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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1888)
i 4 i V.5-' i ' f; . v ... tT" 1 '1 li I OENTS-WEEK; ALBANY. OREGON tv'i IIRDAV MORNING. AUGUST I! 1888 VOL. HI-NO. 4 V Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars '.-?' ;- AND DEALER IN F1NESIMR0RTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and full line oi Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA JND: IROPPi- FRUITS. The Red TWEEDALE & HOPKINS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware, Pumps. iror pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for tht celebrated "farly Breakfast" cook stoves and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. California, the Land of Discoveries wU-Lv jiT m I vVftl U "Scld"jor ci.-CuZjrtJ per 'M3 frrC) - ABlETlNEMEDku'cRoyiLii tal HAVK Vol . ool.I in the heaj wnii-ii i- not L'et better? Have you an excessive secretion of niueu or matter in the na-a! ;-asaass which either muet be Wrwu fn.m the nose or .Iron back r-ehind the nalate, or hakel or sntiffed oacliAarrl to the throat? Are von Tri.'i'v- I t.v i.,,.-, ,;tti'.'. -eak -v. .1 infia r.ed eves, frequent soreness of the throat. a h k a IT L i a SPSEMOrC 0' UAUVILLL r n in. res i t ihe cornu.tioii within.". As everw h:iarh erawn ii.ti tht .v.i.ts tioi:, in ti e iia-a r;;iUi:,:r tak s I'-s :-. s, it u i tin i ;.r:. 1 .-. W l .ie ' I '. I; f: .'"to ?i.e 'Ti n seb. . r :.'' s t'r.n st:i i it'- . l.t TVOU.m'S. :iTi.i w l;i'ni-.?if-n - sassli Turn Ml. Y DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. 05-03 ... rlf you hae exyerimcr. any of t he r,i c t yn f tt msi do ' r f t '. Cat-R-Ci'RS at once. Wc j osnivtiy no rant- eir a few applies tioi.s treatment to cue. S'x u."iitl;s tr atinetit for Sl.OO; sent l n.ail Santa Able autl 'a--K-t'ire. I"r FOSHAY BASKEUPT SALE! -Of General BIG BARGAINS 14,000 GIVEN AWAY ! In profits will be giveu to customers between this date and January l,188i. -at the store cf WM. SIMPsON. Who isselling a:i immense bankruptslock of general merchandise at cost Cftll and see the goods on his 5, 10, 15, 'iO 2't and cent cotiuters. His store is headquarter? for big bargains. gjtsH igliett market price in cash or goods paid for country produce. Children CiyforPitchersJpastoria. N. (Successor tol W. Langdon -DEALER IN- Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. l-if Prescriptions careful; compounded IN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. .Albany Oregon Front. EUREKA ill rne mot, of Califojni I I (have found it." Only in 1 II .sunshine, where tthe oranjr ""Vanil grape bloom and ripen means "I that land of emo ripen attain heir highest perfection in mid-winter. ;ire tne Herns and cum found that are luseil in that pleasant leruciv for all rcat and luna trouMeo, Santa Abip. he rule.- of coughs.'asthma, ami con jjsmiiPtK.n. f'oliay .V .n. of AI- jiiun 'jreoii, na e i'een a poiiiieu jeansuaipsi to ntsvaltiie Lanioriiia ren -(IV, ami sell it under a guarantee at i! bottehrre for 2.?n FOR SALE BY LEAXY C EEGON nnnifr or rearing in tne ears, more or iess impairment of the hearinsr. loss i imcll, mcr.,ory imnairtd, dullness r iizziness of the head, dryness or heat of nose? Have you lost all senne of smell? Hare .you a haokine couarh? Have you iissi fp-ia: m your orearn ioui: if so vor mavk tiik Catarrh, .nle nave ai thc-se s-j-nptom, others only a part. The leading svmotom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus cf jyeiiGW or reeniMi iu.un.-u nwuti. r ou; Drcatn is caused ny tne ut coir G.L BLACKMA Mason C)UT-AI17EtD ircir.f.'e.-retions exuded from festeiin' CURE TCP lulcers far nack in the head: ometimes V"' T rrf Tl"ne memirane covering me uui.t is i AitRH:taten wa.v aml the bnnes themselves I, '.'deed .fbWts o' as stench from , irraaua v ueca. cucu l-iw? ai u cvtr ar.d rtci.n c ' v tl e rtne 1 1 ft ) c j i , :lt vl ( :(- st ie . .-'.( i st. 1. '.-.: 1 1 i ' 1 !: . 1 1 t 'iv Ct; ii r F M reliee acd .a thenueh !ale by d MASON lbany, Oregon Zerclnndise - FOR 1 The AlbapSBakeryi ! S Uuderjthe uemana?ement-f Pnnirnr? Duaci 01 m lmw WHO KEET A fuil line of choice family" grocer es and prov'sion Cannea ir-iriefcipples, OliQice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wcflwinus and Parties. Salmon bellies, maekerel and salt 6sh of all kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD fcvcrv T)av. Best Srmi. Pies.ICakes. TEAS an-d COFFE andies Nuts, Raisins CANNEI'jtTuODS, ETC. f3 "ir.e best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars jtaTAt John Fox's old stand." low Fi nn's lew brick. T. J. OVERMAN AGENT FOR THE mm. Saifc &'""Has on hand a line of new and second and. heels. Send for (.'td HAVING SOLD AN INTEKKST IN MY harness tmsin.