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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
or lOCAi ASb PEfiSONUr F. B. Smith visited friends m Lany Sunday. ''' D. Hughes, of Beulah, wis fcpping in the city Friday. - ? Valter Kline was an over. nday visitor at Portland and ie home Tuesday. - x Miss Bertha Beck, living near bany, will spend Christmas at M. Bauer home. Mrs. Phillip Gearheart will nd Christmas with her hus- ld's people at Astoria. Reorge Wood and wife, living th of Philomath, spent Tues-, shopping in Corvalhs. . -. . Irs. Albright came over from j mny bunday to attend the eral of Mrs. Phillip Phue. H. Herron and wife, of the h Bend country, were looking r business in town Friday. fiss Edith Casteel, a student DAC, has gone to her home Yaquina to spend the holi s. laud Thorpe, an OAC stu- t, left for his home at Hood er Tuesday to spend the hol- r season. orman R. Burtner, of OAC, Wednesday for Walla Walla, sh., to spend his vacation in t city with friends. iss Aenes Campbell, a srsA- e of the Oregon State Nornial ThTnewly elected 'officers "of Hawkes rcut "glass: at aT'J. the OAC Commercial Club TeMetzgSTjr&hfyhJfc&2 tiffl&XE Kerr;fclsi-; prof x R.Cofdl Vas beeJ '5f- T f J ill a Portland business visitor this Edna Watkins; Treasurer, Ina t . r - - 8 True; Sergeant-at-Arms, P. H. , . ' s r-4- ? Gale. " : ' A meeting of the Conference " Wrestling is ' now, the fad at" Gorges will be held .in Seattle nun a"-fcht--'-Y,r.rtM-? t.K. 'Tuesday, December 29." It is ex- ooL '08. is takin? a snecial rse of study in art work at esdames A. Hunter and J. McCarty and Miss Maud per arrived Sunday evening ha Portland on a brief visit to nds in this city. ' r. and Mrs. Harley Hall and e daughter are spending the istmas holidays with the ner s parents, Mr. , and Mrs IT. Hall, at Buena Vista. card from b. JN.: wilKins at nroej Li&. informs us that he enjoying tne Palmy atmos- pre and genial hospitality of sunny south.' His health is proving every day. he December number of The Liner, the omciai publication he Oregon State Normal at nmouth, is one of the best has been issued from that titution for a long time. phe school election at the rt house on Tuesday to in- ase the levy to l mills was Jried which will givejthe school rd ample funds to keep the ool up to its present high iding. n the guessing contest as to number of handkerchiefs in balloon in the Henkle & Da show window three little 9vtied on 110 and in the final s Georgia Brown was first. j boys tied on the foot- . and Mark Jkoff. instructor, is busy every Saturr day in the athletic department giving pointers to the students who are interested in this par? ticular exercise. . The new Agronomy building, which has been accepted by the Board of Regents of OAC, will be occupied by the Departments of Agronomy, Horticulture, Do mestic Art, Latin, English and School of Commerce. Mrs. Charles Shenefield, of Independence, came up Tuesday to spend the holiday season with father and mother Allen. . Ghas, will slip in about the time ', the feast is ready and leave a shin ing mark at the festive board. Mrs. J. R. Horning, sister-in- law of E. B. Horning came m ; from Medford yesterday and will i feast on turkey at the Horning home on Christmas day. - Mr, Horning is at Portland and is expected to arrive in time for the feast. . .. Cooper won the C. L. Andrews, of Eagle, Alas ka, is spending the holidav sea son at the Walter Wiles home north of town. Mr. Andrews is a brother of Mrs. Wiles and is U. S. Collector of Customs at Eagle. He is a very pleasant gentleman. , OAC will enter a team of five men in the cross country run with U. of O. on Washington's birthday. - The race will be over a five mile course and the total points scored by individual con testants will determine who shall be awarded first place. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre have arrived from their home in Alberta, Canada, to spend the Christmas holidays with ter's mother, Mrs. Sarah Cauth orn. Both are old OAC students and Mrs. Mclntyre as Miss Frankie Cauthorn was formerly well known in Corvallis circles. We hear some complaint in regard to petty thieving around town during the past few days. The scenes of activity seem to be confined to Third street, and woodpiles, rolls of butter, bed clothing etc. seem to be the drawing cards. A loaded stick on the woodpile might prove an effective remedy and rid the town of undesirable citizens. Itmaynot be generally known, but OAC is the only college in this country that furnishes free instruction in wrestling to its student body. During the latter part of January there will be match bouts on the mat between OAC and U. of I., TJ. of O. and W. S. C, in which Prof. O'Con nell's pupils are expected to carry the Orange to victory against all comers.' CHRISTMAS 1908 will have many pleasant recollections in store for the many people who will be supplied with holiday GIFTS selected from the magnificent -stock Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, etc. at E. W. S. Pratt's Jewelry Store, you feel perfectly of Watches, Clocks, now being displayed It is my desire that FREE to call and examine the newest, nobbiest, and most care fully selected stock of Jewelry ever displayed, in Benton if ounty. . A $50 Diamond Ring given away absolutely FREE. I E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crocker Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and China ware, ; ' LAMPS ETC. pected VthatscnB-am-endmentsi will be made to the constitution m and a more definitTf6n"striietieB"tJ put upon others not ' now clear. of interpretation. " One amend ment, to be offered, by the Ul of W., will be for the creation of . board of referees to decide upon the eligibility, of players - in all lines of athletics. , : " Hot drinks and ham sand wiches at tha Palace of Sweets. - 12-8-tf . For sale A $75 organ for $50. Good as new. Phone Ind. 448. , 12-15-tf Charles Horning, son of L. F. Horning, who was "connected with the Gazette many years ago was selected as one of the deba ting team in the tryout at the high school at Grangeville, Ida ho. The paper speaks of his splendid delivery, perfect ease before an" audience and happy faculty of oratorical power. It is highly probable he will make a record at OAC next year. Umbrellas from $2 to $20 at A. J. Metzger's, jeweler. 12-15-3t See our line of hand painted and novelty calendars at P. O. Store. 12-ll-4t Seventeen contestants were entered in the tryout for debate which took place last Saturday evening in OAC Auditorium, the subject being: Resolved, "That the Svstem. of Municipal Gov ernment by Commission should be instituted in the cities of the Northwest of over 20,000 inhabi tants.' -OAC will .be represented this year 'in debate by Cale, Clark, Darling, Jefferson, I. E. Kerr and Wilson. A mammouth assortment . of Xmas cards, post cards and nov elties at P. O. Store. 12-ll-4t An extra handle with each umbrella at A. J. Metzger's, jew eler. 12-15-31 E. J. Dunn brought in twenty turkeys during the past week to A. Dawson and received a check: for $45.90 in. ; payment therefor. He had one gobbler less than one year old that tipped the scales at 29 pounds. His flock consists of the finest spec imens of bronze importations and. he has demonstrated that it pays to raise choice birds as well i s good stock. . Our farmer riends are beginning to realize what it., means in : a, financial sense to raise poultry. : r The largest assortment in. the city of Xmas Booklets at best prices. P. O. Sfore. , . 12-ll-4t Ebony and sterling silver toil et ware at A7 "5. Metzger's watch maker. ; 12-15-3t A very large per cent of the college students left on Friday and Saturday to spend the holi day season with the folks at home. They, represent nearly every county in the state and it is exceedingly interesting to look upon their . bright and happy faces in anticipation of the hap py .home greeting. With col es e colors waving in the breezes they bade goodbye thus leaving the citizens of Corvallis to medi tate upon what a blessing the OAC has been to us. The only place to get bargains in watcnes, jewelry, .cut glass, etcl is at Matthews, the Optician and Jeweler, over First-National Bank." J The largest and finest line of ladies' and gentlemen's umbrel- as at A. J. Metzger s, watch maker. 