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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1888)
Vi J.r CENTS A ALBA vol. in isro. ta3 x r 1 v 7-. Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cieran vND FEALER IX- FINE'IMPORTED Cigars, Plug unci Sniokinjr Tobaccos, fuli line ot smoker Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TFOPICAL FRUITS. Nest door to Uurk!:artS. Keeney's Real Estate;Office, Albany Ogn The Red TWEEDALE ii l m n IJU)1 U II U,i Uj KJVV I UUJ Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated ''Early Breakfast'' cook stoves and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. California, the.Land o .'M TASIN't TO Ta51X - DErH TO f fllff.ll?! Lnt-rs? it? m kjfl .t-: natw. "FfiMk iiiin i h a cri i LUN&5 -Sold on QBglti Se-ncT jor ciKCuIar,$ tirUXli j (or 9,2- A8IETINE fIED!:CQ.'oPvOlfflLl TAL. 'JIAVE V'.l' A CtLi in t:.e hea-. secretion :! nmcis or matttr ;:i the nive or J;M! ltehirul thr senate tm tr"iiv'!-.l '' "m .v' ;i.. i.itr;;ls.', v li-PT .- in r kik 1 1 $rm ran Cicut-A J yYtl UiVU V ILLL (muionoN niWCC W'-m m mm a corroding s.. res reve the c-urrtiption within. As every bieath drawn into the lur.ts irvst pass ovir rrd btcorLe pol!utd ly the rtliev tions in the ;?asal, it n:r.s-t tssar:!v U U v ii u: )(cr :ij. t! trt r! sure s.'r:i(i;:all" place, while the noil it! iniitter tf t rv;,.(vn tt : i . ts s:((ittli. Into the s: n:a-b, enfi ebles dipestij r., a id ttnn x ( 1 1 f :' ' - ' - f ; -".;',t:.;i.nk lty, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. '"If you have experinvtd aey ot the abovtsymj Cat-K-Ci rk at once. We positively uarant tetra treatrrent to euie. S:x month? treatment for si. auta Abie and ':tE-l-'nre. tor 'nre. for FOSHAY BANKRUPT., SALE ! Of General u (ion 7PT In profits will be jriven to crstomcrs bttween tb is date and January l.bSS'.i. at the store c-f wm:. Simpson . Who is?ellinjr an immense bjinkniptstoek of icreral merchandise al i ust Call and see the good on his 5, lu, i?, U(i 2."i and cent counters. His store is headquarters for big bargains. Jjy Highest market price in cash or g-xnls paid for country pio duce. ! ChlJdrenjCry for Pitcher's Castoria. AND KEY ffESTn Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and G. L. BLACKMAN (Successor to E. W. Langdon - DJE ALKK 15- Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. 5jT Prescriptions carefulh compounded IN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. .Albany Oregon Front. & lacxPKnsrs. n 11UI! Ill Uj 10 EUEEKA The motto of California mears "I have found it." Only in that 'ami cf sunshine, where tthe cran;r erao and jtrape bloom ami ripen attain ,-their highest perfection in mic-wmUr, are tne iierns ana 'iini tounu that are used in that pleasant lerneoy for al! hroat ami lunj; tnmtiles, sama Aim the rule.- of coimhs,' nsllmia, and lo:i- iVuii'.T'ti.-n Ii!i.iv A Witxin.ft' AI- nuriv K'ctru), iij.. f itx-ii ii )-oiilei; Jeansuni nsl'f" his vulble C alitnriiia rtm- .'y, and sx-!I it under a guarantee at SI i hottehree for ?'2 -''" FOR SALF. MY LEAXT C KEG OX n: n , vujji;vi m tut v iscoveries .trt iio - i.ot (ret better? Have you an excessive al vas;iL"is which either must be blown from the ha tkt- l fir snuffed back.ard to the throat? Are at:;": inf nrr.t-d eves, frequent soreness of the throat. "Iriiiirinir or roaring in the ears, inoru or less impairment of the tidrinir, h'sso smell, merrii.ry inifaired, dullness rr dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of nose? Have you lost all sense of smell': Have you a hacking couhV Have you dtsi c p-ia': Is vour breath foul.' Ik so oi' HAYK the Catarrh. Some have al hese sy-nptoms, others only a part. IThe lea-ling symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of THE O N LY- j" f-0U t.i-e&th is niused by the dtcorr (JlJATJAITEED 'posing secretions exuded from festering CURE TOP iulcers far back iD the head; ometimes -ilr.ix- or (rrf.n,ei i-olorrtl ril.lttr. rill lea ten away and the bones themselves Li deed .objects ofkiity, as stench from tf ms dnj'rrt few applications 00: sent "y mail litte aidta thcrt:th i ale by by $ ran lbany, Oregon Merchandise - Til 1 ikj I ai! hi The iiaiivlMeiyt ! j2 Uudcrjthe uewjmnnau'enicntjof aiier Bros. WHO KEET A fuil line of choice family grocer es and f.rov'Mon Cannea nneapples, Clioice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented eakes for Wcdftiiifis and Parties. Salmon bellies, mackerel and salt fisli of all kiiu'.s. FRESH BAKED BREAD Cvcrv Day. n 17 not V iTniiTv U i a n Il nlnri 1 1 I XI I'llll I i I V l Ml. I IV r,M i Is' i 1 1 1 1 i ir ti vim i Hk."VllUVKo TEAS and LOFFE ies Nuts, I If JO CANNEI'giuODS, ETC. J r.e best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars At John Fox's old stand. low Fi nn'; lew biick. T. J. OVERMAN AOKNT FOR THE t3nisi9 on hand a line of new and second amUheeis. Send for Ot -1 HAVING SOLI) AX 1X1EKKST IN in harness nusiness to 1. J. Overman. I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts All persons knowinr themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albanv. Fell. 2i !LIVE- IN A Live Twln. This is what Albany is at present, and in. order to keep pace with the dvely timts in this citv, tuev have enlarged their store and stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block are tilled with an eleirant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns, title gold picture frames, willow chairs. easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in ever' re spect. University of Oregon J3f El'C'EXE Next -ession begins on Monday, the 17th of September, ljsS. Free scholarships from every county in the state. Applv to your canity superintendent. Four eou-ses: Classical. Sen ntilic,Literary a.,d a short English course in which there is no Latin, (Jrtek, French -r (k-rmatt. Tiw Eru-'ih is pie-eminti'.iiy j Business C-nrse. i'i r cat ilouti or other ii. formation, a-'dress V. JolI.NsON, I'rcsiaeiit. n i r n irt l LVUt KJ 1 U" inn LEADING BICYCLES. Sgi Safeties- WOODIN k WILLAKD TIE PIEST NATIONAL BUSK 7urin tureD ealers (uMfl Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity ,strength and wliolesoniencss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be fold in competi tion with multitude of low test,?short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in e-ins. Rotaxi Baki:. 'ov der Co , 1(X Wall St., ft. V". ATTOKXKYS. DK. X. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Office in Odd bellow's Temple. " A'ill practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business. WOLVEKTOX CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 1: and 14, ; Foster's block, over L. E. Blum's stor . T K. WEATHOKFOKD, ATTORNEY 'AT l . law, Albany, Oregon. Office in 'Oinl Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all tin- courts of thestatc, and give special attention to all business I'iiysh i ts. n W. IIASToX. PHYSICIAN LX. sreon, Albany, Oregon. A M sir Ill 11. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND Sllb sreon, Albai.y, Oregon. p C. KELLY. PHYSICIAN AND ;oUI; J, L'con Albany, Oregon, otfic e over Graii wohl's store. Otlice hours, frrm t A. M. to I e. M. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS. , 1'feilfer, Prop. Only firsl-eclass house in the city. Larire sample rooms for coin-in-rei:.l men. Xo Chinamen employed in til.' kitchen. General staue ollice for Corvallis. MRS McCOY,M. D.HOi (i:OPAiHIC physician, otiiee and nwidence corner of First ami Baker streets, Albany, Or. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free. Of '" 1-! a. m and 2 to 5 r. M. i,.. i DEW A Y, VE'i EKINAKY'SI'l;. L' l eon, All-:iny. Oregon, (iraduatu of Oct; nan and American colli des. M'.M.ISTKl! Jt: V.KOliWAKll, IIO.VVOI-AIMIC I'liV sieians and surircons, otistetrirs trea' Tiient of ehrmiie disease of women ainl childn n a special! v. All t alis prciiitiy at-ti-niied to ! iv or niu'ht. t'tlicc in the Flin'.i block. H. EWEiri', PRACTICAL WATCILMAKE , anil jeweler, Albany, Oreuoti, MnsiioHa Flour. 1HF. BEST MAGNOLIA FLOUR PELIV 1 ; red to anv part of the citv, for SI. 10 per sack JOHN A f'RAW'FOKl'. nlSodtf la ml nrvey:iis. PARTIKS IiKSIRINO SI RVKYINO I'ON K CAN OH. tain accurate and prompt work by callin-.-upon ex-county survtyoi h. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do firvevinu' in any part of Linn county. Postotlit e address, Milltrs Station, Linn county. Oregon. Portrait 7zvC Photographer 3T'8tudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. Pipe, Prop. first Street .... Aiban The best variety of choice l.eef,veal,mutton, pork tausajje, etc.,inthe city kept.coustantiv in hand. J 1ST Cash paid for all kind ock.Tgt OF ALBANY, OREGON. presides!, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOUEg, cashier. G.E.Chanilerlain, mRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING X BUsl."ESS. Accounts kept subject to cheek. Siirht Exchange and Tele.'rahic Transfer sold on New "York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Confections made on favorable terms. S.E. You L. FXixs L. E. Bl.AlS W. h. ll'KRKL-u Gho. E. Chambfrlaix Srn.