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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1905)
CO ZBTTE 9 Vol. XLH. MAYOR'S ANNUAL STATEMENT Mayor A. J. Johnson Sums Up Situation. It is the custom of the mayor of this city to render , an annual statement and Mayor Johnson has followed the precedent. Accord ing: to our mayor the outstanding liabilities in warrants against the general fund of this city amount to $2i, 880. 00. Accrued interest on the same to June 5, 1905, about $i,965.oo. This makes our liabilities total $23,845.00 He estimates the expenses for the current year as follows: Salaries, about $1,720 Electric Light about 1,100 Water (inc sprinkling) 580 Incidental expenses......... 1,200 Total $4,600 Estimated receipts are as fol lows: ' Amount still due on taxes.... $1,000 Amount doe from rents. 204 Amount due trom licenses- 240 Amount due from fines . 100 Amount receipts to be relied upon- 1,544 Amount of taxes already collected and applied to payment of old warranto, and on hand for this purpose............ 3,542 Total .....(.. ....,-.'.$5,086 The above are mainly in the Mnfva if ,t-2 . 1 J3 "11 uaiuxc vii estimates ana we will now quote from Mayor Johnsons statement, verbatim: I may say in the way of ex planation that I find the average incidental expenses for the pre ceding three years (after deduct ing the return of licenses in Jan uary last, insurance premium, roofing of City Hall and the fire alarm system recently audited and paid) to be between $1,400 and, $1,500 per annum. This does not include warrants drawn in payment of lateral sewers, nor any repairs to the main sewer system, hence, barring any ex traordinary heavy expense for the repair of our main sewer at the foot of Jefferson street, I feel sure that by economical management we may be able to keep within the limit given above. You will note that I am not making any estimate of warrant issue lor lateral sewers, as heretofore paid out of the general fund, as I un derstand the law requires such to be issued against a special fund known as the sewer fund; and here permit me to recommend that all sswer warrants be so drawn and designated. STREET FUND. - ' -Amount on hand after payment of all warrants outstanding about $300 Amount still due on taxes .... ....... 400 ToUI......?. .......$700 "Amount already collected on this year's tax and used in pay meat of warrants against this fund, about $1,450. 1 shall re- iram irom mating any estimate of probable expense under this special fund for the reason that such would no doubt exceed the amount' available, to-wit: $700, and as I understand the law .we will have no right to contract against this special fund beyond the amount available, as here shown. :", v " "I understand there is still about $1,180 cah on hand-in the general fund, out of which called warrants are yet to be paid, amounting to about $980, thus leaving actually $206 on hand in the general fund. ' r "By a hasty segregation of our present outstanding warrants I find them to have been issued for the following purposes, towit: Salaries of officers about. ......$ 4,345 Lights and water 435 Sewers and laterals........ 9,159 Incidentals including about $1,560 cross walk lumber, .labor, etc., really belonging to street fund.- 4,910 Total..t.....;........................$23io(io Less cash on hand applicable to payment of same............. .-. 1,180 Net balance... .- ......$21,880 Estimated interest doe on same to date.............; 1,965 ... Grand toUl....'.............w....$23J845 CORVALLIS, BEXTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNK 16, 1903. "I am fully cognizant of the tact that the above does not ap peal to us encourapinelv. and on the other hand, taking the same as a basis for our operation and conduct of the Citv's affairs for the coming year, it appears quite discouraging, but 1 am no be liever in the impossible thine in this day and have long since learned that the haider the task found before me the closer one must apply oneself in order to overcome tne obstacle encounter ed and I feel this to be no exception. And by our each giving his earnest individual effort to the task set before us, at all times working in harmory, I feel sure success will eventuallv perch upon upon our banner, or rainer upon tne banner ot onr beloved eitv. We. tnn fronted with the fact that being m the midst of an age of great orosoeritv. our towns and riries all over this great Northwest are forging ahead as never before we. too. showing greater frrotfth just at this time than at any other period or time m the City's history. Hence, funds or no funds, we cannot lay down at this stage of the great game be ing played,' in which especially 'all our valley cities . are ; contest ants. In fact, we-must keep pace witli our internal growth and the growth ot our institution of learning, for which we alien tertain a great pride, even though we should be compelled to resort to an income tax. But it is to be hoped that such may not be found necessary. If we have- the support .of our entire citizenship as we should and as I feel we will I have no hesitancy in saying that such an extreme will be unnecessary. "However, -we must under stand that it is possible for us to make ourselves personally liable in case of our "exceeding our au thority or acting contrary to the law in such cases provided. And especially is this true just at this time, as it appears that notice has been given (or-io say theleast, attempt has been made) of our worthy predecessors having ex ceeded the limit ot indebtedness as allowed by charter to-wit: $10,000, (not particularly our im mediate predecessors, but all those coming before us)." We are sorry that lack of space compells us to, forego the desire to print Mayor