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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Friday; by the Gazette Pttbishikg ijo., tor- 9 z.uu per annum, or 25 per cent discount if cash is paid in advance, l A MERRY CHRISTMAS. Ic came upon a midnight clear, that glorious Shepherd Song, proclaiming "Peace on Earth ana Goodwill to Men, for unto us is born this day in the City of David, a Savior who is Christ the ;Lord," and adown the misty aisles of nineteen centuries of tim that same swelling anthem has re-echoed with each recurring Christmastide, filling with joy and gladness the hearts of count less millions and awakening in every heart the desire to emulate the Three Wise Men, who, upon the day of the Nativity, brought gifts to the Christ chili. " So, at this happy season, there is the same unselfish spirit of giving, the same desire to bring peace and good will, the same glad outburst of melody and the same feasting and merriment that marked the birthmorn of the Babe of Bethlehem. Not lapse of time nor the fever ish race for power, position and wealth has ever' had the least ef fect upon the pure spirit of iriv ing or dimmed the memory of that day so long held in hallowed remembrance. In palace and hovel, on land and sea, among rich and poor, exalted and hum Me, this is one day when all hu manity meets on one common level and gives for 1 the pure pleasure of giving, and feasts because no dther anniversary bears with it so strong an incen tive to good cheer. ' ' j Of all the customs and observ ances among the nations which have grown out of and become as holi-day, the mythical Kriss Kringle of the ancient Dutch and the joyous Yuletide celebration of Merrie England hold foremost- place, because the first symbolizes the spirit of giving gifts and the latter the realization of the bless ing of meeting and feasting with friends and loved ones. Other days, even of national import, may cease to be observed and other lives sink into oblivion as time wings its remorseless '. flight and the wreck of empires blots history from memory, but - the celebration of Christmas day will go on and on and the coming of the Christ child will be remem bered and sacredly kept so long as humanity shall . exist and Christianity endure and that will be until the heavens shall roll to gether as a scroll and the earth melt with fervent heat, even un til time is lost in eternity. wniie an tne world now gives out its gladsome greeting, so the Gazette extends to all its read ers, patrons and friends its best wishes for a Merry Christmas. AN IMPORTANT INDUSTRY. The fruit industry of this state is growing more rapidly than the residents of this state imag ine or can believe. It now ranks as the fourth or fifth industry in the state. The wheat lands are gradually wearing out and the yield of this crop is decreasing annually. ' The salmon catch is falling off annually and eventu ally the timber of the state will be cut down. Finally there will be but two important industries in this state fruitgrowing and dairying. Thit being so, let us make the best possible use of the apple as an advertisement, that more people may be brought to this state to assist in the devel opment of those two industries which promise so much to the material prosperity of this great state. In a hotly contested game of basketball at Philomath Saturday night the College team of that town was defeated by the Cor vallis High School team, the score being 16 to 12. Prof, and Mrs. J. A. Bexell are spending the Christmas holidays in Portland, the guests of friends n that city. SerriC38 at the Chnrchts. ,V, ; KPISPOCAL The next service at the Church of the Good Samaritan; -will be Sunday, January; 17, atwhieh time Rev. H. D. Chambers, the Arch Deacon, will officiate both morning and evening.- - M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH Services at theM: E. Church," South. Supday, December 27th Preaching at ,11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Morning subject, "Jesus, the Light of the World.'.' We extend a kindly welcome' to all. N. D. Wood, Pastor. . METHODIST EPISCOPAL At the First M. E. church the services for next Sunday will be appropriate for the- season and the pastor will make some an nouncements that will be of great interest to the members and friends of the church. A cordial invitation is extended to all. . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Christmas services all day Sunday at the , Presbyterian church. Morning topic by the pastor, J.RN. Bell, "Why Christ Became Human;" evening topic, "The Bright Side Sunshine." Free pews, special Christmas music, obliging ushers. Every body invited.