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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1891)
- - - -1 7 S3W 4 '-' CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY ll 1891 VOL. VI NO. 189- ID -J -4 J" -V urn silk. vNrs. ktc. "ItrANfiiii - v ai-l ' f uru'lj i . ,i All lftfi W. A'. Tiu (1IH'. WWi'Sil '. l-i'l at -If-. Iio-I'l t d ifci.cra hoilne I r.iinilv in ft fimti r! "'a ln:vi. Or, If- HCia h 'OM.' i'.l cU-a help me en : 1 V ) Hi ' II V 'h A rti r 'iv.-5, ut.i ..t i..- re 1 water, ev j-y tl ! 14 ,-, -! ra inquire I It. I "rM SVUI if ii kv. 1 prompt!) art' ( ,iv,j u . tln-lir-n of th tti.e on rcrr . -I i .1. :.; II II- en. rcr 'UI ll trie i'- r c4t W. Xr hl.V. 1 V V !ir h I t - lh ' at fi-j H f the c erk. (i -n . i ax t l ir.mi i t iri h irt an V. tiz fire, lift? anii ,- iileiil inuranc3 cm I,W:t;KS OF LSI All fit U' ti-n, ;i ti tin t. r ffii. p, I fit for rulti , for mile a' SrU i-v-r re, V .thm M mi e-i fru'ii ruilro-nJ r ui n a ! iu(ca tr mi Allnny Apply a mis onrc 8A AN HA hM rt;iuovcl lniintr to th irii n mi the cur ier of Sei-ouJ and olirr to lrllur, A I lh itiU-.c-l t th-: Ut- firm T. Jta;- , O. -rnn-i are re-iieitetl to cal t nco At nl -;.. t'e the s unt! Lml for Aalr. ft. l't, 2, 10. S acrv. esy tTim, in ;it tl'i ih';,i 4ii 1 hiiih ori fe city itu a'l o.v.iei ly U. Brant. innt-ill AImo "IfoNEY TO Lf AN !It)ME CAPITAL ON IT I, hm ril e-tAie w-urity. hor pftrticn law en.tur or uu. ii'iniphrey. f-iit t in v a l ift- to itit-ftMi.i iii eh a ii i ; !, lor i i .'M J S. ti'ioM-, 0olix O. "I)nnta viisikimo DONt car ob- X tant cur at i ml rotuit worK hy call u;om trx-o'tunty a-irvt-yot t, T. T. Fisher, lit hjf 'o;niieto coi-i-n of ipM notit and town ship platd, and is :r.!are I tod; s-irvevrnf ir anv iart of Li-in cu'ity Poh? (?( wldrew, MiIlTd Station. Linn pou it krvoii. f ITOn SV Vis;; -V M. II .anl haine T f P'l Ii it i th- lr l M Jrdic wo.'d Mir iV ou?it. in no ri'uly t-i ti 1 al' "nleri. LMVt ulcr- at rti It-it . Mjcf S. fi ;i nn ,.'ui'ia t or lcv e A Frrmin'M. 1 1.' tSI il U'MMli In mt th X fi - rt c t li in iii i he it to t? i. F r ;i r ar-t i (iirit al ris i th c tftry!it)n& y o it w i u us cyno' otrjerjTobaceo. 1 p aTc Ke in m o's tJ f &cKa.ges. ri"5fiE?rAtIT Drum s- CITY DRUli STORE STANARD 4 CUSICK, Proos., rKKlKFKK BLOCK, - - ALUVNV I'eMer in D3UG3, MEOICdES. CHEMICALS, FANCY ai't Toitet :irti i -s, S'ii'im. Iti-ashes, rerfiiiui-rv. S-h.l Ii', a-iil Ar- t nt's Snpitif5 4T"I'li ysirian's pres.-ripti on F r.irt'fully componri'Iwl. fjoaB Baking Powder: CJsed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard PlainpielD ! CONSOLIDATION -:- LOTS TIte Ciieapest and Best I5uv in the Market. Hi-cause the lots are 50x100: l) thpv ate inaMt nroncrtv : ! fiiuse they urn all clear no stumps, no roots, no rocks: because the s elevated aul lias a tine view of the city; because they are near iand three motor lines not in coriteinnlntion. hut all nn in niwruli in : l.e cause buy no-, to-day. for the 10th dav of next month thev will ad v-auce fr each ; because they are a snap. Ask those w ho have seen eviiig is oeuevinjr. Are you in it ; It. F. ASH BY, Manajicr, No. 0"), Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. Sli We are m Hie Lead Our Slimmer Stock will he found complete than ever. larger and mine FURNISHING GOODS, ! VKf.VKrs. HA'S, LATINS AND I'Ll'SIH-N. l.-?)IK-' AND M1SKS SILK AM) KNIT 1TXKKWK i, COTTON AND WOOL IIOSK. KMBUOII)KKIKS,SII,K AND LINKS II ANDK KlU'll I l-'KS. SC!.UFS, VKILINCS. SHAWLS, KTC. DRESS G03DS Very attractive lines in new colorings and laU-st novelties. