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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1900)
FOR WOMAN'S HEALTH Earnest Letters from Women Be lieved of Pain by Mrs. Pinkham. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Before I commenced to take your medicine I was in a terrible state, wishing- myself dead a good many times. Every part of my body seemed to pain in some way. At time of menstruation my suffering was something' terrible. I thought there was no cure for me. but after taking several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all my bad feelings were gone. I am now well and enjoying good health. I shall always praise your medicine." Mrs. Amos Feschxer, Box 226, Romeo, Mich. Female Troubles Overcome " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I had female trouble, painful menses, and kidney complaint, also stomach trouble. About a year ago I happened to pick up" a paper that contained an advertisement of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and when I read how it had helped others, 1 thought it might help me, and decided to give it a trial. I did so, and as a result am now feeling perfectly well. 1 wish to thank you for the benefit your medicine has been to me.' Mrs. Clara Stieber. Diller, Neb. No riore Pain " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : Your Vege table Compound has been of much benefit to me. When my menses first appeared they were very irregular. They occurred too often and did not leave for a week or more. I always suffered at these times with terrible pains in my back and abdomen. Would be in bed for several days and would not be exactly rational at times. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and menses became regular and pains left me entirely." Mas. E. F. Custkk, Brule, Wis. Equine Losses in War. In all protracted wars the loss in horses from disease is terribly heavy. In Napoleon's campaign across the Nie men, out of 60,000 horses, no fewer than 45,000 succumbed in six months. At the siege of Plevna the Russians lost 30 per cent of their draught ani mals, and in the Egyptian wars of 1882 the English horses were disabled, of which 600 died from sickness and only 60 on the field of battle. Pearson's Magazine. A new regulation cog introduced in Swiss watches, works so accurately that the time pieces do not vary 10 sec onds in a month. Every saloon at Tnllahoma, Tenn., has been placed under the legal ban charged with Sunday liquor selling. Try Allen's Foot Ease, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures ingrowing nails, swoolen and' sweating feet, blisters anil callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest anil comfort. We have 30,000 testimonials. Try it today. Sold hv all druggists and shoe' dealers for 25c. trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmslead, LeRov, N. Y. Crime Prevalent in Berlin. Crimes of violence, whose perpetra tors have remained undiscovered, have become so common in Berlin and its neighborhood that the Prussian min ister of the interior has given notice that all violent deaths shall be report ed at once to a special bureau, which shall decide whether the local or Ber lin police shall take up the case, in certain instances shall set its detectives to work. N.-Y. Sun. and own Physician and Morphine. In a recent address before a graduat ing class of medical students occurs the following most sensible advice: "While fewer physicians become in sane than members of other profes sions, a larger proportion become ad dicted to the use of morphia. Opium in any form is exceedingly dangerous when self-administered. No physician should attempt to treat himseli, but always take the advice and follow the direction of another physician." Less Chance of Recovery. Prof. G. Sims Woodhead, M. D., professor of pathology, Cambridge Uni versity, pehaps the greatest authority on pat no logy in the world, recently wrote for "Abkari," edited by W. S. Caine, of London, as follows: "For the last year or two I have been keeping note of the various observations that have been made in regard to the use of alcohol in disease, and I am coming to believe more and more firmly that the patient who takes, or has taken, alco hol has a less chance of recovery than the patient who abstains." NO REMEDY EQUALS PERUNA, SO THE WOMEN ALL SAY. Miss Susan Wymar. Miss Susan Wymar, teacher in the Richmond school, Chicago, 111., writes the following letter to Dr. Hartman regarding Pe-ru-na. She says: "Only those who have suffered as I have, can know what a blessing it is to be able to find relief in Pe-ru-na. This has been my experience. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and every bottle of Pe-ru-na I ever bought proved a good friend to me." Snsan Wymar. Mrs. Margaretha Dauben, 1214 North Superior street, Racine City, Wis., writes: "I feel so well and good and happy now that pen cannot de scribe it. Pe-ru-na is everything to me. I have taken several bottles of Pe-ru-na foi female complaint. I am in the change of life and it does me good." Pe-ru-na has no equal in all of the irregularities and emergencies peculiar to women caused by pelvic oatarrh. Address Dr. Hartmat,, Columbus, V., for a free book for women only. Science vention A new system of gun-firing, consist ing in enlarging the chamber at the breech and tilling it with water be tween the charge and the propectile, is claimed to give enormously high muz zle velocities, with less fouling and corrosion. Flowering plants are not certainly known to reach a greater height than seventeen thousand feet in the Alps. ! At least half a dozen species Including a saxifrage, a mallow, a valerian i.nd several compositae have been brougnt by Sir Martin Conway from heights of eighteen thousand to 18,500 feet in the Bolivan mountains. Before a meeting of the Biological Society of Washington Mr. W. A. Or ton described the result of experiments made to determine the cause of the flow of maple sap in the early spring. His conclusion was that the flow has a mechanical cause, being due to the I increasing heat which expands the ' gases in the wood cells, and thus forci bly expels the sap. This contradicts the view that the flow of sap is due only to physiological action in the plant. The fur of the blue fox has become so I valuable of late years that "fox farms" now exist on some of the Islands off the coast of Maine as well as on the Aleu tian Islands and the Pribilof Islands in Behring Sea. One of the problems now confronting the fox ranchers is how to I provide more abundant food for the I foxes in the winter time. On the Aleu tian Islands they have been fed with ' dried salmou when other food gives I out. They will even eat sea-urchins, ! searching for them on the beach at low tide. The members of the International Commercial Congress recently held in j Philadelphia were told by W. C. Barb er, as the result of his observations among European manufactories, that time seems to be regarded as of com paratively little value abroad, while in I America the maxim that "time is mon- ! ey" is practically applied. Mr. Barker found that in a large agricultural ma chinery manufactory in Europe the only trip-hammer in use was worked by hand, the weight being drawn up with ropes and pulley, and allowed to drop. The American power-hammer strikes 100 and more blows in a minute. The discovery that there is a kind of struggle for existence and survival of the Attest among rivers is one of the most interesting results of the modern study of physiography. A notable ex ample of" this contest is exhibited by England's two longest rivers, the Thames and the Severn. Between their valleys lie the Cotswold Hills, and ex ploration shows that the Severn, by eating backward among these hills, where softer strata underlie them, has diverted to itsetf some of the head waters which formerly flowed into the Thames. So considerable has this ac tion been that the two rivers concerned have been denominated "the waxing Severn and the waning Thames." TO INTERVIEW A PRINCESS. How a Clever New York Woman Man aged to Converse witb Eulalia. Mrs. Cynthia Westover Alden, who conducts the woman's department of the New York Tribune, Is credited with the following in the Saturday Evening Post: "One day when I was writing for the now defunct Recorder I was assigned to Interview the Princess Eulalia, the Spanish royal representative to the World's Fair at Chicago. 1 missed her In New York, so I paid my own ex penses to Washington to interview her there, but I did not succeed. She would not see reporters. I interviewed the master of ceremonies, an American who had charge of the royal party, and asked him to help me. He replied that 'Her highness would return to New York the next day; but you cannot meet her unless you are Introduced by Mayor Gilroy himself.' "I went back to New York crest fallen. The next day I Induced the editor to send me on the chartered boat which took the royal party up to West Point. The boat started and Eulalia and her escort took up a position on the main deck. The Mayor stood on one side and navy and army officers on the other. All about were soldiers with crossed sabers. The procession of In vited guests started two by two to be presented to the Princess, but when 1 saw that they did not get near enough to her to touch her hand I determined not to take my place In the line, but to devise other means of being introduced. Finally a bright thought occurred to me, and, breaking through the ranks, I said to the soldiers: " 'Let me pass; I've a message for Mayor Gflroy.' "I went through. I walked up to the Mayor and said: 'Mr. Mayor, everybody has met the Princess but myself. Will you present me?" "He recognized me and replied: 'I am delighted to have the honor. Your highness, this is Miss Cynthia West over, who has for years been a part of the city government.' "The Princess looked up and smiled, and I spoke to her in Spanish and told her how pleased I was to meet ber. She answered that I was the first woman she had met who spoke her own tongue. We talked for over an hour on Spanish I and American customs. She told me ! of her love, of horses, music and litera ture, and of the training of her Spanish sisters. She asked me to step outside with her, and I did so. We walked up and dow-i the deck for about ten minutes w hen I saw the master of cere monies coming. He instantly