12-15-3t Have your, spectacles and eye glasses fitted by, one who knows how, - Matthews, the Optician, over First National Bank. Save from 25 to 50t per cent on Xmas "presents by buying at Matthews, the Optician and Jew eler, over - the First . National Bank. For saxe Three choice lots, with six-room house and barn, on South Second street. Good business property. Price $4200. Baer & Musgrave, Office 111 Second street, Corvallis Hotel Building. X2-18-tf Everybody ,; Eats : TO LIVE, and to live well everybody should have the best things to eat. Housekeepers will always find just what they need for the table here at this Rtr: and that, fcnn. . of the best quality. We fill every order .with care and make prompt delivery-,' while our prices are always satisfactory. Canned srJabJeDelicacieuncheon Dainties and all the appetizing foods needed to prep'are a good meal. k " ' Our Specialties: - "Independence Creamery But ter, Folger's Crystal Coffee hone better. D. D. BERMAN Corner Second and' Monroe, Cor vallis. Phone No. 104. Patronize The Paint and Paper Store 3 The Finest Varnishes, Celebrated New Era Paints,. Pure Lead and Oil and the Newest Patterns in Wall Paper. We can supply you with just what you need in these lines. Second Street, Near. Palace v Theater : V. E. WAITERS The Benton County. Real Estate Agent ., 1. Corvallis, Oregbn ' - " ' f If you have anything to buy,! sell, or exchange, see us. No padded prices. As to our responsibility, and methods, ol doing business, we refer -you to the business men of Corvallis. T Some splendid bargains send for list. : ' . . - ... .r-..-. :: 1 f A CHRISTMAS DISPLAY of jewels and precious stones that would dazzle the Shah of Persia we are showing for our Xmas trade. Everything that could be designed for beautiful holiday gifts we have secured, and by choosing early you will avoid the Christmas rush.. Our store y should be a magnet to those, who admire beautiful thingsand everyone is welcome. B. L. VAN HOOSEN, ' Second Street; 3 doors south of Harris' Store, Corvallis, Oregon REDUCED HOLIDAY RATES OverS. P. Co. Lines E. R. R. and For the holidays the S. P. Co. will make a round trip rate of one , and one third fare to all points on S. P. lines. The C. & It. II. make a rate of one fare for the round,-trip. Sale date.s ax? Dec. 23rd, 24th, 25th, Dec. 31st and-January IsJ.- Final re turn limit, January,. 4th, 1909. '.The O. R. & N. will make the same rate and. same sale dates as the S. P. Ticket office open' after 3 p. m. for purchase of tick ete for use the next day. K. L. JuiNyiLLE, Agent. . . ; Corvallis, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. , ' Notice is hereby jriven that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court of Benton countv, Oregon, admin istrator of the estate; of Floyd Lane, de ceased ; All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified as by law required to me at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, or at the office of J. F. Yates at Corvallis, Benton Countv. Ore gon, within six (6) months from this ate. . ,.-. .u. . ,. Dated December 7th, 1908. W.G.LANE, - Administrator of the Estate of Floyd Lane, deceased. Date of first Publication, Dec. 7th, 1008. Date of last Publication, Jan.' 5th, 1909 MM SENSIBLE SUGGESTIONS : FOR HOLIDAV PRESENTS FORAAllM P"M Atomizers, Buckles,' Bon Bon Boxes, r Ul VV J IVI dl M Bon Sooons 1 Bonnet Pins. Book fk Bon Pins, Book Marks, , Bracelets, Brooches, Chatalains, Cloth Brushes, Cologne Bottles Clocks,: Cut Glass, Combs, Cuff Button's,' Hair .Pin Trays, Lockets, Lorgnettes, Mirrors, Manicure Articles, Paper Cutters,, Pencils, Photo Frames, Pin . Cushions,: Pin Trays, Puff Boxes. Pocket Knives, Purses, Scarf Pins, Scissors, Seals, Tapes, Tea Balls, Strainers, Toilet Sets) Souvenir Trays, 'Umbrellas, Velvet Brushes '"Veil Pins,; Watches.' - pTfP ftflM Ash Trays, Cloth Brushes, Combs, Cork Screws, rUn. I VI CI M Onff Buttons, Flasks, Hair and Hat Brushes, Hat . Marks" Ink .Stands, Fountain . Pens, Key Chains and Rings,- Lockets - . 