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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1905)
DISCONTINUE MRl Roosevelt Sends Messages Russia and Japan. to SUGGESTSDIRECT NEGOTIATIONS Offers to Help In the Preliminary Ar, - rangements if Warned by the Warring Nations. f J Washington, Jane 10. An identical : note, the text of which, by authority of the president, -was made public late to' : night at tha White house by Secretary Loeb, has been forwarded to the gov- -ernments of Kussia and Japan by Presi dent Koosevelt.' In the interest of hu manity, the president arges the warring nations to conclude peace. It is sug- gesiea Dy xne presiaent mat tne nego tiations for peace be conducted "direct ly and exclusively" between the bellig erent nations. The note indicates the president's belief that an intermediary may not be necessary to effect conclu sive negatiations, but likewise expresses the president's wilingness to do all that . lie properly may do to promote the preliminary arrangements for a time -find placet for the meeting of represent atives of the Russian and Japanese gov eraments. A formal reply to the note may not be received for several days, but, as already made clear, informal assurances that it would be welcomed are already at hand. In view of the -significant character of the document -and of the attitude toward it which both Russia and Japan have aseumed, it is regarded in official and diplomatic -circles as the first firm and decisive -tep toward ultimate peace. At a late bour tonight Mr. Tapkahira, Japanese minister, had not been advised from Tokio of the delivery of the president's message to the emperor, but he was ex pecting a cable dispatch to that effect at any moment. The minister was able yesterday to transmit to the president -a message from the mikado that Japan was, with Russia, desirous of peace, pro Tided it could be obtained under proper -conditions. Aware of the preference of. Japan to communicate her peace terms to Rus sia directly, the president in the last :few days has been active in counseling moderation to Japan rather than in -naeavonng to araw irom Tokio some statement of probable terms. At the Russian embassy . tonight Amount Uassini remained without advices irom St. Petersburg, and he was unable "to comment on any phase of the situa tion. ; EIGHT-HOUR LAW ON CANAL. Moody Holds It Applies to Laborers and Mechanics. . wasmngion, june lu. xne opinion of Attorney General Moody regarding Tne application oi tne eight-hour law -on the Isthmus of Panama was made public today. He holds that the act of August 1, 1892, which limits and re stricts to eight hours the daily service of laborers and mechanics employed by the government of the United States or by any contractor or sub-qontractor -upon the public works of the United States, applies to the employment of laborers and mechanics in the con struction of the Panama canal. " . , That act, however, the attorney een- eral holds, does not apply to the office lorce ot the Isthmian Canal commis sion stationed on the Isthmus, or to any of the employes of the government who are not within the ordinary mean ing of the words "laborers and mechan ics." Also that the scope of the act is not limited by the territorial jurisdic tion of congress. In answer to the request of the secre tary of war for an opinion on the ad ditional question of whether the pro visions cf the act mentioned arrfv to the hours of labor of "mechanics and laborers" employed in the construc tion, maintenance and operation of the Tanama railroad and steamship line, the attorney general decides in the neg ative. Will Agree on Morocco. - Paris, June 10. Herr von Flotow, counsellor of the German embassy, who was among the callers on M. Eouvier on the occasion of his first re ception yesterday, says he informed the latter that Germany welcomed the-opportunity to take up the Moroccan question with France in a conciliatory spirit. He added: "I congratulate myself on the fact that' the existing disposition of both parties augurs good Tesults." Prince n "Radolin, the German ambassador, is to return here at the end of the week . May Smoke But Not Sell Cigarettes. Indianapolis, Ind., June 10. Judge James Leathers, of the Marion county Superior court, "today decided in the case of the State vs. W. W. Lowry, in dicted for smoking a cigarette, that the anti-cigarette law passed by the last legislature is constitutional, except wherein it may coniflct with the inter state commerce law. Smokers may import cigarettes from other states and smoke them, but it is held unlawful to sell or give them away. Russian Loss May Be 15,000. Gunshu Pass, June 10.' According to reports received by. General Linie--vitch from naval officers who have ar rived at Vladivostok, the losses of Ad miral " Rojestvensky's. fleet were from 9,000 to 10,000 officers and men killed or drowned, and about 5.000 prisoners. READY TO SELL TIMBER. Government will Now Open Forest Reserves to Loggers. Washington, June 9. Following out its declared intention of developing forest reserves by use, the bureau of Forestry annonces, by special bulletin that mature timber in all forest re serves is to be offered for sale. The restriction formerly laid upon the ex port of timber from the states in which the forest reserves were located has been removed, and the law now