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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1891)
MOKXINti HERALD: WJEDXES'JAV, JUNE 24. 1891. II w Sevrrc folds Are Uruktn I'p lu Humana. Fnm the V.r.'iniaCity, Mont M blUsuian. When wo find a medicine we know to genuine mer.t' we consider it a lty, aud we take ple.isue in telling the public what it is. ,S:ich a medieiin we found C:iamlerl.iin'g Cough Remedy, hut winter, when hi grippe was prevailing. We are satisfied that it warded ofF several attack that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, add in the cours-i of two or t'iree days, entirely broken them up by it.-' u-,e a.i liave several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. U is alt tiiat it is re pre seated t-j b ) by iie manufacturers. If you h.ive a cough and want to Btop it, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will do the work, tor sale by Foshay i Mawon. Take the I'uioii I'touie railway for the Hist, i!iirtv-iive hours quicker tlnu ar. other traiHeon- ig.iui nc dining oe t-V'Pp'Ts, ire i.-.-i r:ri tlnoiu'.i , . I I' .1 ti.u ij. . ) in and Ciu 111.M, city ticket tine it U !in. r-trs, I'ullui t.i .! f -.l -It- sl;T'l:'l ' t ' V -, I . . t t l.i.lS i ife, v.v. C f . It iv a.s-"U., f.nt of Hr.)i l.tlbiu street. , Tilt) l Hi. .11 I'MclliC. Is the only lino running two f ist ir'.iiis daily liom Portland to O.uah.i. St. r'aul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. IjfMA and all points K t a.i.l Sju' a. I! ly your tickets of 0. !. R.iwh:ig f-.ojt of Broad albiu street, Albany. Ladles Fine Shoes. I make a specialty of handling ladies fine shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in tine and medium grades in widths from A to KE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. Kl II KM KM run high in this city over System Builder as every body is lining it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their svstein. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when ail speak well of it. Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gjld watches will liml it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store be fore purch.tting, as there has been quite a reduction in priced. The Corner le-.velry store. New .Sir!ng tiixxls. I am noiv receiving my first in voi ts oi spring n iv Itics in wash goods, priii's.giiigham seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer pl-iids and brtig.-s. n.v.miki. K. STEWAET & SOX, -m:lkus in- E VnndUdTAI ui'imittiui 11? OSBORNE BINDERS- & RAKES. l.iltlt tiiaiitaml Cowlea B.-o?. .boys, ini-tsts and child ren's shoos ditFereut styles all sue) an 1 wi Iths muk solid all Tii:ioL'iiii. Fry a pair nothing belter- ne limn in price. Every pa r warran ed. S i.Mi'KL E YolNtl. Dorset! Ciri4titnl We make a "lecialty of It iee and misses tine eojsets and v f ta. We nave a luve in a sateen corset at 75 ceuty. gjod value. S.VMfSL E. YO NO F i neb xtra Silx shirts at So.illcs'.'ls siio.'S ior l i lies gn tlem:iu th" best. it you wa it a dandle m ;m muit g to E. W. Aciii-iou. w ho art; iia:itilihg uoiii ug out the !. gra ies. Fies i miik br-a 1 a' tio-tz Bros. For an i and ; rfcvt lilting coi -et e.ili at i..i i-:i D.u.i.u'. Iii'l lire lor the "1". II.-' Sle.'jii'.'ss nijhts, m ide mi -crabiu by t:i.U t.Tilnle toilgi, Miiloh's Cuie is the rem 'df tor you. For sale by Foiii.iy it Mason. Catarrh cued, health and sweet breath .-.oenred, by Shiloh's Cat ariah remedy, price 50 cent. inject.r in e, sold by Foshay iV Mason. Th it sour -tempered cross, dys peptic indivi'tu il, should t.ika lr. .McLean's .-..rasaparil a '. It will make 1 i i :"-.-L as well aitd he.irt.' as th.- iu-alUiiest of us. lie need bi'.ie iig ;io, vitalizing, that is all. Oil and H-e the new line oi gingham w rippers just received at the Ladies Fire Ki lull era. If you want a giiod and easy liie kindler, one 'h it will kindle "your tire easy every time. Call oil or come and see me. A. J. Fox. tine Half Dollar -table- fro::i Linn c u:i'y gur.lens, tec -lVcl ev'eiy mornii:at 1'arser i'uos. lll.ieU satvCi hloi-es and sail w ii.lsalliie Li t. s .!:t..iar. L-ave i';ii" orders I r dr.ssed cluciie-.s at Allen ilr- s. SeVenty-iive cent, neckties tor 50 Cents at ea; i.