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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1891)
i 1 A X A ' in ' ADVERTS, N'G AGENCY! ... ,.t. mi .-.. , ... . r-" f TaLBANYTo KEttON, FKlDAY, AUUUSJ' 28 1891 VOL. VI NO, 229 -0 CENTS A WEEK. V - MIIII I I .a. . a. Baw. .aw sr ID FOB ItLI. WANTS. ETC. I III WATED-Toduvenelal io.iist-work. VT Soe but nrtcla-ia heli lire J a.ndi. Vailat taiaeffl-e. WA.tTKD A youiii jj irl tor linht wrk ad car of eh hi. en. Impure at cot tage career Ifinth and C'alapoia street. WANTBD-A Klrl to d general house work in a small f tniily. Impure suiith Mt corner Tib ao I Hiker tieet4. PAT yoarschid tix -Thj a-h l tax lur ta vur lil. i n i j . I ptvahle. Vt-eerr are rjpieve I t oil, at ta eVj tf lu dor. C. ll Kuril hurt au.l par aha aaois. 3i ie-1, v. (J. Burkhart, clerk. CB. WIS.. Alitor FOR Till! LKAu; lag .-. lit aaJ - -1 lmt insurance com eealas. MOSIT TO LOAM-HoUK CAPITAL ON fud raal attaU sc.urity. For particu lars eu,aire ol G. Humphrey. GOLD MNQ, 8 UOLD PK.VS. S I'.UiAU pencils, t very ooJ h uidkerchiefs, all Sat to any atMreM to introduce my ch up liaa el f o-xla, lor 10 et. J S. SumoMi, CaJ.i O WtJriU -Ah a ic I it c tilling piirpo-i -.-i, K.yal Auu :hrrr, Ulack Kcpuidi :m earn, peach plii in. tltrtlctt pea-, IS'- rebrrie an I Michrrie. Fjr which I will pay ta hitht niarket pri-.v. i. . Sih-mki. 1Ai:K(4 Of LVNU All Ht f..r cull i '101 vation, ami u-il.-r (en e, (or Kile at Slitpare-r, W-thui 1 mite- fro u rkilroad i atH i a' i J t) luiiM Ir jui Albany Apply at ) lais vSki. baa real if eJ l . lann Iry to ihe irunhtu tu cor icr of Se -oaU utl Lya Mneti. Laual tur alr. t. It, 30. 10. H) acrr, cur tiri.H, im ill ml plan ch j ip an I liii;li uri v.l Aim) a ity lot a' I uutl by il. tlrait Laa4 Baryeylac. Tnaa iiia suavsTia d.xcmii X tain a.-curat uJ prompt work ! lailiiu pao auunty aurneynt K I'. T. r'ivlier. lit aajaaiplt caplea o( nll note anil town hip plata, an J ia prepare I toilo survi liii? in aay part of unn couuly. iMtoui" M'ir.--alulara station. Uun coo itt.drevni Notlca of Parnter.lilp. MUTICK ia hj e'- iriven that J. W. lum bar ha purcbtaol a oim Ii 01 inu-n xt i . ttir ci Bou.r mi:, a-il tii iiu hum hi artar b run u i lor thflru .tame ( A l)uar. Mlo Au(Ul 1 1-M. Fl in-, J, VV. (.A .IIKK. llUiU SllSil - k II. llM hi.i! If aufhw! the lr l M .Ijni w 14 aatnt, i ret.1. t n I al' r.Kr Ly araor at reaMnu e. ' ' c ( aB4 yA apojia a.ructi, or leoe Krriii ui'. Op fcK inAmo's jr University of km AT Kl'UENK. Ntit svisiuii lieuiiis uii MixxLtv, tL21st, tlay of Sfte!nlT, l.Si ; tuilion, free. Four t'oiirses : Clsifl, Scientitif, Literary, ami m short Kinlih course, in wliii-li tkr i no Latin, lireck, Frenrli r German. The F.ngliHti is pre iniaently a LiisineHsi; mr.;. For catalogued or other information, Address J. V. Johnson, Vrenideiit. CITY DllUli STOUE gTABAKD ACU8ICK, Prosi., rruirKK block, - - ai. i:ny. Iletlen in 1RUCS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. FANCT aaa Toilet arU !, Spni;e, I'.nHlira, frfitiai y, S.ho.l Baik, ami Al ti(l' Sllpl llej pSJfPhysiiian'rt (ri'd.iijilion t carefully couiKnniled. H. OK EGO, Tailoring Kepaiiif. Maa'a as tot' clothing mide to pr.ler or laJ aad rcpairvJ uu abort notice awl f aauabl rale . a aa tha trl car liue,"beteen Tbinl aaa Furh treta Jill f It A I -the- OIdDEST, LoARGEST & IdEAST EX TENSIVE Institution of learningin the Northweat. :5:!i! s-tuilentd in 1SS7, 4'." in ISSM an increase of nearly 50 per cent in four vears. iten in Ai t, l.usiness, Classical, Law, Literary, Med ical, ", Normal, Tharm:treiitical and Scientilic courses. Gradu ates from the normal course have all the advantages of graduates from the Slate Normal schools. IScttc'r facilities for teaching next year than ever l.