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in la'je assortment and end less variety. GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR 1 I..t-st Styles! High Novelties! Ladies, Misse A Childien's. o- Or W. SIMPSON, FIRST STREET, ALBANY. OREGON. TI1K PIXriT AM STt.K. Kev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says : "I feel it my duty to teil w hat wonders Dr. King's "ew Discovery has done for me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 20 lbs. in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, w rites : After a thorough trial and con vincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else iaus. the greatest kindness 1 can do my many thousand friends is to uge them to try it. Free trial bottes at I-oshay & Mason. Drug Store. Regular sizes 00c. and $1 00. THE WILY CHINEE. Ml IAS KF.KVKd MVKItl'ILL. Act on a new principle reguln ting the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new dn covery. Dr. Miles Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpi 1 liver, piles, constinationr Ln- equaled for men, women, children Smallest, mildest, surest, ! 6()doee3 for 25 cents. Samples . ee, at Stanard A Cusick. iiKitiiir or nciKLiv. Nervous women seldom recei re the sympathy they deserve. Wh'.e often the pictures of health, th y are constantly ailing. To wit':.- IioM sympathy trom these iuiU r t ii nates is the height ofcruelt?. Thev have a weak heart, shortness of breath, llntterirz, pain in side, weak and hung y spells, and finally swelling jf ankles, oppression, chokinr, smothering and dropsy. Br. Miles' New Heart Cure is nisi tl e thing for them. For their ner vousness, headache, weakness, etc., bis Restorative Nervine is unequaled. Fine treatise en Heart and Nervous Diseases ane marvelous testimonials In e sold and guaranteed by Stanard & Cusick. Vhen He Slips Through Canada He is to Be Sent to China. NO MOKE CANADA FOR HIM. TkW Law Eece.Tes That CoBs'rncilon He W Formerly Paiied Back ' Orar tbe Line- Wasiiixotox, July 10. Assist ant, necreiary cpauiamg has in structed the collector of custouiB ot Port Huron, Mich., in the ease of a Chinaman arrested therefor illegal entry, to send hion to San rrancisco for deportation to China controversy has arisen between I t...vjtreasury department and cer riitiii united btates commissioners at Detroit and Supension bridge, N. Y.,asto the disposition to be made of Chinamen convicted of being illegally in the United States i ne iav says mey shall be re turned to the country whence they c tine. Tiie department holds this means they s.tall be sent to China notwithstanding they may have entered the United States from Canada or other contiguous terri tory. The commissioners in the cities named have recently, in cases where two Chinamen 'were proved to h-ve been smuggled in through Cauadi'., ordered their re turn to uanadd, despite ttie pro testations ot Assistant Secretary Spatilding that they should have been sent to ban b rancisco for tie- portation to China. The matter was referred to Attorney General Miller tor I. is opinion. WHV II K F All. Kl. SI'Kt IMKN ASKS. S. II. Cliirord.NewCassel.Wis.. was troubled with Neuralgia r.nd and Rheumatism, his Momach was lisorderetl. his Liver wa9 all'ected o and alarming degree, annetite fell away, arid he was terrihlv re- uced in llesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured mi. Edward Shepherd. Harrisbirg ii., nad a running sore on his le l eight years' standing. Used tree bottles of Electric Hitlers and seven boxs of Bucklen' -i i . . aive, anii ins teg is sound, m ell. John Sneaker. Cataw ,e. 0. live large i ever sores on In eg, doctors said he was incurable )ne bottle Electric Bitters and one jox Bucklen s Arnica Salve curet. lm entirely. Sold bv Fosha Mason, Drug store. liiilonsi? H. OKEGG, I'piiiniig. Mti.rn ami ' i?o.h;'iif mule to nnlar or i-Vjih-I mill r.:.iriil mi h rt notice ami rJiialil' t? Shop nn tip ifnt-t and nir'h str. -eta. ar line, between Thinl Ntlr'or Fliml Sfttlrnient. NilTKK IS 1 1 K K K U Y l i I V EN T II AT tire mill r ignil adiriiititr:tlr of lir ft:itf iif '!i:.rle W. K.l't. r. ili-n iisi d lias tilt-tl bis "n- uiviitint will tlie f tliilv I. rk 'ir I.iim i-oiin'v, Oregon. anJ tin- i imii'v I'Kiirt h -s fixed the :5il tl:iy id' Anjtit, iif the hone of one o'ejork i m. or lieiring olijee. tionsto raid tiiiiil :i.