-:'. lie luetion on every pairof Lud lows Fine Shoe. A goodline of tliemat Samuel E. Youig's. BISINKSS LOCALS. Kibiuns at cost at Searl--, Mens underweyrat Searls. liulm Dawson, druggists. French keeps railroad time. Nice greens at l'arker Bros. Vienna bread at the Delinonico. Conn & llendricson, grocers. Bread of all kinds fres-h at (Joetz Bros. A complete line of men's undei- arid wear at cost ac .arls . A l.irge of Ludlow's I.OD hIioim tor lulus just arrived at e iris' sh .e st"re. That hacking eou-.di cm be so ipiickly cured by Shiloh's (lure. We guarantee it. Sold by Foshav A Mason. Lawn spr'nkleis, Matthews it Washburn, girden h-ise, Mallhews A Washburn, la.n mo ii-rs.M iith eks it Washburn, puinp, M.mii es .t Washhurii, bl'.il tubs, Matthews it Washburn, water closets, Matthews A Washburn, gasohiie stoves, Matthews it Wush- luirn. the best of everything Matthews it Washburn. New goods of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is why they will sell over four lo da of stoves and ranges this year, they lave their tiist carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Ft-b 1st. Smoke tin, celebrated Havana filled o-c nt ig-ira, manufactured at Julius Jos h"s cigar factory. Some of tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortniilh-r it Irvine's, as they have j just received a large invuice. J New and complete stock of 1 aw..t ...!. .j mi 1 i.l 'i .j' iu i'ii..f ..... sailor -i '- "i-"-- ' j'l-i. it- ! I'.iii'uit f V I lrrii 1 1 ' u l.i'i.ii. We carry no machinery that has no! been tried iu IhU locality and found to be satisfactory, and as we represent factories, no responsible dealer can jdve belter terms. Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SriilMiFIEI.D.) I UOCUIETOR. OH, MAMMA "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest iu town, and all his new furni ture is simply el errant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove if. Prices always the lowest. HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER T IE PUCE, -- - OPPOSITE OPE-U H OUS f W1 a DAVIS. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Ui,ren. Cn be found at bis office room in Strahan's block, Finn street, Albany wrefon- r C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AXD JUR- J. geon Albany, Oregon, olflre n Pierce' new block. Ofljce hours, from 8 a. u.Vul r. a. it: w 0 b 9 a - -; 2 J? a e;?S o..'S a 53! eJPHSbJl at' Oil a 2 -is B2 9 3 t Si H sriIX(iFlELI). i?SrAlbany yard and olTu-o on li.iilroa !, bet.veen Fourth and FiftL treets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. I lavinj; lumbiir not. excelled in (piality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory tilling of orders, I respectfully solicit A. WI1KKLEK. Dodo a A . W l. C V Qj ) " N W ft M frl S3 o ti tL jJili"-:! t J. ROSSITER. VETERIVARV SI'D. XV. eeon. imuluate of Ontario vitx rinrv collc)re and met ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society. Is nn-Dared to trit. the uiseanes oi an uouicvticatcd aninials on scientific principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th and Calaooia otretta, Al'jaiiy, Oregon. n V. HAMIJKKLI.V, M. D., IIoni(eialliic J I'hysic'an, ortice at Ur, Walbit's old t.uid, Hroadalliin f trect. Office hours, 7 to 9 a. I to 3 and 0 to S ?. M. DRO. A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AND Ontduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, New York Citv. Ii. of women t specialty. Office in Foster block rKO. W. WlilGIIT. J and .Notary 1'ub ic. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Will tinu-tnv in . 1 1 the ourU of tl.iK stale. Ollke. from rm.iiiu over Hank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. I R N. 17. Law, III.ACKliL'KN, ATTORNEY AT Aibanv Orcifon. oiti in li.i t .