-ke Estrellas. SUCCESSORS TO HENRY S'.TSENS House anil Carriage Painters, Drro ralor and later llatigers- Piano vanishing a specialty. All work promptly atteided to. Countrv work solicited. WANTED. We will pay 4(1 cents hoiccc shippit:sr butter. 'er roil inr TiioMP-ox A: Wate.:s. Iresh butter at Kenton's. Geo.Vassallo&Co THE DEAD HERO. Arrangements for the Funeral of Gen. Sheildar.- IT wis i i; o.v s in Kit v. Tae Katio.n "Will Mourn Its Departed Gen eralHis R'tcaics Takec to Wasn- Special to th Hkhalk. JjEKsftf City, Auu. v. Tlie Sliei Man funeral train readied here at 7:o9 thi.s nioniiiig ami left at 8:20. The oiiioia'is in charge, the con ductor, engineer, fireman and brakeinen ate old soldiers who served under Sheiidan. The train will reach Wash' -gton at I'i.'JO. THE NATION' WILL MOl'KW New York, Aug. !. There is a movement on fooi- for holding a re qniini mass for (ieneral Sheridan in all of the Catholic churches in the leading, cities of the United States. THE Fl'NECAL TRAIN. Phii.u)ei.!'hia, Aug. 9. The funeral train hearing the remains of (Jen. Sheridan, passed through this city just before noon to-day. The passage was without incident. HONOR TO THE DEAD HERO. Washington, Aug. 9. The pres ident this . afternoon issued an order that the public buildings be closed Saturday, the day of Gen. Sheridan's funeral. UWUMKU TO DEFEAT. Ituflalu Eilllnr Says ClcvelaBd 4'an'l Be Elected. Asbcry Park, (X. Y.), August S Editor Butler of the Buffalo Xews, who first suggested Cleve land for Governor and then Presi dent, is visiting here. He is resting after a tour of Western New York. He savs that in his opinion Cleveland cannot Vie re e'ected The Xews, which ardentiv suppoited him in 1884, is against him r nv. ami is doing valiant sevico for Harrison. Butler is of the opinion that Xew York will go Republican by an overwhelming majority. fulfill Granted. The following patents w-orsi granted to citizens of the Pacific states and reported for the Hf.kald by C. A. Snow A: Co , patent lawyers, Wash ington D- C. W E. Brown. Sat Francisco, lamp shade; C. P. Carter, San Francisco, cable railway grip; Codins. San Francisco, splicing cables; V. Ctimmiug, San Franci.eo, triable forge: V. A. Knowies, A! tnedn, Cal.. dental engine: S. L. Loomis, Wright Station L'al., sup plying air to tiremen; A. C. Mct'ie' iami. Island City. Oregon, grain drill; ('. Melson, Eugene City, Or., harrow; F. B. Morse, Murphy, Cal., ore concentrator; J. S., San Francisco, electro medical apparatus; J. Murray, Wa'luia Junction, Wash ington Ter., metallic rod packing; C. F. Xichols, San Francisco, at tachment for squares; A. (1. Page, San Fra:. cisco, tire shutter for ele vators; W. A. Phillips, San Francis co, moving cars around curves;. F. W. Wood, Jos Angeles, Cal., con struction of railways. JACOBS 01 FOR RHEUMATISM. $20,000 LOST. COL. D.J.WILLIAMSON, Ex-U. S. Consul at Callao, Peru, whose fac-8iinile signature ffom h i 8 testimonial is here shown states: "I was a help less cripple for years from rheuma tism, spent $20,000 in vain, then used St. Jacobs Oil, and it cured Sold by Drvfjffitts and Deal ers Everywhere. rHE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., BALTIMORE. MD. igriculturallffiplemeniE, FARM IMPLEMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION HARDWARE Stoves ji1t Jnware PORTLAND PRICES. CALL AXD SEE VS. E. NBLS02T, Shedd Oregon. Eilitor Frtnk Pixicy ot the Sar Finncisco Argonaut, while .-trmd :i;g up macfully ft r h:s American r.ttv. i a- the candor to say: "C-i!