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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1891)
X -0 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, UKUJSMKEK au, 1891 VOL. VII NO. J5 ilttMTlTlT '( i v- Y r hi TUE HOLIDAYS WILL SOON BE HERE Beautiful tTIMC M'llLS r o. L Yi can't in ikf .l mipf ill- it vmi buy n!ir holiday trotxls at Black mail s. as Ins ptock is laige and I'll es always f!n 'owi-st. Ilwns Hrl ntfiit if I 1 1 1 .-1 1 i-oods. toilet s, p-Tliitnerv. .:n!y trill.' n-nl umiut arl:c!c.-i id w-Jrtli lnk ing at. BEE H.H St'LEJJPID VliVliY H..I..I0NKS' -:- IJOOKSTOKK was been removed into ll'l-e Pipe building, opposite his I 1 1: place of business, where j J Iih I. us more room anl a larger stock than ever, lie invites the put. lie to call and see lii iti in his new .piartcrs. fXfl.o)k out lor bis display of i loliday gojd. It will lie something elegant. for the .1. ! Cmomi 1 1. w iipcned a beautiful line of I I'lli. lay ) I-. including plush and 1 atio r alburns, toilet oaten, band I'tiiit-d pla'U"H, screens, iuii v ink -taii'ls, wail pM'ki ts and h'll'l.-M. ordor c:iJe", tpivelties and l.ii ii : y i iii- nacs holiday present-. :il! e.uly and make your M-ie. ; io..S. 1 11:-r snu iii. I'l.l I!:l.I;; !:.( K'K fa! (or Sale. :: !- ..f .Ii v u.-id f"T sale at ! l-.'iia ii- I'Mci-, at the foot ol 1 : r v l eave i-ur onlers aii'li.a." it d- ieie 1 roii.ptly a: ,. ii. in tin- cil v. A. f. -1 KI.I.MAClllii:. 5 i - a '1 - - AT I'ms. IlakiTY l';i'k- 1 linH K 3MNCK T1KS Mvl.-. KAISINS, ' 1 i:iNTS. .IKI.I.IliS. 11 " b"l.!.S, JAMS, l: X K Kk, !-KF.AI ''.b:. :; Ti:.ksltn)FFi:i:s, M:r-'.i i,i:nrKi;ii:s, "! --e-.-,. to cat, -'..!,.!, r .. ,,, it al -'" .ii. i i.i'.ea ..i Blackmail ! HOLIDAYS! DECISIVE Baking Powder Tests ream la" 1 1 1 ja T r- p The Morning Cocktail. Tsken before breakfast creates r false, injurious appetit-. A wineglass fail of Ir. Henley 'd 'inglish Pandelion Tonic taken before meals strengthens the di gestive organs and enables you to relish a heary meal without in jury to the stomach. For gale by Foshay & Mason. 3tove5 Jind j'-i cg'filA :y-iv i, - . - $lm&m of Poilland at 0 X v- " lAHHiWS WiSEBURB'S, ALBAKY, OREGON, 1801 KOI? i n vj Nothing is Nicer Than " ' "- l . -v a y xfTlv Silverware, ll QUI- t th.- O'.d and i:-lab!i.-hcd Jewelry Store of H. EVVBRT'S. p. f Holiday Ca.MH.l M, ' ' -I V. .. II., I'.,l, Ite-lll" ( ormd beef akni i -"' , , ,,:,, i',., ,w i iiii h ' ' irlVni, t oos! l-ernes. ' . , ....... Straw berriep, i.o Salmon, Cove uvsters, A I'M. i ts. jUOIiai-lKS; ll "h ;ri-d- Cat-u;., - bow; Chow, " rcn.b Ma-tard, IVpper Sauce (Hive Oil. French andie- American Candies, MHCKLI - Maple Syrup. Mj',. ' Ma.'c.ioni. Tapioca, Vermacilli, III Till -Veil I, '" Cigars and Tob .cco. F. K. AI.I.K N, 0i ""'c The United States Official :'. in of I;!:ir.:j Powtl:rs, made, by authority of ;,-:.;, I : i -rttnrr.t of Agriculture, Washing i). C. fu.n; : ... tin: htj.-l-.'Kt authoritative in forma :.. -.":!.- r U th' host- The Official Report Shows the ROYAL to be a of tartar baking rwinr tn nil others in i n p" n owe r ( Ls- P,Jf French Tansy Wafer. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and iregular menses, and will remove all ob s! ructions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Prug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for iale at J. A. Cumming'a drug store only. Sir? ware I lie mi !S!c flARDWARK. 1 dim nil 1892 the Fine Iisplay cf .