Johnson's state ment to the members- of' the council entire. It may be stated that while he outlined -many plans for future civic improve ment, he was well aware that the financial condition of the city required an economical adminis tration. v A Fine Exhibit. During the past few days the wood work department at OAC has bad on display many useful and ornamental things made by stud ents taking this course. The work has been examined by many visitors and found favor with all. This department is under the supervision of Thomas Biljeu, and the work is certainly a credit to him, as well as OAC. . The collection consists of some five or six Morris chairs of differ ent designs,, and they are. very fine. There is' a hat and um brella rack combined that worked out on original lines, is as" is also a screen rack. Fine stand tables, beautifully inlaid, demand actenuon, and there are a numl ofwoodeH models made for use aber as patterns in the manufacture of machines. Many beautiful orna mental pieces have been wrought all most skillf'illv. too. ' A? : whole the collection is splendid ana wen worth going consider able distance to see. Mo Secret About It. It is no secret, that for cuts, burns, uicers, lever sores, sore eye?, boils, etc uuuiiug was so enecuve as Jjucklen Julius otuvo. ii uian t taKQ long to cure a Daa sore i naa, and it is all O. K. for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Texas. 25c at Allen Wood ward's drag store., EXPOSITION ITEMS. Of Interest to Benton County People by Special ' Correspondent. The first week of the Fair is over. ; and it is to be honed that the rain, which has staved with us most or tnat time, is-also over. The; attenaance, after the open- ine aay, nas been necessarilv slim. But with the advent of the second week bright . weather has commenced, and the crowds of tne last lew davs are but fore. shado wings of what may be ex pectea later in the season. The bulk of exhibits are now in place ana tne air is well worth a visit. The Odd Fellows'- procession was the great feature of Fridav. and was something of which the order can well be proud. It ex- j i i r .. . - tenaea ior ten niocfcs. and was composed of as fine a bodv of men as ever turned out vx a pro cession. After the orocession most of the visiting delepates took a stroll arouad the Fair grounds. Among the Corvallis delegates were noticed John Erwin, your genial assistant in the rrmnrv clerk's office, also Harry Cronise, tne attaoie manager of the C & E companv's affairs in vour citv. Milton Morgan was also in this city on Friday, . attending busi ness. He was billed here for several days. Geo. Waggoner was td be seen around the Fair as a Benton countv nrodnrh Harvev Sargent is oarpfnllv v. amining the foundations of the cunerenr. DUHdings, and search ing for gopher holes. Dr. Lee was here earlier . in the week. Wallace Baldwin, an old time citizen of Benton, was a caller at the Booth last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herron. who live' near Mon roe, were also seen viewing the agricultural exhibits. Benton countv is fortunate in having two such energetic and courteous young men in charge of her agricultural exhibit, -as N. L. Raber and H. S. French. One of them can be found at all times at the booth,, where citizens of the county will always find a warm welcome. Every visitor from this section should call here and register their names. Benton countv has a verv neat exhibit, as far as it .goes, but it auuuiu oe increasea. mere is not enough of it. and it does not attract the attention it Should. Stir yourselves good citizens, and let us .have something that the county win be proud of, and something that will attract the eastern people -who are coming nere loosing tor homes. Our ex hibit is too thin and scattered. It needs filling up. " Probably the most interesting exhibits 6f the Fair are grouped in tne Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building. Here are certain ly some of the finest displavs oz the grounds. Beginning with the southeast corner where the print ing exhibits are grouped, may be iouna tne iastest printing press in the world that prints from tvne presided over by a.former resident or uorvallis. The famous Miehle cylinder presses, are in operation aoing excellent work. A power ful embossing press, orintinp; commercial work. The Mere en- thaler Type setting machines in operation. The obliging, oper ators will cast your name and resiaence on a slug, making preity souvenir. .Next to this booth the Bushong Co. have Huber Press in oneration. nrin - ing tne aauy program ot the E ix- nioition. inis covers the exhi ibits a relating to the Art of Printing 1 ShQll in tnhirA lattarc n IU1.U1V. , lV.Lik.iS er descriptions of some of th give exhibits, especially those that an likely to be of interest to Cor vallis people. . Observer. ' COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE. OAK OROVK CHnS. ' . Clyde Williamson, of the OAC. came down JFriday and spent a few days at preparatory to going to the Lewis and i Clark Fair, where the cadets will be stationed for ten days. Ed Wiles and family, of Soap Creek, spent Saturday in Albany. , T. Walton, who baa absent for some time. , is back at his old home. ' Several of our peoole attended the grad uating exercises at Albany, Friday even- Dr. Leeper went to Independence Monday, to attend the meeting of the Willamette Valley Development League. which met at that place Mondiv and Tuesday. Messrs: P. Karnetens, C Anthony, W. Abraham and G. W. Williamson have bought the Ackerman tbreshine machine and will go the last of the week to bring the outfit home. They will come by way of Corvallis. Sunday was Oak Grove day at Sulphur Springs. Many vehicles were on the road early, headed in that direction, filled with mirthful occupants. The day was an ideal one for an outing and those who took advantage of it were G. W. Goff and family, and 8. P. Laurensen and family, and the Karsten andVos8 families, Brush, Abraham. Anthoov. and many single chaps who brought up he rear. , J. B. Cougill and wife, of Alhunv. spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . B. Williamson. .' D. JT. Williamson moved Saturdav to the Emmett Williamson farm. He ex pects to remain here until October, when he will move on his farm in Linn county. 