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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
LARGEST EVER BattleshiD Nebraska Added m to American Navy. IS SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED Tullv 50.000 People' Viewed the Ceremonies Christened by Miss Mickey, Governor's Daughter. Seattle, Oct. 8. The battleship Ne braska, destined to be one of the finest fighting machines afloat and already showing in every detail that she will come up to expectations, slid gracefully into the water promptly at two minutes after 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon The great mass of nearly 15,000,000 pounds of steel moved down the ways as easilv and noiselessly as though it were only a diminutive fishing schooner, instead of one of the largest battleships in the world. The statement that she moved noise lessly may be difficult to prove, for lied lam broke 'oi-e almost simultaneous ly with the Nebraska and wild cheer ing from 40,000 throats drowred the music of half a dozen bands and made the roar of the big cannon on the Unit ed States monitor Wyoming seem faint and far away. Taking up the refrain, whose key wa9 pitched under the build ing phedd of the yards every steam whittle between Ballard and Black river turned loose and hundreds of craft ranging in size from giant steamships down to launches and every locomotive on the water front added to the music with whistle and bell. fully 60,000 people viewed the cere monies and saw the big vessel slip into the water. She created but a very small wave as she took her maiden plunge, and floated out gently and gracefully. Naval men who viewed the launching tated that it was the most successful they ever saw. Miss Mary Nain Mickey, daughter of the governor of Nebraska, christened the veesel. . CLARK, INNOCENT PURCHASER. Title Disputed to Land Grants Ac quired fraudulently. San Francicso, Oct. 1C. The case of the United States against b'enator Wil liam A Clark, was argued today before the ciicuit court of appeals. It came before this bench on an appeal irom the circuit court for the district of Montana. Ihe action is brought to annul 82 land grants under which Clark claims title to timber lands tithin the state of Montana, on the groui 1 of alleged frauds committed by the , a 'en tees in securing the same. It is charged that the patenli were secured under the direction of Rr ert M. Cobban, who laler transferred the land to Clark. Cobban is alleged to have first examined the lands and then hired persons to enter them under the stone and timber act, agreeing to pay them for their services, to defray all their expenses and furnish the pur chase price of the lands. The lower court held that, on such a state of facts, Clark, the innocent pur chaser for a valuable consideiation, acquired a valid title. The govern nieut took the matter on a writ oi er ror to the circuit court of appeals. ALASKA CABLE COMPLETED. Acting Governor Distin Announces Event by Message. Seattle, Oct. 10. telegraphic com munication has now been established between the states and all parts of Alaska At 7:47 o'clock this af'er noon the following official n essage was received here, announcing the opening -of the line: SitKa, Alaska, Oct. 8, 1904. The newspapers of Seattle and the Associ ated Press: The completion of the government cable from Valdez to Sitka, making a complete connection by an all-American line with 46 stations in Alaska, i the beginning of a new era for Alat-ka. Wagou roads and rail ways will open up the greatest mining center of the world. Other industries will quickly follow and insure this country's future prosperity. William L. Distin, acting governor of Alaska." Blockade-Runner Captured. Tokio, Oct. 10. The Port Arthur blockading fleet has captured a junk laden with provisions. The junk was endeavoring to enter the harbor. The statements of the crew and evidence found aboard the junk indicate the existence of a fleet of 80 junks organ ized to run the blockade from the vi cinity of Teingtau. Despite the vigi lence of the blockading fleet, many junks reach the Russian lines at a num ler of lauding places on the lower end of the peninsula. The junks enter at nisjht. Railroad to Be Electrified. New York, Oct. 10. About 100 miles of the Long island railroad sys tem will be equipped with elcetricity, it is staled, and be ready for operation with that power early next spring. Ultimate"y it will be possible for a per son to take train at the Pennsylvania station, to be built in the heart of Manhattan, and ride without a change of cars or motive power to Manhattan Beach, Rockaway Beach, Far Rock away, Averne or intermediate points. Russian Troops in Good Health. Moscow, Oct. 10. Professor Golo win, of the Red Cross society, who has just returned here fiom the front, re