places no limitation on the shipment ot urn bar grown on any forest reserve, except those in the state of Idaho and the Black Hills reserve, in South Dakota The effect of this change in the law, and the declared policy of the depart ment of Agriculture, is that the timber on the reserves may now be cut and disposed of to the highest bidder. On many of the reserves there are great quantities of mature timber, and on some of them the facilities for getting it out at a reasonable cost are excellent Tne forest service, which has charge of the administration, of the reserves, is aixious to begin the cutting of this mature timber as soon as possible, and it is prepared to consider offers from lumbermen who wish to undertake such operations. . It is perhaps well to call attention to the fact that this announcement does not mean that the forest reserves are going to be devastated under authority of the government. On the contrary, ti e distinct and definite purpose of the forest service is to improve the re serves by utilizing the material that is now fit for lumber. In doing so, it will also provide for the reproduction of the forest and the restockine of those areas upon which forest condi tions are defective. Work of this kind has been successfully carried on for some years in the" Black Hills forest reserve, and has been begun with the greatest promise of success on the lands of the Chippewa Indians, in Northern Minnesota, from which it is proposed to create another JNational reserve. The public in general, and lumber men in particular, will be interested to know that in this last case the re- strictions imposed by the forester have in no way hampered the lumbering operations. limber sold at public sale, with full knowledge of these re strictions, brought higher prices than were obtained for white and Norway pine in the same region, and the slash has been burned and got out of the way at a cost of about 12 cents per uuu teet board- measurement. mi . . xue supervisor oi eacn lorest reserve is authorized to receive applications 'lor tne right to cut timber; intending pur chasers should communicate with him. not with the department at Washine- ton. - OVERTURN THE WHITEWASH. Convention of Baptists Refuses to En dorse Rockefeller. JNortn .bend, Ind., June 9. "Re solved, that we express ourselvs against the present tendency to criticise the great Baptist brotherhood in the'person of one of its moBt active members, and this in the face of the fact that there is no evidence to prove Mr. Rockefeller is or ever has been either directly or indirectly connected with conduct that is out of line with the highest moral ity." . This resolution caused a storm of protests today at the convention of the Northern Indiana Baptists' association. It was voted down after vigorous com ment, both in defense of it and in op position to it. The defense of John D. Rockefeller was drawn by Rev. Mr. Wheeler, of Elkhart, who introduced it and made a speech in defense of it. Rev. Mr. Lan kin, of Mishawaka, also defended it. The protests were started by Rev.' C. R. Parker, of Laporte. who. am on or other things, said : "Rotten things Bhould be dealt with in the most rigid, way." Sweden is Loyal to Oscar. Stockholm, June 9. The Norwegian coup d'etat was answered here tonight by a great patriotic demonstration of loyalty to and sympathy with Kino Oscar. A ereat procession. panied by bands,, went to Rosendal Castle, where the bands played "the national anthem. In a few minutes the king and other members of the roy al family appeared on a balcony of the castle and were enthusiastically cheered by the demonstrators, while a number of ladies presented the king a bouquet oi nowers. Bring Home Paul Jones. New York; June 9. The second squadron of the North Atlantic fleet, consisting of the armored cruiser Brooklyn and the protected cruisers Chattanooga, Galveston and Tacoma, selected by the Navy department to bring home the body of John Paul Jones from France, assembled oS the naval anchorage, - at Tompkinsville, Staten island, today, and will proceed to sea on the way to Cherbourg. The Brooklyn will receive the casket. No Let-Up On Beef Trust Chicago, June 9. Instructions were received todav by the Federal grand ury which has been investigating the affairs of the beef industry, to continue the investigation and' return indict ments if "the jurors find that the testi mony warrants such action. DETHRONES OSCAR Norwegian; Storthing Dissolves Union with Sweden. CONSULAR VETO IS THE CAUSE Ready to Elect a Bernadotte as Ruler Prepared for War if Necessary. Christiana, Norway, June 8. "Nor way from today is a fully independent and sovereign state." j. ma is tne text oi tne editorials in the Norwegian newspapers and it re flects -the spirit with which the people of Norway accept today's action of the Storthing when it proclaimed King usear no longer king of Norway." The Storthing will, if necessary, de fend the step taken today by force of arms. .. If a prince'of the house of Bernadotte should consent to occupy the.throne of Norway he must give up all idea of succession to the Swedish throne. M. Anctander will be Norway's first foreign minister. He is now chief of the department of Commerce, Naviga tion and Industry. It is learned that Crown Prince Gus- tav will return immediately from Ber lin. It is -understood that an