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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1900)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETfE, kMinVTS'TS TUESDAY, JULY 10. 1900. Ladies' Silk Waists Good material. Good workman ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each. Underskirts Mercenized cotton. Looks like silk. Wears as well as silk. PojP ular colors. $1.50 to $2.2.) each Taffeline For fine skirt liuings and for shirt waits. Twelve shade. 50 cents per yard. s, E, Young & Albany, Oregon. Son, LOCAL NEWS. Manv poultrymen are making a "side issue" of the rabbitry. The Willamette Valley Chautau qua convenes at Gladstone I ark Oregon City, tomorrow. Mrs. J. A. Spangler went to Ore gon City last week to visit with her daughter, Mrs. L. L. PorUr. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Campbell, of Independence, spent the Fourth with relatives and friends in th city. Miss Olive Thompson, a well- known musician returned a few days ago from Southern California. Telegram. Don't "let well enough alone." That old proverb is worn out. With modern facilities any good business can be made better. Mrs. C. A. Dannemaii and daugh ter, Mary, left yesterday for their home at Clem, near Arlington They will return when the O A C opens in September. Letters are being received in various parts of the state, written by men who are in Nome, advising their friends to stay away from the Eldorado (?)of the North. Pruce Burnett went to Eugene Saturday and returi.ed Sunday evening. He rode home from Eugene on his bicycle and covered the distance in less than four hours. Mrs. S. T. Jeffreys and daughter, Blanche, formeily of this city, but now of Portland, are visiting at Toledo. They are the guests of Mrs. Jeffrey's cousin, Mrs. T. P. Fish. Rev- S. E. Memminger, of Cor vallis, was in the city last Thurs day and Friday calling on old friende. Mr. Memminger was for merly pastor of the M. E. church. Telephone-Regiser. Albany recently enjoyed a pea nut war, during wbioh nuts were fold at the rate of three sacks for a nickel. It is. stated that the small boy was in his glory and demostra ted that he could live regardless of ttusts. At the Farmers' Institute recent ly held in Lincoln county Mr. Kanpisch, of the Corvallis cream ery, made some very interesting re marks on matters relative to the dairy bus'ness. Coming from a man of his experience in the field much dependence can be placed in what he states. In many farming journals the dairy columns are harping contin uously on the fact that cows give more and richer milk when "milked to music." If this be true, here is a chance for milkers who are good whistlers. It is also a pla-e where a phonograph would be appropri ate and useful. A gentleman was in Corvallis a few days ago with his eyes In quite a serious condition. He is a resi dent of KingB Valley. When asked when, how and where his eyes were hurt he stated that a lady had poked him in the eye with her umbrella during the process of the school picnic. His eyes were both in a serious condition, and whether he was poked at in fun or not he did not state. Referring to the djings of the citizens of Albany on the Fourth, the Herald says: Probably the largest crowd went to Corvallis, where a two days' eelebration was held. Tue program was carried out in full, and the large crowd was well pleased. The baseball game in the forenoon wa won by Cor vallis by a scare of 27 to 2, the game being stopped in the fifth in ning on account of rain. The ad dles of Hon. L R. Webster was listened to attentively. The races in the afternoon were good. Superintendent Denman is on the "uneasy" chair. A few weeks back he attended the picnic at Brown's bridge and during the course of the day he desired some " , . is i . J soda-pop, and aithougn ne naa more money Jthan he needed, he could not make change and bor rowed 10 cents of a bystander. Who it is that he borrowed of he can't remember and he has worried oer thp matter ever snce For his relief it is suggested that the party send to him for the 10 cents, and to further relieve him he will be charged with this o'ice. Portland. Charley Moore and wife, of Port land, have been Visiting friends and relatives in this city during the past week or two. Sunday's Portland Telegram con tains a very fair half-tone of Miss Leona Smith, Corvallis' Goddess of Liberty during the late celebration. Mrs. E. Starr and Mrs. Oscar Starr, mother and sister- in-law of Mrs. O. V. Hurt, airived from Port land Saturday for a couple of weeks visit. Mrs. H. Watkins, who hts been visiting relatives in this city dur ing the past few weeks, departed Monday for her home in Prescott, Washington. Miss Jennie Montgomery, of Kirk wood, HI., arrived in Corvallis Sat urday evening and will visit for a couple of months with her cousin, Miss Lillian Glass. Mrs. Lola Wigle, nee Wilkins, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Wilkins, arrived in this city, July 3rd, from her