-e ii!it ami the SL'tt.lelllent f :liil et.ile. l itis the 17th d.iy of Juno, ivn, V. Ixvis. .1. K. VETiiEKfrii. Administrator. Attorney for Adniini-tnitor. Vndre to l oiilntrlnrH. Hi i s will In received iif to June 30th l;il, for the ereiti n of a ritblie ai t.uilditm' at Junction fit v. Line cottntr, oreifcn. Hie tii'ect rj rem-re the ritfht to accept or re jt.ct anv or al! liU. Tl 1114 and 9;ie'i1cationH niav ne Mn the resilience "f l C. Sehell, architect. A!h-n, ir.. nrat W S. LeeVilruir pttn in .I'l'ielio Lit. Iti-H will lie ofiened a' J'lii "i in City on the .tuth of June at two o'cl'ick r. . slurp. r. c. St hklu Architect The Albany Furniture Co. A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. Til K PV01I'"iO S VA-'PISS mm. M & BUILDING CI 1 MiSTi:KV IXfltlMII. irte patters contain freu ant ouces 01 rich, pretty and e.iuc itet ii in eioutiit; will! negroes, tr.i -7i i - . -r nun l oaetimen. ine well-kt iwn specialist, Dr. Iranklvn Mi ays all such girls are more or 3-is ystencal, nervous, very in; il sive, unnaianced ; usually suii; set to headaciie, neuralgia, sleep.' h- ness, immoderate crying or lai ; ing. These show a weak tier- ; system for which there is ; remedy equal to Restorative Hi vine. Trial bottles and a : book, containing many marvel- ; cures, free at Stanard A Ctisi j who also sell, and guarantee Jr. .uiies celebrated .New Heart Cu 3 trie nnesl ot heart tonics. Cu. js iiuttenng, short breath, etc. -OF SAN FRANTIISCO ai Absolutely Safe iRslnieot F0H SMALL MONTH L AMOUNTS. to iflOOO in seven year, fSSix dollars ner montn will amount. doubling the amount invested in that time. Money loaned on real estate security at 6 per cent. For full particu lars apply to S. N. STEELE A CO., Local Agents. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such case- Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. .--moke the celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igirs, manufactured at Julius Jos h's cigar factory. nrasi y -THE- ODDEST, LARGEST & IsEAST EXPENSIVE Institution of learning in the Northwest. 3:5b students in 1887, 495 in 1801 an increase of nearly 50 per cent in four years. Graduates in Art, Business, Classical, Law, Literary Med leal, Musical, Normal, Pharmaceutical and Scientific courses Gradu ates iroin me normal course nave all the advantages of graduates from the State Normal schools. Better facilities for teaching next year than ever before. First term begins SEPTEMBER 7th. is:n f. logue, with full information.address Wm. S. ARNOLD, A. M., Salem, Or. TtM.OOIt 'I KM I'l.AKS. Do you know that Moore's R. eaieu itemedy is the only patent medicine in the world that dot s not contain a drop of alcohol ; thi t me moue oi preparing it is known only to its discoverer: that it in m advance in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that its proprietor s oiler to forfeit ifl.OOO for any cae ui uapepsui il win r.ot euro : Tlie Celebrated Frencli CUKE Warranted to euro or money refunded -F&RE of5 AFTER me BCIieratle nrifailll of either Hex whMhor arieinir fnim the excamhe iwe of atimulanta. looacen or opium, or thr Ui.-h 1 nutliftil imlia. cretion, over indulgence, ttc, auch aaloaaof ........ . . ,, anciu ness, liearmif "own iiunn in tlie Back. Seminal Weaknum, Hys teria, Ner ou m ration, Nocturnal Oniia titoi.D, Leucorrho Iizzineai!. Weak Memory. wm of Power a id imjioteniy which if lie ected often lead to premature old aire ami insanity. Price a fxix; 6 boxed fcr5.00 sent hy mail on receipt of price. . naniM I.I IKIMl:C is eiven run every h order receive.1 tn n.rnn.i tn money if a I'erniHiient cure is not effet toil. e have thuuaamfHfif iutininniuia and yoiinir, of both wxen, who have been permanently turnl in fl... A,.K,K.i. Circular free. Adilre . . K AIHK Hf-mi lE f O. Wtwtem Itranch, Box. 27. P.irtlan.1. Oregon. tor aale b Foshay A Maron, who eaaleand sx'mi, a ii. any, oremm. i etail A rreJuillt-0 Against Ilia Color wna tlii Cauae AsiiiNOTox, July 10. Minister Fred Douglass was a prominent ngure at the departments to-day He was at the etate department first, where he received all the money due him from the govern ment, and he then went over to the treasury department, where he was closeted