben Hutchinson to do the work. One of the neighbors on the Calapooia, pastured three bead of catttle for a mer chant living tn Oakland, and only charged him the t mall sum oi $50 per month. , ' Worth Twice the Sum. We have just receive! a copy of The Chicago Ledger, the leading family paper of the west, which is now enu ring upou its seventh volume. The Ledger is a forty eight column weekly, printed in bold, plain type easily to be read by young and old, and is filled with choice stories, and reading matter f interest to every household. This excellent journal is sur plied to subscribers, postage paid, for the low price of $1 50 per year. In order to increrse us present targe net oi reauers. the publishers of tf?e Ledger have made a new contract for; several thousand fine Niokel-piated Euirlish Steel-barrel and- Cv Under Seven-Shot Revolvers 22 calls ber which they propose to distribute to heir subscribers at! cost, aid therelore of fer one of these elegant weapors ol defense and The Lwdger tor one year for S3 00. The revolver will be sent by mail, postuge paid, on receipt of the price. They have already distributed 3,000 revolvers and are mailing hundreds daily. Now is the bent time to get first-clas revolver and the best paper iu the country for l-ss than half the aciunl worth oi either. Three sample cop ies will be Best to any address for ten eta. Address The Ledger, Chicago, 111. New and Cheap Music Lovers of new first-class sheet music, embracing some of the compositons of the greatest composers, at lens price than such sheet music can be purchased in San Fra" cifrco, cannot Co better than to call at the store ol Dr. J, Woodruff. -He has a collec tion of tine music oi over five hundred diff.-rent pieces, from wtiiclt a com pn net critic cannot fail to select aomethicg nice and pleading. It is without doubt the fin est stock in the line ever brought to Rose burg. Go and see for yourself. Went Ashore. A letter from Qaroiner states that the schooner Hayes had ran upon the beach, knocked a bole in ber bottom and bad been towed into Coos half filled with water. Hons Burned. : Charles Pitcher's house was burned last Thursday night at Canyonville. Mr. Pit cher's son was badly burned, and narrowly escaped with bis life. His injuries are so Severe it is doubtful whether he will recov er. v Remember, Subscribers will bear in mini that the subscription price of the Independent is $3 per an nam when not' paid ia ' Advance. ODD FELLOWS' CEMETERY. Tweu'y years ago the Masooic and Odd Fellows fraternities of this city purch:ied an acre of ground i zm ot town for a cemetery and threw the same open to public tine' 8-rce then ilhai been aged generally, an j without regard o regularity of arrangi. nientr in conat-qnence for a lotig time it ha bea quite difEcilt to prepare a grave with out eucfo;ie'.uu;i upon those made before. The ; eceasiry if a ne.v cemetery has.there fo.vong been apparent to ail. The Odd Fellows have been tile first apprtc ate the gener-d want and provide for it; and Philitarian Lodge No. 8 has purchased a t:act of groend, beautifully sitvated and in every way suitable for the purpose for which it is intended, on the south side of the Deer oreek road, about one quarter of a mile east of to'wj. ' A survey of the tract has just been completed and a handsomely colored and compre en hensive map made of it by L. L. William, surveyor, by order of the trustees. The diagram represents 101 blocks, separated by alleys six feet wide, crowinjr each other at right angles, with a road twenty-four feet wide through the center north and 8'uth. The alleys are numbered from east to west, and lettered from north to south, aud in this the good sense