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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
Vol. XLIL Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, June 13, 190S. IVO. 49 WILL THEY FIGHT? Norway Dethrones King of Sweden. Oscar ENDS HER LIFE. Trouble and Remorse Causes Former O. A. C. Student to Suicide. Last Friday, in an East Side lodging house, Miss Wavelle Cunningham suicided by inhal ing gas. Much local interest attaches to this case, as the young lady attended OAC in past vears and had many warm friends in this city. Ji late sne Had ex perienced serious trouble, and the following facts are from the Tele- hand?. For nearly 100 years these Norse Vikings carried for ward their plans" of subjugation and plunder, and their bowty was taken to their native lands or sold in foreign countries. During this Persons well informed on the period little is known of internal temner of the neoole of Norway conditions in Norway. At a later r r k. J I know that to a large majority of period it seems to have been this people the Swedish yoke has divided into districts and each been very galling:. As year fol-1 district was ruled by a sort of lowed year the feeling against chieftain, or petty king. The Swedish dominion became more most powerful classes were sur- and more intense until a few days rounded by bands of dependents ago the tempest burst and the trained to arms, and acknow- people of Norway declared their ledged few, if any superiors. independence. About the dose of the Qth, or gram When a people of enlighten- beginning of the ioth century, Lying still and cold on a slab ment find themselves compelled Norway became a united king I in the morgue is an attractive to pay homage at the dictation of doml 7 For years now followed I young women supposed to be a sovereign who is not of their various kings and? pretenders, of Miss Wavelle Cunningham, . of choice, their liking, nor even of different extraction?, ; some Nor- Pendleton, daughter of Mrs. B. their own people, they look lone- weeian. some Swedish. ad some Cunningham of that place,: who ingly for a time when freedom Danish. Many and fierce were a committed suicide at a rooming shall be theirs. Oscar was King series of tribal wars that ensued, house at 604 East Alder street of Sweden this; was enough; Certain Russians also are accredit- this morning by ' inhaling gas thought the Norwegian. - ed with having ayes on the king- from a rubber tube which she Whatever may -appear ulti- dom. The kings were generally had connected with a jet in the mately to have been the pretext oppressive and there was no room that had been rented by her for action in the present case, the permanent subjection- to them, yesterday. Coroner Finley has real reason for dethroning King It is also noticeable that the kings wired to Pendleton in hope of 6b- Oscar is that Norway wanted a nil- were usually short-lived. Bv taming information of the un er all her own. She did hot wish marriaeel death of heirs, etc.," fortunate and to what disposition to share heir sovereign with any the Norwegian crown finally pass- shall be made of the body. This people: sne desired a ruler wnose ed to.bweden in iiq. is Deneved to De tne young wo- every action of heart and mind From this time forward the man who was arrested in San should forever be in behalf of the history of Norway is linked with Francisco on a charge of cashing inhabitants of Norway. that of the Scandinavian coun- a $160 check on A. & C. Felden What the outcome of Norway's tries. In 1397 Norway and heimar in this city, when she had declaration cf independence is Sweden entered what is known no money in the bank. The yet to be is difficult to foretell, as the Calmar union. During matter was settled but of court. Sweden, the Swedish king and the time of her union with From evidence gathered at the his subiects, are represented as Sweden, Norway cannot be said scene Coroner Finley says the accepting, the matter with su- to have, a history of her own. woman appeared there yesterday preme lndmerence. This appear- At the dawning of the 16th cen- and rented a room, agreeing to ance of indifference may exactly tury this union was broken and stay a week. She said she want 1 r ml ' 1 I -r 1 . Tr-x I i . . aenne tneir position, or, on tne Norway remained witn uenmarK. ea to oe wnere it was quiet, say other hand, it may be but a-mask The Danish kings were accepted ing she was irom Stanford Uni to conceal whatever may be con- in Norway. - versity and was feeling ill. She templated bv them. Norway, it appears, was coupl- left the house at ? o'clock vester- It appears' that