- r v- ' -T "'Arc - Novelties. lien's - Menu ,!;'? Can,.,,! I', H o lllil e.ll ni i to ecu, .... ;i. .1 nV, ' , ' -i- . T, imn I... s ( hemes. ....,.,:.' ii,.Ml.i Horn) car ys I'eacliep, i uur.s. All Kinds of Nuts. ANKOl'S: l.-.;a 'iii.l Ve ret:il,l. M . r,- - T -AI.HAN Y, OKEUOX. pow- Aricult'e 8PETrLATIOl DANGEBOCfl. Scarcely a day passes without tlie news of some large failure Haul. in;: over the wires the usual result of speculatiou in stocks or some equally daiurerons venture. The same electric cu' rent carries to dear distant friend the sad tidlnirs of death of loved cues too often the result of speculat ion in patent nostrums. Moore s Kevei. led Remedy is no speculation but is (old on positive guarantee. Do not f.ii 1 to go to your druggist and ask for mouey if not satislied. We known you will go and buy another buUle or sale by all druggists. Wlid.m'i Violet Cream Is the most exquisite prep&ni tion in the world for softening ;iid whitening the hands and face. It is not only a substitute for, but in every respect superior to glycerine, cold cream, vaselinn and like preparations. Try it. For sale bv Foshav & Mason. 'Ihero iwt-l QUARTER tied in lla-l ktr county Ore-np A icon, near litur n i now Itaker City. aA P IITTI mtf man who ha emot'DCIl I Ull I tvcome itlcntiJttl with the re&Miirccafl n A and development of that country. IhisMuU man is no other than Mr. John 8trart, one ot the wealthiest and most intiuential citiene id the county. In a recent letter he Hays: "I had been suRerinK from pains in my liaek und icuneral kidney complaint tor ticine time, and had used many remedies without any but temporary relief. The pains in in buck had become so severe that I was prevented from attending to my work and could not move without the iia of a rane Hearing, through a friend, ol the wonderful cures ef foit by Oregon Kidney Tea, I wan induced to try a hof and from that vev first dose I found instant relief, and before u ine; hall the contents of the box the piius in c y hark entirely dicappeared I have every f ith ir the virtues of the Oietron Kidney Tea, ar.d can ctfiiscientiously recommend it to ni) friemin. I would uot be without it for any lhin." Oregon Kidney Tea cures headache, incon tinence of urine, brick dust sediment, turn ingor painful sensation while urinating, and all affections of the kidney or urinary orxaiu ot either sex. :ok: FINE FURNITURE :fok the: HOLIDAYS :ji st rkceivkd at:- 1 ' RF.KIi ani.UATAN ROCKKKS, MUSIC CABIXETS, STANDS, FANCY PARLOR CABINKTS, PLCS 1 1 ROCKERS, ODD PARLOR PIKCKS, EASY CHAIRS. Also 10K) worth of (tHOICE MOL'LDINtiS, for picture frames, selected from an eastern factory. Price lower than ever, and all fuaranteed first-class. ALKAXY Second street, between Montgom ery and Jeiferson. Articles of every description cleaned and dyed. Gentleman's clothing a specialty. IAVU LANM-ES. iiirjjje nuns STATE AND COAST A Prisoner Escapes From the Penitentiary. NEWS FROM THE CAPITAL. Higbwaymen Hold Dp a SaUm Cilii n and Almcjt Cane His Death -The RiTtr Still Sai.em, lee 2i. Thomas Walen, who was eet.t from Portland to serve a 7-ye: "8 term in the state I l isoti, made his escape last night His absent was not diecovered until mornit g, vhen Superinten dent I lownini; missed him. Men were itim.rv iately sent in every ilireclion to .