for some time with Mr. Foster. Mr, Douglass was reticent on all points. It can be stated that Mr. Douglass has come home for the purpose of re signing his place. So widespread is thi belief that there are already a number of applicants for the position. The most pJominent can didate is T. Thomas Fortune, a well-known colored journalist now in New York. It is a serious ques tion, however, whether the de partment will care to Bend another colored man to Hayti, for it is known here that the ilaytiaus do not appreciate as a compliment & colored minister at their capitol, and much of Mr. Douglass' failure to secure the mole of St. Nicholas as a coaling station for the United States is ascribed to Mr. Douglass' unpopularity on account of his color. i en years ago ra.n X rancisco w supplying Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Southern Cali fornia, Arizona. Idaho. New- Mexico, Nevada and Utah almost exclusively with their wants Merchants were happy, and it was comparatively speaking, an easy matter to make a fortune, or at least a comfortable living. The cities of San Diego, l.os Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Port Townsend and Vancouver were almost unknown quantities from a commercial point. We were dreaming a happy dream laugning at trie f 11 jrts ot some of tlie above ttorts to become San Francis-. o's rival. We were pay ing high freights for our Eastern importations, but we were selling at high proms, and the Central Pacific railroad did only what any oil er monofpoly would do under siintliar circumstances, ex acting ail we could pay ar.d all they could get, but never charging us such rates as to make business unprofitable although at times they took the "lion's share n nat nas Deen the consequence of such actions on their part and lethargy ou our part? Riil oads have round their av to British Commbia, the Soiin J, On goii and Southern California. We have almost lo6t these territories, and San Francisco, once the distrihu ting center of this Coast, has dwindled down ' to a large retail crty. How many wholesale houses have been established within the last ten years, and how many merchants of '4! have gjne out of business for want of patronage? Ask our merchants of to dav about the natural grow th of their trade i.i . ... anu mey must, substantiate my statements. THE JOKER'S JOKE WASTE OF BACON Large Attendance at the Normal Institute in Salem. pi: DB.lBLY I IN t'OI! HIM KI T I'HUiltlNPUK OTI1KKS. tie made The in Flax Around to Iteceive the Emperor Who Jlld Not Come. T i ... London, jiiiy iu. ome prac tical jOKer played a cruel trick uikhi the managers oi the German exhibition yesterday. At nine o'clock in the morning Director- General lately received a tele gram, reading : His imperial majesty arrives at the exhibition at noon. Prepare. on .Sassknhacii, Mr. Yvhite.y's wildest hopes being thus unexpectedly con firmed, he set to work wit It the aid of a whole brigade of district messengers scouring Ixjndon to find the members of exhibition committees. The telegraph was also kept busy in the same pur- uit. By 11 o'clock the memlters of the Berlin honorary committee nad been lound and had responded to me urgent call, and the Lon- .1 : L . uun-uei uiau committee made heir appearance ab ut nojn. All SUPPOSED LEPER 19 DEAD. Heaviest Raia Eter Knowa LIgitning'i Vivid Glare- BauTie Iiland Hermit Killed. Salem, July 10. A fire this afternoon in McCraw & Wdlard's smoke house consumed a ton of bacon but did no other damage of any consequence. The tirst week of the county normal institute closed to-day. The attendance is within a few of a hundred. There is two more weeks of the institute. Wm. Morris, the colored convict in the state prison, who it was thought had been afllicted with leprosy, died this morning. His ailment was venereal diseases and the fleUt had rotted clear to tbe bone in places. Morris came from 1 lie Dalles for a live-year term. convicted oi larceny. J. II. Albert and associates to day made application to tbe countv court for a franchiBA lor an electric line from the terminus of tbe horse car line on Twelfth street south to electric avenue and west on it to Kural cemetery, to begin operation in six months' and have cars running in one year. The court has taken the matter under consideration. The arrivals at the insane asylum to-day were Edmund Harris, of Marshheld, and C. C. Shepard, of Eugene, both sui cidal. This afternoon at 4 o'clock Sa- em and vicinity were treated to the hardest rain storm exer expe rienced in Oregon, to judge by tlie memory of the oldest inhabitants. 