extra ordinary session of the Swedish Riksdaf will be called June 26, if not earlier, as the result of today's action of the Stor thing. It is not anticipated that King Oscar will consent to any prince of the house of Bernadotte accepting the Norwegian crown, bhould the king refuse, there is a possibility that the throne may be offered to Prince Waldemar, the third son of King Christian, of Denmark The people of Denmark largely sympa thize with the Norwegian demands. The consular bill, while apparently of little importance, was designed to open the whole question of foreign attairs, which Norway desires to man age independently of Sweden. une oi tne causes ot tne desire in Sweden and Norway for separate con sular systems was the fact that Sweden is ior protection ana J.orway is forjree trade, and also because of Norway's more extensive sea trade and other di vergencies of commercial interests. TERMS OF PEACE. Russia Has Asked What the Japanese Government Wants. Washington, .June 8. Preliminary peace negotiations between Russia and Japan are generally believed to be un der way, and it is conceded that Presi dent1 Roosevelt will in all probability act, not as a mediator, but as "the friendly channel of. communication." There is as yet no official admission that Russia has accepted what Count Cassini in his cablegram to Count Lamsdorff last week described as "the offer of good will of the president," al though instructions to the ambassador are believed to have reached here to night in a long cablegram which was re ceived at tne Russian embassy auite late and was laid -before the ambassador just before he .retired. xuiuicuiauiiy alter ms return irom a T ' J. 1 1 . long conference with the president. Mr Takahira, the Japanese minister, began tne preparation of a dispatch to his government, upon which he was occu pied until quite late. For the first time since the annihilation of the Rus sian fleet the minister did not feel at liberty to comment on any phase of the situation. Pope Thanks the Mikado. Rome, June 8. The pope todav ad dressed an autograph letter to the em peror of Japan, thanking him warmly for the liberty granted to Catholic mis sionaries in allowing them to enter the territory conquered by the Japanese, and helping them to establish their houses. The l itter was sent through the Con gregation of the Propaganda to Monsig nor Alvarez, apostolic prefect at the island of Shikoku, who will deliver it to the Japanese emperor. There al ready existed in Manchuria two apos tolic, vicorates. Warships will intern. Manila, June 8.' Rear Admiral En- quist received at 1 o'clock this'morn ing the following cable from St. Peters burg: 'Remain at Manila at the disposi tion of. the American government. Effect repairs as much as possib'e. y ., ' , Nicolai." Governor General Wright has re quested Rear Admiral Train to arrange for the disposition of the Russian war ships and their officers and crews. - Has Stolen for Years. Washington, June 8. William W. Karr,' the accountant of the Smithson ian institution, and disbursing agent for. the government bureaus under it, was arrested here today on the charge of embezzlement, which, according to his own confession, aggregates $46,000. His stealings, tie confessed, have been going on for the past 15 years. He is 60 years old. He came to Washington from Memphis, and hap been identified with this institution since 1880. -." Three Thousand Men Idle, Grand Rapids, Mich., June 8. The nood situation in Grand Kapids is be- commg more serious tonight, and the Grand river is rising' at the rate of six inches an hour. Three thousand fac tory employes have been made idle. WILL DETHRONE KING. Norway Has Decided on Revolution ary Action. - Copenhagen, June 7. The Chris- tiania correspondent of the National Tidenden says: . It is the general opinion that e disso lution between Norway and Sweden is now inevitable, but that it cannot occur without removing or - suspending' the existing Norwegian legal power. Before the end of this week the Stor thing will have adopted resolutions which, from the instant they come in force, will mean the dethronement of the king. , The Norwegians maintain that the king, by not revoking his veto given at Stockholm of the law for separate con sular representation and. partly by his absence from Norway, has suspended his rights and duties as king of Nor way, j Under article 13 of the constitution the Storthing will install a responsible government, which in the absence of the king will govern in the king's name. - Notifications , of eventual changes in the constitutional situation will prob ably be given to the powers by special mission, . v . JAPAN READY FOR LONG WAR. May Be Means of Liberating Russia's Oppressed People. Tokio, June 7.--"If Russia prefers to continue the war, Japan is willing to meet the enemy's challenge," says the Kokumin Shim bun, a leading paper of this city, commenting on Russia's ap parent stubbornness iit admitting that the time has arrived to arrange for end ing hostilities. It declares that, did the responsibility rest upon Japan to decidethe question, the Japanese could not afford to ignore the demands of other countries for the cessation of hos tilities, though based upon purely hu manitarian principles. as tie case stands, however, says the Kokumin Shimbun, it is the enemy who desires the indefinite protraction of hostilities, and nothing prevents Japan from shear ing Russia of her military strength as she has deprived her of her naval power. In this way it would be possible to liberate the czar's stricken people, who have long suffered from the oppression ot the autocracy, to restore independ ence to the Poles and Finns, to estab lish a free state out of the remaining portion of Russia and to bridge the chasm dividing that country from the powers. Japan, it adds, is ready for any war program, whether for 20, 30 or 1UO years. WORTHY OF GREAT EVENT. 