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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
IMPROVED THONE SERVICE flome System Installing New VanlUtiaa . The Home Telephone Com pany is making a i ecord for i -1 It - - t 1 itseiun iae aamiraDie manner in which it is handling its large volume of business at this im portant exchange, and its readi ness to provide every possible facility for improving its serviced So rapidly has its business grown, and so great is the de mand here for telephone com munication, that the company is now installing a new switch board, one of the most modern patterns now being made, this additional facility having arrived earlv in the week and as soon as it is properly placed and adjust ed all the demands for new tele phones will be promptly filled and the necessary connections made. There are now on file requisitions for over 100 resi dence and business phones that have been unavoidably held up, but with the installation of the new switchboard numbers will now be supplied in quick order and the inconvenience of party lines avoided. To hasten the work a large force of skilled electricians is now busily engaged and com petent linesmen employed to run the required extensions and make all necessary connections, while toprovide the most prompt and efficient service at the ex change fourteen more operators have been secured for the cen tral office, thus assuring the public every facility for the quick handling of business. This additional equipment and working force has also made it possible for the Company to more advantageously, handle its toll business than ever before and, in consequence, to reduce its toll rates between Corvallis and, Portland. This new and lower rate will become effective -January 1, 1909, . and will be as follows: 35 cents for half-minute; 40 cents for three-quarters minute; 45 cents for one minute. All overtime at the rate of five cents for each additional twenty seconds, the reduced rate being only for the city of Corvajlis and not for Benton county. As a modern and up-to-date public convenience the Home Telephone Company iscertainlv entitled to all due credit and the liberal patronage accorded it is an evidence that the people of this city and vicinity fully ap preciate the courteous treatment and prompt and efficient service which it is now affording. SHEPARD HALL COMPLETED Formal Opening' Set for Janu ary Eighth. " After five years of indefatig able effort and earnest labor, Sliepard Hall is finally complet ed and will be formally opened and placed at the disposal of the OAC student body on Friday, January eighth. This event has long been looked forward to and will be appropriately celebrated by a reception and inspection of the building during the afternoon and. by a specially prepared pro gram of exercises at the Armory in the evening. The decorations for this open ing event will be both unique and elaborate ' each society in the college preparing its own room tor the festive occasion, while committees made up from the various societies will act as will be music to enliven tne f- hours and refreshments will be served in the banquet room. Shepard Hall is the first build ing of its kind to be erected by the students of any college on, the Pacific Coast, thus placing OAC in the lead in a project of this character. ; It is named in loving remembrance of Clay-1 bourne Shepard, who, during his college course,, was foremost in i. M. u A. wortc ana wnose earnest efforts in behalf of start ing the building made its pres ent successful completion j& pos sibility. - The cost of construction has been borne by the students, aid ed by liberal contributions from the faculty, the generous people of Corvallis and friends of the institution. It is a monument to faithful work 'and untiring purpose and will long endure as an illustration of what can be accomplished by unanimity of action and hearty liberality. I . IAMB MOW" I ) : we ' - r;i; WISH TOU A HIPPYXMAB I AND I GOOD LTJQK 1 FOR 1909 GRAND, HUNTING' CONTEST Gamblers Gathered In. PAYS BIG PERCENTAGE. Benton county, while far from being one of the largest in Ore- Chief of " Police Wells, aided by the night watchman, made a raid on a party of gani biers about three o'clock Sunday morning, capturing three men, who pleaded guilty to the charge when arraigned Monday morn ing, and paid fines aggregating $70. The evidence was secured by Chief Wells witnessing the game over tne . transom of the room, unknown to the players, and was quite sufficient to con vict them although thev tried hard "to run. the. bluff of only being' engaged in a friendly game. inere are known to be several of these so-called friend ly games going on in the city, where, neither chips or money are in evidence, but where set- 11 A ' J 1 ' I uerueni is uuaue in casn at some j other place. The Chief is quiet- Three Days of Sport nr Alsea 7 V Yalley. . : . i i gon, has tne mansea distinction ly going on a stiU hunt for these of contributing over one-forty fifth J offenders and expects soon to of the total revenues of the state, i have them in his clutches.- a record, which for population j . . . alone is not equalled by any other Wanted. Carpet and rug suuuijr, uub ni.,u 10 a .uuir . v Am'- nrfiimrfid t.n dn but which is a illustration of property values in this section. Last year this county paid into the State treasury over $20,000, while for 1909 its quota to the public fund will amount to more than $27,000. weaving. good work at reasonable prices. Give me a trial. Mrs. Lalal C. V'ooper, 363, Fourth and B. streets, Corvallis. tf. Subscribe for the Gazette, A Prosperous New Year-1909 And Your Patronage A Square Deal to All, F. L. Miller -Our Advertisements Are Reliable. .Arrangements are now being made for a grand hunting match over in the Alsea valley to be kept up for three days with fully forty veteran sportsmen on each side.- ; rThe victorious party will be decided by a committee ofu citizens as judgts and the prize will be a big banquet provided for the winners by the losing side. '.-"i -. - .- . : The Alsea river will" "be "Ifie dividing line between the two hunting parties and the entire valley is deeply interested in the line up and possible result. " The banquet will be one of the finest feeds ever prepared in that part of the country, the menu to consist of the rarest delicacies cadtured by the sports men, the choicest cuts to ' be served to the victors by fair maidens and every dish tempt ing enough to satisfy the most exacting epicure, and bountiful enough, to fill up the hungry hunters there assembled. Blood curdling stories will be- told of the thrilling adventures in the chase, speeches made and songs of the grand jubilee will re-echo through the entire valley. The hunting grounds chosen for the contest are considered the finest in this part of the state and the big game ' bagged on this great occasion will prob ably make President Roosevelt wish he had chosen Benton county for his last hunting trip, instead of the canebrakes of Louisiana, . while the average eastern tenderfoot would likely exclaim : "Should I have stood where these hunters were and viewed the wild brutes o'er; I'd have got up and got to a safer spot, instead of making them roar." Anticipations of the coming feed will make 'everybody wish they wereinvited to the banquet. PEACH TREES. Gellatly-Archibald. The marriage of Ed ward-P. Gellatly to Miss Hettie E. Archi bald was quietly celebrated last Saturday evening, December 19, at the home of the bride's par ents in Philomath, Rev. W. F. Caldwell performing the happy ceremony. The bride is one of the most popular of Philomath's charming maidens, while the groom is a prominent and suc cessful business man of this city. After a' bountiful wedding sup per the happy ' young couple came to Corvallis where thev will make their home. - See A. L. Miner for wall paper. C. S. Butler, . the wood , dea of Corvallis has on hand ol ash, maple and fir wood, a slab wood. Either 4-foot or 1 inch lengths, as wanted. livered on short notice. Se in your orders. Office pho No. 553: residence phone 436. 12-18 Com OF THE SEASON WtiDSD We are now taking orders for spring delivery. Special induce ments on Peach Trees. Choice stocks at low figures. , Write for prices before placing1 orders else where. Address ' - Lafayette Nursery Co. , Carlton, Oregon. Mention Gazette when writing. LI 11 BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AHDTBMTN ST. PORTLAND. ORISON WRITE FOR CATALOG We extend to our many Patrons, our best wishes for A. Merry AND A . Happy New Year Should you have forgotten anyone we still have a splendid line of articles suitable for the season's remembrance. qJJo IH1 a I Tfci gnkm.l IAJ Hoc Ytu a Seorf Putitum