Norway is con- ed to Denmark until January 14, day afternoon and returned again any emergency that may arise, peace of Kiel, Norway' was trans- quietly in her room after thai. bhe has abundant means at ner ferred by Denmark to bweden. liarly this morning the inmates disposal, if war should result; Norwegians were at fLst inclined of the dwelling detected the odor she has guns, amunition and as to off;r resistance, but iound of gas, and on entering the apart- a pupil of Prof. Taillandier of OAC, in chapel last Saturday evening. They were well re paid for their presence on this occasion. The lady was self-possessed throughout the recital and there was at no time any evidence of extreme nervousness that so often is apparent to the detri ment of an artistic performance. Each number was well received, but the piece de resistance was the concerto in A-minor, by Hummel. This is a most inter esting work throughout and has a splendid development of themes. The orchestra part was played On a second piano by Prof. Taillandier. ' The lady has a splendid trill and in a certain style of passage work' she is really' admirable. There is considerable grace and elasticity in her wrist movement, and no one can deny that she is a very creditable graduate. - She was the recipient of many bou quets and ' much' praise for her Work She intends remaining here for the summer for the pur pose of doing post graduate work. In connection with' the recital it may be stated that her grand father, Geo. P. Root, : came all the way from Grand Rapids, Mich.v to attend the recital, ar riving Saturday. Her mother, Mrs. E. I. Hewes. of Roseburg Or., was also in attendance. Both of the latter are to remain here about a week. At the conclusion of the pro gram, Prof. Taillandier, in a few brief remarks, presented the diploma. Asthma Sufferers Should This. Know Feel Impending Doom. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of asthma that were con siderad hopeless. Mis Adolph Buesirg, 701 Third St., Davenport, Iowa, writes : "A severe cold contracted twelve years age was neglected nntil it finally erew into asthma. The best medical skill available could not eive me more than j fort and relief. Tar was recommended and ove fifty , the worst form," writes Marion Lee of cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma , Dunreath.Ind. "I tried eight physicians which had been growing on me fori without relief. Only three bottles of twelve years, and if I had taken it at (.Foley's Kidni-y Cnw made me a well the start I would have been saved years i man." Fot wale Ht Giuliani & Wortham's of suffering " Graham & Wortham j drag store. Keep it tor sale. The feeling of impending doom in tha minds of many victim of Bright's lis?" ease and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from taking Folev's Kidney Cure. It will 'cure incipient Brighl's disease and dia- Slight, disorders are A Bod Scare. good men as are on earth; her themselves too feeble and accept- army is splendidly disciplined and ed the inevitable for the time be- very efficient for its size, Furthermore, it appears that before taking the final step to wards dethronement of their king,' the people of Norway had an un: derstandmg with Great Britain and were assured of her support, come what might. On the other ment found the young woman lying at the foot of the bed ar- Smoklag In a Powder Magazine Is courting death more suddenly but not more surely than neglecting Kidney clis orders. Foley's Kidney Cure will curs a slieht disorder in a few days and its con tinued use will cure lhe inot-t ohstinate cases.- It has cured many people of Brishl's disease and diahetps who were thought to be incurable. If you have kidney or bladder ; trouble, commence taking. JFoley's Kidney Cure to-'ay, be fore it is too late.( Graham & Wortham have it for sale. Rome day yon will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in yonr bo el, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills, a cure cure, for all bowels and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness; costiveness, e'c. Guaranteed at Allen A Woodwaid's drug store, only 25c. Try them . 