of the eutveyoris shown, since thedift-ivnt bh eks are easliy to he' reached when weeded, and there ia uo reason left for a proprietor ol a block to mak a mistake. Each block i 8 sufficient iu extent for sixteen graves of four feet in width each- The Odd Fellow will reserve a portion of the Cemetery for th-t use ot tile Order alone, ia one body, an 1 to that dim net they propose to remove the remains Of their deceased brethren from he old ceme tery. To many of those who have loved and lost their darlings the m censity of a permanent place of butial h is lou; been twit, mid the work of Philtariiiu Lodge, .viih t'lis regard, will be gratefully n;inemb-red, siuce a lurgeureaot the cemetery will lie opm for ale in blocks to theycity, to families and to the public in gtmTrai. and when once a berii.1 lakes pla re .he friends f the dead will know the titio to the ground cannot be altered, and there iu certainty will the loved and cltcrsiied sleep undisturb ed until the heavens are rol'ed ujt a scroll and the Father calls to Uiiu his children MINING NEWS. From the Jacksonville Timet we gathei the following news of the mines of South ern Oregon: Tin frosty weather is unfavorable to mining. The Sterling Derrick is about ready to operate with. Wm. By bee hassold his intereat in the Grave Creek Diich in i nee. The dry diggings near Grant's Pass are in readiness lur the winter rains. The Palmer creek mine are now ready for the winter rains.- Six hundred fc t of pipe is to be manu factured for.fba Squaw Lake Ditch Com pany. Gin Lin's ditch is now filled with ice, he having neglected to turn the water out when the cold snap came. Bybee, Hockert 4 Co.'s clai-r.s at the mouth of Slate creek ar at present being worked wib one hydraulic pipe. Benedict & Co., have struck fair pros pecta in their steamboat diggings. They have run one tunnel and are commencing another. Brogan Co., near (Jniontown, have their pipe about laid and are now engaged in building a r-servoir, which will e' able them to ran through a (Treat portion of tue summer. The stockholders of the Grve Creek Ditch Company met recently and el ecied H. Kelly. Presided!; Dan Cron miller, Secre tary; E. F. Walker, Treasurer; Jay Beach. E. F. Walker and II. Eell , Director for the ensuing year. ;Deatli of S.C. Moore. Rev. S. C. Moore 13I dead, and waa buried by the Masouic fra ternity onC hristmas day. We have not the lucta necessary to write a proper obituary ot the de seased, and are compelled to an nounce the dt)iith simply of one whose los tha entire community deplores, and whom the commu nity will ever recollect as one of God's noblemen au honest man and & devout Christian. --.,. A Happy New Yeai. The year 1879 will have put in ah appearance before another iss tueof this paper 13 printed. We do not propose to write a long ar ticle npon the subject, since there is "nothing rew under the sun" to ofter npon the subject; but we propose to wish the many friends of the Independent a better and happier new year than was ever experienced by thorn before. Fine Cattle Mr. Jacob Bitzer brought some fine beef cattle trom the South last Saturday, and Friday last Ike Lehnhere started for-Elk creek fr another lot. Ike is one of the sharpest cattle dealers in the coun try, and we expect the best of beef when he returns. Who Did It. It is an ear of corn, but who did it we do not know. It s in the shape of a man's hand.having tho five fingers complete, and the outlines ot the wrist perfect. It can be 6een in J. B. Smith's hardware store at Oakland. Remember the Printer. While equating op your ac counts for the jijar, remember the amoantyoaowe the printer. It may be large, or it may be small; at all events be will