-ifornia will cast its vote for Hani soii a will Oregoa and Ktvuua. ' me." lilt: DISMAL SM.4MP. A I'la i lo Drain and Make ol" It a Public Park. The region of the dismal swamp, says J. Boyle O'Reilly in the Boston Herald, was intended by nature to he a pleasure ground, a health resort and a game preserve for the eastern side of the contin ent. In spite of all that has been done and left undone to destroy it, the swamp itself; is probably the healthiest spot in America. Its delicious juniper water prevents malaria more effectively than thi eucalyptus .a" , Australia. Th fly j mg game oi the continent centres j in this region and the lake in! winter is the best shooting ground in the country. Xow that wealthy clubs and individuals are buying up the coast shooting, this incom parable natural preserve ought to be secured for the nation or the state. Its original undoing was prob ably some accident or cataclysm of nature, changing a water course or ooening a crater-like-spnng or number of springs. But the icmedy from the first was as easy and open to intelligence as the tapping of a vein to prevent plethora. The lake, it is probable. was the center and tne cause oi the swamp, and is proved by the streams flowing out of instead oi into it. Its overflowing waters, when swelled by rains or springs, finding no natural channel to escape, rose foot by foot to the very lip ot the cup, covering tne beach and thieatening the densely wooded shore. In this way has been brought the singular conditions ot the lake, which, instead of being the lowest, is the highest portion of the Dis mal Swam in It could be pierced and drained at anv point and re duced to natural and brilliant proportions. Its overflow, instead of constantly deluging the sur rounding land, could be guided in 10,000 sparkling channels to enrich and adorn its wonderful environ ment. The. lake of the Disma! Swamp is, by survey, about twenty-three feet higher than the sea, and it is not fifteen miles from tidewater, the intervening land being a level slope, and except for the trees, exceedingly easy to ctiannel. And, stranger still, the channels have been dug over 100 years, but they are locked up a1 the outer ends with wooden gates. l'omier on-this mi.rvcli.ous tact: The lake of the Dismal Swamp, three miles by two and a half in extent, and from seven to fifteen feet in depth, is situated on the side and almo st on the top of a hill, ami yet it creates by overflow al! around it for about 1000 square miies one of the densest and dark est morasses on the surface of the earth. In 17:! George Washing ten surveyed liie Dismal Swam;) and discovered that the western side was much higner tiian the eastern, and that rivers ran out of the swamp and not into i'. He then wrote that the swamp was neither a pl.nn nor a hollow, but a hillside.'7 A member of the Xational Geological Survey entered the Dismal Swamp, proceeding westward from the Dismal Swamp, came towards the lake and found that the rise in the land was 5J. feet in seven miles. We met this gentleman, Mr. A kinson, within the bounds oi the swamp, and on hearing his statement asked him. ''CouMthe lake be lowered and the swamp drained with such, an incline?" "Certainly," he said. "It is a very decided watershed An opening from the lake to the tide, on the Elizabeth river on the one side and the Pasquotank on the other, would have a fall of 22 6-10 feet in a distance of less than fifteen miles. I p W ith Slie Times. In the tailoring department of L. E. Blain, under the management of W. It. Graham, can be seen one of the finest lines of men's suitings ever lr uht to Albany. They have made a specialty this season of this line of goods, and have just received from the East- the latest and most desirable patterns for all kinds of men's clothing, which will be made up to order in the most approved style. There is no need to send away for fine tailor made clothing when the same quality can be procured right here in Albany at a less price. Ax examination of these patterns will satisfy the most fastidious. Helping the Right Side. To help the right side is not only commendable in a general point, of view, bat is judicious and prudent when that help is enlisted in behalf of the right side of the bodv, just over the lower ribs in the region of the liver. The most efficient help is af forded by Hojictter's Stonutch Bitters, an anti-bnlious medici ie of in com pa r-J able efficacy. Inaction of tie liver is aec"mvnied by constipation, sick headiciie, furred tongue, nausea, occasional vertigo, an unpleasant breath, yePoviuss of the skin and b'dl of the eye. The author of these symptoms, liver complaint, routed by the Bitte;s is accompanied by them in its tligiit. Fever c:d ague, which al wuv;. involves the liver, dyspepsia, v. l iimati -.C debihty and kidney ! -oub'esare all ui '-:dies to the carl'v f !'ef and cure of v.l,jci, this .