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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
MORNTNd nERALD: TlTURSttAY, DECEMBER 31, ISin. gioratttfl gaily 2tf raid UAIkY AND WH1CKUV TERMS OFBl'BSCKlrTH N DAILY PubUahed erery morning H'.ejt Monday., Dvlixral by carrier, ptr wit .... By Mail per year - WitKKLY, (Publlehed erery Friday M..m!nt.) O av. Df r nauni. In advaiice......i".!.'JO Wdea not paul iu advance.- U"AI 8 (W ,HXCON PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrive Diparw eeurer. th. ll.l:linfl2.S0pn , 3.40pni,7.45am The interstate commerce com mission vacancy seems to go a beg ging as Culbertson declined to ac ce;t. It will probably go to Lam bersonof Nebraska or Duncan of outh Carolina. It is Jsome comfort duiing the windy wet weather that 'has been giving Oregon euch a disrgreeable time lately, to here that we are escaping a good deal of cold ting ling weather. The thermometer in the Mississippi states is a nay down below zero. The Chilian news is of all kinds and descriptions. Part of the time being of that blood curdling variety that would indicate an al most iiiimvdiate re.rt to arms, and then of the pacific order indi cating no other thought than pe r- feet harmony and peaceful settle ment of all disturbing questions. The latter view of the case will orobablv be the correct solution ,,f the subject. lUESIESr Montt, of Chile, who ! has tinallv been installed into office, finds it anything but a pine cure affair. II is pacittc in his intentions, but must submit to the demands of the navy, which is the predominating iiower in that laud. The navy wants war and inav iHjssiblv gut it in a more e-mphatic manner than it desires. Then- might not be enough ofit It-ft to dictate very much to Presi dent MoiiU, or anybody else. IltNKY W'ArrtKSos.ol the Louis ville Courier Journal, ha under taken a task in a comparison to which the old augean stable ta.-k of Hercules falls into insignifi- came. It is no less a feat than that of controlling and directing the work of the democratic house in congress. lie commenced his task by giving theiu :t thorough scolding. I lie result w ill un doubtedly be the house will fall in- loline and obediently wait for Henry to tell them what to do. The rest of us can quietly and peacefully look on, while the frown wilts the democratic hosts into quietness and acqtiiesence. Tub quality of a Christmas -rift is a m:itter of taste, and is usually an index of the refinement of the donor. The Chronicle thinks that the revolver will piobably be barred as a Christmas present by all women who read of the sad fortunes of Sadie I'.rownof I.irming- haru, Ala. Sadie gave her lover a pistol on Christmas eve, but the next day, which was appointed for the wedding, she had changed her mind and wanted to retire from the compact. There would prob ably have been a scene, but the lover was provided with his sweet heart's pistol and he cut short all discussion by shooting her dead. The moral ia too plain to need stating. The question of holding cranks and insane people responsible for their acts, and punishing them without consideration of their mental condition, is one that is Wing seriously considered by luanv people. The recent atrocious use of dynamite bombs, and the tendency towards a et ill more ex tended application of such agents by sneh friends incarnate, will cause a still more wide spread consideration of the Fiibject. It ' leads the Chronicle to say that the dynamite liomli is becoming the weapon of cranks and fanatics, and before we are through with it tin world mar curst) the inventor of the terrible explosive. Alout the worst case that has happened iu the old woild is the explosion f four in a church in Valencia, Spain, which wrecked the hirh altar and injured several