be pleased to give you a- receipt for the same. Moses and His Indians. Report- from east of the Cas cade received recently hae in i 1 neasure been- corroDorated by la tor intelligence. It ha bten tW 1 determination of the author iii e& 10 arrest ami punish the Iu diiatie who murdered tbe Perkins falnily. These were s'ipp' sed to b e concealed in Modes' band, and w it h the consent of that chief the sberhT ot Yakima county pro ceeded to Moses' canip. It i estid the tiherift was rhet by Mose a (id his Indians and tol l in the language of Mrs Guppy "to t'et o-iit." which-he did. Sulteqnent tlpieious actions on the part ot Indians caused the .military at Walla Watla to reconouer, and i;ihing aside a labyrinth of un important particulars, we' may ac quaint the reader that the sol diers, st'eing how hungry Moses wa,iersuaded the latter to acc-nn-. pany tlu-ni to Vancouver, where bis IliglinesH ia being regaled on pork and bean. Quite Handsome. A glance at ti e Metropolitan hotel sii:ce the lute repairs will re veal sonic ta-tc-tul work done. Thtjre is no neater place in the countiy. Ttie Chirese question is excit ing attwition in thw East. This is. perh aps, owing to thd tact that the attendant evils are spreading in that direction. If 200,000 Chinese slave laborers bhould make tbeir wav to ihe East it would be au eye-opener to the people. 1 ! 1 iii imi wmmm mm mma mm SCHOOL ROOKS : At 014 XVice3. Xotwitlistanc'ing the increase prices of other plate Siatidaid School Booli! All;arad3, Will continue to be sold at former prices at the Poeioffice. 1 have also a A FULL ASSOHimEKT Oi finely bound books for Holiaday Presents Superior to any elsewhe.e to be lonnd in tbe city. . H. C. STANTON. Dr. J. A. Callander, (Late U. Sririuy.) OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE FIRST house west of Judge Willis.' Notice. NOTICE IS HKUEBY GIVEN THAT Win. R. Willie a .d Owen Willis have leu i inted by he County Court of Doufclaifcouunty. Urejron, exfutorof the esiateOf Steplien 1). Wiliis, deceased: and all person having cluiuis aaiuat said e. tate are liereny requirea to present the same, wit I, the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice to Win. U, WtlliS. one of sid executors, at his of tjee in lioseburjr. D iilps cmuty. Orejfon. Latrd at Uoseburir. Douirl s county, Ore Kon, Una 9th day of D.-centbert A, D. 18M. It. WILLIS. OWEN L. 1LL1S. Executors. NOTICE. A Eili accounts of the latxi firm of Floed & Co. must be paid before the first day of February, 1879, or they will be placed in the hands ot offi cer for collection. OF DRY WOOD ! FOR SALE. WHEELEE BEOS., OAKLAND, Have two hundred cords of fine dry oak wood for sale, in Oak laud, on tbe line of the railroad, and ready for rhipment to any place. ; Trins will be made ad vantageous to buyers. Apply eitrlv. WHEELEit BUOS. Oakland, Oregon, Dec 21. if San Francisco CIGAR STORE. S. GOIiDSTKIW HA3 OPENED A CIGAR AND VARIETY 6toie next door to the barber shop and nearly opposite to the Postofflce, and has one of the largest stocks of Imported and Domestic Cigars in stoc ever brought to Rosebnrg. His stork also embraces all tbe favorite brands of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum Pipes. Notions, Can dies and other articled found usually in a flisttlass establishment of the kind. - My prices will be low and .: my time cash, and a share of. public patronage is respectful. y SoiiciteJ. ' r . I Notice of Final Settlement In the G'Uni? Court tt tlie iatr.f Orn-. for 1 e C'iumy of liU'ilst, sittijig it; Pr bate. v In the tnatier of the -Mte of Alex Porter, dvtvns ! : AU. LANUDOX, A I J M I N I T It A TO b ot snid emahr. linviinf fi'iHd in sahl c nrt hm final Ho:o-;nt for h ttleiiieut, and aJo prsvin fur n ocdw t'ir wttin-j tiie lime for 1: wiring th . tine, t ht-n-f rt tui tice is hereby yiven that, -aid final account will be heard aud determined in naid court on TuHday.the 7th tiny of January. 