-.earcli for bin. The cul; t it en';ii'-d by making a key and unlock i ::g his own cell, let ting himself -town on u rope and scaling the outside wall. Whalen is JS years old, weighs K53 pounds, has dark htiir, blue eyes and a scar across li s nose. The river .'icre continues to rise slowlv, and ij row about 1!) or 2i feet above luw wafer maik. All itages are under water, however. V. 1. I'e:nister, under arrest at Albany for htp-gla'-y, is wanted here for robln-ry siveial cveniiiKs si:o, of soiic! stores at Turner. ( oimi of t!ie eUi'fii v''-"ds weie found on his person. Two bold liiglr.vaymen held np Louis Mider on the road near the reform sthool Saturday night and relieved him of 7I. Mibcr was tiding in a bugirv when the two men rode up to him on hotscbacU and comuianded him to hold up bis bauds, and at the point of coid f teel he iravv up his nioriev. The robbe'S theii tired a tevoiver, and scar. d MiHir's hor.-e.r which was htaieling on a bridge. The h.irsvJ shitd oil' into the water with the bugirv, nearly drowning Miller. 11c came to town to-day atui re ported the robbery, but there is no clue to the perpelrato!8. FOOTBALL CONTEST. On New Year- Kay at Tacoma Will He a V.einoralle Struggle. Taco.m,Dcc. 20. The Tacoma football players are moving heaven and earth in their uitt-rnpt to get enough practice to defeat the M. A. A. ('. hoys on 1-iiduy next. William (ioodwin, formerly of Yale, now of Seattle, is coaching them daily and they are said to be improving under his tutelage. KEV15KO TAl'.IH'. It Will Go Into EiTect n January. I. 181IJ. IViuti.ani), lec. 2'.l. Revised copies ot tlie western ciaesiiieu rates to go in ellect .lainnuy I, have just been issued by the Western Trallii: Association. One of tlie most important changes in he rules governing shipments ol freight is as follows: "When a reduced rate is given on account of owner assuming risk of carnage as expressed in the classification, shippers must note 'owner s risk' or the letters 'O. R.' on shipping ticket of bill of lading. W hen this is omitted the freight w ill be charged at the next higher rate, or where the class names no ciass, but refers to tarill", it w iil be un derstood that 20 per cent, addi tional is to be charged, higher than the incuts at otherwise class." rate provided for ship owner's risk, unless provided for in this ANNEXATION Ill'SINESS. Kalaknmt l'rnsel Annexing the l ulled States to Ills Inland. 'When I here talk about annex ing Hawaii to the Culled States," says Spreckcls, '! am al ways reminded of " tin episode at a hanuet given in San Francisco to the l ite King Kalakaua. He had made a speech, and i-everal pro minent Pacific coast men followed, nearly every one of whom men tioned, annexation in n jocular or serious m inner. KalaUatt finally rose to his feet as one of I hem sat down, imd said: 'I like this talk about, annexa'ion very much, and J have a plan for carrrying it into execu tion. I will annex ti e United States o Hawaii and rule both countries as emperor as soon as you are ready. There was nothing more said at the batupiet about annexation." Ben Abju in the New York Press. "T1X-K" lllKII.O MAN. Iluwjwii Mlneis Brought Forth a Lrc;e Wedding l'resei.t. Colonel Hart, manager of th Cornucopia mine, of Nclhart. told an interesting little st. iy the other evenii g. Here it is': -'One of the plincipal owirers of the Mollie tiibson mine at Asen. Cal., had a daughter who was married a few years ago. Shortly after her return from her wedding trip she went to her father ai.d told him f-he wanted a house. Tiie old gentleman, after a inomeni's deliberation, Mtid : 'My girl, I'll tell you what I'll do; I wiil give you one day's work of any two men in the mine you may select.' The bride though' this was rather a slim allowan.' from one who could well alibi to be generous and was not slow to express the disappointment she felt. "The young wr.s vt rr por-i-lar with the miners, and when they heard of the pr p .