ports the health and general condition of the troops are remarkably good. There are no epidemics, and no very serious disease, the prevailing com plaints being a light form of stomach typhus and dysentery. PLEA NOT IN VAIN. America Gains Another Victory in Russian Court. . St. Petersburg, Oct. 8. Contrary to general expectations, the represen tations submitted to Russia by the United States for the recognition, with out ciiscnminaton, of American pass port? have not been entirely fruitless Foreign Minister La rrsdorff's response communicated to Ambassador McCor mick today, even creates the hope that something may actually be accomp lished. ' After receiving consideration at the foreign, office, the American not) was referred to the high comission for gen eral revision of "passport laws, which was created by imperial ukase, in De cember, 1903. All matters relating to passports and the exclusion of the Jews are governed by the international laws of the empire, and the question is out side of the direct field of diplomatic negotiation. By referring the iepre eeiitation of the United States, compli ance with wnich would involve a modi ncation of the passport laws, to the commission, which body is competent to act thereon, a decisonof the question may be directly reached. An official of the foreign office has been appointed by Count Lamsdorff to sit with the commssion, thus insuring consideration of the international as pect of the question. Moreover, the commission will sit under the diiection of the minister of the interior and Am bassador McCormick, who had an ex tended talk with Prince Sviatopolk Musky, the minister of the interior. upon the subject this afternoon, found him, as might have been expected from his recent public utterances, quite sympathetic. AUTO PLUNGES OVER BANK. Train Strikes the Wreckage and Three People are Killed. New York, Oct. 8. While speeding along in the Bronx early this morning an automobile containing nine persons went off an embankment at One Hun dred and Sixty-first street and Jerome avenue and two pertons, a man and woman, were kille I The machine fell on to the New rrk Central tracks, and the wreckage was struck bva south bound train. In the automobile when the accident occurred were five women and four men. At Jerome avenue and One Hun dred and Sixty-first street the roadway is between 30 and 40 feet above the railroad tracks. When the big ma chine plunged downward it struck near the southbound tracks, and the nine persons and the automobile were caught by an incoming train. Besides the two killed, all the others in the automobile were injured. They were taken to the Fordham hospital, where it was reported at 1:30 this morning that at least four of those hurt were in a serious condition. One of the passengers on the train said that the train was running about 35 .miles an hour when it struck the machine. TJ" machine was a heavy touring car, and i' i. said was running down Jerome avenr". ft a rapid rate of speed. STATION POR COLUMBIA. Navy Department Is Pushing Estab lishment of Wireless Telegraphy. Washington, Oct. 8. Admiral Man ney, chief of the buieau of the equip ment of the navy department, has teen pushing w ith great energy the estab lishment of wireless stations for naval and general maritime use. A report addressed by him to the secretary of the navy tome time ago, but just made public, shows the bureau already has established 22 stations along the coast. Among the stations to be established are the following: San Diego, San Pedro, Point Conception, Point Sur, r'oint Arenas, Cape Mendicino, Cape Blanco, Columbia river, Cape Flattery, Port Townsend, Bremerton, Washing ton, Sitka, Dutch Harbor, Kiska is land, Honolulu, Midway islands, Guam, Tutuila, Cape Bojeador, Point Piedras, Capoes, Ologapo, San Bernar dino, Port Subig, Port Cebu, Point labuna, Iloilo. Susla Straits. Chairman Tawney Coming. Portland, Oct. 8. James Tawney, chairman of the exposition committee of the United States congress, is to visit Portland next summer to attend the Lewis and Clark exposition. Mr. Tawney will be remembered as the con gressman who stood by the Oregon del egation at the time the exposition ap propriation bill was brought up, and he is in a large measure responsible for the passage of the bill. Word of his intended visit was received yester day by President Myers, of the state com 188 ion. May Have Robbed Attaches. St. Petersburg, Oct. 8 The French embassy here has received informtion that two Chinamen have been ai rested at Chefoo while trying to exchange $2, 000 in Fiench and German notes, be lieved to have been stolen from Lieu tenat de Cuveryitle and Captain von Gilgenheim, respectively the French and German naval attaches at Port Arthur, who have mysteriously disap peared. A local paper intimates