people. The atrocity of this crime is almost without parallel, for even one who has no laith in religion would be slow to w reak his vengeance on an eJitice held sacred by thousands. the people of the United States will not accept as conclusive any judgment or linding of a preju diced tribunal, more esjecially since the Chilian government has never expressed any regret for the unfortunate a flair and never inti mated even that the blame might he shared by both parties. Chili has stood eipiarely on the proposi lion that the eailors of the Balti more were wholly in the wrong and that they got no more than they deserved. When to this defiant and cav alier attitude is added the con tumely with which Americana have been treated on all hands, the suspicion with which the American Legation has been re garded, and the avowed hostility of all classes of the Chilians to citizens of the United States, how ever unoffending, it must be obvious that all talk of amity is silly and nonsensical in the ex treme. Chili shows no disposi tion to be civil or decent, to say nothing of being friendly, and we certainly shall not try to persuade her to make friends. It will probably be the duty of President Ilarrisson to lay the situation before congress at an early day, and we risk nothing in saying that that body will be a unit on the question of upholding the honor of the natnn. Congress contains Republicans, Domocrats, Mugwumps and Farmers' Alliance men, but when the Hag of the Union is trampled upon and trailed in the dust they all belong to one party, the American party, anJ there will be no hanging back if severe measures are seen to be necessary. Chili will have on'.y herself to blame if the United States shall be compelled to give her the lesson which she needs so much. KHkLt:V 1KMI1 HALVE. The best salve in the woiM for l,uU, Bruises,, l iters. Salt Klicuiii, Fever cores. Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains. Corn, and skin Eruption:), unit pos tively cures Pilcn, or 1.0 pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funilcd, Price ' cents per box. Fcr aule t; Foshsy & Mason THK ENKICIIED. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ty perfect laxative known, as it ia llieonly remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt andettectual tocleanse the system gently in the SoriL- tnne or, in tact, at any time any the better it ia known the more popular it becomes. Fell Dead. These w ords are familiar to our readers, as not a day passes with out the reiiort of the sudden death of some prominent citizens. The explanation is "Heart disease." Therefore beware if you have any of the following symptoms : Short breath, rain in bale. Smothering Spells, Swollen Ankles, Asthmatic Breathing, Weak and Hungry spells. Tenderness in Shoulder or Irregular Pulse. These symptoms mean heart disease. The most reliable remedy is Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which has saved thousands of lives. Book of testimonials free at Stanard & Cusick, who also sells the New Heart Cure. WE HAVE OT AN- ELEPHANT !ON OUR HANDS,! -BUT WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF- Dress Goods, Fancy Goods Underwear Hosiery, Etc. -EVER SHOWN IN ALBANY.