home in Prinesville and will visit here during the sum mer. Information reached Corvallis a couple ot days ago to the effect that Asa Tunnecliffe, now the telegraph operator at Baker City, recently be came "daddy" of one the finest boys ever born. Joseph Biber returned to Corval lis, Monday, after a week's absence in Portland and vicinity. While coasting: on a bicycle, Sunday, he had the misfortune to fall and bad ly sprain his right arm. The remodeling and repainting of the Benton County Flouring Mills is now in progress. The new ma chinery that is to be put in for in creasing the output of the mill was expected to arrive on last night's freight. The work of taking up the re mainder of the street car track was commenced again yesterday morn ing and it is hoped that the rain will not interrupt proceedings this ime. This old track was becoming quite an eye-sore. In a letter to relatives, James S. Booth, who is now at Nome, states that the prospects up there are far from encouraging. Everything has been exaggerated and the thous ands of people who are up there cannot make expenses. Men with picks and shovels, rockers, sluices and all sorts of gold-saving ma chines are working day and night. There being no returns for this out lay of both labor and money, the .Tien are becoming more and more discouraged every day. The out look is certainly "blue" enough. Colonel H. E. Dosch, secretary of the state board of horticulture, says : Eastern Oregon will have the largest fruit yield ever harvested in that section, and the ppple crop will i e especially large all over the state. The peaches in Southern Oregon and the Fellenberg prunes throughout the Willamette valley are the only fruits which have been injured primarily by frosts. This means a loss of about WJ carloads of peaches to Southern Oregon, and possibly 400 carloads of Fellenberg prunes to the Willamette valley. ALSEA'S FOURTH. Famous The experiences of Johnny Pipes, of Portland, son of Hon. M L. Pipes, formerly of this city, have bad quite a romantic turn. It seems that he had formed an at tachment for Miss Susie Fennel, of Portland, and wished to wed her, but his parents objected seriously and matters became quite compli cated. 'Johnny was fortunate enough to secure a position in the census bureau at Washington re cently and shortly after his arrival there be sent for Miss .fennel ana on her arrival in Washicgton they were married. The bride is spoken of as a most estimable young lady. A Communication Front This Summer Resort. A celebration of the national holiday was held by the citizens of Upper Alsea at what is now called .the "Reed" place. This place nas been fitted up as a summer resort and has all kinds of buildings. Standing in the center of the group of buildings is the Music Hall, a most im portant item to its possessors, who are all musicians of the genius stamp. This building is 20x50 feet in size and special eare has been taken in its con struction. In one end of the hall is a stage, the walls are decora ted with paintings of old mas ters. Bethoven'slikeness adorns the center, while paintings of various scenes from nature and art are assigned 'places in this remote hall. Connected with tihs building is a banquet hall, 14 x 40 feet. The owners of this ideal re sort in the mountains, where we spent our Fourth, are known to all the people of this section as the "Reed family." Mrs. Reed is a highly cultured lady and a aer cnarming manners at once places a visitor at his ease, and he is aware that he has stepped into a circle of refinement, taste and culture. Oped Reed is a cellist of great reputation, and Miss Reed is a violiniste of superior attainments, and to hear them play is to be inspired Madam Tobes, another tourist who is summering at this resort, is both a violiniste and pianiste. And it was to hear these famous musicians and celebrate in this manner the Glorious Fourth that we had all gathered at this spot. Such a concert as we were treated to is surely a grand enongh cele bration for any people or for any event. A fine banquet took place in the hall adjoining the concert. The culinary depart ment was under the supervision of Mrs. Ellis, a very gracious lady and to whom the success of the banquet was largely due. There were other members of this family and their guests to whom we must express our grati tude for many courtesies shown us, the denizens of the back woods. We thank the ladies and gentlemen for giving us this treat and sincerely hope that when the next anniversary of our national independence rolls around that we shall again be entertained by these gracious people. Hurt Again. Yaquina Improvement. In the way of accidents Fred Qberer is beyond a doubt the most unlucky fellow in Corvallis. It has been first one accident and then another with him for several years. He is one of the skilled men opera ting the Corvallis Hardwood Fac tory, and was again the victim of an accident Friday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. While