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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
THE MOUSING ITEBALD, THURSDAY, .DECEMBER 31, 189 i. .) j BCSINE99 LOCALS. French keep9 railroad time. New cloaks at W. F. Read's. Fresh bread every day at Parker Bros. New stock of Hals at W. F. Read's. Phoenix pnre mixed paints at Stewart A Sox. 10 per cent reduction on dress goods at W. F. Heads. The latest designs in souvenir spoons at Fr ndi'n. Freeman feed cutters and mills at Stewart & Sox. Buy your heating and cook stoves of Hopkins Bros. Fresh comb honey, Linn county production, at Parker IlroH. Ask C. B. Winn for rates to all Eastern and Southern points. Allen Eros., alwavs supply their customers with butter ami egg. (Choice pickles in bulk, or quan tities to suit, at Parker Bros. Spectacles and eyeglasses, com plete assortment at F. M. French's. New styles in fans and chiiTon handkerchiefs tit the Ltdies Bazaar. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. Try our chow chow now on sale in quantities to suit at Q K. Browsell's. f Beautiful gold watches in every imaginable design at Will A Stark's. If oil want to buy childrens cloaks, cheap, call at the Ladies Bazaar. Always on time with the best the market affords. Try, and be convinced. C. E. Brownell. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igrs, manufactured at Julius Jos h's cigar factory. ladies wishing kid gloves in delicate tints for evening wear should call at the Ladies Bazaar. Special bargains in ladies' gold and gold tilled watches at F. M. French's, the corner jewelry store. 11 you want a durable monu ment go to K. W. Achison, who are handling nothing but the best grades. Ilanau & Son's tint; shoes sell on their own merit, and always gives satisfaction. Try a pair at T. L. Wallace A Co. 'a. Some of tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can In: seen at i-'ortndller A Irving's, as they have just received a large invoice. At Will A Stark's can be eeen some of the most beautiful ladies gold watches, which have just been received. Will A tark will be glul to bIiow you their large line ol beau tiful silverware, it will do you gcod, even if you don't buy. We are the only people who Tar ry the celebrated E. A W. collar and cutis. Always have the latent styles in stoc'i, T. L. Wallace A Co. Just received at the Ladies Bazaar an elegant liae of fancy cords, frincs ami portions suitable for all kinds of fancy work, also the new shades in zeplM rs. That sour-tempered, cross, dys pc th: individual, should take l'r. J. 11. McLean's Sarasaparilla! It will make him feel as well and hearty as the healthiest of us. He need bracing up, vitalizing, that is all. If you sutler pricking pains or moving the eyer, or cannot bear bright light, and find your sight week and falling, you should promptly use l'r. II. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve. cents a box. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases lr. J. 11. Mclean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. The men of this vicinity need not be jealous tiecause their wives talk so constant' about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking atxmt, it is the good qualites of the cook ami heating stoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. Lawn spriukleis, Matthews A Washburn, garden hose, Matthews A Washburn, lawn mowers.Matth ews A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn, bath tubs, Matthews A Washburn, water closet, Matthews A Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthew s A Wash burn, the best of everything Matthews A Washburn. Conrad Meyer's new oven is now completed, and he is better prepared tt an ever to serve Ids old customers as well as new ones with the bestof fresh bread, cakes, in fact everything from the dainti est hit rclis to the uiot elatorute wedding cakes. Housekeepers are invited to give the product of his new oven a trial. Call at S. E. Young's and tee the Urge and varied ttock of cloaks, sacks and jackets just re reived. 