- We have just opened our FAfX and WINTER CLOAKS and JACKETS, both in cloth and nlindi goods, and we feel justified in saying that they excel anything ever shown in the VALLEY. We ask all to call and look knowing that we can please you aa well aa save you money. At Jt ALBAITIT, OEEGON HAVE 1TOTJ IOTICjEID THAT Allen Brothers !rocry Store ia always full of fruits, vegetables, the very latest in 'the market. If there is any thing to be had THEY HAVE I T. Paraaols and sun umbrellas less than cost at W. F. Read. Sodaville water ia kept constant. ly on hand bv the bottle at (i. L- Blackman's drug store. Large and complete stock of Christmas goods at French's jew- eiry store, liig bargains. Finest line of svrups in the city 1 arker j;ros. APPLES, CAULIFLOWER, ORANGES, CELERY, LEM ONS, BEETS, CRANBERRIES, TURNIPS, CABBAGE, AND CARROTS. LINN BLOCK, - - - ALBANY, OREGON WINTER IS HERE, AND THE INQUIRY ON THK mind and on the lips of every woman w ill be, "Who has the best stock of (Ms, Jackets For Trimmed Garments anil Ladies Fall Dimwcar. This question can be satisfactorily answered at the old established house of SAM'L. E. YOUNG, HUMPHREYS Dr. IIi mpiiriit's Srncir ic are scientifically sn.l curvfully preiwrcd prescriptions: used lor manv years in private practice with sue citw, anil lor over thirty years used by the people. Kvery single specific in a cure (or the iliaeaHe named . These steitics cure without tlruirginsr. puiviui; r reducing the system, and are in (act and deed the sovereign remedies o(. the world. LIMT OF rRI.M'll-AL WW. CI RIM. PRICKS.. 1 levers. Congestion, inflammation..' 25 2 Worms, worm lever, worm colic 3 Crvinir Colic, or teething of infants.. 4 Diarrhea, ol children or adults 5 Dysentery, Uripinir, llcllious Colic 6 Cholera Morhus, vomiting.......? 7 Couhs, colds, bronchitis..... ............ b Neuralgia, toothache, Fact-ache U llraitaclie, sick ht&davhe. vertiifo.... 10 lppt)sia. billions stomach ......... 1 1 Suppressed or Painful 1'eriods 12 Whites, too profuse peiiod 14 Croup, coiiL'h, ilitllcult breathing It Malt hhciini, eaysipelas. eruptions.. 1; KbeiiiDatism. rhemratic pains.....-- Irt Keveranil ague, chills malaria 60 17 I'iles, blind or bleeding M) atarrli. influenza, cold in the head 50 JO UhiNipinir Collin, violent couifhs. 60 - Oencral dci.ility, physical weakness Ml -7 hi.lin-y disease.... fsi 2 Nervous drhilitv ........... 1 OU :io I rmar) Meaki.ess, wtttini; lied...... Mi o'J Diseases ol the heart, alpitation.... 1 uo HO HAS OPENED FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE A MAMMOTH ASSORTMENTS Ladies Dress Goods, in cloth, silks, foreign and domestic fabrics, shawls, underwear, gloves, hosiery laces, linens, and white eoods. notions, novelties, etc. Also a complete assortment of Boots and Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries. - . 7 ESTABLISHED IN 18f6, THIS PIONEER DRY GOODS HOUSE HAS MAINTAINED PPBLIC FAVOR M by keeping a stock large enough to supply any want, and making a specialty ol seiecung sucn as will give satisfaction both in quality and prices. c LOSE CASH BUYERS VISITING THIS MARKET ARE ESPECIALLY invited to inspect his stock, which is complete in all his numerous depart ments, and purchased especially for thefall eeasonof 1891 Julius GR1W Sold bv ilnii,'t-its, or sent post laid on re ceipt of price. Dr. Humphreys1 Manual, (144 panes) richly luml in cloth and ifMd. mail rif. in .vi 1'tiut.i nhii, o.. Ill Hi William St , New Voik. SPEC I FIGS THIS caiLIAS SITCATlus: There is nothing in the situa tion of affairs in Chili which gives anv encourauemert to the btdief that matters may be settled amica bly. Chili should understand tha Bazaar Children Cry for fITCHEB'3 Castor. a MHKVERY LATEST NKvVe I is that you can buy at Julius (irad wold's Baxaar, for net cash, goods as follows: 17 lbs. granulated sugar 1(1.00 20 lbs. extra C suirar !.i No. 1 kerosene, per single gal. .2 5 gallons good pickles !H) 20 lbs. No. 1 Savon soap '.M Arbuckle coffee, 25c. per jMiund I will conduct a strict cash store, and all goods will be sold for net eah from 10 to 25 per cent, less than regular price. Mv stock of Chinaware, fanev goods and all the desirable styles " " of dishes, as well as staple grocer Wholesale price of sugar: 100 ie crockery lamps and lixtures, lbs. extra C, $4.75 ; 100 lbs. granu- j3 complete in every way. I make lated, $5.75. a speciality of tine teas, coffees and My display of new toys and baking iowder, and alw ays pleases novelties for the holiday h my customers, this vear will be something Jrui's Gbadwoul, yondeiful. Albakv, UcU I. lS'Jl. Pension, Postal, I-and and Indian Depredation Claims. LAW OFFICES OK i.Tnder the management of W- R. HEARST, Ed. & Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDEKBFRN, Manager, CIS F. Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court ol the United Males, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions ami patents, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pie emption and homestead cases pros ecuted before the general land of- and the eupi ewe court. 1 G. W. SIMPSON II is dVplayed at his store, a full line of- PCHJDW COODS -THK- Yaquiua Route ! INCLUDING Scarfs, Tillies, Throws, Handker chief, Glove and Jewelry Cases, Table covers, Slipper cases, Calen ders. Etc., Etc. He also has a complete line of Fancy Work Ma terials, Pon Pons, Arasenes. Brad esene, Tinsel, Fancy Cord, Banner Kods, India and Drapery Silks, Ladies Handkerchiefs in Linen, Silk and Bolting CIotliH. In stamped goods our stock is complete. Banners, Scarfs, Splash ers, Tidies, Napkins, Tray Cloths, Etc., Etc. Call and see liis beautiful show window, and ex- anniM' Ins elcirant stock. OH, MAMMA "Have you seen tnose lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove it. I'rices always the lowest. HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OH NICE! FURNITURE. REMEMBER T II L I3E, - - ? OPPOSITE OPER OUS Ak my ncrntN for V. I. Inuicln Shoe. II not lor mule in your ilu- uk your !tiltr lo himhI lor roiHloiEO nee u re the uyt'ucv, ami st tht-ni lor you. ix'" TAKE NO SI USTITLTfc. -AJ L. E. BLAIN, SOLE AOENT, ALBANY, - - OREGON. WHY IS THE It is a seamless shoe, w ith no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine caif, stylish and easy and localise we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals hand sewed shoes costing from ft to f5. fS.OO genuine hand sewed, the linest calf shoe ever ollered for $5; equals French im- IZf P I f A ported shoes which cost from QJP fOR H haid sewed welt shoe, fine w wiawta utniLtmtn calf, stylish, comfortable and THt BES T SHOE IN lilt TiUHUi rUH IMtMUIItl dw&h T,,e l)eet 8boe evt.r oth red at this price; same gn'b as custom made shoes costing from $0 to !. ::..ri0 nolicp shoe: farmers, railroad men and letter carriers all wear them ; line calf, seamless, smooth in ide, heavy three souls, exten f ion f ili'p : one n:iir will wear a vear. i2.50 fine calf : no better shoe ever offered at this price; one trial will convince those w ho want a shoe for comfort and service. 2.25 and 2.00 Workimrman's shoes are strong and durable. Those who have iriven them a trial wili wear no other make. BOYS' 2 and $1.75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere thev sell on their merits as the increasing sales show. LA11 KS .'! hand sewed shoe, best 1 ongola ; very stylish ; equals French imnorted shoes costinir from $4 to (. Ladies $2.50, 2 and $1 75 shoe for Misses are the best Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution. See that W. L. Eouglas' name and piice are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. 1,. DO u O Lab, tsrockion, aiass, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. E. UOGii, ltecelrr. am: Oregon Deyelopment Co.'s Steamship Lino 225MIMITER. 22 dours Less Tim . Thau by any ottu rculo: Accoroodatlou ornurparord for ton full M alety. Kares and freitrLl ii 1 Uu a the Oregon Dere oprueut cou.i;j' hip, much leas that by any ither route ween all point in th W i;' al and San Pranciaco. SAIUNQ DATES, r0M TAaOIKA. 