that the Japanese are the real culprits. Deathblow to Bullfighting in Spain. Madrid, Oct. 8. The Institute of Social Reforms, after a heated discus sion today, decided by 13 votes to eight to ratifv the absolute prohibition of Sum" ay buH figlt ng. This is consid ered to be the death blow to bull fight ing in Spain. EIGHT AT SEA Russian fleet at Port Arthur Ventures Out. FORT IS EXPECTED TO GIVE UP Opinion Based on Assertions That Squadron Would Make no Sortie Until Hope Was Gone. Tokio, Oct. 7. Tokio "has advices that late yesterday evening a naval bat tie had occurred at Port Arthur. While no details are obtainable other than that the fight is said to have followed a sortie on the part of the Russian squad ron, the belief prevails that there can be no doubt as to the outcome. The Russian vessels, as is well known, are in no condition to meet Admiral Togo's we'l-equipped and thoroughly repaired fleet. In addition to this, the Rus sians are greatly inferior in numbers A sortie at this time by the Russian fleet would have peculiar significance, as it would indicate the land forces found their petition had become unten able, and the fall of the stronghold is now expected to follow quickly. It has been stated on numerous occasions late ly, and on the best of authority, that the battle-torn fleet bottled up in the harbor of the Port would make no fur ther attempt to escape, until the last hope of relief or holding out had gone f EARS AN AMERICAN PLOT. European Statesmen Believes She Has Designs on Trade. Paris, Oct. 7. Some European statesmen are seriously oncerned for the economic future of Europe. Cer tain among them, see, or fancy they see, a deep-laid scheme on he part of the United States for absorbing the commerce of Asia, and appear to think the moment has arrived to issue a seri ous note of warning. T way M. Melin, ex-prime minister and leader of the French Protectionists, sounds an alarm in the Renubliaue rrancaiee in an article entitled "The United States in Asia." v M. Melin says no mistake should be made by Europe. He says it is in the direction of the Far East America is evidently turning its commercial am bition. England, he says, will prefer to thiow itself into the arms of the great American republic, which is close to her and may render her service. In conclusion M. Melin savs : "One cannot refrain from rather melancholy reflections on the commer cial and economic future of old Europe. The more her industry increases that much more her machinery improves, and the more her warehouses are cram med with goods, just so much the more restricted and narrow her expansion abroad becomes. She now finds her Self in the presence of a giant, who, with mighty Japan, is taking away her cus torn. After having seized a portion of that of South America, the giant is now prepar'ng to deprive her of that of the Yellow races, which is the most important in the world. The issue promises to leave to Eurpe the negroes of the Soudan and the vast regions ot Africa, but until that proves profitable poor Europe will have time to stew in her own juice." WILD RACE TO ESCAPE DANGER. Blast furnace Pilled With Hot Iron in Wake of Trolley Car. New York, Oct 7. A ten-ton rolling blast furnace filled with hot iron need for the welding of the joints of trolley tracks has been the cause ot an excit ing ride for a carload of people in New ark, N. J. The furnace became un manageable on the top of a steep hill, and started down with rapidly increas ing speed in the wake of a trolley car bound toward the center of the city. The motorman put on full speed, b'jt the mass of iron and fire gained stead ily. When it seemed a disastrous col lision was inevitable, the car crew and ten passengers, several of whom were women, held a hurried consultation and decided that the only chance to save their lives was in jumping. After the race had gone on for a quarter of a mile, with the furnace steadily gaining, the runaway machine swerved and struck an oncoming car. The passengers escaped serious injury. Planning to Remove Buildings. St. Louis, Oct. 7. Plans are begin ning to assume shape for the restora tion of Forest park after the conclusion of the Louisiana Purchase exposition. One member of the lestoration com mittee has been appointed in the per son of George E. Kessler, who is at present landscape architect for the ex position. Two other members of the committee are yet to be appointed by the directois of the exposition, and it is probable Mayor Wells will appoint a committee of three to co-operate with the fair committee. Steel Plates Being Shipped. Minneapolis, Oct. 7. Fifty cars of heavy steel plates, intended for the Japanese government, are now being transhipped at Minnesota transfer. They are from the Carnegie company, at Pittsbnrg, and aie consigned