-llOW ' iVill Iinu:tir in ill at the .late, aud give special attention to ai businesc, except ihc cuntv emit oi Linn UFifaSoifs i fcIIT Jt IRVINE. ATIORNEVS AT law. v in prui:ticc in a 1 theu,nn nie state. Oll.ce in t linn's block, liis ireti. 13L ......... WHY DO YOU COUGH?! Do you know that a little couli is a dangerous, tiling? Are you aware that it often fastens! on tneiuiiKsanu fur too often runs into Con-i sumption an.lendsin Death ? People mi tier-" 1UK from Asthma, Hronehitis, I'neuinoiiia ; and (Aiusumption will nil tell you that r "IT STARTED WITH A COLD"- Can you afford to ne-d.-ct it? Can von I trille w ith so serious u matter? Are you? K aware that I DR. ACKER'S ENCLISH REMEDY : fVir9""g'13 C,Js and Consumption is beyond (jiiestion the greatest of : ; all Mixlern liemedies ? It will stop a Cough iu one night. It will checks $3 SHOE And other specialties for (!en llemen, I :i.lii s, Kte., are war riinled. ai d so slumped on 1k)1- Ail.lress W. I,. DOl'tj l'.i'.iek:on, Mass. Sold bv t : 1 1 1 . LAS. a Kir I E. BLAIft, Al.i'.ANY, OUKtiOX. ... " tti, viuui reueveAsuuiia ana cure uon' I : sumption if taken m time. "You can't afford to Lo without it." A2oo. I bottle may 8aveyou$100 in Doctora LiUa may save your life t Ask? your druggist for it.or write for book to It immikek I ft road h N w V o ALBA N Y IRON WO s, Manufacture steam enpines. i'rit and saw mil. nim.nir,.rT i., r... all kimla of heavy and liuht work iu iron and brass castings.' iiii ,,niU nt repairing an Kiniis of niauhinery. 1'attems made A COSTEL, I'remdent. V LINliKAN, Secretary, JOHN HOLM AN pair fitted" by .lohnston's l'atent eye-meter, every pair fully war ranted to ;it. Buy ga-Joline stovts from Mat thews it Washburn. Fine liu-jot mens s!i es at Sen r Is shoe .stole. krxk iibiis wmm mm PO I VV I . A 1ST 1 ), O I iEGOX. BRANCH HOUSE ALBANY, OGN JOHN KOIiSON, MAN.UJKU, Have on hi'tid for thei-eaton of lS'.il, binders, mowcis, farmer'H tools and h;ii vt.".tiiig"ni ichinei v of rll kinks. lust ICorrlveil. I have juat received my Htoek of I' jaeketa, HufenH aecordian plaited eapes and beaded eajK's in the latest styles, Ladies will do well to examine my stoek before purchasing elsewhere. (i. W. SlMI'SON. SS22.RED CROWN MILLS T. Ill H. Kl . J. W DEAfKR CR.V2Y 4 URAPEIt. ATroKXEVS at law, orckfou Citv. Oreiron. r... ty years experience as nxwUr ot lhU. ts. uinu omce at Oregon Citv and in tne lain! practice recommends us in our specialty ousiuesi! hclore the Land Office or the ..finpi- and inv.ilving the practice iu the gcLcral MUU V 1 1 ILL . HC. WATSOX, attorney at-law, Albany . Orc)un. Oitice in Mtrahan block J. N. lUNCA. ATTORXEV. T Law and notary uublic oli.r in H.- smk... uiiicK, rooms no. I and 2. WOLVERTON CUAKUSE. AITOKNKV at Law. Albany, Or.-Ortice in rooms 13 n.l 1 roa cr's block, over L. K. Main's store. t). la Eiiun WEATUFRFORD TT pvrv at law, Albany, Oregon. Off i the i lilock. Will nractica n .11 il,- amrts of thestato, and (rive specia. atteution to al busineas. TAILOR MADE For -:-Sumiiier -:-Vrear, Cofct no more made of gcol material than ready made ill-lilting garments. W. P. GRAHAM, The Merc-bit Tailor, has in Btock the finest bne of spring and summer suit ings ever bought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any etvle desired. Call aud see if it is not true. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a find-:1a 88 Cigar Company. Mutat give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. GROCERIES TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEV AT LAW f and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts ot the state. Ab stracted title furnUhed ou short m.tUn leu years eericuce. ifA 5 C TABBii ;-oT .V.Wi vl.LL ui!ifAK ALL D.'ii.r 0J..H i iA.'Ai'cKo Ha UJftJi ri.tD fnlJ. H T V AT W U This man thinks it is hot, but Sheriir Seott proposes to make it mueh m'jre trapii-al for bun and all other delin.. lent taxpayers un less they settle up at once. He has had publinhed for several weeks the following advertise ment, but the .deliii'pien's are stili procraMtiti:it;nv': MtO HKi.K.jl'KN i 1 'AM'AVhll'IS -Uv oril.T nf fh i 'iitv .