recog nized me, and advancing quickly to ' ward the Princess he spoke hurriedly In Spanish and put his finger to his lips. I looked up to him and said: " 'I've got my two-column interview, thank you, and I obeyed your orders strictly. I was presented by the Mayor.' " DIET AND TUBERCULOSIS. Effects of One Upon the Other -Value of Ample Feed inc. An important feature of the "fresh air" system of treating tuberculosis, as most readers are already aware, is ample feeding. The sanatorium at N'ordach is famous for its requirement that the patients shall eat a certain amount of food at each meal and take their repasts in the presence of a medi cal supervisor. Fresh illustration of the benefits to be derived from an abundant diet by persons who suffer from tuberculosis are afforded by Dr. Jane H. Walker, physician to the New Hospital In Lou don, and superintendent of the East Anglian Sanatorium. A particularly striking case was that of a housemaid who was under Dr. Walker's care at one time. The maid exhibited some unusual symtoms. Her temperature would run up to 105 or even 110 de grees without apparent cause, and then drop down to the normal level. The girl was exceedingly obstinate and difficult to manage, too. She was so deter mined to preserve her figure that she would not at first comply with the de mand that she either relax or abandon her stays. However, she lost weight steadily for six weeks, and in other re spects appeared to be losing ground. She then became alarmed and consent ed to obey the doctor's orders. She left off her stays, began to eat heartily, and at the end of a single week she had gained twenty-three pounds. Suspect ing that there was some mistake, the physician caused the patient to be weighed on three different sets of scales. These figures were fully veri fied, however. During the next week she gained only six pounds. She Im proved in other ways also, and was soon afterwards discharged. The girl Is alive and well to-day, and hard at work in her old place. Dr. Walker expresses the opinion that the perceptible falling off in mortality from tuberculosis in England of late years is due to the fact that the work ing classes there are better paid and consequently better nourished than for merly. It Is probable, however, that they are also housed more comfortably and amid better sanitary surroundings. Possibly more than one cause operates to produce the observed effect COUNTRYMEN ARE SMART. Not to Be Taken In and Done For at City Hotels. "We meet some very strange people In the course of a day," said the down town clerk, musingly. "The longer I live the more firmly I become convinc ed that it takes all sorts of people to make a world. Last night, for In stance, a man who appeared to be well to do wandered up to the desk and ask ed me how much I would charge him for the privilege of occupying one of the office chairs until daylight. I told hi in that sort of thing was not cus tomary in this house and offered to give him a comfortable room at a mod erate price, but this he refused and insisted upon renting a chair. "After a great deal of urging he said that he came from Vermillion, S. D., and had $1,500 concealed in his boot. 'Do you suppose for ten seconds,' said he, 'that I am going to trust myself and my money in one of those rooms? Suppose the blasted bouse caught fire? Suppose some jiggered sneak thief managed to get into my room while I was asleep, or suppose three or four hundred other things that might hap pen where there is a houseful of strangers. And then, again, to tell you the truth, I don't know the proprietor of this joint and am not sure but that he would undertake the job of easing me of the cash. No, sir, all I want is a place to sit down and watch that boot. If anything happens I am right on deck and take no chances.' "Another distinguished stranger," continued the clerk, "after renting a room the other night insisted that the bellboy turn off the light before leav ing the room. He said two friends, of his had gone to the other world by way of the gas route and the bellboy's ex planation of the workings of the incan descent light failed to satisfy him. He was willing to undress in the dark and the boy took him at his word." Chica go Chronicle. New York's Elevated Roads, In 1871, the first section of the New York elevated system was constructed, but put in operation in the following year. In that year the number of pas sengers carried on all the surface and elevated railroads was 138,867,000. In 1882, the total had risen to 252,800,000; In 1892, to 453,200,000, while in 1899 it was still further Increased to 528, 228,437, and rapidly growing. These figures are for the . old city of New York, now. known as the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, and are for pay ing passengers amounting to 159,560,' 822, not included in the above. It is interesting to note in compari son that for 1898 the United States Interstate Commerce Commission re ports that there were carried on all the steam railways of the United States, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the St. Lawrence to the Rio Grande, passengers to the number of 501,066, 681, or 5 per cent less than the num ber