-f.ii.. First term ltMii.i SETT EMU Eli 7th, 1S.U. For cata logue, with full inforiuatinii.addreHS Win. S. ARNOLD, A. M., Salem.Or. Once AW wish to romin.l you that w oar rv thMiiost Complete lano of Ilartl wivpo, Stoves and Hauo's in the Val IeV MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. J-TTX.,1 CTS Manufacturer of -AND FINE Bli'ililTEl) ID KEY WEST iira riii Si:i-i:iii! Toiiucros, Mrerscliaiim and Briar Pipi-i, tB f'lll I'm ot Sii.okiTK' Aitii-It-s. e cf to I'llciliei's canity store, Alliany, OreHron, SI Ue are lur ik will complete FURNISHING GOODS, VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS AND I'LI'SllES. LADIES' ANI ) MHSIN SIL'; AND KNIT UNDERWEAR. (' TTON A N I W i M L 1 1 S E , I : M B R f 1 1 E R I E S . S I L K A X D LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS. VEILINGS. SHAWLS, ETC. DRESS GOODS Very attractive lines in new colorings and hitcsl mivcllics. GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR 1 Latest Styles! Hig!i Novelties! Ladies, Misses & Children's. O. W. SIMPSON, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. I am an old mm and have been a constant uuhVrer with catarrh for the lat ten years. I am en tirely cured I iv the use of Ely's Cream Ra'm. It is strange that so simple a remedy w ill cure such a stubii'irn di case Henry Bill ings, 1'. S. T. iisi -ii Att'y, Wash ington, D. ('. Fur eight vears I have HilH'ered linin filial ill, w hich clTccted my eyes and hearing; have employed many physicians without reliel. I ;tm don' on my second bottle ol Ely's Cic am Balm, and feel conti nent of a complete cure. Mary C. Thompson, Cerro Gordo, 111. We ate the only people who car ry the celebrated E. it W. eollai and cull's. Always have the latest styles in stock, T. L. Wallat e & Co. Titt.ooit t:mi'Laks. IKi you know that Moore's Re vealed Kemely is the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain a drop of alcohol ; tlif.t the mode of preparing it is known only to its discoverer; that it is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that its proprietor oiler to forfeit $1,000 for any case of dyspepsia it will not cure? Thos. Brink has just received some of the finest lounges ever brought to Albany, and he is sell iug theui at a close margin. mm Asa i n JOSEPH, Choice Cigars DEALER IN- in the Lead! le found th, - .n ever. larger and more WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in l tr:-;c assortment and end less variety. SVV IMK. C ASKS. S. II. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia sind and Rheumatism, his Stomach vus disordered, his Liver was atl'cited to and alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in Hesh and strength. Three bottlesof llectrie Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisb 'rg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Cied three bottles of Electric Bit'.ets and seven boxs of Bucklen's Salve, and his leg is sound . ml well. John Speaker, Cataw b:, I).; hail live large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was iucural.le. One bottle Electric Bitters and cue box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by F'oshay & Mason, Drug store. MIL! SEU YE t LI VKK PILLS. Act on a new principle regain ting the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new dii covery. Dr. Miles' Pills sjieedily cure biliousness, bad taste, tot pi 1 liver, piles, constipationr Un equaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! bOdose? for 25 cents. Samples ee, at Stanard & Cusick. Cakes of all varieties, fancy and plain at the Delmouico rebtaurant. tiik rixrir ami, Kev. F. M. Shrout, Tastor United Brethren Church, T.lue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a few weeks. 1 took live bottlesof Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 20 lbs. in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes : "After a thorough trial and con vincing evidence, 1 am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can tlo my many thousand friends is to uge them to try it.' Free trial hot ted at Foshay & Mason, Drug Store. Regular sizes 5')c. and $1 (HI. KM! tltk tlELK KtX It:. Mrs Michael Curtain, I'lainliotil, III, makes tliu tluU'iiiciil that she caught cohl, which settled on her liuis; she was treat d Tor a month hy her l.imily physician, Imt iriew uorse. lie told her she wa a hopelo-; victim of coiiirmiilion and that nomedieiue could cine her. Her dm:1 :;i-l su:r jcesled lr. K'uiirV New Discovery lor Consumption ; she bought a holtle and to hiT delight lounil herself bene, lilted from the lir.