-.inn I 'Ull dirc-tnl t-i for'-c th.- .'jlli.-ii-m or ail 1 1- stanilmr mill bid on the :i--i'.niit lol'-iot tlli -nunlv If n-i h Iih nr.- piid airly I ; sh:ill ,!r-ii-r".l t.i lcy iiTNtn and -c'l rhc ' jir'tfu-rti-nf d-.-l-ii'i'iciLi to in.ikc I'lcjti in. ! 1 liuan hit i.i.n-.. f V Sc TT. Siiet irT of Lni.i County Now he t enfor-e the eolleetin of al! unpaid taxes. It ii not pleasant business, but the duty oi his oHiiv compels him to In so, and deliriju.-nts should pay up immediately if they wish to avoid a lenal process and enjoy peace of mind, as this is positively Ihe last rail, alter which will begin the lire vork- assign KE3 Nanci:. N" ticc h h. r. ln tr vvn h it lie . W, Smith "f AMuny. Linn c..iiur .Or hirt nuyle assi'n-iin-nt of nil hi troi-riy, both r':il aud per f ma!. t tli uii.leri unc i for tin- be of h; c'vltii-. li ei rsoiii haiinif claims a.-aiii-t llio u I u-. W, Smith, are heretiy rc.iic t.'.l t'i prc.-.tnt the same untV-r ath to th.- iiii'l.-m;u'H' I, :it tlu- i.lhi-e of t'hifi. E. W.jl'erfn, in the i-ity of Albany. Oici;.in, on or iM-forc tlin.' umut iifioin ttiindte. I it. .1 at Albany tin 2.Vh day of Mav, ly.l. J. W, C'l SH K Ani'unee id ll -o. W, Smith, an lnolent; I B is, E, Vi. KKI.'N, Atti . l'ir a"Si.'iio, ! Tiiotnas Hi ink ha- r.c.-iied a j tnfk of ba'iy ea: ria. c-" whieli he : ia till'eiint; at prices as .v as the j !owc t, aud tiiey are lirst-class j itoods. I Apdrof Ja-t black ho-se fiee j with every pair of la lies shoes. coMitig or more, a eaii ttioe stole. Fresh bread, cakes and pies every morning at HlodgettiV Son's. (ioto Searls' and see his line display of shoes, all the latest styles. New sprir novelties in dress giMids and dress silks, in colors and tilack in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at I'arker ltros. A tine line of gents furnihings at Searls', all the latest styles. io to Searls' for your low shoes, where you will lind the largest line at prices lower than ever be fore offered in Albany. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and widths at Searls' shoe store. Buy vour giol;ne stoves of Hopkins liios. Ladies, the cheapest place to buy your Oxford tics is at Searles' shoe store. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. For sale by Foshay & Mason. The finest and best assortment ot ladies Oxford's and slippers ev er brought to Albany at Searls' shoe store. Try Conn & Ilendricson's svrup, the finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. - CALIFORNIA POSITIVE AND NECATIVE ELECTRIC INAMENT isnn. I..MG a CO., Props, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Suirior for Family and linker's u.ic) Best Sioraee Facilities t"llilii'at cash price aid 1LBANY for wbi-affrt OREGON t-- - - - -riffl: ?T,VI uA Tt,-f,i(l fr f rM si. CUREV j (-ATARRH, RHF.U M ATIS M, Netirilgia, Corns. Headache, and ad pain. TheCalifoi nia positive and negative ELECTRIC COl'OH CT R I-, cures colds, croup, con?uuip tlion. Sold by all drnggibU. Lach 25c. 50c. and ifl. Crea.i inger & Co., l'rops., Los Ange les, Cal. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Our stcck of liugi'ies, carts, spring wagons, etc., is the largest and most complete on the 1'acilic Coast, and comprises all Hir leading styles. At iVyocci Ruhson's "Id stand, opp. Ulumberg lilock. "Ji TRANSACTS A BUSINESS. 0E"Z.-tAL BANKING PRESIDENT L. FLINN. yiCK PRESIDENT S. E TurVO. ISUIEK K. W. LA? (I ON. Chance of lliiitteN. Notice is hereby given that Mueller it Garrett have sold to K. J. banning their entire business, goods, wares, merchandise, book accounts, iixtures, e'c. Parties in debted to said firm will please call and settle at once with K. J. Lan ning. to whom all accounts are payable. All outstanding- indebtedness will be settled by Mueller & Gar rett. Mi it Gakhett, F.. J. Lan.nino. Albany, May 25, IS'.'