7. Vice President Fairbanks Sneaks in o : - c n .. , r- - rriw or ruruana rair. Chicago, june . vice president and Mrs. Fairbanks arrived in Chicago today . from Portland, Or, where the vice president went to open the expo sition. Tomorrow the vice president will make an address at the laying of the corner stone of the new Federal building at Flint, Mich. Mr. Fairbanks was inspired by the Portland exposition and he did not hes itate to say so. mi . me exposition is in every way worthy of the event it commemorates, said the vice president. "The people of the coast took a pride in the enter prise from its inception, and they ful filled their ideals. The exposition has worthy setting. Nature aided the builders, and the site and its surround ings are of rare beauty. The buildings are properly grouped for purposes of the best effect and their artistic excel lence cannot be denied. It seems to me that the fair cannot fail of the suc cess that it most certainly deserves. We had a delightful time in Portland. The people of the west are charming hosts." Good Work of Submarines. London, June 7. The correspondent at Tokio of the Daily Telegraph . says : It is officially announced that subma rines were actually used : in the Tsu Straits battle, v During the battle Ad miral Togo, on the Mikasa, displayed admirable coolness. The Mikasa ap proached nearer the Russians than any other battleship. While standing in the conning tower a lieutenant at Togo's side . was wounded with a splinter from a .Shell. Togo, unmoved, went down on his knee and tenderly lifted up the young officer. . ' Will Discuss International Rivers. Washington, June 7. General Ernst, chairman of the International Water ways commission, today received notice that the Canadian contingent had ac cepted the American view ot the limit ations on the work of the commission. This action excludes the St. John river from consideration. The first meeting will take place at Ottawa in the near future and headquarters will be estab lished at . Toronto for the Canadians and at Buffalo for the Americans. Tidal Waves In Lake Michigan. Chicago, June 7.. Shifting atmos pheric conditions on Lake Michigan caused a succession of tidal waves to- day, two being reported in Chicago. Each of the waves on the Chicago side of the lake rose to a height of three and ' one-half feet. jit? . vua ir ,m rrirsi rmr - t Good Chicken CoO. This Is especially valuable for rais ing early chicks. One and two are two common window glasses, which are fastened in grooves In the boards. The opposite side of the coop is simply plastering lath. The roof la composed of two doors which can be raised when sunlight or more air is wanted than can be had at the ends, which have!- a short piece of lath at the top. The small door slides up and down, and can be kept at any desired height by a nail being put through the hole in the door into the hole in the board GOOD CHICKEN COOP. above; if the coop Is set on a board platform It will be vermin proof. This coop is cheap, durable and can be made of any size. Best Horse to Raise. There Is no doubt that the best horse for the farmer to raise is the draft horse. CLue farmer needs sometimes to rates roadsters and driving horses: but in the main the draft leads all oth ers. The demand Is not an much fnr an Improved kind of horse as for a first-class animal of the kinds we now have. The draft horse can be raised with little expense to the farmer, and he begins to pay his way before the time comes to market him. The draft colt works in easily with the general work of the farm. The farmer may find it difficult to sell a light harness horse for carriage purposes, but he never has trouble in selling a first class draft horse. In any event it should be remembered that it requires no more labor to care for a good draft horse than for a poor one. The horse of quality will consume no more feed than the other, but the margin between cost and selling price Is very much greater in the case of the good horse than between the cost and selling price of the inferior horse. The Silo. King gives the following statements In regard to building stone silos, says Hoard's Uairyman: "The portion of the silo wall which is below ground better be about two feet thick and laid in cement -rather than lime, the cement being desirable because lime mortar becomes hard so very slowly in heavy walls, especially below ground. After the wall is two feet above' ground good lime mortar may be used, but in this case there ought to be at least two months for the wall to season and set before fill ing. The upper portion of the silo wall need not be heavier than eighteen inches, and if the sire of stone permits of it the outer surface of the wall may be drawn gradually to a thickness of twelve Inches at the