-ss to 'I . J. Oveinian. I am desirous of colltvtiii'' ail inv utstandiiu notts and accounts. All persons knowin.' themselvis indebted to mc ill please call and settle The business will he contii ned as usual at the same please. E. L THO.Ml'SON. Alianv, y.;. 2i WOODIN & WILLARD 1LIVE- IN A Live l&wln. This is what Albanv is at nrKmt and in ordpr to keep pace with the avel7 times in this citv, they have enlarged their store and' stock so that, they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro- man s block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of liniii:VS ill niiv tmttprns ti,w. jrfilrl tiirTiirp frnnioa. willnw easy i ockcts, inai uiu i.iuies, uracKCTS, etc., etc. An examination of the stock win snow ums 10 ue irue in every re- peet. Uniyersity of Oregon ! "EUGENE CITYjTfc2 Next -esion beirins on Mondav, the 17th of I September, ls.. Free scho'arships from every county in the i state. Appl v to your county superintendent. Four cou'si.-s: Classical. cIcntItle, Ltteran a..d a short English course in .which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The I": l- ;-!i is pre-eminently a Bu-biess Ccurse Fc r cat lloues or other inf..rnation, address W. JOHNSON, President. LEADING BICYCLES. rffSk Tricycles SMI & Absolutely Pure. This powUer never vanes. A marvel of purity,strength and wholesomeness. More economical thau the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test.fshort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in e-ins. Royal Bakix 'ow der Co., 10T Wall St.. N. Y. 4TTOK.VK1S. DR. N". BLACKBURN", ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon.-. Office in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all courts o! the state, and yive special attention to ali business. yiroLYERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY V at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms IS and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's stor . T K. WEATHOKFORK, ATTORNEY 'AT I . law, Albany, iOreiton. Office in "Odu Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all. the courts of thestate, and jriw; special attentioi; to all business. iiivsi 1 1. H V'. MASTON, PHYSICIAN ANI SI l: JT '.reon, Ali'any, Orei'oa M H. EI. LIS, PHYSICIAN AND Sl'Rr , jreon, Alhai.y, Ore;foi.. ( C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND 11'. '. eon Albany, Oregon, -.Sice over Crad wohl's store. Otiice hours, from 8a. m. to 4 P. M. i F)EVEUE HOUSE, ALBANY OR. CHAS. t Pfeitfer, Prop. Onlyi'st eelass house in the city. Large sisfiiple thorns for com-nK-rcial men. No Chinamen employe in the kitchen. General stasje office for Corva'Ws. MRS M.E. MeCOY, M. D.HOMffiOPAilIK: physician, oiliee and residence corner of r irst and Baker streets, Alhany, Or. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free. Of " ""-" lO'il'A. V and 2 to 5 P. M. j j li nouLKWAV, VEIERINAKY'Sn:. U jrecn, Allviy, Oreiron. - Graduate of Gcr man an.i Aniericvn colleges. M'aI.ISTKR .V WOOIlWAKIi, HOMKOl'MillC l"!V sicians and Miryeons, o!stetrics treat ment of chronic Iiseax-s of women and c'niliircn a sj-eeialty. All calls prcniptly at tended to tla or nii:lit. Otiice in the Elian block. HEWERT, PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKE . and jeweler, Alhany, Oregon, Magnolia Flour. 1!!F. BE SI MAGNOLIA FLOUR DELIV 1 rred to any part of the citv, for SI. 10 per sack. JOHN A CRAWFORD, nlbodtf l.aiul Surveylnu. PARTIKS HKSIK1NG M'BVEYING " PONK CAN 01:. tail' accurate and prompt work by callm? upon ex-eounty survyoi ! . T. T. Fisher, lie has complete conies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do 8iirvein:r in any part of Linn county. Pestollice address, M-.llers station. Linn county, uresroti. Portrait n i. u. n gZij rnuLuyrufJiitr ".stiitlio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. First Street ... - Albany The best rarietv of choice beef,veal,mutton, pork sausage, etc,,injt!ie city kept .constant;- in hand.; Cash paid for all kind 0ck."5J the wm mi OF ALBANY. OREGON. president, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. Toung, cashteb G.E.Chamberlain, inANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING X BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Sitrht Exchanire and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicairo, San Francisco and Portland.Oregon. Collection