-t dose. She eon liniied ils use and tiller taking ten hollies, found heicf sound and well, now does her ow n housework and is as well as the was. Kree trial bottle of this great Discovery at Koshay .V .Mhsoii's Drug Slore, l.ire hollies .'i0e, und -l IHI- sri: i i.iiiov iiim.i.i:h . Scarcely a day passes without the news of some large failure Dishing over the wires the Usual result of speculation in stocks or some equally dangerous venture. The same electric, en rent carries to dear distant li iend the sad tidings of death of lined ones too oft, n the result ol speculation ill patenl uo-truuis. Moore V le vcalcd Kenieily is no speculation bul is sold on positive guarantee. lo not fail to go to your druggist and ask for your money if not sali-licd. We known you u ill go and buy anothr bottle. For sale by all !ruggists. M f. KIT M i No, We desire to fay lo our eiti zi us, that for years we have been sell ing l)r King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr King's New Life Tilis, liucklen's Arnica Salve and Klectrie llitleis, and have r.cvur liandled relucilies that S-'U ns, or that have given .such universal satislac ticii. We do not liesitate t ) guaran tee .them every tii:iu and we Bland ready to refund Ihe pure liasu pi ice, if satisfactory r sulls d i not fohmv llieir use These remedies have won their gn- it ojiularily purely on their merits, Koshay .V Mason Druggists, That hacking cough can lie so ipliekly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guaran'ee il. Sold by Foshay Mason. SI .11 MIINr III the circuit court of the sta! of Oregon lor i.itm county. C. II. Stewart A 1!. F. Sox, partners doing business under the linn name and Mle of Stewart & Sox, Tlainlill's, vs. T. A. Beard, Defemlaut, i To T. A. Beard, the aliove-iianied defendant : IN TIIK NAJIK OrTIIKSTATK OK OP.K Von ollare hcrcliv rcilirol to apvear nml answer the complaint cf tin abuve ii:iiin-il plnintilT in the almxc cntitli-il ci art now on tile with the c!crk of saiil court on or be fore tin- lirst tlav of the in t rcvulir term of naitl court. to-'Ait: on r l-fr.r,-o-tolcr -li'h Is'il aiel you arc ln-iebv nol.ticl that if ou fail V appear aixl answer fatil e p:tiplaint a le-icby icfiiircl, the plaiutitf will tike jii'li; inciit a;aii..t ou f"r th Hum oi --sd.i o ami interest thereon at the rate is per cent per annum from May -sth. Unit, and foi the costti aral dishurHcmciits ot this action anil for an orler of sale of the fullouin ili-HTibfl premiHtw to-wil: llc.iunim; at 1 1 - north west i-orner of the donation lalnl laiul of Uaviil Scttlelnicr, notitication No' l.'.it, t-laitn No, 3 in T-, 12. S. 1!. I W , of the Willam ette meridian in I. inn comity, iin-tron, anu runniiii; tlicncc ciNt iili.ii.' chain to the ca-it ,liounlary line of suiil township. rhncc Hoiith on the township line .".I.Oj chains, tbt-iu.-c w st ,r0 chains, thence south a. lOchuns, thenci west l;.:nj ihailis to th unit boiloilarv line of iciiil ilonatii q land claim, thcnc north on the Hiil west hoiuiilarv line to the plai c of iM-nioiii tli same having litt-n iluiy atfai-licl l,y the slit;rifl :t Linn ci iliity, Oregon in the aboc i nl it il cause. 'this summon in published h nr.h-r of the llonoralile K. I', 11 iise juiie of the entitled l Oiirt duly made m i hainl crs in Si Iciu, orcoii, on tin I Ith, dav ot .1 v s!i. II. II IIK.w'l IT. Att'l for I'laintilN. The Delebrated Frenci CURK 'APHEQDITiNE- Warraiit. il to cure or nioiioy refund- J oi-.-; r i "! ACTED the ienerativo orirann of either box whether arising from the excessix o use of atiiniilants, tobacco or opium, or thr man joiitiiful mills crction, over indulicence, tie, euch aslossof Brain l'cwer, Wakcfu'ncss, bcarim: bown pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, Ncr ou mnitiou. Nocturnal thiiis sion9, l.eucorrho Oizzincsf, Weak .Memory, Loss of Power and iinpoten.'.y which if neg lected often lea.! to prcmaf.iie old a;c ami insanity. Price 1 a b -x; 0 boxc5 fcr iS.OO Sent lv mail on receipt of price. A VVKirlK l.l AK.tM KE l eivm with every tb order received, to refund tnc money if a I'rrinnlient cure is notufTetteil. We have thousaudsof testimonials from olo and youinr, of both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the une of Aphroditine Circular free. Address THE AI'IIKU Ml.lHt IV'. ( O. Western Branch, Box, 27. Portlan.l, Oregon. For Bale by Foel.ay & Mason, who esalraud tail druKiabi, Alhauy, Oren-m. r-:.F0FE STATE AND COAST Indians at Klamath Agency Dying .'