sawing out some insulator brackets a piece of bark caught in some manner the small piece of oak Fred was work ing on and caused it to strike the saw. In order to eain an idea of the force yith which the piece was hurled through .the air it is only necessary to state that the outer edge of the saw travels at the rate of 10,000 feet a minute. Fred instinctively threw his right arm up across his chest a3 a protection, and the piece of oak struck him across the arm and over the heart. Such a blow caused his heart to almost cease beating. He stag gered a few steps, lost consciousness and fell. A physician was sum moned and when he regained con sciousness he -was taken home. His arm was considerably bruised by the blow it received, and while Fred will be able to be about the factory and oversee the work, it will be a week or two before he can take a hold of machinery again himself. It may be said that he had a lucky escape, when it is re membered that Charley Rider, who was struck over the heart in a simi lar manner, while employed in the sawmnl a couple of summers ago staggered a few feet and fell dead Captain Harts, United States engineer, has received notice from the chief of engineers that his project for the removal of pinnacle rock at the entrance to Yaquina bay has been approved, and, in accordance with direc tions to begin work at once, has dispatched Assistant Engineer Pelhemus, a diver and a crew of men to commence operations. This is the rock for the removal of which Congressman Touguo secured an appropriation near the end of the recent session ot con gress. It rises to within six feet of the surface at low tide, is about 2000 feet out from the end of the south jetty, not directly in the channel, but near enough to make it a menace to navigation, and makes the captains of crafts entering the harbor nervous. As the rock is in an exposed location and operations can only be carried on in fine weather, the work will be pushed with all possible expedition, as one month of summer has been lost, and only about two moHths are left in which it will be practicable to carry oa operations. If all goes well the job will be completed before the fall storms set in. A Nome Letter. Elizabeth Mangas. The Mischief. Nearly every resident of the Wil lamette valley who has ever spent a few days at Yaquina City or Newport and listened to the sea tales of the Oregon coast, has heard of the steam schooner the Mischief. The craft was a familiar coaster of the smaller ports of Oregon for years, but finally was operated as a sealer under an English charter. She was recently taken to Seattle, where enough'repairs were made on her to entitle her to an American charter. He name was changed and she was rechristened the Alas kan. She has engaged in the Nome trade and sailed from Seattle Saturday. Notice. Parties having bills against the Fourth of July committee are re quested to present them not later than Saturday evening. E. R. Bryson, Chairman. The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Mangas occurred in this city Saturday, July 7th. 1900. She was aged 55 years, 4 months and 22 days. Funeral services were held at 9 a. m. Monday, July 9, in the Catholic church, Father Felix officiating. The remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery. Elizabeth Zierolf was born in Boston and at an early age moved to Ohio. May 2c, 1878, she was united in wedlock with H. C. Mangas. Hie wedding occurred at Defiance, Ohio, from which place they came to Corvallis in 1891. After about a year's resi dence here Mrs. Mangas began to ail with progressive paralysis. In spite of the best care and medical attention she daily grew worse. For the past two years she has been vcrv low: during the past year she has been help less, and to make her lot still more pathetic, she lest the power of speech. Her husband, a daughter, May, just merging into womanhood, and a son, George, aged 16 years, survive her. She had mauy relatives in this city and vicinity, who, with her immediate family, and numerous friends will mourn her sad death. Real Estate Transfers. O & C R R Co to Willis Vidito, 160 acres in Alsea, $180. Thomas Wyatt to Sam Mills, lots 108-113, block 25, Philo math, $200. Philomath College to W H Buoy, lot 194, block 42 in Philo math, $75. B F Jones and wife to George Stonebuck, 94 acres 4 miles N W of Corvallis, $658. For Sale or Excfaaage. Four lots, improved, in Avery's Add. to Corvallis, for sale; or will exchange for small stock ranch. For further par ticulars enquire of IT. 6. Bebky, Peoria, Oregon. A letter was received a short time ago by Mrs. Tfillis Vidito, of Alsea, from her husband who is in Nome. In his letter Mr. Vidito stated that he and his partner, Mr. Johnson, were tenting together with the Cor vallis contingent. He speaks rather discauragingly of the out look in the North. He had traveled over about twenty miles of the beach and states that many of the claims have been worked over