1 t t TKllZl. T I- r 1 .. t r ' ' - 7 1 . juaica suxcs, in iiiLiiiy iru&ucs,' jxiinura, racier .uttera, rencus, , ren . Trays, Knives, Scarf Pins,:Shaving Brushes and Cups," Souvenir; Trays . X 01 jet Articles, watcnes, (nains, oeais, i-ODs ana ixciets. '!- pp3 T V F D A RY Rattles, Bib Pins, Knives, Forks, Spoons, .irUrVj-il n t. PrL-? I Bracelets, Rings, Drinking Cups, Pap Spoons, Safety Pins, . " y NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice is hereby eiveii that the under signed constituting the Sewer Committee ' of the City rof Corvallis, will receive bids at the office of Police Judge in said City until six o'clock p. m. of Thursday of the 31st day of December, 1908, for the con struction of a lateral sewer through Block No. in the County Addition to the City; of Corvallis in accordance with the plana and specifications therefor on file with the Police Judge of the City of Corvallis and the ordinance of said City providing' for said sewer . construction. - Bids must be accompanied, by a certified check equal, to one fourth (jiO the amount of such bid, payable to the order of the Police Judge of said City' to secure, the City and the' property owners against loss or damage on account of failure of such bidder to enter into contract with the city and give bond for the faithful performance thereof as required by the ordinance providing for the construction of said sewer. All bids will be reported to the Common Council of said City at its regular meet ing of January, 1 909. ,1 The neht is reserved to reject any ana all bids. ' Dated December 17, 1908. Geo. Fuiasr, J. A. Harper, V I. BoDlNB. Sewer Committee. First pub. Dec. 18, 1908. Last pub. Dec. 99, 1908. Under New Management The Vienna Steam Dyeing And Cleaning Works 109 N. Second Sreet, Corvajlis, Oregon B. A. POWERS, Prop. Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired French dry cleaning a specialty Work called for and delivered. Lady attend ant and ladies' work done' with care. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. "ALBERT J. METZGER,' Watchmaker ' . Occidental Building, Corvallis, Oregon Say Folks ! Do You Know e i That Now is an; Exceptionally Good Time to - HAVE YOUR HOf.lES IVIRED ? We are making a specialty of concealed work. Our price is reasonable and our " work carries a guarantee."" " ZIMMERMAN & BRADLEY, r 341 South Second Street, Corvallis. Phones Store No. 132, Residence No. 258-2, Just What You Want FOR CHRISTMAS ' i AN EDISON PHONO GRAPH-3,000 . Popular. Records to select from. TOYS IN ENDLESS ; VARIETY ; The kinds that will be, sure; to please the little? folks. Guns, Amunition, Sporting Goods, and -lots of things suitable, for Holiday Gifts. Call and see the Big Line. and 'note the reasonable prices. " ' M. M. LONG, Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon. Now is the to visit time California When summer has passed in these northern states, the sun is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. .This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer for those who cannot endure a more severe cli mate. California has been called the "Mecca of the winter tourist." "... Its hotels and stopping ; places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable ' accommodations, congen ial companions, and var ' ied, pleasing recreations. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply some very attractive literature, de scribing in detail themany de lights of winter in California. Very low round trip excursion tickets are on sale to California. - The rate from Albany to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Limit six months, allowing stopovers in either direction. Similar excursion rates are in effect to all California points. For full information, sleeping ca- erfnt'otn and ticket, call on telegraph or writ : R. C. LINVTLLE, agent, J Corvaixis, Oregon, or WlL McMURRAY, GEN. PASS. AGT. Portland, Oregon. . ,