1 Herman Anthony spent a few davs here this week calling on. friends. He returned home the latter part of the week. i BEAVER CREEK. Mr. Weed, owing to sickness, went to Philomath to remain" with his 'brother one day last week. ' ' : Mrs. Webb and granddaughter, of Iowa, are visiting at the home of Mrs. J. F. Stevens Charley Armstrong was a Philomath visitor last Tuesday. Frank Peterson, of Inavale. was a vis itor on Beaver Creek last Sunday. George Cates sold a fine lot of mutton ahppn 'tr, ATV TV1 ...In ArDnc Mr. Keeley is at present engaged ini - . "... -uunmuD, vi XC111UI1ULU1U. I constructing a new barn. i Frank Ecker and Ben Wilson visiting friends on Beaver Coeek last Sunday. ' Mrs. Alta Gray has been visiting rel atives in Portland the last few weeks. Mrs. E. J. Dunn is steadily imurov- ing in health after a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. Spanlding. of Corvallis. fame out to visit their timber claim on Bald Mountain . O. J. Blackledge. wife and daughter were visiting relatives a? Glea&on's mill Sunday. Several of our citizens have taken ad vantage of the excursion r;fp Hid a spending a few days at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Gazette Bell phone No 341 home GREAT REMOVAL SALE 1 . ;In order to" reduce our stock and save moving, we will offer a reduction of 5 per .cent on all goods bought FOR CASH commencing June 5th and continuing until removal occurs, or about June 25th. Quite frequently a merchant offers a reduction on a special'line of goods but Jt is not often that a discount is given on everything yon b..y as wiU he the case in this Special Removal Sale. This does not app y to small purchases of less than $1.00. -' Remember the dale, June 5th. ' - . The HouGO-Furniahcrc. Feel Impending Doom. The feeling of impending doom in the minds of many victims of Brigbt's dis ease and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from taking Foley's Kidney Cure. It will nire incipient Bright's disease and dia betes and even in worst cases gives com fort and relief. Slight disorders are cured in a tew days. "I had diabetes in the worst form," writes Marion Lee of Dunreatb, Ind. "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of toley s Kidney Cure made me a well man. For sale at Graham & WorthamV drugstore. A Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feet pain in your hoeIs, and fear appendicitis Rnfetv lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills. 'sure cure, for all bowels and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness; rostiveness, etc Guaranteed at Allen Woodward's drug store, only 25c. Try them. 0. C. & T. STEAMERS Steamer Oregona, leaves Cor vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for Portland and all way points at 6 a.m. For rates, etc., call on A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent . Summer School. I All Resources of State Board and room, $3.00 to $4 u need Dot exceed $30 00. Faculty of eight. Address E. ' iiiEifii urriirnn Rnu it: f) 1 1 Ix J f lalaIIIaK IIUIllL UL L IlL. II AMBLER cSt REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE VIHGIL C. WATTE RS,ICorvallis HENRY AMBLER. Philomath. anywhere than right here. We, clean and repair all sorts of watches r.rifvmncrriiv nnrl nnirlrlv nnrl miarartno oil o- j --i f v umamuwv vui wuj.iv cua well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.- E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. NO.lSO Asthma Sufferers Should Know, This. , . Foley's Honey and Tar lias curd manv cases of asthma that were con 1'J ; hopeless. M.s Adolph Bnesirg. jOl Third St., Davenport, Iowa, writes: A severe cold contracted twelve years sge was neglected until it finallv grew into aethma. The best medical skill available could not give me more than temporary relief. Folev's Honev and Tar was recommended and ove fifty cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma which had been gr wing on me for twelve years, and if I had taken Hat the start I would have been saved yeais of suffering " Graham & Wortfaam keep it for sale. Correspondents. All past negotiations for parties to write ma'ter for publication in the Ga-V setie are hereby annulled. Those send- ing matter to this office for publication are hereby notified that no pay will be given by this office for such matter un less heieafter agreed upon and price stated. The Gazette wi'l gladly consider all matter furnished without charge by the contributor. The name of the nartr contributing in all case to be signed to tne communication. For all further ne gotiations on this subject, address Corvallis- Gazettb, Corvallis, Or. Monmouth State Normal. JUNE 26 TO AUG. 4. TUITION, - - $7.50 Normal School Available. 00 per week. Entire expense D. RESSLER, Monmouth, Oregon. li yon are looking ior some real frrxvl F.0?11 Ranch, write for' our special U ht OT c me and see us. We will tad rruu aua ... , u. 'v ...... on; no. nv wiu U(Kt pleasure in giving you rellaole inform a- 1 1 (171 alui GnAwina . ..... . V. . WAITERS, If your watch shows any irregu larity or gives other evidence that something is wrong with it, better have it examined by a competent watchmaker. You won't find any mnni slrillfiil J