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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1905)
THE CORVALUS- GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazettb Publishing Companv. lor several years has been, and remains,! $2 per anaura, or 25 per cent discount if J paid in advanire. f ' SHOULD TAKE HEED. It were wise that our states men heed the lessons "taught by the struggle between Russia and Japan. The one thing that should attract attention more than any thing else is the superiority of Japan on the seas. The Russia fleet has been practically destroy ed and 'here is reason for such was a rich and power ful nation, but had neglected her sea interests. Other nations did the bulk- of her oversea carry ing. The result was Russia had neither sufficiently equipped ships nor sailors to man them. As a nation she did not pay attention to either her merchantmen or her marine. The result was a general un preparedness when war was de clared. You cannot make a sailor in a day nor a month it' requires years. On the other hand, Japan, a poor and small nation in com parison, has given careful atten tion to both her merchant marine and her war marine. In Japan both ship building and ocean car rying is subsidized. It must be recalled that Japan, through one of her ministers, prohibited our annexation of Hawaii for a time, as she -declared she could not look upon our annexation with "unconcern for the reason that 5 l 1 1 J T fatal to her steamship lines. As a result of the different rvf T? 11 OHIO TiniTi Uliuico ui ibuooia auu tiapau line - latter has a large sailor class and -a most wonderful and powerful navy for its size, while Russia is practically off the high seas to day. It is an indisputable fact that all nations fostering and subsidizing their shipbuilders and o:ean carriers are forging ahead, while those leaving these inter ests to shift for themselves are gradually, but surely, being forced from the dominion of the high seas. It may. not be wise to go into the matter of subsidizing too strenuously in the United States, 1 L J i. J. JVJ 1 some change of policy is nec essary if we would retain a re spectable position among the naval iwwcis ui me wunu. When our present supply of sailors have been exhausted where will we be? "In times of peace prepare for war" is an old cheaper in the long run and there is not. go much danger of defeat defeat entailing not alone in demnity, but national humilia ' tion. Good Roads Convention. The National Good Roads Association and many other asso ciations and departments exist ing for the general upbuilding of the various sections of owr state and nation will convene :n Poit land, June 21st, and remain in session until June 24th. .. . The subject of 'roads is of paramount importance to the tanners, all classes, in fact, and steps should be taken to profit by the sessions held in Portland next week. There will be addresses and dis cussions upon the scientific, ethical and economical phases of the subject and its relation to in dustrial progress and develop ment. Engineers of national reputation and expert road build ers will exemplify modern methods of construction ot earth, gravel, macadam, ,brick, in short every known kind of road. leg' islation peitai n i ng to national and state co-oper-i'ion and super vision, will be 01. cussed. Finan cial ways and means; the use of convicts and many other features and details will be given con sideration by those who have de voted vears to this class of work. ;. A- obkcL lesson road is to hi. constructed on .,. the Exposition grounds as a special exhibit, showing ?n detail the process of road building, from the founda tion grade to the finished road. This will demonstrate the appli cation and use of the various kinds of road material and the operation of the latest improved road making machinery. Saturday, June 24th, is desig nated 4 'Good Roads Day" at the Exposition and will be appro priately observed. Much of un usual interest and importance is scheduled for this date. Several state governors, also chief ex ecutives of territories, and many state officials are interested in this convention and will appoint delegates to represent their re spective states, territories, and bodies. . - j It is trusted that this cit and county will arrange for a good representation on this occasion. By application to the proper authorities very satisfactory trans portation rates will be granted over the various lines of travel leading to and from Portland. Bills Allowed. Following are bills allowed, and on what account same were ordered paid, by the County Court of Benton County, Oiegon, at the regular June, 1905 term of said Court, to-wit : Justice Courts. A. E Taylor $ 2 00 J D Wells 7 90 7 50 6 00 7 50 50 .4 61) 4 85 35 53 23 00 Examining Board 8th Grade A N Fulkerson 8 W Holme? Anna M Denman ' Stationery and Print ng G-aham & Wortham C A Gerhard Benton County Review Glass & Prudhomme Corvallis .Times...... ... .............. Court House Account Cor Ind Telep Co.... City of Corvallis B H Huston C A Hyland............ T H Davis J D Wells Account Poor E Bennett........ 10 00 Moses Bros 5 00 A Coombs 6 00 MrsDHuggins. 121 85 PJM Zieroff. . 6 00 Geo E Lilly !. 5 50 Homer Lilly. ; 5 40 v Account Roads and Bridges O L Davis ; 100 00 Horning Bros- '.. 9 00 R M Gilbert 63.00 j R W Jones .... :. 100 00 A Bunker.:.... 2700 Geo E Coooer 6 00 T H Cooper...... ........ 6 00 Geo Berry 13 00 Jas Bailey 10 35 A Wilhelm & Sons.. 46 25 E J .Newton 1 85 O WBeckwith 18 00 H M Fleming... . 15 75 J T Phillips 3 50 R E Pugh ................. ...... ...... 