carried by the New York City sur face and elevated railways alone. Scribner's Magazine. Proof Positive. Two men were standing' outside a jeweler's window, admiring the gorge ous display of glittering gems that lay before them. Presently one of them, pointing to an object in a red plush tray, said: "Just look at that scarf-pin represent ing a fly. Any one can tell that's not real." "Well, I should think so," answered his friend. "Whoever saw a common fly with such a bright appearance? Why, it makes me weary when I think that the jeweler who produced that fondly hoped that some one would purchase it to deceive his friends. If I saw that on a man's scarf I could tell directly that It was enameled imitation." At that moment the object of their condemnation moved across the tray, flew in the air and vanished. The two men looked at each other, gasped and moved away without a word. Pear son's Weekly. Papi'i Idea of It. Little Harry Papa, what Is the still, small voice? Papa It's the voice in which your mother makes suggestions to the cook. Chicago News. A woman's meanness never fully de velops until ah nuvries. BARON ROTHSCHILD. Great Paris Banker and His Gifts to Charity. Baron Alphonse De Rothschild, who died recently and left upward of 25, 000,000 francs to the poor, was the head of the Paris house of the great family of bankers. He was highly honored in France, a member of the "Legion of Honor, an associate of the Institute and a regent of the Bank of France. The baron married his cousin, a daugh ter of the English Rothschilds. His home in the Place de la Concorde was the finest private mansion in Paris. He was not only eminent as a financier, but was also a conspicuous figure in the ISA HON ROTHSCHILD. most exclusive salons of the Faubourg St. Germain. The entertainments of the baroness at her magnificent country home, the Chateau de Ferriers, and at her town house, were noted for their splendor. Baron Alphonse was one of the eleven Barons Rothschild whose loans to the governments of the world within the past ten years aggregate more than $500,000,000. The head of the Paris house was a hard worker and devoted to business, but, like a!" his cousin barons, he had a hobby. This was a passion for buying rare books. His collection was one of the most valuable of a private kind in Eu rope. While he lived he bore the repu tation of a stern, uncharitable man. The reading of his wilt replaces this reputation with one of a diametrically opposite nature. Russian soldiers are supplied witb handkerchiefs at the expense of the Govern menL Women employed on Japanese tea farms work twelve hours and are paid 15 cents a day. Every day there hangs over London a vast smoke cloud that is estimated to weigh about three hundred tous. The baron of beef two sirloins join ed together by the end of the backbone Is always served on the royal table at Windsor Castle Christmas day. A newspaper printed on the excur sion steamer Ophlr published one num ber in eighty degrees north latitude. It claims to be the paper published farthest north of any on record. Spiders are a serious plague in Jap an. They spin their webs on the tele graph wires, and are so numerous as to cause a serious loss of Insulation. Sweeping the wires does little good, as the spiders begin all over again. The only place where "black dia monds" are found is in the Brazilian province of Bahia. They are usually found In river beds and brought up by divers. Others are obtained by tun neling mountains. The largest speci men ever found was worth $20,000. Water containing salts has a lower point of congelation. Sea water is more or less salt in localities, but in general It freezes at 27 degrees 4 min utes (In round numbers 28 degrees). If water be saturated with sea salt, the freezing point sinks to 4 degrees be low zero. In freezing, the pure water floats as ice and the salt separates. The number of winks In a given time is fonnd by Kotz, a Russian physician, to furnish a fairly accurate measure of the degree of eye fatigue caused by various Illuminants. This method gave the following unexpected results from readings of ten minutes: With a can dle, 6.8 winks per minute; city gas, 2.8; sunlight, 2.2; electric light, 1.8. Among the curiosities in deeds, at tention is called to one in Belfast, which gives the course and distance "to a hole In the roof of the shed of the blacksmith shop." This, H. P. Farrow, the Belfast civil engineer, says, should be considered an "inde structible monument," as the hole still remains, although the shed was burned many years ago. Another queer deed is of a shipyard in Rockpoft, and one course is described as "in line with the bow of two vessels now building at said shipyard." An Ironic Condolence. When a man becomes suddenly rich It not infrequently follows that he be comes as suddenly oblivious to his old friends. Thus, a Persian having ob tained a lucrative position at court, a friend of his came shortly afterward to concratulate him thereon. The new lourtier asked him: "Who are you and why do yon come here?" The other coolly replied: "Do you not know me, then? I am your old friend, and am come to condole with you, having heard that you had lately lost your