- if ion w huh their chief hud madelo Lis daugh ter they indd a meeting and :--iected the best two workmen fn-ui among their number. These i. worthies presented tln-mseivci b -fore the the young lady, an 1 ;;:';--r a vast amount of pieimir::-.! v hom ing and scrajiing the :- ki .' addressed her as l'ii'ois: 'Say, Mijs, if you will only cho:.:-f two fwllers you'll never be s.ury for it. We'll git an everiastiu" rustle on 113 an I we'll stick tin old man li!e for you. You can just bet y-nir sweet life we will.' She selected these t-vo ii:er. a;id on the appointed day t!: y did '.;it an everlas'in' ru. t'e mi.tiiem, and they succeed in sticking tlie old man to the full extent of tinir Promise. Ore to the vahif of ::!! , 000 was taken out by thete two miners in one day, and one. of the very finest m:insions in Aspen was the result of their toil snd the selec tion made bv the vo;;ng l.iide." Salt Lake Herald.' FAST MAIL FA CI I.I TIES. Arraugcment Ueinir C-niii1i-t( .1 to Hasten lli New Vol k l':i; .or. CliK'AliO, l-ec. t!oul:ceiner.t ( f the 2 '. ': ui:- cotnt.;. ".n arrangements bv whirl ti:- Yolk Sun. lay paners r.'rl 1 1 . r mail matter trom that, city :ii received on the l'acili,- c.;t n mi ly a day eariier t!ia:: at pteseii', will be very weicome news. The plan of tiie new service ha j ir '. tieen perfected by James K. Wiiite, general fi'.ii r:tite;id:'iit cf the rail way mail service. A ne-v thiou.-'i )(istal-cart:aiu een New Y: U and Chicago via Pitt di'i'g i i '.li ning over the i'i -nnsylvaiiij r'.-.: I. Il consists of thiee pi: iai c. two of whicii ii:e fitted with im proved futn tu:..-- and appliaii-.-' for distributing mail. A coipso: experienced jiostiil clerks will man it. At Pittsburg one of the pos.ta:- cars is taken up by th" Chicago limited express and c;ir;ied to Ciii cago, where il arrives at '.':; x m. By the new plan the nc'i-paper and fourth-class mail jj.ii'i s-ven hours and forty minutes ! etw ecu New York and Chic.ig-i. At Chi cago connections aie made wi!h many western and notil.we;:. t; roads. By the new train, uai: from New York will arrive f...:u three to twenty-four h j-.:rs ai in large parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebras ka, Mis. ouri and other ttat-. s far ther west. UK W KOTEOF 11 IS ".HKK. All his NotmIs Slionf il There naa on Woman ho had Stmlieil. "It seems to me," said the young business man to the suc cessful writer, "that I h-j h character that runs tiiroU;h near ly nil your storier." "It may be," taid tlie . liter, drtamily. as le studied tl.e tigures the lUiues were making in the big open li replace. "1 gen erally have some out in mind !'"!' every character I draw, and il eboraieor molify peculiarities .to the occasion demands. Is 11. i- :-. man or a woman V ".V woman noble, pa i 'i:t. s.-Ii saciilicing and all that." The wiitel studied the f re m re intently as he re-lied fl.nviy : '"Yes, I've tried to ir.itr.iv several." "Bull find ce-taiu Ib.tle t r.i::s in some ol t he characters t: :i mind me of one of the other, re in. ! 1 thought pel haps one w:s rea'.lv a continuation oi the other."' "It is pos-ilde," said the writer thought-iullv. 'The cteis are?'' "fienerally the' The wiiter blew n'v i -ill' of sm-kc toward the ceilin;,' an ! said : "You h ive .--red it. (ae woman has l.e.-n the heioiuo of most of my slorii s.' "Ftut where did y.