1 " -' - 0. C. ST. STEAMERS Steamer Oregona, leaves Cor vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for Portland and all way points at 6 a. m. For rates, etc., call on A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent. Huge Tai-fe lt was a huge task, to undertake the cure of such a bad case of kidnev dis ease, as that ef C. F. Collier, of Chero kee, Iowa, but Electric Bitters did it He writes: 'My kidneys were so far gene, I could not tit on a chair without a' cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, ani depression. In Electric Bitters, however, 1 found a cure, and by them was restored to per fect health. I recommend this great tohic medicine to all with weuk kid nevs, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by Alien Woodward, druggist; price 50c. Correspondents. All past negotiations for parties to write matter for publication in the Ga zette are hereby annulled. Those send ing matter to this office for publication are hereby notified that no pay will be given by this office for such matter un less beieafter agreed upon and price stated. The Gazette wi'l gladly consider all matter furnished without charge by , the contributor. The name of the party contributing in all case? to be signed to the communication. For' all further ne gotiations on this subject, address ' -Corvallis Gazette, Corvallis, Or. Plumbing and Heating ! Cornice, Roofing, Guttering, and all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. ing. iney now seem sausned rayed in her night clothing that they ate strong enough to She had removed a pillow irom hoe their own row, hawever the head of the bed and placed it weedy it may be. - at the foot, connecting the tube with the gas jet she covered the Don't Forget to Go. lower end ot the hose' with the pillow and after turning on the It scarcely seems necessary to deadly fumes, had evidently de- hand, King Oscar has an avowed speak further regarding "Cor- liberately prepared tor the end, Germany. If Russia was not so and what it means to our people, and displayed no signs of pain. ' full of her own troubles, intern- By our actions we shall be iudg- Corener Finlev savs the bodv al and external, she wonld be ed. By the showing we make was yet warm when he reached. m the game rsomewhere, figur- in numerical strength when we the scene after a' physician had turn out on this occasion will made an examination and found those who are" visiting; the Fair that lite was extinct. The suicide from abroad measure us. Every had written a letter and then de- detail of our parade in Portland strayed it, pieces of the missive will be of importance, as little being found on the floor, and things olten lather great impres- from this the address of Mrs., B; Notice to Builders. -,. . . ... Sealed bids' will be .received up to 3 o'clock,' Saturday V June 7, '1905,' for the remodeling of the M. "E. Church of Cor vallis," t)r.f in accbrdarice with," the plans and specifications now at the office of Ambler & Waters. Reserve the right to reject any and all bids. " " ' VrijGtL E. Waiters, 48-49 Chr. Bldg. Com. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. , Dying ef Famine me to make a graft, rsut as it is, the Russian bear will likely hibernate very ' shortly after the Japanese are pursuaded to let go. It may be found interesting and instructive to our readers to study the following brief historical .si)hs ahd;ari impressio& for good Cunnihghim was ieaTned and oh sketch of Norway and her peo- is what we are alter. one corner ot the ;" oaoef "was a : riy maumg a good snowing message to the coroner saving the proper impression is created that she had committed suicide and results beneficial to us, our and riot td hold an inquest. The city and' 'couutvV'are certain to deceased was about 2 or za vears tollow. Jbor the glory ot our- of age, of medium height and selves-we hould go in large num- rather, stout. Her clothing was hare ann txti r rt aft onthncio c?m I M.Al.t.. A. Tordanes. some time durin- the XV?- " ? r syu nuamy, uut qu.cuy w b i n rrr ma Tm-kia l rr fArriunn rnar m- n ' i -x i.4., ta- u: I kuw" x ui iuoii uiduc, emu sue udu a iiuuk. suit UL""ulul 'su" lula Potvallis and Benton countv are w nrl or;n tthor rtU and later, there armenra tn 1e . " . . . 7. ' . " &w" " " fl,; -V- iui w iub muiw auu t.F vucii smaii amount oi cnange .. . ., ' ,, t, "7, ; I. hats to none but ladies. Miss Cunningham was arrest- The indications are that an at- ed in San Francisco last Satur- tendance larger than hitherto day, being wanted ' in Portland counted on will favor the ex- on a charge of passing a worth- cursion on this occasion. Every- less check to the amount of $i6p thing possible is being done to Preparations were made by the make the matter a success and local police to send Detective i a success it has simple got to be. Resing after her and bring her Decorations ot all sorts and sizes back for trial. The case, how- are being designed. Independ- ever was settled, and the woman ence people are doing likewise was released Monday afternoon and are to share with us the Shortly after her release she start glory ot this day. - As Independ- ed for Portland, arriving here f .fV, " "'"w ' "fr-" last uigui. iviiss unningnani rovers of the north, first appear- mWj efu,fc, f .1, j:j t. . oA 0A 1Ar- 1,a -RrrHcl, Lvululu "car a Daa reputation, tr"r .VT r. 7 sv- towns Olicht to result in a time Und V... coast. From" this period their :U-i7'?"" C7 "" u" -li: Zj-" - "1 Vr" 1 1111 ifw 1 1 1 1 1 v 11 ii 1 1 1 1 1111 11 in, 1 1 1 j 1 11 ii r m n , i n n n ... n c n - p " " w . 