sight." San Francisco Wave. T e Madrid Census. A recent count shows that Madrid has 16,938 buildings with 18,080 apart ments. The number of Inhabitants ex ceeds 50O,0OO--ty7,l(!9 Spanish and 3,280 foreigners. Teachln ; German In tbe Transvaal. Johannesburg has a German school which last June was giving Instruc tion to 113 boys. 84 girls and 25 chil dren in the kindergarten. Chocolate Used aa Money. Chocolate is still used in the interior of South Africa for currency, as are cocoanuts and eggs. Some people are good for no other reason than that they may better abuse those who are not. CLOTHESPINS. f hey Are Made and Used by the Hun dreds of Millions. "There are probably few people out side the trade who know anything concerning the vast number of clothes pins that are annually required to sup ply the millions of housekeepers throughout the United States," said a wholesale dealer in such goods In- New York to the writer yesterday. "It Is es timated that as many as 50,000,000 doz en, or 600,000,000 single pins, are man ufactured in Eastern and Western fac tories every year. The product Is su perior In workmanship and finish to anything of Its kind turned out any where In the world, and is shipped largely to all parts of Europes where It can be sold cheaper- than the rough and poorly made home article. "Clothespins are made in this country principally out of beach and maple. Blocks of this wood are fed to a very Ingenious and exceedingly rapid-run-alng- machine, which has three sepa rate compartments. One of these cuts t block of wood up Into a dozen or more pieces, each of which is suitable for forming a pin. It next sizes and cuts the 'crutel,' or place that is to grip the wash on the clothesline, and the final operation turns the neck and head of the pins and smooths and finishes them off by the bushel, ready for use. The pins are then packed in boxes, each containing 720, and the boxes are then nailed up by another labor-saving " ma chine, ready for the market." Wash Ington Star. A National Pawnshop. Two recognized national institutions In Mexico are the national pawnshops and the thieves' market. In the for mer, every article pawned Is for sale, If unredeemed within six months, and there are always bargains to be picked up. The rate of interest is not high, and on each article deposited some thing like the real value is given. Strangest thing of all to our own money lenders, If, when at the end of the time, the owner Is unable to redeem It and the article Is sold for more than was loaned on It, a note to the borrow er Invites him to call and claim the surplus over the amount he already has. At the thieves' market there Is not so much philanthropy, and he who has lost something of value and would purchase it back Is apt to pay dearly for It. The pawnshop keeps short hours, but the candles In the booths of the thieves' market burn long after the boulevards are deserted. It occupies a half square, and every article for sal Is, if not confessedly, at least tacitly, known to have departed from its for mer owner without his consent. Con tractors who leave tools or lanterns on the streets come to the market every morning to buy their property back, for the Mexican thief Is a clever crook, with persistency that might be directed to a better use, and locks and bolts do not deter him any more than the police man on every square that Is under tho rule of the Mexican city authorities. Sly Joking in the Pulpit. "Before I went to college," said a minister of this city, "I did supply work on a certain charge one summer. In the Methodist Church we had ser vice morning and evening. There was a Presbyterian Church In the village, and the pastor from another village supplied it, preaching there once a Sunday In the afternoon. I went to hear him one afternoon. He was a college-bred man and was supposed to be away up. When he spied me in the congregation he came down and asked me to assist In the opening exercises. When we were seated he asked me to read the first lesson, and at the same time announce that U was a certain chapter in the Book of Numbers. Just before I was to read I reached up to the desk and took down the Bible and opened to the place. I glanced down over the chapter and saw that It was a mass of unpronounceable names. I knew that he was working a joke on me. He knew that I could not get away with those names. I said noth ing, but when the time came I stood up and announced the chapter follow ing and read It. "When I sat down he gave me a look and he got one back. I whispered hoarsely, 'I guess not' Those were the only words spoken on the subject." Utica Observer. Signaling at Night. A system of night-signaling with flags held up by kites and lighted by a suspended search-light was tried some time ago at Bayonne, New Jersey. Says Electricity: . The search-light was of about one hundred candle power, and was sus pended within a few feet of the flags. The light was sent up at a quarter to 7 o'clock, hung two feet below :the flags, each of which was two feet square. Both light and flags were sup- rr,tojl hv r n nlno f nni and nno oavan. foot kite. The flags were fastened to the kite cable by perpendicular staffs. To light the