1879 at w!iic!i time at! ht'oiis having any oh-j.-ctii'im to said tinal ticcouiii and - hertie tuent miiFt thrn and there nmke tiie name; and that notice of ihe Kuine Im iulliehed in the Indkpkxdsxt fur f ur cui-ncutive weer.n. ify order ol 11. m (;. (Jiidil'x. T. U. SilKUlDAN, Clerk. NOTICE. IMlii 11VKS THAT MY WIFE, ;V nor!. lin le.t my lyi and loard without cnt nnd I hereby whtii ll jies on' n t to en d . lv-ron my account, ad I t.ha'1 ni t be liable lor v r acc unts. HLOIMEW. MIOUT. II .w En K HO. Orejjon, Xovemlier 19. This firm has constantly on hand tbe fiuest , etock of Boots and Shoes Ever lrouhr ro Ko-eourg. 1500TS AND SHOhS to Order AND RKPAIUED. LYON'S PATtMT METALLIC STIFFENER8. - roa - Boot and Shoe Heels. Prevents ron&'.ng over and wearing off oa the SEDSS. THIS FIRM HAS ON HAM THE FIN est stock of Leather in the h'tate. and is prepared, to do all kinds f w.irt in fmt-clas-i manner, upon the most reasona ble terms. Paries needing anjtliirg ii their line, should call upon them tit ft s they fully GUARANTEE ALL WORiC Turned out ot tbeir shop to be 1 1 an r"-in to wear veil. 1( GISTS iW ANOe e Pliarraaola t , Patton's Block, State street. Salem, Ogn. PARTICULAR. ATTENTION GIVEN to ureacrintions ' and all orders bv mail or express filled prruiptly and accu ately. . Phvnicians and Country Dealers wil save money by examining our stock, or pro curing our prices, before purchasing else- wuere. 4U-II R OSEBURO ACADEMY l.iK WIJITEIl SESSION OF ltf8 1 K8TITUTIOM WILL commence: Monday, Dec. 2d, 1878. Under the supervision 1 the undersigned assisted by Miss Hauie tliililand and J.M. BowrT The term will continue sixteen weeks, eiidg March 28th, 1878. The f o owing are the RATES OP TUITION : Orthography, Heading and Writing per month $1 6G; per term f 6 00 English Otammar or Oeography per month $3 00; per term 8 00 Higher Aiithtuatic, Algebra. Oeointry Bookkeeping pr mo $3 50; per term 10 00 Latin. Greek or French per month 3 00; per term ..; . 13 00 J BROWNE, L. L. D. Principal. MAliONY'S SALOON, Nearest to the Railro ad Depot, O klan JAS. MAHCNEY. Proprietor THE FtHKST OP iVINBS. IQROStS Or CIO A 18 -In Douglas county, and the best BILLIAUD TABLE1N TIIE STAT 4 Kept in proper repair. tPartiee travelingjtm the railroad .vill find this place very bandy to visit du ing the stopping of the -train at the Oakl md depot, (iive me a call. a if JAS. MAHONE1 DISSOLUTION NOTICE- Thia j t notify the public that h i copartnership heretotoreiexistitii oetween W. L. Button and O. O. Perkin has been dissolved i.y mutual consent, Mr. Button Miring from the firm. The firm will be known as Perkins & Hendrick. The friend-. ship of the public is asked for the new firm by the retiring partner, who would thank it for many favors. W. L. BUTTON. IIosEBCito, Nov. 15, 18T8. A. B US 11 ELM El K, PRACTIAL GUNSMITH Uas Permanently located '.a Rosebnrg, OPPOSITE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. I.WILL OUAKKANTEE ALL Wapfe Q)m hxB as Gaud s5uierior any performed in Oregon NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NtDticO 18 hereby given that all debts due ov the late firm ot Button & Perkins will be paid upon prestation to W. L. Button, Metropolitan Hotel. All those indebted to the firm must pay the same to m ai once and save costs. W. L. BUTTON. Rsoebtjrg. Nov.29, 1878. Death's Saloon opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Rosebnrg GEO. BRATH, rroprietor. THE FLSEST OF WINES, LIQUORS & CIOAR3 