1 have received my new stoik of fall and winter garmeuts, including all the novelties in siiort and long jackets, etc., and am Ulter prepared to suit the trade than ever liefore. Those that call earlv are sure to 1h satis lied. They are going very fast. Samuel E." Young. ..Lilian Athletes Wear our Vulcanized Cum Sus pensjry to prevent jar, strain or injury. Weak men are cured wearing our vulcanized gum sus pensory of varioccle (enlarged veins uoctiirnal emissions ami inipoteiicy. Vigor, comfort and longer life assured. No pain; no poisonous drugs. Price only $2. Sealed circnlars free. Vulcanir.ed (iuui Suspensory Co., Booms lt, "ii), McVickers Theatre Building, Chicago 111. THE MARKETS. AIRANT QUOTATIONS. Wheat- SHt Flour 4.2S per bM Potatoes U5e Ksjirs ;()c Butter 'J0.ti"ic Lard UmVihic I Urns 10150. 8 loulders toe. Hacon l'J.'c. Hops t-j(4 14c. Hy Timothy, $10, oats and cheat Apples Tirecn. t.V'ic per bo. Plu d Dried, rjc per lb. App' ca dried bleached On? 7c sun drieo 4 f, c. Chickens yoiintr :550; old $ 1314.50 Buef o(:;!c gross. Muttou ;:i.50per head. H-igs .'v: uresseu. Veal fatii'c. Wool lS-ilc. Ol K 'Alll ADVICE. It is seldom that we appear in the roll of spiritual itdviscr of family phy. sit iun.tmt there are times when we feel juctilicd in callinir the uttcntior of our many su'is.-rihers to nn article of true merit. U'c feel justified in saying that Moore's Kevcrk-d Kemedy con tains inorE actual merit than any medicine it hb ever hotn ourgotd fortune to 'est. One trial will make you ait cull sU.tic as the writer. Cranlerries at C. E. Brow neil's. Fresh Mocha, Java, and Blended collee received on every steamer at Allen Bros. DISSOLUTION OF rAKTNKK.SIIP V otice is hrnl ifvcu that i lis lirai of N irf .v Si-nnm id. .1 nn- l iiM itiu imlcr tti:tt nunc at li.stot Mills ia i.i rcliy rk'o:vnl bv niiitua! con Tit. St in N't l rcti'iK. The butties i,i tic continued by S iiiinoua & 'I honi."ri. tV)lt L.N r A hut. In;r h .p in a ouil lo cation on r iril rtm t. Als a HlaA.-hti r hti.;wiil lew on n-usoimMc ttmwto rliis. ply t' M. Hyde. MO'IM KOK KENT -Furnished or unfiir IV nijhcd, plia-uit iuui niiiinv, with or withoir io:uil Also a ti a Ini;ir.lcr8 inti il at tin- K.I, Th .iii'ni uo't ign, mi 7tli ami tft-rr tit-.ti II'ANIKO- ..rk. of J. V. I'l r. A L'irl t.. Ajv'y a. In Koncral h'.i w- :hfi; ir re!iiUini. 1)li S.VLK- A L ami m-w Itfininlon tiwriti-r mi. in tie with all th.- -tii-.rov- mi lit hji- mtjihl li.i-i.l iln-.i ..l ri -s l M., t''i-. I A V yunr s h rl ti - The m hnol tax lor L the tvir l'.t,i' now iltii iuyalite I'jx i;io rn ar' ri'nui sti' I t. .nl iniuitly, It tlo; ihtkv of tliu-t U-rk, I', ( llurk hart :ltnl la tl saint. C, c. riirkhrtt clerk. toll KKM A neat live room cottage, i:ear Southern I'acilK- ilt .ot. Aly ut Oe.t Hotel, VullfK IS. IIKKKIIV CIKN THAT 1 flu annual n eetilej of the tnelhoM eri r.f the tireen llasin l.tunherini; t'niupany wiT he heM at their otiiee in i.reen C.i-iin, orison, on the tlrst Mnntl.iy in, at 1 o'rloi'k I', m , fur the piirtKwe of elei.'tiin; tiie (.' itireetom to hi rve fr the eiitiin unit trnint;ii-t tnirh other huine-t, as may iroier'y eonie ht lore saiii nieetinif. H I.MIKIti, lee 1 'll. S. W. liKK-K. bi'cret:ryt Land Kur trying. PARTI KB DKHIKI.NO Ml RVUVINO DoNH CAN OB tain accurate ml iroutit Mork hy erdlinv upen county nurv' or K r. T. FiHlier. lie hancompicle cnpieK of field note ami town ship lat, ami in iri'(iare I toilo survevine in any part of Linn county. Fcstoftice ailureiw, Miilera station. Linn con it . t rei:oti. CB. WISN, AOF.NT Foil THE LEAU Iiik tire, life anil aireiilcut uitiuraiice com- lianiew. MONEY TO LOAN-HOME CAPITAL ON j.oi.1,1 real estate security. Kor particu !ard euijuire of lie. Humphrey. iji KKS OF LND- All Ot for culti t)w atiou, aril mi !er fence, for Hale at lo ier a.Te, W'uhin J niiles from railroait t vtt in ami '10 mile from Alhany. Apply at tilts nttiee. itAN WA im removed b a lattmlry to the &j iron nnu Lon streebi. the corner of Sei bml anil LjiiiiI for Mile. 6. Ill, 20, 10, iv) acre, eay terms, install ment plan chitip ami lii'h-priieil. AIho a ew city lots all owumI hy II. ISrvant. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OK, -CHA3 1'fcilTur, Frop. Ottly iirut-eclass house n the city. Lanro Bantple rooms for com) mercitU men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. IOST On the road near Allnnv nr in Al J li:mv, a hi it k sati hel nr urip cotttainiii a hla k est and coat, a pair of overall, a hrotul hrittiuieil hat, a jair of nlines, '1 blurt, a razor and strap, nnnr and irnsh, a pair of spurs ami liandaes for a rice hntse and lira e iuliottle, alsi a revo'ier, Liht nil re Hard will lie paid to the finJeron leaving he !ani'.' at IlKK l.O litlice. Notice In Stork Holders. NOTICE is herehy iriven that the annual stink holders nteetit'ir of the Farmers .V Merchants Inxiirance t rinpmy of Alhanv, l.ini. eruntv Oreiron, will he held at tire i'omiiin s office in the city cf Alhanv, ore iron, on W'eilnesilav, January lifh., lsirj, at the hour of i oVIik k r. M.of said da), lor th. purpose of electit'ir nine directors of said couiaiiv, to s-rve for our year, anil to tran sact mi. h oilier titi.itiL'SS as may riyu!arly come Is-fore s:iid meetini.''. 11 order of the l'ri"idetit. J o. WeiisMax, Stcrti.-. Dated fKcetnber 1st. IVJ1. KK!; SCHOOL The Kello-.'ir school of ilreir- cuttinK at corner of First an ;.ikc in the Kalstoo house is now open. tewoi.8 not limited. Ladies are inviteJ to ca1 M and ex .mine the system. Mesirs Chas. L. Wehster & Co., have posi tion, for tw o first class ag-enM for Stcdnian I "l.torary of American Literature," One aetit efea el V,:to in three hours work, t.ive re!i;reDces, residence, and present em- llloVIIII-lit. T. M. Williahs, Manager. iil Fifth Ave., New York. WHEN LOOKING F0K-r- A Siiisilile Christmas Present liouii-l see the beautiful line of Fine Furniture KVKIJV Omplios AT THE Alluinv Furniture Co. I ndrrlaklns a perlull . For the Holiday Season !OF Foshav &: IVtason CAKUY A liEAUTIt'UL AKKAY OF nHEISTMAS GOQDg INCLTrIXG Family and Teachers' r.iblos nnd a preat variety 'of illustrated Holiday and Standard Hooks, I'lnsh and Leather Albums,Toilet Cases, liaintv" Vases, Fancv (Joods, Art Novelties, Gold Tens, Fancy Ink stands and Writ'nj: Supplies, Pretty Trifles ami Useful Presents for the Holidays. Thev have an enormous assortment, and their prices will lie found so low that everv one can afford to buy something nice for the glad Holiday season." (.Vtll and see their beautiful stock of Holiday goods. oliday Should tec U'c I DniJs, Also canies the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. -o- CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBANY, OREGON. Portland UniversUv. OPESS SEPTEMBER 14. Beautiful healthful site near the city. Expenses are as reasonable as any other institution of learning on the coast. Classical, literary, scientific, theological, preparatory, normal and business courses. Stu dents of all grades received. Care ful oversight and direction given to all students. Ladies boarding hall under experienced super vision. Professors of excellent scholarship and much experience employed. For information ad dress C. C. Stratton, D. I)., presi dent, or Tbos. Van Scoy, I). D., dean of college, Portland Univer sity, Portland, Or. forIaltTor RENT. J KFFKSON-Fl.i U KI X i MILL-', Also SAW AND PLANING MILLS, Jetlerson, Marion Co., Or. For particulars apply to CORBKTT A MACLKAY, 64 and 00 Front St., Portland Or IS 91-2! 5'?PPer5 elec:'nt die play of Watches and 7i ik in. rnTo i'V AT 1 AMI Solid Gold Kings, Diamond Kings and Kar Drops, New Pat terns in Silver Pieces, Gobi Pens, Etc , at reasonable prices. Call early ami make selections. NoveltiesitMcwclrj G.L. Blackmail, , DEALER IN- Paints. Oils, Perfumery AMD TOIfcET AKTICIiK8 And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Comoounded. E THE- Opens September ISth, 18'.)1. COUBiE OF STt'DV arranged expressly tn meet th? neeilfl u the farnittiK ami meen-iiil-cal inteii.-sttf of the state. Large, coniodious anil well-vetitilateil Imililitit-K. The colkKe ia locatnl in a citllivatc'l anil ( hrintian coni niiiiiitv, and one if the hetiltliictit In th State," Military Training. Exihmih. 