- Off Rapidly. CONSUMPTION THE MALADY, High Living It Too Muob. for the Hoble R, 1 Mea Somo Notorious Oregon Chlefi. -S-lkm, Aug. 27. Henry Jack son, an educated Titt River In dian, from the Klamath agency, is in Salem attending the M. E. conference. He said a few years won 1 1 find but few scattering numbers ol his race left. On the agency there are not over 900 Indians, and with them consump tion is making terrible inroads. He says the different foods, cloth ing, etc., attendant upon civiliza tion ate too much for the Indian ; he can't eland it. Of the once powerful Modoc tribe only twenty are left and the same number of Snakes. The balance attheageucy are Klamaths. "Sconchin,"' the last chief of the Modocs and the leader in the Modoc wars, is still living. He is over one hundred years old and quite weak. He is blind as a bat. "Choctaw" the last chL-f of the Snakes died only a few weeks ago. He was very old nui stone blind. "Allen David," once the powerful chief of the Khtinaths. is alive yet and quite old. He is also blind. Jackson says both the old and young Indians are dying oif very rapidly, and a few j ears will find nearly" all of theai in their graves iw the present rate of dying. Jack Brown, one of the lirst blacksmiths who set up a forge in Salen, was committed to the asy lum to day. He is f.0 years old and is suicidal. His instuity ia the result of drink. CALIFORNIA Hl'S. Tb Crop I Nearly Fallura In Yolo and Saraiuuto. Sackamunto, Aug. 27. The hop crop, which is an important in dustry iu Sacramento county, bids fair t-j be very nearly a failure. Not more than half a crop will bt turned oil' by the yards iu this county and Yolo. Many vines arc turning red, and the hop is also the color of the setting sun. The product is so rusted that it cannot be sulphured do as to sell. All this is also "light," so that it is a dead loss to the growers. A change has come iu the last week and it is a distressful surprise to cultivator-i. It puts entirely a new aspect to the California hop market. The red color is thought to Le due to long dry spells and hot weather. Misleading telegrams have been seot out by buyers within the past few days, saying that the crop in this valley will be above the average, when, in fact, the 'everse is the case. IBI IOBT RACK. Captain Andrew, of the Manual on Hoard a Ship. London, Aug. 27. The British steamer l-Mbruse, from Baltimore August 11, ai rived at Antwerp to day. On board her was CapUii Andrews, of the dory Mermaid which sailed from Boston book time ago on a transatlantic race with the dory Sea Serpent, which arrived at the English channel, August 5. The fact that Captain Andrews was en board the Elbruse is taken to indicate he had given up the rare, or else some accident had happened to his boat that made it necessary for him to le ave her. CLAIM! FOU ItAMAUKM. BrltNIi Ship Demand Heaaonera tlon from Chill. Losimin, Aug. 27. The British merchant ships which were put to ve nieiu e and somewhat damaged during the fighting in lisagua, (inn, nave prepared their claims for damage for pre-Ke-itatiou to the Chilian irovern- ment. The vessel claims to have been made depots of refuge for tl.ousauds of non-combatants dur ing a period iu some instances of six weeks. One vessel, the Strathcarn, had pigs, goats, fowls And household furniture on board, as well as human beings. ' MARYLAND ttBTl BLICANS. tat Convention In Session -Harmony Anion; Leaders la Urged, Oceax Crrv, Md., Aug. 27. The Maryland republican state con vention was called to order to-day by Chairman llodgeson. In his speech ho caid harmony among the leaders he held to be essential to the success of the party in the state. After its temporary officers and the usual committees were ap pointed, a recess was taken until 3 o'clock. Russian raln Kxperts. Bkrlix, Aug. 27. Russian ex ports of grain toPosen amount to 1500 tons daily, and other frontier towns are receiving still larger ipiantities. Exports from the consular district ot uueinnitz trom January to July show