to the company's agent in Japan. The plates vary in thickness from half an inch to an inch and a quarter, and are of the kind ordinarily ased in the construc tion of cruisers and torpedo boats. Large Oil Plant Burns. Findlay, O., Oct." 7. The plant of the National Refining, company was burned today. Loss, $200,000. The fire was started through lightnin" strik ing a tank which at the time contained about 30,000 barrels. SENTENCED TO EATTHE JAM. Little Girl Found Guilty of Theft by a .iner Captain. Captain Krech of the Hamburg American line's steamship Graf Wal dersee was called upon during the trip to pass sentence upon a thief caught stealing aboard the vessel. His man ner of conducting the case and his judgment were commended by all the passengers. Several steerage passengers on the earlier days of the trip frequently miss ed food and sweetmeats which they had taken aboard and nothing was known of the culprit until one day a woman, going to her bunk, found a lit tle flaxen-haired girl busily engaged In emptying a pot of jam which had been concealed there. The little one had the jam plastered all over her face and bands, and in that condition the woman who discovered her led her to the chief steward. He In turn took her before the captain on the bridge. Many of the passengers, seeing the little" girl being dragged crying before the captain, 'gathered about to learn the cause of the trouble. Captain Krech, who on his ship, like all other captains, is judge, jury and court of appeals, listened to the charges with a stern look. Besides learning that the little girl had taken the jam he also learned that her father and mother were poor and could not provide any' sweetmeats for her. ' When the case had been presented Captain Krech thought over the evidence for a time and as the girl was caught with the evidence all over her face and hands he pronounced her guilty. "This is a very serious case," he said, ''and must be dealt with accord ingly. The penalty for the first offense is imprisonment. For the second it is spanking and for the third it is hang ing or exclusion ,from America. But the facts in this case are such that I shall have to be more severe. I, there fore, sentence you to eat the best jam this ship can produce every time you feel like it. The jam will be supplied by the steward." The little girl could not understand the meaning of all the talk, but when the steward brought forth a big pot of jam as ordered she gave the captain a pretty little smile and marched off with it. From thit time on her face was never clean. New York Times. How Jim Brann Came Home. Now, this was the way Jim Brann came home he came in the hobo style, Tucked on the trucks and clutching a truss for many a weary mile. And here in the ways of his boyhood days, with thoughts of his . youth reborn, He stumbled and cursed the wretch he was with something like honest scorn. He thought of the lies his letters had told to the loving folks back there Protestations of, decent ways and vows that his deeds were square. Lies and lies the scoffing lies! He had held them better than truth. But here, in the hush of the fields of home, shame gnawed him with tearing tooth. Guile and guilt for the folks at home! Yet these not half the woe For wickeder far his mock of love and now they must know, must know! And under the lilac's shrouding shade, in the lamplight's mellow glare. He knelt by the window-sill and gazed on the old folks sitting there. Staring in from the chill of night on tht old home s fireside And hearing the trustful boasts of those to whom his letters lied. They were telling one who sat with them the news of thedr worthy son, Of his proud success and his stand 'mongst men, in the great wide world up yon. And mother, bringing her rosewood box. where all she prized was kept. Read once again what Jimmy wrote and, reading, softly wept. And when their neighbor went his way, the father turned the lock And laid the rug across the door and wound the old tall clock. Then read the Word in solemn tones, and knelt and prayed for Jim, Beseeching little for themselves but all God's gifts for him. Then all the house was dark and still. but in the night outside' There writhed a sobbing, tattered wretch a prodigal denied! Thrust back, not by the hands of home but by his guilty heart By conscience towering grim and stern and bidding him depart. What! bring before a fatner's gaze that face, of sin the scroll? And thrust beside a mother's heart that black and blistered soul? No! Forth he strode beneath the stars drenched now. with honest tears That swept from heart and soul and brain, the shameful, bitter years, And with a' prayer an honest prayer he sought the grace of God, And bent and kissed the worn old sill his parents' feet had trod. Then, standing, smote his breast