top." Sorting Potatoes. Make a box 12 feet long and 4 feet wide, like the illustration, with three partitions, the back piece should be about 4 feet high, the next 3 feet and VOB BOBTOTO POTATOES. the next 1 feet high. Nail pickets on for first tneUna, and farther apart on the second. Tms sorts them in tares grades. Shovel them on the .top or first Incline and poke them down, and you have them sorted in three grades. DellTerlnsT Ctastan to Creameries, In th summer time,- at least; cream most be delivered to the cream? every day, If a good article of batter is to be made, la the winter a t&a tem of delivering cream every other day may do trail enough, bot ft should not be made to suit the rids. Hon m, summes. When whole mt& was battled to the factory tbe twiner realized that It was necessary to haul tt every day.' WHa the haulfha of the cream the -wot H greatly re- dnced, because a fighter rig amy be used. The patron . should tbercJwe be contented with tJrte sating fn east and not try to dorfble the earing by establishing a system of every other day fleHvery. " 4-botfsli the BfoniereS. The mongrel fowl should be gfmj no place' either on the farm or the city lot It eosts lost fia- anteh to feed and eicrc or a mongrel as a pure -bred, and the profits are nowhere near so great, to say nothing of the pleasure derived from a nice, uniform flock of fowls. Profit in Pigs. A good way Is to have pigs come in March or April, and that they may enjoy plenty to eat, feed the sows on waste milk with buckwheat meal, bran and oats ground together, or corn and pea meal. A sufficient quantity of this should m due time be put in a shallow trough, set in a separate part of the pen into which the pigs, but not the sow, can go. As soon as pastur age is ready they should be turned out to feed, and by sowing as early as pos sible three pounds of rape per acre on good land, preferably that which needs summer fallowing, the pigs may be put on to this with excellent results along in the latter part of summer, provided a portion is reserved for recovery after feeding, while the rest is fed down. Giving three or four pounds of corn meal apiece per day, wUl nicely fatten the pigs while oa the last of the rape; but if so desired, they may be'flnlshed on grain, screenings, corn or peas and oats ground together. The feeding value, of these grains. Including bar ley, Is Improved by having them ground two or. three months before using, only In that case the .meal must be kept dry, and not allowed to heat or get sour. Set in barrels in a dry store room is the best place for it Feeding of Bran to Poultry. It is certainly excellent for poultry and one point in the favor of bran la that it contains a much larger propor tion of lime than any other cheap food derived from grain, and, as the shells of eggs are composed of lime. It Is es sential that food rich in lime should be provided, writes A. V. Meersch in Western Poultry Journal. It may be urged that the use of oyster shells will provide lime, but it will be found that It is the lime in the food that Is "most serviceable because it Is In a form that can be better digested and assimilated than carbonate of lime. J31over ig cer. talnly also" rich In lime, and when a mash of eut clover and bran is given to the fowls they will need no oyster shells or other mineral matter as a source from which to provide lime for the shells of eggs. Self-Cleaning: Cistern. Owing to the natural tendency of sedimentary deposits in the cistern to settle and accumulate In the bottom, all users know how difficult a matter it Is to avoid stale water conditions. To SELF-CLEANING CISTEBJT. relieve such conditions is the object of this Invention. In ordinary construe- ' tion, overflow action is intended to merely prevent running over, conse quently the top water only Is drawn off, while' all sedimentary elements gravitating to the bottom, remain. W. J. Slack of Fort Wayne, Ind, conceiv ed the idea that overflow action brought through and from the bottom of the cistern would prevent this trou- dia. "Cut shows how automatic over flow action is brought about Alfalfa for Hog Pasture, Aa experiment station has stated that on good alfalfa more than 2.000 pounds of pork should be produced eaeh season from an acre, and that half of this at least should be credited to the pasture. This being the case it Is about as valuable a crop as can be grown on the land for feeding pur poses. Farmer's Advocate. Chana-e of Feeds Desirable. Milk producing foods should be fed to the dairy eow, not fattening foods. A variety should be provided when pos- eiDie. a enange in tne feed every few days wtn be quite aeoeptable to the dairy eow. Cbicken Motes. Oreen bone should be fed three times a wvek to the laying hens and dally to the male bird. Bemamber that a lossy ben cannot Sfrra yon the results that she could if wee from lice. A few drops of tincture ot Iron tn the dlrmlrhtg water make aa excellent spring torafe for the fowls. AM deformed ehfess should be killed s soon as batched. It ts a waste of time to try to raise them. If the eggs from a eertafn pen are ftcxmd to be largely Infertile, lose no time tn getting a new male to head the pen. Never set a deformed ox HI shaped lg. . it is a waste of time. Select the best shaped eggs and be sure that they a?e from strong, vigorous stocks Ooin- mercUl Poultry.