3 Xii il Not. Exceed 150 for th Entire Seanon. Two i r more free 81 lioUriihii from- evcrj' county, VViite for cutalnKtie ti B. L. AKNOI.1., frea., Corvallls, Or. Albany Nurseries. WK HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nurfry on the Corvallis road, one fcr.lf mile from town, as fine a lot of Fmit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN A BROWNELL. Have yon seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter es. put up by K. W. Achison, atj. a t be coat of stone. kiural Mm FUST NATIONAL BAUK TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAKKINP BUSiA'KSh. PRESIDENT h FLINN. VICE PRESIDENT S. K YOUNO. CASUIBR E. W. LAh'QDO.V, S. E. Toosa, L Fukb L F. liLiin, E. F. Sox. E. W Labodos Cashier. RED CROWN MII1S lOM, LA.VM.W & to., Prop, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior (or Family and Baker's use) Best Siorage Facilities ta-niKicst cash price aid for wheattj ALBANY - OREGON BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H. F. KerUl, Pres.: . J. Lanninp, V. P, J.W.Bla'n Cashier. TratiKictp a general hanking husness. Exchinge hotit;ht and sold on all the prin cipal I'ities of the Tinted States, also, Great Britain, France and Germany. Collections at all accessible points made on fai orahle terms. Interest pakl on time dejiosits. NEW FEEDJflTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEEl Always on hand. Also Lime, Planter & Cement. Come to the corner of Water and Ferry stf for all kinds of Feed. 1. W.SHNK, Albany, Or JOHH SCsfMEER'S Corner Second ar.d Bllswcrth 81 ALBANY. - - ORBQOi H oasis boab'jSD hy tho day or month Ca riaKua or Outrides ou reasonable term vtlul Ciioadiiiii Pacific H'y. THK GRKAT TOURIST ROUTE TO ALL EASTERN POINTS. P:iysintlie (lre:it Glacier of the Selkirks, Canadian Nutinnal Park, the eleliratcd Hot Spring at l:ititf, and other Pittnresiiie I'oititH. FINEST IilNING AND SLEF.PIXO ItOLTI E IN THE WOKI.D. CA I'rivnte DniAinir ICnoiiiti, Luxurious Sntukinit Hi oini ainl Kli-Laut Ba)i Rooms At lo. lull to all Micjiers, TIIIIOIGII S1.EE1-IXO CAKS WITHOUT CHANGE. Rates from $5 to $10 lower than by any other Route. TAILOR MADE Cost no more made of good material than ready made ill-litting garments. W. GRAHAM, The ' Merchant Tailor, has in stock the finest line of full and winter suit ings ever brought to Alba ny, includini; diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He lias also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. "tfCall and see if it is not true. A3 Instruction given on violin, man dolin, piano and brass iiutru meiits. Having secured the assis tance of Prof. Cootner, of Salem, will furnish first-class orchestra music at reasonable rates. Ad dress or call on C. H. Mueller, corner Third and Ellsworth street, Albany, Oregon. SECRET SOCIETIES. M,-P hereon Poet No. 6, O. A. P. Stated meetimrs at the O, A. K. Hall on tne sacond and Fourth Friday evenings cf each monrh. lranmi tit .'omra.teii arc corat y invited to meet with us J. F. WHITING, 6. F,, Commander Adjutant, A. O. U, W. Safety Lodge No, 13; meets every Monday evening at the G. A. K. hall on Ferry street, between Second and Third. Albany, Oreifon. Stranirers in the city and transient brethren cordially invited toattaiid. MUSIC v 20 SC3 fill Ig ake 'imnions Liver Reguldtot One Dose ioo Dollar?. Dkar S. L. R: I consider one dope mons Liver Keitulator worth (HIlHl. coiistiiiatcd, hail Hcailacl'e, could cat Ine with satisfaction or appetite' ha blues, and felt altogether out of sorts. Im wa oth the 1 re sorted to Blue Maui, Calomel, Quinin , and every remedy suwrestcd, but only obtained temporarv roller. One dose of S L It did ni more trood than 100 worth of doctors an doctoring. Kesp'y, J c Martin. I have been a teather for twenty years, and durinK that time have had lepeatedattacksof headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu cd by Simmons Livci Regulator. I foun t to be of so mild i cnaracter In its a:tinn not to interfere, In he least with my dnti fin the school room. To those similr , situt t d and subject tohe same, I cannot o htt. rwonaaind Sim mons Liver Kcxutator. K. K. Cnsti rar-.ol.elhvll'r K FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "Some months aro I purchased1 a box of Dr. J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my own 'use, but timlini; my nephew, C. A, McMuhun. needimr such medi cine, I let him have u.y box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxes, sayini; it