made on favorable terms. S. E. You L. Fltss L. E. Blain' w- E. jikrki.l Geo. E. Chamberlain I jggg Smoke Estrellas. SUCCESSORS TO HENRY SUSENS llonseand Carriage Painters, Deco ralors and Paper Hangers Piano varnishing a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Countrv work solicited. WANTED. We will pay 40 cents per roll for lioiece shippiiis: butter. THOMPSON it V.'atep.s. Fresh butler at Kenton's. Geo.Vassa lo&Go GENERAL NEWS. Murderer Maxwell Hanged Along WiMi Landgraf. THE TOB OF . THEIB CKIME. A Violator of Women Taken from tie Jail by a Hob and Hanged in lennes-M--A Bi? Fir The Heraid'8 Special Dispatches. fcx. Lons, Auir. 10. Maxwell was hanged at 8:5G. The crime for which Hugh M. Brooks, alias Maxwell, paid the extreme pen alty of the law was the murder of Charles Arthur Preller at the Southern hotel in this city, April b 18S5. Herry Landgraf, who killed his sweetheart, was handed with .Maxwell. The crime for which Henry Landgraf suffered the death penalty, was committed ou the night of March 5, 1S85. The vic tim was his sweetheart, Annie Fisk, a beautiful girl of less than 18 years. Jealousy prompted the deed. SWIFT .ll'STICE. A Brutal llrid Takew Train the Jail and Uaast'd by a Mh. Nashville, (Tenn.), Aug. 10. Amos Miller, who outraged Mrs. Scott, of Maury county two months ago, was taken from the court room at Franklin to-day by forty armed men and hung to the balcony. THE 11ATA00;A (IRE. The Loss will Reach $4M,04M-Four Men Burned to Death' Chatanooga, (Tenn.), Aug. 10. The loss bv last night's fire is $400,000. The wall fell on four men after midnight. Two of them are still under the debris. J. IS. McMillfii. a irominent citizen. was i - lost in fire, but the names of the others are unknown. ihe men who got out are probably fatally injured. Mint 'itm.ii itizxms. A Touth Who lloasts of Killins .Nine Persons. Los Angeles, Aug. 10. This afternoon the constable ot Los Nietos brought to the Count v j j A; I Dick Perry, who was commit ted by Justice van blyck ol Downey for trial on a etiarge oi assault to murder J&mes Phelan. The affair grew out of a dispute between the men, who were culti vating some land together, unci lias uo features of special interest. The history of the prisoner Perry, however, is a remarkable one. tic is 7:j years old, has resided in this section many years, and is said to have acknowledged Killing Dine persons, eight men and ODe wo man. Tnis storv is probably an esag geration, but he has figured in a i ... .i- 1,1 1.. -.,;o Tb. uumoei Ol uhjuuj niiiius. i in- one that created the greatest sen sation was the killing of John See a dozen years ago at Downey. Shortly after this "the sister of See attempted to kill the old man, but failed. See, the man who was killed, was the father of Dick See. who murdered William Duncau at Old Gallatin several years pie- y ously and is now at E'.leusburg. YV T., awaiting extradition, as was noted in these dispatches a few days ago. KF.UE.4UEU ItY A 1R1I. Shocking Discover. Made by :i Section ;a!ix. San Buenaventura, August 10. When the section gaag went u work this moining they found, k mile east of the deoot, the body of a man on the track with his head cut off, he having been run over by a train. His head was lying some forty feet from the body, badly cut and bruised. The body was identified as that of Dan Kinsell, a laborer on Everett's fruit farm. Kinsell had been in town over Sunday, drinking some, and it is supposed he started home last evening and sat down by tiie track to res, fell asleep and was run over by the 7 :30 o'clock ex press train. The deceased is said to have relatives in San Francisco. AMERICAS FISOEKMEX. A War Vesel Ordered to the iuir or St. Lawrence. Newport, (R. I.), August 10. A vessel of the North Atlantic squad ron has been ordered to proceed to the fishing grounds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence to look after Ameri can interests and afford fishermen protection and assistance. It is the desire of the Navy Department to have at least one vessel among the American fishing fleets at ali times. No trouble is expected, but it is thought this will have a good moral effect upon our fisher men, and impress upon their minds the fact that the Government is looking after their interests. Slirnbl rnv;iili:in i.