a decrease of nearly 00 per cent. A N w Hampshire Woman's Idea. A store advertises as the newest thing out its "patent children's knee pads." The history of the pads is interesting. A .Northern New Hampshire wo nan, w ith boys who would go through the knees of their knickerbockers and stock ings faster than she could mend ihem, in a moment of inspiration fitted some soft leather smoothly over tne knees oi two ot tier boys A summer visitor saw the scheme and adopted it for her boys, so the pads went into tne world, and now somebody has patented the New Hampshire woman's idea, and is making money out of it. KoflUh Crop Damaged. Lonbom, Aug. 27. Telegrams from all parts of the country con tain the same tale of damaged crops. The havoc on fruit planta tions is dreadful. Theie is nogale now, but the additional wet is likely to complete the destruction of the gram crops. The Sympathtc Crook, Burglar Your money or your life. Victim (from bed) Wait till I explain, sir, that my wife and three daughters have gone to a fashionable hotel to t-pend the summer Burglar Enough ; I am pretty hard up myself, but there's a dollar for you. (Exits weeping. ) New i ork Herald. Really the Same. ''Are you going to wear the same bathing suit that you wore last season ! "I am." "But fashion says that bathing suits will be fuller this year." "Well, mine will be fuller. I am a good deal stouter than I was last season." New lork Tress. THE HOT IVAVE. COOLER WEATHER IS FKOll ISEDIN THE N9RTHWEST. Frosts to North Daketa Damage Crops Somewhat -Lower Tern perature. Minneapolis, Aug. 27. Specials from different parts of North Da kota indicate that a frost last night did some damage to crops At Winnipeg the thetmometer was below freezing point and there is no doubt much damage has re suited from frjst. COOLER WEATHER PROMISKIi. Washington, Aug. 27. Contin ued cool and generally fair weather is likely to prevail weft of the Alleghany range until Satur day. San Feancisco, Aug. 27. The forecast for Oregon and Washing ton for the next 24 hours is slightly cooler. FIERCE BLAZE IN PORTLAND. Inmates In m Lodging; Hons'e Nar rowly Escape Death. Portland, Aug. 27. A destruc tive and what nearly proved a atai nre occurred this morning a few minutes before 5 o'clock on South Front street, at the Chicago aloon and lodging house, which .outs on Baker street. There were seventeen inmates, including Teter Meeve, the proprietor, his wife, a coo i named Taulina Len liolt, and Bertha Scheiver, a little 13-year-old girl, who was em ployed as a maid of all work. Several weie severely burned and narrowly escaped with their lives. Three of the lodgers jumped 40 feet from a window into the gulch below. None were killed. The loss is $7000; insur ance, $3500. A Muroessful Ad ertlser's Ylew. Mr. John Wannamaker, one of the heaviest 1 advertisers and most successful business men of tha country says: "1 never in my life used such a thing as a poster, dodger or hand bill. My plan lor l'i years has been to" buy so much space in a newspaper, and till it up with what I wanted. I would tot give an advertisement in a newspaper of 500 circulation for 5000 posters and dodgers." It Was an Old Habit. Gaswell (to his wife) You have lately acquired the unpleasant habit of turning up your nose. Mrs. Gaswell Oh, no; it isn't recently acquired. Mamma said only yesterday that if I had not turned up my nose at so many good offers 1 might have been happier in my married lite now. Pittsburg Telegraph. Trae to Lire. "Mr. Weber, this is your son's photograph which he ordered. Does it not look like hhu?" "Yes." "But he has not paid me for it yet." "That looks still more like him." Puck. Two of Kind. "Nothing," said Mr. Tozer sadly, "equals the skepticism of married women." "You're mistaken, my dear." answered Mrs. Tozer, "there is one think." "What is it?" "The credulity of the unmarried ones." Detroit Tribune. INTO THE ABYSS A Railroad Train Plunges 200 Feet Into a Ravine. MANY PASSENGERS KILLED Hardly 0n Escaped Unlnjurtd-Tkirty- Flx Bodies Est 6sb Takta Out Particulars Ar Moagr. Statl-sville, X. C, Aug. 27. A western bound passenger train on the Western cV North Carolina railroad jumped the trestle near here early