time and again and are nearly worked out. Many claims have been re staked a number of times, and jumping is jnot unknown. Build ing lots in Nome city are valued at thousands of dollars. Some things are fairly cheap, owing to the fact that the market is over stocked with thh or that particular commodity. There were many ships arriving loaded down with passengers and freight. Some few boats were quarantined on account of smallpox. A nice iuicy beef steak will cost one $3, and this sum is about equal to the amount of gold that will be taken out by the average man working on beach diggings. Taken altogether Mr. Vidito's account is far from encouraging. iri iun- he THE CLOTHING WE SELL W -MS GUARANTEED WITH "THIS LABEL in all the correct styles and weaves. Our Prices are always lowest sad with the 20 per cent discount you get a bar- gain that will be hard to duplicate again. WE MUST HAVE ROOM., For our large Fall order of Boys' and Men's Clothing, consisting of the latest style Overcoats and Suits. S, L KLINE, Corvallis, Or. Additional Local Fine Horses at Home. In its "Turf Notes" columns the Rural Spirit has the following to say of our townsman and his horses in regard to the state fair: Reu ben Kiger is training quite a string of trotters and pacers on his new track at Corvallis. The pet of his stable is his two-year old Pilot Lane, by Coeur d'AIene, dam Sadie C, by Pilot Lemont. This young ster is showing speed enough to en title him to some high-class honors in the future. Mr. Kiger has his eye oa first money in the produce stallion stake with William Bogue's entry, Dewey, by Coeur d'AIene Altago. Other horses in his stable are: Sadie C, by Pilot Lemont Mary A; Peek-a-Boo P 2:24, by Metropolitan; green trotter by Altago. Besides the horses in training Mr. Kiger is a large breeder and has several head of good brood mares. At the head of his stud is the big chestnut stallion Silver Light, by Wallace Drew, son of Guy Wilkes. He is 16$ hands, well turned and weighs 1400 pounds. Mr. Kiger will move over to the fair grounds in the near future to condition for the fair races. Miss Daisy Starr returned home on Monday's train from an absence of several months in Corvallis where she has taught in the public schools the past school year. La Gande Observer. Mr. Ivan Danials is now agent for the Magnolia Laundry. Parties wishing to send their washing to this popular laundry will please leave their order at the Book Store, and it will be collected Wednesdays of each week. J. H. Roberts, the genial train- dispatcher of the C. & E. railroad offices, who is well known ia Cor vallis, left Monday for a visit at his old home in Plainview, Iowa. He will be absent about a month. and rumor has it that he will re turn with a bride. Arthur Keady leaves the last of the week for a visit to various points in Oregon and Washington. He is one of the most artistic and up-to-date job printers on the coast and those of the craft desiring the services of a first-class man will do well to keep an eye out for him. E. P. Greffoz has just received an optemeter, a costly instrument for the detection of eye troubles' and measuring eye defects. If you are troubled with your eyes or if your spectacles do not fit correctly call and see him. If he cannot help you he will tell you so, honestly. Sheriff Burnett is making out tax executions and will begin this week to levy on property. Tax payers should bear in mind that after July 18th, if the taxes are not laid, the property on which the evy is made will be advertised for sale and costs of said sale will be added. Major Frank E. Edwards left Saturday for Salem to join the other 1200 members of the Oregon National Guard now encamped at Camp Geer, near Salem. There ports of the regimental officers show that 80 to 95 per cent of the en rolled members of the companies are in attendance. The encamp ment comprises the Third and Fourth Regiments of Infantry, a separate battalion from Eastern Oregon, a troop of cavalry from Lebanon and a troop from Sumpter. Commandant F. E. Edwards, of the O A C, is the recipient of a beautiful sword, a present from the college battalion. It was intended that this sidearm should be here for presentation at the end of the school year, but it did not arrive until Saturday last. M. C. Lilly & Co. are the makers. It Is the regu lar sword used by cavalry or mounted officers, and as Frank is on General Beebe's staff, on state occasions he will be mounted and this sword will be the proper thing. A letter from Miss Elsie McDon ald was received by a friend in this city a few days ago. In the letter Miss McDonald stated that she and Miss Louise Leuenberger were at tending the summer school at Pull man College. These young ladies are graduates of O A C and have both been very successful as teach ers. They each have engagements to teach a nine-months' school in the vicinity of Colfax, Wash., at 150 per month. Get your Job Work done here New Train Service. The new train service