flags the search-light was rigidly braced on the kite cable in such a position that it pointed, straight sky ward. As the kites carried the cable upward, the glare of the fiery pencil passed beneath the flying kites and up- ward Into space. The rapid fluttering j of the flags caused the effect of a stream of blue, white and red fire, ex-1 tending, ten ot twelve feet beyond the search-light reflector. ! This invention will probably not only be used in signaling in time of war, but will produce effects of great beauty in night carnivals. His Position. A meeting of a negro "literary socie ty" was in progress, and the business part of the program was under consid eration. Some one had proposed that the regu lar time of meeting be changed from j Monday to Wednesday night, and the proposition provoked much discussion. ' Finally the president of the society was appealed to for his opinion, and he said, with much gravity: . "Well, membahs ob de s'clety, pus sonally, now, pussonally, I don't car" which night de s'ciety meets, but fo' myself I prefers Monday." When the average girl isn't crying to her mother that the boys tease her she is looking for boys to tease her. A new novel by Gertrude Dix Is call ed "The Image Breakers," and will ap pear in tbe fall. i Tim Tombs. t Whoever so named New York's gloomy prison chose an apt and signifi cant phraae. Many a wretched crim-, inal has found indeed therein that the path of sin is the path of death, and has mourned at the burial of his own ! blighted hopes and ruined resolutions. But "stone walls do not a prison make." There are those who sit im mured in "the tombs" of a dead past and woeful present. Themselves, as Milton would have it, are their own dungeons. Let them lift up their heads to the dawn and freedom. God is not far from any one of us. Baptist Union. Do not omit the late encumbers for pickling. The Beed may be planted in June or July. The White Spine is an excellent variety, as it is uniform. round and of good length. It is also tender and verv crisp, having a lone stem, and they keep well as pickles. They must be picked off daily or they will grow too large. What Will Kecome of China? None' can torsee the outcome of the quarrel between foreign powers over the division of China. It is interesting to watch the going to pieces of this race. Many people are also going to pieces be cause of dyspepsia, constipation and stom ach diseases. Good health can be retained if we use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The Chicago Tribune thinks a cycle path for wheelmen may be considered a good thing on the side. Poet's Trouble. "The gas bill is twice what it was last month," said the poet's wife. ' 'There must be something wrong with the meter." "I wish I were a gas company," sighed the poet. "Every time my meter goes wrong I lose money." In dianapolis Press. Black cotton hose should be dried and ironed on the wrong side to pre vent fading. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole svs tem when entering it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used ex cept on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage thev will do is ten fold, to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testi monials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The income of John D. Rockefeller, of the Standard Oil Company, increases at the rate of $684 an hour, night and day. City Clerk Donovan, of Boston, has chosen for his messenger a 1 7 year old girl, Miss Annie G. Riley, the first of her sex to hold such a position lu Bos ton. The civil service commissioners being unable to supply a girl in re sponse to Mr. Donovan's request, he chose his own messenger. Confusion in the head, vertigo, stu por, faintness, nausea, vomiting, gen eral depression of the nervous and cir culatory functions, follow the ingestion of large quantities of tobacco. Calicoes should be washed in clean water, dried in the shade, and turned on the wrong side to dry. Black and white calicoes are benefit ted by having a handful of salt added to the rinsing water. Red tablecloths keep their color if a little borax is added to the rinse water and they are. dried in the shade. It is not needful to boil white cloths (unless very dirty) and have the house filled with steam every week. There are 746 saloons in the First ward of Chicago, and in one section there are 20 in one block. We Are Direct Importers of ..AVENARiUS CARBOUNEUM.. (The Famous German Wood Preserver) WHICH PERMANENTLY DESTROYS CHICKEN UICE A1ND VBRJVH1N One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. Price, 50 cents per quart. Write for circulars and information FISHER, THORSEN A CO., Portland, Oregon (PACIFIC COAST AGENTS.) Force Feed Elevator, warranted to waste less grain than any other. Send for Catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon Branches: Salem, McMinnville, La Grande, Medford, Seattle, Spo kane. flKE YOU COLD OR HOT? Yon can be comfortable always if you have the New Columbian fire grate in your house. No mnre trouble froni smoke or half-heated rooms. It has a new system of draughts, throws the heat Into the room instead of ilu the chimney, aud saves you monev. Let us tell you about this new grate. It is perfection for any household. For particulars and full description apply lu TUB JOHN B Alt KETT Ot.. 91 Klrat Jt.. Portland, Or. HARD WORKINQ WOMEN Can And quick and permanent relief for serious and strength destroying troubles in Moore's Revealed Remedy Thousands have used it and thousands now praise it. I: CHres permanently. 