is the best thing for catarrh ever tried by him and his friends. I got another box to use in my case, and cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Stoned). JOHN McMARAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, Springfield, Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, W, Johnson, jiresident of the State university, says it cured him ol a couirh utter two other presi riptions had failed. Likewise two of his little girls used It to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark Kailey, wife? of Prof. Hailcy, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and recom mends it to all who stiller from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like aeburm, and can be inhaled into the Tripes or passages, where no other cough cures can reach. 'Not Coming, T.ut Here to Stay!" CENE E. LARRIMORE, Th o P aider, Has opened a (shop in Stewart A Sox:s block and is prepared to give estimates on and do aU kinds of House and Carrfage painting; and trimming, tirainiiif? and par hanging a specialty. Leaye orders with Stewart A Sox. I PLUGCu,T Ml jA MRS. GRAHAM S CUCUMBER AND ELDER FLOWER CREAM Is not a crsmctic in the sense in w hich that term is uopularlv used, but permanently beautifies. It creates a soft, smootn, clear. velvety skin, and bv daily use gradually maki s the complexion sevcial sliades whiter. It is a constant protection from the effects ol sun and wind and prevpnts hud burn and re klcs, and blackheads will never come hi!e ou ilic it. It clcat.scg the faec farlict tcr th an Heap and water, itouriihi and builds up the skin tiseuc and thus prevents the foimation of wrinkles. It givei the fr slinevi, clearness and stiioothncss of skin that ion h-iil vltt'ii a little trirl. Kvery ladv, youii' or old, ouuht to use it, as it gives a more v out h'ul appearance t any lady, and permanently . It contains no acid, IMtwdcr or alkali, and is as harmless as dew and an nourishing to the skin as dew is to the tlowcr. I'rice l .OO. at all l ruj.-ist ami hairdressers, or at Mrs. lirvaise ira hain's establiibmcnt, 103 Post Street, San Frcncixco, where she treats 'adits tor all h!emishe8.f the fice or figure. Indies at a distance treaU-d bv letter. Send stsmp fiir li.!. li..nk Mlniv Ia Ii.. It,.ai,tfl Sacple Men, cept'of lu .ittts in mailed free to any lady on re nt "ol lo .ittts in stamps to niv for nostaue aim pai King. Lany Agents wauuii, MRS GRAHAM'S Face -:- Bleach, Cures the worst cases of Freckles, Sunburn Sallow hi ss, Moth pit hci. Pimples and all skin blemishes. I'rice CH.50. Harmless and effective. No suiuplu can be sent. Lady Agents wanteit, lbs Mmii a bill olwwiny in this town who first orders 'my preparations will have his ti'ime added to tins advertisement. My preparr.tioi b are for sale, by wholesale .iiugioto in viiiu.iiu cvcij V.IIJ hcbi Hill H. GREGG, McL'sand Bovs' clothing mails to order or clcuncii and repaired on short notice and reasonablo rates. Shop on toe street carjline between Third nd Fourth streets. K u rx; want :m miv If so call on- I. BEAM He delivers his goods to an) part of the city free of charge Fresh vegetables every day. JNotliing but the best kept at I. BKAM'8, 2d et., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. Deyoe t Froman Bros.. Keep a Full Aseortmct t Of GUNS AND FIKEAKMS Kepaiking PrOMITIiYDoNE. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-class Cigar Company. Must give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. CR0WDER BROS Contractor and Builders. Jfrice on First street with Wal I ace & Cusick, real estate agents, I J:any, Oregon. Fstimates given n all kinds of buildings or carpen er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. rick for sale At my yard, or at my residence on 7tb street between Railroad and Montgomery, or delivered any where in "the city. Inquire at Huston & Co's truck and dray ollice or at grocery store in east part of the city. A man at yard from 8 to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. W. C. Cassell. ....,A FULL STOCK:OF.. Staple Groceries Crockery. Glassware. The best quality of teas, co3cea, candle nuts, etc FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house Is also to be found a complete assortment of fresh family groceries, to which is constantly being added all the seasonable lines of groceries and pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tasteth Buckwheat Hour, . Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These KOods were all bouirht when prices ere low and the benefit of the margin will be given to his customers. Remember the place, at the old corner on First and Broaialbin Ma. Conrad Myer. GROGE Star Bakery PHT8ICIA8 DRS MASTOX & DAVIS. P1IYSICIAN8 Surgeons, Ollice, Second sod Broedl! In Street. Albany, Or. falls promptly atteud d in city and county, c." kelVy7physician AND iUH- . goon Albany, Oregon, office in Pierce s new block. Office hours, from 8 a. M. to 4 r. u. A J. ROSSITER. VETERINARY SLBV XV. geon. graduate of Ontario veterinary college and mee-ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th ai:d Calapooisi streets, Albany, Oregon. OR a. A. WUrXEY. PHYSICIAN AND tal Mulicol College, New York City. Diseases i women especially, ottice in Fisterblook ATTOCKEY (y to. E. I UAMbEK LAIN ATTORNEY XX at-law will practice ir all the courts of the rUtc. Special attention given to mat ters in probate and to collections, omos In ILO. W. WKIGHT, ATTOkNEY-AT-LAVr J and .Notary Public, Will practice in all the courts of this state, Orlice, front rooms over iiank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. 0. R. K, BLACKSl'KN. H. c. WATBOK. BLACKBURN, & WATSON. Attorneys at Law, Albany Oregon;, office in Odd fellow's Temple. Business in our bands will receive prompt and careful attention. HH IIKvVHT ATI ORN E Y-AT-LA If , Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ottlee in Minn's block. First street. w.t. Bi RKsr. J. w. rairu Bl'RNSY & DRAPER, ATTORNEYS at law, Oregon City, Oreiron. Twen ty years experience as register of tbs U. S. Laud Office at Oregon City and in tne land Eractice recommends us in our specialty usiness before the Land Of Hoe or the courta and involving the practice in the general Land Office. JN. DUNCAN ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and notary publia OUce in the Strahaa block, rooms No. I and 2. l.rOLVEKTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY If at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14 Fosier's Block, over L. . Bialn'f tore T K. WEATHFRF0RD, ATTCUNEY AT f ) . law, Albany, Oregon. Oft in the Flinn Block. W ill practice n all the marts of thestate, and give spocia. attention to all business. 11 iT 1 T. 11" 17,, u 'III' 1 . I Minnilid 1 V' I . O 1.1. uvm Bunl Iturbai k potatoes at 25 cents per bushel, in 5 httihc! lots upwards, delivered in any part ..f ttio t'itv. Atmlf tn A!,4n ll.MikM. thr.nii; h the ostoice or vtheiwtse. Your Good Health Depends on the condition of your Stomach and Liver These make your Blood good or bad. Is the greatest of natural tonics for the Stomach and Liver. It reg ulates both surely and perfectly. Are you billious? Are you constipated? One teaspoonful of MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY will give you relief. O. II. Reese, a well-known Seat tie druggist, says Moore's Reveal ed Remlhy cured him of Severe Billions Headaches. Sold by all druggists. We are now prepared to do cus tom chopping for either cash or toll. We are agents for II. F. Fischer Corvallis Roller Mills, flour, middlings, ehorts and bran. Also hay. oats, chop, etc., always on hand and sold reasonable. Free delivery inside of city limits. Try our Corvallis Hour and you will use no other. Morris & Blount. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and Retail Driiffgists Booksellers ALBAK OREGON TAKE TILE CAB RATSS: To any part of tho city, 50 "cent For calling, first bonrtl.50. each subsequent hour 1. Odd Co. National IM OF ALBANY, OR.- CAPITAI. STOCK. $100,000. J. L. Cowan, Ties., J. M. Ralston, Nice 1'res., (J. A. Archibald, Cashier. Hirectors J. L. Cowan, J. M. Rals ton, W. S. Idd, W. II. Ooltra, J. A, Crawford, O. A. Archibald. xransaci a general nanking tusj ness, draw sight drafts on 3(ew York, San Francisco and Portlabd. and receive deposits subject I to check. ' tek Choppmff FBOlt L . A.. IV