1 here was loud thnnder and vivid lightnings. Heaven's artillery w as touched oil" at 4 o'clock and thunders roared like great guns and forkel lightnings shot at hazard through the skies. It is estimated the rain that fell was over half an inch in less than an hour. Much bay cut to-dav and yesterday is ruined. Wheat was lodged a little, but otherwise no damage. Those who came here in the early 40's never saw such a r ain or an electric display before. Aluunel Seemed Lot. A thrilling experience, although not ending fatally, was had by a railway mail clerk, who acted as a distributor on a local train, says the Washington htar. He had a car to himself, and atone stasi i up in the Allegheny mounts iu had left his car for a minute . i two to run forward to thecng'ii- . as it was taking water. The war t tank was directly west of the gr m. tunnel, and when the tender was tilled and the train started tbe clerk sprang for his car. The en trance to the car was on the stde and a solitary handle was grasped whereby the clerk pulled himself up to the do jr. To his horror he found the door bad been jarred shut and could not be opened from tlie outside, and the second he dis covered this fact the train shot in to the tunnel. With a desnera tion born of a terrible death staring him in the face the clerk hammered and kicked on the door and shrieked aloud for help, hut the loise of the train drowned bis cries, and with both hands grasp trig the handle, his feet on the iron steps and his body glued to the side of the car, lor tear of being dashed oil by the iagged sides, he was carried through the tunnel. As the tun nel is a mile lo ig and the at mospbere therein is almost Stilling this luckless mail cerk's experi ence can be better imagined than described When the train shot into daylight again 'he engineer looked back, as is the custom, to see if his tram was following all right, and discovered the clerk in his harrowing position. Quickly stopping the engirethe engineer ran back. and. with the assistance of the conductor, helped the al most demented man to the ground where he utterly collapsed, the strain upon his nerves being too great. For six months he was under a physician s care, and after he had become a well man again. said : "I thought that tunnel was ten miles long, and my head, l once. m?gined, was bellow, with tbe dense smoke rushing in my mouth and nostrils and coming out of my ears like steam pipes. Whenever 1 think oi the ride my brain reels nd I feel myself crouching, as I id upon the outside of the car during the horrible experience." The Decay of San Francisco. Hursch in San rrancisco Exam'aer. Let us go back ten yea.s and compare business of ltti our commerce oi to-day were in full evening dress, and ap- covered that it was the body propnaieiy nervous, ihe band were mageu near trie main en trance, and the attendants, who nau Deen smartened up as much possible on short notice, were in readiness to meet the honors in a tyle bentling the great occasion. nd to start a wave of enthusiasm .ii soon as the kaiser hove insight, The council of the exhibition had in the meantime prepared an ad Iress of welcome to the imperial guest. Bu' as the moments of ANOTHER VICTIM. Eound With a Ballet Hole In Hla Forehead. Portland, July 10. Sauvie's island has been the scene of another mysterious death L.ast evening as W. GZ romeroi, wno lives on the island, and a oartv of three were rowim? in Gil hert river they observed the body of a man lying in the water, close to t he brush