1 per bottle at your druggist's. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Building or remodeling residences and stores. We carrv a complete line of Mantels, Orates and Tiling, Tile Flooring, Tile Wain scoting, Andirons, Fenders, Screens, Electric, Gas and Combination Chandeliers, and all sup plies pertaining to Electric and Gas Lighting. We also carrv all kinds of Batteries, Bells aud Indicators. " Photographs cheerfully sent on application. Fit AN K HOL.COM K & CO. 845 Washington St., Portland, Or. I Ta CoRtSlfiVAlL ELsTT M.S. " Ta 1 bm Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Is H S3 In time. Sold by druggists. HI BEST FOR THE BOWELS If 7011 haven't a regular, healthy movement of tbe bowels every da, you're sick, or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, in the shape of violent physic or pill poison. Is dangerous. Tng smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping tb bowels clear and clean is to take CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 60c Writ fur free sample, and booklet on heal tn. Address gUrlla, R-mrdv t'ompu;, Chicago, aoatml. Saw lark. 912s KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN An Easy Job. "What is Smith doing now?" "He is traveling with a circus." "Pretty hard work, isn't it," "No; he has nothing to do but to stick his head into the lion's mouth twice a day." Tit-Bits. Silence Is Golfen. Mrs. Stubb John, would you refer to a gun as feminine? Mr. Stubb I should think not Ma rial "And why not?" "Because guns can be silenced." Chicago Evening News. IIOITT'S SCHOOL. Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal., with its new buildings, newly furnished and complete laboratories; beautiful sur roundings mid home inliuences. is one ol the best equipped schools tor the training of boys and young men on the coast. It is in charge of Dr. Ira G. Hoitt and is ac credited at the universities. Send for cat alog. Tenth year begins August 0, 1900. Eyesight is frequently impaired by the use of tobacco, due to the paralyz ing of the nerves controlling the iris, or paralysis of the optic nerve, some times resulting in absolute loss of sight. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thfir children during the teething period. The towns of Eddy and Moody. Tex., have each voted "no license," the former by a big majority. 1'iso's Cure for Consumption is an infal able medicine for coughs and colds. N. V. Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. In Prussia habitual drunkards may be legally put in charge of guardians. Thermometer a Nursery Requisite. A thermometer is. almost indespensi ble in the nursery. It should, if possi ble, hang in the middle of the room, away from the door, window, wall and fireplace, where the mercury may be affected by the draught. It the room where the baby is obliged to sleep is very hot in the middle of the day, or a at night, hang a wet sheet over the window and leave the door open. Sprinkle the sheet as it dries with a whisk broom that has been dipped in cold water. Ladies' Home Journal. A recent investigation showed that 93 per cent of the inmates of the New York house of industry were sent there for crimes resulting from the use of in toxicating drinks. , Durins; the last 20 years deaths from alcoholism in Great Britain have in creased 82 per cent among men, and 145 per cent among women. It will necessarily take a great many years to demonstrate to the lay mind whether the rejection of the Holland submarine torpedo boat was a great economy or a great oversight. tefcT"ADt' MAUN RBOISTtlWD- CHAIV1PIOIN BIINDBR .. Best On Earth... Eccentric Sprocket Wheel, chain pulls on the long spokes when doing- the hardest work, which is compressing the bundle, ty ing the knot and discharging the bundle. We guarantee a gain of power of 16 2-3 per cent at this time. ' LATEST UfFI 1 and BEST If ELL, 100 L'' DRILLING ioooft. MACHINES iasU LOOMS & NYHAN, TIFFIN. OHIO. I JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon. can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. DR. GUNN'SKS PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and Dya- pepsla, Remore Piraplea. Purify the blood. Aid Dlges tloa.rrerentiiniousncGS. DonotGrtpeorSicken. To convince you, will mall samp o free ;iull hox, ii5c. DR.. BOSANKO CO., PkiiadelpkU, F. Suld by Druggists. fcfij CURE YOURSELF I Use Big di for unnatural discharges, Inflammations, irritations or ulcerations not to uric tare. or mucous meniDranes. Pi-eveou Contaicfoa. Painless, and not astrm- EtVA3CHEIIICALG0. 4?eni or poisonous. Sold oy DranloU, or sent in plain wrapper, bv ezoresR. nrenaid. f,,r Si .00, or 3 bottles, 92.75. Ircular sent on request. N. P. . U. So. 7 l0O. w HEN writing- to adTsrtfssrs plsas mention this pspsr. M la 1 to 5 days. V sfflrW Guaranteed W 1TH ltssssssss.niNCiNNATI.0. Wm