-u find ore who has been t!i:o-u'i s.i !!V:eV.'' "1 didn't. I've s intey tt'ld ed one, and from wh.etl h.ive seen portrayed what I think si.e'.i do in dillereiit trying silu iti :ii-.'' "Whoissh ' .' I de lik.-to I-,, et her." "Really?" aked ihe wii'er. 'indea ! I would." "Kim; with me hi n:uht. She's my wife." Chieatro Ti ibui;.-. Ieote.l tu liritUb I ntt-retti. Naxoit'i, In iia, I - c. Indian national f-'i;ieK .The l pel t 1 here to-uay. r.ignt ni.niir.-i noi-cg-ttes were present. Fxpres-;on of the linn t ti:rne.-: love ki- I 1- y ally to tin at Biitaiti w:e; made j:t the oper.i:g. Tii" Mv.r.pi'.s ol I.ansdov, k viceroy of iie.ii1., 1 been making a lo'ii:' of Ihe country and is every wdu-re r . ei vi d i; '. t he w arme-4 expression of i"' :tl v and devotion l ) the !-rii:.-ii i. te: ests. Iluntlnfr Ai'ri-l',nt t-i it I'rincr, I.oxpox", lti'. I".'. The ii.j.:;is from which Pi inje Chii'ti. n, of Hchlpswiir-Ib Istt ii: Soi;di5 ti rg, i sullering are the result of nu ;-.cci-dent. The -::ei n a:-d nn ir.' i rs of the royal f.iiniiv ; re rperdi-'g the Chi it ma- b. 'i 'ir. s at t isb.ntte House, lsl of Wi,bt. Tiie day before Christina t: e pr.i-y w::s htintitig. The bird? rose !:w. en hp I In Ice of ( 'feu. in: ! ht :i i -1 I 'i-i nee Christian. The foiin-r tin d, but iaCons of the neturality lawe by unfortunately did i o: a:m high Miarcia's band of revolutions. If enoiii:h. Th.eeshot entered I'rinee i eies.-ary to pievent thes'! ni-n Christian's face, dettroying ont I roin crossing backwards and for eye. " Iwatds between Mexico and the A COSTLNUED STORM It Has Pioslrated the Wires and Delayed Tiains, V. ATLK AT roitmxD. 'u V.'i !a:E8t: Ki-:ig .piu)j isd to i Ita.t. D.uars - t ci Ictia. Puki i and, lec. 2;t. The Soutli em I'aeifc pesenger train that wac. due at 7 . i. arrived in the a lei't.oon. The delay .vis at New Era, wj.eic the washout oecuired last night. Fair time was made point whs reached, but the repia'td embankment was too shaky lo pel mil oi 'the train going over till n had b-jtn repaired ur th(.r. ihe wiies whi'h have been down ou the Siititharii Pacific line i. re b.-irg put up'.slowly. Late this vfTihigeohiiiuinicntion was iiretty well i.'.-ihb!.ched nil over the line. Tilli OTHER UOAI1S. Ti -'r.'.iii.j, .1 '- on Njrt!:fin Pacilit; through ai:d th ).e fiom the Sound, tin.'-.'. The morning tra.n ie.t!;d el'K at the ustii.1 hour, i iii;.i 'lie oh" tnc at 4 o'clock aiso '--.if i'i. 'e!'V lit t le 1 r 'libiH is b'.-iiei t - o la' ues.ccd by tiiis read in iom piir.M'ti with i1'!.- otl.eiP. Tt.e I'nion Pacific that w as due t '.'o'clock arrived at 11:43. l'iieie was no paitieular point of delay, but the trouble was between heie and tiia Tiie Italics, where 1 lie v. ires are down, Citis lig trains ! , ii'.ove rlo'vly awaiting orders. There is a h- avy riio'.vfiill in the In ;i:,d l nipire v.hi.-h tlire&teiis to i.el.'y trains. i ih: i:i vi:r msixii at i-oktlasd. The river i.-i rising and should it 'oiuinue to rise to-night the same in hist night, when il gained near ly a hot in twelve hours, tl.eie Alii be a general stamped admit i he docks iu the lower part oi the city to remove gjeds to a place ot safety. The ri e in too river has beei. v:y rt i l, as three das ago it war- ::ol noticeable iu the lraf-t No-.v : he river is ru.-Lii g towards the Columbia al a tcrrilic speed, .'