-nisfrsi trv t! old game ol seizing American fish ermen it is thought til roe ships may be sent north at the jame time. The small boy is now rustling f ;r circus monev. STATE lIP.ATCHt. N.wej liotes from the Capital Dr. Sfcack leford ieain. Special to the Herald. Salem, Aug. 10. Hon. Lucien Heath, of Santa Cruz. Cal., the first secretary of state elected in Oregon after its admission, is in the city, visiting his former busi ness partner, A. Bush ARRESTED FOR HORSE STEALING. Dr. Shapkelford, veterinary sur geon, j was arreeted to-dav on a complaint charging him with lar ceny of a horse ;beljnging to a larmer named W. rl. Loean. Shackleford had been trading horses for Logan.and finallv turned over the last horse traded for to Holt Edmonston, a sewing ma chine agent, to settle a wager. hackleford is a worthless char acter and served one term in the penitentiary for stealing a horse in Eastern Oregon. Preliminary hear ing to-morrow . ACCIDENT IN A PLANING MILL. W. I. Roberts, while working in a planing mill to-day, had two fingers of the left hand taken off in the planer which he was run ning. How to Keep Cool. Don't get excited. Bathe frequently. Leav alcohoi alone. Doo't overfeed. If you must drink, drink slowlv and sparingly. It is the throat,not the stomach that is dry. Don't drink large quantities of ice water. Put oatmeal in it Lemonade is better still. Keep your temper even. Cold water, poured on the wrist where the Dulse is, is cooling. Warm baths before going to bed open the pores of the skin and in duce perspiration. Dont get angry. Don't argue. Don't worry. A contented nvnd can " stand more he.t with less suffering than a fretful ono. Passionate men see everything '.ike a man standing on his head a hot position. Don't be chump enough to swear for fashion's sake. Clothes light in color are the coolest as light goods reflect the siu's rays, and dark ones at: orb them. T Avoid Contagion. ' Iii a lecture recently given to women in Philadelphia, a physi cian prescribed the best method of preventing contagion or infection. The c uter said: Tiie best way to prevent poison from being ah g'j.-btd by the lungs it is to have t! stomach full during a period o. contact or exposure. The lungs absorb while is empty, but throw off during digestion, never absorb ing wime Ciige:tion is going ou. While watching at night the nurse should take a light lunch, such as beef tea or crackers, every few hours. Another point of pro teetion "agaiust contagion is per sonal cleanliness and frequent changes of inside aud outside Nothing. Settled Kim. The Rev. Myron Reed, of Co! orado, who ran as the Democratic Congressional candidate in thai State two years ago, was once in tenupted in the midst of a pub lie prayer by a man who shouted, "louder."' Reed "stopped shoit looked it the interrupter, and said coolly: '"I wasu't addressing jou. irl was addressing the Almighty"" Then lie went on with his prayer. 1'p With the Times. In the tailoring department of L. K. Hiain, under the management cf V. R. Graham, can be seen one oi the finest lines of meius suitings ver I r uht to Albanv. Thev have made a scecialtv this season of this line of goods, and have jus! received irom the hast the latest mil most desirable patterns for all kinds of men's clothing, which will be made un to order in the most approved style. There is no need to send away tor fine tailor made clothing when the same quality can be procured right here in"Albanvat a less price. Ax examination ot these patterns will satisfy the most fastidious. Curran & Monteith sold vpstpv- day to Mary Hoffman 2 7-20 acres of land in the western part of the citv. the urouertv of John Smith consideration. $l050. Personal. Mr. N. fT. Frohlichstoin, of Mobile Alabama writes: I take . eat pleasure in recommending Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, having used ;t for : severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and en' irelv cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no r nid result. Have aiso used Elec tric Hittf-rs and Dr. King's New Life Fills, both of which I ca1: recommend Dr. King's Ntw Discovery for con sumption, coughs, and colds, is old on a poiave guarantee, inai ottles free at Fa-hay fc Mason's Drug' store. '-Yell Kriii. E. B. Davidson ha sent for a ma bine for boriUT 'veils, and in a few lays will be ready to here we!' any ivii'-re in ino cuv.noin two in K-urieen -ches in tiiatneb i. any depth. BLAINE'S RETURN; He is Enthusiastically Greeted by Thousands of People. A ICOYAl 1E l.n IO Ti:XCKED. A Cry of "N Tree Trade V A Big Demon strariofl on S?a and on Lard-A Cheering Multitude. Special to the Hkrald. New York City, Aug. 10. The steamship the City of New York, with James G. Blaine on board, was sighted early this morning. GOING TO MEET HIM. The steamboat