this morning. The train plunged into a ravine 200 feet in depth, dashing the cars into spun' ters. At least forty passengers were killed outright, 'the wounded number twenty-five. Many of them will die. Few, if any, of the passengers or trainmen escaped unhurt. Relief was promptly sent out. Owing to the hour and locality of the acci dent, only the most meagre details were received. The train was filled with people. The wreck is complete, very few passengers escaping death, as the bridge is sixty feet high. Up to 11 o'clock thirty-six bodies were recorered from the wreck. Par ticulars yet meagre. No names are yet known ot tne dead. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Charlotte, X. C, Aug. 20. An accident occurred near Statesville early this morning on a high tres tle over the Catawba river. A rail in the track had been removed at the entrance of the bridge, precip lUting the whole train into the river. News from the scene is meagre, but it is certain that be tween twenty and thirty people were killed and many others in jurad. RAIN TO ORDER. The Government's Experiments In Texas a Sureess. Midland, Tex., Aug. 27. The labors ot the raiumakers, whom Uncle Jerry Rusk sent down here to try to pump water out of cloud less skies, are practically at an end, so far as this particular focal itv ia concerned. General Jivren forth will leave for Washington to-morrow to be gone about ten days. He is highly pleased with the success of the experiments. and has perfect faith that the power of making ia n has been secured. From a barren dry a!kali prairie this country has been transformed into a first-class pasture land. The experiments have not yet been conducted upon the extensive scale of the programme lirst laid out by General Dyrenforth, bul Humcient has been done to demon strate that the rigtit. plan for making rain when it is needed has been discovered. The balloons, owing to the present inadequate means of maktug oxvgen in large quantities, have not been a daz zling success, but the rackarock powder and dynamite have worked wonders witli the atmosphere. The explosions of any large amount of dynamite and racka rock were followed by rain inside of ten hours, upon eight or ten occasion. lASt evening was the final and most conclusive atid satisfactory of any of the experiments. The night was clear and there was every indication of a long dry spell. Five balloons were sent up nd exploded. A stitt gale was blowing from the east and they drifted toward the setting sun be fore they exploded. The battle on the ground, where rackarock and dynamite took the place of heavv artillery, lasted Irom six o'clock until ten; then the gen eral and hie forces retired. They were awakened at 3 a. m. by a vivid flash of lightning, followed by a violent clap of thunder. They went out and saw a storm of great violence raging in the west. It rained until about 8 a. m. ; tnen many pounds of dynamite and rackarock were exploded again. After each discharge tne rain tell in torrents. HANDLING WHEAT. Railroad Companies Arranging fur Heavy Shipments. Portland, Aug. 27. In this season of great crops it is interest ing to note what are the capabilit ies of tne railroads lor transporta tion. An otuciai oi a prominent line told a Telegram reporter this morning that every provision was being made to handle it all over the Northwest from St. l'aul to Portland, Taking Minnesota and the Dakotas as examples, it is esti mated that the crop will be 150,- 000,000 bushels. This would re quire a movement of 1000 cars per day for 300 days, and so it would seem as if it could not be conveyed awav. On the other hand it must be remembered that at the close of the season the countr elevators are filled up with wheat that is to be held until the following spring and summer. The elevators along the Great Northern will hold 21,- 0!H),000 bushels, while those of the Noithern Taciuc nave a capacity of 9.000.000 bushels. Then the combined other loads have eleva tors holding 20,000,000. Tins makes a totol of about 50,000,000 bushels, or one-third of the entire crop that will be kept until the rasli ot transportation is over. Most cars will carry from 600 to 050 bushels. On this basis it