.iid etie watching trom the thore i-.i not ice the larjv. uinttej of d i't w lii j ling ast. Should the heavy rainacontinue fis they have, it is feared that the river will rise- to such a height as to do a vast amount of damage, audit isa.juestion ag to whether it might cipuii the big 11 jod of Feb ruary, lS'.K), when the water came up as high as Th::d street, though he circumstances are little a differ ent, there being nearly a f-jet cf snow iu the valley at that time. The locks at Oregon City have been closed, and will remain so dining high water. Tim Cnlonl&l laillament CIsd. Mki not itxr, Dec. 2f.i. The gov i ninr ol" Victoiia piorogucd the loijii iid pailiament to-day. His fsceilency, in closing the session said he regretted difficulties had ari.-eii in d.-a!ii!g with the com iu'.;)ve:i!th bill, but. he be!ievel the federation of the Australian e. ionics was only delayed, not de feated, lie a Ided that tiie finan cial ; rojieets of ilia colony were piomisiug and good reports were icccivtd concerning the harvest. baii;e In German SJIulstors. P.:.i!i.'s. IVc. 2J. Tiie North (i--ruian (iaettvj says it learns iron i reliable sources that Ir. von Holleiibiim, lit reseut German minister to Japan, will be trans ferred to Washington, where he wiil represent liemany in place of Count Aicoval'cy, who died nunc liiiu-Ao. Baton von Gutschiaid, who is no.v German minister to Chdi, wili be transferred toTokio, to take the place made vacant by th-j tr;i'ifer of l'r. von Holitn bum. lr. von Winckler, now ho -lit. it the position of secretary oi the vierman legation at Con-f-taif.inopie. will be appointed lainis'tr to Mexico. .loiiiie; the Mritrnn Insargiints. l'-iiowNsvi i.i.r, Tex., Dec. 2'.b It i.j tepoi tcd that a party of armed men are c.tmped near Tampaquez ou the dividing line of Cameron and Hidalgo counties. I'hty arc under the command of Frai"cesca Aredandos, a deserter from the Mexican army, and it is supposed they intend joining the ;ti.a outlaw. Alamo, the Mexi can who committed two ooii'drrs on l'iidro island, Texas, and w ho was s. reded by the Mexican au thoiilico, and w as being held ( end ing the issue cf extradition'pnper?, . aix"! with live others from the Mair.iiioras jail last night and eros-e I the liver to Texas to join Ar--iando's band. Garza's men are reported hiding ina chapparal. THE MKXICAN lNBlBOEST!. rin-y Arr (ililnt; tint I'. S. Tro-ips M ui'.k Trouble. WA.-uiN(iT0.s, Pee. 2:. Acting .-ecret.ity tirant said to-day that i.i r- g.ii'.h-d the situation on the Mexican fiontier as erlous, m t'i;tt tne war depaitaient was ex erting itself to prevent further vio- Unitt-J Stales, the entire military fi'ice under Generil Sttnley't cimma:i 1 r, ill be distributed along I lie no; tli bank of the Rio Grande. It is s.tid at the war department that Garda's movement is gaining :-tip:i.' h, i.otwithstanding the ef iorts of tjie United States and Mex ican troops to prevent it. Inas much i's tha Rio (ira tide is ford able s.-ie:i moniihsin theyear.and the levohitiouists Lave many UieBiis on each ot tLe river, who ketj them advised promptly of every move of the government forces, tiie task before General Stanley's troops of rreventint? them i'i oin crossing ie full of dilii culiy. TELKli'.'.ArillO B UK VI TIE. 3 Edward J. Tracy was yesterday appointed s'ate treasurer cf Flor ida, vice F. J. Pond, deceased. The residence of T. J. Clancy was totally destroyed by lire at Uall.i Walla last night. Loss f2iM.I0. The oi ui.scr San Francisco yes tirday arrived at San l'iego, Cal., where she wiil wait for orders from the navy depaitmcnt. Mil lieal Blake, a young man working in the Elv'uui mine at Butt ", .Mont., yestvi'.lay fell down a 130-foot shaft mid was instantly kiiLd. I-'e Mlyht Have lieiii Innocent. Pi TXAM.Conn., Hec. 2S. Chas. N. Culler died here a few daye ago amid turroundings indicative of extreme ovi rt but leaving an :-s-Mte es'inr.tted at $100,tK,K). One u ght away btck iu tke '30s, Chariei Collins was ehot dead while crossing a bridge, and it was g'-neiiilly lieheved that Cutler was the iiiuideier. Cutler and Collins had been sui'ors for the eame girl and the rivalry had "hanged the tnee f.i.