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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1891)
MORNING HERALD: SATURDAY, JULY 25. 1,891. er Sever Celd Are Erokea l la Mealaaa. Freai the VirjiaiaCity, Mailt MJia.ian. WhiQ we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we consider it a duty, and we take pleaaue in telling the public what It is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. We are satisfied that it warded off several attacks that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, add in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them up by its use as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It is all that it is repre sented to be by he manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to atop it, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will do the work. For sale by Foshay fc Mason. Take the Uniou Pacific railway for the Kant, thirty-tive hours quicker than any other transcon tinental line. Elegant new dining car, Pullman palace sleepers, free family sleeping cars run through to Denver, O n.ilia, Council Blurts, Kansas City, sit. Liouid and Chi cago. C. ii. Kawliugs, city ticket agent, foot of BroH.lalbin street. Llltla Olantaud CuwlM' Bros, boys, misses and child ren's shoes -different styles all sizes and widths made solio all thkouu. Try a pair nothing better medium in price. Every pair warranted. Samukl K. Yorso. Corsetl Corsetal We make a specialty of Ivies and misses fine corsets and wi'tts. We have a drive in a F cncb. sateen corset at 75 cents, r xtra good value. Samukl E. Ye- sa. Tht Union Faclnc. Is the only line running two fast trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all points East and South. Buy your tickets of C. (i. Rawlings, foot of Broad-all-in street, Albany. It you want a durable monu ment igo to K. W. Achidon, who are haudlmg nothing but the tf.t grades. Fiesh milk bread at Goetz Bros. For an elegant and perfect fitting cornet call at the La-lie Bazaar, luquire for the "B. B." Sleplesd nighU, tu ide miserable by that terrible coug'i, Sliiluli'a Cure is the remedy lor you. For sale by Foshay A Masuii. Catarrh cured, health and sweet bteath secured, by Sliiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price 50 cent. Nasal injector free, sold by Foshay A Mason. Tint sour tempered, cros?, dys peptic individual, should take lr. J. II. McLean's c'arastipai ilia ! It will make him feel as wed and heart as the lit-uUliiret ot us. lie needrf bracing u , itaiizni, lliat is all. Call and see the new line of gingham wrappers just received at the Ladier Bazaar. Vegetables fro u Linn county gardeus, received every morning; at Parker Bros. Blai-k sateen blouses aud sai'or waists at the Ladies Bazaar. .Nlic to Patruua. Aluasy Or. May 30 ISiil. I have tins d iv ma le art angu Wruts aitli Messrs Kuapp Btirrell & Company of Albany. To furnish all patrons ilh I'et ri. g Bludcrti. Mease call at ouce. lro analic wents aie ma le w th tlieui fore Veryihin i:i t'to farm iiuplimeut line iui-lu.liug twnie. M Hf Mil. IKK. Fiuaiu-iai Agent. aleuiliera of l.iiiu County l urmer'l A lllauue. You are hereby u.mtieJ I have contracted witfi the well kuou firm oi :teart A Sot, at Albany, to supply yoiiwiih bn ders m-jers, rakes, twiue, ha- ko, bug gies, wagons, plow, e', as well as all other articles in the lire of general hardware. M.triou coJn t v members can puri'lusv at the same place on the same terms. BfcN. II. Ikviae. r inanrial Agent. Beautiful Women The magical effects of Wisdom's Sobertiue as a boautilW and preserver of the complexion have been attested by thousands of the leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only arlu-le ever discovered which gives a natural and beautiful t;nt to the com plexion, removing tan, sunburn, freckles and all roughness of the face and arms, leaving the skin soft, Muiooth and velvety. All re mark on its delightful, ccoling and refreshing properties, a distinction not found in any fimilar prepara tion on the market. Sold every where. If you suffer pricking pains on moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and find your sight week and falling, you sl'ould promptly use Ir. It. McLean's Strengthening Eve Salve. 