7 Steamer Willauietto Valicv, Dec. ?, Do Ti Due. 31. FROM tAMFKACCUOO Willamette Valley, Dec 8, D c IS, Etc. 27. The company naerve the right to cha-ig teamen or Kulinir tiatea. BaiLT raaaiKPia Taann, i&xcept Sumiayt.) L Vaqulna 7:00 a 1 Lv Albany W 90 Corvalli 10:35 ml" Conalila hi ri Ar Albany 1 1: Jo a I Ar Yaquina '!!' r. m O. t C. tmua co icect at AiLao aid Cat . M . Uoao, C, t Hoetm, Cuneral Manael, Ki.F A P. Ageui Coirillls, O on EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIL ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA KCUTK California'exprine trail rrn tlniiy NOI'TU tkiuru 7:00 p m..L.. lo:ii p ui..Lv. . H.'.b am..Ar... ..rr-'a-il... ..All. uy a. i. ii !,. Ar.. 7:i- am . Lv.. 4:3 im Lv.. ; 'jo pin Loral I'aas. Train Itally- frun.iay K)5 a m..Lv.....Prtlaii I 12:0pm..Lv.... Albam. ft:4U p iuAr.....ltOHeuurjr Lrbaiaea Braiirl. .Ar. . 4:(l in , Lr..liii am .Lv.. (i JO am l.: aLr Albany... i.W p m Ar Lebanon. . 7:'Wim..L'-. Allu:y. b,!ni..Ar Llwion..., .Ar.. V::tip 1. 1 . c . m . Ar.. put Lv.. s .'. pm ALRAW LOCAL, UAILT (Kt. .l 2uiiJa, 6.00 r K..Lv Portland Ar . k a M V.Utt Y a Ar. ..AIbiuy....Li ....i.o-. a M PU LLM A X B U FFI. 1M.1-: K I Kit S. TOURIST SLKKinaj CARS, For accouiniouatii.n of i-ivocj-t'ls ia aeni;era attached tu K(.iex- iriu?. Albany Collegiate Institute, ALliANY, September 9, 1891. OREGON, June 10, 1892 Four departments of study : C6llegiate, Normal, Business, Primary. Type writing and Short-hand are taught, tor catalogue address, REV. KLBKRT N. CONDIT, A. M.t President. FEED -:- STORE -AinD- GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET; WANTKD SPECIALLY- Hay. cats snrl totatcr. cn the Oregon Pacific Railroad extension and my increafiDg home etore to supply aostomr trade in 8trahan Brick, f.kere I sell in quantities to suit the purchasers. Second street R. M. ROBERTSON. Springfield. Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD.) PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD, - - - OREGON IW Albany yard and offiee on Railroad, between Four th and Fifth etH, A. henler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and faciliti es not surpassed . lie prompt and satisfactory ailing of orders, 1 res pectlully solicit e of (he trade. A. WHEELER. Manufacturer of Choice Cif?ars Til 1 AND DEALER IN rnrcn inn m Cigars Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum tnd Eiiar Plj te'n full line ol Stiiokeis' Articles. Ne door to PUcltler'a candy store, Albany, Oregon, Wntl Side birliuat. Between Portland ;:d tk-ivRllia Hall Trala Itally - Ljtctp. buaJty 7:30am..Lv ...Po.-tla.l ..Ar.f..Sop. m l10pni..Ar. ConauM.. l..:t'6ip. m At Alliany and Corvill's cuunect altb tram, ol Oregon faciflciUilnia.!. Expmt Train Bally (.Kx-.ipt Sunday 4:40pm..Lv Portland .7 Ar.b:2Ji 74P m..Ar McMiun..llt.Lv..L.4jani THROUGH TICKFTS lo All I olul EAST AND SOUTH aVFor tlcketa and full Information r (.ardinn nttce niapa, etc., call on con.iani's airent at Alliar.v. K. KOKHl.tK, Mmwer E. P. ROGERS, Amt. O. P A P, A A WEAK MAN Can cure himself of the de plorable results of early abuse and perfectly restore his vigor and vital ity by our home treatment. The remarkable cures o hopeless cases of nervous debility and private comnlaiuts are eer where stamp ing out quackery. Treaties and question list, a physician's gift to suffering humanity, will be sent free to those alllictec. Address with etamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St., Room 2, Ban Francisco, Cal. We oiirry a large stock of printer's stationery, well as sorted, bought direct from the manufacturers at a low figure. and can give the best of work in all kinds of printing for the leat-t money. Try us. W. C. Cobb. OYSTERS. IH EVERT STILE AT JI t t Mi fe safe At inv Urn one mile east of town, or deliver, tl anywhere in the citr. VV. CCASfcElL.