and cried, "Go forth once more, Jim Brann, And stay, God help you, till you bring a clean and honest man!" So that was the way Jim Brann went back to fight the fight of men! And that was why God seemed so good when he came home again! Holman F. Day in Pearson's. Tattooing Horses. The tattooing of the equines is said to be a new fad, which had its origin in Paris about the first of the present year. Prominent leaders of society In the French capital. It Is said, have had their family coats-of-arms punc tured into the sides of the horses, and the new craze is reported to have al ready spread throughout Europe. The Summer Resort Appetite. Waiter Girl (with rising inflection) Chicken pot pie, roast leg of lamb, or- Summer Boarder All three! Adam went up against the matrimo nial game with his eyes shut just as other men are doing to-day. Bnff Plymouth Rock. While the Buff Plymouth Rock Is no better than the well-known barred, it has proved Itself better than the white sort, and, as a breed for fanciers, has become very popular. As a practical fowl, we consider it not as good as the barred, for with us it has shown some weaknesses that the older strain does not have. It must not be inferred, however, that this is likely to be the case with all of them, for many breed ers consider them even better than the barred. They are similar in size and form, lay well, are good mothers a.nd the carcass is quite like the bar- THE BUFF PLYMOUTH BOCK. red. The breed is attractive because of its genuine Plymouth Rock form and size and the beautiful plumage. The Marketable Hog. Hogs to be marketable at the high est prices must be largely of a uniform type or at least the types must ap proach in uniformity. The buyers in the great markets of the country carry in their mind's eye the style of the hog they think will make the most sal able pork. The tendency to gravitate toward one type is, therefore, marked. The buyer is inclined to be arbitrary. He cannot tell why he prefers a cer tain type, but sticks to it that that type is the kind he wants. This varies also in different markets, both at home and abroad. The English buyer who has been buying bacon hogs for many years has in his mind a very different type from the type of the man that in the Chicago market has been buying lard hogs all his life. This variable type the raiser of hogs has to consider and it both hinders and helps him in Improving his herd. It helps him in Improving his herd. It helps him while his animals are far below that type, but it hinders him as soon as he has reached the type of hog in the mind of the buyer, for he cannot progress beyond it except at loss to himself. This fact has been the greatest obsta cle in the improving of the bone and stamina of hogs raised In the corn belt. St. Louis Republic. Gate that Will Not Sag. The accompanying illustration repre sents a form of farm gate, which is cheap, durable, easily made, easily op erated and will not sag with years of use. The gate shown in the illustra tion is 14 feet long, but may be made any reasonable length desired. The top bar is a twenty-four foot stick. The bar is fastened to the gate post by 2a : CHEAP FARM GATE. means of a pin on which the gate turns. The box shown on the free end of the top bar is filled with sufficient field stones to almost balance the gate. The frame of the gate consists of a stiff wooden structure strapped and bolted at the corner. On this barbed, plain or common wire Is fastened. It is well to drive a ring over the top end of the large gate post to keep it from wearing or splitting, and also to attach an Iron plate to the underside of the top bar where it rests on the post Potatoes aa Hos Feed. Potatoes are quite largely fed to hogs, but it is found advisable to boil them. In the New England States they are fed extensively, being boiled in. milk and mixed with meal in a bar rel. Frequently several bushels are boiled at a time, and when mixed with cornmeal make an appetizing mess. The only fault, to be found with this combination- is that it is badly out of balance. The potatoes are rich in starch and so is the corn. To such of our readers as are still following the old practice we would advise the sub stitution of bran or of ground oats for the cornmeal. This would make a fairly well-balanced ration. The Ca nadians say that potatoes have a good effect on the quality of bacon pro duced. There is probably no better use to which small potatoes may be put than this. Exchange. Chickens that Kat Eggrs. A poultry man says: Four years ago I had a coop of buff Wyandottes that ate eggs as fast as they laid them, and I was at loss to know what to. do, so I tried the following experi ment: I went to neighboring baker shop and procured all the egg shells that they could give me and put them in