- - UNITED EVANGELICAL. Evangelical Church, 'corner of 9th and Harrison streets. " Mrs Blanchard, of the U. B. church of Portland, will preach Sunday moining, December 27, at eleven o clock. In the absence of the pastor there will not be any ser vice of any kind in the evening. It will be known as visiting eve ning, when the congregation wil visit the young people's meet ings and preacning . services at the different churches in the city. .. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. "No Accidents in History The Secret of Power" will be the morning ;tneme of Evan P Hughes, the minister, at the First Congregational Church the coming Sunday, December 27 "The Revenues and Reaches of a Splendid Life in the Twentieth Century" will be the subject in tne evening by the same speak er. Promptly at 10 a. m wil' convene the School for Bible Study, under the superintend ency of Prof. A. B. Cordley. The Devotional Hour of the C. E. is conducted at 6:30 p. m. To al these services ; everyone is most cordially invited. Real Estate Transfers. Lucile Jean Buxton to George W. Smith, lot 10, block 26, Avery's addition, Corvallis $10. united btates to JohnL. Ban ton, 160 acres in Alsea. United States to Abe H. West, ldo.03 acres in King s Valley. J. R. Whitney to T. J. Dorgan, 729 acres in Benton county, $100 Wm. Mittelstadt to Chas. Ste nhens, 354.12 aeres west of Phil omath, $5,000.00. F. G. Davis to-H. C. Averill, ots 7 and 8, block "E" Avery's addition, (Jorvallis, $1,150. Minnie L. Kirby to Alice D. Pugsley, 2 acres near Philomath $875. ' J. H. Mattley to Minerva Ki ger, one diock in Jorvaiiis, $iu. G. A. Cooper et. al. to S. S Huit, 80 acres northwest of Cor vallis, $1,107.00. Arthur L. Pugsley to W. G. Fish er, lot 145, block 40, Brown's addition to Philomath, $400. United States to Alice Vidito, 20 acres in Alsea. M. E. Abbott to Thos. Blades, 62 acres near Philomath, $10 Helena Schweizer to O. H. L. 'etersen and wf., 36 acres south of Philomath, $900. O. & C. R. R. Co. to Catherine Boehringer, 40 acres south of hilomath, $160. J. Q. Renfro to Adam Grue- mg, zu acres near foummit, 1800. Tillie Reed to Chas. M. Wil son, lot 4 bi. 11 J cos addition to Corvallis, $250. E. H. Taylor to N. R. Adams, ots 7 and 8 bl. 7 Jobs addition to Corvallis, $10. W. H. Kay to C. M. Miller et al, land near Monroe, $1. Catherine Boehringer and hus. to Clarence Bareineer, 40 acres south of Philomath, $10. W. W. ' Strickland to August Hugnier, land near Monroe, $10. W. B. Hartley to Marel .Totter, ! 164.58 acres west of Philomath, $2100. ' :. A. E.- Mulvaney to J. S. R. Roberts, lots 7 and 8 bL 28 Jobs add., Corvallis, $1. A. C. Tunison to JohriM. Brunifield,lots 1 and 2 Vil li -N, B. & P. Avery's addition to Cor vallis7$10 V.:-v . Alfred Sehinunei'.to' E E. White,"- H blocks in " Avery & Wells' add., Corvallis;- $1200. A ; ThosrM. Gatch to GArCovel and wf., parcel ;of land in Cor-- yallis,$10 . - ; David T Whaley to E. Tbrtora, 3 lots in bl. 38 Moore & Newr house's add., Corvallis , $10. Ernest Brant to - J.' S. Jones, undivided $ of 1 2-5 acres near Philomath, $250. B. F. Brattain to Fremont Chapman and wf., 71 acres near Philomath, $3000 J. T. Lasselle to E. J- Barrett, 5 acres near Albany, $100. ' Professor Kent Re-electedt The convention of the Oregon State Dairy Association at Salem last week was the most success ful ever held by that body. Cali fornia and Washington were represented in both, attendance and exhibits. The grand prize for best display of dairy products was awarded to F. A Schubinger of Saiein for an exhibit compris ing 26 varieties of cheese. The Douglas Creamery Co. of Rose- -, burg won first award for highest scoring creamery butter; F. G. Mattke, of Sweet Home, for high est scoring dairy butter, and T. J.; Ballantyne, of Hobsonville, for highest scoring cheese. The dairymen pledged . a fund of $150 per month for the employ ment of an expert to bring dairy conditions throughout the state up to the highest possible stand ard. An appropriation of $6000 ' will be asked from the Legisla ture.1 President F." L. Kent, of Corvallis, professor of Dairy Husbandry at OAC, was re elected, with Carl Abrains, of Saleuj, secretary. '.the' time of next year's meeting will be chos en to harmonize with the date selected by the Washington Dairymen, who meet at Chenalis this week. ' Ygzm Tafio Ho At JTAiaCtora" ' All our goods ar& guaranteed i ; ,cpmplyjwith the c.7Pure .:Ftoa- Law - We have the best and nothing but IV Want Your Business ) House Decorating FOB PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. K Paul, Ind. 488. 4lt ATTORNEYS J. F. TATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office op stafrs in Zierolf Building. Only set jf abstracts. inlBentoi. County S. R. BRYSON ATTOBilEY it LAW. uuice in roBt umn xsuilding, fjorvsi- lis. Oreeon. --.--.