lining tt e bank. Upon approaching it, they dis of John Reed, an old bachelor of aboti 50 years of age, who lived on a homestead claim adjoining tbe place of John Leonard. He was lying in the water, face up, with his hands partly crossed over h:s heart. There appeared to be a hole as from a bullet, in the forehead from which bubbles oozed forth. Mr. Pomeroy and his companion secured the body by means of rope to tbe bank, and this morning us the lad to crawlLMBdgh win dows and coal bolWthe houses they wanted fcvurglarize. If be refused thfthreatened to kill him. jtfeontly, when the gang supfdted Charlie to be asleep, (dny one night planned a despei ate burglary near Wheeling. The next day the boy heard that the old man they robbed was killed in the encounter. Charlie wanted to tell the Wheeling police, but was afraid, so he did the next best thing and ran away. Inspector McAleese is confident the boy is not telling a fairy tale, and has ta ten the case in hand. Oar Minister Did Mot Attend. London, July 10. Robert T. Lincoln, American minister here, and Mrs. Lincoln, and Mr. White, secretary of the legation, and Mrs. White, did not attend the garden party given at Marlborough bouse yesterday in honor of the emperor and empress of Germany, al though they were invited to be present. Pardoned by President Diaz. Citv of Mexico, July 10 Presi dent Diaz pardoned C. Zaremba, a American, sentenced to four vears imprisonment for forgery, and for using lalse government seals. No Revolution In Guatemala. City of Mexico. July 10. A dispatch from Guatemala says the reports of a revolution in that country telegraphed to the United states from Mexico are exagger ated. There has been some riot ing, but this is merely the result of election excitement. Bread of all kinds fresh at Goetc Bros. A FAMILY FEUD Of LONG STANDING ENDED IN KLOOD9RED. A Father and Six-Tear-Old Daurh- ter Shot down In Cold Blood The Mu merer Escapes. anxious waiting grew into hours! came to the city to notify the cor- inquires were made, and it was oner. Norfolk. Va.. July 10. The feud between the McPherson and Mcltay families, in Warwick coun ty, resulted in the murder to-day of Leon McPherson and his six-year-old daughter. The heads of the two families recently had a dispute over the ownership of some land, l he two men came to blows . and a threat was made by McRay to shoot his antagonist if he built a fence on his ground, which Mc- t'hersou swore he would do. Nothing more was said until this morning, when Leon MoPherson took his tools and the proper ma terial, and proceeded to erect his fence in spite of his neighbor's threats. When his work was nearly completed bis little girl brought him his breakfast in a tin pail. He had scarcely opened it when he heard a noise in the shrubbery behind him, quickly followed oy the sharp report of a. rifle, and the father lay lifeless beside the dead body of bis daughter. A negro laborer at work in the vicinity, saw the shooting. He called assistance and the dead bodies were carried to the house. The grief striken wife and mother came to this citv '.his afternoon. The murderer es caped a lynching party which went in pursuit ot liitii. learned that the dignified mem bers of tbe committee bad been made the victims of a hoax. Great indignation resulted, and if the author of the botis telegram can be found there will he iio lack of complainants to press his prosecution. County Seat Fight. Another county seat fight w ill soon be in full blast in this state, tliis time in Sherman county. The people of Moro have inaugurated tbe hght b purchasing the Obser ver, heretofore published at Wasco, and will move it over to their town to advocate their inter ests. The location now lies be tween these two towns, and until the last meeting of the legislature Wasco had the bes-t of the light, and sneered at her rival. Allairs have changed since the Hon. K. i ..n i.., : :.. . i f. jicxuy, wuo in an owner m me I i- rpi ' . u : Moro town site and also a member : " , : : "6j "', ""f"j, Keed lived alone in his caLin. and