Always on band, and in con ection with the saloon will be found a WELL-KEPT BILLIARD BOOM AfD. . V ' TE A LL E Y, Wbre both health these m parting game n S 1 j- , uwjr ue luouigeji AT NEW GOODS! YO M. JOSEPHSON ITai jlit returned trom Sau Francisco, where he haa purchased the FiueBt Assortment ot Lateet'Stjles A FULL Ladies' Dress Goods, LACES, TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES Fifteen rarieties of Ladies Cloak just received. ALSO LADIE S AND MISSES' JACKETSLATEST STYLES & PATERNS Which will be eold at Prices to suit all porohasera. Also a Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods . . ..AND...... XI ATS, SHOES, Boots, ETS., GROCERIES, CROCKERY, WILLOW-WARE & CUTLERY. More complete tban tbat of any other establishment in tbe city, and at Fairest Rates gRemember I will occupy Dr. .'Hamilton's brick opposiU the e Metropolitan hotel where I shall aell goods cheaper tor cash than er before. M. JOjSKWHOS.- : OFIIIIi S THE nt NEW PRICES! 9 and Paterns, LINE OF Full Line of Wheeler Bros Poetotfice Building, Locunt street. Oak ....DEALKMS XDI3T GOOI )Sr WODL'AKD-COUHTRf PRbDl'tC W will Pay th.9- Hicrhsst. Pried FOR WOOL. And store ALL WOOL FREE OF CHARGF. We are prepared to receive woel ats either ot the following places: Roseburg, Wilbur, Oakland AonDttla Drain's and Scottsbmg 6t WHEELKR 6KS. SALEM F0UNDEY.. MACHINE HOP, 15. F. DRAKE, TliOPKIKTOIi, Al fcM, jl.EOUN CTEAM FXOINES.SAW MILLS GBIST Mills, lii-aper. Pumps, and all kinds . and styles of Machinery made to order. Ma- chinerv renaired t aalmrt nni ixii P.tiirn V 1 " ....... . . . . IV.'. . ( .IV.. U makinir done in all its various forms, and ail kinds of brass and iron castinirr fur- : nished at short notion Alv ,irnk.tnin. of Enterprise Piner and. Matcher and Stickers and Sharoers : . " WILLAMETTE' RICHARDS & ROGERS, Proprietors. Manufactures ol ti e l1 anions JDexter CooTc Stoves .':! i PARLOR STOVES BOX STOVES, D a, a HOLLOW WARE, STC, ETO, j Front st, bet. Mam and Madisou Portland, Oregca II, 11 STAXTON DEALER IN Staple Dry Goods Keeps constantly on hand a general as sortment of EXTRA FINE GROCERIES Wood, Willow and Glassware, also CROCKERY AND CORDAGE. . A FULL STOCK OF iscaooiT BOOKS, Such as required tbe Public County Schools ALL KINDS STATIONERY! Toys and Faancy Articles. To Suit both the youn; and old. Sole agent for tUe celebrated PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COMPANY. ;rr Including tbe well known PELTON SIXsFOLD HORSEPOWEB Buys and sells Legal Tenders, fnrnishe Cliecki oi. Portland and procures drfs on Snn Fraucii-co in sums to suit all require, menu. SLIOKEDLIEAT FOR - WINTM TEADE SMOKED 1IAMS,BAC0N AND SB 33i2 JB3 13? Z Freshly cured and of FINE QUALITY i Tbe undersigned would say to the ciU zens of Kt seburir that he has just cured the finest lot of Hams, Bacon and Beef evei offered to I his market; and that no one will fai,' to purchase the same wnen once they examine it. Prices lowtr than ever. JACOB B1TZER Feed Stable. This establiohment ia tbe Best in the State and connected with it is a large WAGON YARD WITH FINE'ihtD ROOM Capable of accommodating an) umbt t ot horses and wagon. BEST OI HAY AND GRflXU Always in full supply at living prices And No One js Allowed to U i Awaj Dissatisfied. Don't fail to give us a cail, for we arv de) terminal to suit Vu In ouantitv. aualitv and prices. WUIGUT & CAKLOil. J. K SUIT II, Opposite Kb:x ii u Browo, 0&kUihdvOg BEAIXR IK. Stoves and Tinware HARDWARE, AMD FAR'.! I, Ml IMPLEMENTS. Keeps always on Land a J "TJIjT-j stock And Is always ready te sell goods for casa at prices bo tbat all will be satisfied. QDICK SAlTSS AND READ! RETUBX1 . Is lay motto. Now Is tbe time tot your.