would jsquire only 834 cars for 300 days. Twenty-five cars are about the usual train make-up, which would make it necessary that thirty-three trains move per day. This, -considering all the different railroad companies, is certainly not a difficult thing to do. In the states of Oregon and Washington special efforts are be ing made to provide ample trans portation facilities. Judging from the number of cars to be used and the the storage facilities, there will be no great difficulty in hand, ling the yield. A DKVMKIN KIIO. An African Monarch Sold UU King-, don for a Few Trinkets, Cape Town, Aug. 27. The Ger mans in Damarland are thoroughly sick of their attempt to settle that part of Africa, and' King ICamaha rero says they must go home. The king has just been awakened to the idea that the Germans got the best of the treaty which bo signed when drunk, giving them his country for a few trinkets. The Cape Town government has invited (ling Kamaharero to visit Cape Town. Appeal for Sufferers. Paris, Aug. 27. The governor of the island of Martinique, which was recently devastated by A hur ricane, appeals for assistance or the people who are without food oi shelter. The crops on the island were entirely destroyed. Fire m 'Frisco. San Francisco. Alio-. 27. Fir early this morning destroyed Kil loru & Co. 's cooperage works and three dwellings adjoining, lobs. $10,000. CHILIAN WAR ENDED THE INSURGENTS BURRENDC TO BALMACEDA. The Trlnmph of the Government Is Declared to be Complete The War Lasted Biz Months. Washington, Aug. 27. Benor La.eano, the Chilian minister at Washington, to-day received a cablegram dated "Valparaiso, L'dth," from M. M. Aldunate, min ister of foreign affairs, saving that on the 25th the insurgent army was completely defeated in Vino del Mar. A division of the Chilian government army cut off their re treat to their ships and obliged them to surrender unconditionally. All the country, the dispatch adds. applauds the valor and skill of the government army. Washington. Aug. 27. "The war is over," said tenor Pazano, the Chilian minister, to a press representative, commenting on a cable dispatch received from the Chilian minister of foreign affairs. Senor Pazano wore a contented ex pression upon his determined face, while his handsome wife, who acta as his interpreter, beamed with enthusiasm, joy and happiness. "The war began six months ago," Senor Pazano exclaimed, "and the nsurgents were led by Colonel Canto, who had been dismissed from the Chilian army. He suc ceeded in securing the Chilian navy, and on this account has been able until now to maintain his army. fARis. Aug. 1, . A dispatch re ceived at the Chilian legation in Buenos Ayres confirms the report that the insurgent forces bad sur rendered to Balmaceda. London. Aug. 27. The Daily Telegraph this morning publishes the statement that a private cable gram irom President Balmaceda to the Chilian legation has been re ceived, declaring his triumph com plete. STORMS AND FLOODS. Several Women Killed by Light ning Property Destroyed. Vienna, Aug. 27. A terrible thunder storm twept over the Triesta district yesterday, causing several fatalities. The iiEntnimr struck a church at Tualis, on the luhan frontier, while tne baud- ng was crowded with women. A fearful panic followed. Three women were killed b lightning. London, Aug. 27. Moods at Carrinthia destroyed many bridges and houses and caused an im mense amount of other damage. Distress In Gaatemala. City of Mexico, Aug. 27. The financial condition of Gaatemala ia deplorable. For the past three months neither the army nor fed eral employes have been paid. There is a great scarcity of food in the city ot Gautemala, in conse quence' of which there is much suffering. At Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, smallpox is epidemic. Die I of Her We and. London. Aug. 27. Miss Leonora Mitchell, the American actress who w as shot under mysterious circum stances in a railroad carriage be- ween I Bicester and isedfora. about two weeks ago, died this morning. Railroad Dividend Declared. New York. Aug. 27. Tha Northern Pacific directors to-da dedared a regular quarterly div idend of l per cent, on preferred stock. - v -j, I f - YV