subsisted by working arouud among the farmers of the neigh borhood. He was an inoffensive old man, but fond of drink. He was seen about a week ago to eet otr the steamer Iralda, returning from a trip to Portland, with a jug oi whisky. Sunce that time he has not been seen. Coroner Kiver went down to the island this afternoon at 2 :30 on the Iralda. and will hold nn inquest this evening. An Old Litigation Settled. CiiK Aoo, July 10. An order was entered in Judge Blodgett's court to-day confirming the sale by Master in Chancery Bates of the New York American Raoid Tele graph company to a committee representing the bondholders. The consideration is (100,000. The lines are operated by the Western of the Oregon legislature, put a spoke in Wasco's wheel by adding a considerable slice taken from Wasco county to the southern boundary of Sherman, thus giving it a majority of the votes. The moving of the county paper from the county seat to Moro indicates what the result of the next elec tion is expected to be. Waeco. however, promises to die figh'ing. It has bought a newspaper, hired is understood the purchasers really represent that companv. l'h claims proved up against the com pany aggregate W.lSe.OOO. This ends litigation extending over ten years' time. KAN A WAV. And Tells Fearful Tales His Father. 1'lTTSHt'RO. About Jlllv 10 Pl.orllo. an editor, and the war of words Snowden, a bright little chap of 8 may be expected to break out at summers, fell into the hands of Terrific Slide. Baker City Blade: The west- bound passenger train was de layed last evening by a terrific landslide which occurred near Unity, about twenty miles east of this city. The track was obstructed by debris ten feet deep and for the distance of 300 feet. The slide was caused by a cloudburst about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and be sides covering the track, a bridge was washed away and consider able damage done to the ranches throughout Pleasant valley. A transfer was made, and our in formant, F. H. Bowen, tbe Herald man, came over the lino and ar rived in town at 10 a. m. Mr. Bowen said that it would consume a greater part of ths day in clear ing the track. The Oregon af . K. Conference, Salem Statesman : The Oregon conference of the M. E. church meets in annual session at the M. E. church in Salem for a week, commencing Aug, 16th. About 200 ministers, with their families, will be here at that time. The meeting of the conference will be held in the M. E. Church, which is being bo finely frescoed and put in such fine condition, This is an elegant room and the improve ments now under way will make it the finest audience room in the city. It will be finished in as fine style as any room in the etate house. The Missing Ilanchette Fount". me ponce about midnight last night, and told a blood-curdling tale in such a convincing way that he has been turned over to the humane society for safe keeping, until the proper authority nan iw. heard from. Charlin ura l,;. LOS AnoELES. July 10 Tim court journal announces that afli davits are here and en route that certainly locates the missing seen I 1 c ct.auioer oi commerce, it inti-1 ami i,,, t, ..7-J r'TJ mates there is another Angelano his son up aa burr e boy with him, and of the female per- fled to Pittiwl tK . J5? etarvano t' 'l8ifc Prl thief, hold" nerce yit i,?Hr ,ng, 'th Wheeling. W. Va., nerte. it mti- and because h anU .: yea:s and suasion. It is intimated that the that his th tu aecl&re.' thf .EiS I if stn WS" giVe t0 U'e I orgeln;, Wf S2 o? Kaug. it was taeir practice to Grasshoppers la New Mexico. Kansas City, July 10. Henry Smith, of Springer, N. M., who is in the city, says the grasshopper pest in New Mexico and Arizona is very bad. He owns large ranches in both territories and says the grasshoppers have stripped them of nearly every ves tige of vegetation and have done great damage. Other cattlemen he says, have made the same com plaint. Smith says the pests are moving slowly eastward, and by fall will reach the Kansas and Texas lines. k I ! i i 7