oven, browned them, and had, con stantly, a peck of them In the yard, and I found that it lessened the evil very much, and after killing two lead ers, I had very little trouble. ' I have bred buff Bocks fifteen years. , and never had any trouble about soft-shelled eggs. I always keep my yards cov ered with a foot of gravel. I find that the chicks as well as old chickens get all the BUbstance for eggs from gravel, and for digesting food. . - The Manure Spreader. This department is not for the pur pose of advertising tools or imple ments, and no such article that is Bold is ever mentioned by the manufactur er's name. There are implements and conveniences, however, made by differ ent manufacturers which should find a place on every farm, and one of them is the manure-spreader, of whfch there are several good makes. No one can appreciate the value of this implement until he has used it. It is not only a labor-saver, but it spreads the manure in any quantity desired, and spreads it evenly. All of its operations are controlled from the driver's seat The work of manure spreading should be in operation from now on more or less through the win ter, and no farmer can make a better Investment than to have this Imple ment It will give him added years of life in the labor it will save him, and enable him to grow better crops. An Improved Lawn Mower, An exchange reports a machine which is a combination of the bicycle ,and the mowing machine for mowing lawns. They cut a much wider swath than the ordinary lawn mower and do the work much easier. We would like to see one of them in operation. It is now more work to take care of a few square rods of lawn and keep it neat and clean as it should be, than to care for an acre of grass grown for hay or an acre in some cultivated crops. And yet many people wonder why the far mer does not have an acre or two of lawn around his house. American Cultivator. Combined Hoe and Sake. In hoeing of any kind one generally feels the need of a rake as well as the hoe, and the little tool here described is a happy combination of both that any one. handy with tools can readily construct. Select a piece of hard wood eight inches long, one and one-half inches thick and three inches wide. Bore an inch hole In the center of it, into which to put a handle. Then take six six-inch spikes or ten-penny nails HANlY COMBINED TOOL. and drive into this strip at equal dis tances apart. To make the hoe take a portion of an old cross-cut saw blade, or have the blacksmith fashion a piece of iron for you, bend over one edge an inch so that it may be riveted to the piece of wood. Then fasten the handle in the hole and your tool is ready for use. The illustration plain ly shows how the details are per fected. Potato Growers' Outfit. To grow potatoes easily the growei should be supplied with all necessary machinery. In addition to the plow, a spring-tooth harrow, roller and two horse cultivator, with which almost every farmer is supplied, should be used; it is also essential to have a planter, digger, weeder, smoothing har row, low wagon with platform and a number of bushel crates. A four row barrel sprayer is very useful for spray ing potatoes, to prevent blight and to kill bugs, but can be dispensed with and the work done with cheaper ma chinery. - - t Farm Notes. High and gravelly soil is the best for fruit trees. The farm work - should always be kept in advance of the season. The profitable culture of the soil de pends upon Its thoroughness. The nature of farm life Is, in no small degree, conducive to economy. Good scock will not sustain Its ex cellence long if it is not well cared for. Premature cooling of the milk be fore setting will injure the butter yield. A pedigree Is simply a certificate of character, and unless it shows a good character It is of no practical value. Fill the vacant places with young trees, unless the orchard is old, then it is better to plant a new one. Farm life may be made a burden or a pleasure according to the manage ment of the home, the farm and the work. Every farmer should have a few colonies of bees, enough at least to supply the table with pure, fresh honey. Clean up the farm, and its value will be increased, and when it is clean ed and cleared it will cultivate more easily and cheaply. An unfruitful orchard may often be brought into bearing by a heavy ap plication of good stable manure scat tered broadcast. A wet place In a field can often be drained out with but little trouble and expense, but if this is allowed to go undone will spoil the field and ruin the crops. It is essential that a cow's udder be entirely freed from milk at each milk ing for if any milk is left in the ud der from any cause the secretions are checked and the cow will soon go dry if this method of milking becones common practice.