1uiv.uLj, i-ui tx wiiiic ant waa a Is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. The proirress of consump tion,, from the begiirsfnir to the very end, is a long torture, both to victim and to friends. "When I had consump tion in- its first staae,' writes"; Wnv. Myers, of Gearfoss,1 Md:, "afier; tryme different -T edminei. and a vo "l, doctor in vain, I at last took Dt KitieV Dii covery, which quickly and quietly cured me." " Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, sore threat, bronchitis. Positively cures pneumonia. - Guaran teed at Allen & Wood wall's", drug store. priue60c- and 1 a bottle. Trial uuttle free. . . .. . ;i vi" pie: I,ittle is known of the earlv history of Norway and the in habitants of this scenic land. The first authoritive mention oft Norwegian tribes was made by a romantic tribe and what might readily be taken to be" historical is quite likely to 'have been : mvtholop-ical. rather than histnri- . 07 1 ; 1 cal. It is generally supposed that the earlier tribes were of Lapp or Finn origin and that later Ger manic tribes (closely related to Danes' and Swedes) immigrated to that country from the south. During the latter part of the 8th century the Vikings, the sea CASTOR I A Tor Infaats'and Children. The Kiiil You Have Always Bought Low rouud trip rates have been placed n effect -between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. - Rate to or From Corvallis. $3.00. Call on Southern Pa;jflc Co's Agents tor particulars. - F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON S HARDWARE STORE. Pneumonia follows La Qrlpp but never follow the uaa of Gazette Independent phone No 433 FOLEY'S Honey Tar It stops the Cough and heals the Iunga. Prevents Pneumonia and Comcmption. Mb. Q. VAora, of in Oigood St CMoac) vriuai "M if had to erippa ud It Uft mm wltk mr Wad mmtm. mm bar lose kiai tobS Horn ajcdTo ard HORSE SEEKERS Ii von 'are looking for some real good Bai-cains in Btock, Grain. Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special IUt.ore me and see na. We will tax pleasure in gtvlnp you reiiaole informal tiou.;. also showing yuii over lhe nounty' iJVIBLER & WAITERS, VIRGIL C. WTTER8.ICOBVALLia (CNRV AMBLEft, PHllOHftlH. Bears. the ' Signature of Gazette Bell phone No 341. Ml mums If your watch shows any irregu- I laritv or crives othel1 evidence "that I ', something is "vtrorijET -" with it,1 better have it examined by a competent I . watchmaker. You won t ' hnq - any mrrs '.. Blrillfnl or mftre PYrpriATifprl anywhere ihah right here. We clean and repair all' sorts -of watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee alt our work as well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain ig beginning to show signs Of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one made, at a moderate price. ' We carry the Simmons make, the best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. a "hummer." Mo Secret About It. history is more authentic and readily followed.' They plunder ed on the southern coast of Spain, and even entered the Mediterran ean on their voyages of subjuga tion. The Danes joined in these expeditions and it is no easy matter to the former Fiance mifiexed gtcgy gjeig . mwA'u,; student of Pjcific University at Forest Grove. She was in Port land two weeks ago. It is no secret, that for cuts, burns. ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, boils, etc . nothing was bo effective as Bucklen'sl Arnica Salve. "It didn't take lone to Classics Well Done. A. representative audience of lovers werein at- the piano recital given bz Louise Smith,lanyille; GREAT REMOVAL SALE In order to reduce our stock and save moving, -we will offer a reduction of 5 per cent on all goods bought FOR CASH, commencing June 5th and continuing until removal occurs, or about June 25th Quite frequently a merchant offers, a reduction on a special line of goods, but it is not often that a discount is given on everything you buy as will he the case in this Special Removal Sale. This does not apply to small purchases of less than $1.00. Remember the date, June 5th. The HouGB-FurniGhcrGm j.