-iids into bitter enemies. I he glil seemed to prefer Collins, at:d suspicion was directed to Cuth r. He was arrested, but the evidence was insufficient to hold him. and the murder was never av nged. Alter this episode m lis lde Culler became a recluse an 1 a miner. C.-w t;oy un a Tsar. San Axiom. i. Tex., l)ev. 28. H.-.If a (iozcii io,vboys took possee- s on el a south-hound passenger train on the International & Great Norihein railroad, - forty miles north of here, last night. They boarded the train at Cuda station, and their f.rst, act was to force a Chicago dinmuur off the moving t ain because be wore a red cravat and hiiih silk bat. They then made a. number of young ladies in the Pullman coach sing for thens. enforcing all their demands with drawn pistols. They ruled the train for twenty miles, when they stepped effat a way station. A 1'our.g Woman M ordered. Puii.Apti.rii a, Dec. 23. The dead body of a young giil named Ellen Wi'irer was found in a broom fac'o y this morning, lying on the 11 .or in a puol of blood with, her skull ciushed. The police have arrest ..-.I John P. Ilanney on a charge cf mnrdciing ihe girl. Some years go Hanney betrayed thegi'l. Lal-ly the girl has been fivip-ient calls upon Ilan ney for money to support her child, and it is Eaid Le made a threat to kill her. No Itrlian inulty to be Paid,, Pec. 29. None of the officials of the department of state have have any knowledge of auy agreement made t y this gov ernment witii that cf Italy tot-ay indemnity .n account f the New Orleans affair, as reported by Eng lish correspondents at Rome, ho far as learned, correspondence on tiie subject between the two gov ernments, which wa3 interrupted last spring by the recall of the Italian minister, has never been reope.ied. fht Without Any Causa. Ri:so, New, Pec. 23. A man named Ben Pierce shot Tatey Hamilton, an employe of the Ne vada A California railroad, in tho Runs house last night. The wound is said to be of a very dangerous character, it being about an inch below the heart. The t-hooting is said to have been without jrovo cittion. Pierce is in jail. A Desperate 'Old Man, Pahis, Pec. 2:t. An old man living in the eastern department killed his son in a -piarrel over a legacy. When the gendarmes ar rived to arrest, him he barricaded himself in tiie house. He fired at the gendarpaes, whereupon a sec ond gendarme leveled his pistol at tlie murderer and ki led him. A Calnrso Impostor FJnad. Ottawa, Out., Pec. .2'). The minister of customs has intiicted a fine of 5') upon a Chinaman at Victoria, B. C, for endeavoring to defra:id the dipartmuiit by per sonating another individual, with a view of obtaining a permit to return to Canada. ltusk Fires In South WaUs. Svnst:v, X. S. W, Pec. 29. Extensive bush lires have swept. oer tii- districts ot Albany, W'ig;:a Wigga, Teuiora and Mud ?, gee. causing immense damage to ' crops. A huge number of live st. ck were burned to death. Rccrrtarj Foster Out Again. ";ton. Pec. 2'J. Secre tary Foster went out for a short drive to-day. ,lt is stated that he is so much impioved in health that he will attend the meeting of the cabii ci to-morrow . V5. . - M - 'ii--Jri'.V , - K' ' - -