15 cents a box. F. M. French keeps the largest and most complete stock of spec tacles and eyeglasses in the county. Every pair warranted to give perfect satisfaction. As a table and medicinal water, the Coronado can't be beat. Try it and be convinced. Bottled at the world renowned sanitarium, Motel Del Coronado, Coronado, California. The Ladies Bazaar has still a good selection of millinery hich they are selling at greatly reduced rates. If you need a hat give hem a call. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter es, put up by E. W. Achison, at all the coat of stone. A tine line of gold rings just opened at Will A Stark's. Ladies Fine Shoes. I make a specialty of handling ladies tine shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in tine and medium grades in widths from A ; to EE. All warranted good; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. Eirnm:T run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful iin-rit when all speak well of it. Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store he fore purchasing, as tlieie has been quite a reduction in pries. The Corner jewelry store. New Spring Hood. I am now receiving my first in voices of spring novelties in wash goods, priuts.ginghaiii seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids ami beiges. Samikl E. Fire Klnillern. If you want a good anil easy (ire kiudler, one Miat w ill kindle yon: tire, easy every time. Call on m come and see me. A. J. Fox. One Half Hollar Reduction on every pairof l.ud lows Fine Shoes. A goodline ul them at Samuel E. Young's. BUSINESS LOCALS. French keeps railroad time. Vienna bread at the Delmoiiico. Conn & Hendricson, grocers. Fresh bread everyday at Parker Bros. Bread of all kinds fresh at (ioe'z Bros. That hacking coutih cm be so quickly cured by Sliiluli'a Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Foshav A Mason. Lawn spriukteis, Matthews & Washburn, garden hose, Matthews A Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn, bath tubs. Matthews A Washburn, watei closets, Matthews A Washlxirn. gasoline stoves, Matthews A Wash mini, the best ot everything Matthews A Washburn. Some ol tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can le seen at Fortmiller A lrving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. New sprit g novelties in I rest goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins Bros. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures cooeuinptioii. hor sale by Foshay & Mason. Thomas Brink has received a stock of baby carriages w hich he is offering at pi ices as low as the lowest, and they are lirst-ciuss goods. For a surprise, look at. the mil lineiy window at the l.a 'jes Bazaar. Every grocer, druggist and sa loon loan should keep t'oroiiailo mineral water on hand. It will be called fer, as it is the beat. John lsom Jr., sole aent. Allen's do their own delivering, carefully and promptly. A large line of children's sun bonnets, school hats, w hite aprons and dresses just received ut the Ladies Basaar. Something nice in coffees at Allen Bros. They run their ow u delivery wagon, and deliver gooJs promptly. Leave your orders for dressed chickens at Allen Brcs. New and complete stock of spectacles and eye glasses just re ceived at F. M. French's. Every pair titted by Johnston's Patent eye-meter, every pair fully war ranted to tit. Chauee if ItiiMlnrMM. Notice is hereby giyen tliat Mueller A (.iarrett have hoM to E. J. Lanning their entire liusineH?, goods, wares, uierchauilit-e, lJok account 8, tixtnreH, e'c. I'artieH in debted to said linn will please cull and settle at once with E. J. I. an- niiig. to whom nil accounts are payable. All outstanding indebted new will be settled by Mueller it 1 iar rett. MrKI.I.KR & (lAKKE'l r, E. .). Lan'mms. AlUny, May L'5, LS'Jl. I nlierxity of llreia at KiiRene. Next eeeHion beRins on Monday, the 21st, day of September, ls'.ti ; tuition, free. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Literary, and a short English course, in which there is no Latin, Oreek, French or German. The Engliuh is pre eminently a business courne. For catalogues or other information, Address J. W. Johnson, 1'resident. Examination of Teachers. Notice is hereby given that the regular examination of applicants for certificates to teach in the pub lic schools of Linn county, iregon, will be held at the superintend ents ottice in Albanv, on August 12, 1301. (1. F. Ki'sski.i., County superintendent. A new line of novelties in sum mer hats just received at the Ladies Bazaar. Smoke ths celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igirs, manufactured at Julius Josi ih'B cigar factory. 1 Also carries the Pianos & Organs A' THE WILLAMETTE! VALLEY. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TKMl'I.K, ALBANY, OllKtiOX. crxjXiicrs Manufacturer of -AND FINE INTO Oiifara l'lug anil Suinkint; Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, tl full line ' Smokers' Article. Ne ror to Plieiller'is canity shire, Albany, Oregon, Once Ar wish to remind you tliat wo ear rv tlmmorst Complti 1 ot J lard waiv, Stoves :i d Itui-a-.s in the Val MA Tint WS & WASHBURN. KRED -:- A ;N I - (JKNIiRAL NiOIMJCK MARKET. W NTKI SN-CIA l.I.V liav, !.;.: i ii p h-tn'. tn s,ipply sustome i; 1 1 1 ii 'i".!i l'a'iiio l!ii!r..-il e.t-iisiiiii anl mv iucreasinj; liunifl trade 1 1 1. I -. il in iMiai.titi, a to suit tin: purchasers. Store in Struhan I'riok, .(. nil Kt.ieet SCI i CP (J r1 OTIS J I 1 a. r ike tmmons Liver Regulator One Dose 100 Dollars. Dkar S. L. R: I iaitn!,Ifr one ilte Int mon Liver IlLicnlatr north IftKNl. wa? coiiftiiate,l, hl lleala:lie, ctmU eat oth inir iih atiif;i. lion or appetite- ha the hliies, ami Ml altogether out of Hurt a. I re aortal to IMu.) Ma9, Calomel, Oiiinin , 3ml every miirenteil, but only oMiinei) temimmrv relief. One done of S I. It diil in more eooj than 1(M worth of iliHtora an lactorintr. KeHp'y, J C SUatiN. 1 have lee'n a teacher for tweiitv vears, anil tlurinir that time have hail lepeate! attacks of headache, jT'Mlueeil by torpi'l Liver, ainl have been entirelv cu ed by Simmons Livet Keiilaor. I foun t to be of t niilil i jhara-ter in its a tion not to interfere, tn the K-ASt with my iluti lin the n bool room, To those siiuiKr situ: ' a ami BMt jett t.i'iie dame, I alinot 3 hii;f rttootiuutn! Siui aious Liver Kovutdtor. K, K. Cuk rai.cb!iivill K. 6.L. Blackmao, IlEAI.KK IX km, Paints' Oils, PerfBiery AND TOILET AKTICLHS And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Conwounded. finest lines of joseiph, Choice Cigars DKALKIt IN- 1W Agra in STOR E IV. 1. HOUKKT'SoN. i - k:: QUARTER r- nr a 'ii, r,.:u ulciiUl M I to. RtklT tin. lit nr.irnni 1. 1. in vli. tiinvt uLU I UflT I't-t ontf itN iitirit l with the rewurced A Pfl , m-tn h no Mih, r than Mr. John St. -wait, one i.i mv wraiuiH'ii urm iiitmi (niii:nii:ti ciiizenv in flit- nmnt . In a r nit leltLT he eaya: "I liil t n HiitTiTiiiii from pHtiiei m ii i y k i't-ncril kuini'V fi'innl-iint ior -ome time. anil hiu'. u-Hi-i 1 maii r imitu wi'hf.ut an out t. nipi,r:n r. ln:(. 'I he piitm in 1113 hak lul'l Im fOIih; -fiO MfVi-rt' th II I W;tH in venttnl tr.-in 'ttli-iiititt ti inv work ami could not ciim'. IlruilliLT. 1 10 - inlfiut tit: u--- of a I tiu.' :i frh . I, . I tl v,nd mil tire-t el I Imf l' ori uii hii;u T.-.i, I vt.n in jin-t-d to 1 tr a .', ;u..l f.-ini th.t r-v hi-l tlotje I j f.-uii.l ih-;tnt ifii. f, an. I ) f.tie u-in hull j :h. .