- tandard med cin-j is adapted. Don't use it by t j an-i .-tarts, oat system atically, thc.t ;!s ellcc ma r result in a perfect restoiation of health. People w ith thin heads of hair should use Hall's Vegetable Sici ' an Hair Benewer to make the ! air gro v out thick, healthy, and .iron". GENERAL NEWS. No Tidings Vet Received from Blaine and Party. fill: KltJt At HAItliOB BILL Unless Vetoed by Graver Before! Saturday It "Will IBecome a Law-Five Ladies Drowned. The Ubrald's Special Di8j?atehes . t Xew York, Aug". U. o tidingB as yet have been heard of the steamer City of Xew York with Blaine on board. The steamer was due here yesterday, and the im mense throng which had acsem- bled to tender him a big reception was compelled to go back to the city. Some anxiety, is felt over the non-arrival of the steamer. WATCHING FOR THE STEAMER. Later Boats with Blaine com missioners on board have been cruising down the coast all day. A carrier pigeon message receivea from them says the City of New York is not vet visible. A KIU KAlLKOAII COMLKEXCE, .41 Which the O. It. V X. Lease Mill Probably be Settled. New Yore, Aug. 9. The Trib une says that the conference be tween Charles Francis Adams and Frederick L. Ames on the part of the Union Pacific and Robert Harris and Henry villard on the part of the Northern Pacific, was held ye terday. While the re sults are not made known there is good authority for the statement that the disputes over the joint lease of the Oregon Kailway and Xavigatioiicompany"s property will be settled in a short time. THE K1VEK AMI HtKICUR BILL. 1 tile Vetoed by Hie President by Saturday It will liei-ome a Law. Washington, Aug. 9. General Casey, chief engineer, to-day fin ished the consideration of the river and harbor appropriation, which was referred to him by the president and returned it w ith his vport this afternoon. It reached ibe white house during the cab inet session a"vl formed one of the i oics of discussion. The ten limit for action on this bill expires Saturday. 1IIK 1)1 t!) CViUI MT. Twenty-Four Rioters Arrested at the Funeral A lion ling Nob. Pakis, Aug. 9. The official re ports sh nv that twenty-four per sons w ere arrest" ! for participation, in the riot at tiie funeral of Gen. Endes", the ex-communist, yester day. But eight of them are de tained. The night was generally quiet, though there was some dis order in the place de la Republic, and troops were obliged to relieve the police. A fight also occurred in Fauhorg St. Antone. The newspapers ate of the opinion that the demonstration yesterday wai far less serious than anticipated. The radical press charge the police with losing their temper. The fact that Gen. Endes dropped dead while addressing the strikers has aroused the interest of the mob. IMSAS1RMIS FIRE. A Connecticut Town Rnrncd flown a Second Time. Litchfield (Conn.), Aug. 9. For a second time in three years a lirge part of the business portion f Ljtchfield has been burned. The fire Started at 1 o'clock a. m. and destroyed several business blocks, mostly Aooden, and the court house. It was under control at 9 a. m. The loss is not not known, but it w ill be very heavy. MfOCklMi ftlSASTER. A Pleasure Rat Capsizes anil Browns Severn! Ladies. New C a sti.e . ( Dela ware) . A ug.9 Last evenine diirinsr a heavy gale the sloop Flora B. was capsized near this citv. She had on board ' Mrs.Elijah'.Wheaton.Mrs.Jonathan Turner, Mrs. SamT Wheaton and daughter, 9 years of age, and Mrs. Thns. Finnegan, all of whom were drowned. NOTED COLLEGE Bl RFD. Wells College Rnildins Destroyed, at Loss ol $300,1)00. Aurora (Xt. Y.), Aug. 9. The main building of the Wells college was burned this morning. The loss is over $200,000; insurance. $100,000. A W ool Dealer Assign. .N,FV ,YoRK Aujr. 9. James Walsh, dealer in wools at 14) Duane street, assigned to-dav without preferences. .Must Hans. St. Louis, Aug. 9. Governor' Moor-el i ouse refuses to erant further rrsnite in thp nana r.f t-.ii 1 . ' - -- - .'ja.xnen jot j the murder of Prelier, as requested uj nit- l.imsn government. No medicine in the m-nrbl ; l neiter r nute or mr.r.. n-,Mi.. known than Acer's Sarsaparilla. As a safe and certa-ii remedy for all manner of blood disorder, leadimr physicians and drugnsts everywhere recommend it In ..r i ieience to any other. & 1