!. "In Spring tlw yotirij; man's fancy LiRl itly turiisi to tl iong;lits of love !" i? or f II also Imi lo .iilfiifwcll. (0! Ct J?irtiir'ti-tii!rt-Ct- The wise young man, the ol 1 man, the thiiftv housewife, all will turn their steps, when searching for fresh table delicacies, choioe butter, fresh laid egirs, staple and fancy groceries of all kinds, to the grocery store of BANK OK OREG0.Y, ALBANY, OREGON. II- F. Mcrill, Pren., J. Lanaisir, V. F-, J. W. Bia n, Cashifr. I mnai-t-ta ifcnoral liankin hiHiieiifl. l.. IniiL-o bnuhl and Hold mi all the prin- i'd cities of the I'nitcd States, also, Ureal llrtiain, France and Germany. ''iiltcctinriH at all acceiwible points wade on f:i 'inihle termu. i itcrct iai.l on timo dciO!)!ts. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesalo and Retail n l ALBAH ORKOON c. E. JBrownell. A St FK IVVKSTMKVT. Is mm wliieliis guaranteed to tiring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purctinse price, On this gufe plan you can liny from our a.ivertNed druggists a liottle of Ur King's New Dscuvery for Con 8iiiii:ion. It is guaranteed to britiff relief in every ease, when used for any utl'ection of Throat. Lungs, oi Chest, such as (omsuiiiptioii, Iiitlama tion of Lungs, Bronchitis, Astluun, (.'nigh. Croup, etc, etc It is leu.saut and agreet Me to taste, perfectly safe, and cau ahvny. he de peinli il" upon, Trial liottles free at roshuy it Mason, Uruggists, Important Notice. From and after this date I will sell my dry goods for 50 cents on the dollar. My gents furnishing stock will be sold at greatly re duced rates, such as 75 cent neck ties for 50 cents ; $1.50 underwear for $100 per Biiit, $:$ 00 underwear for $2.50 per suit; $0.00 silk shirts for $4.75 ; $4,50 black silk shirts for $3.50, and everything in pro portion. My large stock of shoes at reduced rates to reduce' stock before removal. E. C. June 3, 185(1. A large lines of misses' and children's shoes going for cost at Searls'. S. E. Yot'KO, It, C BLAIH. E. W LH.NODON L Funk E. F. Sox. FOR 8A1.E BY A I.L DRroOISTS. "Some mouth ago? I nurcliasi-d box of Dr.J. P. bill's Catarrh Cure fur my own hise, but finding my nephew, ( '. A, M.-Malian. needing such jitdi- cine, 1 let bun have mv box of medi eitie. lie now sends for three more ImxeF, saying it is the best tiling for catarrh ever tried .y him and his meiiun. i umnuiucrDOx louse in my case, and cheerfully recommend it tooiners, (Signed). JOHN McMAHAV Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, i iregon, Springfield, Lane ooutit v. Oregon, Prof J, W. Johnson, president of the Slate university, says it cured him of a rough after two other prescriptions nan iuii. il. I.IK.-WI5I- two of his little girls usej It to ru re their roughs, Mrs .Mark Bailey, wife of Prof. Bailey sent it to Prof. Johnson, and n-coui mends it to all who sul!er from colds and coughs. For roughs it acts like a charm, and can hi inhaled into the .ilpes or passages, where no other cough cures van reach. CO 70? WAX! im ftSSH ? If so rail on I. BEAM lfe delivers bis goods to any part of the city free of charge. Fresh vegetables every day. sNothing but the best kept at J. UK AM '8, 2d st., cor. Jackson and Jeffereon. IT4TIO. of Cashier, Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BROWN ELL. Pension, Postal, Land ami Indian Iepr 'dation Claims. LAW OFFICES OF mmn mm or cla::-::. I'nder the management of W. R. HEARST, Ed. & Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDEKBURN, Manager, 018 F. Street, Northwest. Washington, D. C. Will practice iu the supreme court of the United .States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, liefore committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain ensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pie emption and homestead cases pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the supreme court. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OIL-CUAS PfeiOer, Prop. Only first-ecian house n the city. Lariro sample rooms for com? mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitehen. Oeneral itaire offlr Corvallis. 