Laura M. Starin has just passed up the North river with James G. Blaine on board. "The steamer Cily of New York was close behind and hand somely decorated with flags. The tugs of the port ait also blowing a salute. A ROYAL RECEPTION. The steamer City of New York was t oarded five miles off Sandy Hook, while at anchor waiting for high tide to cross the bar, by rep resentatives of the press, who learned that the voyage had been a pleasant and uneventful one. Blaine was well and had not suf fered from seasickness. He said he was in excellent health., and that his trip had renewed his youth. Shortly after 8 o'clock the steamer Starin, with the Blaine committee on board, met the City c f New York outside of the Nar rows. The Starin turned about and as both slowly steamed up the bay bow and bow cheer alter cheer rose from the deck of the Starin, although it was yet impossible to distinguish Blaine from among the 2000 people that stood on the deck of the huge steamer. As the ves sels neared each other Blaine's form was at last made out, stand ing in a group of friends on the upper deck foiv-ird. As cheer after cheer arose Blaine bowed re peatedly. He was neatly dressed in a dark cutaway coat, light trousers and a brown derby hat. The band on the steamer played "Home, Sweet Home," "Home Again" and "Star Spangled Ban ner," while adancing up the quar antine. Then both vessels came to anchor, and as the Starin ran over under the side of the City of York, Blaine's face and form was plainly visible to- every one on board. Cheers again broke forth, handkerchiefs were waved, and cries of "Blaine!" "James U. Blaine!" and "No free trade!" aro..jand the utmost cntusiasm prevailed. At hut at 0:15. to the music of "Iiail to the Chief," Blaine got on board the Starin, escorted by Whitehiw Reid. He was conveyed amid great en thusiasm from tiie Starin to the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where he viewed the big parade, and in his speech to the immense throng he expressed his warmest feelings cf respect for his friends who had so honored him on his return. irelitiui; the Itibi Side. To help the right side is i.. it only commendable in a general point, of view, but i judicious and prudent when tiiat heip is enlisted in behalf of the right side, of the body, just over the lower ribs in the region of the liver. The most efficient help is af: lorded by Hostctter' Stomach Bitters, an aiiti-lniiious meaiciiic of incompar able efficacy. Inaction of the liver is accompanied by constipation, sick headache, furred tongue, nausea, occasional vertigo, an unpleasant breath, yellowness of the skin and ball of the eye. The author of these symptoms, liver complaint, routed by ihe Hitlers i accompanied by them in its flight. Fever arid ague, u iiKh al ways involves the liver, dy&pepsia, rhcnmatNm' debility and kidney 1 roubles are all ma'adies to the early relief and final cure of which this standard med cine is adapted. Don't use it by lits ana stal ls, but system atically, that i!s eilec may -esult in a perfect restoiation of health. I leetric Hi Iters. This remedy is becoming so well and popular known as to need no stecial mention. All who have used Electcic Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does no" exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kid nes, and remove Pimples, Boils, Salt liheum aid other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers For the cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try electric bitters- Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Foshay & M -on. Thousands of Dollars, Are spent every year by the people of this state for worthless medicines for the cure of throat and lung disease when we know that if they would in vest 1. 00 in Santa Abie', the new California discovery for consumption and kindred complaints, they would in this pleasant reiuedv find reli-f. It is reeomr"cnded by ministers, physicians and public speakers of the Golden State. Sold and guaranteed by Fohay fc Mason at $1.00 a bottle. The most stubborn ease of catarrh will speedily succumb to Cal.fornia Tat-R. Cure. Six months ticatincnt $1. Are Santa Abie, the California c'is coverv for Consumption and Diseaesd of the Throat, Chest and I.ungss au-L..::f-rni.i Cat-'J-fui-e. tiie only anieed cure b.r Calarri). Coid in the head and kindred lomplaints. They ai e sold at ?1 per package, or three (or S.nO and are recommended and used by the leading physicians of the V.u ific Coast. No secret compounds Guaranteed by Foshay & Mason. I' Wf 1 4 ' mi I