on the Corvallis & Eastern should prove satisfactory to - r r ... m ... lub 01 vorvains. me train now leaves Corvallis daily except Sunday at 6a.m. and returning leaves Albany at 7:20 p. m, arriving in Gervallis at 8:06. It connects both ways with the Portland local at Albany, permitting the round trip to be made in a day giving six hoars in Portland. Kc-nut, the purest, sweetest, most healthful cookin - material made ; call for it at Zierolf s. Shirt waists, crash skirts and crash suits at 20 per cent discount Some men's suits at half-price at Miller's. Ko-nut for pies and all pastry once used, always used; for sale at Zierolf s. Ko-nufe a pure sterilized vegetable fat, at Zierolf s. - Milan Cows for Sale. Two Jerseys, one Holstein, one Dur ham. For particulars address, J. H. Edwabds, Dusty, Or. THERE'S PROFIT IN TRADING HERE. LADIES who wish to avoid the bother of home work, or the details of dressmaking, will be interested in our new line of dress skirts. All the fashionable fabrics of the season are included in the line, and the skirts have the fit and "hang" af the best dress makermade. Take a look at them and you will agree with us. Prices from 4 5c to $650 GROCERY selling in a depart ment store no longer attracts attention because of its-novelity, but for the reason that the best of food products costs less there than the exclusive grocer charges. This store is easily in the lead in this respect. Our grocery de partment is appreciated by well posted buyers because it offers an opportunity to supply the family needs in this line at closest prices. Country produce taken. WHENEVER you find a properly organized and rightly conducted men's furnish ing stock in a dry goods store there you will find a successful one. Men no longer shun dry goods store furnishings, for they know they can get correct styles at close prices. We invite the attention of our customers to an especially fine and complete line of neckwear just opened. SHOE value consists in wear, style and comfort. If any of the three are lacking the foot wear is not good value. Our shoes are strictly reliable in qual ity, therefore long wearing; they are stylish, as can be seen at a glance; they are comfortable, be cause fitted by an expert. All our customers will bear out these statements. We believe this is the best place for you to buy shoes, J and solicit your patronage, F. L. Miller. Every item offered below is proof of the above assertion. The quotations are only a very meagre representa tion of the values which place this store unquestionably in the lead. This store is crowded with' the most com plete and comprehensive stock of dry goods we have ever shown. Every line was bought at close prices, and the goods will be passed along to our customers at the usual small margin of profit which has made this store so successful and popular. The New Spring Parasols Are Here, This store offers many attractions to economical buyers. A store that relies solely on low prices to win and hold trade is playing "a losing game." To win such success as this store is winning it is necessary that the low prices should represent goods of strictly reliable quality. Every woman in this city who is posted on dry goods, and who takes the time to compare goods and prices will admit that our values are superior. We make and hold customers by treating them righr. We lead; others follow. IF you want a stylish spring hat for $3.00, just as good as the $5. 00 kind, come here. The only difference is in the absence of the name, and "what's in a name.' If you are willing to pay two dol lars for a name, buy the five dol lar hat. If you want to pay only for the hat, come here. Agent for Kingburry hats. OUR glove stock is the best patronized and most popular in this vicinity, because we make a constant effort to show a larger line, and offer better glove values than any other local dealer. It is not easy to do a satisfactory kid glove business. It requires long experience, careful buying, con scientious selling and a willing ness to be content with a small profit. We recognize all these requirements and conform to them. That's why Corvallis women can get better gloves here for the price than elsewhere. F. L. "I3EFORE your spring gown are fitted a new corset wil be needed. That goes almost without saying, for everyone knows that an ill-fitting of worn out corset spoils the fit of the dress. Our corset woman can help customers select the proper model ona that will improve the figure. Consult her and you will be better satisfied with your Cor set, and the fit of your dresses. Prices from 50c to $1.50 RECENTLY advances have taken place in all lines of cotton goods. Before the advance we stocked up with cords of do mestics shirtings, sheetings, ginghams, prints, and other Cot ton goods. We are now selling these goods at just about what other merchants have to pay for them at present prices. You will find this store a good place to sup ply your needs in this line.- Miller