3 'our Good Health Depends on the condition of your Stomach and Liver These make your Blood good or bad. Moore's Revealed Remedy is the greatest of natural tonics for the Stomach and Liver. It reg ulates both surely and perfectly. A re you billious? Are you constipated? One teaspoonful of MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY will give you rclip. O. H. Reese, a well-known Seat tle druggist, says Moore's Reveai.- ei Kemeoy cured him of Severe Billious Headaches. 4"" Sold by all druggists. TAKE TILE CAU FROM I'd Ctrr RATES; To any part ol the city, 50 cent For calling, first hour $1.50, each subsequent bour 1. Watches, chains and spectacles, specialties at F. M. French's. In the county court cf the state wregon lor the rutin)- of I.iun. In the matter of the estate of . Henry Meyer, deceased, i t-ttlon To the heirs and next of kin if any f iieh theie be, of Heiuy Meyer, de feated, greeting, IN 1 HE NAMEOFTHE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby cited and lenuired to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the eouDty if Linn at the court room thereof, at Alhanv ill ll.e romil v if I.inn l,.., di.y the Oth day of July, isnl t 10 oYI'H'k in the forenoon' of that day, and then and there to show cause if any theie lie why a lieense should not issue to John A. Crawford the duly appointed. tualilied and acting ad ministrator to KeU the following de crihed r al property as in the petition prayeJ for to-wii: lirgiuning at a point reet and 5 inches east of the, nor'hwest corner of lot (I) one In luoi k ( Id) ten in the city of Albany in Linn cniu.ty Oregon as the sauie ia deseri lied in the maps and plats f said rily on tile in the otlice of the . oiiiiiy ,1, ,k or J.inn county Oregon, ml running from them e caet fifteen et and ten ana one-half inches to the iter of the party brick wall, thence tllherly alonjr the renter of sa d al ly wall and paiallel to the western otiudary line of said lot one, one hundred f. et to tlie allev, '.hence wes terly along the north liiie of said alley lifteeii feet ten and one-half inches thence northerly in a straight line to the place of licginning. Done by order of the Hon. I). R. N. Ulai kbiirn, Judge of the count v court of the state of Oregon for the county of Linn with the seal of said court al ined this :th day of May A. D. 1S91. (Attest:) N. P. I'AYSfE. Clerk. Administratrix Roller. NOT ICE IS I1EKEISYGI VEX THAT MARY A. llariluian has been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Clirmin. phrr Hardman, deceased by the county court in and for Linn county, Oregon, and all persons havinu- claims against said estate, will pre. sent the same to the undersigned at her home near Sn!cer. Linn monit or to L. H, Montanye her attorney ui inn unit u in Aioany, Oregon. waiea May ji, imu. Mart A. Hakiimas, Administratrix. . H. Moxtaxtb. Att'y for Administratrix. Administrators Kollrr. Notice is herebv iriven that IIia .m. dersigned has been this day duly ap pointed by the county court of Liuu county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of John Arp deceased. All per. sons having claims against said estate are heretiy notitled to present them to me, or to my attorney at Albany, Ore. gon, vetilied as by law required with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated this. Id, day of June 1S!L CA KL MIDIH ESTADT. Administrator J. II. WYATT. Attorney for Amiuistrator SKCKET SOCIETIES. V Mc-Pherson Post Na 6, O. A. R. Stated meetings at the O, A. K. Hall on toe second and Fourtn Friday evenlnifs of each monrh. 1 ranslent Comrades ars cordi y invited to meet witli oa J. K. W1IITLNO, B. F, Taslbk, Commander AUIutant, meats eveninir at the) O. A. K. , O. U, W.3afety Loda;e No, IS; 11 even- Monday evening- at ball on rerry street, between sunH Third. Albany, Oregon. Stranger In the city and transient brethren cordially Invited - I 1 x. v-- - . - y ' 'fl-'-''.''1 ' "" " '--"MasisBJwanSMBnraiMsaiiiisi f m "" . -m.