- - AN AMBEROL RECORD a At 50 Cents Gives the same am ount ol Entertain . , ment as two regular Edison Records at 35 Gents THE AMBEROL IS A NEW RECORD WITH A NEW RECORD Graham & Wells- Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from us our beloved friend and asso ciate, Professor George Coote, who labored and advised withv us for a more beautiful Corval lis. Therefore, be it Resolved, That in honor of his memory, we, the members of the Corvallis Improvement" Association, do hereby express our regret and sorrow at his de parture, and our heartfelt sym pathy, with his bereaved family, who with us have the blessed assurance of the joy and peace upon which he has entered in the heavenly home in the etern al kingdom. Signed, r , Anna M, Osburn, Margaret C. Snell. Bids For Woad. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for furnishiner wood for the Oregon Agricultu ral College for the ensuing Col lege year, 1909-10; will be re ceived by the undersigned until Saturday, January 9th. ' Speci fications will be furnished at ihe Business Office of theCollege. J. A. J3EXELL, 12-18-4t Financial Secretavr. New Location : Larger Stock Better Inducements ' These,' are the attractions we now have to offer our patrons, and we want everybody: to know that our line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Grain, Feed and Seeds Comprise the best that can be procured, and pur. prices are making us lots of new customers. We Have Everything That's Good to Eat M. 1 1 iJLfcK i Whitehorn Bldg,. Second SL, Next to Small's Bakery JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY- at-law. Office Burnett Bldg Prac uce in all State and Federal courts. Notary Public. Abstracts. Land Titles PHYSICIANS B. A. CATHEY. M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 ft. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Beeidence: cor. 6th and Ad ams tits. Telephone at office and res idence. Corvallis, Oregon. W. T. ROWLEY, M. D PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Nose and Throau Office in Johnson Bio. Ind. 'phone at of fice and leeidence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT. or and Licensed Embalmer. - Suc cessor to Bovee & Baner Corvallis, Oregon. Ind. Phone 4s. Bell Phone 241. . 89tf HENKLE & BLACKLEDGE. UNDER takers and licensed embalmers, South Main St., Corvallis, Or. HOMES FOR SALE WE HAVE SEVERAL PARTIES who are- looking for homestad locations . or relinquishments, also some good timber claims. If you know of any good homesteads or timber claims it will pay you to write us. Address ; TNA REALTY COMPANY, 22$ Failing Building, Portland. Oregon. DRESSMAKING! Occidental Lumber Co. Successors to . ; Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J.- B IRVING for information and prices.- And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. O. BASSET T, Local Mer. The U. S. Pomologist Col. G. B. Brackett says I am glad to know you are making an extra effort to disseminate Delicious apple. I have always told you I consider it the best of all varieties you have introduced"' Do you know Stark Delicious? It is the apple that made the Wenatchee Valley famous horticulturally; the apple that was sold by Oscar Vanderbilt, Hood River, Ore., last year for $6.00 per box; the apple that sold at Hood River this year for $1.00 per box more than any other va riety and the apple that always tops the markets everywhere. Prof. H. E. Van Demon Ex U. S. Pemelojrist, says: v I uw Borne slorion annle in our Whintn. D. C., market recently, and anions' them was De- liciout, brinCin the hihrt price of all. Have you tasted this royal fruit? If not, we will send a box of 3 specimens on receipt ot Z5 cents to pay partial express charges. (No charge is made for the fruit). The 25 cents we will refund to you on the first order of trees you send ns. send tor the fruit today and ask for our New Delicious Booklet. It is free. Stark Bro's Nurseries & Orchards Company Louisiana Missouri U. S. A. Benton County Lumber Co. . Manufacturers of all kinds of ; Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in - . Doors, Windows, Lime, Brick, Cement, Shingles, etc. Fl RST NATIONAL BAN K OF CORVALLIS, OREGON Transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Drafts bought and sold and money transferred to the principal cities of the United States Europe and other foreign countries. , All kinds at the home of ROY YATES 14th and Harrison Sts. Phone Ind. 575 THIS COLD FOGGY WEATHER Calls for a good warm Overcoat. We have them direct from Corinth Woolen Mills $8.00 to $20.00 A. K. RUSS Dealer in Men's Furnishings CORVALLIS, - - OREGON -Thos. Boulden ' HEADQUARTERS . FOR . Live and Dressed Poultry, Bone, Grit and Oyster Shells, Prussian Stock and Poultry Tonic, Lice Killer, etc. Pay highest cash market prire '.or Poultry, Eggs, Veal and Hogs. 012 Second Street. SPECIAL VALUES (ON ' suits ; AND CLOAKS ADVERTISE M THE GAZETTE The Best Selection JT.he Latest.Styles The Most Reasonable Prices Every Garment Sure to Please HENKLE 4 DAVIS'