-..lit. nt .f th,- l,o fh UiitiM in l y ta k 1 ct in I, iti-u(.p rt-.l I fery f "ith in I lti- iitut .it the Ort'on h i-lmy' Tea, aud I in O'n-. i,-iitiou-l 1 4-t.-41it11ut-1.1l it to my I irn-iitis. 1 uotiM not he w itlwirt u lor ! tin anjr- iiv:. vrivon Kidney I ra em i lu adactn mcou-titn-n. v of urii.t, brirk dint yt-diintin, burn nnj or p-iinf-jl -uti-utinn hiU urinuttn, and uli jit-1 tn. in or 1 In I- id in- or tiriiittiy orgaus ol eitinT r4r. Hrallli is Wealth i lr. K. C. Wtvt't nerve and brain treat nifiit, a gnat inteed Hpecitic lot hydteria, dizzineaa lits, ht-udathts, ntir vous proHtratioo c-niirted by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Hoftenini; of brain rt-H lilting io iniuinit and h-udiiu to mm er , decay anl lose of Kmer in either Htx Kach Ikjx con tain 1 one in 'lithe treatment. One dol lar a box, or Bix box es for tve dollars, sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price, Guar&nteea intmed only by J. A. Cumminps druifgiut sole atrenl, Albany. Oregon. m REWRD We will )uv the aliove rewanl; for any eaM of liver cnmil:iii.t, ily:ietiiiiaa siok headache, i:i'liL'e4tion, eonKtipation or contivenena we c'uinot cure with Wont's liver pills, when th ilire. tion are xtrii tly complieil with. The) are pui el vei;ttalle anil never fail to (fifc witinfaetion. I.:irae boxes, containinir Su pilli, cents. The ueuuinc manufactured only by the John '. W est coniany. C'hicaifo lliiiiois. Sold by J. A. Cuiuiniu)f8, druKifial Albany, Ort-con . JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery, Feed &SalG stable Corner Sefoiul and EUsvorlh 8t ALBANY. - . onsaoh Hoiwss boardsd b the day or month Cai riaireg or biiiriiM on reasonable tonus vilul NEW FEED STORE! HAY, OATS AND" CHOP FEED Alway son hand. Also Lime, Plaster & Cement. t ome to the corner of W ater and Ksrryata for il i-ind, of t eed. I'. v. SHNK, Alhuny, Or. OH. M HE CARRIES A FULL 1 EM EMBER T IE PUCE, The Albarr A FULL LINE THE iCIFIC ST-AIVES w, m & mm co -OF SAN Oilers mi Absolutely Safe Investment FOR SMALL MONTH IA AMOUNTS. Six dollars per uioutti will luubling the amount invested in that time. Money loaned on real estate security at 6 per cent. For full particu lars apply to S. N. STEELE & CO., Local Attents. CO 0 B cz LJ o iMMmmmmn aware m . ' m a x " -mm am EC S - - v . .2S . tt- 3 gt 5-2 Si JsS "iBT" !L -- aa - a, rrn U I. s-aVa-ai BMaaB. . - vas Z njiMSiiaU I DE.. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY j f r Coughs, Colds and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of j ; all Modern Remedies ? It will stop a Cough in one night. It will check I ; a Uom in a dar. It will prevent Crouft relieve Astnma and cure Co& sumption IX taken In time, x ou can bottle mar tave you $100 In Doctor your druggist for it.or write for book ALBANY UN Mauufaoture tteam enginet, grist and saw mil. mac&lnery, lron'rjaij all kiuda of heavy and light work in iron and braaa oastinga, tion paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns made A C0STEL, President. P LING RAN, Secretary, JOHN H0LMAN CALIFORNIA POSITIVE AND NECATIVE ELECTRIC INAMENT 5 CURE' CATARRH, RHEU M A T I S M, Neuralgia, Corns, Headache, and ail pain. The Califor nia positive and negative ELECTRIC COUGH CURE, ' cures colds, croup, consump tion. Sold by all druggists. Each 25c., 50c. and $1. Creas inger A Co., Props., Los Ange les, Cal. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H- F. Merlll, Frei., J. Lanaiar, V. J. W. Blaln, OaaoUr. Tranaai ts a general tanking buaiiM. Exchanve liought anil aoltl on all the prin cipal ritiea of the United States, also, Ureal llritain, France and Uennany. C'pl. tion at all accessible points aiade on favorable terms. Interest paid on time deiosits. FOSHAY A MASON Wbsleaale and ReUII s LB6V- OBIOON RKVERK HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS PfeiOer, Prop. Only flrst-aclaat bouat u the city. Largo sample rooms 'for torn' mercial men. No Chinaman employed In Um kltcfttn. General stave onV Oorrsilak Druggists lose 's? . in in est. US OF UNDERTAKING. FRANOISCl amount to 41000 in seven veara. C9 1 mm 51? t sis MHnmmMMmnii... WHY DO YOU C0UGH71 Do ytm know that a little cough is a dangerous. iinr.