4 05 J H Simpson 8 60 David Perin 12 65 City Transfer Co 41 50 Franklin Iron Works.... 5 40 Henry Hector 223 00 Diamond Biick Co ..... 198 00 MM Long.. 990 Geo E Cooper 11 00 R L Henkle .... . 9 90 M B Long..................... :. 9 90 E J Newton... - 9 90 Frank Taylor f;....' 9 90 G B Taj lor.................. 9 90 J A Wheeler.. ? 9 00 H McCormack..... 16 25 H N Robinfon 15 75 First Nat Bantc. 26 25 Ed Gellatly ....I.. J. 9 90 A M AuBtin 5 Od Allen & Plunkett.: 4 50 Mary McDonnell............ ............. 3 84 D B Farley ..........;....;.....:.,...... 350 00 ! Ferryman. J E Michael... 52 60 Lewia and Clark Fair. HL French .... 80 30 Lutfce Manfg Co ......... 21 50 S W Helmes.. 10 50 J EWvatt......... 4 05 W G Emery........'........... 13 75 F P Sheasjrreen... .. 433 66 "Witnesses for Prosecuting Attorney. J Blumberg. ..'.............. 3 00 4 40 1 50 Waalter Custer.. .V.. ...... .......... Ned Smith-...;..... ...... ...... Tax Rebate. Emma Stoner.... .............. ...... 2 78 Attest: Victor P. Moses, ' Co Clerk, Benton Co., Oregon. Smoking in a Powder Magazine Is courting death more suddenly but not more surely than neglecting kidney dis orders. Foley's Kidney Cnre will cure a slinht disorder in a few days and its con tinued nse will cure the most obstinate cases. It has cured many people of Blight's disease and diabetes who were thought to be incurable. If yon have kidney or bladder trouble, commence taking Foley's Kidney Cure today, be fore it is too iate.- Graham & Wortham uav9 it for sale. , Vocal Recital. We are indebted to one inter ested in vocal music lor the fol lowing mention of the recital given by the vocal department of OAC last Monday evening, in chapel: The final recital of the depart ment of vocfal music was given on Monday evening by pupils ol Mr. Gretn. Tne program consisted of solos, duets, quartets and show d 1 hat careful, earnest, and artistic work had been done by this depart ment. A large and appreciative audience, as usual at these re citals, greeted the participants in the progarm, snd each number was given and received with en thusiasm. The violin oblisja o bv Ruthyn Turin y in 1 with int-n't a fat'or. The p.ittons of the department expressed themselves as delighted with the year's work. Take The Gazette for all the local news. ClosinglOut. For want of room we will close out at cost all? Trunks, Tele scopes, Small Rugs and!7 Art Squares. We wantTthe public to know that thisl sale is dona Fide, s we need the room'for a Ladies' Cloak and Suit Depart ment. J. M. NOLAN & SON. ' 48-54 We Fit Glasses PROPERLY,! ACCURATELY, and SCIENTIFICALLY To all Defects of 3!aht. MATTHEWS, the Optician Room 12, Bank Building. Plumbing and Heating! Cornice, Roofing, Gutterinp, and all kinds of Sheet Mettl Work. F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE. MSS. CECELIA ST0WE, Orator, Entre Nous Clnb. 176 Warren Avenue, Chicago, Iix., Oct. 22, 1902. , For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. 1, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Win'e of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. E3 Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick ness and brines health and happi ness again. Do not go on Buffer' ing. ; Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine 01 Uaraou 4 50 67 50 40 75 ! Irfv jiiM vlnri ji AGreafl Clubbing Price! The Gazette has made a special "arrangement with the publishers ofa number of the leading magazines and newspapersof the Unit ed States, whereby we are offered cut rates on these publications. Now we could charge you the full price for these andlre- serve.the difference between " the regular price and their special price to us, as our commission, but as the GA ZETTE is a home paper for home people, it will be sat-" isfied by receiving you as a new subscriber, or, if J you are now a subscriber, then by receiving your renewal -for a year in advance. This ' special rate may not last long, so take advantage of it NOW -while the chance ;is yours. A Great Woman's Offer: Woman'sHome Companion Frank' LeslIe'sMonth!y Modern PrlscMaand Corvallis Gazette All five $3. 65 one year Will Interest the Klen: Weekly Oregonlan San Francisco Examiner Corvallis Gazette All three 55 one year Yet Another Offer: Cosmopolitan Magazine or Leblies, - Housekeeper ' or McCall'p, Corvallis Gazette Any three v one year 2. 80 Address. Gazette Pub. CorvaSIis, Ore. You Want Your Boy to Look His Best this Spring- 2 His appearance depsnds upon the care and thought you exercise in the selection of his clothes. If you are careless i or negligent it reflects back upon you your good taste and your pride in your family. With the Best Boys' Clothes Within f 1 , Prices Range From $2.50 to $5.00, F floop Clothes forBoys , : . ; 1 HARNESS FACTORY. J. E. WIN EGAR, Proprietor. . Harness, - Saddles. - Bridles, , Robes, Dusters, Whips, Etc. Everything found in any shop is in our Factory at prices to suit all purses. FINE LINE of HAMMOCKS. All kinds of repair work done on up-to-the-hour style and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Opposite Mil ler's store, Corvallis, Or; Ind. Phone No. 128. Job Printing When you pay but good money for printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money I Good Work costs you no more than the bad. Bring your Job Wo r Ic to the Gazette Office. v Do not send out printed mat ter to your customers that is a disgrace to your business a disgrace to your town and a disgrace to the printer who puts it out. w V Good printing is correct in spelling correct in gram marcorrect in punctuation on good stock printed with good ink and some thing that it is a pleasure to look at. , r Jj . . ...