- Aie you aware mat it often fastens: on theluugsaud far too of ten runs into Con-! ends in Death ? People Buffer- ing from Am lima, Bronchitis, Pneumonia: and Consumption will all tell you that , "IT STARTED WITH A COLD": Can vou afford to neglect it? Can vou! '0 trifle with to wriotis a matter? Are you; inai 1 to 5, RED CROWN MILLS uoa, lai.; t i rropi, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior for Family and Baker's use) Best Siorace Facilities sWUtghest cash price aid lor wbeaffc ALBANY - OREGON FIRST NATIONAL BANK TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSiKEfla. PRESIDENT L. PLINN. VICE PRESIDENT 8, B TOD.NU. A9HIER E. W. LANO30N. SIJtXOTOXa : 8. B. Ton, L, ;E, Blais. L Flixs tt. F. boi. E. W LsNaooa Cashier. Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock od get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN A BROWNELL. t asora to De without it. AOaf bill mar save tout life f Aaki PHYSICIANS WH. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND su,'eon. Can he found at his ofEoe soom In Strahan's block, First street, Albany Oregon- cTIelTy, PHYSICIAN AND . geon Albany, Oregon, office) n Pierce' new block. Office hours, from 8 A. H. to r. u. AJ. ROSSITER, VETERINARY 8UR . geon. graduate of Ontario veterinary college and men ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society. Is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th and Gala pool streets, Albany, Oregon. CU. HAMBEKLIN, M. D., Homospathic Physician, office at Dr. Wallace's old stand, Broadalbin street. Office hours, 7 to 8 a. .; I to 3 and e to 8 p. u. DRO. A. WHirNEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Diseases of women a specialty. Office In Foster block ATTOKSEY GEO, E. CHAMBERLAIN ATTORNEY at-law will practice ir all the courts vf the state. Special attention given to mat ters in probate and to collections, olfli-e in Flinn block. GEO. W. WRIOHT, ATTURNEY-AT-LAW and Notary Public, Will practice in all the courts of this slate. Office, front rooms over Bank uf Oregon, Albany, Oregon. U. E. BLAIKSIEN. . c. WAlkON. BLACKBURN, & WATSON, Attorneys at Law, Albany Oregon; Office lu Odd fellow's Temple. Will practice In all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business, except the county court of Linn county. HEWITT Si IRVINE, ATTORNEYSAT Law. Will practice in all the courts o Uio state. in Minn's block, Fits treet. W. T. SL'EMST. J. V BEAMS BURNEY & DRAPER, ATTORNEYS at law, Otegoo City, Oregon. Twen ty years experience as register of ttuU. i. Land Office at Oregon City and in the land practice recommends us in our specialty business before the Land Office or the courts aud involving the practice in the general Land Office. H C. WATSON, attorney-at-law, Albauy , Oregon. Office in Strahan block. JN. DUNCAN ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and notary public. OUce in the Strahan block, rooms No. 1 and 2. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law. Alhanv ft. nn. in ... - a J , WUIM I U IUWUI, ,4 aud It Foster's Bioch. over L- K. Main's store. JK. WEATHERFORD, ATTC RNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. Ott in the Flinu Block. Will practice n all the courts of tbestate, and give specia. attention to all business. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title eiaminer. Albanv. Or. Will bractice in all in jviiirra aI t... . v. stracts of title furnished ou short notice. i oars experience. FOR BALE BY ALL DRUOQIBTB. "Some months airo I tiurchased a box of Ur. J. P. jill's Catarrh Cure for my own Hise. but tludintr inv nenbew. C. A, MoMuhuu. ucediu such aitdl riue. I let him have my box of medi cid. He now eeDds for three more boxes, Saying it is the beet thinjf for catarrh ever tried by him and hif friends. I got another box to use in my case, and cheerfully recommend It toothers. (Signed). JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-Count c Commissioner Lane Co. Oregon, Springfield, Lane county, Oregon. Prof J. W. Johnson, president of the State university, says it cured him of yNJirb after two other prescriptions bdLJLiled. Likewise two of his little if iris used It to cure their coughs. .Mrs Mark rJuiley, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and reeom uieud it to all who sutler from cold and coughs. For coughs it sets like a charm, and can be inhaled into the jipe or iuaj cs, where no other cough cures "uu reach. lour Good Health Depends on the condition of your Stomach and Liver These make your Blood good or had. Moore's Revealed Remedy Is the greatest of natural tonics for the Stomach and Liver. It reg ulates both surely and perfectly. A re you billious? Are you constipated? One teaspoonful of MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY will giueyou relief. O. II. Reese, a well-known Seat tle druggist, says Moore's Reveal ed Remedy cured him of Severe Billious Headaches. told by all druggists. TAKE THE CAB FROM KATES: To any part of the city, 50 For calling, tirst hoar $1.60, subsequent Lourt 1. TAILOR MADE For-:-Sooi!iier-:-llrear, Cost no more made of good material than ready made ill-fitting garments. W. P. CRAHAM, The Mercliaot Tailor, has in stock the finest line of spring and summer suit ings ever brought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. Call and see if it fas not true. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen At a firgt-:lass Cigar Company. Must give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. & so you want m rm ? -If so eall on I. BEA.3VL" He delivers his goods to any part of the city free of charge. Freeh vegetables every day. ay XothiDg but the beet kept at I. BEAM'S, 2d &t., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. An order for 200,000 pounds of wool has been received by A. Sen ders, who will pay the highest mrrket price. Bring yonr arool to him in Albany, and get your money. At my kiln one mile east of town, or delivered anywhere in the city. W. C. CaSjSELL. SECRET SOCIETIES. ItcPhersun Post No. 6, O. A. K. Stated meetings at the O, A. E. Hall on tne second and Fourth Friday evening ct each monrb. Transient Comrades are cortB y invited to meet with us J. r WHITISa, B. F. Taslsr, Commander Adlutant. A . O. U, W. Safety Lode No. IS: t. every Monday evening at tha Q. A. K. hall ou Ferry street, between Second and Third. Albany, Oregon. Stringers in the dty and transient brethren cordially tavited to attend. Pension, Postal, Land and Indian Depredation Claims. LAW OFFICES OF mm bureau or claws, Under the management of W. R. HEARST, Ed. A Psop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WE DDE R BURN, Manager, J18F. Street, Northwest. Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pie eruption and homestead cases pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the supreme court. Novelties la Ladles Footwear, I have just received for the sum mer trade the latest novelties in ladies fine shoes. Cloth top, fancy tips ; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in band and machine turns. These goods were made expressly for me and will be found nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough for any one wanting a fine dress shoe. I also carry late novelties iu Oxford ties ranging in price from $1.L'5 to $4.00. 8. E. Young. Freuiientlv accidents the house-hold which caus hnma sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic uu Liniment nas lor many years been the constant favnrit tamii lemedy. ft ! In ffanw Brick Sale